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Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________

Year and Section: __________________________ Teacher: ____________

Week 1 Activity No:1 Title: Earthquake Epicenter in Cavite

Background Information:
There are seven relatively large plates and a number of smaller ones, including the Philippine plate. The plates move very
slowly but constantly, and this movement is called tectonics; thus, the theory of moving lithospheric plates is called plate tectonics.
There are seven relatively large plates and a number of smaller ones, including the Philippine plate. The plates move very
slowly but constantly, and this movement is called tectonics; thus, the theory of moving lithospheric plates is called plate tectonics.
Learning Competency with code: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory.S9ES-Ia-j-36.1
Materials: Crayon, activity sheet Reference:
Objective: Color the boundaries of different tectonic plates and identify the major and minor plates.
Procedure: Color the tectonic map, be sure to use the same color for the same plate
Make a list of major(big) tectonic Make a list of minor(small) tectonic
plates plates
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.
6. 6.
7. 7.
Pair of arrows shows the direction of movement of plates, make a list of three
pairs of plates showing different direction of pairs of arrows.
example : Philippine plate and Eurasian plate-------- toward each other

Activity No.2 Title: Earthquake Epicenters

Background Information:
The device that produces the seismogram is called seismograph. The seismogram (document in paper showing the arrival of P wave and
S wave). The picture shows the direction of wave to the left, showing also the S - wave (secondary wave) and P – wave (primary wave).
It shows also that P wave is faster than S- wave. From here, lag time can be computed by subtracting P - wave arrival time from S – wave
arrival time. From which, distance of earthquake epicenter can be computed using the formula distance = (time difference/ 8seconds) x
100 km.
Example: The P – wave arrive at 10: 15: 00 while S –wave arrive at 10: 15: 56, What is the lag time and distance of epicenter?
Lag time (time difference) = (S - Wave arrival time) – (P - Wave arrival time)
= 10:15:56 – 10:15:00
= 56 seconds
Distance = (56 seconds/ 8 seconds) x 100 km
= 7 X 100 km
= 700 km. Therefore, the earthquake epicenter is 700 km from recording station.
Learning Competency with code: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory. S9ES-Ia-j-36.1
Objective: Compute the distance of Earthquake Epicenters given the P – wave and S – wave arrival time.

Direction: Using the guide above, compute the lag time and distance of earthquake epicenter from the recording stations. Use a
separate long bond paper for your computation and answer. Complete the table below.
No. S - Wave P - Wave Lag time distance
1 10 : 15 : 48 10 : 15 : 00
2 10 : 15 : 24 10 : 15 : 00
3 10 : 12 : 32 10: 12 : 00
4 10 : 12 : 24 10 :12 : 00
5 12 : 15 : 56 12 : 15 : 08
6 12 : 12 : 40 12 : 12: 16
7 09 : 09 : 48 09 : 09 : 00
8 09 : 09 : 44 09 :09 : 12
9 05: 45 : 43 05 : 44 : 23
10 05 : 47 : 27 05 : 45 : 11
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________
Year and Section: __________________________ Teacher: ____________

Activity No: 3 Title: Find the Center

Background Information:
Compute the distance of the epicenter from each of the stations using the formula
𝑑 = × 100 𝑘𝑚
8 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑑𝑠
Where: d = distance (km)
Td = time difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave (in seconds)
Learning Competency with code: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory. S9ES-Ia-j-36.1
Objectives: Locate the epicenter of an earthquake using the triangulation method.
Materials: Hypothetical records of earthquake waves, drawing compass and ruler and Philippine map.

1. Study the data showing the difference in the arrival of P-waves and S-waves on three seismic recording stations.
difference in Distance of
the arrival epicenter
Recording Station time of P- from the
wave and S- station
wave (km)
Batangas 40
Puerto Princesa 48
Davao 64

2. Choose one of the recording stations and measure the

computed distance on the map scale (the scale of the map is
1.0 cm: 200 km). Set your compass for that computed
3. Center your compass on the station you have chosen. Draw
a circle.
4. Repeat steps 3 and 4 for the rest of the stations. You should
get three circles that intersect or nearly intersect at a point.
This intersection is the epicenter.
5. Draw a circle unto its corresponding position on the map at
the right. The intersection point of these 3 circles is the

1. Where is the epicenter of the hypothetical earthquake?

2. What difficulty will you encounter if you only have data

from two recording stations?

3. What do you think is the importance of determining the

epicenter of an earthquake?

