National Code of Practice 3rd Edition
National Code of Practice 3rd Edition
National Code of Practice 3rd Edition
This National Code of Practice for Customer Interface 3rd edition replaces the 2nd edition issued in 1994. The purpose of this National Code of Practice for Customer Interface is to have one single interpretation of ESB requirements. It is a consensus document agreed between people involved in the electrical industry and ESB. Contractors Associations, Consulting Engineers, Switchboard Assemblers, Electrical Wholesalers and Distributors made a very positive contribution in the compiling of this Code. It is important that everyone working at the ESB/Customer Interface or designing electrical equipment for that interface fully understands the code and works to it. Each ESB local office will provide details of who should be contacted regarding queries, which may arise in the interpretation of this Code of Practice. This Publication and future updates will be available at SCOPE The National Code of Practice for Customer Interface relates to situations where an interface between the customer and the ESB at 230/400 volts and/or MV exists. The aim of the Code Book is to assist in achieving a single interpretation of the requirements for metering/connection. ESB are fully supportive of ETCI and the regulatory bodies in their efforts to improve safety and standards of electrical installations. ESB recognise the need for and the importance of testing and certification of all electrical installations. Completion certificates are required for all new installations and alterations or extensions to all existing installations. (See ESB involvement in Completion Certificates on page 3.)
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Be aware of your working environment and your responsibilities to yourself and others. Contractors, Builders, Developers and ESB must meet all statutory requirements in order that site conditions and site practices provide a safe working environment. Electrical Contractors and ESB staff should always be alert to the dangers and hazards associated with electric work. Particular attention is required when an installation is made live whether on a permanent or temporary basis. Always make sure if you make an installation or part of an installation live that you have not created a dangerous situation for someone else. Always check for absence of voltage before you work on any installation.
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This copy should only issue to ESB at the completed stage of the job. All certificates received by the ESB are recorded against the job they issued for and the copies are returned to the respective regulatory body. Copy of the completion certificate, is required to allow ESB to proceed with the job. In situations requiring close co-operation between ESB and contractor, it is important to contact the local ESB supervisor at an early stage in the planning of the work. The contractor may be requested to provide the number of the completion certificate to be issued for the particular job. This number will be recorded against the job and allow ESB process to be initiated.
Any contractor working in close proximity to live ESB sealed equipment (where no main isolator exists) should contact the local ESB office if he requires isolation of that equipment to allow the work to proceed prior to certification
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In multi-tenanted / multi-metered situation a completion certificate is required for each ESB connection, i.e. one certificate per customer connection point. Where installations such as school signs, phone kiosks, bus shelters etc. are connected to ESB network, a completion certificate is required for each such connection. A completion certificate is required before supply will be restored to an installation that has been disconnected for more than 6 months. All medium voltage installations require a completion certificate.
Note: As ETCI have not yet issued a certificate for MV installations, the Industrial/Commercial certificate is acceptable. ESB will also require a Declaration of Fitness for the MV installation before connection to ESB network.
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FOREWORD ..........................................................................................................................................1 SITE SAFETY ..........................................................................................................................................2 ESB INVOLVEMENT IN THE COMPLETION CERT PROCESS ........................................3-4 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ....................................................................................................7-10 OUTDOOR METERING CABINET ..............................................................................................11 OVERHEAD SERVICE ALTERATION ..........................................................................................12 SINGLE UNDERGROUND SERVICE CONNECTED TO OVERHEAD NETWORK ......13 OUTDOOR BOX LAYOUT/TYPICAL LOCATION......................................................................14 DOMESTIC STANDARD SETUP separate Meter and Isolator ..............................................15 DOMESTIC STANDARD SETUP combined Meter and Isolator ............................................16 DOMESTIC PLUS STORAGE HEATING ....................................................................................17 DOMESTIC NIGHT SAVER up to 8KW switching through contactor ............................18 DOMESTIC NIGHT SAVER (direct switching up to 13KW NSH) ..................................19 DOMESTIC NIGHT SAVER (switching through contactor up to 13KW NSH) ............20 DOMESTIC NIGHT SAVER (goldshield) ................................................................................21 DOMESTIC OR COMMERCIAL WITH NSH LOADS IN EXCESS OF 13kW (3 phase supply not available) ........................................................................................................22 DOMESTIC OR COMMERCIAL WITH NSH LOADS IN EXCESS OF 13kW (3 phase supply available) ................................................................................................................23 CONNECTION CHECKLIST ..........................................................................................................24 ASSEMBLERS CHECKLIST ....................................................................................................25-27 FUSES BEFORE WHOLE CURRENT METERS IN MULTI-METERING INSTALLATIONS (photos) ................................................................................................................28 FUSES BEFORE CT METERS IN MULTI-METERING INSTALLATIONS (photo) ........29 REQUIREMENTS FOR FRONT LOADING FUSE UNITS ....................................................30 METERING REQUIREMENTS (up to 3 apartments) ..............................................................31 METERING REQUIREMENTS (4 or more apartments) ..........................................................32 RELAY CONTROL DIAGRAM ........................................................................................................33 COMMERCIAL (multi-customer whole current)..........................................................................34 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL UNITS (general) ........................................................................35 ESB MAIN SUPPLY FUSED UP TO 300A (one customer bulk tariff)..................................36
