Assessment of Non-Govermental Organizations Engagement With The Government in Promoting Girl Child Education in Seme and Kisumu West Sub-Counties, Kenya

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology

ISSN No:-2456-2165

Assessment of Non-Govermental Organizations

Engagement with the Government in promoting Girl
Child Education in Seme and Kisumu West
Sub-Counties, Kenya
By Faith Chelagat1,Barack Calvince Omondi2, and Jane Khasoa Lusenaka3
Postgraduate Student, Masters of Research and Public Policy,Maseno University
Lecturer – Political Science and International Relations, Maseno University
Lecturer – Development Studies, Maseno University.

Abstract:- Attaining a gender-balanced development 1.1% are aware of the operations of both organizations:
environment is an essential step to reaching the The engagement of the organizations by both National
worldwide clarion call of “leaving nobody at the back ”. and County government levels; The effectiveness of the
Multi-sectorial strategies for gender mainstreaming in support offered to the girlchild within the two Sub-
training have been widely followed, however, the gender Counties named; and lastly how the two organizations
parity gap is protracted in developing international engage with both levels of the government to keep the
locations. The government of Kenya has partnered with girl child in school.
special actors including NGOs in bridging the gender
disparity gaps in training. The disproportionately low Keywords:- Approaches, Plan International and DREAMS,
retention, high dropout, and consequent poor engagement, governmental departments,education, child
performance in school amongst teenage girlshave been a rights.
culprit in exacerbating the gender disparity in training
regardless of the introduction of free basic education in I. INTRODUCTION
Kenya. Dropout cases were higher amongst girls than The overall success ofthe gender-balanced
boys, especially in counties with excessive levels of child development setup is a vital step to meeting the global
rights abuses like Kisumu. The position of non-state clarion call of “leaving no one behind” from a gender lens.
actors like Plan International is important in offering an “Gender equality in education, as set out in the Schooling
alternative and more secure mastering environment for for All and Sustainable Development Goalshas been an
girls. Therefore, this takes a look at the awareness of the extensively adopted discourse the donors, governments, and
programsand roles of Plan International and DREAMS Non-Governmental Organizations” (Mundy, 2006,
as non-governmental organizations to sell gender Stromquist, 2008,Unterhalter and North, 2011). To satisfy
equality by upholding the training rights of the women these worldwide desires, Mundy and Murphy (2001) argue
in Kisumu. The primary goal is to study the effectiveness that NGOs are crucial actors in “spreading norms and
of non-governmental Organizations in promoting the adjustments on Inter-Governmental and governmental
rights to education of young girls in Kisumu County. discourse” (Sikkink and Keck in Mundy and Murphy, 2001,
The study used the Human Rights Approach theory. p. ninety) and in addition they provide “forceful options to
This observation will appoint a combined strategy case shape world agendas and society (p. 93). NGOs, as “an
study design to have a look at Plan International and opportunity space” (Fraser in Magno, 2008, p. 127), are
DREAMS’ support applications. The study was mainly interesting to take a look at because they negotiate
undertaken in Kisumu County in two sub-counties Seme their roles with regards to these global discourses and
and Kisumu West. The study population enlisted 374 nearby pastime wishes.”
young girls and adolescent girls purposively sampled
from the two sub-counties who are beneficiaries of the 2 In line withthe World EconomicForum’s (WEF) 2022
NGOs. To enable information triangulation, the and the Global Gender Gaps Index [GGGI] document,
researcher conducted key informant interviews amongst development is being made toward attaining gender parity,
pinnacle management of those NGOs, women leaders in but an excessive amount still needs to be completed even
strategic positions, beneficiaries of NGO applications, radically to completely near the gender gap. “In 2022 the
and Sub-County administrators of Gender, Youths, and global gender gap has been closed by means of 68.1% at the
Personswith Disabilities (PWDs). A unique sampling contemporary charge in development, it's going to take like
technique was used to analyze quantitive and 132 years to attain complete parity” (WEF, 2022). The
qualitativedata. The study's consciousness became record similarly shows the following progress inside
around four signs revealing the findings.Awareness of international locations in terms of gender gaps. The top ten
both two organizations' activitieswhere the study was countries have all closed their gender gaps with the aid of at
carried out reveals majority of the respondents (80.3%) least 80%. Iceland tops at 98%, Finland at 86%, Norway at
are aware of the operations of Plan International while 84.5%, New Zealand (84.1%), and Sweden at 82.2% raking
(18.6%) are aware of the operations of DREAMS and at position5. Africa’s top are Rwanda and Namibia which

