12 Chapter7

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The previous chapter dealt with the analysis and interpretation of
the collected data. The present chapter deals with the finding of the study
based on the results giving in the chapter six. The first section presents the
finding of the study. The second section deals with the suggestion for further
research and the third section gives the implication of the study followed by


7.2.1 Percentage Analysis

It is found from the analysis that majority (59.1%) of the

respondents are opined that soft skills training is the most important one for
their development over the next two years and also (32.1%) of the employees’
used their acquired skills/knowledge immediately after returning from
training programme. It is observed that (66.6%) of the respondents stated that
on-the-job method has been more effective method used for the training
employees’, whereas (82.7%) of the respondents are opined that the training
and developmental practices support for the business goals and vision of the
organization. It is stated from the analysis that (78.1%) of the respondents
opined that the training practices help the organization to reduce the costs of
human resources and (65.8%) of the respondents stated that the management
uses the latest technologies for training the employees. It is revealed from the
analysis that most (80.9%) of the respondents believe that training and
development activities act as a tool to maintain employee retention in IT
companies and (61.8%) of the respondents opined that they need additional

training programmes. It is noted from the analysis that (68.2%) of the

employees’ are satisfied with the frequency of training giving in the
organization and 33.7% of the respondents opined that result of training has
the improvement of very great extent in their job.

7.2.2 Findings from Chi-square Analysis

From the Chi-square analysis it is found that there is a significant

association observed between returning from training, time taken to use the
skills / knowledge learnt and its practices support business goals of the
organization. It is found that nearly (80.7%) employees who are working in IT
Company opined that they immediately use skills / knowledge learnt during
the training session which supports the business goals. It is also found that
there is an association between management uses latest technologies for
training the employees and its practices support business goals where majority
(80.4%) of the employees who have agreed upon it. More over there is a
relationship between need for additional training programme and its activities
help the organization to maintain employee retention rate and where 78.8% of
the employee who is working in the IT Company perceived that additional
training programme maintain employee retention rate.

Nearly (80.7%) of employee who opined there is a significant

relationship between need for additional training programme which help the
IT Company’s in reducing the cost incurred for human resources and it is
found that there is an association between them. The employees belong to the
age group of 26-30 years, where most of (81.4%) them opined that training
practices help the organization to reduce the costs of human resources and its
is acknowledged that there is an association between them . The finding also
reveals that there is an association between gender and training and
development activities that help the organization to maintain employee
retention rate where majority of male (85.7%) employee perceived the same.

Majority of male (92.4%) responded opined that training and development

practices support the IT Company in achieving business goals and the study
reveals that there is an association between them. It also found that there is
association between educational qualification and training and development
practices support business goals where UG (91%) qualified employees agreed
upon it.

In the present study it is found that there is an association between

after returning from training, time taken to use the skills / knowledge learned
and training practices help the organization to reduce the costs of human
resources. Where (83.5%) of the employees agreed that they immediately
used their skill and knowledge learnt by them. It was also learnt that there is a
significant association between impact of training and development
programme and job involvement. It’s found that 48.7% of employees agreed
that the level of impact of training and development programme has a
moderate affect over level of job involvement. Nearly (62.9%) of the
employees who agreed that impact of training and development programme
had a moderate effect over the level of job satisfaction. Moreover it is found
that there is a significant association between them. It is found that there is
association between level of impact of training and development programme
and level of organizational commitment. In which (57.0%) employees opined
that training and development programme attended by them have a moderate
effect on organizational commitment in the IT sector. Moreover an
association has found between level of job involvement and level of job
satisfaction .Where 48.1% employee who agreed that when there is job
satisfaction in the nature job performed by them which has reasonable
outcome on their performance. There is significant association between level
of job involvement and level of organizational commitment found from the
study. In which nearly 44.8% of the employees agreed that organizational
commitment that a reasonable effect over the job involvement. In the present

study it is found that there is an association between level of job satisfaction

and level of organizational commitment. In which majority (55.6%) among
the employee who agreed that they are satisfied with the nature of the job they
do which in turn has a reasonable impact over organizational commitment for
the employees who are working in IT sector.

