The Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection at The University of Saskatchewan 27.2
The Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection at The University of Saskatchewan 27.2
The Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection at The University of Saskatchewan 27.2
honed into a specific and, in principle, test- comprehend the world of psychotic people
able hypothesis. The adrenochrome hypothesis through their experiences. They developed
postulated that adrenochrome, a spontaneously a perceptual theory that could account for
generated oxidative metabolite of adrenaline some of the specific symptoms of the disease.
(a hormone synthesized mostly in the adrenal A person whose sense of smell is disturbed
glands and released into the general circulation, might logically wonder about poisonous
but now known also to be synthesized by white gases. Someone unable to perfectly execute
blood cells and in small amounts in the hu- the very subtle, and largely unconscious skill
man brain as well), could be the toxic substance. of judging whether or not another person is
Hoffer and his colleagues succeeded in synthe- looking at them, might logically entertain
sizing and crystallizing reasonable quantities of suspicious thoughts. Someone whose audi-
the highly unstable, red-hued molecule. They tory cortex is subtly malfunctioning might
then administered tiny doses of it to themselves misinterpret the significance of sounds, might
and others, and reported its psychotomimetic mistake a change in the direction of the wind
(psychosis-producing) properties. After a long for a voice speaking to them, and so on. In
and rancorous controversy, the psychotomi- hypnosis experiments, they rendered normal
metic properties of adrenochrome were inde- volunteer subjects either manic or depressed
pendently confirmed and scientifically accept- simply by suggesting a shorter or longer time
ed. Hoffer also reported that he had detected interval between the beats of a metronome.
adrenochrome in the human bloodstream, but One practical outcome of their research was
the claim was premature and incorrect. Adre- the development of an award-winning archi-
nochrome is produced in such small quantities tectural design for a patient-friendly psychi-
in the body, and so chemically reactive, that it atric treatment facility.
remains impossible to isolate in vivo even with
the best methods available more than 60 years Investigation and Promulgation of a
later. The adrenochrome hypothesis was of great Novel Treatment, Large Doses of the B
historical interest. It provided a striking practical Vitamin, Niacin, and Vitamin C, to Has-
example of biological thinking in the field of psy- ten Remission and Prevent Relapse in
chiatry, and it stimulated fundamental research People with Acute Schizophrenia
on the pathways of catecholamine metabolism, This unusual therapy was largely a for-
especially by Julius Axelord, who was eventually tuitous discovery. The notion emerged from
awarded the Nobel Prize for his work. Hoffer’s nutritional biochemistry training,
which informed him that the deficiency
Investigation of the therapeutic disease caused by niacin deficiency, pellagra,
properties of lysergic acid diethylamide commonly manifests as a psychosis or toxic
As Abram later explained, the reason he and delirium that, in some reports, occasionally
Humphry administered lysergic acid diethyl- required large doses of niacin to reverse. A
amide (LSD) to people suffering from alcohol- few earlier psychiatrists, including the famous
ism was to give them a harsh demonstration of Canadian psychiatrist, Heinz Lehman, had
the awful place continued drinking could lead published case reports indicating the value
them to. To their astonishment, many patients of administering large doses of niacin to pa-
had a glorious experience that was charged tients with a variety of organic brain disor-
with such sublime personal insights that they ders. Hoffer and Osmond added vitamin C
were motivated to stop drinking. to the treatment on the speculative notion
that its anti-oxidant activity might prevent
Psychological Investigation of the the auto-oxidation of adrenaline to adreno-
Personal and Perceptual Experience of chrome. However, as they frankly admitted in
Psychosis their clinical trial reports, they could provide
In work that is astonishing in its prescient no definitive explanation for the effectiveness
vision, Humphry and Abram endeavoured to of the treatment they had stumbled across;
The Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection at the University of Saskatchewan 55
what they observed, to their own great aston- ed him to, as long as they were scientifically
ishment, was simply that it did work. They plausible and potentially important, even if
published their clinical trial results, and even unconventional or firmly rejected by other
more convincing, in my opinion, their long- scientists. In this characteristic he was much
term follow up data, in mainstream psychiat- like his famous later colleagues and friends,
ric and general medical journals during a time the Nobel Prize winning biochemists Albert
that is now known as the “dark age of psychi- Szent-Györgyi and Linus Pauling. In public,
atry.” During that dark time, the leading aca- he was idea-sparking and inspirational. He
demic psychiatrists in Canada and the United founded a journal devoted to nutritional treat-
States confidently asserted that schizophrenia ments for mental illness, and founded a non-
was a functional disease caused by unfortu- profit foundation whose aim is to foster edu-
nate childhood experiences. It is now well un- cation and nutritional approaches for treating
derstood that the authorities of the day were major mental illness. He published many
utterly mistaken, but in those dark years the scientific articles that expounded original and
assertion that schizophrenia could have a bio- controversial notions. Regrettably, some of
chemical aetiology was ridiculed, and people the claims were bolder than warranted by the
who espoused it were academically punished. volume and detail of the published evidence,
Hoffer, Osmond, Smythies, and a handful of and this got him into no end of trouble.
