Assignment 1 SEPM

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Assignment 1

Name- Abhishek Aggarwal
Sap Id.- 500091436
Batch- B1
1. A. Define a project and explain the input output of that project. Then create the SRS document of
the same including all the components of SRS.

Project Plan: Let’s Chat

This document describes in substantial detail, the software requirements of Let’s Chat, an online instant
messaging application. This document will describe the functional requirements and non-functional requirements
of the proposed system. This document is intended for the stakeholders of the application, to assist in the
development process of Let’s Chat as well as to serve a reference to clarify any future issues that the stakeholders
may run into.

Enhancement Requests
1. Last Seen Client has requested that user be able to see the date and time when his/her contact was last
using the application.
2. User Profile User should be able to set their profile picture and a status limited to 150 characters.

Functional Requirements
1. User must be able to register for the application through a valid phone number. On installing the
application, user must be prompted to register their phone number. If user skips this step, application
should close. The user’s phone number will be the unique identifier of his/her account on Let’s Chat.
2. The application should detect all contacts from the user’s phone book. If any of the contacts have user
accounts with Let’s Chat, those contacts must automatically be added to the user’s contact list on Let’s
Chat. If any of the contacts have not yet registered on Let’s Chat, user should be provided with an invite
option that sends those contacts a regular text message asking them to join Let’s Chat along with a link to
the Let’s Chat application on Google Play store.
3. User should be able to send instant message to any contact on his/her Let’s Chat contact list. User should
be notified when message is successfully delivered to the recipient by displaying a tick sign next to the
message sent.
4. Users should be able to have text chats that they can break into threads.
5. Chats should be able to be archived indefinitely so users can reference past chats.
6. User should be able to send audio, video, and images as attachments. Audio formats that the application
should support: mp3 wav Video formats that the application should support: mp4 gif Image formats that
the application should support: jpg png File size must not exceed 2MB per message.
7. User should be able to create groups of contacts. User should be able to broadcast messages to these
8. User must be able to get information on whether the message sent has been read by the intended
recipient. If recipient reads the message, 2 ticks must appear next to the message read.

Non-Functional Requirements/ Software Attributes

1. The application should load and be usable within 3 seconds.
2. The application should update the interface on interaction within 2 seconds.
3. The database should be normalized to prevent redundant data and improve performance.
4. The database should be distributed to prevent outages.
5. Let’s Chat should be able to provide instant messaging services to 1 billion users at any given time.
6. Messages shared between users should be encrypted to maintain privacy.
7. In case user’s device crashes, a backup of their chat history must be stored on remote database servers to
enable recoverability.
8. Application must be lightweight and must send messages instantly.

Technical Process
Following would be the languages I would use to develop my application within the stipulated time period:
Front-end development: jQuery, HTML, CSS, PHP.
Back-end development: PHP, MySQL.
For Android app: Java on Android SDK.

B. Create DFD for same project mentioned in A.

2. Differentiate between RAD and spiral model.
1. RAD model is a software development model whereby Spiral model is a software development model
the components or functions are developed in parallel and is made with features of incremental,
as if they were mini projects. waterfall or evolutionary prototyping models.

2. Rapid development is its main objective. High assurance is its main objective.
3. RAD model requirements and early stage planning Spiral model requirements and early stage
is not necessary. planning is required.
4. It is necessary to have detailed documentation, but Detailed documentation is required.
in a limited manner.
5. Requirements are specified as time boxed release Requirements are specified in the beginning.
6. RAD model is used between large and small project. Spiral model is used for large project.
7. There is low amount risk in RAD model. There is medium to high amount risk in spiral model.
8. In RAD model small team size is required. In spiral model large team is required.
9. Flexibility to change in RAD model is Easy. Flexibility to change in spiral model is not that
10. In RAD model overlapping of phases is possible. In spiral model overlapping of phases is not possible.

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