The Impact of Academic Pressure On The Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM Students of The Dominican College of Sta. Rosa Laguna

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The Impact of Academic Pressure on the Academic Performance of Grade 12

STEM Students of the Dominican College of Sta. Rosa Laguna

A Thesis Proposal
Presented to
The Faculty of the Senior High School Department
Sta. Rosa City, Laguna

In Partial Fulfillment
Of the Requirements for the Research II
Science and Technology Engineering
And Mathematics (STEM)




Chapter 1

The Problem and Its Background


Academic pressure is one of the factors that causes students to fail. Sharma,

Parasar and Mahto (2017) define stress as the mental response and action by

hormonal signaling, the perception of danger triggers an automatic response

system, known as response to fight or flee. Recent studies have been done on

World’s educational system (Lin, 199~; Hayhoe, 1992; Epstein, 1991; Gasper,

1989; Hayhoe, 1984; Hawkins, 1983). Some researchers have attributed Asian

students' high academic achievement to their parents' high expectations and

willing-ness to put in time and effort for their children's education (Schneider & Lee,

1990; Stevenson & Lee, 1990). While this may be true, not enough attention has

been paid to the daily experience of children under constant pressure to become

successful in school. How students actually feel, and what kind of negative

consequences have been experienced by them, have been studied much less.

Students’ academic performance is a key characteristic of education (Rono 2013). It

is considered to be the center around which the entire education system evolves.

Some factors influencing high academic achievement include daily hours of study,

parents' economic status and good learning facilities (Singh, Malik & Singh (2016).
Students face challenges in their studies due to the ineffective use of these factors

to improve academic performance. In this sense, this study seeks to discover the

negative impact of academic pressure on student achievement, the relationship

between school pressure and students’ achievement, and finally, to recommend

strategies for managing pressure at the Dominican College of Sta. Rosa Laguna,

the reason being that complex results on how academic pressure relates to

students’ performance can be provided effectively.

Background of the Study

Academic Pressure can vary in different ways, it can be caused by academic

frustration, conflicts, and anxieties (How To Help Students Cope With Academic

Pressure ( Having pressure during one’s academic

performance can be very stressful as these can be connected in their academic

performance as a whole. As time passes by and as it progresses, it can be much

heavier and take a toll on their performance. Learning with thinking a lot can be a

hard experience for students and learners who are especially graduating and taking

a strand that is deemed to be one of the hardest strands with a lot of opportunities

can be hard for learners who are experiencing a lot of pressure. The researchers of

the Grade 12 Senior High School Students of the Dominican College of Sta.

Rosa Laguna came up with the study of “The Impact of Academic Pressure on

the Academic Performance of Grade 12 STEM Students of the Dominican College

of Sta. Rosa Laguna. To know if there is any significant relationship of Academic

Pressure to the Academic Performance of the Grade 12 STEM Students.

Theoretical Framework

This study is supported by Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs. Maslow’s Hierarchy of

Needs has often been represented in a hierarchical pyramid with five levels.

● Self-actualization – includes morality, creativity, problem solving, etc.

● Esteem – includes confidence, self-esteem, achievement, respect, etc.

● Belongingness – includes love, friendship, intimacy, family, etc.

● Safety – includes security of environment, employment, resources, health,

property, etc.

● Physiological – includes air, food, water, sleep, other factors towards

homeostasis, etc.

The first four levels are considered deficiency or deprivation needs (“D-needs”) in

that their lack of satisfaction causes a deficiency that motivates people to meet

these needs. Physiological needs, the lowest level on the hierarchy, include

necessities such as air, food, and water. These tend to be satisfied for most people,

but they become predominant when unmet. During emergencies, safety needs such

as health and security rise to the forefront. Once these two levels are met,

belongingness needs, such as obtaining love and intimate relationships or close

friendships, become important. The next level, esteem needs, include the need for

recognition from others, confidence, achievement, and self-esteem. And lastly, the

highest level is self-actualization, or self-fulfillment. Behavior in this case is not

driven or motivated by deficiencies but rather one’s desire for personal growth and

the need to become all the things that a person is capable of becoming successful

In line with this, Walberg’s theory of academic achievement (1992) posits

that psychological characteristics of individual students and their immediate

psychological environments influence educational outcomes (cognitive, behavioral,

and attitudinal)

According to Academic Counselor Laurel Heidel, Academic Pressure can be

a positive force that motivates students to do well or a negative force causing

students to experience anxiety while studying, concentration difficulties, or test

Conceptual Framework

Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Figure 1. The schematic diagram of the Independent and Dependent Variables of the study

As shown above, the dependent variables for the study will be the data

regarding the factors affecting the social life of Grade 12 STEM Students due to

academic pressure.

Statement of the Problem

The study generally intends to examine The Impact of Academic Pressure of

Grade 12 STEM Students because of Academic Performance in Dominican College

of Santa Rosa. To supply relevant data and information needed, the researcher will

seek answer to the following problems:

1. What is the demographic profile of the respondents regarding the factors

affecting due to academic pressure of Grade 12 - STEM students.