Page 5
ESB MAIN SUPPLY FUSED UP TO 300A (one customer multi-tariff) ..........................................37 ESB MAIN SUPPLY FUSED UP TO 300A (Multiple customers) ....................................................38 SUPPLY OVER 300 AMPS (direct supply from sub station) ............................................................39 SUPPLY OVER 300 AMPS (single customer) ......................................................................................40 SUPPLY OVER 300 AMPS (multi-customer) ........................................................................................41 SUPPLY OVER 300 AMPS (photo, typical ESB cable termination ) ..............................................42 ARRANGEMENTS FOR FIRE FIGHTING SUPPLY............................................................................43 FIRE FIGHTING (warning labels) ..............................................................................................................44 DECENTRALISED METERING (single customer) ..............................................................................45 DECENTRALISED METERING (multi-customer) ................................................................................46 RECOMMENDED DIMENSIONS FOR CABINETS/BOXES ........................................................47 USEFUL GENERAL DIMENSIONS ........................................................................................................48 SPACE REQUIRED FOR ESB CABLE TERMINATIONS (200A and 300A) ..............................49 STAND ALONE CT ENCLOSURE............................................................................................................50 CT CONNECTIONS (250/5 AND 600/5)..............................................................................................51 CT CONNECTIONS (1500/5) ..................................................................................................................52 ESB MAIN SUPPLY OVER 300A (single customer, wall mounted switchboard) ........................53 SHOPPING CENTRES AND COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL UNITS (general) ..........................54 SHOPPING CENTRES or COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL UNITS (method 1) ..........................55 COMMERCIAL/INDUSTRIAL UNITS (method 2)................................................................................56 GROUPS OF SHOPS/OFFICES (facing onto public roadway) ......................................................57 TEMPORARY SUPPLIES ..........................................................................................................................58 PETROL STATIONS......................................................................................................................................59 STAND-BY GENERATORS (small supplies) ..........................................................................................60 STAND-BY GENERATORS (larger supplies) ........................................................................................61 STAND-BY GENERATORS (multi customer) ........................................................................................62 AGRICULTURAL/HORTICULTURAL PREMISES (general)..............................................................63 REMOTE BUILDINGS ................................................................................................................................64 SPECIAL SITUATIONS (street furniture, Garda cameras/CCTV etc.) ......................................65-71 REQUIREMENTS FOR CONNECTION AT MEDIUM VOLTAGE (MV) ..................................72-78 SYMBOLS (symbols used, colour code.) ................................................................................................79
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1 CONSULTATION WITH ESB OFFICE It is essential to consult with the local ESB office at the planning stage of the following projects: new premises, refurbishment of existing premises, major additions to existing load. Please submit to ESB all relevant information such as site maps, architects drawings, etc. to allow applications to be processed efficiently. 2 LOAD THRESHOLDS (a) New Installations: Single phase whole current meters will be used to measure loads up to 80A per phase. In general, three phase whole current meters will be used to measure loads over three phases up to 80A per phase. Current transformers with matching meters will be used to measure loads in excess of 80A per phase. Allowances for potential load growth should always be made. (b) Extensions/Renovations to Existing Metering: Discuss with local ESB Office beforehand, where three phase whole current metering at 100A per phase will be considered. ESB will supply and fit a main fuse unit for total loads within a building up to 300A (200 kVA). ESB may require a Substation for loads in excess of 300 A (200 kVA). Customer will supply and fit a main circuit breaker. New loads in excess of 500kVA will in general be supplied at medium voltage. 3 ENCLOSURES FOR METERING EQUIPMENT (a) Particular to Domestic installations. (i) Only ESB equipment should be fitted in outdoor metering cabinet (Only exception Page 58) (ii) Page11 shows a typical outdoor Metering cabinet. This is the standard method for new Metering. (iii) Where it is clearly impossible to fit ESB equipment into an accessible outdoor location, the local ESB office should be consulted at the planning stage, to determine the most suitable location. (iv) Where indoor locations are permitted an enclosure shall be provided for ESB equipment. See page 47 for details on enclosures. (b) Current Transformer (CT) Metering: Customer shall supply and fit a sealable enclosure to accept ESB CTs. Where a main switchboard is installed this enclosure should be within the switchboard. C.T. Meter Cabinets (supplied and fitted by ESB) are installed on a wall adjacent to the main switchboard. In some situations consideration will be given to incorporate ESB CT Meters into the main Switchboard. To determine whether this is feasible, discussions shall take place with Local ESB at the design stage of the Switchboard.
