Mapeh 9

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Good day everyone! In our 3rd Quarter MAPEH class we will focus on the following topics;
MUSIC – Music of the Romantic Period, ARTS - Arts of Neoclassical and Romantic Period,
PHYSICAL EDUCATION – Festival Dances and HEALTH – Injury Prevention, Safety and First Aid
(Unintentional). In this lesson, your prior knowledge in your previous MAPEH lesson will still be used
for you to be able to cope with given tasks/ activities. So be optimistic and enjoy our class!
Therefore, you are expected to acquire the essential knowledge and develop the basic skills
prescribed by DepEd’s learning standards aligned with the MELCs as shown in the table below.

WEEK 1: Music of the Romantic Period

Content Standard The students demonstrate understanding of the characteristics
features of instrumental Romantic Music

Performance Standard The students sing and perform themes of selected instrumental
Describes musical element of given Romantic period pieces
Most Essential Learning
Relates Romantic music to other art forms and its history within
Competencies (MELCs)
the era;
21st Century Learning Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building

REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given activities.
Links are given to access the suggested learning resources)
SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound
Edition. Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors)

Power Up with MAPEH 9, Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P.

Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta,
Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)


How do you know which music is from the romantic period? Music is linked more closely to the
arts, particularly to literature. Romantic period explores the use of large ensembles, extreme emotion
and wild orchestration. Let these resources help you discover the composers, repertire, and history of
Romantic Period.
Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:
1. Define Romantic period music and its historical and cultural background
Exploration of Prior Knowledge
Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and understanding of the

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

Below are the key guide questions that you should remember as you perform all the activities in this
lesson. You should be able to answer them at the end of the week.
 What is romantic music?
 What are the characteristics of Romantic Music?


Jumble Bee
Direction: Arrange the following jumbled letters

1. CTIUVROSI = ______________________
2. NADTMOLOSIU = __________________
3. OLISMATONIN = ___________________
4. PISHEMYONS = ____________________
5. ITARLONACIUT = __________________
6. SANYMIDC = ______________________
7. NOPIMOCHOH = ___________________
8. NACIMISRTOM = __________________
9. XERTUTE = _______________________
10. TCOINAMENACPM = _______________


In this lesson you are going to understand the historical and cultural background of
Romantic music. You are given a chance to be familiar with different characteristics
of Romantic Music

If the Classical period is the parent, then the Romantic period is its unruly teenager. Known for
breaking the rules of Classical Period composition and structure, the Romantic period explores the use
of large ensembles, extreme emotion and wild orchestration. Romantic Music is a musicological term
referring to a particular period, theory, composition, practice and canon in European music theory
In music, the Romantic period covers from 1820 up to 1900. The aspects of romanticism
emerged even before 1800 and continued into the twentieth century. This is why there are some
composers considered Classical by one account and Romantic by another. Beethoven was an example of
this. It was during the nineteenth century when much of the population gained education in music,
especially in the United States. This led to a great appreciation of the music of Bach of the Baroque
period and Palestrina of the Renaissance era. Musicology is a scholarly discipline characterized by the
systematized study of the science, history forms and other methods of music


 Romantic composers no longer relied on the support of sponsorship of the aristocrats and church
but on considerably large audience – the middle class. This was the gradual shift from an
aristocratic society to a democratic society.
 Virtuosic display of skills and technique in performing was greatly admired.
 The public favored more genres such as opera, piano compositions, solo songs with piano
accompaniment, and orchestral works; chamber music and compositions for choirs were less
 Devotion to one’s nation or nationalism was an important influence in Romantic music. It was
instilled in many compositions by using folk tunes, folk styles, and legendary folk heroes to
identify the composer’s music with his/her native land.
 Romantic composers enjoyed self-expression and created music that would purposefully shout
their identity or personality.

Aside from aforementioned characteristics, here are specific developments as far as compositional styles
and techniques concerned:
A richer, denser sound especially in orchestral music to achieve diversity in
pervasive (universal) mood
The feeling of tonality is often clouded by the use of modulations (changes in
key within a composition) and keys remotely related to the key signature
Essentially homophonic. The use of counterpoint is not as important during
this period
To achieve greater brilliance and depth of sound. Romantic melodies
generally have characteristics of warmth and expressiveness
Uses such extremes as fortississimo and pianississimo. There is also frequent
use of cresendos (gradual increase in volume) and decrendos (gradual
decrease in volume) from faint whispers to a very powerful sound and vice
Tempo and The possibilities of expanding expressiveness new characteristic vocabularies
Articulation of terms emerge to indicate not only the tempo but also the mood
They use lot of dissonances to produce an effect of an action or tension. The
use of complex harmonies as in chromatic harmony is prominent
Forms used in music are more flexible and more varied as the composers
Form favor more the expressiveness of their music. Romantic music still writes

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions.

 What is romantic music?

Described as a cultural movement that stressed emotion, imagination, individualism and
freedom of expression.

 What are the characteristics of romantic music?

Use of extreme expressions and emotions, freedom in composing, love, nature, religion
and nationalism are its main theme and focused on the meaning and purpose behind music and
its main objective was to get an emotional reaction from its audience.

The main purpose of Romantic Music is to express emotion, features nationalism, variety of musical
style, used to tell stories and express ideas, use of folk songs and country music, themes on nature,
literature, history and use of more instruments. Composers broke away from old rules of harmony,
melody and simplicity to create new style of music. Shifts in dynamics and tempo combined with
daring harmonies and melodies are the basis for the Romantic era musical language.

When we are listening to the radios, watching drama plays, listening to music, we commonly
hear some authentic sounds of a horse running, water falling, rain dropping or anything around us. These
sounds are produced by different musical instruments.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Describe program music during the romantic period
2. Explain how musical elements used in Program Music

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What is the importance of program music during the Romantic period?

2. What are the forms of Program Music?


Listening exercise: In the mood for music

Directions: Write down words to describe the atmosphere and emotions of 2nd movement of
SYMPHONY FANTASTIC “a ball”. Choose your answer inside the box.

Scary Shocking Explosive

Mystery Joy Cheerful
Warm Inviting Friendly
Noble Serious Dark
Adventure Calm Excitement
SYMPHONY FANTASTIC MOODS Atmosphere and emotion
Second movement “a ball” (listen to the time given for each part)
Introduction 00:00- 00:39
Beginning 00:39- 02:15
Middle 02:16-05:38
End 05:39-06:38

As we continue our lesson, you are going to study one of the instrumental
music during Romantic Period which is Program Music; a type of Instrumental
music designed to depict an emotion, mood, scene, story or event. And the four
forms of orchestral program music.

Program Music
Commonly categorized as:
 Kind of art music
 Instrumental music
 Associated with an idea, poem, scene or story
 Endeavor to depict musically an extra musical narrative
 Able to draw forth a certain experience in the audience other than sitting in front of

It has been observed that nineteenth century or the Romantic period is the Golden Age of
program music. Program music could also be seen in the previous periods. Musicians of the
romantic period would want to create music as poetically as possible, and the writers or poets of
this century would want their works of poetry to be made as musically as possible.

Composers of program music state that extra musical element or narrative through a title
or notes in explanation called a program. Program music can elicit particular mental images of
movements or sounds in nature and therefore represent the characters and events in particular
story as well as mental and physical manifestation of feelings. This is done through imitation of
sounds such as bird songs, thunder, ocean waves, wind or bells. The musical forms, which are
employed in this kind of art music, are similar to the ones used in the absolute music or non-
program music. Without a program, this program music may just be heard as a simple music in
rondo sonata or a theme and variations form






Program Symphony
An orchestral composition that relays ideas or narrates a story. It is written in several
movements, and each movement typically has a title that describes the idea. Program music
composers employ themes such as witchcrafts, deaths, mystery and other emotion. Some of the
elements described here are water, wind, rain, sea and field scenes.
Symphonie Fantastique was composed by Hector Berloiz, a French composer. Berloiz
used a single melody in this composition which he called idee fixe of fixed idea to represent the
character’s love one.
Each movement has a descriptive title:
 First movement – “Reveries, Passions”
 Second movement – “A Ball”
 Third movement- “Scene in the Fields”
 Fourth movement- “March to the Scaffolds”
 Fifth movement- “Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath”
 “Reveries, Passions”

Concert Overture
Symphonic Poem
A new orchestral form called symphonic poem or tone poem, a single-movement
composition. It is a programmatic work with a descriptive title in which the content of poem, short
story, novel, painting, or any other literary work is illustrated or evoked. Introduced by Franz Liszt
around the middle of the century and had become an important type of program music after 1860.

Examples are:
 Night on bald mountain by Modest Mussorgsky
 Isle of dead by Sergei Rachmaninoff
 The moldau by Bedrich Smetan

(See flash drive, file name Symphonic Poem)

Incidental Music
Performed before and during a play. It is intended to add atmosphere to the action. Interludes,
background music, dances and marches set the atmosphere or mood for certain actions and play.
Nowadays, the term “incidental music” is less applied to film music. It is known more as the fil score
or soundtrack. An example of an incidental music is famous “Wedding Marc” composed by Felix
Mendelssohn for the play A Midsummer Night’s Dream

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What is the importance of Program Music during the Romantic period?
It is significant because of having different feature like descriptive, suggesting visual
images or telling a story. Instrumental music that is free of a programme and exists purely for its
own sake is known as absolute music - music without a story.

 What are the forms of Program Music?

As links were formed berween music, painting and literature, composers started to
compose program music – music that tells a story. Program Symphony consists of compositions
for the orchestr that narrates a story. Concert Overture a sonata with one movement. Symphonic
poem a one – movement orchestral composition that generates poetic idea. Incidental music a
composition that sets the mood for a specific scene.

Program Music is intended to musically represent a non – musical theme which tells a story,
illustrates literary ideas or evokes pictorial scenes. A type of music that attempts to musically
render an extra-muscial narrative. The narrative itself might be offered to the audience in the
form of program notes, inviting imaginative correlations with the music.

During the romantic period, the piano (pianoforte) became the most popular single instrument. It
became a musical symbol of Romanticism and was enlarged to give it a wider range and more tonal
power. It is filled with innovations and most of compositions require a high level of virtousity.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Identify the different forms of composition for the piano

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. How did music for piano contribute to the richness of instrumental music during romantic


Word Hunt
Direction: Find and encircle the 5 different key words related to the topic (Music for the piano)



In this lesson, we are going to discuss about the contribution of piano

music in the Romantic period as George Bernard Shaw says “The
pianoforte is the most important of all musical instruments. Its invention
was to music what the music invention of printing was poetry”.


The piano is the most important medium of the romantic instrumental music. Romantic
composers see this instrument as the perfect instrument for their very expressive music. It has the
capacity to distinctively demonstrate progressions between loud and soft dynamic levels – the
characteristics that the harpsichord lacks. As part of an ensemble, the piano is an indispensable
component in producing chamber music.
A musical composition for the solo piano of a romantic and dream character thought
evocative of the night. It is full of poetic and sentimental moods like melancholy (sadness). The
first nocturne written by an Irish composer, John Field who was considered to be the “Father of the
Romantic Nocturne”. However, it was Chopin who perfected the nocturne during the Romantic

A French word that means “study”. It is a composition for piano that contains technical
difficulties such as scales, figurations, arpeggios, chords and octaves. It is an instrumental piece
intended to help a performer study a particular technical aspect of playing the instrument. Etudes
are composed as virtuoso pieces for concert audiences especially during this period.
An example of Etude is Chopin Revolutionary Etude in C minor, Op, 10 No, 12. This
etude helps the pianist to develop speed and endurance on the left hand. To do this the pianist must
play rushing passages in octave and chords.

Composers of the romantic period also created piano music for the stylized dances. These
dances include the following:
Waltz – a gliding couple dance performed in triple time. When it first arrived in England, it
became controversial because there had never been a dance performed so closely by a couple,
that is arm to arm, belly to belly. Another type of waltz created for piano music. This waltz is
called Landler, a slow Australian waltz.
Mazurka – a folk dance from the province of Mazovia in Poland, it is characterized by hops and

strong steps performed in ¾ time.

Polonaise – is a French word for “Polish”. It is a dance for the Polish nobility written in triple
Polka – This is a Bohemian folk dance brought to France, then to England and finally to
America. Just like waltz, it is performed by a couple as they swirl around the ballroom.
Galop or Gallop – this is a couple dance that originated in France. The dancing couple slides
sideward down the ballroom.

Short instrumental piano pieces suggesting an atmosphere or general mood. These pieces
have descriptive titles specifically invoking an idea or expressing the character intended. These
character pieces include compositions with such titles as romannza, lamet, arabesque, moment
musicale, ballade, rhapsody, intermezzo, bagatelle, impromptu, and prelude. An example of this
piece is Schumann’s Kreisieriana

A sonata written for a solo piano. Unlike classical piano sonatas with several movements,
nineteenth-century piano sonatas are sometimes written with a single movement after Beethoven
and Schubert.

REVISED KNOWLEGDE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions.