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
occupied positions 6th and eighth with rankings of 81.1% In spite of the efforts installed vicinity, Kenya has been
and 80.7% respectively. ranked at function 57 in the GGGI 2022 document (WEF,
2022). The evident gaps that hinder the achievement of the
Sub-Saharan Africa made a development of 1.1 percent two-thirds gender precept have been obtrusive within the
over the last 365 days, reflecting wonderful modifications judiciary where the Kadhis court docket nevertheless has
inside the monetary gender hole in nations like Nigeria, zero percent of women in spite of having attained 47 percent
Ethiopia, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Kenya in different sectors (Institute of Economic Affairs [IEA],
(Kenya ranked variety 57 out of 146 globally) (WEF, 2022). 2021). The parliament alternatively has failed to gain the
It's miles vital to be aware that in the backside of 10, four two-thirds gender precept with women contestants in
African international locations; Algeria, the Democratic political techniques nevertheless going through
Republic of Congo (DRC), Benin, and Mali had been discrimination and assaults barring them from being elected
observed. This points to development on the identical time- to parliament (Okorot, 2021). The imbalance is likewise
demanding situations that Africa has to deal with. Measures, obvious in phrases of formal employment with poverty
therefore, have been proposed to address the gender parity being higher among ladies than men at 50 percent with that
gap that is non-stop in diverse countries. of fellows being 46.2 percent.
Gender mainstreaming in coverage and all The imbalances were recognized with the aid of the
development applications has been cited as one of the International Gender and Improvement Coverage 2019
suitable approaches through which reduction in factors that which debated that Notwithstanding a modern charter that
inform, underlie, and toughen gender parity may be promotes gender equality and girls' empowerment, gender
addressed. Gender policies internationally are consequently inequality remains a big problem and challenge in Kenya.
a designed strategy to bridge the gender hole. The gender The patriarchal social order supported with the aid of
mainstreaming policies had been crafted and applied via statutory, non-secular, and commonplace legal guidelines
geographical regions in bridging gender parity. However, and practices, and administrative and procedural means for
NGOs as civil society actors have joined palms with having access to rights have continued to hamper the aim of
geographical regions in gambling the important role in accomplishing gender equality and girls’ empowerment.
furthering gender mainstreaming through the state” (Rai, Modern provisions in regulation have not introduced gender
2008). equality in exercise raising the want to expand a policy that
addresses the type of manifestations of gender
Education attainment has been one such region of discrimination and inequality.
focus on gender mainstreaming since it presents the ladies
and girls with the necessities for appointments in different The statement by the National Gender and
positions that are crucial in ultimate the gender parity gaps Improvement Policy 2019 as said above presents
like in political illustration. Kenya as an example, has complexities thatcoping may require a holistic technique to
enacted the 2-thirds gender principle with regard to the gender disparity leave. The primary of such measures is
employment, politics, management, and programming. to deal with the instructional disparity between ladies and
Further, the Kenyan constitution prohibits any girls as the foundational measures in addressing the
discrimination primarily based on, amongst other matters, disparity. That is important seeing that gender disparity
the gender of someone. other legislation and regulations among adults can be traced to the exceptional instructional
have also been enacted that searching for to sell gender attainments of women and boys each in number one and
equality. As an example, the country-wide Land policy secondary colleges. The unpleasant head of gender disparity
gives women’s right to own and inherit land. constantly begins to expose itself among women and boys
while reading in college. Certainly, DIFD (2009) points out
To completely implement such portions of the that the gender hole in training has been growing as children
legislation, the authorities of Kenya have partnered with progress through the training device, for instance, Manion
exclusive actors such as NGOs in bridging the gender (2008), in her examination of the dynamics of women’s
disparity gaps. The NationalProgram on Gender and empowerment inside the Gambia, requires “attention to be
Development (NPGD) 2019, which spells out Kenya’s paid to the effect of the global improvement and gender
gender priorities has informed the need for cooperation fairness discourse on the cognitive and behavioral
amongst specific actors in promoting gender equality. in components of the social practice of character sellers on
addition, Kenya has installed place catalytic funds together their social contexts” (p. 44). This consequently, pointsto the
withthe WomenEnterprise Fund, the Children'sEnterprise need to take a look at the instructional achievements of girls
Fund,and the Uwezo Fund amongst others, that have and boys in their social surroundings.
enabled ladies to get the right of entry to funds to start or
build their enterprise ventures without burden. These tasks The elements hindering girls’ enrolment, attendance,
are anchored in Vision 2030 which is the authorities' and retention in school are well documented. Chege and
improvement blueprint that aims to convert Kenya right into Sifuna (2006), for instance, looked at boys' and girls’
a newly industrialized middle-income country providing an education in Kenya, diagnosed proscribing elements
excessive bestexistence to its citizens witha vision of 2030 affecting girls’ admission to the formal education system,
in a clean and comfortable environment. stating the patrilineal nature of inheritance which favors
boys,the high opportunity cost of girls’ training given the
vital nature of child hard work for family survival, the belief

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
that once married women emerge as part of another own These complexities therefore call for re-invigorated
family so the investment is lost, and the view that with too multi-stakeholder involvement throughout the country and
much education a girl might also have difficulty in locating non-kingdom actors as supplied for in each of the FMG,
a husband. Similarly, GCN (2004) adds school factors that Gender and development rules, and legislation. mainly, even
inhibit girls’ full participation in school, along with as the government should play an essential function, the
inadequate sanitary centers and gender-insensitive civil society corporations (CSOs), especially NGOs dealing
environments. Further, Colclough et al. (2000), single out in gender-related applications retain to play a vital function
harmful cultural values that propel teenage pregnancies and in regards to complimenting the works of Governments
early marriages, Whilst Hunt (2008) factors to extant (Centre for Rights Schooling and Consciousness [CREAW],
literature which points to sexual harassment and violence by 2022).The GGGR (2022) has actually emphasized that
teachers and boys as principal issues dealing with girls in NGOs ought to continue to be a key partner to governments
education. in last the gender gap.

