Impact of Employee Motivation On Employee Performa

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Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance (A Case Study of

Private Firms: Multan District, Pakistan)

Article  in  International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences · July 2014

DOI: 10.18052/


18 5,909

4 authors:

Muhammad Nadeem Naveed Ahmad

Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences


Muhammad Abdullah Hamad Sarwar Naqvi

University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences Poliy and Strategic Planning Unit


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International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 36 (2014) pp 51-58 Online: 2014-07-27
© (2014) SciPress Ltd., Switzerland

Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee

Performance (A Case Study of Private firms: Multan
District, Pakistan)

Muhammad Nadeem1, Naveed Ahmad2,*, Muhammad Abdullah3, Naqvi Hamad4

1Faculty of Management Sciences, National University of Modern Languages, Pakistan
2Faculty of Management Sciences, Indus International Institute, D. G. Khan, Pakistan
3Faculty of Management Sciences, Air University , Pakistan
4Ghazi University, D. G. Khan, Pakistan
*E-mail address: [email protected]

This article is based on the private firms which working in Multan city, Pakistan. In this article
all we studied and analyzed all aspects of the employee motivation importance especially in private
firms. In Pakistan many employees who are working in private firm (especially in Multan) facing
motivational problem. But many private firms working for the employee motivation and encouraging
the employees. In this we also mentioned major factors which can help the firms to achieve employee
motivation. We also observed employee motivation is so important for the employee’s performance and
efficiency and for the private firm’s success. A questionnaire was developed for estimating effect of
employee motivation on firm’s performance. Data was collected through convenience sampling
method. Our sampled people include both, managers and non managers of private firms in Multan city.
This research study will contribute into existing literature through indicating the importance of
employee motivation on performance.

Keywords: private firms; Multan; motivational problem; employee motivation


Each firm desires to achieve success and has need to urge continuous growth. This era is
extremely aggressive and firms not with standing volume and promote focus face worker
difficulties. To beat the chains robust, optimistic association ought to be formed. Personnel,
workers of firm are the foremost middle half in order that they got to be unfair and convinced
towards responsibilities completion.
In order to attain their goals and objectives, firms style completely different methods. In
reality some firms realize the fact that workers are the major part of the firms and they can get
the targets of the firms. If the workers of the firms are not happy, they will not take interest in
attaining the targets of the firms and firms will not be able to get their targets. The purpose of
this paper is to know the effect of encouraging workers on performance in private firms,
particularly in Multan District, Pakistan.

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52 Volume 36

As compared to the public sector, the employees of the private sector are less motivated
in Pakistan. In Pakistan many firms are owned by single person. They have their family owned
businesses, for their own interests they cannot focus on the other employee’s interests who are
working in the firm. First objective of this paper is to know how employees can be encouraged.
Second objective is to find the connection between employee motivation and efficiency of the

2. 1. Motivation
According to Webster’s New lexicon, a motive is “wish to do something”. “Motivate
suggests that “offer reasonably,” motivation is outlined “inspiring method”. Motivation is
process that associate degree goal which someone to attain. Butkus & Green (1999) found that
motivation suggests that to maneuver, power to carry on for satisfying a wish. Martin and
Bartol (2003) discussed that an influence which improves performance and maintain it. This
clarification identifies that so as to achieve assured targets; people should be adequately active
and be obvious regarding their goals. Bedeian, (2006) found that it's an indoor drives to satisfy
associate degree unhappy want and also the wish to achieve. It's the terminal product of
interface among temperament behavior and formal distinctiveness (IRCO). Motivation may be
a set of courses involved with a child of power that enhances efficiency and leads to achieve
goals (Kalimullah, et al, 2010). Barron in 1991 found that it is associate degree accumulation
of various routes that direct and precise our actions to achieve some explicit desires.

2. 2. Employee inspiration
Rizwan et al in (2012) found monetary, cost-effective are the ideas which give firms
benefits over other firms comparatively. Manzoor et al, (2012) discussed that worker efficiency
essentially rely upon several things such as worker evaluation, worker incentive, worker
happiness, worker reward, training and career protection and formal arrangement. Workers are
responsible for the targets they should come through. Rutherford (2011) rumored incentive
develops associate degree firm a lot of flourishing as a result of angry staff are perpetually
yearning for improved practices to try and do a piece, thus it's necessary for corporations to
influence their staff inspiration.