 How did music for piano contribute to the richness of instrumental music during
romantic period?
The piano was meant meant to be the alternative to the hapsichord that could be
more dynamic, and create more varying tone colors. It succeeded and became one of the
most loved instruments in the world has ever seen. The piano virtousos of the Romantic
Era are Frederic Chopin and Franz Liszt.
The piano is the most important medium of the Romantic instrumental music. A
nocturne is a musical composition for the solo piano evocative of the romantic and
dreamy character of the night. An etude is a piano composition that contains technical
difficulties intended to help a performer study ha particular technical aspect of playing
the instrument. Romantic composers also created piano music for the stylized dances. A
character piece is a short instrumental piano piece evoking an atmosphere or general
mood. A piano sonata is a sonata written for solo piano

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

Romantic music includes the use of new or previously not so common musical structures
like the song cycle, nocturne, concert etude, and rhapsody, alongside the traditional classical
genres. The most dominant element of Romantic music was expressive melodies that are
singable and that are giving a great atmosphere. Such literature, the music and the melodies were
dramatic and emotional. Inspired by nature, poetry and love.
Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Subject: MAPEH 9
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 1 Score: _______________

Activity no.1

Directions: Identify the following statements. Write your answer on the space provided

_______________1. A musical composition for the solo piano evocative of the romantic character of the
_______________2. Short instrumental piano pieces evoking an atmosphere or general mood
_______________3. An orchestral composition that relays ideas or narrates story.
_______________4. A composition for piano that contains technical difficulties.
_______________5. A programmatic work with descriptive title in which the content of a poem or any
literary works is illustrated

Activity no.2

1. 2. 10. p
8. 5.



6. 7. 9.


1. Dance for polish nobility 3. Different levels of expanding 4.Warmth and Expressiveness
2. Devotion to one’s nation the expression of music 7. Use of modulation
5.Associated with piano 6. Performed in triple time
music 8. Performed by couple as they
10.Written with a single swirl around the ballroom
movement 9. It subordinate to the subject and
content expression
Process 2:
Questions Composers of the 19th Century Instrumental Music
Content Standard The students demonstrate understanding of the characteristics
features of instrumental Romantic Music
Performance Standard The students sing and perform themes of selected instrumental
Explains the performance practice (setting, composition, role of
Most Essential Learning composers/performers and audience) during Romantic period.
Competencies (MELCs) Narrate the life and works of composers and explain the
performance practice during Romantic Period
21st Century Learning Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building

REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given activities.
Links are given to access the suggested learning resources)
SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound
Edition. Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors)

Power Up with MAPEH 9, Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P.

Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta,
Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)



As in the Baroque and Classical periods of musical history, there were hunderds of composers
whose music was performed and published during the Romantic Period. But unlike those two previous
periods, in which there were relatively small number of composers whose works are now considered to
be musically and culturally significant. There were many more composers in the Romantic period whose
names and music are very widely known today. There are 3 types of composers; full, conservative and

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective

1. Narrate the life and works of Chopin and explain the performance practice during
Romantic Period
Exploration of Prior Knowledge
Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

1. How did Chopin contribute to the romantic era?
2. Why is Chopin a well-known Romantic era composer?


Listening skills
Direction: Listen to the music of Chopin “No other love” and describe the musical characteristics
(File name No Other Love)

NO OTHER LOVE by Frederic Francois Chopin



This lesson was made to get to know more about Chopin’s biography, music
composition, and to introduce some music pieces composed by Chopin.
The scope of this lesson covers different compositions like: Etudes, Nocturnes,
Preludes and Mazurkas.

FREDERIC FRANCOIS CHOPIN (1810-1849) “Poet of the Piano”

The most distinguished nationalistic composer of piano

music in the nineteenth century and a child prodigy, Frederic
Francois Chopin (pronounced fred'rik fran'shwa show’pan) was
born in Zelazowa Wola in Poland on March 1 1810. Frederic
was the second child and only son of Nicolas Chopin and
Justyna Krzytanowska. Chopin received his first professional
music training from Wojciech Zywny from 1816 to 1821. At age
of 7, he already composed two polonaises, in G minor and B-flat
In June 1825, Chopin performed the first of his works to
be commercially published-Rondo, Op. 1. ,
In 1826, Chopin studied music theory, figured bass, and
composition with the composer Jozef Elsner at the Warsaw
Conservatory. In 1838, Chopin had a live-in relationship with
Aurore Dupin, a French author with a pen name George Sand
(six years older than he was). As cited by Chopin, he was
influenced by the music of Bach and Mozart. The two most
important composers in molding his style in musical work.
Although he had been educated in the musical style of Beethoven, Haydn. Mozart, and Clementi. On
October 17, 1849. Chapin died of pulmonary tuberculosis.
Most of Chopin's works are written with only one movement exploring the capacities of the
piano. He used his etudes in teaching his technique to his students-in playing double thirds (etude Op. 25
No. 6), in playing repeated notes (Etude Op. 10 No. 7), and in playing successive octaves (Etude 0p. 25
No. 10). Thus, he was called the "Poet of the Piano. “
Chopin’s works are generally described as:
 Homophonic in texture
 No descriptive titles
 Extensively chromatic with modulation
 Excellent melodic and harmonic creativity
 Delicate in style

Chopin is famous for the following:

 Ballade – a verse form or narrative that is set to music
 Etude – a piece composed for the development of a specific technique.
 Mazurka – a Polish dance in triple time signature.
 Nocturne – an instrumental composition of a pensive, dreamy mood, for the piano.
 Polonaise – a slow Polish dance in triple time that consists of a march or procession.
 Prelude – a short piece of music that can be used as a preface, and introduction to another
work or may stand no its own.
 Waltz – a German dance in triple meter.
 Impromptu – a short free-form musical composition usually for a solo instrument, like
 Scherzo – a musical movement of playful character, typically in ABA form.
 Sonata – composition for one or more solo instruments usually consisting of three or four
independent movements varying in key, mood and tempo.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions.

 How did Chopin contribute to the romantic era?

He was a Polish composer of the Romantic Era in European classical music. He wrote
exclusively for the piano, and his music is considered virtuosic while simultaneously being deeply
expressive and personal. Chopin was genius of universal appeal. His music conquers the most diverse

 Why is Chopin a well-known Romantic era composer?

Chopin used his music to support nationalistic sentiments that were sweeping Europe by
incorporating Polish folk tune idioms into his compositions which can be heard in mazurkas and



One of his qoutes is “Inspiration is a guest that does not willingly visit the lazy”. He definitely
lived by this philosophy. He is widely considered the most popular Russian Composer in history. His
work includes the “The Sleeping Beauty” and “The Nutcracker”

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective

1. Narrate the life and works of Tchaikovsky and explain the performance practice during
Romantic Period.

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What is the greatest contribution of Tchaikovsky?

2. Why is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky important?


Fill Me
Directions: Give at least 5 famous composition of Tchaikovsky.

2. ____________________________________
3. ____________________________________
4. ____________________________________
5. ____________________________________


As we continue our lesson about different composers we tend to understand more

about their life and works. Today we are going to understand the life of
Tchaikovsky as he continues his life as a Russian composer of the Romantic
period. He was honored in 1884 by Tsar Alexander III and awarded a lifetime


From a family of military service, Pyotr Ilyich
Tchaikovsky, his name anglicized as Peter Ilich
Tchaikovsky, was born in a small town of Votkinsk in
Russia on May 7 1840. His father llya Petrovich
Tchaikovsky served as a lieutenant colonel in the
Department of Mines; and his mother was a French
cultured woman. Tchaikovsky received a good education
from Fanny Diirbach, a French governess who taught him
how to Speak fluently In French and German at age 6. At
age 10. His family moved to St. Petersburg where he
attended the imperial School of Jurisprudence in
preparation for a career in law. He graduated in 1859 and
served as a government clerk for a short time. However,
he deeply felt a can for music.

In 1861. Peter studied composition with Anton

Rubinstein at St. Petersburg Conservatory. He did so well
that after graduating, he became a professor of harmony at
the Moscow Conservatory in 1866. In 1877 Tchaikovsky accepted a bold marriage proposal from
Antonina Miliukova, a young conservatory student. The marriage ended unhappily and quickly-they
lived together for only two and a half months. It turned out he was trying to conceal his homosexuality.
He attempted to drown himself In the Moscow River. They did not divorce but lived separately. During
these times, he could not write or compose anything, bat his family remained supportive of him. At age
53, Tchaikovsky died probably of cholera.

Tchaikovsky famous compositions:

 Romeo and Juliet - a concert overture
 The Queen of Spades and Eugene Onegin – his operas
 Violin Concerto (1878)
 Overture and Marche Slave – his orchestral showpieces (1812)
 Swan Lake
 The Nutcracker
 1812 Overture
 Sleeping Beauty
 Symphony No. 6 “Pathetique”
 Romeo & Julit
 Symphony No. 2
 Piano Concerto No. 1

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What is the greatest contribution of Tchaikovsky?

Tchaikovsky wrote many works that are popular with classical music public, including
his Romeo and Juliet, the overture, his three ballets and Marche slave. He was the first Russian who
gained enduring international recognition. His music was the first to fuse Russian nationalism with
western European tradition.

 Why is Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky important?

He was one of the most famous Russian composers. His music had great appeal for the
general public by virtue of its tuneful open-hearted melodies, impressive harmonies, and colorful
picturesque orchestration, all of which evoke a profound emotional response.



The best word that describes the works of this composer is “virtuosity.” He was known as the
virtuoso pianist, a composer and the busiest musician during the Romantic Era. He played and studied in
Vienna and Paris while performing in concerts in the rest of Europe.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective

1. Narrate the life and works of Liszt and explain the performance practice during
Romantic Period

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions
1. How did Franz Liszt begin his career in music?
2. What is Franz Liszt musical style?
Directions: Make an acrostic using the word LISZT

L = ______________________________________
I = ______________________________________
S = ______________________________________
Z = ______________________________________
T = ______________________________________


Today’s lesson we are going to analyze the musical style of Franz Liszt. A
Hungarian piano virtuoso and composer. In his early works, Liszt was the
archetypal Romantic composer. List is known for his piano works that are simpler
in technique, texture, and form than his earlier work.

FRANZ LISZT (1811- 1886)

Hailed as the
Adam Liszt on October 22, 1811 in Raiding, Hungary. 'Liszt's
father could play the piano, violin cello, and guitar. His father
instructed him to play the piano when he was 7. Liszt studied
piano in Vienna with Carl Czerny and composition with
Antonio Salieri.

Toward the early

be published. At 16, his father died, but at this time Liszt was
already a well-known piano virtuoso able to support himself
and his mother. Inspired by the spectacular violin
performances of Paganini in 1830, Liszt explored the
possibilities of the piano and launched a virtuoso career. He
used chromaticism (extensive use of no diatonic pitches in
melody and harmony), remote modulation (shifting from one
key to another), dissonances, repeated notes, fast arpeggios
(broken chords), scales played in octaves, and chords simultaneously played by both hands. The largest
and most prominent of Liszt’s works are his original piano compositions. Examples of his piano music
are études, rhapsodies and other piano pieces. A rhapsody is an instrumental composition of free,
irregular form, suggesting improvisation. Toward the early part of 1824, Variation of the waltz by
Diabellli was Liszt first composition to be published.

Liszt died of pneumonia in Bayreuth at the age of 74. For many years, he was idolized by all of
Europe as much as any rock or pop star of today.
Liszt’s famous compositions:
 Hungarian Rhapsodies
 Years of Pilgrimage
 Petrarch Sonnets
 Mephisto Waltz, Dance of Death, Funerailles
 Transcendental Etude No. 10
 La Campanella
 Liebestraume No. 3
 Liszt’s “Hungarian Rhapsodies” were originally written for solo piano, but many were arranged
for orchestra or other combinations of instruments. The Hungarian Rhapsody No. 2 is the most
popular and was the basis for the “Tom & Jerry” cartoon called the “Cat Concerto”
 Un Sospiro
 Sonata in B Minor
 Arrangements of the 9 Beethoven Symphonies
 Transcriptions of Lieder by Schubert

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 How did Franz Liszt begin his career in music?

Franz Liszt received piano lessons from his father at an early age. Showing interest in
church and folk music, Liszt began to compose at age eight, giving his first public composer at
nine. Hungarian magnates funded his musical education in Vienna for the next six years.

 What is Franz Liszt musical style?

In his most popular and advanced works, he is the archetypal Romantic composer. Liszt
pioneered the technique of the thematic transformation, a method of development which was related to
both the existing variation technique and to the new use of the leitmotif by Richard Wagner.



Today we are about to learn the life and work of Saint – Saens. He was considered as a composer
who creates elegant music, neat, clean, polished, and never excessive. As an organist and one of the best
pianist of his time, he sat very still at the piano and played gracefully.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective

1. Narrate the life and works of Saint - Saens and explain the performance practice during
Romantic Period

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions
1. What are the characteristics of Camille Saint Saens?
2. What I learned about Camille Saint Saens?

Directions: answer the following questions.

1. What is the cause of Saint Saens death?


2. What is Charles Camille Saint Saens known for?



This last composer was a French composer, organist, conductor and pianist of the
Romantic era. His IQ probably was unmeasurable. He lived a long life and saw
himself regarded as a progressive, then as a conservative.


