Quantum Gravity at The Turn of The Millennium: Physics Department University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93111 USA
Quantum Gravity at The Turn of The Millennium: Physics Department University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93111 USA
Quantum Gravity at The Turn of The Millennium: Physics Department University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93111 USA
University of California
Santa Barbara, CA 93111 USA
A very brief review is given of the current state of research in quantum gravity.
Over the past fifteen years, two approaches have emerged as the most promising
paths to a quantum theory of gravity: string theory and quantum geometry. I will
discuss the main achievements and open problems of each of these approaches,
and compare their strengths and weaknesses.
Talk presented at the Ninth Marcel Grossmann Meeting (MG9) Rome, July, 2000
1 Introduction
Two of the greatest achievements of physics in the last century were Einstein’s general
theory of relativity and quantum theory. Each of these theories has been extremely well
tested and has been very successful. However, they are mutually incompatible. Thus our
basic understanding of nature is not only incomplete – but inconsistent. One clearly needs
a new theory, quantum gravity, which incorporates the principles of both of these theories
and reduces to them in appropriate limits.
At first sight, the problem of constructing a quantum theory of gravity sounds easy since
there are no experimental constraints! The task is simply to find any theory which unifies
general relativity and quantum theory. However, on second thought, the problem sounds
extremely difficult. General relativity teaches us that gravity is just a manifestation of the
curvature of space and time. So quantum gravity must involve the quantization of space and
time, something we have no previous experience with.
Surprisingly, even though there are no experimental constraints, this is a constraint on
quantum gravity which was found in the early 1970’s by studying black holes. Motivated by
the close analogy between the laws of black hole mechanics and ordinary thermodynamics,
Bekenstein proposed that black holes have an entropy proportional to their horizon area
A [1]. Then Hawking showed that if matter is treated quantum mechanically (but gravity
remains classical), black holes emit thermal radiation with a temperature T = h̄κ/2π where
κ is the surface gravity of the black hole [2]. This confirmed Bekenstein’s ideas and fixed the
Sbh = (1)
This is an enormous entropy – much larger than the entropy in the matter that collapsed to
form the black hole. In a more fundamental statistical description, the entropy should be
a measure of the log of the number of accessible states. So a constraint on any candidate
quantum theory of gravity is to show that the number of quantum states associated with a
black hole is indeed eSbh . We will see that there has been considerable progress in satisfying
this constraint recently.
Over the years, there has been much discussion of possible consequences of quantum
gravity. Let me comment on a few of the most popular:
• Quantum gravity will smooth out spacetime singularities
This is false as stated. Quantum gravity cannot smooth out all singularities. Some
timelike singularities must remain, such as the one in the M < 0 Schwarzschild solution.
This can be seen from the following simple argument [3]. Since quantum gravity must reduce
to general relativity for weak fields (and large number of quanta), there must be solutions
which look like M < 0 Schwarzschild at large radii, for any M. At small radii, the curvature
becomes strong and the solution may be significantly modified. But if it is not singular in
some sense, it would represent a state in the theory with negative total energy. Since the
energy is unbounded from below, there would be no stable vacuum state.
• Quantum gravity will allow the topology of space to change
This is almost certainly true. There are semi-classical calculations of pair creation of
magnetically charged black holes in a background magnetic field [4]. One can reliably cal-
culate this rate for black holes with size much larger than the Planck scale. It is extremely
small, but it does change the topology of space from R3 to R3 with an S 2 × S 1 wormhole
attached. This is because the black holes are created with their horizons identified. It is
interesting to note that if one compares the rate of black hole pair creation to the rate of
magnetic monopole creation, one sees an enhancement in the black hole case of eSbh in line
with the expectation that there are eSbh different species of black holes [5]. We will see
further evidence for topology change shortly.
• Black hole evaporation will violate quantum mechanics: pure states will evolve to mixed
Since black holes can be formed from matter in a pure state and the radiation emitted
is thermal (in the semiclassical approximation) it was thought that black hole evaporation
would cause pure states to evolve into mixed states. There is recent evidence (discussed
below) that this is false. In a more exact treatment there are likely to be correlations
between the radiation emitted at early time and later time which ensure that the evolution
is unitary.
• Space and time will not be fundamental, but derived properties.
This is likely to be true, but the key question is, what replaces them?
