Employee Retention Policy PDF

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Employee Retention Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish a plan that uses techniques designed to reduce
employee turnover and retain an engaged and productive workforce.


I. Turnover and Retention Analysis
a. Human Resources reviews turnover data on a quarterly basis to identify and
address patterns or areas of concern.
b. Department Director, or designee, conducts stay interviews to learn what
employees think about their job.i
i. Stay interviews are conducted at least one time per year for existing
employees and two times in the new hire introductory period. Results
are submitted to Human Resources for analysis.
II. Recruiting/Selection:
a. Department Director, or designee, in collaboration with Human Resources,
identifies the skills, abilities, and competencies required to successfully
perform a position.
b. Human Resources targets recruitment efforts to venues and other resources
where applicants are most likely found.
c. Human Resources trains Department Directors, or designees, in effective
interview techniques and develops interview questions designed to identify
on-the-job behaviors that are in line with the City’s values and mission.
d. Department Director, or designee, provides a realistic job preview during the
hiring process to communicate the characteristics of a position, such as job
duties, expectations, and daily activities.
e. Department Director, or designee, selects candidate(s) who are best qualified
for a position and whose behaviors align with the City’s values.
f. As an incentive to recruit and retain management level employees, the City
may grant personal leave hours, up to 40 hours per fiscal year, to employees
in positions assigned to Range 620 or higher on the Classification and
Compensation Schedule.
i. Personal leave hours supersede the personal day referenced in the
Personnel Policy Manual.
ii. Personal leave hours must be used on or before June 30 of each year
and cannot be carried over to a subsequent year.
iii. There is no payout value for unused personal leave hours.
iv. The combination of personal leave hours and service award leave
personal hours may not exceed 40 hours per fiscal year.
III. Management and Communication
a. Department Director, or designee, communicates the City’s mission, vision,
and values to employees.
b. Department Director, or designee, communicates how each employee’s job
responsibilities and individual contributions relate to the City’s mission and
c. Department Director, or designee, builds a culture of listening; gives
employees their full attention during conversations and asks questions to
achieve a culture where respect for individuals and team increases.
d. Department Director, or designee, is objective; someone employees can trust
and rely on to demonstrate fairness, empathy, and strong boundaries.
e. Department Director, or designee, sets high expectations and articulates
those expectations.
f. Department Director, or designee, establishes team values or rules by which
the team operates.
IV. Employee Development
a. Department Director, or designee, follows the on-boarding program to
educate new employees about the City and department services; and
provides employees with a sense of belonging and connection to the City.
b. Department Director, or designee, provides initial on-the-job training with
clear time frames for knowing the basics of the job; and communicates how
performance is evaluated and measured.
c. Department Director, or designee, conducts annual performance evaluations
and career development sessions with employees.
d. Human Resources provides training to Department Directors, or designees,
to effectively address employee performance and/or misconduct issues.
e. Department Director, or designee, provides access to training and on-the-job
skill development.ii
f. Department Director, or designee, encourages employees to participate in
the City’s Tuition Reimbursement program.
i. The City may provide reimbursement of the costs for tuition and
books for approved coursework required as part of a degree program
in which a regular full-time employee successfully completes and
which has been approved, in advance, by the City Manager, and as
referenced in the Personnel Policy Manual, Police and Fire
Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs), as applicable.
V. Compensation and Benefits Program
a. Compensation: The City pays employees fairly, with respect to market
conditions, internal equity; and offers a competitive benefits package.
i. A compensation and classification survey is conducted biennially, or
as designated by the City Manager, to establish market comparisons
to the current level of compensation paid to job classifications.
ii. To maintain competitive salaries with comparable organizations, the
City ties its pay strategy to the 50th percentile of the market, subject
to budget limitations.
b. Merit pay: Merit pay may be utilized to reward successful performance,
subject to the overall financial status of the City, as determined by the City
Council and City Manager; and as referenced in the Merit Pay policy.
c. Benefits: The City offers a comprehensive benefits package as part of the
total compensation package. The following benefits are offered to eligible
employee groups:
i. Compressed Workweek/Alternate Work Options
ii. Holiday Closure / Special Leave
iii. Holidays
iv. Paid Leave
v. Recognition and Reward Program
vi. Medical, Dental, and Vision Insurance
vii. Flexible Spending Program
viii. Health Savings Program
ix. Employer Paid Basic Term Life and AD&D Insurance
x. Supplemental Insurance Programs
xi. Retirement Program: Arizona State Retirement System (ASRS) or
Public Safety Retirement System (PSPRS)
xii. 457 (b) Savings Plans (Deferred Compensation)
xiii. Wellness campaigns offered throughout the year
xiv. Employee Assistance Program
xv. Tuition Reimbursement
xvi. Career Development
xvii. Uniform Allowance - according to policy or MOU
xviii. Gym use/membership
a. Onsite fitness centers with free memberships at the Police
and Fire stations (for Police & Fire employees, respectively).
b. Northwest Valley YMCA membership at reduced rates for El
Mirage employees and their families.
d. Work-Life Balance: Work-life balance is an important aspect of a healthy
work environment. The following work-life options are available to reduce
employee stress and prevent burnout in the workplace.
i. Compressed Work Week: The traditional 40 hour week may be
condensed into fewer than five days, for eligible employees, as
determined by Department Director.
1. City offices are closed on Fridays. This closure is based on
continued essential services such as Police, Fire, etc.
ii. Department Directors may consider alternate work options on a case-
by-case basis by evaluating service level impact, employee
performance, responsibilities, and work style.
1. Flexplace: A portion of the job is performed off site, on an
occasional to recurring basis.
2. Flextime: Flexibility in arrival, departure, and/or lunch times.
iii. Holiday Closure: City offices are closed between the Christmas and
New Year’s holidays. This closure is based on continued essential
services such as Police, Fire, etc. Employees who work during the
holiday closure receive a bank of paid special leave hours.
1. Special leave hours must be used by December 24th of the
following year. For example, special leave granted December
26 –31, 2019 must be used by December 24, 2020.
2. Special leave must be used prior to charging vacation or
compensatory time.
3. There is no payout value for unused special leave hours.
iv. Employees are encouraged to use their paid leave, as referenced in
the Personnel Policy Manual or applicable MOU. Time off should be
handled as a regular and expected part of work.
1. Department Director, or designee, educates employees on
how to view their time-off balances, how to request time off,
and what is expected of them before and after they take
2. Department Director, or designee, actively encourages
employees to use their paid leave to alleviate employee
concerns of taking time off.
3. Department Director, or designee, emphasizes the benefits
that the City receives when employees take time off, to
include: increased engagement, productivity, and retention.
e. Recognition: Employee recognition may be utilized to strengthen employee
engagement and loyalty by valuing and recognizing employees, as referenced
in the Employee Recognition and Reward policy.
i. Commendations for a job well-done
ii. Performance that results in an important accomplishment
iii. Completion of a significant event
iv. Recognition for dedicated service to the City

For questions concerning the administration of this policy, please contact the Human Resources
Department. This policy may be amended from time to time as the City deems appropriate.

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