1gc20cs071 Aaqib Raina Technical English

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Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering

Subject Technical English-ll Common to all branches Date: 07-07-2021
Semester Time:2.00-3.00 am
Sub. Code: 18EGH28 Max. Marks: 30
Note: Answer all the
questions each carries one marks
No Questions Marks COs RBT
I. Subject Verb agreement 6

1.The news good, he has come back safe.

a) Was b) has c)have d) is

2.All the of the world need to unite to fight against

a) People b) People c) peoples d) pupils

3.Neither of the students reported for admission.

a) Was b) had c) has d) have

4.Many of the teachers left the University.

a) Has b) have c)had d) had been

5.The minister along with the bodyguards killed.

a) Were b)was e) have d) has

6.The ministers along with the bodyguards killed.

a) Were b) was c) have d) has
I. Noun Pronoun Agreement
7.Eddie left his camera on the bus.

(Underline the pronoun agreement)

8.Elena drank the coffee even though it was cold.

(Underline the pronoun agreement)

9.As I retumed the newspaper's damp pages, they disintegrated in my
(Underline the pronoun agreement
m.Misplaced Modifier
3 13

10.Misplaced modifier is a
a) word b) phrase c) clause d) all ofthe above
11.On her way home. Jan found a gold man's watch.
(Underline misplaced modifier and write down coreet
A. On hes nJag homc, Jan doumd mau dld wkte
12.The child ate a cold dish of cereal for breakfast this morning.

(Underline misplaced adjective (modifies dish) and write


13.The torn student's book lay on the desk.

(Underline misplaced adjective (modifies students) and write

correctly)The tudeds tosn o o l y on L Puu
mistakes with conjunctions and re-write
IV. Avoid common

14.Because he is inteligent so he gets good marks

Ans: A Me u ide 00 jad he geds Jooa

I said nothing.
15.Since he was angry therefore,
Ans: As he was ams , he kaud motu'ns
16.He did not come to work. Because he was ill.

Ans: As he Way i02 ,

Le didnot Coma 4 woRu
V. Avoid e r r o r s with sentences beginning
with a negative
word and re-write (formal)

17.Neither he comes nor he writes.

Ans: He meHhes Comes Mo Wites

18.Neither he reads nor he writes.
Ans He mci +hes s a dsmo4
in the use of conjunctions. Write
VI. Mistakes a r e often made
correctly if necessary.

19.The teacher asked that why I was late.

Ans: T e t e a c e hued me wy T ws cte
20.When I reached there then it was raining.

21.No sooner we reached the station, the train left.

Ans:ue 5an ef4 S00 SLcLd He 4qhon

22.Not only he abused me but also, he beat me.

| Ans: NoA owy did he qbusk me, teqd e to

23.Unless you do not try, you will never succeed.

dou ou uw ModBudce
4 VIL.Choose the right article in the blank 6

24.He is pursuing his M.Phil from university in Delhi

a) a b) an c) the d) none

25.I saw him. hour ago or so.

a) the b)an c) a d) none

26.This city has_ unique quality.

a) a b)an c) the d) none

27.He's wisest man I have ever met.

a) the b) a c) an d) none

mother in her was moved.


a)a b) the C)none d)an

old, high and low all

29 young and
loved Charlie Chaplin.

a) the b) an c) none d) a

30.Dr. Manmohan Singh,, ex-Prime Minister of India, is

noted Economist.

a) the b a C)an

Staff In charge: Yasmin Begum

hco CSo 1
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Subject:TechnicalEnglish-ll Common to all branches Date: 22-08-2021
Semester : Time:2.00-3.00 am
Sub. Code: 18EGH28 Max. Marks: 30
Note: Answer all the questions each carries one marks

Que. Mark CO
Questions RBT
No s

1 1. Conjunction's link. 10

(A) Words (B) phrases (C) clauses (D) All the thre
bordinating conjunctions
(A) For (B) But (C) Yet (D) All the three

3. Correlative conjunctions are

(A) Single B) Multiple C) Pairs D) None of them

4. A Subordinating conjunction shows the relationship between two

A) Sentences B) Clauses C) Phrases D) Words

5. Mention the adverb which functions as conjunction:
A). Nor B). Not only but also C). Because D) Until
6. Conjunction is enough to join two clauses

A) Two B) One C) More than one D) None

7. Mention the correct conjunction to be used

8.Do it carefully you make a mistake.