1.1. Age

1.2. Sex

1.3. Section

2. What are the precise issues that the academic pressure will address to the

academic performance of Grade 12 STEM student as to:

2.1 Class Participation

2.2 Academic Grades

2.3 Skills and Competencies

3. What is the relevance and significance of knowing academic pressure to Grade

12 STEM? Based on the results, what development plan and activities can be


3.1. For the students to be aware who are taking their academic activities under



Ho1: There is a significant effect between the academic pressure and

academic performance of grade 12 STEM students in Dominican College of

Sta. Rosa.
Ho2: There is no significant effect between the academic pressure and

academic performance of the grade 12 STEM students of Dominican College

of Sta. Rosa.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study

The primary purpose of this study is to know the impact of class participation

to the students, the students academic grades and the skills and competencies of

the students in Grade 12 STEM of Dominican College of Sta. Rosa.

The study will focus on the Grade 12 STEM of Dominican College of Sta.

Rosa. A total of forty six (46) students, the participant’s demographic profile will

remain confidential and with the help of these it allows the researchers to better

understand a certain background of the respondents. The gathered information will

also remain exclusive and only for the study. The study provides the basis to

propose a plan for them to understand their wellbeing and their academic pressure

that are affected due to academic performance.

The researchers conducted the study in which the student’s academic

performance is being affected by academic pressure. Some of the students are

having a hard time to cope up especially with the pressure that they have given.

This 2022-2023 the researchers would like to conduct this study to know the

outstanding of the students academic performance in Grade 12 STEM of Dominican

College of Sta. Rosa.

Significance of the Study

The findings of this study will provide information and data which will be

useful to the following group of people:

Students. The students are the ones who will benefit from the study, they are the

ones who are experiencing the impact of academic pressure due to academic

performances. The students will be more aware of the situation that is affecting

them due to academic pressure.

Teachers. The teachers will give ways for those students who feel pressured with

their academics, The teachers will be the one who will support and guide the

students whenever they’ll experience difficulties in their academics. To know what

they can do and to adjust for the students' performances.

Parents. The parents will also be the guide of their children, to give support and

words of wisdom to do better. It also enlightens them to motivate their children to

cope up and overcome problems that they can possibly encounter especially when

they feel pressured when it comes to academic performances.

Future Researchers. This study will guide the future researcher’s next studies that

have a connection with this topic. The researchers will understand more the

situation of the students, especially those students who are experiencing academic

Definition of Terms

The following terms and phrases are defined according to their uses in this

present endeavor:

Academic Pressure. In which the students are experiencing a high grades

expectation and demands of time and energy to achieve a specific academic goal.

Some of the common problems of academic pressure are poor time management,

social skills, and peer competition of one's individual.

Dominican College of Sta. Rosa (DCSR). Is a private Christian academic

type of school in Santa Rosa. A school that teaches different academic skills and

values that will enhance and develop the skills of the students. It comprises a

complete Basic Education program for Primary, Elementary, Junior High School,

Senior High School and College department.

STEM. stands for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics and

refers to any subjects that fall under these four disciplines

Senior High student. Is a student who attends grades 11 and 12.

Class Participation. The engagement of the students inside of the

classroom. Participating in discussion, recitation and group activities.

Academic Grades. Achievements of the students include the overall grades.

Indicates the students excellent and satisfactory performance in each subject.

Skills and Competencies.

Academic Performance. Achievements and completions in your school.

Where the grades are input by each subject.


Chapter 2


This chapter presents a review of local and foreign literature and studies that

have bearing on the present investigation. It focuses on several aspects that will

help in the development of this study. The said literature and studies of this study

come from books, journals, articles, electronic materials such as PDF or E-Book,

and other existing theses and dissertations, foreign and local that served as

reservoir of information on the area of consolidating student’s record which has

guided the researcher in interpreting the finding of the study.


Student Voice: Academic Pressure on Young People in Education

Ellissa Hatoum (2021), Young people have excessive pressure put on them

to achieve/exceed the academic standard in the education system in hopes to

positively impact students, in order for them to obtain high academic results.

Ironically however, this unintentionally negatively impacts students' academic

performance as it can put a strain on students' wellbeing, thus causing students to

do poorly in school and potentially leading to them developing academic stress.

Academic pressure and stress from heavy workload, extensive time studying

and high expectations have proven to negatively affect young people in terms of

their well being and health, as well as their academic performance. This academic

pressure and stress have only made it more difficult for young people in education.

It is necessary that the amount of academic pressure and stress be reduced and

managed to ensure that young people are able to perform their best academically

and socially in the education system.

on how to manage and deal with stress in order to enhance their academic


Parent's expectations and academic pressure: A major cause of stress

among students

India Today Web Desk (2020), Parents should instigate positive thinking and

good lifestyle habits in students. A healthy lifestyle coupled with good eating and

sleeping habits can considerably reduce stress. Be it in academics, sports or any

other area, parents should always embrace a child's imperfections and mistakes.

