KSR Publication 14

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Experience with State-of-the-Art Oxygen-ECF Bleaching of

Bagasse Fibreline

Rajesh K.S., Narasimhan K.,

Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited, Kagithapuram-639 136 (T.N.)

This paper highlights the experiences of Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited and reviews the
subsequent laboratory trials conducted on Oxygen bleaching followed by ECF bleaching. The start-up and
commissioning experiences of the Oxygen-ECF fibre line for chemical bagasse pulp, at Mrs Quena Newsprint
Paper Company, Egypt, is also discussed to give an idea about the results obtained on a real time plant
trial. A comparison of existing technology at TNPL has also been made. The constraints and realities have
also been discussed.

up and commissioning of its 400 TPD bagasse based

pulp and paper plant. The mill produces both Newsprint
and Printing and Writing grades of paper on twin wire
There has been considerable advancement in pulp and machine supplied by Mis Voith, Germany, at an
paper making technologies right from fibre preparation operating speed of 1000m/min at 6.18m deckle width.
to paper finishing. The systems developed are not The machine has been designed with the latest
only energy efficient but also environmentally friendly papermaking technological advancements such as
and also guarantee improved pulp quality. Investing Module jet dilution head box, Shoe press, online speed
in advanced technologies always pays back. However, sizer and Soft nip calendar. The 250 TPD chemical
switching over to the newer technologies from the bagasse pulping line incorporates a Pandia continuous
older ones warrants sufficient justification with regard digester, three stage brown stock washing with screen
to the need for change and return on investment. room in between, followed by Oxygen delignification.
Bagasse, in addition to being ceo-friendly by way of The bleaching sequence adopted is D-E(O)-D after
forest conservation, has been very much favourable Oxygen delignification to a target brightness of 88%
towards reduced pollutant generation owing to its low ISO. The fibre line has been supplied by MIs Beloit
kappa number pulp. In addition, Oxygen delignification corporation, (now taken over by MIs Lenzing Techniq,
as a further step yields a bagasse pulp of ultra low Austria). The entire mill operates through DCS. with
kappa number. This in turn results in exceptionally advanced instrumentation controls. Our experience
low pollutant generation with respect to colour, COD, with chemical pulping and bleaching at QNPC. Egypt
TDS and AOX after short bleaching to 90% ISO. with reference to Oxygen delignification of bagasse
Oxygen prebleaching of bagasse chemical pulp gives pulp followed by ECF bleaching has been shared with
us the easy approach to meet the stringent pollution reference to our earlier research publications and
standards to be met in the year to come. Our earlier compared with the pulping and conventional CEH
studies (1) on these lines showed Oxygen bleaching presently followed at TNPL.
delignification to be most attractive route to meet high
quality pulp standars and the reduced pollution. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Peroxide reinforcement in Oxygen delignification
results in a still better pulp due to improved selectivity Oxygen delignification
of peroxide. The only aspect withholding the plant Our earlier studies on laboratory scale Oxygen
scale implementation of Oxygen delignification is its delignification of bagasse kraft pulp showed promising
capital cost.TNPL was associated with Mis Quena results with regard to improved pulp quality.
Newsprint Paper Company, QNPC, Egypt, in the start-