Once called the "Greatest Organist in the World,” Charles -
Camille Saint - Saéns (pronounced karl kamill san sans) was born in
Paris', France on October 9,183S. His father died three months after his
birth. Consequently, he was brought up by his mother with the help of
his aunt, who introduced him to the piano. At age 2, he was found to
have a perfect intonation. At age 3 he already knew how to read and
write. At age 4, his first composition was a little piano piece dated
March 22, 1839.

When he was 7, Saint - Saéns received formal training in piano

using the strength of the hand rather than the arm with Camille-Marie
Stamaty. Under the tutelage of Fromental Halévy, he studied organ and
composition at the Paris Conservatory in the late 18405. At age 16, Saint - Saéns wrote his first two
symphonies; the second was published as Symphony No. 1 In E-f/at Major. In 1888, Saint-Saéns’s
mother died, and he decided to leave France. The next years were spent traveling around the world-in
Europe, North Africa, Southeast Asia, and. South America. ‘

On December 161 1921 Saint-Saéns died of pneumonia in Algiers. He wrote over 300
compositions in all. He was also one of the first major composers who wrote music for a cinema entitled
The Assassination of the Duke of Guise.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What are the characteristics of Camille Saint Saens?

Conservative musical style, neat proportions, clarity, polished expression, elegant line –
resides in his best composition. The classically oriented sonatas and chamber music.

 What I learned about Camille Saint Saens?

Saint – saens was notable for his pioneering efforts on behalf of French music, he was a
gifted pianist and organist as well as writer of poetry, essays and plays. In his essay and memoir,
he described the contemporary musical scene in a shrewd and often ironic manner.

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

Romantic era produced many more composers whose names and music are still popular today.
The term Romantic covers most of the music, art and literature of Western civilization from the
nineteenth century. Sometimes a new style of music happens when composers reject the old style. But
the composers of the Romantic era did not reject classical music. Romantic era composers kept the
forms of classical music, but the Romantic composer did not feel constrained by form. Breaking through
boundaries was now an honorable goal shared.

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 2 Score: _______________
Activity no. 1

Complete Me
Directions: Complete the table below with the correct information of the different Romantic Composers

• Full Name :
• Birthdate:
• Birthplace:
• Musical Training:
• Death and Reason:

• Full Name :
• Birthdate:
• Birthplace:
• Musical Training:
• Death and Reason:
• Full Name :
• Birthdate:
• Birthplace:
• Musical Training:
• Death and Reason:

• Full Name :
• Birthdate:
• Birthplace:
• Musical Training:
• Death and Reason:

Activity no.2

Matching Type
Directions: Match column A with column B. Write only the letter on the space provided.

________1. “Poet of the Piano” A. Liszt first published composition
________2. Aurore Dupin B. Frederic Francois Chopin
________3. Variation on the waltz by Diabelli C. Charles – Camille Saint – Saens
________4. “King of Pianist” D. Jean – Philippe Ramaeu
________5. “World’s Greatest Organist” E. George Sand
F. Franz Liszt

Week 3: Arts of Neoclassical Period

Content Standard Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills
The arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual
belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/
occurrences, and other external phenomena
Performance Standard Perform / participate competently in a presentation of a creative
impression (verbal/nonverbal) of a particular artistic period
Analyzes art elements and principles in the production of work
following a specific art style from the Neoclassic and Romantic
Most Essential Learning
Identifies distinct characteristics of arts and representative artist
Competencies (MELCs)
during the Neoclassic and Romantic periods
Explains the use or function of artworks by evaluating their
utilization and combination of art elements and principles
21st Century Learning Skills Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building

REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given activities.
Links are given to access the suggested learning resources)
SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound
Edition. Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors)

Power Up with MAPEH 9, Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P.

Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta,
Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)

In this lesson, we are going to understand that neoclassicism is the term for movements in the
arts that draw inspiration from the classical art and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. It is a
widespread and influential movement in painting and the other visual arts that began in 1760’s.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Identify the causes or events that lead to the rise of neoclassical art

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

1. Where did the term “Neoclassical” come from?

2. What are the characteristics of neoclassical art?
Process Questions

Directions: Describe the following pictures according to the basic elements of arts such as to lines,
colors, shapes, and texture



Today, we are going to broaden up our knowledge about neoclassical art pieces
such as paintings, sculpture, and architecture generally portrayed Roman history
which elevated the Roman heroes. Be careful to not to interchange the two terms.
Classicism refers to the art forms produced in antiquity or inspired by it afterward,
while Neoclassicism frees to the art forms inspired by ancient times, but created

Neoclassicism and Romanticism were the movements after the Rococo period that flourished
across Western Europe and United States which spanned approximately from late eighteenth to the
nineteenth centuries

The neoclassical art develops in the 1760’s and was popular throughout Europe and America
until the 1850’s. Neoclassical art broke away the emotional and dramatic style of Baroque. Neoclassical
artist found inspiration from the style of the Greco-Roman era.
Neoclassical art is characterized by its formal composition, accurate details and solid lines. It
aimed for the symmetry, proportion and simplicity of the Renaissance and that of Greco-Roman art.
Neoclassical artists depicted their subjects realistically often including their flaws. Common subjects for
the style were classical and mythological figures in contemporary scene. Values of the Age of
Enlightenment such as patriotism, honor, sacrifice, and courage were often used as emotional themes by
neoclassical artists.
Most sculpture made during the neoclassical style were often inspired by Roman aesthetic since
most of the surviving artifacts were from ancient Rome. Some sculptors insisted their models to wear
Roman attire or be unclothed.
Neoclassicism is also reflected on the architecture of the time. It was characterized by simple
geometric forms but enacted on a grand scale. This architectural style spread throughout the world
including Philippines. Toward the end of nineteenth century, Neoclassicism coexisted with the
developing artistic style called Romanticism.

One of the influential institutions of Neoclassicism. Academies were art institutions where
artists could hone their skills and exhibit their works in events called Salons. Formal art school started
during the Renaissance. These schools wanted to differentiate artists from craftsmen by focusing on the
intellectual aspect of art.
Academies gained much of its prestige and influence during the Neoclassical and Romantic
periods. Many academies were established all over Europe; one of the most prestigious of these was in
Paris, the center of art at the time. Academie de peinture et de sculpture I (Academy of Painting and
Sculpture) and was later emerged with Academy of Music and Academy of Architecture and formed the
Academie des Beaux-Arts or the Academy of Fine Arts. Its power and influence were in no small part
due to the support of the French Monarchy. It controlled the production of art in France.
Academy students were first trained to draw and reproduce classical sculptures to learn and
master contouring and shading. After the students mastered the art of drawing, they can move to the next
step, painting. And only after mastering the art of painting they can be considered to join the Salon.
Salon were big events. These academic sponsored activities showcased the artwork of the
students. Critically acclaimed artworks at the Salons often meant a promising and lucrative career for its

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Where did the term “Neoclassical” come from?
The word neoclassic came from the Greek word neos meaning “new” and the Latin word
classicus which is similar in meaning to the English phrase “first class.”

 What are the characteristics of neoclassical art?

 The Neoclassical movement coincided with the 18th century Age of Reason also known
as the Age of Enlightenment. The art style in this period was brought about by the renewed interest
in Greek and Roman classics. Neoclassical art pieces such as paintings, sculpture, and architecture
generally portrayed Roman history which elevated the Roman heroes. Portrayal of Roman history,
Formal composition, The use of diagonals to show the peak of an emotion of moment (versus a
regular moment), Local color, Overall lighting, Classic geo-structure


LESSON 2 (Jacques – Louis David 1748-1825)

Neoclassical artists embraced the ideals of order and moderation in which artistic interpretations
of Greek and Roman history were restored to realistic portrayals. Neoclassical painters gave great
importance to the costumes, settings, and details of classical subject-matter without adding distracting
details but with as much historical accuracy as possible

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Differentiate and discuss the Neoclassical art of David

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. How did David paintings showcase the neoclassical characteristics?

2. What was his contributions to neoclassicism?


What is the picture trying to portray?



1. Jacques – Louis David (1748-1825)

 One of the most famous artists to adopt the
neoclassical style.
 Born on August 30, 1748
 Studied classical Greek and Roman sculpture extensively and used them on paintings to
make his work more lifelike and imposing.
 His style reflected the intellectual movement of the Age of Enlightenment.
 Used his artwork as a commentary on how people should behave
 He avoided decorations to prevent distractions from his message
 Work under Napoleon Bonaparte to create artwork that were used as propaganda for the
emperor’s cause
 Died in December 29, 1825 in Belgium

The Death of Socrates (1787)

This scene
sentenced to death due to his teachings that the Athenian
government found heretic. Rather than facing the exile,
he faced his death head-on by drinking a cup of
poisonous hemlock. David portrayed Socrates defiant
until the end as if teaching his followers a final lesson.
This painting underlying theme showcases the ideals of
the neoclassical style, mainly sustaining courage in the
face of death, dying for one’s country, and standing up
for one’s right.

Napoleon in His Study (1812)

Example of propaganda art done by David is entitled The
Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries. At first glance it
may look beautifully rendered portrait of the French leader but if
you study the painting you will see a certain details that gives
you hint as David’s message. The painting depicts Napoleon
Bonaparte standing beside his desk. His desk is filled with books
and parchments, seemingly important documents.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 How did David paintings showcase the neoclassical characteristics?

The works of J. David are usually hailed as the epitome of Neoclassical painting.
Characterized by the use of straight lines, smooth paint surface, the depiction of light, a minimal
use of color and the clear, crisp definition of forms.

 What was his contributions to neoclassicism?

Before the revolution, david’s major history paintings, though often invoked in relation to
contemporary events drew upon subjects from ancient history and distant civilizations. His
approach was in keeping with that of the french Academy which placed history paiting at the
top of hi hierarchy os subjects while scenes from contemporary life were relegated to the bottom


LESSON 3 (Jean-Auguste-Domique Ingres 1780-1867)

Our lesson for today is about the painting of Ingres, familiarize with his artworks and knowing
his contribution during his period. His paintings were usually nudes, portraits, and mythological themes.
He was regarded as one of the great exemplars of academic art and one of the finest Old Masters of his
Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:
1. Differentiate and discuss the Neoclassical art of Ingres

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

1. How did Ingres paintings showcase the neoclassical characteristics?

2. What was his contributions to neoclassicism?


Draw a shape that represents your feelings/emotions today

Process Questions

Why did you choose this shape to express your emotions?



Ingres was a pupil of Jacques-Louis David. He was influenced by Italian

Renaissance painters like Raphael, Nicolas, Botticelli, and his mentor, Jacques-
Louis David

Jean-Auguste-Domique Ingres (1780-1867)

 One of David’s student, also considered to be an important and
influential Neoclassical artist.
 Born on August 29, 1780
 Despite of the may criticism, Ingres followed his passion and
became one of the best artist in his generation and an inspiration to
generations of artist to come.
 Liked to work on big canvass that portrayed events and people –
real or imagined.
 He found inspiration from artworks of Raphael, Homer, Virgil and
 Ingres figurative works mirrored the artists search for the perfect human form
 Considers the drawing as the essence of a painting and the colors are just secondary.
 He was quoted as “Drawing is seven eights of what makes up a painting”
 He was a staunch believer and defender of the Neoclassical movement.
 Died on January 14, 1867 at the age of 86

Napoleon I on his Imperial Throne (1806)

This is a good example of giftedness of Ingres with

portraiture. This painting shows napoleon Bonaparte dressed in
his coronation clothes. He is holding a scepter and is crowned
with a golden wreath. The emperor is sitting on the ornate
throne. Ingres imitated the pose of ancient Greek god Zeus,
sculpted by Phidias. A word to describe Napoleon in “majestic”.
The painting was panned by Ingres critics when he exhibited it
at the Salon.

The Apotheosis of Homer (1827)

An oil painting, shows the ascension of the Greek
poet Homer to divinity. This theme is usually used in
classical and neoclassical art. It shows symmetrical
composition where Homer is seated at the center being
crowned by the winged Greek goddess of victory, Nike.
There are two women seated on both sides. They represent
Homers greatest work; Illiad and Odessey.

Neoclassical artist David was known for his

propaganda paintings. Propaganda has been used
throughout history and it is used to influence people to a
cause or even a product. Propaganda art is different from
usual poster or public service announcements since
propaganda has two opposing views and its job is to
convince you to join a side.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus question

 How did Ingres paintings showcase the neoclassical characteristics?

Ingres became the principal proponent of French Neoclassical painting after the death of
his mentor J.David. His cool, meticulously drawn works constituted the stylistic antithesis of the
emotionalism and colorism of contemporary Romantic school.

 What was his contributions to neoclassicism?

Ingres is credited as an icon of cultural conservatism in 19th century France. He is known
for his obsessive quest for ideal beauty which resulted in his famous anatomical distortions. He
was respected portraitist and was commissioned to do work for the royal family.


Here in the Philippines, the ideology of Neoclassicism and Romanticism can be seen through
various major artworks such as paintings, sculptures and architectural structures. Some of the well-
known contributing artists express their skills and ideas in their own respective field of specialization

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Analyze paintings and identify Neoclassical art in the Philippines

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

1. When did neoclassicism start in the Philippines?

2. What are the neoclassical architecture in the Philippines?


List 5 buildings in the Philippines that was inspired

1. ____________________________
2. ____________________________
3. ____________________________
4. ____________________________
5. ____________________________
Process Questions


In this lesson, understanding and familiarizing our own is one of the things we
need to learn. The most notable examples of neoclassical art in the Philippines are
seen in the government buildings constructed during the American colonial period.
Neoclassical architecture influenced the style of classical antiquity. The
architectural style used for these structures, which was adopted form of
Neoclassicism was prevalent style at the time in the United States.