2. 3. Employee performance
Work presentation of each worker shows his attitude towards attaining his objectives.
Management of the corporations set targets for the workers on the basis of the efficiency of top
level workers. Where as the efficiency of each worker, abilities of each worker are different
which results variability in the performance of the workers. Job presentation displays efficiency
and potency that create a reimbursement to firmal targets. Within the past staff weren't able to
create work connected selections as a result of the system of the firm doesn't allow them to try.
Lawler and Hall (1970) discussed through analysis that workers interest and their will to
complete their duties are not linked with their performance on the job.
They thought performance of the workers can be improved through links with the
community, public etc so the work is not important as the relations. The control concept of
Nineteen Seventies is that happy staff are more productive. Work pleasure is important for
workers to attain their goals as proved in many theories and cases. worker presentation in the
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 36 53

main depends upon several things such as worker evaluation, worker incentive, worker
happiness, worker reward, training and, career protection, firmal arrangement. However this
paper is targeted on solely two most essential factors: coaching and motivation of the worker.

2. 4. Firmal efficiency
Work of individuals that create freelance company characteristics for a few definite
reason is usually called firm and obtaining desired outcome at intervals outlined asset is
considered as efficiency. Efficiency of the firm is measured as how efficiently it attains its
desired targets through the performance of workers which are set in the corporations
(Muhammad, et al, 2011). Firmal effectiveness is outlined because the extent to that associate
degree firm, by the utilization of sure resources, attain targets while not depleting its assets.
Yuchtman E in (1987) discussed that firms have limited resources and they have to utilize these
resources efficiently to take the benefits of these limited resources in the competitive

2. 5. Factors affecting employees’ motivation

Contemplate wage structures that ought to embody importance firm attach to every job,
payment in line with presentation (Adeyinka, et al, 2007). Guidance of the workers is also very
important and necessary to work with and through other people because workers should have
confidence on the management to get the work done efficiently and effectively (Baldoni J,
2005). So many studies and theories proved that workers and managers encourage each other
(Rukhmani K, 2010). Inspiration should be from the managers of the firms to encourage the
workers to attain the targets (Baldoni J, 2005).
To encourage the workers of the firm empowerment is also used to make the workers
happy and to keep their interest in attaining the goals of the firms. Actually it is beneficial for
both workers and the corporatons. Empowerment can increase the abilities and efficiency of
the workers because they feel happy and take interest in attaining their tasks efficiently
(Yazdani B. O., et al, 2011).
Faith is outlined because the perception of some one, call to do something , activities and
their call (Hassan et al, 2010). If associate degree firm needs to boost and achieve success, trust
plays a major role thus it must always be preserved to make sure associate degree corporations
survival and to reinforce worker’s inspiration (Annamalai.T,2010). No matter however
machine-driven associate degree firm is also, high productivity depends on the extent of
motivation and also the effectiveness of the manpower thus employees coaching is associate
degree indispensible strategy for motivating employees, a method managers will instigate
motivation is to convey applicable information of their proceedings (Adeyinka, et al, 2007).

2. 6. Motivation result on worker productivity

Motivated staff are inclined to be a lot of productive than non-motivated staff. Most
businesses create some pains to encourage employees however this can be usually easier
aforesaid than done. Staff are all people with completely different like’s dislikes and wishes,
and various things can encourage every. Productivity is that which individuals will turn out
with the tiniest quantity effort Productivity may be a quantitative relation to calculate however
well associate degree firm into product and services.
1. Actuated staff is a lot of Productive
54 Volume 36

If worker are happy and happy then he/she can do his /her add a awfully spectacular approach,
then the result are smart, on the different opposite hand actuated worker can encourage other
staff in workplace.
2. Decision-making and sensible Expectations
It is necessary to interact staff within the decision making deciding higher cognitive method
3. Description, Work setting and suppleness
workers doing right thing at the right time under the guidance of the supervisor will also
increase the motivation and satisfaction of the workers. Flexible working hours, home
assignments, discussion with the workers also increase the level of motivaion of the workers.
4. Pay and advantages
Keeping staff actuated with smart advantages is simple. Corporations also give good salary
packages and different advantages to their workers to improve their efficiency.

3. 1. Research Design
The design that used for this study is that the descriptive technique. A descriptive analysis
could be an assortment and interpretation of information. Information collected by asking a
greater number of people from the sample chosen with known backgrounds. This research is
conducted with individuals from completely separate areas. The questionnaires were conducted
to seventy five employees who are operating in numerous departments with completely
different work tasks and firm place.
A sample size of fifty three was calculated through convenience sampling methodology.
Convenience sampling could be a straightforward approach wherever a sample is chosen
consistent with the convenience of the research worker. This convenience is also in respect of
convenience of knowledge, accessibility of the Scale Validity and dependability.

3. 2. Techniques for Data Collection

The procedures for collection of data for this study were basically questionnaires and
observation. Only one type of questionnaire was given to both junior and senior employees and
management to answer. These questionnaires were made up of 17 questions of which most of
the questions were close-ended. Observation is critically studying the behaviors of employees
in the working environment when they have been motivated. That is the behaviors they put up
either positive or negative and the effects, it can have on their performance in the firm.