Over the past fifteen years, there has been significant progress in two different approaches
to quantum gravity: string theory and quantum geometry. String theory attempts to provide
a unified theory of all forces and particles as well as a quantum theory of gravity. Quantum
geometry attempts to quantize general relativity (by itself) in a background independent,
non-perturbative way. It is well known that the usual perturbative approach to quantizing
general relativity fails since the theory is not renormalizable. But quantum general relativity
may still exist nonperturbatively. Due to lack of time, I will not attempt to describe these
approaches in detail. (The details keep changing anyway.) Instead, I will try to summarize
the current status of each approach and some of the results that have been achieved so far.
Note on references: The list of references is necessarily incomplete and somewhat subjec-
tive. I have tried to include at least some of the key papers describing recent developments
in each approach.
2 String theory
String theory1 starts with the idea that all elementary particles are not pointlike, but excita-
tions of a one dimensional string. If one quantizes a free relativistic string in flat spacetime
one finds a infinite tower of modes of increasing mass. There is a massless spin two mode
which is identified with a linearized graviton. Next, one postulates a simple splitting and
joining interaction between strings and finds, remarkably, that this reproduces the perturba-
tive expansion of general relativity. One then adds fermionic degrees of freedom to the string
so the theory is supersymmetric. This makes the theory better behaved and calculations eas-
ier to control. The consistent quantization of a string turns out to impose a constraint on
the spacetime dimension. In most cases, one needs ten spacetime dimensions. Contact with
observations obviously requires that six of these dimensions are unobservable. The simplest
possibility is the old Kaluza-Klein idea that these six dimensions are wrapped up in a small
compact manifold2 . The natural size of this compact manifold is the string length, a new
dimensionful parameter in the theory set by the string tension. The string length, ℓs , is
related to the Planck length, ℓp , by a power of the (dimensionless) string coupling g. In ten
dimensions, ℓp = g 1/4 ℓs .
Since the string represents fluctuations about the background spacetime it is propagating
in, the above description is strictly perturbative. String theory has now progressed far beyond
this perturbative beginning. The current status of string theory is roughly the following.
1. Classical theory is well understood. The classical equations resemble general relativity
with an infinite series of correction terms involving higher powers and derivatives of the
curvature. Since the correction terms become important only when the curvature is of
A good general reference for string theory including many of the results discussed in this section is [6].
Other possibilities are also being explored [7, 8].
order the string scale, any solution to general relativity with curvature smaller than
s is an approximate classical solution to string theory. To obtain exact solutions, it is
useful to note that the classical field equations arise from the vanishing of the conformal
anomaly in a certain two dimensional field theory. Several classes of exact solutions are
known (often using special properties to ensure that the higher order correction terms
vanish). One class, based on supersymmetry, includes compact Ricci flat six manifolds
known as Calabi-Yau spaces which can be used to compactify spacetime down to four
dimensions. Other classes include exact plane waves and group manifolds.
3. Some nonperturbative properties are known. These are mostly through clever use of
supersymmetry, which guarantees that certain properties which are valid at weak cou-
pling must continue to hold at strong coupling. In particular, extended objects (called
branes) play an important role in the theory. At the perturbative level, there are five
different string theories in ten dimensions which differ in the amount of supersymme-
try and fundamental gauge groups they contain. There is convincing evidence that the
strong coupling limit of one theory is equivalent to the weak coupling limit of another
theory. These are known as duality symmetries. In fact, it is now believed that all of
these theories can be obtained from a single eleven dimensional theory3 .
4. There exists a complete nonperturbative formulation of the theory for certain boundary
conditions. This will be discussed further below.
Up until five years ago, the status of string theory was essentially just the first two points
above. Point three has an interesting consequence. Since string theory includes gravity
and strong coupling implies strong gravitational fields, one might have expected the strong
coupling limit of string theory to have large fluctuations of space and time, i.e., spacetime
foam. But this does not seem to be the case. It appears that the strong coupling limit of
This is often called M-theory, but I will continue to refer to this approach as string theory.
the theory can be described in terms of a weakly coupled theory in new variables. There is
no evidence for spacetime foam.
Now I turn to discuss some results in string theory.
A) Singularities: The first thing to note is that the definition of a singularity is different
in string theory than in general relativity, even classically. In general relativity, we usually
define a singularity in terms of geodesic incompleteness which is based on the motion of test
particles. In string theory, we must use test strings. So a spacetime is considered singular
if test strings are not well behaved4 . It turns out that some spacetimes which are singular
in general relativity are completely nonsingular in string theory. A simple example is the
quotient of Euclidean space by a discrete subgroup of the rotation group. The resulting
space, called an orbifold, has a conical singularity at the origin. Even though this leads to
geodesic incompleteness in general relativity, it is completely harmless in string theory. This
is essentially because strings are extended objects.
