Final Upper Test
Final Upper Test
Final Upper Test
1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the 5 Nobody’s seen Mike ___ .
verb in brackets. a a week
b for last week
1 I’m convinced we ’ll all pass (all, pass) the exam at c since last week
the end of the year. d a week ago
2 She’s not used to ____________ (call) by her married
name yet. 6 If you ___ in my position, would you do the same for
3 ____________ (you, eat) my biscuits? There are only
a couple of them left. a are
b were
4 People under 18 ____________ (not allow) to enter c had
the bar. d had been
5 How come they ____________ (get) lost yesterday?
They have sat nav in their car. 7 ___ bedrooms are furnished in a different style.
6 In the cinema, I soon realized I ____________ (see) a Each
the film once before. b Every
c All the
7 ____________ (finish) dinner, we all helped with the d The whole
8 ‘Can I come in?’ ‘I’d rather ____________ (you, 8 I really have no idea what ___ for a living.
wait) in the lounge.’ a he does
9 He was tired and dirty because he ____________ b does he do
(garden) outside. c does he
d he do
10 If we ____________ (not skip) revising beforehand, we
____________ (know) the answers in the test last week. 9 Who was ___ man I saw you speaking to yesterday
11 I ____________ (not suppose) you’re free to come morning?
with me right now? a this
b a
c any
1 points for each correct answer 10
d that
10 If only we ___ the wrong turning an hour ago!
2 Choose the correct option.
a don’t take
1 Since we moved to a new neighbourhood, I ___ the b didn’t take
bus to school every day. c hadn’t taken
a take d weren’t taken
b ’ve been taking 11 Last night I met someone ___ changed my life
c used to take forever.
d ’m taking
a which
2 We’ll just keep it a secret until they ___ out. b that
a find c who
b ’ll find d –
c ’re finding 12 ‘Look! That’s our teacher, Mr Furst, over there.’ ‘It
d found ___ be him. He died last year.’
3 All my life I’ve always wanted to ___ to fly. a mustn’t
a can b doesn’t have to
b could c shouldn’t
c able d can’t
d be able 13 ___ you pass me that box, please?
4 Very ___ of the people in my class have heard of a Will
Hawking before. b Shall
a little c Might
b a little d May
c few
d a few
14 ‘We went to Kylie’s party last night.’ ‘Did you? ___ 3 Choose the correct option. Put a tick () at the end
like?’ of the line if both options are correct.
a How was it 1 My family would / used to spend our holidays in
b What was it Devon when I was a kid.
c What it was
2 How come / about you don’t like sugar in your cof-
d How it was
fee? ___
15 Everything that I ___ at the moment is right here in
3 Bruce always tells / ’s always telling stupid jokes at
this room.
parties. ___
a own
4 When I was younger, I wasn’t let / allowed to stay out
b ’m owning
until midnight. ___
c ’m owned
d ’ve owned 5 If I was / were his friend, I’d tell him exactly what I
thought about him. ___
16 The boss gave us an extra day off, ___ was really nice
of him. 6 When you move to another country, you’re likely /
bound to feel homesick now and then. ___
a what
b which 7 She offers me home-made cake every / each time I
c that visit her. ___
d it 8 We had to stay up all night, but we succeeded / man-
17 In my childhood, a monument ___ where the super- aged to finish it all on time. ___
market is now. 9 I stood up, felt / feeling dizzy all of a sudden. ___
a used to stand 10 Jess was reading / had read a thriller on the plane but
b would stand she fell asleep in the middle of the story. ___
c used to standing 11 As a teenager, I played / was playing volleyball for
d has been standing five years. ___
18 ‘Here! I’ve got you a sandwich.’ ‘You ___ bothered. 12 Have you been / got used to your new school yet? ___
I’m not hungry at all.’
a mustn’t have 1 point for each correct answer 10
b didn’t have to
c needn’t have
d wouldn’t have 4 Use the correct form of put, make, take, do, or get with
an item from the list to make an expression to complete
19 I usually like the way Jen dresses but I ___ dressed
for the occasion today. the sentences. There are two extra items in the list.
a think she isn’t
b don’t think she’s a big thing out of it business for granted
c ’m not thinking she’s in touch into account it easy
d ’m thinking she isn’t take it or leave it me a favour on a brave face
20 I ___ get up at six every morning when I was at our meeting our own thing responsibility
primary school. with a break
a didn’t must
1 This is the best deal I can offer you. It’s up to you to
b mustn’t
take it or leave it.
c hadn’t to
d didn’t have to 2 We’ve been working for hours now, and I think we
could really ______________ .
21 You’ve made hardly ___ mistakes in this exercise.
3 Often you only realize how many things you
a no
______________ when you lose them.
b none
c any 4 I’m afraid I won’t be able to ______________ today.
d some Can we reschedule?
5 If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate
1 point for each correct answer 20 to ______________.
6 Naturally, I was scared before my therapy, but I
______________ and decided to go through with it.