When the Americans colonized the Philippines, they began various building projects throughout
the country. Examples of Neoclassical influenced buildings in the Philippines are old Legislative
Building (now National Museum of the
Philippines), Pangasinan Provincial
Capitol in Lingayen, and Manila Central
Post office.

The National Museum

Building was originally
conceptualized as public library as part of
plans of urban planner Daniel Burnham.
It was designed by American architect
Ralph Harington Doane and the building was completed in 1921. The building’s façade is decorated
with neoclassical features such as Corinthian columns and Renaissance inspired sculptural decors.

The Manila Central Post Office

Was designed by Filipino architects Juan M.
Arellano and Tomas Mapua. The façade is a
rectangular form decorated with fourteen ionic columns
and neoclassical sculptural forms around its crown. It
was completed in 1926 and is considered to be
Arellano’s magnum opus

Felix Resurrection Hidalgo y Padilla (1855-19130)

Felix Hidalgo was one of the great Filipino painters of the late 19 th century who was significant
in the Philippine history for inspiring members of the Philippine reform movement. The painting
portrays two scantily clothed Christian female slaves being mocked by a group of boorish Roman male

The Christian Virgins Being Exposed to the Populace Spoliarium

(Metropolitan Museum of Manila) (National Museum of the Philippines)
By: F. Hidalgo By: J. Luna

Juan Luna y Novicio (1857-1899)

Juan Luna was a painter and sculptor, who became one of the first recognized hilippine artists.
He was also a political activist of the Philippine Revolution during the late 19th century.
One of his famous artwork was the Spoliarium, a Latin word referring to the basement of the
Roman Colosseum wherein the fallen and dying gladiators were dumped and devoid of their worldly
possessions. The painting features a glimpse of Roman history centered on the bloody carnage brought
by gladiatorial matches. The subject of Luna’s Spoliarium can be interpreted an allegory of Imperial
Rome corresponding to Imperial Spain. The image of the Romans dragging the dead gladiators
symbolizes the colonial oppression of the indigenous populations

Fernando Cueto Amorsolo (1892-19720)

Amorsolo was a National Artist in
Painting. He was a portraitist and painter of
rural Philippine landscapes, and he was
popularly known for his craftsmanship and
mastery of the use of light.

Planting Rice with Mayon Volcano

(Metropolitan Museum of Manila) By: F. Amorsolo

Guillermo Estrella Tolentino (1890-1976)

Tolentino is s Filipino sculptor who was named National Artists for the visual Arts in 1973, and
hailed as the “Father of Philippine Arts.”

Oblation (University of the Philippines) Pambansang Bantayog ni Andress Bonifacio

By: G. Tolentino By: G. Tolentino

Napoleon Isabelo Veloso Abueva

Abueva is a National Artist for Sculpture. He was entitles
as the “Father of Modern Philippine Sculture.” He has been the
only Boholano to be given the distinction of National Artist of
the Philippines in the field of visual arts.
Siyam na Diwata ng Sining
By: N. Abueva

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 When did neoclassicism start in the Philippines?

Neoclassical architecture was an architectural style produced by neoclassical movement
that began in the mid-18th century, manifested both in its details as a reaction against the Rococo
style of naturalistic ornament, and in its architectural formula as an outgrowth of some
classicizing features of late Baroque.

 What are the neoclassical architecture in the Philippines?

Neoclassical buildings are symmetrical shape, tall columns, and triangular pediment and
have a domed roof. The Manila Post Office building is considered one of the most beautiful
buildings in the Philippines.

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

Neoclassicism is the term for movement in the arts that draw inspiration from the classical art
and culture of ancient Greece and Rome. The height of Neoclassicism coincide with the 18th century
Enlightenment era and continued into the early 19th century.
Neoclassical works, therefore are serious, unemotional and heroic. It focuses on the ideal human
form as opposed to the less than perfect shapes of real people.
Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 3 Score: _______________
Activity no.1

Multiple Choices
Direction: Encircle the letter of the best answer from the given choices

1. Neoclassical style was a product of this institution

A. Art School B. Catholic Church C. Government D. Protestant
2. Neoclassical style drew inspiration from this art period
A. Baroque Period B. Greek Period C. Medieval Period D. Renaissance Period
3. This refers to the annual exhibitions held by art schools
A. Museum B. Parlor C. Salon D. Soiree
4. David’s artwork, The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuilleries shows napoleon performing
A. Resting B. Sitting C. Standing D. Studying
5. Ingre’s painting, The Apotheosis of Homer can be likened to this painting by Rapahel.
A. Creation of the world C. The School of Athens
B. The crowning of the virgin D. The Three Theological Virtues
6. Neoclassical style is characterized by this quality.
A. elongated and vertical movement
B. dramatic lighting and suggestive movement
C. formal compositions, accurate details and solid lines
D. elaborative and decorative ornamentation in light hues
7. This type of artwork was used to influence and convince people of a political cause or agenda
A. Baroque Artwork
B. Genre Artwork
C. Propaganda Artwork
D. Subliminal Artwork
8. It is one of the influential institutions of Neoclassicism
A. Art School B. Academies C. Government D. Protestant
9. He liked to work on big canvass that portrayed events and people – real or imagined
A. Jean-Auguste-Domique Ingres
B. Francisco Goya
C. Jacques – Louis David
D. Jean-Augustine - Domique Ingres
10. It is considered to be Arellano’s magnum opus
A. The National Museum
B. The Manila Central Post Office
C. Academies
D. Neoclassical style

Week 4: Arts of Romantic Period

Content Standard Art elements and processes by synthesizing and applying prior
knowledge and skills
The arts as integral to the development of organizations, spiritual
belief, historical events, scientific discoveries, natural disasters/
occurrences, and other external phenomena
Performance Standard Perform / participate competently in a presentation of a creative
impression (verbal/nonverbal) of a particular artistic period
Most Essential Learning Compares the characteristics of artworks produced in the Neoclassic
Competencies (MELCs) and Romantic periods
Reflects on and derive the mood, idea, or message from selected
Uses artworks to derive the traditions/history of the Neoclassic and
Romantic periods
21st Century Learning Skills Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building

REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given activities.
Links are given to access the suggested learning resources)
SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound
Edition. Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors)

Power Up with MAPEH 9, Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P.

Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta,
Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)


Today we are going to discuss Romanticism. What is Romanticism?
Romanticism was a movement in which the artists of Neoclassical period sought to break new
ground in the expression of emotion, both subtle and stormy. It embraced a number of distinctive
themes, such as a longing for history, supernatural elements, social injustices, and nature.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Explain the precedent of Romanticism and Realism
2. Identify the characteristics of Romanticism and Realism
Exploration of Prior Knowledge
Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What are the characteristics of Romanticism and Realism?

2. What are the precedents of the rise of Romanticism and Realism?


Direction: Compare and Contrast the characteristics of paintings made within Romanticism and Realism

Romanticism Realism


Romanticism (nineteenth century)

Romanticism lasted from the 1800s to 1850s. It was influenced by the revolutions happening
around the world. Romanticism is not about love and romance. It was about passion and emotions .
Romanticists expressed their feelings and passions through their art, and in turn evoked passion in the
viewers. Romanticism focused on subjects that are dramatic and experimented with emotions rarely
touch upon like horror, disgust, and astonishment. It explored themes that were contemporary and
unfamiliar in origin.
Romantic artists veered away from the stoic and restrained emotion of Neoclassical artworks.
They preferred works that were expressive, bathed in rich hues that elicit emotions. Most romantic
paintings were designed to be viewed diagonally with figures that twist in mid-movement. Similar to
baroque period, the Romantics also used dramatic lightning that drew intense reaction from the viewers.
The dramatic nature of Romantic artworks was a product of revolutions. Monarchies all over the
world are being replaced with the rule of the people. This revolutionary energy fueled the romantic
artists to express themselves in great intensity. Romantic art did not limit itself to the emotions of
individual but also depicted the ferocity of nature. The destructive power of nature is common theme in
many Romantic artworks.

Realism (Nineteenth Century)

Another style that develop during the second half of nineteenth century was Realism. Developed
by French artists and was influenced by industrial revolution. The increase of employment opportunities
attracted the people from the rural areas to move to the cities. Majority of the people were living in
squalor. This degrading quality of life affected the artist of the time. They believed that art need to
represent the world they were living in and not be limited by the classical themes like the Neoclassicism
or stimulated by far away subjects like Romanticism.
They rejected Neoclassicism and Romanticism. They believed that art should expose the current
issues as they are. It should not be bothered by romantic representation of the present or idealization of
the past. Everyday things and persons are as worthy as a subject for artworks as the gods and goddesses.
They presented the world as how it is seen.
Realists painted what they saw-no dramatic lighting, no theatrics or gimmicks to evoke
emotions; only realistic depiction of everyday life. At the same time realist were developing their style-
a development in technology allowed artists particularly the Realists a new method to create art:
photography. It offered artists to present a subject with greater realism than ever before.
REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What are the characteristics of Romanticism and Realism?

Romanticism is the emphasis on feelings, imagination and emotion while Realism is the
belief that the world should be viewed realistically and scientifically

 What are the precedents of the rise of Romanticism and Realism?

Realism is a different contrast to Romanticism, as it does not beautify, or make things
more appealing. Romanticism typically shows fantastical situations, whereas Realism uses facts
to depict ordinary everyday experiences.


(Theodore Geracault)

The painting of the Romantic period gave more emphasis on emotion. Artists expressed as much
feeling and passion as it could be on a canvass

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Identify the artist in Romanticism (Theodore Geracault)

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What is the greatest contribution of T.Gericault?


Direction: Observe the picture and identify what the picture is trying to portray.


Theodore Gericault
 Considered to be the artist that
ushered romanticism to public
consciousness with his painting
The Raft of Medusa.
 French artist and born on September 26, 1791
 Influenced by Baroque artworks
 Also known for using horses on
his paintings, having studied
them at the stables of French
 Died on January 26, 1824 at the age of 33 due to complications
brought about by a horse-riding accident.

The Raft of the Medusa was inspired by an actual event

and was not drawn from the classical past. In June 1816, the
warship medusa ran aground. The bottom of the ship was
damage and resulted in the ship’s sinking. Out of more
than 140 crew and passengers aboard that set sail on the
raft, only 15 survived. The survivors had to suffer from
starvation, dehydration and cannibalism.
The artwork shows a raft crammed with people.
The survivors are shown with different emotions. This
painting is filled with emotions that the viewers cannot escape from. It is said that in preparation of this
painting Gericault conducted interviews with some of the survivors and went to morgues to study the
stages of decomposition of corpses.
This is an example of naturalistic aspect of art in the period of Romanticism. In this particular
painting, Gericault was able to strike a balance between the contrasting elements of turbulence and
tranquility, and to achieve a powerfully dramatic effect through the brilliant application of chiaroscuro
and diagonal lines.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What is the greatest contribution of T.Gericault?

One of the first great exponents of 19th century French painting and of the style known as
Romanticism is Theodore Gericault lives as well as painted with all the verve of Romantic style.
He could indulge his twin passions for painting and horses, as and when he wished. He was a
dandy and an avid horseman whose dramatic painting reflects his flamboyant and passionate

(Eugene Delacroix and Francis Goya)

Delacroix was considered the greatest French Romantic painter of all. He achieved brilliant
visual effects using small, adjacent strokes of contrasting color. He was the most influential to most of
Romantic painters and eventually, his technique was adapted and extended by the Impressionist artists.
Francisco Goya was a commissioned Romantic painter by the King of Spain. He was also a
printmaker regarded both as the last of the “Old Masters” and the first of the “Moderns.”

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Identify the artist in Romanticism (Eugene Delacroix and Francis

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What are the significant contributions of Goya?

2. What are the characteristics of Delacroix painting?


Direction: Guess the correct words to complete each phrase

1. THE _ _ S _ NE W_ _ A _
2. S _ _ _ _ _ DEVOURING HIS S _ _
3. FR _ _CI _ _ _ GO _ _
4. THE _A_ _ OF ME_ _ S_
5. E_ _EN_ DE_ _C_O_ _


Eugene Delacroix
 Born on April 26, 1798 in France
 Shown talent in visual arts at an early age influenced by
Renaissance artists and Romantic artist
 Lead Romantic Movement after the death of his friend
 Proponent of Romantic Style
 Believed that color is the most important element of painting
 Known for his dramatic brush strokes and use of color.
 Characterized by their emphasis on color and movement,
which sometime blurred edges of his figures.
 His philosophy of art was in direct contrast with that of Ingres.
 Died on August 13, 1863
Liberty Leading of the People is considered as one of
Eugene Dalcroix’s most influential pieces. Dalcroix’s
quoted “if I haven’t fought for my country at least I
paint for her”. It was pained in commemoration of the
July revolution when King Charles X was overthrown.
It shows about liberty personified as a woman waving
the French flag and holding a riffle on the other hand,
rallying the people to battle. She is standing on top of
dead soldiers. The depiction of Liberty as a woman is
very common symbol in French culture that she is
named “Marianne”. The fighters are ready to engage in
a battle as seen in their expressions. It is also evident
they came from different social classes based on their
Francisco Jose de y Goya (1746-1828)
 Born in Spain on March 30, 1746
 Considered to be one of the most important Spanish
painters who ever lived
 Goya did not turn blind eye on the corruption,
greed and repression on his countrymen were
 Created a series of prints called Los Caprichos
 Died on April 16, 1862

The Third Day of May (1812) also recorded moments of

Spanish history which shows the horror and victims of war.
Goya often use his arts to express his thoughts on
government, the social justice, his frustrations, and later his
physical and mental despair as seen in the paintings called
Black paintings. His style and influence are some of the
reasons why he is considered the first modern artist and
regard him to be the “Father of modern art”

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What are the significant contributions of Goya?

