NA To Sls en 1992-2 2016

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NA TO SLS EN 1992-2:2016
UDC 624.012




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NA TO SLSEN 1992-2:2016


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Sri Lanka Standards are subject to periodical
revision in order to accommodate the progress
made by industry. Suggestions for
improvement will be recorded and brought to
the notice of the Committees to which the
revisions are entrusted.

This standard does not purport to include all the

necessary provisions of a contract.

© SLSI 2016

All right reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any
form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in
writing from the SLSI.

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Committee responsible for this National Annex

The preparation of this National Annex was entrusted by Committee SC35/WG/12, upon which the following
bodies were represented:

Eng. S A Karunarathne (Chairman) -The Society of Structural Engineers , Sri Lanka

Eng. (Prof) S M A Nanayakkara - University of Moratuwa, Department of Civil Engineering
Eng. K L S Sahabandu - Central Engineering Consultancy Bureau
Eng. (Dr) H Sooriyarachchi - University of Ruhuna, Department of Civil and Environmental
Eng. W M D N Ranasinghe - Provincial Engineering Organization – Western Province
Eng. G T R de Silva - The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka
Eng. W S N Wijendra - Road Development Authority
Mr. K S Abeygunawardane - Sri Lanka Standards Institution
Eng.(Ms.) T A E I Siriwardhane (Secretary ) - Sri Lanka Standards Institution

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NA TO SLSEN 1992-2:2016




This National Annex has been prepared by the Working group on the development of the
National Annexes to Euro Codes (SC35/WG/12), Design of Concrete Structures. It is to be
used in conjunction with SLS EN 1992-2:2014.

This National Annex was approved by the Sectoral Committee on Building and Construction
Materials and was authorized for adoption and publication as a Sri Lanka National Annex by
the Council of the Sri Lanka Standards Institution on 2016-05-26.

In the preparation of this National Annex, the assistance derived from the publication of the
British Standards Institution (BSI) and the European Committee for Standardization (CEN) is
gratefully acknowledged.


This National Annex gives Sri Lanka decisions for the Nationally Determined Parameters
described in the following sub clauses of SLS EN 1992-2:2014;

3.1.2 (102)P (104) 6.8.1 (102) 9.1 (103)

3.1.6 (101)P 5.5 (104) 6.8.7 (101) 9.2.2 (101)
3.1.6 (102)P 5.7 (105) 7.2 (102) 9.5.3 (101)
3.2.4 (101)P 6.1 (109) 7.3.1 (105) 9.7 (102)
4.2 (105) 6.1 (110) 7.3.3 (101) 9.8.1 (103)
4.2 (106) 6.2.2 (101) 7.3.4 (101) 11.9 (101) (109) 6.2.3 (103) 8.9.1 (101) 113.2 (102)
5.1.3 (101)P 6.2.3 (107) 8.10.4 (105) 113.3.2 (103)
5.2 (105) 6.2.3 (109) 8.10.4 (107)


Sri Lanka decisions for the nationally determined parameters described in SLS EN 1992-
2:2014 are given in Table NA.1.

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
Foreword Definition of National Authorities Where references to National Authorities is The body with a statutory responsibility for the safety
made in this standard, the term should be of the structure.
defined in the National Annex.
3.1.2 (102)P Value of Cmin C30/37 C25/30
Value of Cmax C70/85 C70/85. However the shear strength of concrete classes
higher than C50/60 should be determined by tests,
unless there is evidence of satisfactory past
performance of the particular mix including the type of
aggregates used. Alternatively shear strength of
concrete strength classes higher than C50/60 may be
limited to that of C50/60
3.1.6 (101)P Value of αcc 0.85 Use the recommended value
3.1.6 (102)P Value of αct 1.0 Use the recommended value
3.2.4 (101)P Classes of reinforcement to be used Class B and Class C Class B and Class C
in bridges.
4.2 (105) Exposure class for a concrete surface XC3 XC3-Table 4.1 of SLSEN 1992-1-1:2012
protected by waterproofing.
4.2 (106) Distance x x=6.0 m Not applicable to Sri Lanka
Distance y y=6.0 m Not applicable to Sri Lanka
Exposure classes for surfaces XD3 and XF2 or XF4 Not applicable to Sri Lanka
directly affected by de-icing salts