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Note: Where the CT Enclosure is of a metal type this cover shall be hinged as well as sealable. Where the CTs are on the ESB side of the customers main disconnecting device, the enclosure shall offer protection against contact with live parts by the ingress of tools, wires or any other foreign body. (IP 30 min.) (Note: For wall mounted Meter Cabinets, CT Secondary cable run shall not exceed 15 Metres.) (c) Whole Current Metering: Whole current meters and ESB equipment are installed by ESB in an enclosure supplied and fitted by the customer. (See page 47). Whole current meter enclosures shall have hinged cover or visor and standard 8mm Triangular lock. ESB metering equipment shall be fitted in indoor situations at a height from floor level no lower than 600 mm to the bottom of the lowest meter and no higher than 2000 mm to top of highest meter. 4 REQUIREMENTS FOR METERING ENCLOSURES. (See page 47) 5 PROTECTION FOR SECONDARY CABLES FROM ESB METERING CTS WITHIN MAIN SWITCHBOARD Trunking or conduit (min. 75 mm per set of CTs with draw wire) to protect secondary cables shall be provided by the Customer within the main switch board. This should be of metal, rigid plastic or similar. Metal trunking of adequate size (MIN. 100mm) shall be provided from the switchboard to the CT metering cabinet AND MUST BE SEALABLE. See paragraph 9 re: ESB SEALS 6 ACCESS TO METERING EQUIPMENT ESB meters should be grouped in one easily accessible location (Centralised). ESB whole current meters and CTs should be located in one section of a Main Switchboard to allow for regular testing and inspection. Each set of CTs should be physically separated to allow them be worked on individually. A separate neutral bar shall be provided adjacent to each set of CTs. Access to ESB equipment must be available at all times. All enclosures used for ESB meters shall have a standard 8mm triangular lock fitted. A clear space of at least 1.2m must be left in front of ESB equipment. 7 UNACCEPTABLE LOCATIONS FOR ESB MAIN FUSES AND METERS ESB main fuses and Meters shall not be installed in: Toilets, cellars, boiler houses, fuel stores, storage cupboards, underneath wooden stairs or any location liable to dust,
Page 8
dampness, heat, vibration or any location having a corrosive atmosphere. Any location likely to be blocked by machinery, goods, furniture, or liable to cause accidents is not permitted. 8 CUSTOMER MATERIALS The customer shall provide: all trunking, cables and connectors beyond the ESB main cable terminations. Load cables for connection to ESB main fuse unit, whole current meters or CTs to be stranded copper conductor or multi-stranded flexible copper conductor. Where multi-stranded cables are used they must be fitted with appropriate ferrules or lugs. 9 ESB SEALS All access to unmetered enclosures, unmetered fuses, C.T. enclosures, secondary wiring and busbar chambers and all other possible points of access to unmetered supply shall be made inaccessible by means of a sealing system fitted by the manufacturer which will be sealed by ESB. Seals should be visible for inspection at all times. Note: Sealing holes drilled in cover which allow sealing wire enter the enclosure are unacceptable. NOTE TO CONTRACTORS REGARDING ESB SEALS (1) ESB seal numbers are registered on customers meter record. DO NOT break them. (2) If you find ESB seals are broken or missing report to ESB Call Centre. (3) Do not work on, or move ESB metering equipment as serious accounting problems with customer may result. (4) Sealing and the removal of all seals shall be undertaken by ESB staff only. 10 LABELLING Metering equipment shall be labelled ESB Whole Current. or ESB CTs etc. Unmetered equipment should be clearly labelled ESB. Labels must be of permanent and durable material. It is important that the electrical contractor have them in place before connection of supply. Supply taken from the live side of main circuit breaker should be suitably labelled, and clearly visible to a person operating the main breaker. Labels shall be fitted onto the fixed sections of a switchboard so as to eliminate the potential danger where labelled doors/covers are interchangeable. In Multi-Metering installations a permanent label is required for: the Fuse before the Meter, the Meter and the outgoing switchfuse/MCB. In Relay installations all control wiring shall be permanently labelled with relevant Apartment/Unit number. These labels shall be fitted at the meter, the relays and the outgoing switchfuse/MCB.
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11 TARIFFS Circuits for separately metered tariffs require electrical and physical segregation. Providing this is satisfied they may be catered for side by side in the same enclosure. NOTE: The customer or consultant acting on customers behalf should ensure the correct tariff applies to the installation. 12 SWITCHBOARD ADAPTABILITY Switchboards being designed for speculative developments should make provision for the various likely metering permutations to avoid costly alterations at the Letting/Connection stage. 13 MULTI-CUSTOMER PREMISES For Connections up to 200kVA, ESB approved fuse units (pages 28-29) shall be supplied and fitted by the customer before ESB whole current meters and ESB metering current transformers (CTs). Above 200kVa the customers circuit breaker is fitted before the CTs. All meters and metering equipment for each customer shall be located at one central point, normally at the termination of ESB connection cable. In all new indoor installations suitable enclosures shall be provided to accept ESB equipment. 14 BUSBARS/LINK BOXES If the main isolator is not capable of receiving more than two cable connections then a Busbar chamber is required. In some situations a suitable link box is acceptable. 15 MAIN PROTECTIVE CONDUCTOR CONNECTION (NEUTRALISING) The customers Main Protective Conductor is connected to the supply neutral at the Main Connection point. 16 MAIN CONNECTION POINT ESBs responsibility extends up to customers Main Connection point: The Customer / Customers representative has responsibility for the electrical installation from that Main Connection point. The Main connection point is normally: In Major Installations: (a) At ESB main fuses Or (b) On Incoming side of customers main circuit breaker In other installations: (a) At connection point of customers tails. Or (b) On Customers side of ESB isolator In indoor locations where ESB Main Fuse Unit is fitted it shall be located close to an external door (i.e. within 2mts). 17 ACCESS TO ESB EQUIPMENT ON CUSTOMERS PREMISES: Specific arrangements may have to be made for particular premises using key safes which are available from ESB. Contact local ESB office for information.
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Flange of cabinet to be water sealed and polythene damp proof course to be fitted by builder
50mm Dia. red electric cable duct, projecting 25mm inside the meter cabinet. Water drain hole in the lowest section of the pipe. 10mm draw-in rope (free of knots) to draw ESB supply cable.