The orbifold has a very mild singularity, but even curvature singularities can be harmless
in string theory. As mentioned above, string theory has exact solutions which are the product
of four dimensional Minkowski space, and a compact Calabi-Yau space. A given Calabi-Yau
manifold usually admits a whole family of Ricci flat metrics. So one can construct a solution
in which the four large dimensions stay approximately flat and the geometry of the Calabi-
Yau manifold changes slowly from one Ricci flat metric to another. In this process the
Calabi-Yau space can develop a curvature singularity. In many cases, this can be viewed
as arising from a topologically nontrivial S 2 or S 3 being shrunk down to zero area. It has
been shown that when this happens, string theory remains completely well defined. The
evolution continues through the geometrical singularity to a nonsingular Calabi-Yau space
on the other side [9, 10].
The reason this happens is roughly the following. There are extra degrees of freedom
in the theory associated with branes wrapped around topologically nontrivial surfaces. As
long as the area of the surface is nonzero, these degrees of freedom are massive, and it is
consistent to ignore them. However when the surface shrinks to zero volume these degrees
of freedom become massless, and one must include them in the analysis. When this is done,
the theory is nonsingular.
The above singularities are all in the extra spatial dimensions. However other singu-
Strictly speaking, one should also require that the other extended objects in the theory –branes – have
well behaved propagation.
larities which involve time in a crucial way have also been shown to be harmless. Putting
many branes on top of each other produces a gravitational field which often has a curvature
singularity at the location of the brane. It has been shown that one can understand physical
processes near this singularity in terms of excitations of the branes.
Despite all this progress, we still do not yet have an understanding of the most important
types of singularities: those arising from gravitational collapse or cosmology.
B) Topology change: It has been shown unambiguously that the topology of space can
change in string theory. In fact, when one evolves through a singular Calabi-Yau space
as described above, the topology of the manifold changes [9, 11]. A simpler example of
topology change is the following. Consider one direction in space compactified to a circle. If
one identifies points under a shift θ → θ + π, one obtains a circle of half the radius. If one
identifies points under a reflection about a diameter, one obtains a line segment. It turns
out that for a circle whose radius is the string scale, one can show these two Z2 actions are
equivalent in string theory5 . There is no way for strings to distinguish them. So one can
start with one direction compactified on a large circle, slowly shrink it down to the string
scale, replace it with a line segment, and then slowly expand the line segment. As far as
strings are concerned, the evolution is completely nonsingular.
C) Black hole entropy: By far the most important result is that it has been shown that
string theory can satisfy the black hole constraint mentioned earlier. For a large class of
extreme and near extreme charged black holes, one can count the number of quantum string
states at weak coupling with the same mass and charge as the black hole. The answer turns
out to agree exactly with the prediction made by Bekenstein and Hawking [12, 13]. It is
important to note that it is not just one number being reproduced. One can consider black
holes with several different types of charges and angular momentum. String theory correctly
reproduces the entropy as a function of all of these parameters.
The calculations are quite remarkable since one starts at weak coupling where gravita-
tional effects are turned off and spacetime is flat. One considers configurations of branes and
strings with appropriate charges and counts the number of states with a given energy. One
then increases the string coupling. The gravitational field of the branes and strings becomes
stronger and they eventually form a black hole. One compares the Bekenstein-Hawking en-
tropy of the resulting black hole and finds complete agreement with the log of the number
Usually, compactifying on a circle produces a U (1) gauge field. At this special radius, there is an
enhanced SU (2) symmetry and these two Z2 actions are conjugate subgroups.
of states computed in flat spacetime. It is possible to do this calculation exactly only for
extremal and near extremal black holes. For more general black holes, one can show that
the log of the number of string states is proportional to the area [14], but the coefficient is
difficult to calculate.
In some cases, one can calculate the spectrum of Hawking radiation in string theory
and show that it agrees with the semiclassical calculation. This is remarkable since the
spectrum is not exactly thermal, but has grey body factors arising from spacetime curvature
outside the horizon. These are correctly reproduced in string theory, even though the string
calculation is done in flat space. The calculations look completely different, but the results
D) Nonperturbative formulation: By studying these black hole results more closely, people
were led to a new and more complete formulation of the theory.
in the introduction: If space and time are not fundamental, what replaces them? Here
the answer is that there is an auxiliary spacetime metric which is fixed by the boundary
conditions at infinity. The CFT uses this metric, but the physical spacetime metric is a
derived quantity. The dictionary relating spacetime concepts in the bulk and field theory
concepts on the boundary is very incomplete, and still being developed.