Goya is one of the greatest printmakers of all time, and is famous for his achievements in
etching and aquatint. He created four major print portfolios during his career: The Caprichos,
Proverbs and the Disasters of war.

 What are the characteristics of Delacroix painting?

Though his style had evolved over the years, Eugene Delacroix stayed true to his displays
of emotion and intense colors. His expression was uninhibited and his canvasses exploded with
energy. The artist never hid his fascination for destruction and violence and brought them to life
through virtuous colors.


During the middle to the end of Romanticism. Courbet had a personality that was “bold, wily,
radical ambitious and determined”. “The Desperate Man” embodies his personality extraordinarily.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Identify the artist in Realism (Gustave Courbet)
Exploration of Prior Knowledge
Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why did Gustave Courbet start realism?

2. How did Gustave Courbet revolutionize art?



Direction: Look carefully at the picture below and give 5 emotions that you can see base from the photo.

1. ___________________________________
2. ___________________________________
3. ___________________________________
4. ___________________________________
5. ___________________________________


Gustave Courbet (1819-1877)

The frontrunner in the development of Realism. He believed
that an artist can only truly create art that one has experienced. Courbet
was born in 1819 to a well-off family. He started studying works of the
other artists but later chose to create his own technique. He was a
controversial artist of his time. He used subjects for his paintings that
were considered inappropriate, such as the working class, poor, and the
unpleasant. Although he painted his subjects as they are, he had the
ability to see the inherent beauty and dignity of the people and things
he painted – the real aspect of life. Courbet rebellious nature and
outspokenness have brought him praise and trouble. He was even
imprisoned due to sedition, he died in a self-imposed exile in
Switzerland on December 31, 1877.

A Bruial at Ornans (1849-1850)

Was considered by some to be the most influential
painting in the Realist style. It is a painting showing a
funeral of Courbet’s grand uncle at his hometown. It is an
ordinary event rendered in a simple realistic style. The
model used in the painting were the actual people who
attended in the funeral. No grand gestures or dramatic
scene, just an ordinary burial painted on large scale. It
caused a buzz in the1851 Paris Salon and brought an instant fame and notoriety to Courbet. It drew the
interest of the public in developing Realist style that led to the end of Romanticism.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why did Gustave Courbet start realism?

He hope that it could highlight the hardships people faced in day to day life and in so
doing, he sought to move people to consider their perceptions of the world around them. His
realist manifesto laid out some of the reasons for his desire to paint the day to day life of modern

 How did Gustave Courbet revolutionize art?

His new form of Realism paved the way for other Modern movements, such as
Impressionism and Post-Impressionism.

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

 Romantic period is an era in art that used contemporary themes and depicted them with
emotional and dramatic colors.
 Theodore Gericault and Eugene Delacroix are some of the most famous painters of the Romantic
 Realist period is an era in art that presented the world how it is seen without the need to glorify
or romanticize the subject.
 Gustave Courbet was a French Realist painter that believed one can only create art that has

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________
Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________
Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 4 Score: _______________
Activity no.1
Direction: Identify which of the following is referred to by each statement. Write the correct answer on
the space provided. You may repeat answers.
A. Burial at Ornans F. Realism
B. Academies G. Romanticism
C. Eugene Dalacroix H. Salon
D. Gustave Courbert I. The Raft of Medusa
E. Liberty Leading the People J. Theodore Geracault
_________1. The artwork A Burial at Ornans is an example of this style
_________2. This art style is focused on subjects that are dramatic and experimented with emotions
rarely touch upon like horror, disgust, and astonishment
_________3. This art style used the trials and lives of ordinary people as subjects, showing beauty in the
_________4. This artist believed that art can only be created once it has been experienced.
_________5. This artist believed that color is the most important element in painting.
_________6. This artist painted The Raft of Medusa
_________7. This artist’s work is characterized by its blurry outlines.
_________8. This artwork of Delacroix personified Liberty leading the French people to battle
_________9. This artwork piqued the interest of people to Romanticism.
________10. This artwork shows the survivors of a sea tragedy

Activity no.2
Paint by Number
Direction: Paint or color the picture by following the corresponding numbers and colors.

Week 5: Physical Education

Content Standard The demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management
to promote community fitness
Performance Standard The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical
activity participation of the community
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
Executes the skills involved in the dance
Involves oneself in community service through dance activities in the

21st Century Learning Skills Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building
REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given activities.
Links are given to access the suggested learning resources)
Physical Education & Health Learner’s Material Grade 9 (pp. 124-126, 324-326)

Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)


Fitness plays a very crucial role in our exixtence as human beings. It is a sustaining base of our
physicality that allows us to overcome challenges of our daily living. It is with fitness that our eagerness
to do things that we are capable of doing physically arise, which eventually leads us in making our own
lives, including that of others better and more productive.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Describe the nature and background of Festival Dances

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why is there a need for festivals? Festival dances?

2. What value do festival dances develop in community fitness?


Directions: Below is a survey questionnaire that reveals your involvement or participation in festival
dances. Copy it in your worksheet and accomplish by putting a check mark (/) corresponding to your
response in each item
Festival Dancing & Related Activities Yes No
1. I know the name of the festival in our place.
2. I am a member of a group representing our place in a festival dance competition.
3. I usually watch actual festival dancing competitions in other place.
4. I am fond of watching festival dances in YouTube or in TV shows.
5. I recognize the value of festival dancing in our place.
6. I contribute to the success of the festival in our place.
7. I am proud of the festival in our place.
8. I am a physically fit individual because I participate in festival dancing.
9. I believe festival dancing can influence the fitness and well-being of the
10. Culture of the community is drawn and established through festivals and festival


In this topic we ought to know that Festival dances are reflection of the unity of
the Filipino community. We celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures
and we celebrate our industry brining about a bountiful harvest

Festival dances are cultural dances
performed to the strong beats of percussion
instruments by a community of people sharing
culture usually done in honor of a Patron Saint
or in thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest.
Festival dances may be religious or secular in
nature. But the best thing about festivals is that
they add to the merry-making and festivities
where they are celebrated, the reason why they
are called festival dances after all. Festival
dances draw the people’s culture by portraying
the people’s ways of life through movements,
costumes and implements inherent to their place
of origin.
Some of the famous festivals in the country include Sinulog of Cebu, Dinagyang of Iloilo, Ati-
Atihan of Kalibo, Aklan, Buyogan and Lingayan of Leyte, Bangus of Dagupan, Masskara of Bacolod
City, Bambanti of Isabela, and Kadayawan of Davao. Many others, from Luzon, are now paving their
way to join the country’s festival of festivals, the Aliwan Fiesta which is done in the month of April.
Filipinos do festivals primarily to celebrate. There are a multitude of reasons for this reason. We
celebrate our unity amidst the diversity of cultures and we celebrate our industry bringing about a
bountiful harvest. Festivals have been a consistent crowd-producing activity leading to upliftment of a
community’s economy due to its tourism and entertainment value. Basically festivals are a form of
entertainment that attract foreign and domestic tourists to visit a place eventually leading to the elevation
of the Filipino’s quality of life.
Whatever festival we celebrate, be it done to honor a religious icon or celebrate our industry. Festival
dances are reflection of the unity of the Filipino’s community that despite the economic, social,
environmental, cultural, and political challenges we face every day, there can be no other race more
resilient than ours


Name of Festival Place of Origin Religious Figure Month Celebrated


Sinulog Festival Cebu City Sto. Nino January

Dinagyang Festival Iloilo City Sto. Nino January

Ati-atihan Festival Kalibo, Aklan Sto. Nino January

Higantes Festival Angono, Rizal Saint Clement November

Longganisa Festival Vigan City, Ilocos Sur Saint Paul January

Pintados de Pasi Passi City, Iloilo Sto. Nino March

Pattarradday Santiago City Senor San Tiago May

Penafrancia Bicol Virgin Mary September


Name of Festival Place of Origin Religious Figure Month Celebrated


Bangus Festival Dagupan, Pangasinan Milkfish Industry April to May

Bambanti Festival Isabela Scarecrow (farming) January

Mango Festival Iba, Zambales Mango Industry April

Panagbenga Festival Baguio City Flower Industry February

Masskara Festival Bacolod City Mask (Sugar Industry) October

T’nalak South Cotabato Tinalak Cloth Weaving July

Ammungan Festival Nueva Vizcaya Gathering of Tribal May


Binatbatan Festival Vigan, Ilocos Sur Weaving Industry May

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why is there a need for festivals? Festival dances?

Filipino do festivals primarily to celebrate. There are multitude of reasons for this
reason. We celebrate our unity and bountiful harvest.

 What value do festival dances develop in community fitness?

Festivals have been a consistent crowd-producing activity leading to upliftment of
a community economy due to its tourism and entertainment value.


Think of a youncg child participating in a ballet class. She must be able to bend, reach, leap and
slide. These fundamental body movements allows her to participate in a number of physical activities
throughout her lifetime.
Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:
1. Define Locomotor and Non Locomotor skills
2. Understand the difference of this skills

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why is non-Locomotor important?

2. What are the benefits of locomotor movements?


Direction: Enumerate the locomotor and non-locomotor movements

Locomotor Movements Non-locomotor Movements

Example: Running around the field Stretching your arms upward












These are movements that allow you to move from one point in space to another. It is canned from two
words, “locos” which means place and “Motor” which means movement. They include the following:
Preparatory Movements
o Step – this is the basis of all locomotor movements. It prepares you to move in any direction you
wish to go. It is defined as transfer of weight from one foot to the other.
o Walk – series of steps executed by both of your feet alternately in any direction.
o Run – series of walk executed quickly in any direction wherein only one foot stays on the
ground while the other is off the ground.
o Jump – this move movement is simply described by having both feet lose its contact with the
ground. There are five ways to do it:
o Take off from one foot and land on the same;
o Take off from one foot and land on the other;
o Take off from one foot and land on both feet;
o Take off from both feet and land on one foot; and
o Rake off from both feet and land on both.

These are movements that are performed in one point in space without transferring to another point.
They don’t allow you to move from one place to the other. These movements include:
o Flexion – it is the act of decreasing the angle of a joint. Another term for flexion is to bend. If
you bend a joint, like your elbow of knee, you are performing flexion.
o Extension – this ids the opposite of flexion. You are extending if you are increasing the angle of
a joint. Stretching is another word for extension.
o Contraction – a muscle movement done when it shortens, narrows, and tightens using sufficient
amount of energy in the execution.
o Release – a muscle movement opposite to contraction done when it let goes or let loses of being
held into a shortening movement.
o Collapse- to deliberately drop the exertion of energy into a body segment.
o Recover – the opposite of collapse. This is to regain the energy into a body segment.
o Rotation – to rotate is to move a body segment allowing it to complete a circle with its motion.
Rotation can also be done in wrists, waist, knees, and ankles.
o Twist – to move a body segment from an axis halfway front or back or quarter to the right or left
as in the twisting of the neck allowing the head to face right or left and the like.
o Pivot – to change the position of the feet or any other body part that carries the body’s weight
allowing the body to face in a less than 360 degrees turn.
o Turn – to move in a turning movement with a base of support, usually a pointed foot, the other
raised, while equilibrium is maintained until the completion of the turn.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why is non-Locomotor important?

Non locomotor skills are classified as fundamental because they create the
foundation for developing safety skills everyday utilitarian skills. In order to accomplish
a mature stage of a fundamental motor skills. These skills do not occur automatically or
with maturation, instead instruction is needed to reach maturation.

 What are the benefits of locomotor movements?

Balance, body awareness, cardiovascular endurance, coordination, flexibility,
strength and agility.


The basic step, basic figure, basic movement, basic pattern or simply basic is the dance moves
that defines the character of particular dance. Dance moves or dance steps are usually isolated, defined
and organized so that dancers can use them independently of each other.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Identify the different step patterns

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.
What I Know What I Want to How I Can What I Have
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why is it important to understand step patterns in dance?