Fixing Spikes
Customer Meter tails to enter at the bottom right of the Meter cabinet. See notes below.
To Comfortably accept the above cabinet, builders should provide an opening of 606mm (h) x 402 (w) x 155 (d) Where applicable, ensure that door hangs so as to allow latch to fall into closed position For ESB O/H supply situation see Sketch on page 12/13 and/or contact local ESB office before fitting box Meter Cabinet to be located within 2M from the front line of the building and allowing ESB unobstructed access for meter reading. Each outside box must have identification to associate it with a particular installation/address, this I.D. should be in place at service installation stage. Note: Entry point for customer tails will be accepted at right hand side wall of box. This entry point shall be DRILLED as close as possible to bottom right hand corner.
Page 11
Existing Service Retired section Old Internal Meter Position New Service
1M Approx.
To Consumer Unit
Ground level
Page 12
Flange of cabinet to be water sealed and polythene damp proof course to be fitted Tails from customers Fuse Board
"Hockey Stick Duct" to project 25 mm into box From finished ground level Hockey stick joint 1.2 M Max 1M Min. Warning Tape at 300mm depth ESB Approved 50mm Solid Wall MDPE/PVC Red Duct at 600mm Depth Drainage slots at lowest level
Where specified by ESB, a cable run longer than 50m (approx.) may require a larger duct or an approved service vault or both. See Current ESB Specification for underground Service . 10mm Draw rope in one continuous length. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 13
Customer cable may also enter through drilled hole at bottom right hand side of box.
Page 14
ESB Isolator
In All cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits are shown for example only.
Page 15
N.B. Do not operate isolator on load. In All cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits are shown for example only.
Page 16
ESB Isolator
ESB Isolator
*Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. Combination Meter/Isolator may be used. In All cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits are shown for example only.
Page 17
ESB FUSE Service appropriate to load
*Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. In All cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits are shown for example only. Double Tariff Meter/Isolator combination also available
ESB Isolator
Page 18
ESB Isolators
*Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. Single Domestic Connection plus 13kW NSH. (no loop). Looped Domestic Connection a combined total of 13kW (accross both connections) In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
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ESB FUSE Service appropriate to load
*Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. Double Tariff Meter/Isolator combination also available In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
ESB Isolator
Page 20
O u td o o r Te m p e ra tu re Se n so r
7 8
9 10 11 12
Anticipatory Control
1 2
3 4
5 6
ESB Isolator
ESB FUSE Control Pair 2 x 1.5sq (Brown) Service appropriate to load
Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 21
where appropriate
Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. Service appropriate to Load In outdoor locations standard outdoor cabinet with 150A window type CT in suitable box 125 x 125mm with sealing bush. No file terminals. In indoor locations standard CT cabinet with file terminals should be used. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 22
where appropriate
ESB Isolator
Ensure that the contactor coil and time switch are fed from the R phase. ESB Fuses ESB Service appropriate to load
Installations involving more than a total of 2.5 kW require advance application to your local ESB Area. A charge may apply. ESB isolator will only apply up to 80amp service. See page 47/49 for space required for ESB main fuse. In all cases ETCI Rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 23
Application for Connection submitted to ESB. Correct level of Connection Capacity applied for. Terms for Connection issued by ESB and accepted by customer. Suitable location for Connection agreed with ESB. Is there sufficient space provided for ESB equipment. Are all trenches,ducts and ways, provided for installation of ESB cable to specification? Access arrangements for ESB staff to premises/building. Is the installation completed. Completion certificate
Specific to Multi-Metering Connections All apartment doors must have permanent numbers fitted. All un-metered fuses and outgoing switch fuses must be permanently labelled with the relevant apartment numbers. Permanent numbers must be available for each meter. All relay control wiring must be permanently labelled with the relevant apartment numbers and at the relays, at the meters and at the outgoing switch fuses/MCBs. Circuits to the apartments, including the control wiring must be checked out before certification. All unmetered equipment to be sealable. Code of Practice requirements must be complied with including the height of ESB equipment from the floor. Permanent access to the metering equipment must be in place. This may require the installation of a Key Safe.
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(All enclosures for ESB metering equipment shall comply with ETCI Code of Practice for the Design and Erection of Low Voltage Switchgear Assemblies. 1. Provide sealing facilities at : Main Isolator. Un-metered cable/busbar sections. Un-metered fuses. (individual sealing) Shrouding around un-metered fuses. Meter plate. Relays Compartment. All surface mounted trunking used for unmetered wiring. All unmetered equipment. 2. Shrouding (At Unmetered Fuses) The front cover at unmetered fuses must be one continuous piece with separate windows cut at 20mm spacing between each fuse 3. Dividers Metered and un-metered sections separated. Relay/un-metered fuse sections separated from other live equipment. (To allow replacement in safety) 4. Customers Outgoing File Terminals: All terminals shrouded. 5. Labelling : On un-metered fuses On meters On relay control wiring On time-switches On Customers outgoing switchfuse or MCB 6. Relays : Are in self contained sealable compartments. Numbered tags (Apartment/Unit) on control wiring at relays, meters, and outgoing file terminal connections. T/Sw fused at 10A
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7. ESB T/SW : Locate with ESB meters. On non relay installations: Meter and T/Sw adjacent. D/T Dial control cables in place. 8. Holes for Meter and Time-switches : To specified spacing. (Available from local metering supervisor) Hole size 3 to 4mm Provide 3 to 4mm x 10mm stub ended screws. (Posi-drive, self tappers etc.) 9. Meter Tails / Unmetered Cables : Ferrules are fitted. (20mm to 25mm long) Tails are numbered. (Apartment/Unit) Where cables are concealed they shall be accessible for inspection. This access shall be gained through the removal of an ESB seal. These cables should not be clipped or tied, so that individual cables can be replaced readily. 10. Fuses: (pages 28-29) Whole current: - ESB will provide fuses. C.T.s: - Assembler provides NH fuses in Units to IP20. 11. 200A Connection: Multi Stranded Cable is acceptable for all new 200/300 Amp ESB Cut Outs. Note: where connection is required to existing older type ESB Cut Outs, Stranded or Solid (Soldered) tails may be required. Consult with local ESB. 12. Over 300A supply: Copper Bars tinned to accept ESB Connection cables. (Pages 42/51/52) 13. Customers circuits: Should not pass through un-metered sections.