This conjecture has an interesting consequence. Consider the formation and evaporation
of a small black hole in a spacetime which is asymptotically AdS5 × S 5 . By the AdS/CFT
correspondence, this process is described by ordinary unitary evolution in the CFT. So
black hole evaporation does not violate quantum mechanics. This is the basis for my earlier
comment that the belief that black hole evaporation is not unitary is probably false.
3 Quantum Geometry
Quantum geometry6 begins by rewriting (four dimensional) general relativity in first order
form in terms of a tetrad and connection. But instead of the usual Lorentz connection, one
uses a self dual connection. One then casts the theory into canonical form. There are the
usual Hamiltonian and momentum constraints associated with diffeomorphism invariance,
and a new Gauss’ law constraint associated with gauge transformations. Following a stan-
dard procedure for quantizing a system with constraints, one attempts to quantize the theory
by requiring that the constraint operators annihilate the physical states. The theory is anal-
ogous to an SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with an unusual Hamiltonian. However, an important
difference with ordinary Yang-Mills theory is that there is no background spacetime metric.
One must quantize the theory in a diffeomorphism invariant way. It turns out that there
is a natural diffeomorphism invariant measure on the space of connections7 which can be
used to define an inner product. It is sometimes convenient to work in a loop representation
in which states are functionals of loops. The relation to the connection representation is
roughly ψ̃[γ] = DA Wγ [A] ψ[A] where γ is a loop and Wγ [A] = T rP exp γ A is the Wilson
The current status of the quantum geometry approach is roughly the following:
1. There is a detailed and well defined theory of quantum geometry with a Hilbert space
For a general review of this approach, see [19].
More precisely, there is a diffeomorphism invariant measure on the space of generalized connections mod
gauge transformations. A generalized connection is a map from line segments (edges) to the group.
of states, and operators describing geometrical quantities such as areas, volumes, etc.
This can be viewed as the kinematical Hilbert space for the gravitational field. (The
Hamiltonian constraint has not yet been imposed.) It turns out that the fundamental
excitations of the geometry are one dimensional, created by gravitational analogues of
Wilson loops. An orthonormal basis for this space is given by spin networks, which
are, roughly, graphs whose edges are labeled with representations of SU(2).
2. Progress has been made in understanding the dynamics, i.e., the Hamiltonian con-
straint. (This is much more difficult than the other constraints since it is quadratic
in momenta and needs to be regulated.) For example, a rigorously defined and fi-
nite Hamiltonian operator has been constructed and states have been found which are
annihilated by this operator [20]. This defines a consistent generally covariant four
dimensional quantum field theory, but it may not reduce to general relativity in the
classical limit [21] . Also there has been progress in a path integral approach, in which
the spin networks are generalized to “spin foams” which are two dimensional surfaces
glued together along edges [22].
3. There has been recent progress in constructing kinematical semi-classical states [23].
These are quantum states which approximate classical spacetimes with minimum un-
certainty. They are important for gaining a physical interpretation of quantum states,
and are needed as a first step to studying scattering in this approach.
4. Although supersymmetry does not seem to be necessary in this approach, there has
been progress in extending this approach to supergravity [24].
Let me now describe some of the results in the quantum geometry approach.
A) Discreteness: The geometric operators describing areas and volumes have a purely
discrete spectrum. For example, the area of a small surface crossing an edge of a spin network
is directly related to the SU(2) representation on the edge. The area of a large surface is
just the sum of the contributions from each edge of the spin network it crosses. Since
all geometric operators have a discrete spectrum, geometry is really quantized. The usual
continuum picture is only a coarse grained approximation. This is another answer to the
question of what replaces our usual notions of space and time, if they are not fundamental.
B) Black hole entropy: One can reproduce the entropy of all nonrotating black holes
(including Schwarzschild) by counting quantum states [25]. The answer agrees with the
Bekenstein-Hawking prediction up to a single undetermined dimensionless constant, called
the Immirzi parameter. This parameter arises since there are inequivalent ways of quan-
tizing the classical phase space [26]. If you fix this parameter to give the right answer for
Schwarzschild, one automatically gets the right answer for all charged black holes. This is
different from the situation in string theory, in which current calculations only gives the en-
tropy of a general black hole up to an undetermined factor of order one which is not simply
related to a parameter in the theory.