They need to teach their children that failure is part of success. If a student is

experiencing fear or anxiety, parents should take the time to talk and address the
concerns. Parents should always make it a point to focus on the good aspects and

positive attributes of the student.

Teachers can educate their students about the importance of time

management that can considerably reduce stress. They should allow flexible due

dates to submit the assignments. Not only will this reduce stress but also keep them

motivated to deliver their work. Teachers should acknowledge the effort of every

student instead of discouraging them. Teachers should put in the effort to

encourage laughter and humor in the classroom.

Impact of Time-Management on the Student’s Academic Performance:

A Cross-Sectional Study

Adham Alyami, et al. (2021), The aim of the study is to find the impact of time

management on the academic performance of students among the diagnostic

radiology technology students at KAU. This study had a cross-sectional

survey-based study design.

For this study, 152 students were targeted among which 142 completed the

questionnaire, making the response rate of 93.4%. Among 142 participants, 75

(52.8%) were females and 52 (36.6%) were in the 2018 batch. Majority of the

students i.e., 107 (75.4%) had GPA between 4.5 - 5 in 2020. Whereas, 37.3%

agreed or strongly agreed that they manage their time. Here, 69.2% students with

4.5 - 5 GPA strongly agreed that they meet their deadline (p value = 0.005) and
36.7% students with 4 - 4.5 GPA strongly believed that their academic performance

decreased due to mis-planning (p value = 0.005).

In conclusion, according to students' perception, preplanning their studies

had been beneficial for their academic performance. However, less than half of the

students agreed that they manage their time. (Vol.12 No.3)

Academic Pressure: Effects and Management

Khue Minh Luu (2022), On one hand, Academic Pressure can be a

motivation for students. It can have a significant influence on students because it

helps students get out of their comfort zone to try their best while studying. On other

hand, Academic Pressure can also turn into stress which causes students to feel

burdened, leading to a downgrade in academic performance in the long term.

The urge to get an A-plus or a “100/100” mark for any tests constantly makes

the study journey of students feel like going to a battlefield. In contrast to the first

effect, academic pressure can hinder students’ enjoyment of school and study in

general. Last but not least, we want to remind you to be patient with yourself and

take the necessary time to recover from anxiety and burnout from studying.

Academic Pressure

According to Ben Davis (2021), Academic pressure is fully defined as a

situation in which a student is burdened by time and energy demands in order to

achieve specific academic goals. This stress can occur from a variety of sources
and have a wide range of consequences for students, both emotionally and

academically. Excessive academic stress can lead to an increase in the prevalence

of psychological and physical problems such as depression, anxiety, nervousness,

and stress-related disorders, which can have an impact on their academic

performance. As a result, students are seen to be affected by the negative causes

of academic stress.

School education is a critical part of a person's life and a major milestone in

their academic career. At this point, a student's academic performance is critical in

determining the next stage of their education, which in turn shapes their career. An

accumulation of academic stress during this phase can have far-reaching and

long-lasting consequences. Students face a variety of academic issues in today's

highly competitive world, along with exam stress, disinterest in attending classes,

and a struggle to comprehend a subject. Academic stress is defined as emotional

stress caused by impending academic tasks or breakdown, or simply the fear of

academic failure. (Anoushka Thakkar, 2018)

Academic stressors manifest themselves in a variety of settings for students,

including school, home, relationships with peers, and even their neighborhood.

Stress and anxiety have a significant negative effect on personal, emotional, and

academic performance. Depression is now the most common mental health

problem among college students. It also reflects a person's academic frustration,

academic conflict, academic anxiety, and academic pressure are the four main
components of academic stress that are usually visible in a student. (Anoushka

Thakkar, 2018)

As indicated by (Ellisa Hatoum, 2021), Academic pressure refers to the

stress placed on students as a result of work overload, extended periods of study,

and high-grade expectations. This article will address the negative effects of

academic pressure and stress on students, as well as ways to cope with academic

pressure and stress. Academic pressure, in some cases, motivates students to

perform more effectively at school and increases productivity levels because they

are more motivated to achieve successful performance.

Academic pressure is most noticeable in students during the time of

homework and exams because there is a lot of work to be accomplished and

students are spending hours studying. This is a challenging and stressful time for

students because there is a high demand for students to perform well, as well as

increased pressure from their parents, teachers, and society. While academic

pressure is anticipated to encourage students in school, it also burdens students

with high academic performance expectations. Academic pressure has a negative

impact on students' social, physical, cognitive, and physiological health, as well as

their likelihood of developing disorders such as anxiety, depression, sleep

deprivation, and insomnia. Academic stress involves the stress from academic

challenges in education and leads to a lack of student academic motivation. This

has increased the likelihood of students dropping out of school. (Ellisa Hatoum,


According to Cristobella Durrette (2020), Academic pressure is expressly

defined as a situation in which a student is afflicted by energy and time demands in

order to accomplish particular academic goals. This stress could really occur from a

variety of sources and have a wide range of consequences for students, both

emotionally and academically. Academic Counselor Laura Heidel said. “Academic

pressure can be a positive force, causing the student to want to do well, or it could

be a negative force, causing the student to have anxiety while studying,

concentration problems or test anxiety.”