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14. C.T.s : (Pages 51-53) Neutral and Earth terminals adjacent to C.T.s Double support on busbars. Main isolator should be adjacent to Connection Point. Sizings/spacings comply. In self-contained units fit separators top and bottom. 15. Locks: Triangular, 8mm. 16. On site : ESB main Connection cutout: Is provision required for it within the board. (See page 49) Will ESB Connection be to left, right, top or bottom of Board. Main isolator should be adjacent to supply For supply over 300amps, Main circuit breaker must be directly over the Incoming duct from ESB substation. Are meters at correct height. (See page 8 paragraph 3 item C) 17. Colour Coding: To ETCI wiring rules. - Reference ET 101
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80/125A front loading unit with 22 x 58 fuse link conforming to IEC 408-269.2 All must be individually sealabe. For 3 Phase Meterings the units may be ganged to accommodate one seal. A 20mm (min) space being left between each unit.
Page 28
NH type units conforming to IEC269.2.1 and DIN 43620, with shrouding conforming to IP 20 enclosing all terminals. Access cover of Enclosure containing NH units must be sealable.
Page 29
The shrouding at unmetered fuses must be one continuous piece with separate windows cut at 20mm spacing between each Fuse Unit. Each Fuse Unit must be individually sealable. Shrouding at Fuses must be sealable. Page 30
NIGHT SAVER METERING DOMESTIC PLUS SEPARATE NSH METERING (Will also suit small industrial/commercial premises)
Landlord Meter
ESB Cut-Out 0.6M Min. to bottom of Meter For fuse type see page 28
ESB provide and fit Timeswitches to control meter dials and off peak load. Labelling: Fuses, Meters and Isolators MUST have permanent labels before connection. Apartments must be permanently numbered before connection. All surface mounted trunking used for unmetered wiring must be sealable. All unmetered equipment must be sealed. Refer to Assemblers Checklist page 25. Service size appropriate to load. See Pages 47 and 49 for space required for ESB main fuse Cut-Out. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 31
NIGHT SAVER TARIFF WITH RELAYS TO SWITCH METER DIALS AND NSH CONTRACTORS. (Will also suit small industrial/commercial premises)
Control pair from each appartment. Relay also controls meter dial change-over. See page 33 for relay wiring details. Sw-Fuse/Mcb To comply with ETCI
ESB Cut-Out 0.6M Min. to bottom of Meter For fuse type see page 28
Labelling: Fuses, Meters and Isolators MUST have permanent labels before connection. Apartments must be permanently numbered before connection. All surface mounted trunking used for unmetered wiring must be sealable. All unmetered equipment must be sealed. Refer to Assemblers Checklist page 25. Relays reqd. for 4 or more Double Tariff/NSH accounts. 1 Timeswitch (ESB) to control up to 16 apartments See page 33 for Relay wiring. See Pages 47 and 49 for space reqd for ESB main fuse cut-out In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 32
14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 A2 d1
13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 A1 d1
14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 A2
13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 A1 d2
14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 A2
13 23 33 43 53 63 73 83 A1 d2
14 24 34 44 54 64 74 84 A2
23 33 43 53 63 73
83 A1
10 Amp fused feed to each time switch from unmetered supply (fuse supplied by customer). Time Switch to be surface mounted at eye level. All wiring to relays 7 stranded single P.V.C. cable. d1 red/blue d2 brown/white. NOTE: the connections to meters must be ferruled. Control cable to be labelled with flat/unit numbers at outgoing file terminals, relay terminals and meter positions. Relays to be in a sealed, self contained enclosure. Relays to be of an approved type with CE mark and must comply with IEC 60947, or equivalent EU National Standard e.g. BS, VDE. Relays to be interchangeable and mounted on Din Rail. Relay coils to be rated at 230V, with 8 normally open contacts Rated at 400V.
