Second Quarterly Examination in General Biology 1 SY 2022-2023

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SY 2022-2023

Instructions: Read each question carefully and shade the correct answer in the
answer sheet provided to you. Do not write anything on this test questionnaire.

1. Which of the following refers to beta-oxidation?

A. the assembly of sugars
B. the breakdown of sugars
C. the breakdown of fatty acids
D. the removal of amino groups from amino acids

2. What role does NAD+NAD+ (2 Nicotinamide adenosine dinucleotide) play in

redox reactions during cellular respiration?
A. NAD+NAD+, a reducing agent, can donate its electrons and
protons to organic molecules.
B. NAD+NAD+, a reducing agent, can donate its electrons and
protons to inorganic molecules.
C. NAD+NAD+, an oxidizing agent, can accept electrons from
organic molecules and get reduced to NADH2.
D. NAD+NAD+, an oxidizing agent, can accept electrons and
protons from organic molecules and get reduced to

3. Which of the following best explains why living organisms use energy
from ATP rather than directly using the energy stored in the bonds of
carbohydrates to power cellular reactions?
A. Because energy from ATP cannot cater to processes that require a
high level of energy while energy harvested from carbohydrates
B. Because ATP is low in energy, but food molecules (in the form of
carbohydrates) possess higher levels of energy than cells can use.
C. Because ATP is readily available to cells, unlike the carbohydrate
compounds that have to first be phosphorylated in order to release
their energy.
D. Because ATP is readily available to provide an appropriate amount of
energy for the cell activities while harvested energy from various
carbohydrate compounds needs to be tailored for each specific

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
4. Dinitrophenol (DNP), a known weight loss drug, is an uncoupler that makes
the inner mitochondrial membrane leak protons. What makes DNP reduce
body weight?
A. DNP blocks the movement of protons through the ATP
synthase, halting ATP production thus, energy dissipates as
heat, causing weight loss.
B. DNP decreases the proton gradient in the inner mitochondrial space,
leading to rapid consumption of acetyl-CoA, which causes weight loss.
C. DNP dissipates the proton gradient in the matrix, preventing the
production of ATP thus, increases metabolic rate leading to weight
D. DNP uncouples the production of ATP by increasing the proton
gradient in the matrix thus, stored energy dissipates as heat causing
weight loss.

5. Consider that the number of ATP (Adenosine triphosphate) molecules formed

through cellular respiration varies. Which of the following is the most
accurate claim that accounts for these differences?
A. Most of the ATP produced are rapidly used for the phosphorylation of
certain compounds found in plants.
B. The ATPs produced are immediately utilized in the anaplerotic
reactions that are used for the replenishment of the intermediates.
C. A large number of ATP molecules are used in the detoxification of
xenobiotic compounds produced during cellular respiration.
D. Transport of NADH+ (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide, H+) from
cytosol to mitochondria is an active process that decreases the
number of ATPs produced in each cycle.

6. What is the special chlorophyll pigment that serves as

primary reaction center in Photosystem I?
A. P 680
B. P 700
C. Has not been identified
D. Primary reaction center

7. Plants are very unique among other organisms due to their capability to
trap sunlight and make their own food. Which of the following enables
plants to trap energy from the sun?
A. Chlorophyll
B. Chloroplast
C. Cuticle
D. Epidermis

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
8. Three of the same species of plant are each grown under a different
colored light for the same amount of time. Plant A is grown under blue
light, Plant B is grown under green light, and Plant C is grown under
orange light. Assuming the plants use only chlorophyll a and
chlorophyll b for photosynthesis, what would be the predicted order
of the plants from most growth to least growth?
A. B, A, C
B. A, B, C
C. A, C, B
D. C, A, B

9. Why is the reaction-center chlorophyll of photosystem I is known as P700?

A. It absorbs 700 photons per microsecond.
B. There are 700 chlorophyll molecules in the center.
C. There are 700 photosystem I components to each chloroplast.
D. This pigment is best at absorbing light with a wavelength of 700 nm.

10. Which of the following statements is correct about the carotenoid pigments?
A. Accessory pigments are not involved in photosynthesis.
B. Accessory pigments add color to plants but do not absorb light
C. Accessory pigments absorb colors of light that chlorophyll a cannot
D. Accessory pigments receive electrons from the electron transport
chain of photosystem I.