One might wonder how one can count physical states of the black hole if one does not yet
have complete control over the Hamiltonian constraint. The answer is the following. If one
starts with the Einstein action in appropriate variables defined outside a stationary black
hole, one can show that one needs to add a surface term at the horizon which is essentially a
U(1) Chern-Simons action (recall that we are in 3 + 1 dimensions). Physically, this Chern-
Simons action describes fluctuations of the horizon geometry. The Hilbert space consists of
states in the bulk and states on the horizon, coupled in a well defined way. What one actually
counts are states of the boundary Chern-Simons theory, on a sphere with certain punctures.
The horizon area is kept fixed and corresponds to a sum of contributions associated with
each puncture. One then assumes that each of these boundary states can be connected to a
bulk state satisfying the Hamiltonian constraint.
C) Area eigenvalues are consistent with Hawking radiation: In this framework, Hawking
radiation can be thought of as analogous to atomic transitions: the area drops to a lower
eigenstate, and one emits a quanta of energy. But to reproduce an approximately thermal
spectrum at low frequency, it is important that the area eigenvalues are not evenly spaced
[27]. This can easily be seen as follows. Suppose the area eigenvalues were An ∼ n in Planck
units. Even though the Planck length is so small, this would lead to observable effects. Since
A ∼ M 2 , δA ∼ MδM. So δM ∼ 1/M = ω0 . Thus black hole radiation could only consist of
particles with energy ω0 , 2ω0 , 3ω0 , etc. But the Hawking temperature of the black hole is
of order ω0 , so this should be the peak of the thermal spectrum. Fortunately, one finds that
the level spacing between area eigenvalues goes to zero very rapidly, An − An−1 ∼ e− ,
which is consistent with a thermal spectrum even at low frequency.
The quantum geometry approach has recently made contact with another approach to
quantizing general relativity, based on the close analogy with topological field theory. The
basic idea in the following. Consider a theory in D dimensions of a gauge field Aaµ with
gauge group G and D − 2 form taking values in the (dual of the) adjoint representation of
G, Bµ···νa . The action is simply SBF = F ∧ B where F is the usual field strength of A.
This is a topological field theory, which is independent of a spacetime metric. It is known in
the literature as BF theory [28]. This theory can be quantized by path integral or canonical
methods. For D = 3 and G = SO(2, 1), this action is precisely 2 + 1 general relativity,
where B is interpreted as a triad of orthonormal vectors. Even in higher dimensions, general
relativity is equivalent to SBF plus a constraint. This can be seen by writing the Einstein
action in first order form Z
S= Rab ∧ ec · · · ∧ ed ǫabc···d (2)
where Rab is the curvature two form of an SO(D − 1, 1) connection and ea is a set of D
orthonormal vectors. This is clearly equivalent to SBF with gauge group G = SO(D − 1, 1)
and B constrained to take the form of the wedge product of vectors. In any dimension,
this constraint can be written as a quadratic condition on B [29]. So general relativity is
equivalent to a topological field with a simple quadratic constraint!
Returning to four dimensions, a functional integral approach to quantization has been
developed starting with a simplicial decomposition of the four manifold M. The two form
B is defined on the faces, and the connection is defined on the edges of a dual triangu-
lation, in which each i-simplex is replaced by a (4-i)-simplex. Evaluating the functional
integral involves summing over group representations, and the constraint on B can be sim-
ply implemented by restricting the group representations one must sum over [30]. The dual
triangulation involves two dimensional faces joined at edges, and one can show that this
leads to the same description as the “spin foam” model mentioned earlier [31]. The spin
foam model was originally obtained in a completely different way, by extending the spin
networks of the canonical theory to a four dimensional framework. A topological theory can
be completely described by a single triangulation, but general relativity requires a sum over
triangulations. A field theory formulation has been found in which the Feynman diagrams
are in one-to-one correspondence with the spin foams [32]. So summing over Feynman dia-
grams naturally sums over spin foams, which is like summing over four geometries. This is
analogous to the matrix theory description of two dimensional gravity. Although much of the
work in this direction has been restricted to Euclidean general relativity (where the group is
compact), there has been recent work in extending this to Lorentzian general relativity.