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation

Sri Lanka decision (109) Required cover to reinforcement The cover needs only satisfy the requirements for bond,
where in-situ concrete is placed provided the following conditions are met: Use the recommended values
against an existing concrete surface. •the existing concrete surface has not been subject to an
outdoor environment for more than 28 days;
•the existing concrete surface is rough;
• the strength class of the existing concrete is at least
5.1.3 (101)P Simplifications to load arrangements. Not given No simplication recommended

5.2 (105) Value of 0 1/200 Use the recommended value (104) Value of t t = breadth of the bearing Use the recommended value
5.5 (104) Values for k1, k2, k3, k4 and k5 k1 = 0.44 Use the recommended values
k2 = 1.25(0.6 +0.0014/cu2)
k3 = 0.54
k4 = 1.25(0.6+0.0014/cu2)
k5 = 0.85
5.7 (105) Details of acceptable methods for When using non-linear analysis the following assumptions Use the recommended procedure, in
non-linear analysis and safety format. should be made: consultation with the implementing
• For reinforcing steel, the stress-strain diagram to be used authority.
should be based on Figure 3.8, curve A. In this diagram, fyk
and kfyk should be replaced by 1.1fyk and 1.1kfyk
• For prestressing steel, the idealized stress strain diagram
given in 3.3.6 (Figure 3.10, curve A) should be used. In this
diagram fpk should be replaced with 1.1fpk

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Euro code recommendation

Parameter Sri Lanka decision
5.7 (105) Details of acceptable • For concrete, the stress-strain diagram should be based on expression (3.14) in
(continued) methods for non-linear 3.1.5. In this expression, and in the k-value, fcm should be replaced by γcf ·fck,with
analysis and safety format. γcf = 1.1·γS /γC
(continued) The following design format should be used:
• The resistance should be evaluated for different levels of appropriate actions
which should be increased from their serviceability values by incremental steps,
such that the values of γG·Gk and γQ·Qk are reached in the same step. The
incrementing process should be continued until one region of the structure attains
the ultimate strength, evaluated taking account of cc, or there is global failure of
the structure. The corresponding load is referred to as qud.
• Apply an overall safety factor γO and obtain the corresponding strength

• One of the following inequalities should be satisfied:


i.e. or
is the partial factor for model uncertainty for resistance, = 1.06
is the partial factor for model uncertainty for action/action effort, = 1.15
is the overall safety factor, = 1.20.
Refer to Annex PP for further details.
When model uncertainties and are not considered explicitly in the analysis
(i.e. = = 1), = 1.27 should be used.

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
6.1 (109)b Value of fctx fctm Use value of fctk,0.05
refer table 3.1 of SLSEN 1992-1-1:2012 
6.1 (109) Applicable methods for avoiding brittle a, b or c Use the recommended methods
6.1 (110) ii Value of kcm 2.0 Use the recommended value
6.1 (110) iii Value of kp 1.0 Use the recommended value
6.2.2 (101) Values of CRd,c, vmin and k1 CRd,c = 0.18/γc vmin = 0.035 k3/2 fck1/2 k1 = 0.15 Use the recommended values
6.2.3 (103) Values of v1 and cw v1 = v .However, if the design stress of the shear reinforcement Use the recommendation
is below 80% of the characteristic yield stress fyk, v1 may be
taken as:
v1= 0.6 for fck ≤ 60 MPa
v1 = 0.9 – fck /200 0.5 for fck ≥ 60 MPa
cw is as follows:
1 for non-prestressed structures
(1 + σcp /fcd) for 0 < σcp ≤ 0.25 fcd
1.25 for 0,25 fcd  σcp ≤ 0.5 fcd
2.5 (1 – σcp/fcd) for 0.5 fcd  σcp1.0 fcd
Where;σcp is the mean compressive stress, measured positive, in
the concrete due to the design axial force. This should be obtained
by averaging it over the concrete section taking account of the
reinforcement. The value of σcp need not be calculated at a
distance less than 0.5d cot from the edge of the support. In the
case of straight tendons, a high level of pre-stress (σcp /fcd 0.5)
and thin webs, if the tension and the compression chords are able
to carry the whole re stressing force and blocks are provided at
the extremity of beams to disperse the prestressing force (see fig.
6.101), it may be assumed that the prestressing force is distributed
between the chords. In these circumstances, the compression field
due to shear only should be considered in the web (cw = 1).