11. The light-dependent reaction of photosynthesis must come first before the
light-independent reaction because its products are important to the fixation
of carbon dioxide. Which of the following is/are the product/s of the light-
dependent reaction?
A. ADP only
B. ATP only
C. NADPH only

12. Which type of energy transformation occurs in photosynthesis?

A. Heat to electrical
B. Light to chemical
C. Mechanical to electrical
D. Mechanical to chemical

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
13. There are connections between the different stages of photosynthesis.
Applying this knowledge, what is the overall outcome of the light-dependent
reactions in photosynthesis?
A. Sugar and ATP are produced during the light-dependent
reactions and are used to power the light-independent reactions.
B. NADPH and ATP molecules are produced during the light-independent
reactions and are used to power the light-dependent reactions.
C. Carbon dioxide and NADPH are produced during the light-
independent reactions and are used to power the light-dependent
D. NADPH and ATP molecules are produced during the light-dependent
reactions and are used to power the light-independent reactions.

14. Explain how the light reactions and light-independent reactions (Calvin
cycle) of photosynthesis are interdependent on each other.
A. The light reactions produce only NADPH, which is produced by the
Calvin cycle.
B. The light reactions use NADPH and ATP, which are produced by the
Calvin cycle.
C. The light reactions produce NADP+ and ADP, which are then used in
the Calvin cycle.
D. The light reactions produce ATP and NADPH, which are then used in
the Calvin cycle.

15. Based on your understanding of the process of photosynthesis, predict what

will happen to a plant leaf that loses CO2 too quickly.
A. Photosynthesis in the leaf will increase exponentially.
B. Photosynthesis in the leaf will slow down or possibly stop
C. This event will not affect the rate of photosynthesis in the leaf.
D. Photosynthesis in the leaf will first decrease and then increase.

16. Which process converts Carbon dioxide into carbohydrates?

A. Krebs cycle
B. Calvin cycle
C. Fermentation
D. Electron transport chain

17. What is the primary function of the Calvin cycle?

A. Split water and release oxygen.
B. Use ATP to release carbon dioxide
C. Use NADPH to release carbon dioxide
D. Synthesize simple sugars from carbon dioxide

18. Calvin cycle is often referred to as the dark reactions of photosynthesis

because it can occur in darkness; and although they can happen in
darkness, in reality, they take place most often in periods of sunlight
A. The enzymes cannot find each other in the dark
B. Sunlight activates the enzymes of the Calvin cycle
C. Dark reactions are too sinister for life forms on this planet
D. Calvin cycle require ATP and NADPH, requiring sunlight for

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
19. If four molecules of carbon dioxide enter the Calvin Cycle (four "turns" of the
cycle), how many G3P molecules are produced and how many are exported?
A. 4 G3P made, 1 G3P exported
B. 4 G3P made, 2 G3P exported
C. 8 G3P made, 1 G3P exported
D. 8 G3P made, 4 G3P exported

20. Consider the processes involved in photosynthesis and the locations where
they occur. Choose the statement that makes the best case for why the light-
dependent reactions of photosynthesis take place in the thylakoid.
A. Light energy is absorbed by the thylakoid membrane.
B. Photosystem I was anchored to the membrane, but photosystem II is
C. The cytochrome complex requires a membrane for chemiosmosis
to occur.
D. The light-dependent reactions depend on the presence of carbon

21. Which is the correct equation for anaerobic respiration in humans?

A. glucose → lactic acid
B. glucose + water + lactic acid
C. glucose → lactic acid + water
D. glucose + water → lactic acid

22. Which of these is a correctly balanced equation for respiration?

A. C6H12O6 + 3O2 → CO2 + 3H2O
B. C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2+ 6H2O
C. C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 6CO2 + 3H2O
D. C6H12O6 + 6O2 → 3CO2 + 6H2O

23. The amount of oxygen required to remove the lactic acid, and replace the
body's reserves of oxygen, is called the oxygen debt. During hard
exercise, what causes an 'oxygen debt'?
A. A build-up of water
B. A build-up of oxygen
C. A build-up of lactic acid
D. A build-up of carbon dioxide