4 Comparisons
From the mid 1980’s to the mid 1990’s, a key difference between string theory and quantum
geometry was that string theory was inherently perturbative and quantum geometry was
not. (Indeed, the latter was often called “nonperturbative quantum gravity” to distinguish
it from string theory.) As I have tried to emphasize, this is no longer the case. There is
now a complete nonperturbative formulation of string theory (at least for certain boundary
Both string theory and quantum geometry have given strong evidence that they satisfy
the black hole constraint: They can reproduce the entropy of black holes by counting quan-
tum states. But they do so in very different ways. Quantum geometry is directly counting
fluctuations of the event horizon, while string theory extrapolates the black hole to weak
coupling and counts states of strings (and branes) in flat spacetime. At the moment, the
string calculations give exact results (including the factor of 1/4) only for extreme and near
extreme charged black holes. Rotation can be included. In contrast, the quantum geometry
calculations apply to all nonrotating black holes, even those which are far from extremality.
They do not recover the factor 1/4 uniquely, but it can be reproduced by fixing the one free
parameter in the theory. In this approach, one counts horizon states and assumes that they
can be extended to states satisfying the Hamiltonian constraint.
The main advantage of the quantum geometry approach is that it is directly facing the
challenge of quantizing space and time. String theory has not yet done this. Initially it
avoided the issue by focusing on perturbation theory. More recently, it has side-stepped the
issue by using duality to relate strong coupling to weak coupling, or using holography to
remove spacetime altogether. We do not yet have a good understanding of how to recover
spacetime from its holographic description.
The main disadvantage of quantum geometry is that it is still trying to deal with the
Hamiltonian constraint. This has always been the main difficulty of canonical quantization
of general relativity, and despite enormous progress, it has not yet been resolved.
The main advantage of string theory is that it is much more ambitious. It attempts
to provide not just a quantum theory of gravity but also a unified theory of all particles
and forces. String theory has also achieved more, including the results on singularities and
topology change mentioned earlier, and more detailed calculations of Hawking radiation.
The main disadvantage of string theory is that one has to accept a lot of extra structure:
extra dimensions, supersymmetry, extra particles. At first sight it does not seem very eco-
nomical. But nature may in fact include all of these features, and it is only experimental
limitations which have kept them hidden. Furthermore, we have seen evidence that string
theory has fewer degrees of freedom than it appears, so it may be more economical than it
5 Looking ahead
In the next few years, I expect to see progress in both approaches. But in the long run,
things depend on the following key question:
If so, the quantum geometry approach will probably succeed and construct it. If not,
it will fail. But even in this case, ideas from quantum geometry are likely to be useful in
string theory e.g. to recover spacetime from its holographic description. If quantum general
relativity exists and is (in a suitable sense) unique, then quantum geometry must be included
in string theory since string theory includes general relativity.
How could quantum geometry be combined with string theory? There are already several
similarities between the two approaches. For example, one dimensional objects play a key role
in both. In string theory, this is the starting point: all elementary particles are excitations of
a one dimensional string. In quantum geometry, one finds (at the end of a lengthy analysis)
that fundamental excitations of the geometry are one dimensional. Given the AdS/CFT
conjecture, there are further similarities arising from the fact that gauge theories play an
important role in both approaches. String theory with AdS5 × S 5 boundary conditions is
completely described by a four dimensional SU(N) gauge theory. In the quantum geometry
approach, four dimensional general relativity is described by something resembling an SU(2)
gauge theory. Could the fact that SU(2) is contained in SU(N) be related to the fact
that string theory describes many more fields than just four dimensional general relativity?
Furthermore, in the quantum geometry approach, Wilson loops are the basic operators
creating fundamental one dimensional excitations of the geometry. In string theory, Wilson
loops in the boundary gauge theory describe strings in the bulk spacetime.
Of course, at the moment there are also crucial differences between these approaches. The
gauge theory in string theory is a standard Yang-Mills theory with its usual Hamiltonian and
a fixed spacetime metric. In quantum geometry, there is a Hamiltonian constraint, spatial
diffeomorphism constraints and no background metric. Another key difference is that one
of the main predictions of the quantum geometry approach is that all areas are discrete.
But in string theory we have seen that one can wrap extended objects around compact
surfaces in the extra dimensions to produce new states. The mass of these states is directly
proportional to the area of the surface. Supersymmetry requires that one can change this
area continuously. So it appears that area is not quantized in this case. The future will tell
whether, at a deeper level, these differences are superficial or fundamental.
Of course the goal of both approaches is to answer basic questions such as what was
physics like at the big bang. Given the recent progress, one may be hopeful that answers
will be available soon into the next millennium.
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