Kendrick Acosta Amillano - 12 - Argument Essay On Animal Testing

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Kendrick Acosta

Eng 10-5
28 Feb. 2023

Animal testing (No title yet)

Animal testing is the experimentation or research on animals, it is used to ensure the

safety and effectiveness of medication,cosmetics, diseases, basic biology etc.But there is

something wrong with it. Animal testing inflicts psychological and physical pain to animals.

There are alternative ways for animal testing so it is not necessary to use this method so although

animal testing is useful, people should not make animals suffer while alternative options are


Around the world many countries use animal testing. Animal testing has been used for

many years and in the present even though there are alternative options animal testing is a

practice that keeps going but why is that? International Humane Society explains it “Old habits

die hard, and globally there is still a lack of knowledge of and expertise in cutting-edge

non-animal techniques”(Humane Society International Mexico).It is very important that people

inform themselves and inform others about alternative ways which they are and how do they


Animals who are being experimented suffer,not only because they are not where they are

supposed to be in their natural environment, they suffer also because of the conditions in which

they are and Cruelty Free explains it “Laboratories are no place for any animal. They are

typically sterile, indoor environments in which the animals are forced to live in cages, pens or

Perspex boxes – denied complete freedom of movement and control over their lives. Some

animals in laboratories are confined on their own, without the companionship of others (Cruelty

Free) Imagine the perspective of animals they don't know where they are, they are alone and with
lack of freedom all the animals would feel scared in that situation “life inside a laboratory is no

life at all (Cruelty Free).

Many people think animal testing is necessary for medical progress because it has been

used for a long time and it has given results however this misses a point many of the practices

and ideas that once were considered state-of-the-art have been replaced by something more

sophisticated and successful years later.When compared to the modern jumbo jet we travel in

today,the Wright brothers invention of the airplane was truly innovative for its time in the early

1900.While those ideas are relevant to aviation history,they do not represent cutting edge design

or human achievement.That is also the case with Animal testing.Medical history is where

Animal research belongs.Therefore if we want better medical research and cures for diseases we

must embrace the new science chapter of the 21st century (Humane Society International Mexico

Accessed 2023).

Is animal testing worth it?Animal testing makes suffer animals at the point of death many

animals have died because of animal testing “Estimates suggest that more than 50 million

animals are used for experiments each year in the United States alone. The vast majority of these

animals are rats and mice” (Humane League Accessed 2023) The truth is that animal testing is

not worth it many animals have died and it has given a few results animal testing is unreliable

“For instance, drugs approved through animal testing later fail in human trials more than 95% of

the time. The majority of experimental pharmaceuticals prove too dangerous or ineffective when

they enter the human trial phase” (Human League Accesed 2023) As we can appreciate the

results of animal testing are unreliable so it is not worth it.

Some people think that animal testing is more effective and beneficial for humans, so

they keep supporting it, however the truth is that alternative ways are better than animal research
because they are more effective and they don’t harm anyone. The organization Cruelty Free

supports alternative ways for animal testing “Tests on animals to find out if chemicals or drugs

may harm the developing baby can only detect 60% of dangerous substances. But a non-animal

test using human stem cells has 93% sensitivity at detecting substances known to cause

developmental problems” (Cruelty Free). The article explains with facts that alternative methods

are more effective than animal testing, so we should not continue the practice.

Millions of animals have been killed and they have been treated wrong in order to

practice animal testing if animal testing continues many animals will die in vain because animal

testing is not necessary will you aprove this practice?

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