substantial reduction in pollutant generation, in
replacement of Chlorine and hypochlorite in bleaching
comparison to the conventional CEH bleaching
with other environmentally benign chemicals such as
sequence (1). The preliminary Oxygen delignification
Chlorine dioxide, Oxygen and Peroxide is stressed due
step proved to be quite encouraging for any subsequent
to the toxic chlorinated organic compound generated.
bleaching steps such as CEH, D-E(O)-D, single stage
Due to the pulp qulaity factors that suffer at high
Hypo or Chlorine dioxide or TCF bleaching such as
brightness levels, while bleaching with chlorine and
Peroxide bleaching. In all the cases the reduction in
hypochlorite, usage of Oxygen and chlorine dioxide
bleach chemical requirement was proportional to
have already gained populanty, as high brightness
kappa reduction obtained. In addition, reduction in pulp is the requirement of the day.
chlorinated organic matter showed significant
reduction, making oxygen more attractive (1). The Bleaching at QUENA Newsprint Paper
oxygen stage, as literature says (2), became an Company
attractive economic alternative considering the
The mill started during November 2000, has
reduction in pollution from subsequent bleaching. The
incorporated O-D-E(O)-D bleaching sequence for
results of our earlier laboratory studies are presented
in Table 1. bagasse kraft pulp. An effort has been made to compare
the performance of the said sequence in comparison to
Still, there are some schools of thought, whether the conventional CE.,H bleaching sequence presently
Oxygen de lignification is really needed or economical followed at TNPL, Kagithapuram. Since the
for bagasse pulp, which is easily pulpable to low kappa environmental benefits of Oxygen and ECF are already
number of 9-10. Though there is absolutely no doubts proven, our discussions have been restricted only to the
regarding the pollutants generated, reaching bleaching aspects and pulp quality aspects. The
incredibly low levels, the high capital investment, evaluation has been made to justify the relevance of
required for the Oxygen delignification, warrants each stage in the bleaching sequence at QNPC in
sufficient justification. The Oxygen prebleaching comparison to the conventional sequence at TNPL.
reduces the subsequent bleach chemical demand and However factors such as bagasse quality, mode of
the savings should be substantial to show return on storage, extent of deterioration, climatic conditions do
investment. The kappa number reduction, even when have an impact on the process, which of course need
50%, amounts only to 4-5 units drop in case of bagasse to be dealt with separately.
pulp. So the recurring cost for bleaching with and
To briefly describe the process adopted for chemical
without Oxygen stage does not have a significant cost
pulping of bagasse, wet bulk stored bagasse, is
implication. However it has to be kept in mind that
reclaimed and it goes through a wet cleaning system
environmental benefits cannot be quantified and
to remove pith and debris and fed to a Pandia digester
investment for environmental improvement should not
with a plug screw of 26 inches. Kraft pulping is
be evaluated for return on investment. The
followed and a kappa number of 10 is achieved. The

Table 1. Oxygen delignification of bagasse pulp - laboratory sludies

Unbid. After 02 After OP OCEH OH 00 O(P)-H O(P)-P O(P)-D CEH
Kappa number 8.9 3..1 2.6
Brightness % ISO 49.5 66.6 73.4 87.9 84.7 87.8 84.7
Viscosity 82.8 87.4 85.6
27.7 22.6 20.8 13.8 14.9 20.4 20.6 17.8 20.3 13.7
Freeness ml CSF 480 510 500 410 400 500 435
Bulk cc/g 420 485 380
1.53 1.48 1.46 1.4 1.47 1.43 1.45 1.41 1.37 1.4
Breaking length m 6340 5565 6500 5980 6390 5640 6430
Tear factor 6550 6565 6430
60.7 67.6 64.2 61.7 59.7 69.8 63 62.3
Burst factor 37.4 65.6 55.7
34.6 40.9 36.1 38.8 33.6 42.5 41.3 39.5 38.4
Pollutant reduction with respect to CEH sequence %
94.0 100.0 98.5 100.0 100.0
TDS 98.7
51.8 50.3 83.9 50.8 76.4
COD 80.3
60.4 70.7 86.3 78.1 58.5
AOX 83.1
81.0 53.5 92.4 72.9 100.0 92.6


