Charts Castle Falkenstein

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Abilities Table Ability Levels

Athletics § Poor PR 2
Charisma ' Average AV 4
Comeliness ' Good GD 6
Connections “ Great GR 8
Courage ' Exceptional EXC 10
Craftsmanship ¤ From Comme il Faut Extraordinary EXT 12
Education ¤
Etherealness § (Faerie only)
Exchequer “ Ability Suit Values
Fencing §
Fisticuffs § § Physical Activities
Gambling ¤ From Comme il Faut ¤ Mental and Intellectual Activities
Glamour ' (Faerie only) ' Emotional and Romantic Activities
Gunslinging § From Sixguns and Sorcery “ Social and Status-related Activities
Helmsmanship ¤
Invention ¤ From Comme il Faut
Kindred Powers § (Faerie only) Health Chart
Leadership ' From Comme il Faut
Marksmanship § Physique
Mesmerism ' From Comme il Faut Courage PR AV GD GR EXC EXT
Motoring § From Comme il Faut PR 3 4 5 6 7 8
Natural Sciences ¤ From Comme il Faut AV 4 5 6 7 8 8
Perception ¤ GD 5 6 7 8 8 8
Performance ' GR 6 7 8 8 8 9
Physician ¤ EXC 7 8 8 8 9 9
Physique § EXT 8 8 8 9 9 10
Reputation “ From Sixguns and Sorcery
Riding § From Comme il Faut
Social Graces “
Sorcery ¤ (Faerie automatically poor)
Stealth §
Tinkering ¤

Faerie Etherealness

Etherealness Air Water Wood Stone Metal Steel Iron

(mph/fps) (mph/fps) (in/min) (in/min) (in/min) (in/min) (in/min)
PR 0/0 5/7 No No No No No
AV 5/7 5/7 1 No No No No
GD 50/73 5/7 2 1 No No No
GR 75/109 25/36 3 2 1 No No
EXC 100/147 50/73 4 3 2 1 No
EXT 150/219 75/109 5 4 3 2 1

Recovery Rates Animal Health

Type of Harm Time Size of Animal Health

Constitutional Shocks Minutes Tiny (mouse) 1
Blows Hours Small (cat, dog) 5
Treated Wounds Days Medium (man-sized, wolf) 10
Untreated Wounds Weeks Large (lion) 20
Wounds treated by Sorcery Hours Very large (bear, tiger) 30
Huge (whale, leviathan) 40
Sorcerous Orders of New Europa and their Lore
Order Lorebooks Spells
Illuminated Brotherhood of Bayern Manuscriptum Mentallis ' Mental Command 4
Dominate Will 10
Forget 4
Implant Suggestion 6
Entrancing and Beguiling 4
Stunning 10
Create Blinding Pain 12
Death Wish [�] 16
Mental Barrier 8
LeRoeun’s Scrolls of “ Portals to Lands in New Europa 6
Dimensional Movement Portals to the Faerie Realm 8
Portals to Beyond the Veil 10
Astral Movement 4
Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn Dark Libram of Necromancy “ Animation of the Dead 8
Speaker to the Dead 10
Drawing of another’s Life Force [�] 16
Banish to Eternal Rest 8
Libram of Summonation “ Summonation 8
Banishment 6
Grand Order of the Freemasonic Lodge Manuscriptum Universal ¤ Flesh to Mineral/vice versa [�] 8
Alchemic Universal Alchemic 8
Alchemic Destruction [�] 16
Alchemic Barrier 8
Agrivicca Rexus’ Realm of ' Illusions of the Mind and Body, 6
Illusion True Vision 6
Order of the Temple of Jerusalem Libram of Mystic ¤ Shape of a Known Form 6
Transformation Invest with Powers of a Known Form 12
Shape of the Unknown Form 16
Transformation Barrier 8
Osman’s Tome of Physical ¤ Knowledge of Flight 8
Movement Mastery of Levitation 6
Hand of Hovering 4
Floors of Glass 4
Mystic Lodge of the Temple of Ra Libram of Temporal Control “ Manuscriptum of Time Cessation 10
Discipline of Time Acceleration/Slowing 12
Discipline of Temporal Fugue 12
Theosophic Masters of the White Megron’s Realm of Dreaming ' Dreams of Prophecy, 6
Lodge Dreams of Warning, 4
Nightmares, 8
Erotic Dreams, 6
Killing Dreams 16
Dream Barrier 8
Manuscript of Paranormal “ Clairaudience 6
Divination Clairvoyance 8
Scrying 6
Divination Barrier 8
The Holy Order of St. Boniface Ritual Writings of Psychic ' Simple Geas 4
Binding Restraint through Magick Circles 2
Restraint through Wards 4
Restraint through Talsimans 4
Strengthen the Life Bond 12
Psychic Bond 8
Break the Binding 8
Realm of the Unknown Mind ' Cast out the Other 8
Conquest of Madness 8
Hear the Hidden Thought 6
Bring to Peace 4
Bring to Rest 6
Ancient Brotherhood of the Druidic Manuscript of Elemental § Invest the Element with Intellect and Form 10
Temple Shaping Control of Elemental Temperature 4
Shape the Elements 8
Elemental Barrier 8
Burton’s On the Raised Forces § Raise the Storm [�] 6
of Nature Raise the Maelstrom [�] 8
Shake the Earth [�] 8
Raise the Firestorm [�] 8
Quell Nature 8
Sorcery Deck Values

