V001t01a003 65 Wa GTP 9
V001t01a003 65 Wa GTP 9
V001t01a003 65 Wa GTP 9
Senior Project Engineer, Allison
Division, General Motors Corporation,
Indianapolis, Ind. Mem. ASME.
Turbine erosion was encountered in service operation with the T56 turboprop engine.
Combustor carboning was suspected to be the cause of the problem. No direct evi-
dence of carboning had been observed during development or in more than one
million hours of service operation. An accelerated investigation was initiated to estab-
lish a quantitative measure of carbon particles in the combustor exhaust gases. A
unique test method was developed to collect carbon particles on a component com-
bustor test rig. Evaluations were conducted with the carbon collector to determine the
effects of fuel nozzles, fuel type, operating conditions, and combustor configuration
on carbon particle output. The combustor configuration was found to be the most
important factor in the control of the problem. Combustor carboning was established
as the cause of turbine erosion and a combustion liner modification was developed
for service release. Service tests were conducted to correlate development test results
and to verify that turbine erosion was eliminated with the modified combustion lines.
Contributed by the Gas Turbine Power Division for presentation at the Winter Annual Meeting,
Chicago, Ill., November 7-11, 1965, of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. Manu-
script received at ASME Headquarters, August 5, 1965.
Written discussion on this paper will be accepted up to December 13, 1965.
Copies will be available until September 1, 1966.
The purpose of this paper is to present the eral more cases were reported and by inspection of
results of a development program conducted to elim- the parts from these engines the problem was de-
inate a turbine-erosion problem encountered in ser- fined sufficiently to begin a development program.
vice with the T56 turboprop engine. The eroded vanes were characteristically worn in
the band just downstream of the vanes, and the
BACKGROUND blades were eroded on the leading edge and knife
seals. Typical examples of erosion are shown in
The T56 engine consists of a gas-turbine pow- Figs.2 and 3. The erosion pattern in the turbine
er section connected to a reduction gear box and section appeared to have been caused by carbon
propeller. The general engine arrangement is produced in the combustor, although no carbon de-
shown in Fig.l. The power section is a single- posits had been observed in T56 combustors during
shaft unit consisting of a 14-stage axial-flow development or service operation totaling more
compressor, a can-annular combustion section hav- than one million hours on this model. It was sub-
ing six cans or combustion liners and a four-stage sequently determined that a minor change on pro-
axial-flow turbine. The T56-A-7 engine is rated duction combustion liners brought out a latent
at 4050-equivalent-shaft hp and operates on JP-4 combustor carboning problem which accelerated tur-
or JP-5 fuel. It is the powerplant for the C130-B bine erosion. The first positive evidence of com-
and -E aircraft, which are in worldwide use by bustor carboning was noted when an engine was shut
the Military Air Transport Service (MATS) of the down at altitude and deposits were found when the
United States Air Force and the United States engine was disassembled. The deposits were hard,
Coast Guard. A tanker version, the GV-1, is also amorphous and almost 1/2 in. in the largest dimen-
used for in-flight refueling of Navy and Marine sion, which was large enough to cause the observed
Corps aircraft. Other models of the T56 engine turbine damage. The flow path which carbon parti-
are in use on other military and civil aircraft. cles followed in the turbine and the location of
eroded areas is shown in Fig.4.