Table 2. Properties across pulping and bleaching active alkali charge is II % as Nap and the sulphidity
levels maintained is about 8-10%. The cooking time
TNPL QNPC can be varied between 8 to 20 minutes. One of the
Bleaching sequence CEpH ODEoD advantages observed in the Pandia digester in
comparison to TNPL Sunds defibrator continuous
Digester Feed Bagasse
digester is the reverse inching facility for plug screw,
Moisture (%) 85.0 81.2 to remove plug, screw jamming. The same is being
Useful fibre (%) 65.2 70.5 incorporated in TNPL as well. The pulp blown to blow
Pith (%) 26.6 22.0 tank using cold blow technique undergoes three-stage
counter current washing in drum washers with
Water solubles (%) 8.2 7.5
screening in between second and third washer. The
Fibre to pith ratio 2.47:1 3.20:1 filtrate from the Oxygen stage is used as spray in the
White liquor third stock washer. Two primary pressure screens and
TTA as Nap (gpl) 83.1 80.9 one secondary screens have been provided and
the secondary rejects are handled by a vibrating screen
Sulphidity (%) 19.0 8.1 via sand cyclone. No centricleaners have been
Kappa number provided.
Brown stock 10.7 10.0 The pulp from the third washer directly goes to
02 stage -- 7.4 Oxygen reactor, an upflow tower of 22m height at 5-
Extraction stage 2.3 1.8 6 kg/em- pressure. Medium consistency O2
delignification is followed, with a retention time of 1
Ak!'lli losses
hour at 100°C. The Oxygen, pulp and alkali are mixed
Brown stock washer (kg/t Na2S04 12.2 60-80 through a high shear mixer before entering the reactor.
02 washer (kg/t Na2SOS -- 10.5 The pulp from Oxygen blow tank undergoes two stage
Pulp brightness (% ISO) washing before storage. The third stage washer filtrate
is used as spray water. The pulp from storage tower,
Unbleached 49.0 44.0
before entering the ECF bleaching undergoes the third
After Oxygen -- 52.0 stage washing with hot water. Three stage MC D-E(O)-
After Chlorination/Dioxide 57.0 66.0 D bleaching is followed. CI02• generated using
After extraction 66.0 73.0 NaCI03, Methanol, Sulphuric acid is sbsorbed in cold
water at 8°C and CI02, of 8-10 gpl obtained is used
Final bleached pulp 86.6 86.0
in bleaching. The pulp, CI02• steam and acid are mixed
Weak black liquor in a high shear mixer followed by an upflow tube and
Total solids (%) 9.2 6.9 a down flow tower. Online brightness measurement
TTA as Nap (gpl) 17.3 14.9 and residual chlorine measurement controls the CI02
dosage to the pulp. In addition there is also a pH
RAA as Na20 (gpl) 5.95 5.30
controller to control the acid flow. The DO stage at
Bleached pulp properties 60°C for 1 hour is subsequently washed and extracted
Freeness (ml CSF) 560 450 using alkali and Oxygen E(O), at 2kg/cm202 pressure
Bulk (ce/g) 1.41 1.49 in upflow tube followed by a down flow tower of 1 hour
retention at 75°C. The E(O) pulp after washing, has
Breaking length (m) 6470 6190 a brightness of 70-75% ISO and is bleached to 85-88%
Tear factor 46.0 61.5 ISO with a Dioxide stage at 80°C for 4 hours. Here
Burst factor 42.9 43.6 again there are pH, Brightness, Residual chlorine
controllers at the inlet. The final washed pulp is
Scattering coefficient m2/kg 27.7 32.9
treated with Na2S03 to remove residual CI02 if any,
Fibre classification present after washing. All bleach washers are
+30 % 4.8 28.3 connected to a scrubbing unit. The brown loop is
+50 % 25.8 19.4 closed from Oxygen washer 3. The bleach plant is also
closed and only DO stage eflluent and partially E(O)
+ 100 % 30.3 19.8
stage effluent are drained. Other effluents are recycled.
+ 200 % 12.5 15.1
17.4 Some of the unusual hiccups observed in the
- 200 % 26.6
process could be attributed to excessive foaming in


