KSR Publication 14
KSR Publication 14
KSR Publication 14
Bagasse Fibreline
This paper highlights the experiences of Tamil Nadu Newsprint and Papers Limited and reviews the
subsequent laboratory trials conducted on Oxygen bleaching followed by ECF bleaching. The start-up and
commissioning experiences of the Oxygen-ECF fibre line for chemical bagasse pulp, at Mrs Quena Newsprint
Paper Company, Egypt, is also discussed to give an idea about the results obtained on a real time plant
trial. A comparison of existing technology at TNPL has also been made. The constraints and realities have
also been discussed.
screen room as screening has been provided in between active alkali consumption of 11% Nap in QNPC as
brown stock washing. Also excessive foaming was against 12.5% Na20 in TNPL. The digester feed
observed in Oxygen stage washers also. This was bagasse moisture is also lower as the wet cleaning
because of nonavailability of foam breakers in filtrate system provides better dewatering of free water from
chests of Oxygen washers and vent open to washed bagasse. This anables better consistency after
atmosphere. The problem was found to be severe plug screw. The main advantage obtained here is not
during low ambient temperature. (as low as 4°C). the better consistency but prevention of the acidic
Operationally not much difficulties or abnormalities filtrate entering the digesting process along with
could be observed with regard to the chemical bagasse bagasse which consumes chemicals (3). The white
pulp and the system could be stabilised very soon. liquor sulphidity levels are low (8%) as the sulphidity
Comparative evaluation of QNPC and TNPL levels in QNPC are maintained only with the Sodium
processes Sulphate obtained as byproduct in the Chlorine dioxide
generator, and no additional Sodium Sulphate is
The pulping and bleaching data average have been added. In TNPL however 20% sulphidity is maintained
presented in Table-2. The data presented correspond as the same liquor is used for pulping of hardwood
to a continuous running period of 6 months during the also.
commissioning and stabilisation. Comparative data
with regard to TNPL also refers to the same period. The kappa number of pulp obtained is in the order
The bagasse quality as decided by the fibre to pith ratio of 10 both the mills, in spite of lower chemical charge
is better in QNPC, with fibre to pith ratio at 3.2: 1 whlie and lower sulphidity at QNPC. The shive content of
the average fibre to pith ratio of TNPL bagasse is in pulp at QNPC, before screening is in the order of
the range of 2.5: 1. This is one of the reasons for lower 5-9% while after screening the shive content was as
State of the art Oxygen ECF bleaching of chemical 1. Oxygen delignification of Bagasse kraft pulp a
bagasse at QNPC shows better pulp properties, promissing approach to combat bleach plant pollution-
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compared to conventional CEpH bleaching at TNPL.
The Oxygen delignification at QNPC does not ensure 2. Oxygen bleaching practices and benifits an overview.
500/0 delignification, reasons attributed being poor Larry ench and Stuart Harper, Tappi J., 55, (Nov. 1987).
washing efficiency resulting in high black liquor carry 3. Influence of Backwater on bagasse pulping. Mohan Rao,
over. This affects the selectivity as well as N.R., Padmanabha Reddy K., Subramanian. S.,
delignification rate. The low sulphidity is also one of Gnanasekaran, K., Tappi Pulping Conf. 95-99 (1990).
the reasons which results in more condensed lignin. 4. Book on Lignin by Sarkanen and Ludwig, John Wiley
The effect of low sulphidity can be overcome by Publication.
addition of anthraquinone. Improving Oxygen
5. Effect of black liquor carryover on selectivity of Oxygen
delignification will help QNPC a long way in reducing
delignification, Vuorenvirta, K.. Fuhrmann. A.,
CI02 demand for bleaching, which at present is on the
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The changeover to Oxygen delignification followed 6. Jamieson, A., Smedman, A., Svensk Papperstid. 76 (5)
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