2. How does step pattern helps in your physical activity?


Direction: Give At least 5 basic steps that you know

1. ________________________________
4. ________________________________
5. ________________________________


Refers to the movement or movements done for each dance steps.
Name of Step Step Pattern/Counting
Close Step Step R sideward (1), close step L to R (2)
Blecking Step R in place (1), heel place L in front (2)
Touch Step Step R sideward (1), point L in front of R (2)
Walk Step R forward (1), step L forward (2)
Change Step Step R (1), close step L to R (and), step R in place (2)
Cross Change Step Cross R over L (1), step L sideward (and), step R in place (2)
Hop Step Step R sideward (1), hop R in place (2)
Mincing Point L in place (and), step R in place (1), point L in place (and), step R in place
Cross Step Step R across L(1), step L sideward L (2)
Heel-toe, Change step Heel place R sideward (1), point L close to R (2), change step with the R (maybe
repeated with L)

Elements of Movements in Space

o Rhythm – regular recurrence of a beat. It may be regular or irregular. They may be slow,
moderate, or fast. This element of rhythm is called tempo. Music dictates the speed of
movements we create.
o Level – this refers to the level of movement.
o Range – this element refers to the scope of movement execution. It is dictated by space
o Floor Patter/Design – this refers to the designs created on the floor by the bodies of dancers.
They may be geometric or non-geometric formations.
o Direction – this element adds to variety of movement. They may be performed forward,
backward, sideward, or even upward.
o Focus – this is the focal point of dancers’ attention while moving in space

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why is it important to understand step patterns in dance?

In most cases, dance moves by themselves are independent of musicality, which is
appropriateness of a move to the music. It is important to understand step patterns so that
dancers can easily interpret dance steps.

 How does step pattern helps in your physical activity?

Step pattern may affect the physical activities of a person by doing and
interpreting this dance steps. It can easily be remembered when you fully understand the
benefits of knowing the different step patterns.


With regard to maintenance of appropriate weight, a well-balanced diet and a regular exercise
program are still the best fundamentally sound approaches to achieve general fitness

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Understand the benefits of Festival dance in maintaining, losing and gaining weight

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why is it important to maintain a healthy weight?

2. How much physical activity do I need?


List 10 low calorie food that you eat every day.

1. _____________________________________
2. _____________________________________
3. _____________________________________
4. _____________________________________
5. _____________________________________
6. _____________________________________
7. _____________________________________
8. _____________________________________
9. _____________________________________
10. ____________________________________


Maintaining, Losing, and gaining weight

By large, all basic food nutrients mentioned in table 3 are important in the study of fitness. The amount
and kind of food that an individual consumes on a regular basis also serve as good indicator of health
and fitness. With regard to maintenance of appropriate weight, a well-balanced diet and a regular
exercise program are still the best fundamentally sound approaches to achieve general fitness.

So far the safest and most acceptable method of losing weight is to engage oneself in vigorous
aerobic activities together with a well-planned diet. Administration of diet pills, herbal medicines and
other fad methods appear to be less effective and sometimes unhealthy especially if weight loss is
associated with increased daily bowel movement or dehydration due to excessive perspiration with very
minimal or total absence of physical activity.

On the other hand, on gaining weight, it has been found that the most effective approach is for
one to engage in weight resistance training together with a well-designed diet program. The popular
belief that one has to overheat in order to gain weight may be partially correct but with regard to health
and fitness, this approach may not be totally acceptable. Any excess in calories that are not burned
through physical activity is stored in the body and are later transformed into fat. As mentioned earlier,
the risk of CAD (coronary artery disease) and CHD (coronary heart disease) is greater if this happens. In
terms of weight resistance training, muscle mass has a greater weight advantage that stored fat. Thus
developing the muscles of the body will provide greater increase in body weight and the risk of
constructing common degenerative diseases is also minimized.

Computing for one’s Total Energy Requirement (TER):

Formula: DBW (Desirable Body Weight) x Physical Activity
(Refer to Table below for energy
Example: DBW = 59kg. /athlete = Heavy Physical Activity

Thus, 59.0 x 45.0 (Energy Requirement) = 2655 or 2,700 Calories

How to come up with the DBW (Desirable Body Weight)?

1. Obtain your height in centimeters. Note that 1 inch is equal to 2.54 cm.
2. DBW in kilogram is obtained by subtracting one’s height from a constant factor 100.
3. DBW for Filipinos or DBW-F is adjusted by subtracting 10% of the obtained DBW value in
item number 2 above.
For example:
Height: 5’2” = 62 inches
62” x 2.54 cm = 157.48 - 100
57.48 - 5.74 DBW in kg.
51.74 Or 52 DBW-F in kg.
Activity Energy Requirement
Bed rest 27.5
Sedentary 30.0
Light 35.0
Moderate 40.0
Heady 45.0

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why is it important to maintain a healthy weight?

Maintaining a healthy eight is important for overall health and well-being. As you
grow older, the energy your body gets from nutrients in the food you eat is measured as
calories. So choose food that have a lot of nutrients but not lot of calories.

 How much physical activity do I need?

The benefits of exercise aren’t just about weight. Regular exercise can make it
easier for you to do daily activities. As a rule of thumb, the more calorie

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

Festival dances are cultural dances performed to the strong beats of percussion instrument by a
community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of Patron saint or as a thanksgiving
for a bountiful harvest.
Religious festival are festival dedicated for patrons, gods and others related to any religion.
Secular festival is opposite of religious festival, maybe celebration of peoples industry.
The value of festival dancing in the enhancement of their fitness, they will be provided with
activities in modern standard dances which will in turn lead to a greater awareness of the proper ways to
manage their weight and of course opportunities to maximize the enhancement of their fitness through
festival dance.

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 5 Score: _______________

Activity no.1

COMPLETION: Below are the basic folk dance steps in 2 / 4 time which are usually used in folk-
based festival dancing. Supply the missing step pattern and counting of each basic step enumerated

Basic Steps Step Pattern Counting

Close Step


Change Step

Hell-toe-change Step

Cross-change Step

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statements carefully. Choose only the letter of the correct answer and
write it in the corresponding number in your answer sheet.

1. Which of the following is a cultural dance performed to the strong beats of percussion instruments
by a community of people sharing the same culture usually done in honor of a Patron Saint or in
thanksgiving of a bountiful harvest?
a. Cultural Dance c. Festival Dance
b. Folk Dance d. Social Dance
2. Which of the following is a source of energy which we need in order to perform our daily routine?
a. Breadno.2 b. Cereals c. Vegetables d. All of the above
3. What is the Total Energy Requirement (TER) of a student with a weight of 50 kg. Performing a
moderate festival dancing activity?
a. 1000 cal. b. 2000 cal. c. 1500 cal. d. 2500 cal.
4. Each festival is uniquely different with the other festivals. What do you call the gathering and battle
of all festivals within the country?
a. Aliwan Fiesta c. Dinagyang Festival
b. Festival of festivals d. Mother of all Festivals
5. The following festivals EXCEPT ONE are celebrated in honor of Sto. Nino:
a. Ati-Atihan b. Dinagyang c. Bangus d. Sinulog
6. How can festival dancing contribute to one’s fitness and well-being?
a. It reduces the risk of cardio-respiratory disease
b. It facilitates teamwork and sense of community
c. It maximizes our use of energy and enhances cardiorespiratory health
d. It is a good form of exercise
7. Why is festival dancing an excellent way to reduce or maintain one’s weight?
a. It exhausts one’s energy to the extent that he can hardly catch his breaths off
b. It burns desired number of calories stored in the body depending on the intensity of the activity
c. It easily burns fats off
d. It makes one achieve a desired body figure
8. How can one best benefit from festival dancing activities?
a. They help one achieve a personally active lifestyle
b. They contribute to the enhancement of community awareness
c. They develop one’s awareness of his own and others’ culture through festivals
d. All of the above
9. If an individual could hardly catch his breath off while performing festival dances, what is the
intensity of his activity?
a. Heavy b. Light c. Moderate d. Moderately Light
10. The following EXCEPT ONE may result from having a sedentary lifestyle:
a. Lung Cancer
b. Overweight and obesity
c. Coronary artery and coronary heart diseases
d. Diabetes
Week 6: Physical Education
Content Standard The demonstrates understanding of lifestyle and weight management
to promote community fitness
Performance Standard The learner maintains an active lifestyle to influence the physical
activity participation of the community
The learner practices healthy eating habits that support an active
Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs)
Undertakes physical activity and physical fitness assessments
Executes the skills involved in the dance
Involves oneself in community service through dance activities in the

21st Century Learning Skills Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building

REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given activities.
Links are given to access the suggested learning resources)
Physical Education & Health Learner’s Material Grade 9 (pp. 124-126, 324-326)

SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound

Edition., Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors) and Power Up with MAPEH 9., Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret
A. Ruzol, Hercules P. Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S.
Juliano, Luz S. Callanta, Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)


Ballroom dance is form of social dance that serves as recreational activity and entertainment to
many individuals, even the younger generations are into this type of dance due to its inclusion on the
secondary and tertiary education program. It is evident that more youth are turning to ballroom dance
because it is an avenue for self-expression in which every move has a representational value
Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:
1. Describe the nature and background of cha cha cha

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. In what way that ballroom dancing enrich or enhance active lifestyle?

2. How can community benefit from social dancing?


Direction: Complete the following phrases

1. Dancing for me is ________________________________________________________________


2. If I were a dancer,


Aside from social gatherings, ballroom dancing is also performed in stage

play and film. At the present time, it is form of exercise and personal enjoyment.
Cha-cha-cha, waltz, swing, and tango are some of the popular ballroom dances
that are also used in competitive dancing known as dance sport

Ballroom dancing is derived from the word ball, which came from the Latin word ballare
meaning to “to dance”. It is important to connect with the partner while dancing. Since it is dance with
physical contact, partners should be comfortable with each other and move freely to follow the rhythmic
pattern of the music
A popular Latin dance that originated in Cuba. It was derived from mambo with variation of Jazz
and Latin rhythm. The fast and erratic characteristics of mambo made the audience complain, and as
result, the orchestras began to slow it down, resulting in a flirtatious, bouncy, and cheeky cha-cha-cha
The rhythm of cha-cha-cha requires chassè steps, which are small steps or a series of gliding
steps (see flash drive for example). It is more hip movements with spins and dips to make it more
expressive. It is danced over two measures of 4/4 time with a count slow-slow-quick-quick-slow or 1-2-
3 and 4.
The basic step of cha-cha may be learned without a partner. It is a combination of mambo and
rumba, the difference being the triple step (cha-cha-cha) in place of slow step in rumba.

Latin Hip Movement (Cuban Motion)

Is achieved by alternate bending and straightening of the knees. This is also known as Cuban
motion or the characteristic Latin body action. To give justice to the sexy and flirtatious cha-cha-cha,
one should master this body movement.

Dancing the cha-cha-cha

Cha-cha will have different levels: beginner bronze, intermediate bronze, full bronze, silver and
gold. The following are beginner levels of cha-cha: (See flash drive for the examples. File name Cha-
 Closed basic movement
 Open basic movement
 Alternative basic movement
 New York step

Body Conditioning
Condition your body according to the demands of your style of dance and know your personal
limits. It is important to learn the basic techniques from a qualified instructor because incorrect
technique can cause injury in the long run. Warming up is important to prepare the dancer physically
and mentally for the activity.

Cha-cha Shoes
Should be comfortable and give good support while allowing maximum foot flexibility in the
upper part of the shoe. Typical Latin dance shoes are heeled both for the ladies and men.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 In what way that ballroom dancing enrich or enhance active lifestyle?

Dancing is a great social activity and studies have shown that socializing and
dancing with friends contribute to high self-esteem, increased self-confidence and a more
positive outlook. Dancing reduces stress and tension, so over time can feel an overall
sense of well-being.

 How can community benefit from social dancing?

They are able to provide many social and cultural improvements in the
community and surrounding areas for children, teenagers and adults. They expand social
and cultural interaction, and provide an overall community feeling of well-being and


The movement of waltz such as weight transfer and muscle involvement, depict its health and
benefits. It is classified as a form of aerobic activity because even performing it slowly, a person can
burn calories

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Describe the nature and background of waltz

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What is the benefit of dancing waltz?

2. How would you describe the emotions of the dance waltz?


Direction: Give three (3) characteristics that should observed when performing waltz

1. ______________________
2. ______________________
3. ______________________


Even though waltz was considered as the root of all evil during 17 th and 18th
century, it made its way to the elite and is now the most popular of all ballroom


Waltz is the oldest of the current ballroom dances. First waltzes were danced in the location of
today’s Germany and Austria, back in 13 th century. The style was immediately picked up by other
nations, who each created its own form and style of the dance.
The Waltz derived its name from the German term walzen which means “to roll” or “to turn”. It
is performed fashionably by couples or partners in fast or gliding movements. This dance was
popularized in Vienna, Austria before it spread across Europe. It was more popularly known as the
Weller or Spinner.
Waltz is known by its three-count tempo. The music has three beats per measure with count of 1-2-3 1
Despite its popularity, the dance was not completely accepted throughout the nation. Many
dancing masters considered waltz as a threat to the profession. Before waltz, people danced around each
other with little or no contact at all.

Basic Step Pattern: (flash drive, file name: basic waltz)

 Step left foot forward, heel first then flat (c1)
 Step right sideward, toe (c2)
 Step left foot close to right foot toe then lower heel flat at the end of the count 3 (c3)

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What is the benefit of dancing waltz?