7.2.3 Findings Independent Samples t Test

From the study it is found that there is significant difference

between gender with respect to skills acquisition and effect of training. Based
on the mean value of skills acquisition and effect of training of male
employees have higher impact than the female employees’. Since the null
hypothesis is accepted at 5% level of significance hence there is no significant
difference with respect to reaction to training programme and behavioural
change. Hence it is found that there is no significant difference between male
and female employees with respect to reaction to training programme and
behavioural change. It is proved that there is significant difference between
gender with respect to job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Here
male employees have higher level of employees’ work related attitude and
impact towards training and development programme. Moreover it is also
found that since the null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level of significance
with respect to job involvement. Hence it is absorbed that there is no
significant difference between male and female with regards to job

There is significant difference among departments with respect to

impact of training and development programme. Technical department
employees are having higher level of impact towards training and
development programme than the non- technical employees’. There is
significant difference between the employees working in technical and non-
technical department with respect to job satisfaction and organizational

commitment. But the null hypothesis is accepted at 5% level of significance

with respect to job involvement. Therefore it is found that there is no
significant difference between employees working in technical and non-
technical department with regards to job involvement. Moreover it is
observed that technical department employee had higher level of work related
attitude towards training and development programme. There is significant
difference between methods used for training with respect to employees’
work related attitude and impact of training and development programme. It is
also found that the employees’ work related attitude and impact towards
training and development programme is high for the employees who attend
on-the-job training method. From the above finding it is clear that employees’
perceived effective training (in case of gender, technical department
employee, on-the-job training method used) has high level of impact and
work related attitude towards training and development. Similar result has
been presented in previous researches support to the finding, indicating that
there is a significant correlation between the employees’ perceived effective
training and their employees’ work related attitude (Alexandros .G. Sahinidis
& John Bouris 2007).

7.2.4 Findings from ANOVA

It is found that there is significant difference between age group

with respect to impact of training and development programme. Based on
Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT), it is revealed that the employees’ in
the age group of 26-30 years perceived higher level of impact over training
programme offered by IT Company with highest mean value of 91.35. It is
also found from the study that there is significant difference between age
group with respect to employees’ work related attitude towards training and
development programme. It is also exposed that the employees in the age
group of 26-30 years have higher level of work related attitude towards

training and development programme. From the analysis it is also found that
the middle level designated employees have high level of impact and work
related attitude towards training and development programme with the highest
mean value 91.56 and 212.19 respectively than the other level employees. It is
also proved that there is significant difference between designation with
respect to impact and work related attitude towards training and development
programme. The study reveals that there is a significant variation between
educational qualification with respect to impact and work related attitude
towards training and development programme. UG qualified employees
perceives higher level of impact and work related attitude towards training
and development programme, while comparing with Diploma and PG
qualified employees. It is found that there is significant difference between
experiences with respect to reaction to training programme, skills acquisition
and effect of training. The employees between 4 to 6 years of experience have
a higher impact level of towards training and development programme.
Whereas the null hypothesis is accepted with regards to behavioural change at
5 percent level of significance. Hence it is found that there is no significant
difference between the experiences with regards to behavioural change. It is
found form the study that the employees between 4 to 6 years of experience
had a higher level of work related attitude towards training and development
programme. The study also views that there is significant difference found
between monthly incomes with respect to employees’ work related attitude
and impact towards training and development programme. From the scrutiny
it is brought out that the employees those who are earning between Rs. 25000-
50000 have higher level of work related attitude and impact towards training
programme. Since there is significant difference found between the number of
promotions received with respect to employees’ work related attitude and
impact towards training and development programme. The employees those
who have received above two promotions have higher level of work related
attitude with respect to skill acquisition, behavioural change and effect of

training. From the analysis it also found that, hypothesis is accepted at 5%

level of significance with respect to reaction to training programme. Hence it
is found that there is no significant difference between number of promotions
received by the employees with regards to reaction to training programme.
The study reveals that there is significant difference between the number of
training programme attended with respect to employees’ work related attitude
and impact towards training and development programme. It is found that the
employees who have attended above two training programme have higher
level of employees’ work related attitude and impact towards training and
development programme (Naimatullsha & Zahirlrani 2010, Robert R Sinclair
et al 1999) have used demographic characteristics for their study.