Teacher-Related Aspect

Fredriksen, Rhodes, Reddy, and Way (2004) conducted a longitudinal study

on the effects of adolescent sleep loss during middle school. The participants’ sleep

loss had a relationship with more depressive symptoms, lower self-esteem, and

lower grades. Wolfson and Carskadon (1998, p. 1) agreed and said, “The way

adolescents sleep critically influences their ability to think, behave, and feel during

daytime hours.” These findings are in alignment with the present study’s findings

whereby feeling sleepy in class is deemed to be the most impactful on academic

performance among the personal conditions category.

Being hungry in class came in second in the same subset. This is supported by

previous research conducted by Deloitte and released by Share Our Strength which

shows that, on average, students who eat school breakfast achieve 17.5% higher

scores on standardized math tests, attend 1.5 more days of school per year.

Students who attend class more regularly are 20% more likely to graduate from

high school.

Academic Stress Amongst Students

A lot that a child is expected to achieve, but due to lack of proper support,

they feel lost at sea and are left directionless.

Reddy et al. (2018) in their study concludes that stream wise difference in stress

does exist in students. It is important to deal with stress at personal, social and

institutional level. Remedies such as feedback, yoga, life skills trainiJain, Singhai

(2017, 2018), Academic pressure has increased over the past few years, there are

examinations, assignments and many other activities that a student has to shuffle

through. Not only the design but teachers and parents also burden the students

with a lot of pressure of getting good grades. These expectations make the students

work relentlessly and end up creating more stress. With academics, the parents and

the institutions want the students to participate in extracurricular activities too, the

current expectation from the students is to be an all rounder.

Heavy academic workloads and the feeling that you are constantly racing to

meet another deadline can be daunting. Parental pressure on children to shine in

their study and perform well in extracurricular activities is at remarkably high.

Compelling need to excel in studies, often prone to abuse, does injure morale and

is one of the greatest causes of stress, failure and breakdown. Lack of support is a

major reason for stress amongst students. Lack of interaction with parents and

teachers keep on building on doubts and confusions that a child might have

eventually leading to stress. There is a ng, mindfulness, meditation and

psychotherapy have been found useful to deal with stress. Identifying the main

reason for stress is the key to deal with it. Professionals can develop tailor made

strategies to deal with stress. The integrated well being of the students is important

not only for the individual but for the institute as well.

Dimitrov (2017) in his study claimed that stress can be addressed by ensuring

that the students give utmost importance to their welfare. Food, exercise, work,

recreation are some of the areas to focus on. He also concluded that the education

system is more to do with the academic qualifications and does not contribute

enough to the holistic development of students.

The main source of stress for the students is the inadequacy of right support.

There is a standard evaluation procedure which does not give enough scope to the

students to experiment and push the boundaries to excel. There are many personal

and social factors that lead to stress among students. Lack of clarity and
unavailability of right career counselors lead to directionless goals, and even after

graduating, students are clueless with their careers and are insecure regarding a


According to (K. Jayasankara Reddy, Karishma Rajan Menon and

AnjanaThattil) Stress has become part of students’ academic life due to the various

internal and external expectations placed upon their shoulders. Adolescents are

particularly vulnerable to the problems associated with academic stress as

transitions occur at an individual and social level. It therefore, becomes imperative

to understand the sources and impact of academic stress in order to derive

adequate and efficient intervention strategies. The study employed a quantitative

research design where participants were screened using Academic Stress Scale

from four streams namely, commerce, management, humanities, and basic

sciences. The five dimensions of sources such as personal inadequacy, fear of

failure, interpersonal difficulties with teachers, teacher pupil relationship and

inadequate study facilities were further analyzed and gender differences were also


Grade Expectations: Rationality and Overconfidence

Magnus, Peresetsky (2018), Part of a student's grade expectation is based on

the student's previous academic achievements; what remains can be interpreted as

(over)confidence. Our results are based on a sample of about 500 second-year

undergraduate students enrolled in a statistics course in Moscow. The course

contains three exams and each student produces a forecast for each of the three


We contribute to this literature by asking how well undergraduate students

forecast their grade, given their ability and other control variables. to investigate this

issue was Murstein (1965) using a sample of 76 students from a course in

educational psychology at Louisiana State University. Persistency of

overconfidence was found, especially for the weaker students. Grimes (2002)

studied a sample of 253 students enrolled in a principles of macroeconomics course

at Mississippi State University, and found a high degree of overconfidence. Nowell

and Alston (2007) used data from a survey conducted in 32 courses, representing

every class offered by the economics department at Weber State University in Utah

during one semester. The sample consisted of 715 students with a 70% response


The side-effects of high expectations

Connell (2019), A good school must have high expectations for all students

and urge them to achieve the most they can, whatever their starting point. No-one

would argue with this statement. Conclusions from a new study suggest that

perhaps we should look more closely at the effect that applying “pressure

expectations” has on children’s learning experiences. The research finds that

teachers’ pressure expectations might lead to pupils working harder but that there

are other implications too.