Table 3. Pulp properties across the bleaching stages

Quena newsprint: O-D-E(O)-D

Unbleached After 02 Final D
Kappa number 9.8 7.2
Freeness ml CSF 450 490 430
Bulk ccJg 1.58 1.60 1.50
Breaking length m 6680 6320 6800
Tear factor 57.4 60.7 59.4
Burst factor 41.1 40.3 44.0
Brightness % ISO 44.4 50.8 85.1
Opacity (ptg) % 94.1 91.3 78.2
Sc. coefficient m/kg 32.3 34.5 34.5
Yellowness % 32.3 29.9 3.8
Unbleached After C After E(P) Final Hypo
Kappa number 9.8 2.3
Freeness ml CSF 510 500 480 480
Bulk ccJg 1.54 1.5 1.41 1.39
Breaking length m 6620 6480 6920 6750
Tear factor 56.1 55.1 53.6 47.1
Burst factor 38.6 41.2 44.1 42.2
Brightness % ISO 49.1 57.1 65.8 86.7
Opacity (ptg) % 90.8 89.0 82.4 74.7
Sc. coefficient m/kg 29.6 31.8 28.1 29.3
Yellowness % 33.1 25.0 19.5 4.2

screen room as screening has been provided in between active alkali consumption of 11% Nap in QNPC as
brown stock washing. Also excessive foaming was against 12.5% Na20 in TNPL. The digester feed
observed in Oxygen stage washers also. This was bagasse moisture is also lower as the wet cleaning
because of nonavailability of foam breakers in filtrate system provides better dewatering of free water from
chests of Oxygen washers and vent open to washed bagasse. This anables better consistency after
atmosphere. The problem was found to be severe plug screw. The main advantage obtained here is not
during low ambient temperature. (as low as 4°C). the better consistency but prevention of the acidic
Operationally not much difficulties or abnormalities filtrate entering the digesting process along with
could be observed with regard to the chemical bagasse bagasse which consumes chemicals (3). The white
pulp and the system could be stabilised very soon. liquor sulphidity levels are low (8%) as the sulphidity
Comparative evaluation of QNPC and TNPL levels in QNPC are maintained only with the Sodium
processes Sulphate obtained as byproduct in the Chlorine dioxide
generator, and no additional Sodium Sulphate is
The pulping and bleaching data average have been added. In TNPL however 20% sulphidity is maintained
presented in Table-2. The data presented correspond as the same liquor is used for pulping of hardwood
to a continuous running period of 6 months during the also.
commissioning and stabilisation. Comparative data
with regard to TNPL also refers to the same period. The kappa number of pulp obtained is in the order
The bagasse quality as decided by the fibre to pith ratio of 10 both the mills, in spite of lower chemical charge
is better in QNPC, with fibre to pith ratio at 3.2: 1 whlie and lower sulphidity at QNPC. The shive content of
the average fibre to pith ratio of TNPL bagasse is in pulp at QNPC, before screening is in the order of
the range of 2.5: 1. This is one of the reasons for lower 5-9% while after screening the shive content was as


