GURPS - SJG 6099 - Castle Falkenstein - Designer's Notes
GURPS - SJG 6099 - Castle Falkenstein - Designer's Notes
GURPS - SJG 6099 - Castle Falkenstein - Designer's Notes
However, it may be impossible to keep Falkenstein entirely under wraps. The chance
to study magic in a world which has already begun to apply scientific methods to
sorcery would be very tempting, and technical experts might want to learn more
about Falkenstein's weird steampunk technology, or even the secrets of Engine
Magick. Finally, Falkenstein seems to be a whole universe with the Weirdness
Magnet disadvantage. Despite Infinity's best efforts, parachronic traders and Time
Tours groups may wind up blundering into New Europa. Once word leaks out, it will
be hard to ban Time Tours from running package tours of Falkenstein for Victorian-
wannabes and fantasy fans. Consider how much people would pay for the chance
to meet fictional characters like Captain Nemo and Sherlock Holmes . . . or Count
The discovery of not one but two non-human factions with inter-universal travel (the
Seelie and Unseelie faeries), and magicians with similar powers, is close to Infinity's
worst nightmare: parachronic travellers completely outside their control. The only
relief would be that magicians and faeries seem severely restricted in the range of
worlds they can reach, and their powers may not work in most universes.
The Falkensteinians also seem to insist that their interdimensional travels take them
through a region of "pure energy," the so-called "Faerie Veil," which does not seem
to correspond to Infinity's understanding of how parachronic travel works. Perhaps
Infinity Inc. technology traverses this region instantly, leaving its users none the
wiser, or perhaps the Veil is itself a parallel universe, with extremely unusual natural
laws. Interestingly, all the material worlds visited by the Faerie seem to follow the
same general course of history, even though their physical laws vary widely. Perhaps
the Veil only allows access to a limited number of worlds, or perhaps the Faerie
simply don't have enough imagination to find weirder alternates.
In this context, hitting the panic button would probably involve overt military action
by Infinity and the Homeline great powers on a number of parallel worlds including
Falkenstein itself. The cost of transport would make it impossible to deploy
overwhelming force, but regiment-sized cadres of early TL8 units working in
conjunction with local allies would be a potent force. Gamemasters who like to run
military campaigns can have lots of fun exploring the potential of tanks and
helicopter gunships (supported by dragons, flying cavalry and the awesome Verne
Cannon), pitted against steam Landfortresses, pirate airships, and the Wild Hunt!
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