Statement of The Problem

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Statement of the problem

This study examines the Relationshipship among team effectiveness,

organizational commitment, and job satisfaction among employees of construction

industry in Batangas city. Specifically, this aims to seek answers to the following:

1. How do the respondents assess the team effectiveness in terms of:

1.1 Purpose and goals

1.2 Roles

1.3 Team processes

1.4 Team Relationship

1.5 Inter group Relationships

1.6 Problem solving

1.7 Passion and commitment

1.8 Skills and learning

2. How do the respondents assess the level of their organizational commitment in

terms of:

2.1 Affective commitment

2.2 Continuance commitment

2.3 Normative commitment

3. How do employee perceived the level of Job satisfaction in terms of

3.1 Pay

3.2 Promotion

3.3 Fringe Benefits

3.4 Contingent reward

3.5 Operating conditions

3.6 Coworkers

3.7 Nature of work

3.8 Communication

3.9 Total satisfaction

4. Is there a significant Relationship among team effectiveness and organizational

commitment and job satisfaction?

5. What training plan may be proposed to improve the overall organization and job

satisfaction of employees?
Conceptual Framework


Team effectiveness in terms

Purpose and goals
Team processes
Team Relationship
Inter group Relationships
Problem solving
Passion and commitment
Skills and learning
Level of organizational
commitment Survey Training plan may be
Affective commitment Questionaire proposed to improve
Continuance commitment the overall
Normative commitment Data Analysis organization and job
Employee perceived level satisfaction of
of Job satisfaction employees
Fringe Benefits
Contingent reward
Operating conditions
Nature of work
Total satisfaction

This study will utilize the Input Process Output Framework. The INPUT will be the

team effectiveness as perceived by the respondents in terms of the different indicators,

the level of organizational commitment and the perceived level of job satisfaction by the

The process will cover the data gathering procedures used in the study consisted

on the use of survey questionnaire and data analysis. The relationship of the process to

output implies that the result of the processed inputs, the researchers will easily assess

the results of the study.

As the output of the study refers to the training plan to be proposed to the

employees to improve overall organization and job satisfaction of employees.

References for Questionaire:


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