24. In an experiment to show respiration in living organisms, the air they need
may be passed through sodium hydroxide solution first. Why is this done?
A. To absorb carbon dioxide from the air
B. To release oxygen needed for respiration
C. To kill harmful pathogens that may be in the air
D. To provide the oxygen needed for the respiration

25. A solution in a beaker contains all of the enzymes necessary for undergoing
glycolysis. A mole of glucose is mixed into the solution. No oxygen is present
and no ATP is present. Does glycolysis occur?
A. No, because ATP is not present
B. No, because oxygen is not present
C. Yes, because glycolysis is anaerobic
D. Yes, because glycolysis is ATP independent

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
26. What is the immediate source of energy of all biological processes?
A. ATP molecules
B. NADP molecules
C. FADH molecules
D. NADH molecules

27. For glycolysis to proceed as the first step of cellular respiration, what must
be present?
A. 2 molecules of ATP
B. 1 molecule of glucose
C. 2 molecules of ATP and 1 molecule of glucose
D. Oxygen, 2 molecule of ATP, and 1 molecule of sucrose

28. Sports physiologists at an Olympic training center wanted to monitor

athletes to determine at what point their muscles were functioning
anaerobically. They could do this by checking for a buildup of which of the
following compounds?
C. Lactate
D. Carbon dioxide

29. What type of cellular respiration is represented in the equation below and
A. Aerobic respiration, because oxygen is the final electron acceptor.
B. Aerobic respiration, because water is being produced as a product.
C. Anaerobic respiration, because the final electron acceptor
is inorganic.
D. Anaerobic respiration, because NADH donates its electrons to a
methane molecule.

30. Why do negative feedback mechanisms be more common than positive

feedback mechanisms in living cells?
A. Positive feedback mechanisms maintain a balanced amount of
substances whereas negative feedback restricts them.
B. Negative feedback mechanisms maintain homeostasis
whereas positive feedback drives the system away from
C. Negative feedback turns the system off, making it deficient of
certain substances. Positive feedback balances out these deficits.
D. Positive feedback brings substance amounts back to equilibrium
while negative feedback produces excess amounts of the substance.

31. Which of the following stores energy released from chemiosmosis?

A. Electron Transport Chain
B. ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) synthase
C. FADH2 (Reduced Flavin Adenine Dinucleotide)
D. NADH (Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide + Hydrogen)

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
32. Pyruvate is the product of glycolysis. If there is no oxygen available to cells
of the human body, what becomes of pyruvate?
A. CO2
B. Alcohol
C. Lactic acid
D. CO2 & Lactic acid

33. A new species of bacterium has been found that it lives in hot, acidic
condition. Which metabolic pathway is most likely to be present in this
A. Glycolysis
B. Citric acid cycle
C. Aerobic respiration
D. Oxidative phosphorylation

34. During electron transport chain, 8 ATP will be produced in 1 molecule of

FADH2. Calculate the ATP molecules produced when FADH2 delivers
electrons to the electron transport system.
A. 2
B. 4
C. 6
D. 8

35. In a claim that glycolysis is an older and more conserved pathway than the
citric acid cycle, which of the statements below provides the strongest
evidence supporting this?
A. This pathway occurs in the cytosol is found in all animals and plants
and does not require oxygen.
B. This pathway only occurs in the mitochondria. It is highly flexible
because it is found in almost all organisms.
C. Glycolysis is found in all three domains of living things. It also occurs
in anaerobic conditions and in the cytosol.
D. Glycolysis takes place in anaerobic conditions can metabolize
cholesterol and fatty acids, and occurs even in methanogens.

36. What probably occurs during the second half of glycolysis?

A. ATP is made.
B. ATP is used up.
C. Fructose is split in two.
D. Glucose becomes fructose.

37. Why is ATP considered the energy currency of the cell?

A. It is a protein.
B. It accepts energy from chemical reactions.
C. It can transport energy to locations within the cell.
D. It holds energy at the site of release from substrates.