Different studies have pointed to the wastage in Studies undertaken with the aid of Plan Worldwide in
education particularly between boys and ladies as follows. Spain, Uganda, and Colombia demonstrate that gender
Critical Bureau of Records (CBS) revealed that the drop-out inequality continues to be a great deal part of the cloth of
of school teenagers between the ages of 15 and 18 years our society. The proof from such studies is captivating, and
became 41% (CBS, 2002). GOK (2014) validated that many horrifying, uncovering a complicated thread of
girls didn’t continue to be in secondary education (57.6% of discrimination and violence at all levels. “the key to equality
girls in Siaya and 23.2% for girls in Nairobi). There are is to assign the full-size notion that girls are worth less than
several motives that have been pointed out as the boys: a valuation that starts off evolved while they are born
perpetratorsof training wastage. for instance, a take a look at and follows them into their grownup lives” (Plan worldwide
carried out by ActionAid (2018), discovered that school [PI], 2017, p.3). hard this notion will require among other
surroundings, religion, economic strength of families, lack key steps making sure that girls’ rights to schooling are
of confidence, and broken families led tothe drop of girls to equal to those of boys because long-lasting answers will
school in eight counties namely Baringo, West Pokot, come from empowered girls and an empowered society.
Migori, Garissa, Kajiado, Embu, Taita Taveta and Isiolo.
Based on the present proof, ensuring girls get to the
These research factors the want of addressing the faculties to study and that schools are safe for his or her
faculty environment, insecurities, and financial strength of studying is a matter of urgency globally, and for Kenya.
families in decreasing educational wastages amongst Between 500 million and 1.5 billion children revel in
teenage women in tackling gender disparity. violence everyyear (UNICEF, 2009) lots of whom are in
schools (PI, 2017). Plan International, an anticipated 150
Stemming from the above. It is clear that the reasons million girls and 73 million boys have experienced sexual
for ladies’ education wastage are properly documented. violence (PI, 2013). Half of all sexual assaults are
However, it's been located that “few research accounts for committed toward girls below16 years of age (International
the complexities of get right of entry and the interactive, Fitness Organization, 2005; PI, 2013). Reviews from Kenya
dynamic nature of factors which may make contributions indicate that children as young as six years of age are
losing out” (Hunt, 2008: 5). In addition, Hunt, has counseled victims of rape (Chinyama&Mwabe, 2007; PI, 2013; PI,
that there have been even much fewer studies on retention, 2017). Bullying is also pervasive as surveys show that
and argue for extra qualitative, smaller scale, nuanced between one-fifth (China) and two-thirds (Zambia) of
accounts of localized research (Warrington and Karagu, children mentioned being victims of verbal or bodily
2011: 301). bullying (Global Health Employer, 2012; PI, 2017).
Table 1: Transition Rates in Primary Schools in Kisumu County.
Percentage Transition Rates 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Expected National Transition 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%
National Transition Rate 90.12 94.01 93.11 93.62 93.80 95.00 97.54 96.45 94.20
Kisumu East Sub County 70.12 69.01 70.22 69.22 68.52 69.90 67.74 67.62 69.04
Kisumu West Sub County 72.89 71.15 72.09 72.30 73.01 73.16 71.5 70.42 71.94
Kisumu Central Sub County 75.02 75.10 74.03 76.0 77.00 75.01 76.40 75.30 75.80
Seme Sub County 71.13 69.03 68.24 70.97 69.99 71.76 68.10 69.0 70.03
Muhoroni Sub County 70.34 70.45 71.13 71.00 70.24 70.99 43.99 70.10 70.40
Nyando Sub County 74.23 73.71 73.01 72.04 73.00 74.15 46.17 72.90 73.02
Nyakach Sub County 73.20 72.98 72.43 72.36 78.05 74.11 47.77 74.00 73.36
Source: Kisumu County EducationOffice Statistics (2018)

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
From the table it was observed that the average Whereas, Nyakach Sub-County presented the highest
transition rate in primary schools in Kisumu East Sub average among the rural counties with Seme presenting the
County was the lowest at 69.04 as compared to the lowest. The marked difference between the rural counties
neighboring sub counties, that is Kisumu West at 71.94 and warrants research to understand what accounts for the
Kisumu Central at an average of 75.80, Seme at 70.03, differences and the role that Plan International and
Muhoroni at 70.40, Nyando at 73.02 and Nyakach at 73.36. DREAMS play in the transition rate.