After conducting and analyzing the questionnaire, author observed the importance of
motivation. How much employee motivation is necessary for firm performance/productivity as
well as for the employee performance? Some results related to the questionnaire are given
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 36 55

 For what number of years you're worked with this firm

Less than one year (9.5 %)
1-3 years (26.7 %)
3-5 years (21.5 %)
5-10 years (38.4 %)

The analysis was directed to search out information on the length of service the worker
has been with the firm. Survey results indicated that highest 38.4 % respondents had been
operating between 5-10 years and this followed by respondents 26.7 % who are with the firm
between 1- three years. Respondents who are operating for the shortest amount of your time
but one year stood with respondents seven 9.5 %.

 What is your job responsibility?

Operative worker (60.50 %)
Supervisor (28.28 %)
Manager (6.6 %)
Senior Management (4.9 %)

The analysis inquired to search out the character of jobs of respondents. The analysis
showed that highest respondents 60.50 % were engaged in operative worker connected job
responsibilities and this closely followed by respondents 28.28 %. These were followed next
by Manager that is (6.6 %) & Senior Management that's (4.9 %).

 How much happy you're in this firm?

Very happy (14.5 %)
Satisfied (58.5 %)
Neutral (21.2 %)
Dissatisfied (5.7 %)
Very dissatisfied (1.9 %)

The analysis was directed to search out however happy the respondents square measure
with their gift firm and results shows that terribly happy (14.5 %),Satisfied (58.5 %) Neutral
(21.2 %), Dissatisfied (5.7 %) terribly Dissatisfied (1.9 %)

 Supervisor Listens to staff

Positive Agreement: (71.02 %)
Neutral: (25.21 %)
Disagreed: (3.77 %)
Supervisors have information regarding employee’s work
Positive Agreement: (65.25 %)
Neutral: (29.09 %)
Supervisor being truthfulness to staff
Positive Agreement: (58.04 %)
Neutral: (30.19 %)
Disagreed: (11.77 %)
Supervisor Support personal development
Positive Agreement: (61.70 %)
Neutral: (34.53 %)
56 Volume 36

Disagreed: (1.89 %)
Supervisor has realistic expectation of worker contribution
Positive Agreement: (63.92 %)
Neutral: (24.53 %)
Disagreed: (11.55 %)
Supervisor being truthful to staff
Positive Agreement: (57.0% )
Neutral: (39.19 %)
Disagreed: (3.77 %)
Relationship you’re with boss
Very Good: (27.63 %)
Good: (48.15 %)
Neutral: (22.37 %)
Boss’s / Supervisor’s management skills
Very Good: (22.37 %)
Good: (45.15 %)
Neutral: (25.78 %)
Bad: (4.89 %)
Very Bad (11.9 %)
Communication with general management
Very Good: (24.37 %)
Good: (22.07 %)
Neutral: (40.44 %)
Bad: (11.26 %)
Very bad (10.8 %)
Appreciation from management
Very Good: (13.26 %)
Good: (36.33 %)
Neutral (36.74 %)
Bad: (11.81 %)
Very Bad (12. 67 %)
Career development support from supervisor/management
Very Good: (11.36 %)
Good: (37.64 %)
Neutral: (42.56 %)
Bad: (9.74 %)
Very Bad (7.06 %)
Mark your satisfaction level together with your supervisor manager or management
for response to suggestions projected by you?
Very happy 8
Satisfied 31
Neutral 5
Dissatisfied 6
Very dissatisfied 3

Investigation on the satisfaction levels of staff to suggestions they propose to supervisor,

manager and therefore the management indicated that satisfaction registered with thirty
one respondents 59.6 %
International Letters of Social and Humanistic Sciences Vol. 36 57

4. 1. Limitation of the study

This research study has following limitations:
• Only private firms are considered to check the impact of motivation on performance.
• The length of the questionnaire – around seventeen queries.
• Another limitation of the study which faced during the research article is difficulty to
access the company’s internal information.
• This study is conducted only in the private firms of Multan district of Pakistan.


The literature and varied studies finished that factors: direction, recognition, incentives
and different psychological feature factors have positive impact on worker motivation,
additionally there is an encouraging association between worker inspiration and firmal
efficiency. Those workers who are working in the private firm need more motivation as
compared to the public firms.
According to the research study employee motivation is necessary for all the firms. It
does create a great impact on the firm and employee performance. Increase their efficiency and
effectiveness and helps in the achievement of the firm target. It is observed that the firms which
take cares of their workers progress rapidly. This research investigated two factors,
authorization and worker identification and different factors for attractive worker inspiration
that ends up in firmal effectiveness. In future this text particularly the two psychological feature
factors: worker authorization and worker recognition can play vital role within the succession
of the personal firm.


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( Received 15 July 2014; accepted 22 July 2014 )

Volume 36

Impact of Employee Motivation on Employee Performance (A Case Study of Private Firms: Multan
District, Pakistan)

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