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
38. Suppose you are observing different human tissues under the microscope,
in which tissue would you probably find the greatest number of
A. Muscle Tissue
B. Adipose Tissue
C. Nervous Tissue
D. Connective Tissue

39. During substrate-level phosphorylation, 1 glucose molecule produced 6 ATP

molecules. Calculate the total number of ATP produced by of 2 glucose
molecules during aerobic respiration?
A. 8
B. 10
C. 2
D. 14

40. Which is the primary reason why ATP synthesis occurs in the electron
transport chain?
A. NADH pass through ATP synthase, which creates ATP
B. ADP accepts a protons ion and a phosphate to create ATP.
C. ATP is created by breaking down water as the water passes
through the pumps in the membranes.
D. A concentration gradient of protons is created across the
membranes of the mitochondria and then the protons feed into ATP
synthase, creating ATP.

41. Pyruvate is the product of glycolysis. If there is no oxygen available to cells

of the human body, what becomes of pyruvate?
A. CO2
B. Alcohol
C. Lactic acid
D. CO2 & Lactic acid

42. What is the end product of fermentation after glycolysis in animal cells
when no oxygen is present?
A. Alcohol
B. Glucose
C. Lactic acid
D. Sucrose

43. A solution in a beaker contains all of the enzymes necessary for undergoing
glycolysis. A mole of glucose is mixed into the solution. No oxygen is present
and no ATP is present. Does glycolysis occur?
A. No, because ATP is not present.
B. No, because oxygen is not present.
C. Yes, because glycolysis is anaerobic.
D. Yes, because glycolysis is ATP independent.

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
44. Which of the following reasons why oxygen is essential for the
electron transport chain?
A. It is part of the chemiosmotic gradient
B. It serves as the primary electron donor
C. It serves as the terminal electron acceptor
D. It is essential for transporting pyruvate into the mitochondria

45. What do you think is the primary role of oxygen in cellular respiration?
A. Combine with carbon, forming CO2.
B. Combine with lactate, forming pyruvate.
C. Act as an acceptor for electrons and hydrogen, forming water.
D. Yield energy in the form of ATP as it is passed down the respiratory

46. What is produced when yeast cells break down glucose anaerobically?
B. Acetyl-CoA
C. Lactic acid
D. Ethanol+CO2

47. Fermentation is essentially glycolysis plus an extra step in which pyruvate

is reduced to form lactate or alcohol and carbon dioxide. What would be
the last step?
A. Prevents pyruvate from accumulating
B. Extracts a bit more energy from glucose
C. Removes poisonous oxygen from the environment
D. Enables the cell to recycle the reduced NADH to oxidized NAD+

48. How does the act of breathing relate to cellular respiration in humans and
other mammals?
A. With each breath, oxygen is taken in and used for cellular respiration
while nitrogen is exhaled as a waste product.
B. With each breath, nitrogen is taken in and used for cellular
respiration while carbon dioxide is exhaled as a waste product.
C. With each breath, oxygen is taken in and used for cellular respiration
while carbon dioxide is exhaled as a waste product.
D. With each breath, carbon dioxide is taken in and used for cellular
respiration while oxygen is exhaled as a waste product.

49. Tremetol, a metabolic poison found in the white snake root plant, prevents
the metabolism of lactate. When cows eat this plant, it is concentrated in the
milk they produce. Humans who consume the milk become ill. Symptoms of
this disease include vomiting, abdominal pain, and tremors, become worse
after exercise. Why do you think this is the case?
A. Tremetol increases the production of lactate dehydrogenase,
causing lactic acid to accumulate in the body.
B. Tremetol inhibits the production of NAD+ after exercise. The lack
of oxygen causes lactic acid to accumulate in the body.
C. Tremetol binds to lactic acid, inhibiting its breakdown into
other compounds and causing it to accumulate after exercising.
D. Tremetol inhibits enzymes that convert lactate into less harmful
compounds. Exercise worsens this by producing more lactate.

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam
50. Which of the following is the most primary function of the reactions that
follow glycolysis in a fermentation pathway?
A. To synthesize pyruvate from lactate
B. To regenerate NAD+ from NADH, so glycolysis can continue
C. To synthesize electron acceptors, so that cellular respiration
can continue
D. To regenerate NADH from NAD+, so electrons can be donated to the
electron transport chain

Test Curator: Ivy Grace T. Coronel DepEd-Caraga

School: Esperanza Integrated School Sukdanan
Email Address: [email protected] Standardized Quarterly Exam

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