Expectations across the teaching staff should be consistent and raising the

expectations of students themselves is considered a key element in tackling the

attainment gap. However, this agenda comes alongside the well-documented

concerns about the pressure of SATs and their impact on teachers and students.

And it is not only in year 6 that schools, particularly those in requires improvement

and special measures categories, are pushing their pupils to achieve the high

expectations they have set for them.

The study found that the higher the pressure expectations in a lesson the

harder a student worked in subsequent lessons. The study showed that a higher

level of effort was linked to both autonomous motivation and controlled motivation.

When the students were motivated – either through their own interest in the subject

or through external regulations such as being rewarded by good marks, or not

wanting to disappoint a teacher – they were more likely to work hard.

Academic Stress and Mental Well-Being in College Students

Barbayannis, et. al (2022), Academic stress may be the single most dominant

stress factor that affects the mental well-being of college students. We surveyed

843 college students and evaluated whether academic stress levels affected their

mental health, and if so, whether there were specific vulnerable groups by gender,

race/ethnicity, year of study, and reaction to the pandemic.

Late adolescence and emerging adulthood are transitional periods marked by

major physiological and psychological changes, including elevated stress.

Academic stress has also been shown to negatively impact mental health in

students, mental, or psychological, well-being is one of the components of positive

mental health, and it includes happiness, life satisfaction, stress management, and

psychological functioning. Positive mental health is an understudied but important

area that helps paint a more comprehensive picture of overall mental health.

Moreover, positive mental health has been shown to be predictive of both negative

and positive mental health indicators over time. Further exploring the relationship

between academic stress and mental well-being is important because poor mental

well-being has been shown to affect academic performance in college.

Academic pressure from family, society takes toll on students

Durrette (2020), Academic pressure is formally defined as an experience in

which a student is burdened by the demands of time and energy to achieve specific

academic goals. This stress can come from a variety of potential sources and have

a myriad of impacts on students both emotionally and academically. Students

struggling to manage academic pressure can find support through on-campus


Developing healthy lifestyle habits such as getting enough sleep, exercise and

good nutrition can help students handle their academic pressure.

“If you are a freshman and haven’t found out what works for you in college yet,

don’t stress,” Phillips said. “Through trial and error, you will find the way that you

deal with stress best.”

An Insight into Factors and their Influences on Academic Outcomes of

Students at Senior High Schools

Brew, et. al (2021), The good academic performance of students at the

Senior High School is of paramount importance in every educational system.

Meanwhile, numerous factors influence the academic performance of students and

have been researched, but many problems persist. The current paper used a

narrative review method to review the literature on the academic performance of

students at Senior High Schools and various factors affecting students’

performance. The paper elucidated how these factors negatively affect academic

performance and the need for them to be minimized to improve students’ academic


The basic thing that one gets from education is knowledge. One gets to know

about various things ranging from Mathematics to History, Literature to Political

Science. Educators and researchers have long been interested in exploring

variables contributing to the quality of academic performance of learners. Academic

performance is affected by many factors including parents’ education levels and

income, teachers’ knowledge of the subject, truancy, textbooks availability and

accessibility, libraries, practical laboratory, meals provision and many other factors.
The study used a narrative review method to find out how the academic

performance of students is affected by their needs in the school. To achieve this,

the researchers employed search styles and methods from previous studies with

few modifications.

Academic Pressure: How to Deal with it

According to Graduate Coach (2021), there are a wide range of factors that

can cause academic pressure. You may have high aspirations to push yourself to

achieve high grades. This can result in you placing a lot of pressure on yourself.

You may feel as though you will regret not working hard enough if you do not

achieve the grades that you want. If you are prone to being hard on yourself when it

comes to academic performance, take some time to reflect on your skills,

personality traits and interests outside of academia. If it’s to be successful in life, for

example, redirect your mindset and determination to tell yourself that regardless of

what grades you get, you’ll be successful.

The point being made here is if you really want something, you won’t let a few

bad grades stop you from achieving it. You may need to persevere and possible

spend more time working on achieving your goal, but ultimately you’ll become a

more resilient, determined and self-motivated person. With varied, high-quality work

experience, you may get a position over someone with a perfect academic record

who has never worked a day in their life. Your parents, family and friends may have
very high expectations for you to achieve high grades. This can make you feel as

though you will disappoint them if you do not get certain grades.

Some courses and qualifications are more demanding than others. If you are

studying a subject that is particularly academically rigorous such as a STEM subject

you may be prone to feeling more pressure. Academic pressure can become

counter-intuitive. This is because it can result in psychological and physical

problems that in turn negatively impact grades.