Waltz is great for all-over body and brain work, including memory. The waltz is
often used to teach dance class beginners control and improve their posture. It takes a lot
of hard work to learn to look that effortless.

 How would you describe the emotions of the dance waltz?

Waltz is a smooth dance that travels around the line of dance. Characterized by its
“rise and fall” action. Dancers should move their shoulders smoothly, parallel with the
floor. In each case, audiences correctly identified the dancers target emotion. Rising
motions indicate anger, arms stretched toward the front indicate joy and slow motions
with little movement in the elbows indicate sadness.



Tango can help you focus. It improves your sense of time and develops your social skills. The
skills being exhibited by the dancers such as self-confidence, style and creativity are tools to express
one’s feelings, building up new relationship with your partner.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Describe the nature and background of Tango

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What type of dance is Tango?

2. How do you describe the Tango?


Direction: Look at the picture below and answer the following questions.

How would you describe the dance in the picture?

What do you think are the different styles of the dance?


Social integration, the purpose of tango fulfilled in the 19 th century. Tango at its
origin filled a feeling of loneliness, and nowadays it still helps bring people

Tango can help you focus. It improves your sense of time
and develops your social skills. The skills being exhibited by
the dancers such as self-confidence, style, and creativity are
tools to express one’s feelings, building up a new relationship
with your partner
It was first performed in the nineteenth century by a solo
woman, then later on by couples using castanets while dancing
which was named as the Andalusian tango. It was said to be
an immoral dance because of the close body contact of the
dancers and flirtatious skirts by female performers
The working class with Buenos Aires, Argentina started the ballroom tango. It spread all over
Europe in the 1900s and became popular New York from 1910 to 1911. Tango became a hit in 1921
because of Rudolph Valentino, who was considered to be the archetypal lover in movies. Tango finally
became reputable to the public. Rhythm of Tango (Slow-slow-quick-quick-slow)

Tango is a partner dance and social dance. Considered to be one of the easiest ballroom dances to
learn, it is a great choice for beginners. Rich people, successful people, arrogant people and superficial
people, for instance, like the beauty of tango but don’t embrace its purpose. Instead they used tango to
celebrate life, to glorify their success, to show off their style, display their ego and to boast their

Watch a video about the origin of tango (flash drive, file name: tango)

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What type of dance is Tango?

One of the most fascinating of all dances, the tango is a sensual ballroom dance.
Tango dance usually performed by a man and a woman, expressing an element of
romance in their synchronized movements.

 How do you describe the Tango?

Tango is a vibrant and playful dance between two people. It is often described as
passionate dance because of the close connection partners can have the character of the
music and also relating to some of dances history.

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

 Cha-cha is an energetic, passionate, and flirtatious ballroom dance.
 It teaches partners how to work together for movement synchronization and perfect
alignment to give emphasis on every movement.
 Requires chasse steps that are small steps or a series of gliding steps
 Waltz was popularized in Vienna, Austria before it was widely known in Europe
 It is characterized by a romantic melody of three counts that creates graceful turns and
 It is known by three count tempo. The music has three beats per measure with a count of
 Tango consists of sharp movements
 The native communities considered tango as courtship dance
 It is a sailor dance for ladies that is usually performed in evening
Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)
Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya


Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 6 Score: _______________

Activity no.1


Direction: Identify the missing word or phrase. Write your answer on the space provided.

1. Waltz is danced in ________________ position

2. The German term walzen means ______________________
3. Waltz was first popularized in _______________________ before it spread across Europe.
4. Waltz is known by its ____________________ tempo
5. _________________________________ were the first names of Waltz

Activity no.2

Differentiate Cha-cha, Waltz and Tango. Write your answers on the space provided.

Category Cha-cha Waltz Tango

Nature and
background of the

Rhythm/ counting

Movements/ Style
Week 7: Health
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of first aid principles and
Performance Standard The learner performs first aid procedures with accuracy
Demonstrates the conduct of primary and secondary survey of the
victim (CAB)
Assesses emergency situation for unintentional injuries
Explains the principles of wound dressing
Most Essential Learning Demonstrates appropriate bandaging techniques for unintentional
Competencies (MELCs) injuries
Demonstrates proper techniques in carrying and transporting the
victim of unintentional injuries
Demonstrates proper first aid procedures for common unintentional
21st Century Learning Skills Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding
Core Values Community Building
REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given daily
activities. Click the given links and hyperlinks to access the suggested learning resources)

SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound
Edition., Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors) and Power Up with MAPEH 9., Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret
A. Ruzol, Hercules P. Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S.
Juliano, Luz S. Callanta, Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)

Power Up with MAPEH 9, Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P.

Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta,
Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)



The decision to act appropriately with first aid can mean the difference between life and death.
First aid refers to the emrgency or immediate care you should provide when a person is ill until full
medical treatment is available.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Discuss basic information about first aid (principles, roles, responsibilities, and
characteristics of good aider)

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What are the benefits of First aid?

2. What are the main aims of first aid?



Direction: Encircle True or False in each of these First aid situation.

1. Put butter on burns TRUE FALSE

2. Jump to the water when someone is drowning TRUE FALSE
3. Scream loudly when you arrive at the scene of an accident TRUE FALSE
4. Touch the wounded area of a person TRUE FALSE
5. Seek medical help when someone is ill TRUE FALSE


First aid aims to alleviate suffering, prolong life, and prevent added injury or
danger to the victim


First Aid
First aid is the provision of immediate care and intervention to an
injured or ill person. This includes emergency measures for life-threatening conditions that would
require further medical intervention or care of less injuries that may or may not need further medical
attention. If first aid is not given, it may result in worsening of the patient’s condition, permanently
damage or even death.
First aid aims to alleviate suffering, prolong life, and prevent added injury or danger to the victim
(PNRC, 2007). The roles of a first aider are the following:
 Serves as the bridge that fills the gap between the victim and the physician
 Ensures his/her own safety and that of bystanders
 Gains access to the victim
 Assess for any possible risk to the patient’s life
 Contacts for advance medical care as needed
 Provides the needed care of the patient (PNRC, 2007)

Principles of First Aid 3P’s of First Aid

Activate emergency medical
insurance if necessary
Prevent further harm
Remain calm and further harm
Promote recovery
Attend first aid to the victim who
must be prioritized

Protect the victim and do no

further harm

Preserve life- this includes saving and minimizing threats of death

Prevent further harm- this covers external factors such as moving

the patients away from harm and applying first aid to alleviate the

Promote recovery – this involves the

completion of the treatment and healing
process of the patients

A-B-C of First Aid

 Airway, Keep a path open for air to go from the mouth to the lungs
 Breathing, Move air from the outside of lungs
 Circulation or Compression, Keep the blood inside the body and the heart beating

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What are the benefits of First aid?

First aid is emergency care given immediately to an injured person. The purpose
of first aid is to minimize injury and future disability. In serious cases first aid may be
necessary to keep the victim alive.

 What are the main aims of first aid?

Preserve life, prevent escalation of illness or injury, promote recovery, provide
pain relief and protect unconscious.



. Dressing and Bandages are both useful in emergency situations like fractures, wounds, or
bleeding. It is important to cover the victims open wounds with a dressing to prevent infection by
microorganisms that can cause tetanus and deep tissue infection

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Discuss the function of dressing and bandages

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned
Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why do we use dressings and bandage on wounds?

2. What are the purposes of wound dressing?


Direction: List down some materials at home or in school that can be used as dressings and bandages.
Write them in the box. Include their uses or importance


Today, we are going to understand the importance of dressing and bandages as it

helps our wounded body to prevent further infection that may lead to more serious

A special material that is used to cover a wound. It is intended to control bleeding, prevent
infection, absorb blood, drain and protect the wound from further injury. The following are
characteristics of a good dressing:
 Sterile or at least clean
 Larger than the wound
 Thick, soft and compressible
 Lint-free

The following are various types of dressing and their usage:

Types of Dressing Uses
 It is used for surgical wounds and
comes in sterile packages of various
Gauze pad  It can be used for burns or wounds
with exudates (latex/secretion)

 It is a combination of sterile dressing,

adhesive, and a bandage in one strip
Strip  It is used for small cuts and abrasions.

 It is done by soaking a cloth in boiling

water or rubbing alcohol, then drying
afterward or by ironing

Principle of Wound Dressing

1. Wash your hands properly
2. Use dressing large enough to extend beyond the wound edges. Place it directly over the
3. Cover dressing with a Bandage
A bandage is a strip of fabric used to dress and bind up wounds. It should be clean and sterile.
The uses of bandage are as follows:
 To hold the dressing placed directly over an open wound
 To apply pressure over a dressing to control bleeding
 To prevent swelling
 To provide support
The following are various types of bandage and their usage:
Types of Bandage Uses
Roller  It comes in various widths, lengths and types of
Bandage material

Self-Adhering  It comes as rolls of slightly elastic, gauze-like

 Easy to use because of its self-adherent quality
 It comes in various widths

Gauze  It is made from cotton, rigid, and non-elastic

 It comes in various widths (1, 2 and 3 inches) and
usually 10 yards long

Elastic  It comes in various widths.

Bandage  Used for compression bandages for sprains, strains,
and contusions

 It is an alternative or substitute bandage such as a
Bandage belt, necktie, or strips of cloth
Triangular  It is available commercially
 It can be made from a 36 to 40-inch square of
preshrunk cotton muslin material and cut diagonally.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why do we use dressings and bandages on wounds?
A dressing is used to protect a wound and prevent infection, but also allow healing, a
sterile dressing may be used to control bleeding from a major wound or to absorb any discharge
from minor wound

 What are the purpose of wound dressings?

It protects the wound from bacteria in the environment and it absorbs drainage.



It is important to do the proper bandaging technique when using and admenistering first aid on a
wound or injury. The main goal of placing a bandage on an injury is for immobilization, protection,
support and compression. If bandaging technique is not done properly, it could exacerbate the damage.
Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:
1. Explain the principles of wound dressing
2. Explain the proper use of bandaging

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why is it important to apply the proper techniques in bandaging and dressing?

2. What is the importance of different bandaging techniques in case of emergency?


Reflect upon the biblical verse below.



It is important to choose correctly the bandage and bandaging technique because it

is a basic procedure but if carried out incorrectly, it has potential to cause
considerable harm, for example by restricting movement or blood flow

Bandaging Techniques for Unintentional Injuries

Bandaging is done to hold a dressing in place, to apply pressure over a wound and to support a
limb and immobilize it. Avoid applying bandages too tightly to ensure adequate blood supply to the
injured part. If there is no pulse below the limb and the skin turns clod and bluish, loosen the bandage
The parts of triangular bandage are as follow:
 Base – Longest side
 Point – Corner opposite the base
 End – other two corners

End Base End

Types of Triangular Bandages

A. Fully open. It is used to hold the dressing in place and does not apply sufficient pressure on the
wound. It is best used as an arm sling

B. Cravat or folded triangular. It is used to hold splints in place for stabilizing an injured arm. It is
used to apply pressure evenly over a dressing and as a binder around the body of the victim.

Bandaging Fractures and Sprains

When bone is broken, the most important thing to do is to keep immobilized as to avoid further
injury. This will also promote healing and recovery.
Splints can be improvised by using folded newspaper, cardboard, banana trunks, or pieces of
wood or bark. Always make sure that the victim is positioned comfortably when you immobilize the
joint above and below the fractured areas.
For sprains, apply cold compress during the first day to relieve pain, then followed by warm
compress. Pain and swelling can persist depending on the severity of strain and can even last for six
months or longer to heal completely. Immobilization in both fractures and sprains is vital.
Techniques in Bandaging
1. Keep in mind the following:
a. Always use a square knot
b. Keep the cloth sterile to avoid infection
c. Always keep the ends
2. Bandaging technique depends upon the size and location of the wound, your first aid skills, and
materials at hand.
3. Bandage firmly over bleeding and securely over the broken bone, not so tight so as not to cut off
blood circulation.
4. When wrapping bandages around the body, such as knees, ankles, neck and small back, use its
natural hollows to slide the bandage gently into place.
5. Since most injuries swell, check regularly to ensure that the bandage is still comfortable and that
it remains firmly secured.
6. Secure the bandage with a tape, clips or a bow or square knot. Ensure that the bandages,
especially the knots, do not touch the skin.
How to do a Square Knot
 Right over left and left over right

A wound is a break in the continuity of a tissue in the body. It may be closed in which there is no
break or damage in the skin. It is also called hematoma or contusions. A wound may also be an open
wound in which there is a break in the skin.
Kinds of Open Wounds:
 Puncture – is a piercing wound caused by nails, needles and other pointed objects
 Abrasion – is caused by rubbing or scraping the skin against a rough surface.
 Incision – is a cut caused by knife, broken glass or any sharp object.
 Laceration – is a blunt breaking or tearing of soft tissues usually resulting from mishandling
tools and other accidents.
 Avulsion - is a forcible tearing or partial tearing away of tissues.
How to Manage Wounds:
A. For management of hematoma, we use the mnemonic RICE:
1. Resting the injured part
2. Ice application
3. Compression
4. Elevation

B. First Aid for Open Wounds with Severe Bleeding

1. Wear gloves and remove or cut clothing as necessary to expose wound.
2. Control bleeding by applying direct pressure
3. Elevate the injured part above the heart except for eye injury and wounds with embedded
4. Cover wound with sterile dressing and bandage
5. Care for shock
6. Consult a physician immediately
REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions
 Why is it important to apply the proper techniques in bandaging and dressing?
To be able to avoid further bleeding on the area and avoid more damages as possible. It
also prevent discomfort and restricted blood flow and damaged tendons.

