Data Communication Lessons

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P.O Private Bag – 20157, KABARAK, KENYA

Course code: INTE 122, Course Name: Data communication, credit Hour: 3


Lecturer; John Chebor

Cell phone; 0721416894

Email; [email protected]

Course description

Purpose of the course

This course aims to impart an in-depth knowledge of the fundamental techniques involved in
computer-to-computer and computer-mediated communications in a networked environment.

Expected Learning outcomes

1. Explain the characteristics of communication and networking.

2. Analyze signal communication, coding, switching, transmission and error detection and
correction techniques
3. Make appropriate judgments regarding the application of data communication techniques.

Learning approaches

Lectures, discussions in class and groups, short presentations, individual exercises and structured

Weeks Detailed course content

Week 1 1. Introduction to Networking

 Networks
 Types of Networks
 Classification of Networks
Week 2 2. Signal Transmission
 Analog Signals
 Digital Signal
Week 3 3. Signal Transmission
 Transmission Impairments
 Maximum Data Rate of a Channel

Week 4 Cat 1

Week 5 4. Signal Encoding Schemes

 Unipolar Encoding Schemes
 Polar Encoding Schemes
 Bipolar Encoding Schemes
Week 6 5. Signal Modulation Schemes
 Amplitude Shift Keying
 Frequency Shift Keying
 Phase Shift Keying
Week 7 6. Transmission Modes
 Parallel and Serial Transmission Mode
 Asynchronous Transmission Mode
 Synchronous Transmission Mode
 Isochronous Transmission Mode
Week 8 7. Switching Modes
 Packet Switching Mode
 Circuit Switching Mode
 Message Switching Mode
Week 9 Cat 2

Week 10 8. Multiplexing
 Communication Modes
 Frequency Division Multiplexing
Week 11 9. Multiplexing
 Time Division Multiplexing
 Wavelength Division Multiplexing
 Code Division Multiplexing
Week 12 10. Error Detection and Correction
 Signal Errors
 Error Detection Methods
 Error Correction Methods
Week 13 Revision

Week 14 Revision

Week 15 Exams

1 Course assessment
Continuous assessment tests (CATS) 30

Final examination 70

Total 100

Core Reading Texts (At least 3)

1. Forouzan, B. A. (2007) Data Communications and Networking (4th Ed), McGraw-Hill

2. Tanenbaum, A.S., (1996) Computer Networks, 3rd Ed., Prentice Hall, New Jersey
3. William Shay, (2004) Understanding Communications and Networks, 3rd ed. Thomson-
E Books (At least 3)

1. Kurose, J.K. and Ross K.W. (2006). Computer Networking: A Top_down Approach Featuring the

Internet. 3rd ed. Addison Wesley.


Journals (At least 2)


Other reading texts. (At least 3)

1. Halsall, F. (1995) Data Communications, Computer Networks and Open Systems, 4th Ed.,
Addison Wesley, New York.
Lesson 1: Introduction to Data Communication

Sub topics

1. Data Communication Systems

2. Types and Categories of Networks
3. Benefits and Drawbacks of Networks


1. To describe the various types of networks

2. To explain the need for networking

Lesson 2: Signal Transmission


1. Analog and Digital Signals

2. Signal Transmission impairments
3. Maximum Data Rate of a channel


1. To describe analog and digital signals

2. To compare and contrast analog and digital signals
3. Identify and explain signal transmission impairments
4. Evaluate the impact of noise and signal levels on signal transmission

Lesson 3: Signal Encoding Techniques


1. Unipolar Encoding Schemes

2. Polar Encoding Schemes
3. Bipolar Encoding Schemes

1. To describe unipolar, polar and bipolar signal encoding schemes

2. To compare and contrast unipolar, polar and bipolar signal encoding schemes
3. To draw the graphical representation of unipolar, polar and bipolar signal
encoding schemes

Lesson 4: Signal Modulation Techniques

1. Amplitude Shift Keying
2. Frequency Shift Keying
3. Phase Shift Keying

1. To describe amplitude, frequency and phase modulation shift keying techniques

2. To compare and contrast amplitude, frequency and phase modulation shift keying
3. To draw the graphical representation of amplitude, frequency and phase
modulation shift keying techniques

Lesson 5: Transmission Modes


1. Parallel and Serial Transmission Mode

2. Asynchronous Transmission Mode
3. Synchronous Transmission Mode
4. Isochronous Transmission Mode

1. To describe parallel and serial modes of transmission and packet, circuit and
message switching techniques
2. To describe synchronous, asynchronous and isochronous modes of serial
3. To compare and contrast parallel and serial and synchronous, asynchronous and
isochronous modes of signal transmission and packet, circuit and message
switching techniques
4. To determine the applicability of each of the parallel and serial and synchronous,
asynchronous and isochronous modes of signal transmission and packet, circuit
and message switching techniques

Lesson 6: Switching Methods


1. Packet Switching
2. Circuit Switching
3. Message Switching

5. To describe packet, circuit and message switching techniques
6. To compare and contrast packet, circuit and message switching techniques
7. To determine the applicability of each of the packet, circuit and message
switching techniques
8. To establish the factors that affect signal transmission
Lesson 7: Multiplexing: Sharing of the Medium


1. Communication modes
2. Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)
3. Time Division Multiplexing(TDM)
4. Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM)
5. Code Division Multiplexing (CDM)

1. To contextualize multiplexing in as far as communication modes are concerned
2. To describe frequency, time, wavelength and code division multiplexing
3. To compare and contrast frequency, time, wavelength and code division
multiplexing techniques
4. To determine the applicability of each of the frequency, time, wavelength and
code division multiplexing techniques

Lesson 8: Error Detection and Correction


1. Causes of Errors in Data Transmission

2. Types of Signal Errors
3. Error Detection Methods
4. Error Correction Methods

1. Identify and explain causes of errors in data transmission
2. Describe single-bit and bust errors, parity, cyclic redundancy and block checksum
error detection methods and hamming code correction methods
3. To determine the process of generating parity, cyclic redundancy and block
checksums methods of error detection
4. Analyze the performance of parity, cyclic redundancy and block checksums
methods of error detection

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