Table 2: Dropout Rates in Kisumu County

2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Average
National Dropout rate 7.30 5.93 4.70 6.32 5.21 5.24 3.32 1.17 4.89
Kisumu East Sub County 21.02 22.42 22.0 23.0 21.52 21.09 20.34 20.18 21.43
Kisumu West Sub County 19.44 10.50 18.53 19.00 19.04 18.95 18.10 18.54 19.01
Kisumu Central Sub County 13.29 13.54 13.24 13.92 12.0 13.52 14.23 14.00 13.43
Seme Sub County 18.53 19.75 20.54 20.34 20.56 20.99 20.00 19.57 20.87
Muhoroni Sub County 17.75 20.50 21.15 19.21 20.52 18.32 20.15 18.00 19.57
Nyando Sub County 19.54 21.42 20.32 19.51 18.52 18.63 19.23 20.07 19.78
Nyakach Sub County 20.75 21.09 21.99 22.44 20.43 20.87 19.60 19.47 20.83
Source: Kisumu County Education Office Statistics (2018)

From the tableof dropout charges most of the rural II. LITERATURE REVIEW
counties suggest that Seme has the very best dropout price
observed by Nyakach and then the Muhoroni sub-county. Non-governmental agencies (NGOs) whose strategic
it's far more thrilling that Seme additionally has the lowest objective is to pursue human rights and push actors to
degree of transition but the best level of dropout more or respond to dire wishes of human rights abuses are essential
less like Nyakach which had the best degree of transition. actors. Meernik, Aloisi, Sowell & Nichols (2012) argue that
these exciting data make it worthwhile to analyze the the purpose a few countries continue to conduct or entertain
function-played Plan International and Dreams that might be the conduct of egregious human rights abuses yet showcase
enforcing intervention techniques in these areas. it's miles a negligible ‘amount of international opprobrium’ is due to
well worth noting that the Kisumu East sub-county has been the dearth of human rights corporations, especially those
studied and the literature has furnished data on the causes of more potent human rights NGOs in the one’s states.
the low transition fee and high dropout charge (see, Airo, M.
Sika, J. &Olendo C., 2022). the choice of the two sub- To rally states and other actors to their strategic human
counties is primarily based on their low transition quotes rights objectives, NGOs use a number of techniques or
and excessive dropout prices as well as the presence of the procedures. Meernik, Aloisi, Sowell & Nichols (2012)
two NGOs inside the sub-counties. argue that the important thing among these methods consists
of naming and shaming. The scholars by way of analyzing
The present look hence narrowed down to an the quantity of software and success of Amnesty
investigation of the lessons from PLAN INTERNATIONAL International’s ‘call for urgent movement’ technique of
and the DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, pushing via her naming and shaming publicity, determined
AIDS-loose, Mentored, and safe) under USAID. Plan that this become a critical technique to effectively rallying
Internationalwas chosen because it has more than one states, however additionally outside actors’ which including
application that targets lady infant schooling whereas the United countries (UN).
Dreamswas selected due to its different recognition of
adolescent ladies in addition to its focus on strengthening Consistent with scholars, a sense of desire in many
households with social safety (training subsidies, mixture of International corporations, and governments to enhance
socio-financial tactics) and parent/caregiver applications states' human rights in naming and shaming of exposure
which searching for to create secure environments for girls campaigns. United nations-affiliated groups, likethe Human
to remain in faculty. Similarly, the choice of PI is based Rights Council and excessive Commissioner for Human
totally on its over eighty years of straight programming on Rights; nongovernmental organizations, consisting of
children's rights. This stands in assessment with the revel in Amnesty International, and Human Rights Watch
of dreams which changed into launched in 2014 as a pilot individuals and governments target some nations for precise
software in HIV/AIDS excessive incidence areas like interest and condemnation inside the wish that through such
Kisumu as a result contributing to the essential element of exposure, these governments were pressured to change their
decreasing the HIV burden amongst adolescent women in abusive practices.
growing safe surroundings that would finally lessen the Scholars mention that in instances while naming and
training wastages among women. Therefore, the study shaming exposure did not work to correctly win states to
exploredan assessmentofnon-governmental organizations' examine and defend the human rights of their populations,
engagement with the government in promoting girl child Amnesty International prolonged her target market to
education in Seme and Kisumu West Sub-counties, Kenya. outside actors, portraying the dire state of affairs and
attractive in informing and sharing to lobby for his or her
actions, which includes via sanctions as passed off in Sudan