Evaluating the Academic Performance of K-12 Students in the Philippines:

According to Porferio M. Almerino (2020) In relevant domains, the

implementation of policies, strategies, and other initiatives are evaluated using

performance evaluation methods. Similarly, in education, the effectiveness of

introduced programs is reviewed in the same way. For instance, Tam proposed an

indicator system for evaluating academic performance from a quality management

perspective. Such proposal is consistent with the findings of Johnes and Taylor,

which implies that educational institutions be evaluated using the information on the

outputs aimed to be produced, inputs needed to produce the outputs, quantitative

measurements of each input and output, and technical relationship between inputs

and outputs. In the current literature, another method for measuring effectiveness in

education is by determining the effectiveness score, which is the difference

between actual and predicted graduation rates. Horn et al. showed the method’s
validity by examining the measurement properties of effectiveness scores derived

from regression residuals. Moreover, Srisakda et al. developed an indicator system

of learner’s key competencies. Such an indicator system measures students’

communication, thinking, problem-solving, applying life skills, and technological

application capabilities.

As studied by Niels Mulder (2010), The way Filipinos view the social world is

moralistic. This comes "naturally" in a hierarchicizing environment that builds on

familial arrangements in which people should behave according to their place as

defined by sex, seniority and status. There, order is founded precisely on the

premise of moral inequality and the consciousness of reciprocal obligations to

known people. And indeed, under such circumstances that arrangement is best

served by the "ethics of place" that specify that everybody should fulfill his

obligations to the members of his group from which, in his turn, he derives identity,

reputation, security, and the satisfaction of acceptance. The ethics of place belong

to a morally particularistic conception of social life in which individuals are perceived

as statuses. Also people themselves tend to identify with their position and the

prestige attributed accordingly. Often, they develop a touchiness in matters felt to

relate to honor and reputation. Consequently, they are careful in voicing opinion

while avoiding controversy. They experience their social life in a very direct manner,

a very ego-centered way. They have difficulty in distancing themselves from their

felt circumstances. Logically then, direct, concrete means of social control acquire
extraordinary importance; it is the eyes and opinions of others that matter, the dread

of gossip, revenge, or violence, and respect for hierarchy. While these are effective

means to keep people in place and the known world in order, they lose their

relevance in the "anonymous," "public" realm that appears to be run by political and

economic expediency, and the privilege of the powerful. Seen from the vantage

point of private ethics, it seems an area of moral decay, a place where people have

lost their moral guidelines. From a sociological perspective, this public space is

morally neutral. There, relationships are impersonal, monetary, opportunistic, and

business-like; such bonds are not anchored in personal self-experience, but in

contractual and immediate reciprocity.

Academic Stress

According to Mary Chris A. Austria Cruz (2019), Students who are pursuing

colleges are unquestionably confronted with numerous challenges and problems.

Everyone can admit to the difficulty of college life. It is the first real test of students'

academic intentions and abilities. Furthermore, college is a stage in which students

face a plethora of academic pressures and challenges as they strive to maintain

performance improvement or even continue to stay in the academic program.

College is a high point in some people's lives, and they look forward to that

one, enjoy it, and carry positive memories with them once they graduate. In addition

to these memorable experiences come anxieties, doubts, and struggles. (Mary

Chris A. Austria Cruz, 2019)

Academic expectations and achievements from parents, a personal desire

for students’ self, the number of assigned tasks, conflict with a fellow student, and

final writing assignments (thesis). Earning high grades is a source of pressure for

them, affecting their ability to make positive impressions on their parents,

classmates, and significant others. Failures turn into pressures caused by

intrapersonal, interpersonal, academic, and environmental stressors. (Mary Chris A.

Austria Cruz, 2019).

Academic Stress

Today, stress is on the rise among students but the fundamental concepts for

minimizing, enduring, and mastering stress are easily ignored. Students experience

significant academic distress in many locations all over the world, and not knowing

how to cope with it is a major concern that aggravated the school-setting situation.

Education and social assistance systems are key drivers in students' development

and betterment, particularly in the adoption of appropriate coping mechanisms. It

explores the relationship existing between the students' demographics and their

academic stress and coping strategies. (Dennis V. Madrigal, 2020)

Factors Affecting the Academic Performance

As intended by Antonio L. Raymundo, Jr (2017), Gender, age, students'

schooling, father/guardian social economic status, daily study hour, all have an

impact on students' academic gain and learning performance. Many researchers

conducted in-depth studies on the factors that influence student performance at

various levels of study. One possible explanation for this result is that education is a

major source of poverty alleviation in developing countries, so students from

low-income families may work really hard continually to achieve their grades. They

also do not have sufficient money to partake in other time-consuming activities.

Another important factor discovered to be significant in this study is family

background. The academic achievements are determined by his or her

socioeconomic background. If the father is educated, the student will perform better.

This could occur because knowledgeable parents recognize the importance of

education and provide their children with the moral strength to succeed.

Furthermore, fathers may exempt their children from certain household chores

when they are in lower grades. Students' performance, on the other hand, is

negatively related to the father's economic status. That is, students from

lower-income families outperform those from higher-income families.

