Abanes - Ged104 - (TC) 2
Abanes - Ged104 - (TC) 2
Abanes - Ged104 - (TC) 2
Instructions: Compare & contrast each pair of terms related to Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics as
discussed in this section.
2. Pleasure – Happiness
Pleasure is transitory or is passes like eating a food where he/she will be hungry again.
While happiness is a uniquely human function achieved through a rationally directed
3. Virtue – Vice
Virtue is needed for true happiness; it is what makes one function well. While vice is
moral defect that led one to responses negatively to emotions and urges.
Added sugar have different names like brown sugar, cane juice, corn syrup, dextrose, etc. In case of
BelVita, they won’t name the specific type of sugar that they used. The American Heart Association
(AHA) recommends to drastically cut the intake of added sugar as it causes obesity. Added sugar is also
more harmful on large quantities unlike to the natural sugar as foods containing natural sugar offers
nutrients that keep your body healthy, provide fast yet stable energy. Added sugar makes your blood
glucose level drops quickly, also known as sugar crash, that will make you hungry, irritable, and casually
craving for another added sugar. It also hinders you on making smart choices about what and how
much to eat, hence the weight gain.
Admin. (2021, February 26). Admin. Center for Healthy Eating and Activity Research.From