7.2.5 Findings of the Friedman Test

It is found that there is significant difference between mean ranks

towards factors affecting impact of training and development programme.
Hence it is divulged that the effect of training has the highest mean rank of
(2.92) while comparing with other factors that affecting impact of training and
development programme which shows positive effect on the business
environment resulting from the improved performance of the employee in IT
Company. It is also proved that there is significant difference between mean
ranks towards factors influencing job involvement. Based on mean rank
employee personality (3.39) is most influencing factor for job involvement in
IT Company (Sivaram Eswaran et al 2011). There is significant difference
between mean ranks towards factors of job satisfaction. Based on mean rank
industrial relations (13.27) is most effective factor towards job satisfaction for
employee those who are working in IT industry. The next factors that
influenced job satisfaction based on mean ranks are, the sufficiency of fund
allocation for training (12.38). The study concludes that there is significant
difference between mean ranks towards initiating factors for organizational

commitment. Based on mean rank my salary and benefits meet my

commitment (9.82) is most effective of factor for organizational commitment
for the employees working in IT industry. The other factors are my current
job duties are very rewarding (9.08), I don’t like to miss my friends working
with me by leaving the organization (8.73), are the factors that contributed for
strong degree of organizational commitment. It is also previewed that there is
significant difference between mean ranks towards factors influencing
employees’ work related attitude towards training and development. Hence
based on the mean value of 2.92 “Job Involvement” is rated as the most
important factor for the formation of employees work related attitude in the IT
sector (H.A.H.Hettiararchchi & S.M.D.Y.Jayarathna 2014).

7.2.6 Correlation between Factors of Impact towards Training and

Development Programme

From the correlation analysis it is found that there is correlation

between factors of impact of training and development programme where the
maximum correlation coefficient of (69%) was found between reaction to
training programme and effect of training, where as the correlation coefficient
between reaction to training programme and skills acquisition is (62%) and
correlation coefficient between behavioural change and effect of training with
(62%) are the factors which had higher association within the factors of
impacts of training and development programme. Similarly previous
researchers support that there is correlation between factors of impact of
training and development programme (Muhammad Zahid Iqbal et al 2011).

7.2.7 Correlation between Factors of Job Involvement

It is found from study that maximum correlation between factors of

job involvement where there is higher degree of association is between

motivation and employee personality with (62%), and also correlation

between factors such as job characteristics and job involvement is (62%) of
positive relationship between them. More over it is also found that factors
such as motivation and job involvement with (58%), job characteristics and
motivation (55%), job characteristics and remuneration benefits as (52%)
highly correlate with each other. The finding of the present study is similar
with the previous researches which support that there is a maximum
correlation between factors of job involvement (Christopher Wanyonyi
Lubakaya 2014; Barrick & Mount 1991). As the present study finding show
motivation has higher degree of association with employee personality which
will ultimately increase their job involvement.

7.2.8 Findings of the Multiple Regression Analysis

From the Multiple Regression analysis it is found that coefficient of

X1 is 0.018 represents organizational commitment which show a positive sign
implies that when job involvement would increase by 0.018 for every unit
increase in organizational commitment. More over the coefficient of X2 is
0.074 represents overall impact of training and development on overall job
involvement, where the estimation of positive sign implies that overall job
involvement would increase by 0.074 for every unit increase in overall impact
of training and development and this coefficient value is significant at 5%
level. Likewise the estimation of positive sign implies that such effect is
positive that overall job involvement would increase by 0.279 for every unit
increase in job satisfaction at 1% significant level. Hence “Job Satisfaction” is
the most important factor that improves the job involvement in the IT
Companies. Finding of the present study is similar with previous researches
which support that there is a significant and positive relationship between
organizational commitment and job involvement (Rustam Pour Rashidi et al
2014). Likewise there is a significant and positive relationship found between

job involvement and job satisfaction (B.M. Nwibere 2014). This clearly
indicates that those employees’ positive have association with job
involvement are more committed with organizational commitment thus higher
job satisfaction.

7.2.9 Findings of the Factor Analysis for Job Satisfaction

Five factors were identified by grouping the variables of job

satisfaction on the basis of factor loadings using factor analysis.

F1: Training and employee development activity

F2: Financial rewards and opportunities for promotion
F3: Suitable incentives and welfare measures
F4: Challenges towards the working environment
F5: Appropriate timing and growth for personnel talent

Finding of the present study is similar with previous researches which

support identifying and grouping of the variables of job satisfaction on the
basis of factor loadings using factor analysis (Awoniyi Samuel Adebayo &
Tsitsi Gombakamba 2013; Riaz Ahmed mangi et al 2011). This clearly
indicates that those employees’ satisfied with the indentified factor have high
level of satisfaction towards their job in the IT company.