There are numerous factors both inside and outside of school that influence the

quality of students' academic performance. This study looked at a few of the factors

outside of school that affect students' academic achievement. The most important

aspect for educators is to effectively educate their students so that they can

demonstrate quality academic performance. To achieve this goal, educators must

gain a better understanding of the factors that may affect students' academic

Chapter 3

Research Design and Methodology

This chapter centralizes the discussion of the research methods and

procedures adhered to by the researchers in order to respond systematically to the

specific problems posed for investigation. Specifically, it sets the procedures to

collect, analyze and report the data to be obtained through survey. In detail, the

research methods, population and samples, research instrument, statistical

treatment of the data and used for the accurate data analysis and interpretation are

explained in this chapter.

Research Design

This study is a formal research design which is a quantitative descriptive

method and will be employed in this study. This design is suitable when the

researcher’s motive is to determine the impact of academic pressure in the

academic performance of of the Grade 12 - STEM. Descriptive type of quantitative

research is used to describe the components of a population or phenomenon.

Moreover, prior to conducting additional study, it enables the researchers to

completely understand and grasp the context of the background of the research

problem. According to Williams (2017), descriptive research is a research method

that can determine the situation in a current

phenomenon. Thus, the researcher finds this method appropriate for the study.

The time frame for this research is a longitudinal, an extended period of time.

This is conducted under cohort studies by prospective which is concurrent, done at

the same time. The main approach of the study is for the factors that are affecting

the students due to Academic pressure. The researchers selected GRADE 12 -

STEM students for the research locale of the study. Pre - Survey will be conducted

first to identify and classify if the students undergo Academic pressure. Through the

use of a descriptive research design, questions will be developed in an organized


To assure the results in the study, structured design of questions through

descriptive research design will be employed. Through the use of a descriptive

research design, questions will be developed in an organized manner. This design

is defined as quantitative design since descriptions of each measure are shown,

and respondents in evaluation study methodically scale or score each indicator to

produce measurable conclusions and data. Since this study adopted quantitative

data gathering techniques, statistics will be modified or dichotomous type of

questions. The researcher noted that the methods and design of this study would

be compatible and essential for the population to find out the foremost factors that

are affecting due to academic pressure.

Research Locale

The study will be conducted among the 46 students of the Grade 12 STEM

strand. This includes both onliners and face to face students who are attending their

classes off-site or on-site. The school is accessible through land transportation and

online. The school was chosen because of its hybrid setup and how academic

pressure affects the student’s academic performance. The researchers engaged in

this school as the researchers had direct contact with the respondents for a more

accessible and easy gathering of information.

Population and Sampling

Purposive sampling is appropriate for this study. This contains judgements,

the researchers are the ones who will choose to participate in the survey. Also that

is based on characteristics of a population and the objective of the study. The

researchers choose this sampling since it provides the data needed in the study. In

this research, the researchers will determine the impact of academic pressure to the

Grade 12 STEM due to academic performance and researcher-made interview

questions being developed and to be administered to the sample respondents.

Respondents of the Study

The study involved the Grade 12 STEM Students of Dominican College of

Sta. Rosa Laguna. The researchers settled to involve the Grade 12 Students

because of the many workloads and different tasks that have been poured to the
Grade 12 STEM Students especially since they are graduating this school year

2022-2023. There are forty-six (46) STEM students who will be chosen as

respondents. The researchers will make sure to gather data from these chosen

respondents and will rest assured valid results and data from the respondents.

Females Males

23 23

Total: 46

Research Instrument

The main research instrument of the study in gathering information with the

use of researcher’s - made survey questionnaires.

Researcher’s made Questionnaires - The questions provided are made by the

researchers as the mode of gathering information. The gathering of data is mostly

focused on Online Surveys as it is accessible and accurate.

Construction - The researcher constructed the questions after reading and

examining various readings of related literature from local and foreign. This would

be composed of two parts with PART I indicating the demographic profile of the

respondents and PART II contains the indicators which are the Class Participation,
Academic Grades and Skills and Competencies. PART III. the necessary

recommendations for the survey questionnaires.

Validation - To prove the validity or accuracy of the questionnaires prepared by the

researchers. These questionnaires will be checked by the subject teacher and the

school heads. To better validate the SQ, the subject teachers considered the

content, instructions, grammatical errors, level of difficulty and number of questions.

Administration and Retrieval of Responses - The researchers will proceed to

conduct the survey after the subject teacher and the school heads approves the

questionnaires. The assigned teacher will assist the researchers to conduct the

survey to avoid problems when recording the responses. This is to ensure the

safety of the researchers and the respondents.