Page 33
MULTI - CUSTOMERS - WHOLE CURRENT PHYSICAL LAYOUT (Will also suit industrial premises)
ESB Cut-Out 0.6M Min. to bottom of Meter For fuse type see page 28
Labelling: Fuses, Meters and Isolators MUST have permanent labels before connection. Units must be permanently numbered before connection. All surface mounted trunking used for unmetered wiring must be sealable. All unmetered equipment must be sealed. Refer to Assemblers Checklist page 25. Relays reqd. for 4 or more Double Tariff/NSH Accounts see page 33 for relay wiring. 1 Timeswitch to control up to 16 Units In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
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Page 35
ESB Isolator
Refer to page 49 Space required for cable terminations ESB Cut-Out ESB Cut-Out Min.1M Max 1.4M C.T. Meter
In indoor locations ESB Main Fuse Unit shall be located close to an external door (i.e. within 2m). ESB supply and fit Timeswitches to control meter dials and off peak load. For Whole Current Metering up to 100A. ESB Isolator to be used If Fire Fighting equipment is installed, please refer to page 43. For Cabinet sizes please see page 53 In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 36
Refer to page 49 Space required for cable terminations ESB Cut-Out
In indoor locations, ESB Main Fuse Unit shall be located close to an external door (i.e. within 2m). The ESB service cable should penetrate no more than 2m on the horizontal from the inside of the main external wall. If Fire Fighting equipment is installed, please refer to page 43. For Cabinet sizes please see page 53 In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 37
In indoor locations ESB Main Fuse Unit shall be located close to an external door (i.e. within 2m). Units requiring connection, must be permanently numbered/labelled. Circuit mains connecting each unit must be numbered/labelled at both ends and correspond with unit/door numbers/labels. If Fire Fighting equipment is installed, please refer to page 43 Busbar Chamber may be omitted if max. of 2 cables can be connected to each phase at main isolator For Cabinet sizes please see 53 In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 38
Cable Duct
ESB LT Panel
Customer switchroom must be adjoining ESB substation. ESB Cable run to Customer Main Circuit Breaker must not be more than 10 metres in totallength and no more than 5 metres within the customers Switch Room. Customers Main circuit breaker must be directly over the incoming duct from ESB substation. See Current General specification for MV Substation Buildings.
Page 39
Labelling: All switch gear including metering equipment must be permanently labelled before connection. See pages 51/52 for information on CT Connections. If Fire Fighting equipment is installed, please refer to page 43. Refer to page 39 re: max cable run. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 40
Labelling: All switch gear including metering equipment must be permanently labelled before connection. Circuit mains connecting each customer must be numbered/labelled at both ends and correspond with unit/door numbers/labels. Protection / Short Circuit device controlling unmetered rising main shall be lockable in the OFF position. If Fire Fighting equipment is installed, please refer to page 43. Leave space for CT meter Cabinet. Refer to page 39 r.e. max. cable run. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 41
Sealant required at cable entry Coppers tinned for aluminium lugs Above photograph shows supply to multi-customer installation. Multimetering arrangement as per page 41 In single customer installation CTs are fitted before main CB. The cover on this enclosure must not be interlocked with main CB
Page 42
F.F. CT's
F.F. CT's
Fig. 1 Supply up to 300A. From live side of Cutout. Multi or Single Customer
To F.F. Equipment
To Customers Equipment
Fig. 4 Supply over 300A. Multi Customer. Multi Changeover Dual Busbar
If fire fighting equipment is installed, Switch Fuse to be fitted as near as possible to ESB incoming supply. Warning labels to be applied to Main CB and FF switch fuse See page 44 for wording In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 43
DANGER Supply to F/F fed from live side of E.S.B Cut out Fuses
Page 44
In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 45
C.T.s or Whole Current
In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 46
ESB Isolator
ESB Isolator
ESB Isolator
Floor level
Note: The height from floor level and widths specified are the minimum space required to fit a three phase/ single phase 80A ESB Fused Cut Out In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 47
150mm clear space must be left from meter mounting surface to nearest intrusion inside door. 100mm Trunking (min) to be used as indicated
ESB Isolator dimensions: 3Ph 120 x 115 x 80mm 1Ph 120 x 70 x 80mm (type 1) 1Ph 90 x 90 x 80mm (type 2) In all cases ETCI rules will apply.
Page 48
300mm Deep
200 A or 300 A
Note : Removable base plate required in order to bend cable into position when terminating.
Floor level
In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 49
CTs shall be enclosed under a sealable cover. Where this Enclosure is metal it shall be hinged as well as sealable. Neutral and Earth Bars to be provided in Enclosure. Note: in Multi CT meter installations, the MINIMUM height above floor level for mounting the the CTs is 600mm. In all cases ETCI rules will apply.
Page 50
For 1 or 2 Cables per Phase under 600 Amps. For 3 Cables per Phase over 600 Amps
For angled drops from CB 100mm spacing must be maintained. Coppers to be mounted with 60mm clearance from back plate Neutral bar and Earth bar can be accommodated at bottom of enclosure When this Enclosure is metal it shall be hinged as well as sealable. Cable connection bolt hole diameter 16mm CT bolt hole diameter 12 mm Note: in Multi CT meter installations, the MINIMUM height above floor level for mounting the the CTs is 600mm. In all cases ETCI rules will apply.
Page 51
100mm Dia.8mm
For angled drops from CB 100mm spacing must be maintained. Coppers to be mounted with 60mm clearance from back plate Neutral bar and Earth bar can be accommodated at bottom of enclosure Where this Enclosure is metal it shall be hinged as well as sealable. Cable connection bolt hole diameter 16mm CT bolt hole diameter 12 mm In all cases ETCI rules will apply.