low as 0.5%. This was the case when 0.15 mm slotted reactions between the pulp lignin and dissolved
screen was used in secondary screen. Whenever the material in the liquor (5). This _ lowers the
reject quantity was higher, the 0.15mm slot screen delignification rate. Carryover that is counter
could not handle the rejects and this necessitated currently circulated from the post oxygen washer to
change of screen with 1.6mm perforations. This Oxygen stage consumes less Oxygen than black liquor
ultimately resulted in shive content in screened pulp carried over from cooking. Also, already oxidised
to about 1.2%. Under these conditions, increasing the dissolved materials lowers the pH in the Oxygen stage
unbleached kappa number to 14, as per design, could which increases the need for alkali in the reactor. This
not be implemented as the rejects quantity could not can lower the de lignification rate though it has almost
be handled even as the kappa no. reached to 11.5 no effect on pulp viscosity (5). In order to obtain
maximum benefits from an Oxygen delignification
The brown stock washing performance could not be
process, and to avoid excessive degradation,adequate
compared with that of TNPL as Oxygen stage filtrate
upstream washing is required (6). In addition to its
was used as spray in Brown stock washer 3 in QNPC.
effect on selectivity and delignification rate, the
The carried over alkali levels in washer 3 pulp, was
carryover to the Oxygen stage also affects the final
in the order of 60-80 kg/t as against 12-15 kg/t as
bleaching. Problems encountered in washing due to
Na2SO 4 in TNPL. The high amount of carryover
low drainage characteristics of bagasse pulp, as
chemicals increased the Oxygen consumtion in O2
discussed earlier, include foam carryover and hot water
de lignification. It is to be pointed out that for effective
temperature fluctuations. This has been the main
Oxygen delignification, the washing losses should be
reason for the low kappa reduction across Oxygen
minimum « 10 kg/t) which is normally achieved by
de lignification.
a twin roll press. This was not the case in QNPC. The
high carryover can primarily be attributed to the high The properties of pulp at different stages, across
alkalinity of oxygen stage filtrate and foaming bleaching, in QNPC has been provided in Table 3. A
problems encountered in Oxygen stage washing. There comparison of properties across bleaching in TNPL
were occasional problems with spray water has also been included. The results indicate no
temperature in Oxygen washer 3, which also created significant drop in properties across Oxygen
washing problems creating problems in the entire delignification. The strength properties of Oxygen
brown stock washing and Oxygen washing street. Also bleached and conventionally bleached pulps are
the washing efficiency of drum washers is limited, equivalent if the degree of delgnification in the
compared to the advanced washing technologies such Oxygen stage does not exceed about 50% (2).
as belt washers, twin roll washers and presses. This
ECF bleaching vs conventional C-E(P)-H
poor washing did definitely have a bearing on the
subsequent Oxygen delignification stage. The average The results in Table 2 compares the properties of ECF
kappa number obtained after the Oxygen stage at bleached bagasse pulp with conventional chlorine
QNPC was 7.4, which amounted to a decrease of 26% bleached pulp. The ECF bleached pulp, as envisaged,
only as against the desired level of 50%. The reasons shows better tear (61. 5 as against 51.0) with
for the poor response in the Oxygen delignification conventional CEpH, higher bulk and lower bonding
are: properties. The scattering coefficient is also better.
However, comparing the properties of the pulps in
The sulphidity levels maintained are more close to
Table 3, it may be seen that the unbleached pulp
soda pulping. The sulphidity levels are very low. The
properties are similar and in bleached pulp, the tear
role of sulphidity in kraft pulping is two fold. On one
factor is significantly higher in case of ECF bleaching.
hand i~ promotes and accelerates the clevage of ether
It is quite evident that hypochlorite bleaching severely
linkages in phenolic units aiding the fragmentation of
damages the pulp resulting in lower tear factor. So also
the lignin macromolecules to soluble entities (4). On
the bulk also shows improvement with ECF and the
the other hand it reduces the extent of undesirable
corresponding scattering coefficient. No change in
condensation reaction, which results in lignin that
tensile or burst is observed. Brightness levels of 89-
are difficult to remove in subsequent Oxygen
delignification. 90% ISO could be obtained ona continuous basis at
QNPC with ECF bleaching without drop in properties
The alkali carryover into the Oxygen stage is very which is not possible in TNPL with CE~ bleaching.
high of the order of 60-80 kg/t as Na2S04• Carryover
From the results it is very clear that ECF bleaching,
of black liquor from cooking stage affects both alkali
as envisaged, results in a better bleached pulp
and Oxygen consumption, because of the competing
properties, without degradation during bleaching. Also