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
for President Albashiir. subsequently naming and shaming them grassroots linkages, participatory method, network
is one of the tools utilized by human rights agencies, both engagement, network consideration, and lengthy-term
inter-governmental and non-governmental. Gender issues commitment.
represent one of the most critical spheres where several
troubles of human rights intersect. Most professionals understand the function of NGOs in
all regions of improvement and feature categorize their role
One of the goals of this paper discover the different into subsequent categories (FundsforNGOs (2022).
strategies utilized by PI to rally actors to aid gender- Developing Infrastructure, some NGOs assist in the
sensitive improvement, specifically as relates to her lady improvement and operation of infrastructure by buying land
infant schooling programming and advocacy in Kisumu and then using the land for the development of schools,
County (Seme and Kisumu West Sub-Counties). At the hospitals, wells, public toilets, and so forth thatare used by
same time, this is essential insofar as informing stakeholders the community at large. In research and development, these
on the cutting-edge context and what may be achieved NGOS help in improving knowledge of current problems.
higher even through policy interventions, no matter PI’s They expand modern answers based on studies that deal
essential function in pursuing girl rights in Kisumu, Kenya, with social problems. Through advocacy,several NGOs
and across 70 different countries, coverage, and studies strive to persuade policy development in favorof
students are yet to undertake a study of any such scopeit marginalized communities as NGOs are most possibly to
would be interesting to research how naming and shaming conduct rallies, degree demonstrations, and participate in
and the electricity of facts-sharing tools have worked to coverage formulation.
push for promotive, preventive, and responsiveness of actors
in the direction of the right of the lady toddler to training. There is dissemination of records in regions where the
governmentis unable to reach out to people, and NGOs
Other than naming and shaming and using the assist in disseminating statistics on government activities,
electricity of facts, most different NGOs engaged in political regulations, and programs. They assist in creating awareness
sports which are taken into consideration with the aid of the about applicable government tasks through education and
Governments they function in as charitable political sports. capacity building and also provide education and conduct
inside the Canadian authorities, Arthur &Drache (2009) file capability-constructing publications to empower
that studies and disseminating studies products are essential marginalized communities. Facilitate speak: NGOs can
devices utilized by the NGOs to push for expected coverage facilitate straight conversation from people to the authorities
reforms, and other stopping and responsive movements on and downward verbal exchange from the authorities to the
human rights issues they choose from responsibility-bearers, people. This way of flow of statistics helps in designing
in particular the Governments. They report the subsequent higher initiatives and effective rulesto be had worldwide
sports allowed by the Canadian government as charitable reviews from PI (Plan International, 2021; Plan International
political acts. assertion Submitted to the commission on populace and
improvement, n.d.
Dispensing the charity’s studies,dispensing the
research record to election applicants, publishing studies OHCHR's document on promoting, protecting, and
document online, supplying studies document to a satisfying girls’ complete leisure of human rights in
Parliamentary Committee, giving an interview about the humanitarian situations; PI, 2013; PI, 2017; PI, 2013)
research document, dispensing the studies document to all exhibits that the employer is involved in those sports. but, it
members of Parliament, taking part in an international has surpassed the attention of researchers who want to
policy improvement working institution and finally, understand how those precise services rendered by way of
becoming a member of a government advisory panel to PI contribute to their quest for gender-sensitive development
speak about coverage exchange. Within the scope of the andproper practices, and challenges can be drawn for the
present-dayexamination, it is vital to recognize how PI betterment of Kisumu County and Kenya as an entire. The
utilizes strategic political sports inside the context of researcher tried to fill this gap with the use of PI's proper to
Kisumu County to push for the rights of training of the equal and equitable human rights of education for girls in
woman infant. Kisumu County.

Finally, a set of programmatic-cum-method used by III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY

NGOs to adopt their strategic human rights goals, and push
for actors to respond, is through the provision of offerings to This study utilized a descriptive mixed-method design.
the population and groups they work. According to the Fund Kothari (2004) opines that Studies on specific predictions, in
for NGOs (2022), NGOs facilitate government guidelines to connection with data and behaviors on persons, groups, or
reach far-flung areas and beautify the general effectiveness situations describe descriptive research studies. The factthis
of social welfare schemes. NGOs perform a spread of study seeks the exhibition of data and characteristics
services for social well-being both through enforcing concerning girls’ education in Kisumu County with a focus
improvement initiatives or through coverage on Seme and Kisumu West Sub-Counties makes this design
advocacyNGOs contribute to the overall improvement of a appropriate for this study. The mixed method design enabled
network through their engagement in social troubles, and me to triangulate findings from different categories of
consequently are diagnosed at 0.33 pillar of development. participants; the beneficiaries of Plan International’s and
Most NGOs have the following inherent functions related to Dreams’ gender-sensitive programming as well as different

