Lessonplan Flyingkites
Lessonplan Flyingkites
Lessonplan Flyingkites
Date: 20.05.2022 Level: Beginner Topic: Flying Kites!
Place: Szkoła Podstawowa nr 10 Age: 9-10 Materials Used: coursebook Smiles 3 Pupil’s Book
im. Gustawa Morcinka w Orzeszu- Number of SS: 20 – Express Publishing, Jenny Dooley – Virginia
Woszczycach Evans; multimedia board; projector; laptop; colored
Time: 45 min pencils.
Lesson Objectives: By the end of the lesson the
students will have learnt new vocabulary
connected with everyday life activities and
seasons. Students will have improved their reading
To introduce The students are supposed to familiarize Coursebook
the topic, themselves with new vocabulary. Therefore, the
stimulate the first stage of the lesson is to use the coursebook.
vocabulary The teacher asks the students to read the words in
1. Warm-up 10 MIN SS-T
and prepare the box at the top of the pages, first individually,
the students then aloud. The teacher then asks the students to
for further translate the new vocabulary. The pupils are
activities. helped in this by pictures using each new word /
Presentation To practise The students are asked to read the short comic in coursebook
2. Reading reading their book.
comprehension skills and to
learn new
Practise 10 MIN SS-T The teacher asks questions connected to the story
3. Questions and T-SS To check to check if students understand what was it about. coursebook
students’ The teacher also helps students translate unknown
task understandi vocabulary from the text if needed.
ng of the The students are asked to complete the task
story and to under the comic that they read. The task is to fill
learn new the gaps in sentences taken from the text they
vocabulary. have just read. When it is done, students read the
sentences with filled words and check together if it
is done correctly.
Multimedia board,
To stimulate The teacher asks the students to repeat in silence projector, laptop
vocabulary the words learned in the lesson, both from the text
and from the frame at the top of the pages.
In the meantime, the teacher prepares tasks
related to the topic of the lesson at
www.wordwall.com. Then the students are asked
Production SS-T
20 MIN to close the textbooks.
4. Follow-up T-SS
The tasks consist in arranging a word from a
scattered letters, filling in gaps or signing a picture
with the right word. Students come to the board
one by one and solve the tasks. The teacher
monitors the course of the situation and, if
necessary, helps the students or praises them for
their good responses.