§ Elemental Magicks
¤ Material Magicks
' Emotional and Mental Magicks
“ Spiritual Magicks and
Dimensional Sorceries


Duration Elements Range Affected Subjects

Momentary 1 One 1 Touch 1 1 subject 1 Mortal 1
1-30 minutes 2 A few 2 Unaided sight 2 <10 subjects 2 Faerie 2
1 hour 3 Many 3 A few miles 3 <100 subjects 3 Wizard 3
1 day 4 Many complex 4 Another city 4 <1000 subjects 4 Dragon 6
1 week 5 One task 5 Another country 5 Entire country 5 Demon 8
1 month 6 Multiple tasks 6 Cross-dimension 6 Dwarf 16
1 year 8 Another time 7

Knowledge Harm Rating

Know subject well 1 A 2
Barely know subject 2 B 4
Don’t know subject 3 C 8
Subject totally unknown 4 D 12
E 16
F 20

Harmonic Convergence
Aspect of Spell

' ¤ § “
No Harmonics. Emotional Backlash. Emotional Backlash. Mind and Spirit are One.
The spell operates perfectly The spell emits psychic The spell emits psychic Summoned creatures, Gates
with no surprises. vibrations causing all around vibrations causing all around or Time spells project strong
you to feel fear [¤], anger you to feel fear [¤], anger auras of fear [¤], anger [§],
[§], lust ['] or despair [“]. [§], lust ['] or despair [“]. lust ['] or despair [“].

Illusions Take Form. No Harmonics. Elements Rise and Take The Spirit Takes Form.
Illusions, Bindings, The spell operates perfectly Form. Spectres and Ghosts you
Delusions and Dream with no surprises. An angry Earth [¤], Air [§], have summoned form real
Creatures become real taking Fire ['] or Water [“] bodies and appear before
solid (possibly hostile) Elemental appears and you.
forms. wreaks [Rank F] destruction
upon you.

Elements Rise in your The Elements Aroused. No Harmonics. Elements Rise and Take
Mind. The skies grow dark as The spell operates perfectly Form.
Illusionary earthquakes, lightning and fire strike the with no surprises. An angry Earth [¤], Air [§],
firestorms and tidal waves earth around you, causing Fire ['] or Water [“]
terrify all around you. great [Rank F] damage. Elemental appears and
wreaks [Rank F] destruction
upon you.

Madness Strikes. The Spirits Aroused. The Gods Walk. No Harmonics.
Unleashed emotions Dark dimensions open, The elements manifest as The spell operates perfectly
momentarily darken your allowing evil ghosts and Earth [¤], Air [§], Fire ['] with no surprises.
soul with fear [¤], anger spirits to attack you [Rank or Water [“] Gods with
[§], lust ['] or despair [“]. D] with their touch. Rank F destructive powers.
Joker Wild Spell. Wild Spell. Wild Spell. Wild Spell.
Effect is raised by 2 ranks, Effect is raised by 2 ranks, Effect is raised by 2 ranks, Effect is raised by 2 ranks,
either in Range [¤], either in Range [¤], either in Range [¤], either in Range [¤],
Duration [§], Number of Duration [§], Number of Duration [§], Number of Duration [§], Number of
Subjects ['] or Harm Rank Subjects ['] or Harm Rank Subjects ['] or Harm Rank Subjects ['] or Harm Rank
done [“]. done [“]. done [“]. done [“].
Ranged Weapons of the Steam Age
Effective Magazine or Partial Full High Harm
Attack Type Range Total Load Wounds Wounds Wounds Rating
Bow 30 yds 12 1 2 3 B or C
Carbine 90 yds 1 3 4 5 C or D
Chassepot Rifle 140 yds 1 4 5 6 D
Derringer 10 yds 2 2 3 4 A, B or C
Drop Pistol 20 yds 4 3 4 5 D
Elfshot 30 yds 6 4 5 6 D
French Mitraillreuse 300 yds 36 8 9 10 F
Gatling Gun 300 yds 42 8 9 10 F
Musket (rifled) 80 yds 1 4 5 6 D or E
Prussian Needle Rifle 120 yds 1 4 5 6 E
Pepperbox Revolver 20 yds 6 3 4 5 B or C
Reciprocator 10 yds 6 4 5 6 C or D
Shotgun 30 yds 2 5 6 7 E
Shrapnel 6 yds N/A 8 9 10 F
Dagger 5 yds 1 None 2 3 B
Spear 10 yds 1 1 2 3 D