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
levels of program implementers. Descriptive Mixed Method IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
Design enabled meto collect data from different categories
of actors for an in-depth and balanced understanding of the The findings of this study have presented data on the
subject. awareness level of the two organizations' operations; The
engagement of the organizations by both National and
This studywas carried out in Kisumu County. Plan County government levels; The effectiveness of the support
International works in all Luo Nyanza counties, inclusive of offered to the girl child within the two Sub-Counties named;
Kisumu County in particular Seme and Kisumu West Sub- and how the two organizations engage with both levels of
Counties. consistent with the PI 2020 record, Kisumu is one the government to keep the girl child in school. The
of the counties going through child's rights violations which findingspresented and discussed along the above themes
consist of teenage pregnancies and sexual and gender-based with the aim of assessing NGOs’ engagement in girl child
violence amongschool-going girls being the highest affected education and its implications in these Sub-Counties.
(PI, 2021). The focus on training through major NGOs, with
PI, making it her core tool to acquire identical rights for This chaptersubmits or provides the results of the
girls, is knowledgeable by the ongoing inequality in study. Qualitative information was corroborated with
gettingthe right of entry totraining even notwithstanding quantitative literature to research the study findings. A wide
tries to make number one education free and day secondary participation from a ramification of communities and
training backed. Boys have better figures in Gross corporations, and fulfillment in network engagement creates
Enrolment Record (GER) in number one education than the lively participation of numerous groups and
girls in most of the ultimate 10 years. After 2003, especially, stakeholders, promoting a complete and inclusive program.
the distinction has been larger. In secondary education as Efforts to train community individuals approximately policy
well, GER has drastically expanded for boys but the selections to make a factual knowledgeable discussion.
disparity with girls has grown to be largeexcept for the Instructing the network about the nuances and trade-offs
gathering of the number one records as indicated above, the inherent in training, child rights, and NGO guidelines
look at extensively utilized secondary facts. enables significant and well-informed discussions. This
study is also in line with most professionals in recognizing
Human Rights approach (HRA) is both an analytical the engagement role of NGOs in all areas of development
framework and a version ofHumanitarian Intervention and has segregated their position into subsequent categories
(United Nations Sustainable Improvement Group, 2022). (FundsforNGOs (2022).For instance, in growing
Therefore, to the improvement theoreticians - researchers Infrastructurea few NGOs basically help with the
and academicians- HRA is a framework for dissecting the improvement and operation of infrastructurethese companies
consistencies and inconsistencies in improvement programs. buy land and then use the land for the construction of
To improve practitioners, HRA may be a device for colleges, hospitals, wells, public lavatories, and many others
imposing an equitable and sustainable development which are utilized by the network forlarge studies and
intervention inside a focused populace. This takes a look at improvement.
hired HRA as a device for analyzing how PI implements her
gender-aware applications amongst children, with a unique Those NGOsconduct studies and assist in enhancing
target being girls. This study used the HRA framework as a expertise on cutting-edge issues. They expand innovative
theory from the Australian Human Rights Commission answers based on studies to cope with social issues.
(AHRC). consistent with the commission, the main intention Advocacy: Several NGOs try to influence policy
of HRA is to convert human rights from in simple terms development in prefer of terrible and marginalized groups
legal provisions inscribed in prison files into “effective these NGOs are most in all likelihood to conduct rallies,
regulations, practices, and sensible realities”. The level demonstrations, participate in coverage formula, and
commission states that “Human rights standards provide so forth. Dissemination of facts: In areas wherethe
steerage approximately what needs to be carried out to attain government is not able to reach out to people, NGOs assist
freedom and dignity for all. in disseminating facts about authorities' schemes, rules, and
programs. They help in generating recognition
Secondary data had been accrued through document approximately applicable government projects. schooling
analysis from applicable studies, policy files, journal and capability constructing. NGOs offer training and
articles, and organizational information. Data on primary conduct ability-constructing publications to empower
and secondary statistics allowed triangulation to enhance the marginalized groups.
reliability and validity of the findings. The qualitative
datawas analyzed using thematic content material evaluation The study is likewise in aid of the to-be-had global
to discover the categories and subject matters coming outof reports from PI (Plan International, 2021; Plan global
the study. Quantitative records have been analyzed via the statement Submitted to the Commission onPopulace and
Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS v. 23) and Development, n.d. OHCHR submission on file selling,
provided via tables, percentages, and pie charts in imparting shielding, and gratifying girls’ full amusement of Human
the diverse mechanisms of engagement through the Plan Rights in Humanitarian situations; PI, 2013; PI, 2017; PI,
International and desires engagement with government 2013) exhibits that the enterprise is concerned in these
departments in promoting access to education through girls sports. but, it has passed the eye of researchers who want to
ofSeme and Kisumu West Sub-counties in Kisumu County, apprehend how these precise services rendered with the aid
Kenya. of PI contribute to their quest for gender-touchy

