Rakesh - Fcbs@mriu - Edu.in Swatiwatts - Fcbs@mriu - Edu.in: Create A Single PDF File of Answer Sheet/s
Rakesh - Fcbs@mriu - Edu.in Swatiwatts - Fcbs@mriu - Edu.in: Create A Single PDF File of Answer Sheet/s
Rakesh - Fcbs@mriu - Edu.in Swatiwatts - Fcbs@mriu - Edu.in: Create A Single PDF File of Answer Sheet/s
Note: Attempt 5 questions in all. Q1 is compulsory and attempt two questions each from PART-
A and PART-B. All questions carry equal marks.All the answer sheets are to be numbered such
as 1/5, 2/5, …….5/5 if you have answered in 5 pages. Create a single PDF file of answer sheet/s,
upload it on ERP and also mail it to Dr. R K Aryaat [email protected] for BBA Sec A
and to Dr. Swati Watts at [email protected] BBA Sec B and Banking & Financial
Q3.Bring out sharp distinction between Banking and non-banking financial intermediaries.
Illustrate with four points that in which respect each of these are useful to the economic
development. (20)
Q4.Whether the risks affect the interest rates? What are those risks? Explain any two of them as
to how these affect the interest rates. (20)
Q5. Consider the State Bank of India. What should be its organizational structure as do other
banks also have the same structure? With this structure how must it be managed i.e. all functions
including operational, HR, marketing and finance. Your answer should be very systematic.
Q6. What do you think whether central bank is essential? In case it is essential how its
essentiality can be felt in five ways. Elaborate. (20)
Q7.Whether it is possible to manage the economy without monetary policy? If not then explain
how monetary policy has been helping in variety of ways with special focus on stabilizing the
economic growth. (20)