A) Unless B) Until C) Least D) Lest

9. Which Sentence is correct:

(A) No sooner I reached the station, the train left

(B) No sooner I did reach the station, the train left

(C) No sooner had I reached the station the train left

(D) No sooner had I reached the station than the train left
10. Which sentence is correct:

A) Neither he comes nor he writes

B ) He neither comes nor writes

C) He does neither comes nor writes

D) Neither does he eome nor does he writes

Choose the correct conjunction: 20
he pretends to be against hypoerisy, he himself is a hypocrite.
Because (B) But (C) Though (D) As

12. 1 Saw her. returning from office.

(C)While (D) Ater

A) When (B) Though
13. Which sentence is correct?

(A)she took my advice

(B) she took my advice
(C) she took my advises

D) she took my advices

14. (A )I found a pen hidden between papers

B) I found a pen hidden among two papers

(C)I found a pen among two papers

(D) I found a pen between two papers.

Choose the correct word:

15. His black suit was a nice to his black shoes.

A) Compliment (B) Complaint (Ccomplacent D) Complement

16. I don't like any of your gifts, this one

A)Expect (B) Accept (C)Except (D)None

17. He got the train.

(A) in (B) in to (C) into (D) to

18. I Have this money to the charity.

(A) Alot (B) A lot (C) Allot (D) Allotted.

19. The girls' home means

are at home (D) home
(A) girl at home (B) Home belongs to a girl (C) girls
belongsto girls
20. She me that she will help me.
(C) ensured (D) none of the above
(A) insured (B)assured
21. How did you your mobile phone?

(B) lose (C)lost D) losed

(A) loose
i fyou don't push it the right
22. Ofcourse, the door will remain

(A)Stationary (B) Stationery (C) Still (D) Standing

23.Choose the correct verb form:

One ofthe students in the class.

(A)will hurt (B) Were hurt (C) are hurt (D)was hurt
24. Either Rahim or his brother this letter
(A) have written (B)will be written (C)) is written (1D)has written
25.The students' questions by the teacher
(A)Are answered (B)is answered (C)will answer
answered (D)was
26. She gave me a book The passive form is:
(A) She was given a book

(B) A book was given to me

(Cwas given a book

(D)A book is given to you
27. They pay me monthly -

Passive form is
(A)I was paid by them monthly
(B) They are paid by me
(C)I am paid by them monthly

(D)I will be paid by them monthly.

28. We are providing this service to the poor - Passive form is:

(A) The service was provided to the poor

(B) The poor will be provided this service

(C) The service is being provided to the poor

(D) We are providin the service to the poor.

29." Please go out ofthe room", the teacher said to the students: The
correct indirect speech form is

(A) The teacher told the students to go out of the room

(B) The teacher asked the students to go out of the room

C) The teacher enquired the students to go out of the room

(D) The students were asked to go out of the room.

30. He refused to help me"- The correct directspeech form is

(A) I will not be helping you" He said

(B) 1 Am not going to belp you" he said

(C)"You will be refusing to help me "he said

(D) "He refused to help me" He said

Staff In charge: Yasmin Begum

c2olck bla


Deportment of Electrical and Electronics Englneering

Date: 22-08-2021
Subject : Technicol English-
Max. Marks: 30
Sub. Code: 18EGH28
Note: Answer all the questions each carries one marks

Sub. Answer Q2 Answer Q3
Q No.
1 D 11
13 , 23
14 24

15 25
26 R
17 A
D18 D
19 D 29
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Subject Technical English-l Common to all branches Date: 12-09-2019
Sub. Code: 18EGH28
Time:2.00-3.00 am
Max, Marks: 30
Note: Answer all the questions each carries one marks

No Questions Marks COs RBT
1 I. Choose the correet that suits the sentenee:
option 10
1.When we put words in wrong order. the result is
A) confusing B) unclear C) incorreet D) All the three
Corrcet slandard word order in linglishis
A) OSV B) VSO C) SVOD) all the three
3. What is wrong with the below sentences?
The lion rushed out of the forest
A) misplaced adverb B) it does not follow SVO
C) its incomplete D) its correct
4. Corrcct the word order of the sentence to make corrcet sentence.
Cooks' popcorn every day the fox at home.
A) The fox cooks popcorn at home every day
B) Every day the fox cooks popcorn at home
C) The fox cooks popcorn at home
D) A and B