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
improvement and what policy and programmatic properly right of entry to the educationof girls in Kisumu County,
practices, and challenges can be drawn for the betterment of Kenya.
the two Sub-Counties in Kisumu County and Kenya at large.
This study tried to fill this gap using PI's and Dream's right A. Are you awareof the approaches used by Plan
to the same and equitable human rights of training for girls International and DREAMS to engage with
at the efficacy of engagement through those variables or governmental departments on child education rights
concepts; the notice of both Plan International and issues in Kisumu County?
Dreamsapproaches for the success of girl child training. To establish a foundation for investigating the
approaches used in promoting girl child education in Seme
The effectiveness of the guide provided to the girl and Kisumu West Sub-County, the study initially delved
child inside the two Sub-Counties named; and the way the into preliminary inquiries. This approach aimed to prevent
two organizations interact with both levels of the authorities any assumptions that the role of NGOs is recognized and
to hold the girl child in school with the aid of anchoring the operational within the selected study areas, and
examination inside the complete dimensions of girl child consequently, every respondent had the opportunity to
schooling engagement, the research envisioned the extent to assess and comment on NGO programs. The research
which Plan International and Dreams methods or practices questions sought to know the level of awareness of the
have contributed to the girl child training within Seme and NGO's operations among the respondents. As evidence, the
Kisumu West in Kisumu County align with the study reveals that the majority of the respondent (80.3%,
aforementioned standards. The overall intention is to n=285) understands the operations of Plan International
showcase the assessment of Plan International and Dreams' while 18.6% (n=66) understands the operations of
engagement with government departments in gettingthe DREAMS and 1.1% (n=4) understands the operations of
both organizations as illustrated in the figure below.

Understaning the operation of the




Plan International DREAMS Both

Fig. 1: Understaning the operation of the organisations

Source: Author (2023).

From the illustration above all the respondents are in Another Plan International beneficiary respondent on
concurrence that the two organizations are at the forefront in the other end also narrated that;
supporting the rights of girls to education. As corroborated
by one of the key informants who categorically echoed that; ……I got married when am of younger age and after
delivery, I determined to look for casual jobs inside the
…. Plan International and Dreams have been reaching center so I may want to purchase primary wishes for my
or creating awareness through stakeholder engagement i.e. newborn and additionally store delivery. I have had enough
public Barraza’s, community-based organizations(CBO) and concept I would rather face my grandmother and father
through caregivers and mentors, public participation, and than stay in these conditions. It turned insufferable for me
publicity through local media for a better understanding of and while at my grandmother’s home, I met a set of
their objectives but Plan International has invaded the volunteers who work with Plan International. They could
community in terms of creating awareness deeply as conduct community meetings and dialogues on child
compared to Dreams……. protection and gender-primarily based violence. My
grandmother encouraged me to enroll in the Girl Advocacy,
a peer-to-peer discussion board for young girls and teenage
mothers that empowers young girls and women to rebuild
their lives through teenage pregnancy, young marriage, and

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Volume 8, Issue 10, October 2023 International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology
ISSN No:-2456-2165
abuse and through the support of Plan International under counties. The organizations work closely with county
the Girls Advocacy program, I've long past again to high Kisumu County government Department of Education and
school and am currently in form four. I am very much Gender. The organization also works in collaboration with
hopeful that the future is vibrant and I'm doing the entirety the national government specifically the Ministry of
in my ability as endorse to reach out to other young girls in Education and the Ministry of Gender and Social Services,
my community through community dialogue programs with collaborating with both the county and national governments
the help of caregivers/volunteers…….” She concludes. in community sensitization activities and outreach. They
also provide training forECD teachers, National government
The Girl Advocacy Alliance (GAA) has a specialty of officials, and the construction of classrooms.
enhancing the economic empowerment of adolescent girls
and young women. The undertaking will increase the The impact of working of the organizations in
protection of inclined Girls from teenage marriages and supporting girls is mainly through the Provision of support
commercial sex exploitation. towards girls’ education (95.2%), and the provision of
sanitary towels (0.6%) while 2.8 % with an aim of keeping
B. The engagement of the organizations by both National girls in school reveals that organization provides an
and County government levels. inadequate opportunity to all girls, 0.9% reveals that the
All respondents agree the two organizations are in the organization discriminates the boy child and also its
eyeof supporting the rights of girls to education and that effectiveness is also affected by inadequate support for the
organizationsare continuously engagedwith county government (0.6%), as illustrated in the table below.
government at the early childhood development (ECD) level
on matters supporting the education of girls within the sub-

Table 3: Support programs towards girl child education.

Frequency Percent
Always ready to providesupportfor girls’ 335 95.2%
Provision of Sanitary Towels 2 0.6%
Inadequate opportunity 10 2.8%
Gender Discrimination 3 0.9%
Inadequate government support 2 0.6%
Total 352 100.0
Source: Author(2023)