7.2.10 Findings of Factor Analysis for Organizational Commitment

Six factors were identified by grouping the variables of
organizational commitment on the basis of factor loadings using factor
F1: Demonstrate a willing adherence to company policies
F2: Emotional attachment
F3: Salary benefit and career startup
F4: Personal and social loyalty

F5: Personnel care and good attendance record

F6: long term involvement
The present study finding are similar with previous researches which
support identifying and grouping of the variables of organizational
commitment on the basis of factor loadings using factor analysis (Anthony
wong & Canon Tong 2014; Cheng & R, Thomas George 2008). This clearly
indicates that those employees’ having high association with the indentified
factor have more organizational commitment with the IT company thus higher
level of work related attitude in their job.

7.2.11 Findings from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Employees’

Work Related Attitude towards Training and Development Programme
H1: There is significant causal relationship between impact of
training and development and employees’ work related attitude

H2: There is significant causal relationship between reaction to

training and impact of training and development programme

H3: There is significant causal relationship between skills

acquisition and impact of training and development programme

H4: There is significant causal relationship between behavioral

change and impact of training and development programme

H5: There is significant causal relationship between effect of

training and impact of training and development programme

H6: There is significant causal relationship between job

satisfaction and employees’ work related attitude

H7: There is significant causal relationship between

organizational commitment and employees’ work related

H8: There is significant causal relationship between job

involvement and employees’ work related attitude

From the path analysis, it is found from the result of hypothesis that
all the measured variables reaction to training programme, skill acquisition,
behavioural change, effect of training, job satisfaction, organizational
commitment and job involvement are having positive association with the
latent variable employees’ work related attitude in the selected IT companies.
Structural Equation Modeling was used to test the conceptual model. The
conceptual model developed was found to be fit (R. Singh et al 2013). Similar
studies were carried out by previous researches which investigated the role of
training of employees’ in successful goal of knowledge management and
organization performance. Result indicate that the training that training of
employees’ positively relates with knowledge management and organization
performance. The formation of work related attitude based on role of training
can be observed in most of the studies such as (Susanty et al 2013; Seyed
Mohammad Sadeq Khaksar 2011; Hettiararchchi & Jayarathan 2014).


In the present study it was found that only 68.2% of respondents

satisfied towards frequency of training, so the IT companies may do training
need assessment in periodic manner and conduct appropriate training
programme, apart from that the HR department may also keep suggestion box
or receives feedback or suggestions from employees what kind of training
programme in which technology / concept/ domain the training is required
and the duration of training also may be mentioned. Around 23.3% of

respondents opined that the improvement in job as a result of training is to

some extent only, that shows the impact of training on job involvement, this
may be due to attitude of employees of towards training or the training
programme may not be appropriate one for them, so the HR department
should conduct feedback survey at the end of training programme, and they
have to analysis the data, to find the employees’ satisfaction level towards
training content, duration, trainers’ profile, relevancy to the current job/
project, method of training, etc. The Result of feedback may be
communicated to the employees, so that they may also feel that their opinion
is considered by the HR department. The HR department may also assess the
effectiveness of the training programme on
productivity/knowledge/performance/ skills of the employees by assessing
before and after training programme.

Training in outside the office atmosphere might provide a better feel

and satisfaction to the employees. Hence this can be given due consideration
while planning the off-the job training. Off the job training methods such as,
Role play, case study, control groups and other presentation methods would
create greater impact and they would help the sales team to develop the skills.
Hence these methods can be repeatedly used for sales and marketing team.
Feedbacks on training can be expected from the participants only if the
feedbacks are given due consideration by the management. Hence T&D team
needs to review the feedbacks and consider them for the improvement of the
training if they are found to be effective. Training is the joint responsibility of
employers and employees, by which both are enriched. For training to be
successful, low level employees’ (entry level programmer, clerk, marketing
representatives) must be willing to be trained, thereby improve their
performance and team leader/project head must be able to train and help low
level employees raise their level of performance. A favourable attitude of the
top management to the day-to-day process of growth of employees is of

paramount importance. An employee, whatever his/her talent, working in

restrictive climate which stifles his/her initiative and creative thinking and
action, will decidedly respond poorly to a training assignment.