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
6.2.3 (109) Absolute minimum value of hred. Absolute minimum value of hred = 0.5h Use the recommended value
6.8.1 (102) Additional rules where fatigue verification A fatigue verification is generally not necessary for the Use the recommended procedure
is not necessary for structures and structural following structures and structural elements:
components which are subjected to regular a) footbridges, with the exception of structural components
load cycles. very sensitive to wind action;
b) buried arch and frame structures with a minimum earth
cover of 1,00 m and 1,50 m respectively for road and
railway bridges;
c) foundations;
d) piers and columns which are not rigidly connected to
super structures;
e) retaining walls of embankments for roads and railways;
f) abutments of road and railway bridges which are not
rigidly connected to superstructures, except the slabs of
hollow abutments;
g) pre stressing and reinforcing steel, in regions where,
under the frequent combination of actions and Pk only
compressive stresses occur at the extreme concrete fibres.
6.8.7 (101) Value of k1. k1 = 0.85 Use the recommended value
7.2 (102) Value of k1. k1 = 0.6 Use the recommended value
Maximum increase in stress limit above k1 fck. 10% Use the recommended value
7.3.1 (105) Value of wmax, definition of decompression Refer to Table 7.101N. Use the recommended guidance.
and its application.
7.3.3 (101) Details of a simplified method for control of The recommended method is that given in EN 1992-1-1, Use the recommended method
cracking without calculation. 7.3.3 (2) to (4).

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
7.3.4 (101) Details of recognized methods for crack The recommended method is that given in EN 1992-1-1, Use the recommended procedure
width control 7.3.4
8.9.1 (101) Restrictions on the use of bundled bars No additional restrictions are recommended No additional restrictions are
8.10.4 Value of X and the maximum percentage 50% and 67% respectively. Use the recommended values
(105) of tendons coupled at a section.
8.10.4 (105) Distance a Construction depth, h Distance, a Use the recommended values

≤ 1.5 m 1.5 m
1.5 m < h < 3.0 m a=h
≥ 3.0 m 3.0 m
8.10.4 (107) Additional rules relating to the provision No additional rules recommended. No additional rules recommended.
of openings and pockets on the upper
side of carriageway slabs.
9.1 (103) Additional rules concerning minimum No additional rules recommended. No additional rules recommended
thickness of structural elements and
minimum reinforcement for all surfaces
of members in bridges, with minimum
bar diameter & maximum bar spacing.
9.2.2 (101) Details of the form of shear The recommended forms of shear reinforcement The recommended forms of shear
reinforcement. are: reinforcement are:
• links enclosing the longitudinal tension reinforcement and • links enclosing the longitudinal
the compression zone (see Figure 9.5 of SLS EN 1992-1-1); tension reinforcement and the
• bent-up bars; compression zone
• or a combination of the two. (see Figure 9.5 of SLS EN 1992-1-1);
• bent-up bars (only up to 50% of the
necessary shear reinforcement );
• or a combination of the two.

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TABLE NA.1 – Sri Lanka decisions for Nationally Determined Parameters described in SLS EN 1992-2:2014 (continued)

Sub clause Nationally Determined Parameter Euro code recommendation Sri Lanka decision
9.5.3 (101) Minimum diameter of transverse min = 6 mm Use the recommended values
reinforcement . min ,mesh = 5 mm

9.7 (102) Maximum spacing of adjacent bars. smesh is the lesser of the web thickness Use the recommended value
or 300 mm.
9.8.1 (103) Value of dmin dmin = 12 mm Use the recommended value
11.9 (101) Restrictions on the use of bundled bars No additional restrictions recommended. No additional restrictions recommended.
113.2 (102) Value of x x = 200 N/m2 Use the recommended value.
113.3.2 (103) Value of k k = 1.0 Use the recommended value

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