The two organizations' Plan International and Dreams To address some of these constraints, PI and Dreams
programs on reproductive health, social, andprofitable have several interventionsenforced bythe public,
benefits of educating adolescent girls and young governments,and non-governmental associations. Universal
women(AGYW) were extensively proven. Substantiation accessprograms through theinvalidation of school-free
debate thatfurther education ongirls’detainmentfocus, primary education have led to advancements in
gravidity, and marriage has cross-cutting benefits forthe secondaryeducation enrolments. Training, partial fee
mother and the child’s well-being. payment or fully to school-goinggirls and their families,
acquiring birth certificates, or school support programs. In
Further, educating AGYW by Dreams has been shown reference to Zimbabwe's case, a randomized studyfurnishing
to reduce the threat of HIV on the revision of sexual comprehensiveeducation supportin the form offees,
gestures, in addition to social and cerebral changes like uniforms, and an academy-grounded coadjutor to cover
tone-efficacity, andcommission. Spendingmore time presence andresoluteness issuesamong orphans that
inschool might increase contact with health-creation safety programs keep mthen in school compared to those who did
within schools, and among girls limitsopenings to interact not and still, among those in the school, there was no
withmen who arenot of their age, and with an advanced HIV difference in academic performance among beneficiaries
threat profile compared to the girls. Indeed, with these andnon-beneficiaries.
benefits of education, challenges thathamper access to
primary education and transition to secondary school still A respondent who wasa KI during the interview argued
exist.These supports are the incapability to pay school fees that;
or buy school uniforms and books, limited support from
guardians, limited resources within schools, and inequitable …… the national government helps them in the
social morals in the community position where girls’ application of birth certificates for school enrolments
education may be viewed as less important compared to through outreach within the community and this has
boys’ education. increased the number of children getting this vital document
without traveling for a long distance to the headquarters.
Some even lack requisite application documents from their
parents and through the intervention of the area National
government administrative officers (chief), officials from the
registration bureau, and education officials have made the

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ISSN No:-2456-2165
process smooth and worth embracing by the program
beneficiaries and the community at large……. C. The effectiveness of the support offered to the girl child
within the two Sub-Counties
This study reveals that a chunk of 49.9% of the
respondents rate the organization’s effectivenessin support
During a Focused Group Discussion, an adult for girls retention in schools through education in Seme and
respondent who is a beneficiary of dreams lamented that; Kisumu West sub-counties through various interventions
likeprovision of sanitary packages, school uniforms and
……I have been supported by these two organizations stationaries, fees payment, parental economic support,
as I am a single parent, I had a bright girl and through her, education on reproductive health and mentorship programs
I got economic support through the provision of certified as being very effective, 41.1% rate them as effective, 8.2%
seeds that are favorable to our climatic conditions and can moderately effective and 0.8% Not effective as illustrated in
mature within a period of three months, also I benefited the table below.
through financial start-up support for selling vegetables and
tomatoes in my community……

Table 4: Organizations effectiveness to support girl child education.

Frequency Percent
Very effective 177 49.9%
Effective 146 41.1%
Moderately effective 29 8.2%
Not Effective 3 0.8%
Total 355 100.0
Source: Author (2023)

One respondent who is a beneficiary of both programs more of education and awareness creation about Plan
echoed that; International and Dreams in the community, contributing to
effective community engagement.In a nutshell, the study
….. I come from single parenthood and when given emphasizes the need for the total inclusion of other donors
things like sanitary towels I end up sharing them with my and stakeholders in improving community education
mother who doesn’t have the capacity to buy the pads but awarenessand increasing community engagement platforms.
just survive on tattered clothes and old mattresses as an The above steps are important for the assessmentof the
alternative for survival. I am happy Plan International and successful implementation in promoting girl child safety
Dreams organizations have changed my mother's life and I rights and education safety and order in schools within Seme
can have the freedom to interactfreely with other age-mates and Kisumu West Sub-Counties.
within the society. Initially, people tend to mock me and my
mother but through the two organizations' interventions, I VI. RECOMMENDATIONS
can go to school and have something to eat at home after
school. Finally, I can say organizational approaches are  Need for holistic Campaigns: creatinga holistic
effective and have made us smile………… campaign focused on Plan International and Dreams
programs in the two Sub-Counties and the campaigns
The study also found that early pregnancies and early should target all stakeholders involved by explaining the
marriages through productive health education awareness principles and benefits of Plan International and Dreams
that is cutting across the parents, caregivers,mentors, and and discrediting the myths.
girls have been effective. The girls-to-boys ratio enrolment  Need to devolve the approaches: working together with
in school also increased as exhibited in the course of the the local communities andgovernment agencies i.e.
investigation that there are many girls in the majority of the paralegals to come up with a clear Girl child rights
schools within the area of study as compared to boys whose education strategy and the strategy to outline the clear
number was low. aims, objectives, programs, and duties for all parties
involved and increase donors.
V. CONCLUSION  Need to Enhance Community and Stakeholders
In conclusion, the results have shown challenges in the Engagement avenues: Encourage and build more
assessment of the Plan International and Dreams programs. platforms such as Chief Barraza’s, and
Community, NGOs, and government relation is important caregivers/mentors’ programs and ensure periodic
for the success of girl child education, the majority of meetings or engagements that address girl child rights in
respondents are aware of Plan International and Dreams in education.
their communities. The presence of a clear, locally relevant
girl child education and support and unlimited breadth of
community engagement(chiefs), as envisioned by both the
Government and the NGO policy, further hinder girl child
rights in education acquisition. Most importantly, there is

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