Aghamohammadi Et Al 2016 WEB OF SCIENCE Integrative Cancer Therapies
Aghamohammadi Et Al 2016 WEB OF SCIENCE Integrative Cancer Therapies
Aghamohammadi Et Al 2016 WEB OF SCIENCE Integrative Cancer Therapies
ICTXXX10.1177/1534735415596570Integrative Cancer TherapiesAghamohammadi and Hosseinimehr
Integrative Cancer Therapies
Oral mucositis is a common side effect of systemic chemotherapy and radiotherapy of head and neck in patients with
cancer. Severe oral mucositis is painful and affects oral functions, including intake of food and medications and speech.
Prevention of oral mucositis affects the life quality of patients. Recent studies have been focused on natural products to
improve or reduce this complication. Many clinical trials have been performed to assess natural products for treatment of
mucositis and their results are promising. The authors reviewed the evidence for natural products in the prevention and
treatment of oral mucositis induced by radiation therapy and chemotherapy.
mucositis, xerostomia, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, cancer, natural products
affect the incidence of oral mucositis include mouth hygiene Mucosal changes like redness, ulceration with functional
condition before treatment, radiotherapy dosage and plan, outcomes such as inability to eat and pain have been
the type of treatment used (radiotherapy alone or combina- assessed in these scales. Based on clinical examination, 4
tion with chemotherapy), and the type of chemotherapy distinct grades can be determined for mucositis from 0 to 4
drug administered.10 scores. Higher grades of mucositis (grade 3-4) are associ-
Oral mucositis is an acute mucosal inflammation that ated with loss of taste, hemorrhage, decreased intake of
starts as redness and progresses to an increased ulceration food and fluids, ulceration, pain, loss of voice, and low
and pseudomembrane formation, which provides a tempo- quality of life.19-21
rary barrier until cellular repair promotes healing.11,12 The Several studies performed on natural product for
impaired mucosal tissue often permits bacteria and fungi to preventing or reducing chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-
penetrate into damaged mucosa and cause infections.12 induced oral mucositis. Information on their ability to
Mucositis is divided into 4 phases: an initial inflammatory/ reduce the incidence, severity or the period of oral mucosi-
vascular phase, an epithelial phase, an ulcerative/bacterio- tis was studied in this article. Most points of clinical results
logical phase, and a wound healing phase.13 are summarized in Table 1.
In the initial stage, irradiation or chemotherapy, by pro-
ducing free radicals and ROS, harmfully influences cells
and strands of DNA in the basal epithelium and the submu- Natural Products for Prevention and
cosa and leads to lesions. ROS also activate transcription Treatment of Mucositis
factors and leads to cell destruction in later stages. In the
next stage, not only ROS but also damaged cells and DNA
Calendula officinalis
start a cascade of reactions. During these reactions, pro- Calendula officinalis is a medicinal plant belonging to the
inflammatory cytokines produce and lead to lesions and Asteraceae family. Extracts of the flower of C. officinalis
basal cell apoptosis. These products have a positive reaction have been used as topical and oral herbal remedies for its
as well, and strengthen the lesions. In this stage, the tissue bactericidal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant,
appears to be normal, with only with slight erythema. In the hepatoprotective properties, and antimetastatic effects.42
third stage, painful lesions appear and are colonized by bac- Several studies reported that C officinalis flower extract can
teria. Bacterial colonization can lead to the release of new reduce the severity of radiation-induced wounds.43,44 Daily
pro-inflammatory cytokines. application of C officinalis extract in gel form considerably
After stopping cancer treatment, oral mucositis vanishes reduces the oral mucositis induced by 5-fluorouracil in
little by little. In the healing process, symptoms decrease mucosa cheek pouches of hamsters.42 In a clinical trial
and the mucosa become normal, but outstanding neovascu- study, Babaee et al35 reported that calendula extract was