Page 52
Separate covers for CTs and CBs In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 53
1.0M To 1.4M
Page 54
Meters here Switchboard arrangements Page 41
Customers Switchgear
Centralised Metering is the preferred option. In exceptional circumstances de-centralised metering will be considered. Units requiring connection, must be permanently numbered. Circuit mains connecting each unit must be numbered/labelled at both ends and correspond with unit/door numbers. Sufficient space shall be provided for ESB equipment. Refer to page 47 and 49 for space required for ESB main Fuse Units. Refer to page 34 for min/max height of meters. A clear space of 1.2m shall be left in front of ESB equipment.
Page 55
Mini Pillar
Mini Pillar
ESB equipment shall be fitted within 2 metres of shop/unit door. Units requiring connection, must be permanently numbered. Circuit mains connecting each unit must be numbered/labelled at both ends and correspond with unit/door numbers. Sufficient space shall be provided for ESB equipment. Refer to page 47 and 49 for space required for ESB main Fuse Units. Refer to page 34 for min/max height of meters.
Page 56
Mini Pillar
Office Units
Office Units
Shopping Unit
Shopping Unit
The appropriate method of supply and metering will be confirmed by the local ESB design office at the planning stage. ESB equipment will be fitted within 2m of shop/unit door. Units requiring connection, must be permanently numbered. Circuit mains connecting each unit must be numbered/labelled at both ends and correspond with unit/door numbers. Sufficient space shall be provided for ESB equipment. Refer to page 47 and 49 for space required for Cut Outs. Refer to page 8 paragraph 3C min/max height of meters. A clear space of 1.2m shall be left in front of ESB equipment
Page 57
NOTE: This is the only situation where customers equipment will be mounted in the same enclosure as ESB equipment
For larger temporary connections, a suitable enclosure must be provided. Please contact the local ESB office and discuss details. A surface mounted standard outdoor cabinet is not suitable for temporary supply. Enclosures used to house temporary connections must be made from nonconducting material. In a one house situation, the permanently fitted meter cabinet may be used to house the temporary connection. In a housing estate situation, the permanently fitted meter cabinet in 1st house or a separate enclosure may be used for the temporary supply. All installations must comply with ETCI rules. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 58
Pillar supplied by contractor usually located away from pumps at nearest point to roadway.
ESB Network
See page 47/49 for space required for ESB Main Fuse Unit. Control of standby generator shall be arranged to prevent generator start-up if main isolator is switched off for emergency. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 59
Changeover Switch
ESB Isolator Main Protective Conductor Connection
ESB Network
See page 61 for Auto Change Over installations See page 62 for standby generator in multi customer situation In all cases change over must occur after ESB meters Control of standby generator shall be arranged to prevent generator start-up if main isolator is switched off for emergency / maintenance. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 60
Control Relay
Generator C/B
ESB Network
See page 62 for standby generator in multi customer situation In all cases change over must occur after ESB meters Control of standby generator shall be arranged to prevent generator start-up if main isolator is switched off for emergency /maintenance. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 61
Mechanical or Electrical Interlock
In all cases change over must occur after ESB meters. If Fire Fighting (F/F) equipment is installed, see page 43. Control of standby generator shall be arranged to prevent generator start-up if main isolator is switched off for emergency /maintenance. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only.
Page 62
NOTE: It is essential that these requirements are complied with by Customer/Contractor to ensure prompt installation of ESB supply cables. All service terminations shall be enclosed within an IP 55 rated enclosure. Entries into such enclosures must be glanded to maintain IP55 standards. A JETPROOF (IP55) METER ENCLOSURE (600 x 370 x 200 minimum) is required for one single phase meter (and timeswitch if reqd.). This is provided and installed by customer to house ESB equipment. For other metering arrangement a larger enclosure will be required. The location of the Cabinet should be agreed with the local ESB office beforehand, whether indoor OR outdoor. SPECIFICATION FOR STANDARD UNDERGROUND SERVICE SUPPLIED FROM OVERHEAD NETWORK A suitable size red electric cable duct to be provided by Customer in a 600mm deep (minimum) trench from the meter cabinet to ESB pole. The duct should have a minimum radius bend of 450mm. The duct should contain a 10mm strong draw rope to facilitate the pulling in of ESB service cable. Warning tape Electric cables below should be laid 300mm above the duct inside customers property. The installation of meter cabinet and duct(s) should be in accordance with best building practices, this code, and ETCI IP standards. For method of supply to Electric Fences, see Special Situations Layout 4 page 71
ABOVE ELECTRICAL INSTALLATIONS REQUIRE IP55 STANDARD TO COMPLY WITH ETCI RULES Safety Note: Your attention is drawn to the potential danger of working in close proximity to electric lines. If there is an existing line nearer than 25 meters to your proposed building (including TV aerial) no construction work should commence until ESB have checked the situation
Page 63
Outdoor: Meter enclosure and rising main cables, where surface mounted should have appropriate mechanical protectection.
OUTDOOR Meter Cabinet with IP55 rating for ESB equipment. INDOOR IP55 enclosure for Customers Distribution Board
ESB Approved 50mm Solid Wall MDPE/PVC Red Duct at 600mm Depth Drainage Slot
Standard White Domestic Meter Cabinets are not acceptable for this application. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 64
ESB Network
ESB Cut-Out
Switch Fuse
3 Core SWA
Earth Rod
Preferably, RCDs will be installed. However, some situations may exist where RCDs are not required. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example only
Page 65
Type of installation
Advertising Hoarding Advertising Kiosks Bus Shelters parking Ticket Dispensers Electric Fences Garda Cameras/CCTV Ice Detecting Stations Public Lighting School Signs Telephone Booth Telephone Kiosk Traffic Counting Stations TV Booster Water Metering Points Refurbishment of P/Ls
Photograph 2
Photograph 1 Photograph 3
Photograph 1 shows the paving vault in situ. at phone pedestal. Photograph 2 shows main fuse unit, 2A MCB and a 30mA RCD all of which are enclosed in an IP67 unit. (See page 68 for alternative type of enclosure). Photograph 3 shows a paving vault before being set into footpath. From a safety point of view, this layout is the most suitable for free standing street furniture.