To be reminiscent, training has to be amalgamated with the overall

HRD strategy of the IT companies; it must embody such golden guidelines
and principles as framed by the governing instrument of the training system.
That amalgamation may be achieved only when training activities are
performed in a systematic manner. As such, there is need to develop realistic
plans for manpower training, execute them properly and follow them up with
uninterrupted monitoring. Training programme must be scientifically
evaluated to ensure that both their content and method are precisely relevant
to the needs of the IT companies, which in them invest effort, time, and
money. Surely, the transfer of training must be facilitated, to accelerate
innovation and creativity. Regular and continuous feedback must be provided
to the trainees in respect of their progress in training. Hopefully, the
suggestions put forth here, if properly perceived and rightly implemented, will
certainly give an impetus and enhance the role of training and push it forward
to integrate with the overall mission of the IT companies in Chennai.

Whatever strategies must be developed by the IT companies pertains to

training and development of their employees before carrying out the training
programme. These strategic approaches should be adopted to ensure that
training programmes are consistent with the overall objectives of the IT
companies. IT companies need to radically change policies according to the
industry trends for training of employees to ensure that the training is and at
delivering key strategic goals of the IT companies. Rapid advances in
technology have transformed the workplace and changed the way we learn by
Leveraging new technologies for employee training such as Web-
conferencing, Social Network/Community of Practice, Podcast, Blog,
Microblogs, Integrated Collaboration Environment or Collaborative

Workspace, Social Bookmarks, Media Sharing, Virtual World, Authoring

Tools or Instructional Tools, Mobile Learning (M-learning). Hence leveraging
new technologies for employee training and development programs is a must.

7.3.1 Implications from Friedman Test

Impact of training and development programme factor such as

Skills Acquisition (2.04) had low mean rank hence it suggested to the IT
companies that necessary steps can be adopted to improve the skills
acquisition techniques for the employees by making them to understand the
entire software development process, the ability to construct and evaluate
software in the context of physical systems and real-world applications; plan
and manage large IT projects, capability to communicate effectively both
orally and in writing; work independently and collaboratively. It is suggested
that to improve the personnel evaluation in IT companies the subsequent
factors can be enriched such as evaluation report mechanism or performance
appraisal systems should be clearly described to the employees. It also
suggested that companies may implement 360 degree performance appraisal
system, in which employees appraised by immediate superior, colleagues,
human resource executives, internal and external clients, etc., so the bias in
performance appraisal system may be eliminated. Moreover regular feedback
should be collected from the employee in regards to personnel evaluation.

To improve job satisfaction the IT companies can increase the

number of sponsorship training and conferences. Changing procedures and
regulations of the company can be informed well in advance or through
refresher / orientation courses. The researcher also suggests that the IT
companies may offer flexible timings and / or work from home arrangements
with proper monitoring measures of employees’ productivity. The quality of
welfare measures provided by the management may be improved and also

following welfare measures may be provided to improve the job satisfaction

towards the welfare measures.

a) Education loan to higher studies of employees.

b) Paid leave or break may be offered for higher education

and to do value addition or certification courses.

c) Sponsored physical fitness programmes, health

awareness camps, etc.

d) All benefits should be provided according to the

industry standards.

The mean value of “My boss has invested so much time in me for mentoring
and training”, “Too much in my life would be disrupted if I decided to leave
this organization right now”, “When others thought I wasn’t qualified my
organization gave me my start”. The commitment of employees towards
organization may be improved by the following ways:

a) Career advancement channels may be derived for all

levels of employees in organization.

b) The counselling or mentoring session may be arranged

for poor performers.

c) The organization may consider employees’ feedback or

suggestions or employees representation through their
representative in major policy decision making process.

The mean value of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job

involvement is 69.56, 53.60 and 85.53 respectively. The researcher found that
the employees’ work related attitude is high(around 70%), which shows that
still it can be improved by increasing job satisfaction, organizational
commitment and employees job involvement.

7.3.2 Implications from One way ANOVA

From the ANOVA test, it has been found that there is significant
difference between age group with respect to reaction to training programme,
skills acquisition, behavioural change, effect of training at 1% level of
significance. For the age group of above 35 years respondents perceive less
impact on training while to compare the other age groups, so HR department
may concentrate on training programme, such as personality development,
self-confidence, since this age group requires making balance between
personal life and work life. Stress management training is more important for
employees as it was observed that IT employees are all time in tension like
situation as how to do, what to do, when to do, no time to think that what
keeps them in tension all time. So stress management training is very
important for IT employee. It is also found that there is significant difference
between the educational qualification of the respondents and the impact of
training programme at 1% level of significance. The Diploma qualified
employees perceives less impact towards the training, so the Human Resource
department must verify the training programmes are organized related to their
job content, the presentation of the trainer is fit to their education level.
Human resource department should analyze the productivity of the employees
before and after training programme.