larization remains. effectively used to decrease the intensity of radiotherapy-
This tissue is easily broken and it is susceptible to che- induced oral mucositis. Considering the fact that calendula
motherapy and/or radiotherapy in future periods of cancer has antioxidant properties, it may act against ROS and pre-
treatments.14 Oral complications remain a major problem vent or delay the initiation phase of mucositis.35
despite the use of protective or treatment agents for them.6 Biological effects of this medicinal plant are mostly
Apoptosis or programmed cell death is responsible for the related to its chemical compositions such as polyphenols,
extension of oral mucositis induced by radiotherapy and carotenoids, triterpenes and essential oils. Anti-inflammatory,
chemotherapy.15 The responsibility of oral fungal and bac- antitumorigenic, antioxidant, and antimicrobial activities are
terial colonization for the extension of chemotherapy- and proposed for calendula to prevent oral mucositis.45,46
radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis is not clear but it is Quercetin is the main flavonoid of this plant. Antioxidant
supported by researchers.16 There is a relationship between activities of quercetin were demonstrated in recent studies.35
neutropenia caused by cancer treatment and existence of When quercetin encounters a free radical, it becomes a radi-
oral mucositis, which aggravates the severity or prolongs cal by giving a proton, but the quercetin radical has very low
duration of it in these patients17. But other studies have not energy because the unpaired electron is delocalized by reso-
found the correlation between severity or recovery of neu- nance. The B ring o-dihydroxyl groups, the 4-oxo group in
tropenia and grade and recovery of mucositis.18 Assessments conjugation with the 2,3-alkene and the 3- and 5-hydroxyl
of mucositis are varied in different studies. This diversity in groups are in quercetin’s structure and can donate electrons
scoring systems may lead to controversies among studies. to the rings, leading to quercetin’s antioxidant activity.47
The most widely used measurements for oral mucositis are
the World Health Organization and Radiation Therapy Drug interaction: Synergism with sedatives and
Oncology Group (RTOG) scales. Also, the Oral Mucositis antihypertensives.48
Assessment Scale, and a Visual Analog Pain Scale (patient Clinical outcome: Herbs that can be safely consumed
reporting scale of 0-10) are used for grading of mucositis. when used appropriately.48
62 Integrative Cancer Therapies 15(1)
Table 1. Summary of Treatments With Natural Products for Mucositis in Cancer Patients.
Abbreviations: R, radiotherapy; CH, chemotherapy; WHO, World Health Organization; OMAS, Oral Mucositis Assessment Scale; VAS, Visual Analog
Pain Scale.
and accelerates reepithelialization of oral tissue.51 Recent with head and neck cancer, who were under conventional
studies evaluated its effect on prevention and treatment of radiation therapy and received oral Aloe vera juice or pla-
oral mucositis induced by chemotherapy and radiotherapy.52 cebo. The incidence of severe mucositis was significantly
Carl and Emrich49 showed that chamomile (Kamillosan lower in the Aloe vera group compared with the placebo
Liquid oral rinse) can prevent or delay onset and reduce group. In this study, researchers used a fresh Aloe vera juice
occurrence and severity of mucositis induced by radiother- prepared under a well-controlled technique of enzyme deac-
apy and chemotherapy. Sixty-six patients with head and tivation. For this reason, their solution could preserve more
neck cancer received drops of chamomile in water 3 times a essential active compounds, such as glycoprotein, which are
day. Kamillosan Liquid oral rinse delayed the onset of radia- powerful substances to promote healing and anti-inflamma-
tion mucositis and in most patients reduced its the intensity. tory effects.34 However, more experiments are needed to
Prophylactic use of the oral rinse prevented the occurrence validate this process. Yagi et al61 examined the antioxidant
of severe mucositis in most patients who received systemic activity of Aloe vera. They indicated that isorabaichromone
chemotherapy.49 Despite these studies, in the phase III, dou- exhibited a strong antioxidative activity.