other courageous and often brilliant biological He was not exactly a team player. An in-
psychiatrists kept on working in laboratories sightful story about Abram, published in the
around the world. They are now recognized as May 14, 1966 issue of Maclean’s Magazine,
the pioneers of the now well-established field reported that “Doctors are slow to try his
of psychopharmacology. treatment for schizophrenia because, he says,
‘Most psychiatrists have been brainwashed.’ ”
Schizophrenics Anonymous Such language is hardly likely to earn warm
Through their relationship with the feelings and cooperation from other psychia-
renowned British author, Aldous Huxley, trists, especially those alongside him in the
Abram and Humphry befriended Eileen faculty of the University of Saskatchewan’s
Garrett, a spiritualist, medium, and president tiny medical school, or those practicing in the
of the New York based Parapsychology Foun- isolated prairie community of Saskatoon. His
dation. (Eileen visited our house in Saskatoon friendships or research co-publication with
and was thrilled by my brother Bill’s aura.) renowned figures like Aldous Huxley, Sir
Abram met the co-founder of Alcoholics Julian Huxley, and Ernst Mayr made things
Anonymous, Bill W, at a foundation meeting all the worse. The “brainwashing” Abram was
in 1960, and the two iconoclasts became good referring to in 1966 was the highly prevalent
friends. Bill W was intrigued by the prospect Freudian theory that schizophrenia is a psy-
of using niacin to help alcoholics, and he in- chological disorder. The brainwashing that
spired Abram to organize “Schizophrenics psychiatry is now accused of is, of course, on
Anonymous” (SA), a peer-led empowerment the part of the pharmaceutical industry to
group. SA meetings could be raucous. Par- the effect that the only effective treatment
ticipants occasionally exchanged the friendly for schizophrenia is life-long provision of the
greeting, “Salutations and hallucinations!” drugs they manufacture and profit from.
I never directly asked my father why he
Backlash from the Pharmaceutical took such a pugnacious approach. But know-
Industry and Estrangement from the ing him so well, and having discussed his
Medical Establishment ideas with him for many years, I know what
As a person, Abram was intensely intel- his answer would be. He would say that there
lectually curious, open-minded, and inven- was no point being conciliatory, because con-
tive. Although a shy man, he was enormously ventional psychiatry’s rejection, even of the
confident of the conclusions his ideas direct- possibility of testing nutritional approaches
56 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 27, No 2, 2012
for treating mental illness, was total. Indeed, icity are real problems. The credo of modern
Abram and Humphry started out conven- psychiatry is that schizophrenia is a chronic,
tionally, publishing in the best psychiatry life-long disease for which the only option is
journals, and were completely ignored. They life-long antipsychotic drug therapy, tailored
could choose to continue the quiet, team ap- to achieve the maximum benefit with the
proach, and count on being disregarded and minimum of side effects and toxicity. Abram’s
forgotten, or they could speak out boldly. view of schizophrenia was radically different.