The employees designated in middle level has high level of impact and
work related attitude, whereas the employees designated in junior and senior
level is having comparatively lower level of impact and work related attitude.
It is recommended that the management of the IT companies should allow the
senior level executives to take part in decision-making process and their
views may be considered, so that they may feel themselves as valuable assets
of the company, which in turn increases their commitment towards
organization. Mostly the junior level employees may look for better

compensation, because they want to settle in their life as early as possible, so

the organization may offer the salary according to the industry standards,
which may increase their loyalty and commitment towards the organization.
The employees having 4 - 6 years of total work experience is having higher
level of impact and work related attitude, while compared to less than 3 years
and more than 6 years. It is suggested that to improve the impact of training,
the training programmes may be conducted in outside the company premises
such as hotels, resorts, or hill stations. The employees who have got more
than two promotions are having higher level of impact and work related
attitude. In order to improve the level of impact and work related attitude
among those who have got no/one/two promotion, the HR department should
communicate the new employees their customized career path chart/mapped
career path, the performance level required to get promotion in each level and
minimum duration(if any) to be in each position. The performance appraisal
system and expected benefits of the company must also be communicated to
the new recruits.

With escalating demands on IT companies to cut costs without

compromising in maintaining quality, building and maintaining efficient
processes which have become a top priority in IT sector. More over the
expectation of IT industry is manage cost and price, remove block of time,
minimize inefficiencies in applications and processes service. So it is suggest
that the IT companies can built best class process frameworks and use lean six
sigma concept where end-to-end processes to identify waste, analysis to
identify improvement opportunities, coaching and mentoring, training and
certification for green belts and black belts more over establish such concept
in IT organization culture as some IT giants do.


This research has utilized an acceptable research design, adopted tested

measurement scale that has produced acceptable reliability and validity
scores, and has achieved a relatively good response rate from its 1000
respondents. Nevertheless, it has found certain weaknesses that are common
in social science research and these limitations stated below. Firstly, the social
desirability has influenced the answers, especially in the survey methodology
used, because some respondents could have exaggerated or given the wrong
impression about the training programme attended and thus could have
inflated the scores for a particular variable. Thus, all the inaccurate
information would also be processed through the SPSS for this research.
Secondly, the various sizes of the divisions, departments and branches in IT
companies did not allow the researcher to do an assessment of causality. This
research on the employee attitude using the simple stratified random sampling
method would increase its generalisability and validity which could be
applied in another setting or population. Thirdly, self-report data using a
single questionnaire was used in this research. Thus, mono-source bias and
common method variance could be another potential limitation of this
research because a spurious relationship might be produced. Fourthly, the
research was using the cross-sectional research and thus, it could only find the
relationship or association among the variables of this research but not
causation. The data collected only one time, hence the data was collected in
six months and also data collected only using a questionnaire. But the data
can be collected through observation, interviews, since this study has
investigated attitude which are related to the work of the employees’ of IT
Company. The finance and time constraints were also some of the main
factors faced by the researcher to make use of this cross-sectional method of
research. Fifthly, this research is only focusing on top five IT companies,
which come under the top 20 companies for the past five years as mentioned

in the NASSCOM list. It is therefore not reflecting the true picture of overall
IT & IT enabled companies in the NASSCOM list