Hand-to-Hand Attacks
Partial Full High Harm
Attack Type Wounds Wounds Wounds Rating
Animal Attack (tiny) None None 1 A
Animal Attack (small) None 1 2 A
Animal Attack (large) 1 2 3 B
Animal Attack (very large) 4 5 6 D
Animal Attack (huge) 7 8 9 E
Animal Attack (gigantic) 8 9 10 F
Blow (PR-AV Physique) None 1 2 A
Blow (GD-GR Physique) 1 2 3 A
Blow (EXC-EXT Physique) 2 3 4 B
Cudgels and Clubs 1 2 3 A
Daggers, Bayonets, Knives 1 2 3 B
Hatpins 1 2 3 A or B
Life Preservers 1 2 3 A
Rapiers and Court swords 4 5 6 C
Sabres 4 5 6 D
Spears 2 3 4 D

Type of Constitutional Shock Wounds
Extremely Foul Language 3
Great heat/cold, or too tight corset 2
Threatening gaze 1
Rough treatment (grabbing, pushing, slapping) 4

Environmental Hazards
Nature of Hazard Wounds Rating
Falls 1 wound for every 20 feet fallen B, C or D
Trampling/Collisions 1 wound for every 100lbs of animal B or C
Electrocution/Lightning Strike 1 wound/second for every 200 volts C
Fire/Firestorm/Acid 4 wounds/minute C
Poison 2 wounds/minute until antidote administered
Earthquake 4 wounds/minute D, E or F
Drowning/Suffocation 8 wounds/minute D
Duelling Cards

Red Attacks Fencing Skill PR AV GD GR EXC EXT

Black Defence Rests per Round 5 4 3 2 1 0
Jokers or Rests
Face Cards

Duelling Attack Results

Defender Attacker Duelling Damage

PR P/WP WP/WF WF/WH WH/I I/I I/I Partial Wound 4
AV P/WP P/WP WP/WF WF/WH WH/I I/I Full Wound 5
KEY: P=Pushed back, WP=[Partial] Wound, WF=[Full] Wound, WH=[High] Wound, I=Incapacitated

Wounds/Harm Ratings

Harm Harm Partial Full High Escape from Harm

Wounds Rank Rank Wounds Wounds Wounds
1-3 A A 1 2 3 Card Move
4 B B 2 3 4 Played damage up
5 C C 3 4 5 Face Card 1 level
6-7 D D 4 5 7 Ace 2 levels
8-9 E E 7 8 9 Joker 3 levels
10+ F F 8 9 10

Armour Hit Location Escape Fumble

Light Wood, Leather Stops A ¤ Head [EXC-EXT] “¤§

Medium Chain Mail Stops up to B ' Body [GD-GR] ¤§
Heavy Iron Plate Stops up to C “ Legs [AV-PR] §
§ Arms

Damage Table
Physique and Hit Location
Body Body Body Limb Limb Limb Critical Critical
A Wounded Scratched Scratched Scratched Scratched Scratched Wounded Wounded
B Wounded Wounded Scratched Wounded Scratched Scratched Incapacitated Wounded
C Incapacitated Wounded Wounded Incapacitated Wounded Scratched Mortally Incapacitated
D Mortally Incapacitated Wounded Incapacitated Incapacitated Wounded Mortally Mortally
Wounded Wounded Wounded
E Mortally Mortally Incapacitated Mortally Incapacitated Incapacitated Killed Mortally
Wounded Wounded Wounded Instantly Wounded
F Killed Mortally Mortally Mortally Mortally Incapacitated Killed Killed
Instantly Wounded Wounded Wounded Wounded Instantly Instantly
Full Success - Use table entry
Partial Success - Use next lower harm rating entry
High Success - Use next higher rating entry

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