In August 1963, two incidents of severe tur-
bine vane-band erosion on T56-A-7 engines were re- A program was established to develop a com-
ported from service activities. By November sev- bustion section modification to eliminate turbine
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Pig. 4 Flow path of solid particles through the turbine
Engine Average Vane Blade Leading- Shroud
Combustor Type Position Erosion Depth - In. Edge Condition Wear
a 300
O. 200
100 200 300 400
Fuel flow rate per liner, lb/hr ,
Fig.5 Carbon deposits on the dome of a stand- Fig. 8 Reduction in carbon emission with the improved
ard liner liner
Turbine Carbon
1‘4 Inlet Emission
Combustor Altitude (ft) Temp (F) (gr/hr)
Standard 10,000 1560 109
20,000 1560 90
20,000 1560 5
Table 3 Summary of Service Testing
Number of
Evaluations Activity Location Aircraft Evaluation Hours
3 1608 ATW, MATS 0130 768
Charleston, S. C. Transport
air flow rate and pressure variation was observed. stalled on two engines of a C130 for service eval-
There was a significant difference in output be- uation. The normal use rate of the aircraft was
tween early and more recent production liners, accelerated where possible, and the evaluation was
because of a slight relocation of primary air completed at 389 hours flight time. No measurable
holes. There was also some variation between in- or visual erosion was found in the engines which
dividual liners and fuel nozzles of the same de- had the modified low carbon combustors installed.
sign. The toroidal-dome combustion liner which The baseline engine which had standard combustors
was already in service evaluation had a low rate, installed showed characteristic vane-band and
so there was a good correlation between erosion blade erosion in the turbine with vane-band pene-
in service operation and carbon-collection rates tration in excess of 0.075 in. on all the vane
determined on the component combustor rig. segments. It was concluded that the configuration
Modification and rig testing of the standard evaluated on this service test was the solution
liners was continued, and a field-type modification to the turbine erosion problem and the necessary
was developed which could be accomplished on parts steps were taken to modify the service liners to
already in service. This configuration had a car- this design.
bon-collection rate that was less than 10 percent The service evaluation phase of this program
of the rate from the standard combustor and in required more than 1700 hr of flight time on four
the same range as the output of the toroidal-dome aircraft operated by the using activities of the
combustor. In the modified design, an extra stage Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps. A summary of
of primary air was added downstream of the existing the flight evaluations is shown in Table 3.
hole pattern, and the flow of film-cooling air on
the liner dome was increased locally. The combus- CONCLUSIONS
tion liner changes are shown in Fig.7. To demon-
strate the effect of the modification, a set of 1 Combustor carboning was determined to be
service liners was obtained from an engine which the cause of severe turbine erosion in the T56
had experienced severe turbine erosion. These com- turboprop engine. The carbon deposits resulted
bustors and their fuel nozzles were run as receiv- from the impingement and cracking of liquid-fuel
ed on the collector rig, then reworked to the pro- droplets on the combustor wall.
posed configuration and run again on the collector
2 An inertial-type separator was developed
rig. The modification reduced the carbon-emission
to separate carbon particles from the combustor
rate by as much as 18 to 1 on these parts. The re-
exhaust gases at the high flow rates, temperatures,
sults of this test are shown in Fig.8. A visual
and pressures encountered in gas-turbine engines.
comparison of the carbon collected from one of the
Comparative measurements of combustor carbon out-
combustors before and after modification is shown
put with this device provided a good measure for
in Fig.9. A tabulation of comparative carbon-
the turbine-erosion problem.
collected data obtained from one of the test com-
bustion liners is shown in Table 2. 3 The carbon deposition was determined to be
primarily a function of fuel delivery rate. Com-
FINAL SERVICE EVALUATION bustor carbon output was reduced by a factor of
ten or more with a combustion liner modification
Two sets of the improved combustors were sup- which could be accomplished at the field mainten-
plied to MATS at Charleston where they were in- ante level. The change consisted of increasing
the flow of film-cooling air in the dome area ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
where the carbon deposits formed.
4 The success of this program was dependent Acknowledgment is made to Colonel E. B. Berry,
upon close cooperation between the using military Lt. Colonel J. K. Massie and Captain J. M. Snel-
services, contractor service representatives, and grove of the 1608 Air Transport Wing, MATS Charles-
the manufacturer's engineering staff. An impor- ton AFB; and Captain W. B. Blose of MATS Headquar-
tant requirement was service evaluation of pro- ters for their cooperation in conducting the ser-
posed design modifications and demonstration of vice evaluations which made this program a success.