7.5 Theoretical Contributions of the Research

Theoretically, this research makes several significant contributions to

advance the literature on training and development. Firstly, it identifies a
more comprehensive set of evaluation model to measure the impact of
training and development programme attended by the employees’ which
provides valid and reliable measure of these constructs. Secondly, it provides
greater definition and construct clarity for employees’ work related attitude by
developing a concise theory based definitional and a more complete
conceptualization of this important construct. Thirdly, through a new
application of the ideas rational sociality framework this research empirically
tests a new structural equation model on employees work related attitude
towards training and development programme. This model provides a
framework for understanding that the path analysis found to have positive
association between the latent variable of employees work related attitude
after attending the training programme in the selected IT companies. Fourthly,
it illustrates the conceptual meaningfulness and empirical utility of
investigating the impact of training and development separately by showing
that these facts have a differential pattern of relationship with reaction to
training, skill acquisition, behavioural change and effect of training. The other
important practical implication of this research lies in delineating the
contribution of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job
involvement. The study found that job satisfaction, organizational
commitment and job involvement are each uniquely associated with the facet
to work related attitude of the employees’. This implies that if the IT
Company wishes to maximize employees’ contribution to the organization,
they need to pay attention to all the three elements of the employees’ work
related attitude. Therefore, this framework for classifying characteristics of

employees’ work related attitude is a first step that provides to the IT

managers, with a system for identifying ways which might motivate particular
facts of employees’ work related attitude. Finally, it advances to the IT
Company employees’ work related attitude literature by extending our
understanding of how the IT Company employees’ perceive training and
development programmes brings about attitudinal change in the performance
of employee towards their work nature after attending them.


Although this study has shed light on the importance of employees’

attitudes in influencing training effectiveness, further empirical studies are
needed to assess the impact of employee job involvement on training
effectiveness and evaluate training effectiveness in terms of bottom-line
results such as employees turnover. Furthermore, there is still a need to
administer pretest and posttest longitudinal research to make a comparison of
the extent of behavior change that takes place following training. The study
focused on the training programme which was conducted for the IT sector
employees in Chennai city. To date, limited research has concerned itself
with the longitudinal aspect of relationship between training and
development, with work related attitude such as job satisfaction,
organizational commitment and job involvement, despite by nature there
being training and development and job satisfaction that are subject to
constant revision and change. This renders long-term evaluation difficult. A
thorough investigation of such relationship in training and development will
definitely help the researchers and IT industry stakeholders to understand
what and how much the relationship support for employees in IT industry in
future and ultimately its effectiveness. The study is confined only to top 5 IT
companies ranked by NASSCOM; hence the study can be extended to other
level of companies in the same industry. The extensive research can also be
done in other tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 cities of India. In this research, the

researcher focused on only 4 parameters, such as impact of training and

development, job satisfaction, organizational commitment and job
involvement, since the attitude is related to mental aspect, so the
questionnaire to assess the psychological dimension of the factors can also be
focused. Explicitly this research finding is the need to develop methods of
evaluation that not only encompass training but also subsequent broader
development activities. These should consider different perspectives to
elucidate the impact of every employees in IT industry. To verify the findings
in this study, it would be appropriate to undertake another study that will
focus on the training programme in Automobile, Textile, healthcare,
education, banking and insurance industries in Chennai as well and also in
state or nationwide.


Training and development is the tonic of the employees who need

to enhance their performance and potential that will in turn enhance
organizational effectiveness. This study examines the evaluation framework
of impact of training and development and employees work related attitude
towards training and development in the IT sector. The findings also reveal
that the impact of training and development programme has positive
relationship with the level of job satisfaction, organizational commitment and
job involvement of the employees. The most salient feature of training and
development is the better organizational performance of employees. This is
because, through training and development, the attrition rate will be low,
which will result in higher productivity that all would motivate the employees
to perform enthusiastically. Employees will utilize their new knowledge and
skills in everything they design, develop and serve. Training and development
is an essential element of IT companies if the value and potential of its people
is to be harnessed and grown. The most important issues in the IT sector are
employee turnover and attrition. Employee retention to a large extent depends

on job satisfaction and organizational commitment. When employees are

happy with their jobs, they are committed to stay with the organization and
are unwilling to exit from their current job. Increased commitment will also
increase their efficiency. But to increase the job satisfaction and
organizational commitment, the compensation and managerial support plays
critical role, as the results show that these two are core variables in increasing
commitment of employees in IT industry. This in turn inherits a positive
attitude towards the work the employees’ job involvement. The IT companies
are influenced by the extent and quality of staff training and development. In
today’s business climate where all industries are experiencing staff and skills
shortage, companies face stiff internal and external competition for quality
employees. IT companies invest seriously in the area of training and
development to reap the benefits of an enriched working environment with
higher level of staff retention, as well as increased productivity and
performance. So from the research, it is proved that the training and
development in IT industry generates the positive attitudinal outcomes for the
employees and overall development for the organizations as well.

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