in the ECF the probability of strength loss is only in needs thorough evaluation with regard to pulp
E(O) stage while in CEpH, the strength drop can occur properties vis a vis running cost. Oxygen definitely
at any or all the stages, when conditions are not reduces the running cost. But the initial investment for
properly maintained. The brightness stability is better Oxygen stage makes it less attractive with respect to
with ECF. bagasse pulp bleaching. when environmental aspects
The fibre classification pattern shown in Table I are not considered.
shows a significant difference in the +30 fraction and The low initial kappa number of unbleached pulp
the -200 fines fraction in QNPC pulp, which can be of bagasse. even with• conventional CEpH bleaching
referred back to the original bagasse structure. A does not pose any environment related problems. such
significant aspect to be considered with respect to as AOX generation exceeding the stipulated levels.
bleaching controls in QNPC is that all bleach However. ECF bleaching is definitely warranted for
chemicals, steam etc 'are rate based controls. This significantly improved pulp properties, which have a
ensured optimum chemical dosage without wastage bearing on the paper properties with regard to strength
ensuring uniform final quality at any desired rate. The and permanency. With the thrust for high bright paper
controls for pH, temperature, residual chlorine. products. consistent high bright pulp without strength
brightness, pressure linked through DCS and stage drop can be achieved only through ECF and
wise rate controls helped in fast stabilisation of the conventional CEpH surely produces a degraded pulp at
plant. Problems in bleaching were encountered only high brightness levels. It is quite obvious that
during the poor performance of Oxygen stage or poor improved bleached pulp obtained through ECF route
washing of final Oxygen washer. when the E(O) kappa will definitely improve the machine runnabi lity,
number exceeded 2.5. One problem observed with the though the increase may not be proportionate to the
ECF bleaching was the low pH of pulp obtained at final strength improvement. The experience at QNPC are in
D stage. This necessitated addition of Na2SO) and line with our earlier research publications on ECF and
NaOH for neutralisation. The low pH of pulp posed Oxygen delignification of bagasse pulp with regard to
problems for alum dosage in paper machine for sizing, pulp properties.
as the pulp pH was already on the lower side. So from
the figures provided in tables, it is quite evident that ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
ECF surely results in better pulp for the same
unbleached pulp. The pollution aspects need no
The authors thank the Management of TNPL for
discussion as it is a proven fact that Oxygen and ECF
granting permission to publish the experiences at
results in considerable pollutant reduction. QNPC, Egypt in IPPTA Journal.


State of the art Oxygen ECF bleaching of chemical 1. Oxygen delignification of Bagasse kraft pulp a
bagasse at QNPC shows better pulp properties, promissing approach to combat bleach plant pollution-
Rajesh, K.S., Tamilarasy, R.S .• Padmanabha Reddy, K..
especially tearing strength and bursting strength.
Venkoba Rao, G .• IPPTA J. 12. (4) 87-89 (Dec. 2(00).
compared to conventional CEpH bleaching at TNPL.
The Oxygen delignification at QNPC does not ensure 2. Oxygen bleaching practices and benifits an overview.
500/0 delignification, reasons attributed being poor Larry ench and Stuart Harper, Tappi J., 55, (Nov. 1987).
washing efficiency resulting in high black liquor carry 3. Influence of Backwater on bagasse pulping. Mohan Rao,
over. This affects the selectivity as well as N.R., Padmanabha Reddy K., Subramanian. S.,
delignification rate. The low sulphidity is also one of Gnanasekaran, K., Tappi Pulping Conf. 95-99 (1990).
the reasons which results in more condensed lignin. 4. Book on Lignin by Sarkanen and Ludwig, John Wiley
The effect of low sulphidity can be overcome by Publication.
addition of anthraquinone. Improving Oxygen
5. Effect of black liquor carryover on selectivity of Oxygen
delignification will help QNPC a long way in reducing
delignification, Vuorenvirta, K.. Fuhrmann. A.,
CI02 demand for bleaching, which at present is on the
Gullichsen, J., Pulp & Paper, Canada, 102 (3) 50-52
higher side. (2001).
The changeover to Oxygen delignification followed 6. Jamieson, A., Smedman, A., Svensk Papperstid. 76 (5)
by ECF or only ECF from conventional bleaching 187 (1973).


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