They chose the latter. It is not good enough to control the symp-
Because of this boldness (their critics toms of schizophrenia, he asserted. The prop-
would say rashness), Abram and Humphry er goal should be nothing less than a cure. He
made bitter enemies in the medical estab- worked empirically, inventively and tirelessly
lishment. Abram told me of instance af- with his patients with that goal in mind.
ter instance in which other psychiatrists in
Saskatoon and around the country warned What is Orthomolecular?
their patients about him–actually forbidding Linus Pauling coined this term in a lead
them to see him–on the grounds that he was article published in 1968 in the journal Sci-
dishonest, a fool, and a quack. But these pa- ence. When the article was published, Paul-
tients were interested in Abram Hoffer for ing was probably the most renowned and
an important reason: conventional care was revered scientist in the world, certainly so
not getting them better. So they came any- in the United States, where Americans were
way, because Hoffer offered something their justly proud of their two-time Nobel prize-
psychiatrists could not provide and which winning native son. Pauling was one of the
they desperately needed: hope. For his part, greatest scientific geniuses of the century.
nothing gave Abram more delicious pleasure He produced highly original concepts, and
than recounting the recovery stores of such coined new scientific terms. “Molecular biol-
patients, and there were many of them. ogy” is a term coined by Pauling to describe
The era of the antipsychotic drugs began the field he pioneered in the late 1940s. In
in the mid-1950s and was ramping up by the his 1968 article, “Orthomolecular Psychia-
mid-1960s, thus coinciding with, and eclips- try,” Pauling outlined a scientific framework
ing, the vitamin research in Saskatchewan. It for thinking about therapeutic hypotheses.
is hardly surprising that it did so. The antip- He suggested that there could be great value
sychotic drugs work rapidly and reasonably in testing treatments that deliberately pro-
effectively to reduce and often completely vide (or restrict intake of ) a molecule that
eliminate psychotic symptoms caused by a participates as a substrate in (or regulator of )
wide variety of brain disorders. “Megavita- biochemical pathways in the brain to lever-
min” therapy involved taking a lot of vitamin age metabolite flow rates and tissue concen-
pills, following a prudent diet and lifestyle, trations for the benefit of the patient, either
and could take months to show an effect by making something work better or by re-
brought about, not by symptom repression, balancing a pathologically altered pathway.
but through brain healing. (The term used This concept included the use of naturally
nowadays to describe this therapeutic con- occurring antioxidants like vitamin C. The
cept is “neuroprotection.”) Also, unlike the vi- connection between Pauling and Hoffer
tamins, the antipsychotic drugs, being highly and Osmond was that Pauling’s entire line
profitable, were aggressively promoted by the of thinking had been triggered by reading
pharmaceutical industry. their popular and scientific articles, and he
Modern antipsychotic drug therapy has formally credited them in his wide-ranging
been a godsend for people with major mental article.
illness. But these drugs do not cure schizo- Pauling’s public endorsement of “mega-
phrenia, and their too-frequent ineffective- vitamin therapy” for acute schizophrenia cre-
ness, disabling side effects, and metabolic tox- ated an enormous controversy in Canada and
The Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection at the University of Saskatchewan 57
the United States. Patients and their families natural products, lifestyle, movement, aware-
clamoured for what seemed like a plausible ness, meditation, and so on.
and natural therapy for schizophrenia with Abram saw this occurring, and he was
little risk and few side effects, especially in not opposed to it. He was open-minded to
view of the emerging evidence that the an- a fault. He believed in trying out new ideas
tipsychotic drugs were falling short of the as long as they were safe and supported by
promise of “cure” that had been anticipated biological plausibility. He and Humphry en-
for them. Why not give nutritional therapy dorsed the credo of the famous 19th century
an honest and rigorous empirical evalua- physiologist, Claude Bernard: Among the
tion? An outraged psychiatric establishment experiments that may be tried on man, those
struck back at what it perceived as a threat to that only harm are forbidden, those that are
its credibility, with position papers and com- innocent are permissible, and those that may
mittee investigations aimed more at discred- do good are obligatory.