ble-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial, chamomile Choi et al62 showed that other compounds in Aloe vera,
mouthwash did not reduce the stomatitis and inflammation including β-sitosterol improved the appearance of proteins
of the mouth and lips induced by 5-fluorouracil in patients.32 related to angiogenesis, namely von Willebrand factors,
Matricine and its transformation product chamazulene are vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), VEGF receptor
the main compounds of M chamomilla. Chamazulene may Flk-1, and blood vessel matrix laminin. They suggested that
contribute to the anti-inflammatory activity of chamomile β-sitosterol has curative angiogenic effects on injured blood
extracts by inhibiting leukotriene synthesis and additional vessels.62
antioxidative effects.53
Drug interaction: Synergism with insulin, topical hydro-
Drug interaction: There is a report of an interaction cortisone, and zidovudine.63
between warfarin and M recutita.54 Clinical outcome: Potassium depletion, hypokalemia,
Clinical outcome: Herbs that can be safely consumed increased hypoglycemic effect.63
when used appropriately.48
Isatis indigotica
Aloe vera Isatis indigotica Fort. (Indigowood root) belongs to the
Aloe vera is widely used to remedy some skin difficulties, Brassicaceae family. Indigowood root is used in Chinese
for example dry and burned skin and radiation-induced traditional medicine.64 You et al40 studied the effect of indi-
dermatitis.55,56 The use of Aloe vera in the treatment of irri- gowood root on patients with head and neck malignancy
tant contact dermatitis has been reported in the literature under radiotherapy. Twenty patients were randomly divided
since 70 years. Some studies suggested the beneficial effects into 2 groups. Group 1 served as controls with only normal
of Aloe vera on prevention and treatment of radiation- saline and the second group received indigowood root.
induced ulcers and mucositis.57 Preclinical studies showed They showed that indigowood root significantly reduced
that Aloe vera enhanced wound healing by reducing vaso- the severity of radiation induced mucositis, anorexia, and
constriction and platelet association at the wound place, swallowing difficulty. This extract increased the patients’
increasing collagen formation and wound oxygenation, appetite and swallowing ability and finally their quality of
scavenging free radicals, inhibiting collagenase and metal- life. The authors suggested that anti-inflammation was the
loproteinase, and activating macrophages.9,58-60 Also Aloe main mechanism for preventive effect of indigowood on
vera has anti-inflammatory property through the inhibition mucositis induced by radiation.40 Chemical analysis of
of cyclooxygenase.60 In a double-blind randomized clinical indigowood root illustrated that it contains indirubin and
trial study, significant benefits were not statistically found indigotone which have anti-inflammmatory activity.64
when adding Aloe vera to the standard oral care in the man- Most studies have shown that the particular structure of
agement of radiation mucositis.9 Radiation-induced mucosi- indirubin gives it the ability to inhibit cyclin-dependent
tis is recognized by exposure of a large region of basal kinases and glycogen synthase kinases, triggering cell
membrane and innervated mesenchymal tissue after erosion cycle arrest and apoptosis. Kinase inhibitor activity of indi-
of the mucosal layer. Treatment of oral ulcers is needed to rubin is a main cause of cellular proliferation and immune
regenerate and replace the basal membrane clonogens rather functions. Indirubin is also a strong aryl hydrocarbon
than to inhibit the mediators of inflammation and this maybe receptor (AhR) agonist. The AhR is a cytosolic protein,
one reason for noneffectiveness of Aloe vera for radiation- which, on ligand binding, is translocated to the nucleus and
induced mucositis.9 Puataweepong et al34 studied a phase III, acts as a transcription factor for genes engaged in oxidative
double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial on 61 patients stress.53
64 Integrative Cancer Therapies 15(1)
Drug interaction: None reported.65 and randomly divided into 2 equal placebo and peppermint
Clinical outcome: A classic textbook in traditional essential oils groups. Patients received 10 drops of oral rinse
Chinese medicine points out that Isatis root is not indi- peppermint essential oils 3 times a day. The incidence of oral
cated for feeble patients.66 mucositis was 15% for the essential oils group, while it was
50% in the placebo group. Mean scores of oral mucositis were
0.2 and 0.8 in essential oils– and placebo-treated groups,
Leptospermum scoparium respectively. Peppermint essence is an effective, safe,
Leptospermum scoparium, commonly called manuka, is a and well-tolerated products for prophylactic treatment of
species of flowering plant in the myrtle family. The chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis.33
Myrtaceae are native to New Zealand and southeast
Australia. This herb contains sesquiterpene hydrocarbons.