Page 67
The photographs show an alternative IP67 rated enclosure. Note the use of glands to maintain IP rating cable entries The electrical equipment shown in the enclosure comprises of ESB cut-out and appropriately rated RCBO
Page 68
Photograph 2
Photograph 1
Photograph 3
These photographs show an alternative method of providing supply in special situations this method is suitable for wall mounted installations such as advertising hoarding, TV Boosters etc. The enclosure used in this situation is IP 54 rated. Photograph 1 shows street security camera fed from this type of installation.
Page 69
Customers Main Fuse (25 Amp16kA Breaking capacity) Main Protective Conductor Protective earth connected to frame of Mini-pillar Main Earth Terminal
Cable to column
There should be a separation of at least 2 metres between the ESB Mini Pillar and the Customers Micro Pillar
The purpose of this requirement is to avoid conflict and ensure segregation between the ESB cable vault/ducts and the public lighting ducting e.g. the public lighting circuits cannot pass through the mini pillar cable vault.
Note: This distance may be reduced if segregation is ensured. In this situation the Mini Pillar and Micro Pillar must be cross bonded.
The main areas of use for this type of layout are public lighting installations. Micro pillars may also be used for other installations. See page 66. This layout uses a mini-pillar or micro pillar to house the electrical equipment. The above photographs show suitable enclosures for three phase Cut Out and single phase Cut Out connections. For larger capacities a suitable enclosure shall be provided. See pages 47 and 49 for enclosure dimensions. In refurbishment of existing public lighting installations supply may be housed in the first Column. ETCI Part 714 Particular Requirement for Public Lighting Installations is the reference document for Public Lighting installations.
Page 70
ESB Supply and fit IP55 Enclosure ESB Cut-out with 5A Fuse or MCB. Neutralising here
IP55 Gland
R 45 adiu 0m s m
ESB Approved 50mm Solid Wall MDPE/PVC Red Duct at 600mm Depth Drainage Slot 25 M from ESB pole to Customers Earths
Customer to provide suitable enclosure to house customer equipment. Customer to provide duct from ESB pole to customers enclosure ( as per sketch) Glands to be used to maintain IP rating of enclosures. White Domestic meter Cabinets are not acceptable for this application. In all cases ETCI rules will apply. Circuits shown are for example
Page 71
The above ESB documents list out ESB requirements relating to MV customers and the following points should be noted: Procedure A meeting to co-ordinate arrangements for energising the connection shall take place at least 5 working days before supply is required. Contractor/s involved in the construction and commissioning of the MV equipment shall be represented at meeting.
Page 72
(ETCI are currently developing a completion certificate for MV installation and until such time as this is available the declaration of fitness certificate referred to at (f) is acceptable. When the ETCI certificate is developed it will take the place of the declaration of fitness certificate)
OPERATION In the interests of safety, access to the customer's medium voltage switch room shall be restricted to competent personnel only. Operation and maintenance of the customer's equipment shall be carried out by fully trained and competent personnel. The customer's switch panel shall indicate clearly the connection sequence of all equipment connected to it. A durable Single Line Diagram shall be mounted in the customer's switchroom in a prominent location Operating procedures shall be agreed between local ESB and customer.
Page 73
Page 74
ESB MV Bus-Bar
MV Metering Cubicle
Customer A
Main L.T.C.B.
Table 1. Earthing Requirements on main incomer circuit breaker No. 1. 2. Required by ESB S.I. 44 Requirement Earthing facility required on main incomer cable Consult S.I. 44 for earthing requirements on the customer side of the main incomer circuit breaker
MV Customers Page 75
Customers MV Bus-Bar
ESB MV Bus-Bar
MV Metering Cubicle Main L.T.C.B. Customer A Customer Owned Main Incomer C.B. T.2
Table 1. Earthing Requirements on main incomer circuit breaker No. 1. 2. Required by ESB S.I. 44 Requirement Earthing facility required on main incomer cable Consult S.I. 44 for earthing requirements on the customer side of the main incomer circuit breaker
MV Customers Page 76
MV Metering Cubicle
MV Feeder 1
MV Feeder 2
Main L.T.C.B.
Table 1. Earthing Requirements on main incomer circuit breaker No. 1. 2. Required by ESB S.I. 44 Requirement Earthing facility required on main incomer cable Consult S.I. 44 for earthing requirements on the customer side of the main incomer circuit breaker
MV Customers Page 77
CERTIFICATION: I certify that the MV electrical installation at the above address has been inspected and tested and complies with the relevant requirements of part VIII of S.I. 44. 1993. I also confirm that the installation complies with the Distribution Code and is fit for connection to the ESB System.
___________________________________________________________ Signature of Customers Contractor/Technical Representative. ___________________________________________________________ Name of Company and Position within Company. _______________ Date.
Page 78
Page 79