Data Gathering Procedure

The interview question items will be formulated based on the readings of

literature and studies conducted by the researcher. The first draft will be submitted

to the research adviser for further perusal and suggestions for improvement. After

editing the said interview questions, requested permission from the school principal

to conduct the study. After obtaining approval, the researchers conducted an online

questionnaire for the subjects of the study that acquired answers necessary to

complete the research. The respondents have been given enough time to fulfill all

requirements in the provided instrumentation. The researchers guaranteed that all

obtained information were kept confidential for the respondents’ privacy. After

successfully acquiring information, data gathered was determined and processed

for data analyzation.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To obtain answers for the study’s treatment of the problem, the following

formula will be used.

To determine the frequency of responses of the Grade 12 STEM students

and to quantify data results from the survey specifically on the number of responses

in every indicator, this will be used to answer the questions and the statement of the

problem 1, 2, 3.

The formula for the Percentage:

%=f x 100

Where: % - percentage

f – Frequency

N – Number of cases

To get the average rate of responses of the students as respondents for each

level, the researcher will use the weighted mean.

The formula for the weighted mean is:

WM= x/n


X= is the weighted mean or the average score


A. Journals

Almerino, P. M. (2020). Evaluating the Academic Performance of K-12 Students in

the Philippines: A Standardized Evaluation Approach

Alyami, A. (2021). Impact of Time-Management on the Student’s Academic

Performance: A Cross-Sectional Study

Brew, E. A. (2021). A Literature Review of Academic Performance, an Insight into

Factors and their Influences on Academic Outcomes of Students at Senior

High Schools

Raymundo, A. L. (2017). Factors Affecting the Academic Performance



Vences, C. A. (2015). Time Management and Academic Achievement of Higher

Secondary Students

B. Articles

Alos, S. B., Caranto, L. C. & David, J. J. T. (2015). Factors Affecting the Academic

Performance of the Student Nurses of BSU

Barbayannis, G. (2022). Academic Stress and Mental Well-Being in College

Students: Correlations, Affected Groups, and COVID-19

Bedewy, D. & Gabriel, A. (2015). Examining perceptions of academic stress and its

sources among university students: The Perception of Academic Stress


Cherry, K. (2022) What Is Behaviorism?

Behaviorism: Definition, History, Concepts, and Impact (

Hukom, K. & Madrigal, D. V. (2020) Academic Stress and Coping Strategies of High

School Students with Single-Parents

Magnus, J. R. & Peresetsky, A. A. (2018). Grade Expectations: Rationality and


Mary, C. A. A. (2019) Academic Stress and coping Strategies of Filipino College

Students in private and public universities in Central Luzon



Mofatteh, M. (2020). Risk factors associated with stress, anxiety, and depression

among university undergraduate students

C. Research

Chuna, B., etc. (2019). Factors Affecting the Academic Performance Of Grade 11

Students in English at Bestlink College of the Philippines.

Compa, N., etc. (2020). Causes and Effects of Stress on Grade 12 Students in

Bestlink College of the Philippines, S.Y. 2019–2020

Davis, B. (2021). What is academic student pressure?

Galiher (2006) and Darling (2005). Student Performance


Luu, K. M. (2022). Academic Pressure: Effects and Management



Tus, J. (2020). Self -Concept, Self -Esteem, Self -Efficacy, and Academic

wPerformance of the Senior High School Students



What Are The Effects Of Academic Pressure?



“The Impact of Academic Pressure on the Academic Performance of Grade 12

STEM Students of Dominican College of Sta. Rosa A.Y 2022-2023”

This survey is conducted to determine the level of impact of academic pressure to the
academic performance of Grade 12 STEM students of Dominican College of Sta. Rosa.
There are no right or wrong answers and all views are highly respected and accepted. It is
also guaranteed that all obtained information will be kept confidential for the respondents’

Fill up all information that is asked of you, only one response per question. Please
put a check on the given spaces below.

Part I: Demographic Profile

A. Age: B. Gender
〇 17 years old 〇 Male
〇 18 years old 〇 Female
〇 19 to 20 years old

Part II: Impact of Academic Pressure



2 - AGREE (A)



Class Participation 4 3 2 1

I feel pressured when reciting infront of the


I become anxious when the teacher calls

my name for recitation

I feel intimidated when having group


I feel pressured when we are having quizzes

and seatworks

I feel pressured when reporting infront of

the class.

Academic Grades

I feel pressured whenever I get low grades

on Projects

I feel pressured whenever I get low grades

on Performance tasks

I feel pressured when I get low grades on


I feel pressured whenever i get low scores

in my seat works and quizzes

I feel pressured whenever i get low grades

in my exams
Skills and Competencies

I feel that my capabilities are not used to its

full extent

I feel pressured when i think my abilities

and skills are not enough

I feel envy when my classmates are doing a

better job than me

I feel pressured when i don’t easily

understand the lesson

I feel pressured when i can’t cope up easily

with the discussion

This survey questionnaire was prepared by the following researchers:

Alysa Joy T. Flores ([email protected])
Amiel Anthony D. Pelobello ([email protected])
Mavi Rei P. Nobio ([email protected])
John Henrick G. Raquedan ([email protected])
Copy of responses can be submitted by request in your given email address

Thank you for your participation! Your response will be a great help to the

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