Human Placenta
These compounds have antifungal, antibacterial, and anti-
inflammatory activity.67,68 In a randomized placebo- Human placental extract contains a complex mixture of dif-
controlled trial study, 19 adult patients used a gargle con- ferent materials such as polydeoxyribonucleotides, RNA,
taining 2 drops of a 1:1 mix of the essential oils of manuka. DNA, peptides, amino acids, enzymes, and other scarce
Overall, the active gargle was well tolerated by patients ingredients. These products have anti-inflammatory func-
with no evidence of toxic or side effects relating to its swal- tion and have been used as a remedy for untreatable foot sore
lowing. Patients in the essential oil gargle group had a and appeared to be effective in the prevention and treatment
delayed onset of mucositis and reduced pain and oral symp- of chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced oral/oropharyn-
toms relative to placebo. Small sample size was a limitation geal mucositis and especially in controlling symptoms.75
of this study. They suggested that essential oils had the role Placentrex is a drug containing peptides (FNP-III, CRF),
in improving oral health by causing lysis of oral bacteria and nucleotides (PDRN, NADPH), and glutamate and is derived
helping to reduce the bacterial load. As a consequence of the from an extract of fresh term, healthy, and human placenta.
small data in their study, recommendation to using it for Each milliliter contains 0.1 g fresh human placenta.
mucositis needs large randomized clinical trials to confirm.69 Placentrex is used for a number of inflammatory skin
Recent studies showed that the antimicrobial activity of the diseases.3 Recent studies have demonstrated that Placentrex
manuka oil was related to flavesone and leptospermone.70,71 stimulates the pituitary and the adrenal cortex and normal-
izes the tissues metabolism. According to theory, it increases
Drug interaction: There is potential synergistic effect the vascularity of tissues.47 There are not many studies on
with bacitracin, cefadroxil, cephradin, and meropenem the assessment of the effect of human placenta on
but an antagonist effect with ofloxacin, enoxacin, and chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-induced oral mucositis. In
sparfloxacin.72 L scoparium contains a lipophilic flavo- a clinical trial study, 120 patients with head and neck cancer
noid that specifically interacts with benzodiaze- under radiation therapy were equally divided into 2 groups.
pine receptors (GABA-A receptor-chloride channel Patients received either Placentrex treatment or standard
complex).73 treatment. Placentrex was given as 2 mL intramuscular
Clinical outcome: Avoid using it during pregnancy injection, 5 days a week for 3 consecutive weeks. The con-
because of spasmolytic activity.68 trol group received common treatment of aspirin gargles and
betamethasone oral drops. A decrease of pain was observed
in 80% of patients in the Placentrex group compared with
Essential Oils 36.7% in the control group. The progression to grade 3 radi-
Essential oils have antibacterial and antifungal effects and ation mucositis was 40% in the Placentrex group compared
these natural compounds have been applied to treat the skin with 86.7% in the control group. Improvement in swallow-
and mucosa infections. In a clinical trial, Gravett74 assessed ing difficulty was seen in 93% of patients in the Placentrex
mixed essential oils as mouthwash for oral mucositis. group compared with 15% of patients in the control group.
Gravett74 combined a mixture of Melaleuca alternifolia (1 Human placental extract thus reduced the symptoms of
drop), Citrus bergamia (1 drop), and Pelargonium graveolens mucositis, and the study group had less severe mucositis
(1 drop) with half of a glass of boiled warm water to gargle for than standard treatment group.39 Some studies have sug-
5 times a day. Although few benefits were found when this gested that anti-inflammatory effect of this drug was caused
mouthwash was added to the routine oral care in the treatment by membrane stabilization and reduction of adenosine triphos-
of radiation mucositis, patients preferred to use this plant phate (ATP) synthesis.76 Investigations about the effect of
mouthwash because of less burning discomfort in comparison human placental extract on chemotherapy- and radiotherapy-
with routine mouthwash for managing oral mucositis.74 In a induced oral mucositis are not sufficient, and the results of
double-blind clinical trial study, 40 patients with colon or rec- this research should to be confirmed by other studies in the
tum cancers were admitted to chemotherapeutic management future.
Aghamohammadi and Hosseinimehr 65
Honey and Bee Products A randomized and uncontrolled study was done in 2008.