iting orthomolecular therapy and stamping Even if the message was blurred, Abram
out a dangerous brush fire than seriously ad- argued, it was getting out. But there were dis-
dressing the possibility that these ideas were advantages. One problem, from the research
promising and merited examination. The standpoint, is that if “orthomolecular” is a
nub of the problem was that claims that or- rallying cry, how is it different from “natural
thomolecular therapy was effective for most medicine”? Are orthomolecular and natural
patients, while interesting and provocative, medicine the same thing? Is every therapy
went beyond the existing evidence, whereas that is natural (or orthomolecular) inherently
the claim by the psychiatric establishment good, and likely to effective, whereas anything
that the whole approach was nonsense and developed by the pharmaceutical industry is
quackery didn’t ring true either, especially at bad, or harmful? Well, of course not, at least
a time when awareness of the importance of not from a scientific, rather than a philosoph-
nutrition in health was on the upswing, and ical or moral standpoint.
awareness of the inadequacies and side ef- In the last few years of his life Abram
fects of the antipsychotic drugs was all too told me about the disillusionment he felt, not
apparent to patients and their families, if only about mainstream psychiatry, but with
not always to the psychiatrists looking after the chaotic direction “orthomolecular psy-
them. chiatry” seemed to have taken. One day, to
Regrettably, what ought to have been a my astonishment, he told me that he regard-
productive scientific exchange almost imme- ed the traditional Freudian psychiatrists with
diately became a political and cultural war real respect. These were the very people that
(couched in scientific language) between we, as children, had heard roundly and regu-
proponents of conventional drug therapy and larly criticized at the dinner table! Why the
advocates of the empirical use of orthomo- change of heart, I asked. Because, Abram re-
lecular therapies. As the most credible, and plied, unlike too many modern psychiatrists,
hence most dangerous of their opponents, whose encounters with their patients seem to
Hoffer was the lightening rod for criticism be limited to the few minutes required to ad-
in the thunderstorm that erupted. In the just their drug dosages, the Freudians listen
years that followed, “orthomolecular medi- carefully to their patients and seriously try to
cine” failed to gained traction on the scien- “cure” them. He was especially disappointed
tific front, and seems to have evolved on the that the treatment for acute schizophrenia
cultural front into a scientific-sounding ral- that had been so carefully worked out and
lying cry for “natural” approaches to medical studied, high-dose niacin, is now little used
therapy; a push back against the firm em- by orthomolecular practitioners, who tend to
beddedness of conventional psychiatry in a adopt a wide, eclectic and often idiosyncratic
pharmaceutical culture that disregards other variety of unvalidated and poorly rational-
avenues to wellness and healing, such as diet, ized analyses and nutritional supplements.
58 Journal of Orthomolecular Medicine Vol 27, No 2, 2012
articles in the Journal of Mental Science and the medication. Although Mosher appears to have
Journal of Clinical and Experimental Psychopa- been completely unaware of the importance of
thology. Regretfully, I never discussed the point nutrition and lifestyle, he did demonstrate in
with Abram, but I have often wondered at the his clinical research that with psychological
irony that he and the famous American psy- and social therapy many schizophrenic people
chiatrist, Loren Mosher, were actually more could go into remission and may not need
spiritual allies than the mutual enemies they antipsychotic drugs to remain well. Mosher’s
took themselves to be. Hoffer and Osmond promulgation of this concept put him in con-
were well aware that acute schizophrenia has flict with a psychiatric establishment that had
a natural remission rate of about 33%; indeed, whole-heartedly invested in anti-psychotic
their knowledge of this potential for natural drug therapy, and, to his embitterment, his
remission fuelled their therapeutic efforts. research program at the National Institute of
Hoffer and Osmond combined the skillful Mental Health was shut down. The question
use of antipsychotic drugs, nutrition, and life- arises, how many more of Mosher’s patients
style to facilitate remission and prevent relapse might become well, and avoid relapse, with
with the lowest possible dose of antipsychotic careful attention to nutrition and lifestyle?
The ISF documentaries Feed Your Head (2010); Masks of Madness: Science of John Hoffer presenting at the open-
Healing (1998); and The Psychedelic Pioneers on display. ing of the Collection
The opening of the Abram Hoffer Orthomolecular Collection was well attended.