REFLECTION Tell the learners to write in their journal their thoughts about
I understand that ____________________________________ today’s lesson.
__________________________________________________ I understand that ____________________________________
I realized that _______________________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________________ I realized that _______________________________________
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________
Year and Section: __________________________ Teacher: ____________
Week 2 Activity No:_4 Title: Earthquake Epicenter in Cavite
Background Information:
In your Grade 8 Science, an earthquake releases three types of seismic waves; Primary (P-waves), Secondary (S-waves), and Long surface waves (L-
waves). These waves travel at different velocities; thus, do not arrive at a seismic recording station at the same time. The farther the recording instrument
is from the focus, the greater the difference in arrival times of the first P-wave compared to the first S-wave. If we have at least three recording stations
that can tell how far away from them the earthquake occurred, the epicenter can be determined using the triangulation method. It uses distance information
from three seismic stations to locate the earthquake epicenter.
Learning Competency with code: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate
Tectonic Theory. S9ES-Ia-j-36.1
Objective: Determine the epicenter of earthquake in Cavite
Materials: Cavite Map References:
1. Using the data below, determine which town or city in Cavite does the hypothetical Earthquake Epicenter originates. Use triangulation method, use
extra sheets of paper for your computations.
2. Compute the distance of the epicenter from each of the stations using this formula:
d = (time difference x 100 km)/8 seconds where: d = distance (km) td = time difference in the arrival time of P-wave and S-wave (seconds)
This formula is suited because 8 seconds is the interval between the times of arrival of the P-wave and S-wave at a distance of 100 km.
Town or City Time Difference (S-P wave) Distance
Ternate 8 sec
Tagaytay 4 sec
Bacoor 6 sec

Guide Question:
1. Using the data given above, compute distance ((d= TD/8s) x 100 km) for

2. Using 1cm : 25 km, compute the radius of circle in each hypothetical

recording station.
TERNATE is done for you. 1cm/25km= x/100km x=4cm

3. If there are two hypothetical earthquake station, can you locate the
earthquake epicenter? Why?

Activity No:_5 Title: LOCATING EARTHQUAKE EPICENTER By Using Distance Time – Graph

Learning Competency with code: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major mountain belts to Plate
Tectonic Theory. S9ES-Ia-j-36.1
Background Information:
In the previous activity, the hypothetical earthquake happened locally, that is why we use the formula stated in the procedure. But, if the
earthquake took place at a far greater distance, seismologists use the distance-time graph similar to the figure below in determining the location of the
Earthquake epicenters at far distance can be determine using value of S – Wave or P – Wave. The Y coordinate represent either S – Wave or
P Wave. Example, What is distance of epicenter if S – wave is 10 minutes? At ten minutes mark, draw imaginary line horizontally until it reaches the S
curve. Then, draw imaginary line downward to x- axis. It hits number 3 and multiplying by 1000, the distance is 3000km. If you work backward, 3000km
equals s- wave arrival time is 10 minutes. You may do the same if P – wave is given.
Reference: Learner’s Module pp. 10

Guide Questions:
1. What is the distance for the following values of S – Wave?
a. 10 minutes
b. 4 minutes
c. 17 minutes
d. 12 minutes and 40 seconds
e. 14 minutes
2. What is the distance for the following value of P – wave
a. 7 minutes
b. 4 minutes
c. 6 minutes
d. 8 minutes
e. 9 minutes
3. What do you think is the importance of determining the
epicenter of an earthquake?
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ____________
Year and Section: __________________________ Teacher: ____________


Learning Competency with code: Describe and relate the distribution of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters, and major
mountain belts to Plate Tectonic Theory. S9ES-Ia-j-36.1

Background Information:
The close relationship between temblors and volcanic outbursts is evident from the maps depicting the locations prone to both these
phenomena. If you compare the maps that illustrate earthquake zones and volcanic zones, you will find them matching each other. This
is because the main theory behind both these natural calamities lies in the plate tectonics.

Materials: Crayon, activity sheet


Objective: Describe the distribution of active volcano, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts.

Direction/Procedure: Research where active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts. Locate approximately their
locations on the map mark them using the legend below.

plate boundaries active volcanoes major mountain belts epicenter of an


1. What can you say about the position of active volcanoes, earthquake epicenters and major mountain belts?

2. From your answer in number one, what can you infer about the tectonic plates below these features?

REFLECTION Tell the learners to write in their journal their thoughts about
I understand that___________________________ today’s lesson.
__________________________________________ I understand that ____________________________________
I realize that ______________________________ __________________________________________________
__________________________________________ I realize that ______________________________________

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