They swished and swallowed 20 mL honey from bees fed
Honey and propolis (bee glue) have been used in the man- primarily on Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum) 3
agement of mucositis.25 Golder77 indicated that propolis is times per day. Only 3 (15 %) of the honey-treated group had
beneficial for the treatment of mucositis induced by radia- RTOG ≥3 mucositis as compared with 12 (60%) in the con-
tion therapy. Honey has been used to heal burns, surgical trol group.23 A double-blind randomized placebo-controlled
wounds, and oral infections because of its antibacterial and trial investigation was done by Hawley et al26 in 2014. In
analgesic agents and epithelialization boosting effect.78,79 this study, 81 patients were randomized to swish, hold, and
The efficacy of pure natural honey for the treatment of swallow either 5 mL of irradiated organic manuka honey or
mucositis was reported in patients under radiation therapy a placebo gel, 4 times a day throughout radiation treatment,
and/or chemotherapy in several clinical trials. We have plus 7 more days. Sixty-two percent of subjects received
found many clinical trials associated with the preventive concurrent chemotherapy. They reported that manuka
and therapeutic effects of honey and its relative products for honey was not tolerated well by patients and did not have a
management of radiation- and chemotherapy-induced significant impact on the severity of radiation-induced oral
mucositis. In a randomized single blind clinical trial, 40 mucositis.26
patients who suffered from head and neck cancer and There are a number of probable reasons why the results
required radiation to the oropharyngeal mucosa were ran- of different studies might be different, including differences
domly divided into 2 groups. Patients received 20 mL pure in the source of honey, patient characteristics, study design,
natural honey from bees fed on thyme and astragale in the anticancer treatment protocols, and oral mucositis assess-
Alborz Mountains of Iran, 15 minutes before, then 20 mL ment tools.
doses again at 15 minutes and 6 hours after radiation ther- In 2012, Song et al81 reported a systematic and meta-
apy. They washed their mouths with honey and engorged analysis review on the use of honey for reduction of radia-
slowly to cover the oral and pharyngeal mucosa. A signifi- tion-induced oral mucositis. They concluded that the results
cant reduction in mucositis in patients treated with honey of clinical trials are promising and further studies are needed
was observed as compared with controls.24 The same results to strengthen the current evidence prior to a firm clinical
in reduction of mucositis were observed in another study, in recommendation being given,81 and Van den Wyngaert82
which 40 patients received topical applications of 20 mL confirmed it.
pure honey before and after radiation therapy.25 In a clinical Recent studies have reported that Iranian propolis has
trial, the effect of natural honey and 0.15% benzydamine flavonoids and phenolic compounds and can manage the
hydrochloride on onset and severity of radiation mucositis radiation-induced mucositis. It found that it postpones the
was assessed and compared with control. The patients were appearance of lesions and substantially reduces the severity
randomized into three groups of 20 patients. Group 1 of mucositis.24,83 Because honey is not a generic drug,
patients received topical application of natural honey; description of the composition of honey is not easy. The
groups 2 and 3 received topical application of 0.15% benzy- components depend on the plants of the geographical region
damine hydrochloride and 0.9% normal saline, respectively. where honeybees collect pollen. Honey naturally includes
The onset of mucositis and the severity of mucositis were <20% water, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, and a high con-
graded during the course of the radiotherapy and 2 weeks centration of sugars. Invertase, diastase, and glucose oxi-
after radiotherapy. A significant reduction of mucositis in dase are the honey enzymes. It is not clear whether the
patients treated with honey was compared with 0.15% ben- antimicrobial activity of honey is the result of its delay of
zydamine hydrochloride, 0.9% normal saline applied to hydrogen peroxide on exposure to catalase or the result of
patients was observed. The differences between the groups its high osmolarity.22
were statistically significant.80 Results of other studies Some researchers are worried about using honey in irra-
showed that prophylactic use of natural honey was effective diated patients. Their concern is that the topical use of
in reduction of mucositis subjective symptoms from radio- honey in the oral mucosa of patients with low motivation
therapy and/or chemotherapy. Honey reduces wound pain for oral hygiene could act in synergy with the other risk fac-
by postponing tissue oxygenation through blocking expo- tors for radiation-related caries. Honey can be highly cario-
sure of the damaged mucosa to oxygen.3,22-24 Biswal et al25 genic and certainly should be avoided in certain patients
suggested that the effectiveness of honey on wound healing undergoing radiotherapy.84
might be because of the hygroscopic nature of honey, its
viscosity, its acidic pH, which prevents bacteria growth on
the mucosa, inhibin (hydrogen peroxide) converted from
glucose oxidase and gluconic acid, enzymes which proba- Radiation- and anticancer treatment–induced oral mucositis
bly are growth factors and tissue nutritive minerals and vita- are severe complications in patients with head and neck
mins that help repair the tissue directly. cancers. Inflammation and ROS are cellular mechanisms
66 Integrative Cancer Therapies 15(1)
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