5. Choose the correct word order il necessary.

The story will I tell at school you tomorrow
A) I ell you at school the story tomorrow
B) you tell story at school tomorrow
C) tomorrow I will tell the story at school
D) I will tell you the story at sehool tomorrow

6. Write the proper question form of the sentene.

I saw you at the theatre on Saturday night
A) Did I saw you at the theatre on Saturday night
B) On Saturday night did I see you at theatre
C) At the theatre didn't l see you on Saturday night
D) Did I see you at the theatre on Saturday night

7. Which of the sentences shows correet word order

A) She showed her homework her mother.
B) She showed her mother her homework.
C)Herhomework she slhowed her mother.
E) Her mother she showed her home work
8. Which of the sentences shows correct word order.
A) That is my pen .Give it to me
B) That is my pen give to me it.
C)My pen is that me you give.
D)Givetomethat pen ismy.
9. Which sentence has correet word order
A) Sometimes I play Tennis on Sunday
B) Iplay sometimes tennis on Sunday
C) On Sunday I play tennis sometimes
D) Tennis I Play on Sunday sometimes.

10. Which sentence follows correct word order:

A) To did you come city this when
B) When did you come to city
C) You did come to the city when
D) When did you come to the city
| II. Choose the correct answer: 10
1. Indirect Speech is also known as
A) Reportcd speech B) Indirect narration
C) indirect discourse D) any one

2. Which speech is used in the below sentence.

She says I am a little bit nervous
A) Direct B) indirect C) reported D) none

3. If the indirect speech is in present tense verb is.

A) changed to past tense B) Present tense
C) Future tense D) no change.

4. Choose the correct form of the Passive

The dog chased the ball
A) the ball chased the dog
B) the ball is chased by the dog
C)The dog was chased by the ball.
D) The ball was chased by the dog

5. The correct form of the active voice.

I have not been reported by you
A) You did not report to me
B) I twas not reported
C) You have not reported to me.
D) It has not been reported by you.

6. Choose the correct phrase or idioms

Clark Kent and superman are
A) One in the same B) same and one
C) one and the same D) none of these

7. The participants are considered on basis

A) first come first serve B) first come first served
C) first come first given D) none of these

8. I have no of mind.
A) piece B) peaceC) peas D) none of these
9. Selectthe word or phrase
to be remove, changed to make the
Even though Rahim is a big fan
cooked in his life of cooking shows, he has not never
Aeven though B) cooked C) has not )mone
10. A fund
raising programme was started for the purpose to
ecological restorations projects in America support
A No error B) was startedC) fund raising D) to support

I . Choose the correct options:
1.he men sharpened their betore
throwing them at the targets 10
A) Knife B) knifes C)
knivasD) nife
Please eat the rest ot your
A) Pease B) Peasn C) Peias D) Peace

3. T'd like you to stop leaving your on the floor.

A SocksB)Sockes C) sox D) stocks

4. We saw a lot of at the park

A) Deers B) Deeries C) Deer D) dear

5. This recipe calls fora lot of.

A) Tomatos B) Tomatoes C) tomaties D)Tomato

Write the correct plural forms

6. We saw a flock of
A) Goose B) Geese C) gooses D) geeses

7. There are variety of . in the sea.

A)Fishes B) Fish C) fishs D) error

8. The customer wants four of bread

A) loaf B) loaves C) Irafs D) leat

9 I can see the

A person B) persons C) peoples D)parsons
10. The police inspector arrested all the.

A) Thief B) Thief's C)Thieves D) Theaves

Staff In charge: Yasmin Begum

Department of Electrical and Electronies Engineering

Date: 12-09-2021
Subject Technical English-
Semester Time:2.00-3.00 pm
Max. Marks: 30
Sub. Code: 18EGH28
Note: Answer all the questions each carries one marks

Answer Q3 Answer
Sub. Answer Q2
13 23
17 A
18 28
8 A_ 29 A
9 A
20 A| 30
10 D

Stoff In charge: Yasmin Begum

1 GeooC So a4

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