 What is the importance of different bandaging techniques in case of emergency?

They help ensure that minor injuries do not become infected. Employers should be able
to make first aid kits available at any workplace. Most minor injuries only require an adhesive
FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary
The main goal of placing a bandage on an injury is for immobilization, protection, support or
compression. Various bandaging techniques are also used to minimize swelling and provide support to
an injured area.
Basic first aid is the initial assistance given to a victim of injury or illness. Comprised of
relatively simple techniques that can performed with rudimentary equipment, first aid is usually carried
out by a layperson until professional medical.
Role of first aider bridge the gap between the time of the accident and the arrival of the
physician. This is why it is important to have at least basic knowledge of first aid.

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 7 Score: _______________

Activity no.1

What are the characteristics of a good first aider? Describe a good first aider using an acrostic.


Activity no.2

Direction: Complete the table below:

Type of Dressing/Bandage Uses Description

Example: Used for compression bandages Easy to use because of its

for sprains and strains self-adherent quality
Self-Adhering Bandage

Elastic Bandage Used for compression bandages for

sprains, strains, and contusions

used for small cuts and abrasions a combination of sterile

dressing, adhesive, and a
bandage in one strip
It is available commercially

Gauze Pad

done by soaking a cloth in

boiling water or rubbing
alcohol, then drying afterward
or by ironing
Roller Bandage

Week 8: Health
Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of first aid principles and
Performance Standard The learner performs first aid procedures with accuracy
Most Essential Learning Demonstrates the conduct of primary and secondary survey of the
victim (CAB)
Assesses emergency situation for unintentional injuries
Explains the principles of wound dressing
Demonstrates appropriate bandaging techniques for unintentional
Competencies (MELCs) injuries
Demonstrates proper techniques in carrying and transporting the
victim of unintentional injuries
Demonstrates proper first aid procedures for common unintentional
21 Century Learning Skills Critical Thinking, Creative and Cross-Cultural Understanding

Core Values Community Building

REFERENCES: (Please be guided with the given references to help you perform the given daily
activities. Click the given links and hyperlinks to access the suggested learning resources)

SIBS, Achieve Creative Experiences and Skills in MAPEH Teachers Wraparound
Edition., Argie A. Concha, Carlo Luis C. Ganzon, Jessica S. Tungala, Maria Gracia A.
Fulgencio (Authors) and Power Up with MAPEH 9., Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret
A. Ruzol, Hercules P. Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S.
Juliano, Luz S. Callanta, Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)

Power Up with MAPEH 9, Jude B. Roldan, Jocelyn Margaret A. Ruzol, Hercules P.

Callanta, Marla T. Mallari, Marie Eloisa D. Ulanday, Melanie S. Juliano, Luz S. Callanta,
Winlove P. Mojica (Authors)


Offline: (Downloaded materials: youtube, video, etc…)



In the event of an emergency, you must learn to think fast and decide on what to do. You may
ask an older person to help you but if there’s no one around you, you must act on your own
Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:
1. Differentiate the techniques in hand carry for unintentional accidents

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What are the different methods of transporting a victim?

2. Why is it important to know different transporting techniques?


Reflect upon the quotation by Leo Bosner.

“Successful emergency management relies upon experience and expertise”

How important is it to be fully aware of the emergency management and protocol?



There are situations that you need to move the victim away from falling debris or
fire to a safe place. Transferring injured person must be performed carefully and

Carrying and Transporting an Injured Person

Transporting an injured person to a safer place requires great care. A first aider must undergo proper
training. When doing this, a first aider must consider the following factors:
a. Weight and height of the victim
b. Status of the victim (conscious or unconscious)
c. Environment (safe, floor is smooth, narrow or wide)
d. Special need considerations (injuries of the victims)
One-man Transport:
 Fireman’s Carry – the easiest way to transport a light and smaller victim
 Piggy Back – when the victim is conscious
 Pack Strap Carry – when the victim is smaller than the first aider
 Shoulder Drag – used when the floor is smooth, short distance transport.
 Fireman’s Drag or Tied-hands Crawl – used when first aider and victim must crawl underneath a
low structure.
 Blanket Drag – used when the victim is seriously injured and should not be lifted.
Two-man Carry:
 Chair or Seat Carry – when there are two first aiders and a chair is available.
Three or More-man Transport
 Hammock Carry – when there are three first aiders
 Bearer Alongside Carry – carriers will stay on the uninjured side of the victim
Six-man Lift and Carry – when there are six first aiders


Techniques in Carrying and Transporting the Victim of Unintentional Injuries

An injured person must be moved from an emergency scene to a safe location, it should be
comfortable, painless, and entail no further harm. The following are techniques in carrying a hurt victim:

One-person carry (ankle drag)

This technique is the fastest method of transferring or moving
injured person to a short distance
over a smooth surface. Used if the first aider cannot bend over or if the
victim is in immediate danger

1. Hold the victim on either ankles or pants cuffs.

2. Pull with your legs while keeping it straight and in-line as
3. Keep your back straight to prevent injuring yourself. Also
avoid using your back when pulling
4. Be aware that the head is unsupported and may bounce over bumps and uneven surfaces.

Two –person carry (human crutch)

Involves two rescuers to carry the victim and allows the injured
person to swing hi/her legs using the rescuers as pair of crutches. It is a
quick and easy way to move a victim out of immediate danger.
1. Stand on either side of the victim’s chest and grab the wrist
2. Using your other hand, grasp the clothing of the shoulder
3. Bring the victim into a sitting position by pulling and lifting
his/her arms
4. Place your hands around his/her waist, or grasp his/her belt
or waistband
5. Squat down and place his /her arms over your shoulders
6. Stand with the victim and move out, dragging the victim’s
leg behind

Three – person carry (hammock carry)

Involves three or more rescuers to get on both sides of
the victim. The strongest member should be on the side with
the fewer rescuers.

1. Grasps the victim’s wrist on the opposite side, and

reach under the victim
2. Use your free hands to support the victim ‘s head,
feet, and legs
3. Squat and lift the victim on the command of the one
nearest the victim’s head.

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What is the easiest way to carry someone?

Kneel at the top of her head, and place both arms under her armpits. Grasp her back and
stand by pushing with your legs, keeping both your backs as straight as possible. Once the victim
is in a standing position, you can follow the instructions under “carrying a friend”

 Why is it important to know different transporting techniques?

The importance of proper transportation for a seriously injured person cannot be
overestimated. It is sometimes necessary to transport a patient some distance before you can ger
a doctor. Improper or careless methods frequently increase the severity of the injury and may
even cause death.



It is important to understand the different unintentional injuries in order to perform first aid.
Being knowledgable about this injuries will make the person relieved when doing first aid.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Differentiate common unintentional injuries

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. What values should a first aider have in order to face call of duty when necessary?
2. How important is the knowledge of first aid among individuals?


Direction: Write the definition of the acronym “RICE”

R = _______________________________________
I = _______________________________________
C = _______________________________________
E = _______________________________________


When you have to deal with an emergency, it is always important to remember

that you do not put your own safety at risk. Before you help an injured person
lying on the floor, check around and watch for any possible danger.


Fracture is a break or crack in a bone. An open fracture pierces
the skin surface while in a closed fracture, the skin above is intact.
First Aid:
 Check vital signs
 Do not move the injured part
 Stop bleeding if there is any
 If you have to move the person, immobilize the broken part by
 Seek medical help immediately

Food Poisoning is caused by consuming food or drink that

is contaminated with bacteria or viruses.
First Aid:
 Help the person to lie down and rest
 Give him
plenty of
flavorless fluids
to drink and a
bowl to use if
he vomits
 Call for medical help if the condition worsens

Sprain is an injury to the ligaments of a bone due to

accidental tearing or overstretching.
Strain is an injury to the muscles which is a result of
improper use of the muscle.
First Aid:
 Rest the injured part
 Apply ice
 Compress the injured part
 Elevate the injured part

Dislocation is a partial or complete displacement of the bones.

First Aid:
 Call for help immediately
 Splint the affected part
 Do not try to move a dislocated part or force it back into
 Apply ice on the injured part to reduce swelling

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 What values should a first aider have in order to face call of duty when necessary?
Faith in God, taking care of self and others, compassion to people who are injured,
responsibility and dedication in saving lives.

 How important is the knowledge of first aid among individuals?

Having a basic first aid knowledge means that you’ll be confident in your skill and
abilities in relation to first aid administration. By taking first aid training it helps you to reflect
how you and others react in certain situations.


The decision to act appropriately with first aid can mean the difference between life and death.
First aid refers to the emrgency or immediate care you should provide when a person is ill until full
medical treatment is available.

Below is the Learning Target/ Specific Objective:

1. Differentiate common unintentional injuries and medical emergencies

Exploration of Prior Knowledge

Directions: Fill in the K-W-H-L Chart below to assess your prior knowledge and
understanding of the topic.

What I Want to How I Can What I Have

What I Know
Find Out Learn More Learned

Skills I expect to use:

Process Questions

1. Why basic first aid for Medical Emergencies matters?

2. What do you mean by first aid in emergency?


Encircle YES if the statement is true and NO if the statement is false.

YES NO 1. Direct pressure stops most bleeding

YES NO 2. A cold compress must be applied on a suspected fracture
YES NO 3. Elevation is helpful to reduce blood flow
YES NO 4. A hot compress must be applied initially on injured muscle
YES NO 5. A splint can stabilize a fracture


According to WHO most deaths due to burns occur in the developing countries
particularly in Southeast Asia. In 2013 there has been 35 million injuries from fire
and heat accidents


There are two types of bleeding: External and internal. External bleeding occurs when blood is
visible coming from an open wound. If there is an extensive amount of bleeding for a continuous period,
it is termed hemorrhage. On the hand, internal bleeding occurs when the skin remains intact and blood is
not visible. It is difficult to detect and can be life-threatening. This type of bleeding comes from injuries
that are not induced by trauma.

For internal bleeding, the following signs may appear:

 Bloody urine
 Bruises on skin or chest
 Discoloration in the abdomen
 Vomiting or coughing up blood
 Stools that are black or bright red in color

First Aid for internal bleeding:

 Monitor the circulation, airway, and breathing (C-A-B)
 If the victim vomited, place him/her in the left lateral recumbent to prevent aspiration of
 Prevent shock by elevating the legs and covering the victim with a coat or blanket to keep
him/her warm.
 Seek immediate medical attention

For external bleeding, the ultimate goal is to control the bleeding

First Aid for external bleeding:
 Protect yourself from possible infection by wearing latex gloves, plastic wrap, or plastic bag.
 Place a sterile gauze pad or a clean cloth like handkerchief or towel over the entire wound, and
apply direct pressure with your fingers on palm of your hand.
 If the bleeding is from an arm or leg, elevate the injured area above the level of the heart to
reduce blood flow
 If the bleeding still continues, apply pressure at any pressure point to slow the flow blood in
combination with direct pressure over the wound.
 After the bleeding stops, use a pressure bandage to hold the dressing on the wound.

The skin serves as a barrier form infection and helps in regulating water and body temperature.
Thus, when the skin is burnt, the body’s vital functions are compromised.

Types of Burn Injury

Chemical Result of a caustic or corrosive substance touching the skin
Contact with acids, alkali, and organic compounds
Electrical Exposure to electric current
Thermal Contact to fire or flame, with hot objects, flammable vapor that ignites and
causes an explosion, and steam or hot liquids.

Burns are classified based on depth of penetration on the skin, namely, first-degree, second-
degree, and third-degree burns.

Types of Burn Characteristics

First-degree  Affects the skin outer layer (epidermis)
 Redness, mild swelling, tenderness, and pain
 Heals without scarring, usually after one week
Second – degree  Extends through the entire outer layer and into the inner skin
 Layer (dermis) blood vessels in the dermis are damaged
(partial thickness)
 Weeping wound resulting from breakout of blister and risk for
infection increases.
Third – degree  Severe burns that penetrate all the skin layers into the underlying fat
and muscle
(full thickness)
 Leathery, waxy, or pearly gray skin
 Dry appearance and no feeling of pain due to destroyed capillary blood
vessels and nerve endings
 Requires medical care that involves removal of the dead tissue

Types of Burn First Aid

First-degree  Relieve pain by immersing the burnt area into cold water or by
applying wet, cold cloth
 Relieve pain and inflammation with analgesic ointment of tablet
 Apply aloe vera gel or moisturizer to keep the skin moistened to
prevent itching and peeling
Second – degree  Relieve pain by immersing the burnt area into cold water or by
applying wet, cold cloth
(partial thickness)  Relieve pain and inflammation with analgesic ointment of tablet
 Keep the burnt extremity elevated to reduce swelling
 Cover the area with dry, con sticky, sterile dressing, or a clean cloth
Third – degree  Cover the area with dry, con sticky, sterile dressing, or a clean cloth
 Prevent shock by elevating the legs, and cover the victim with blanket
(full thickness)
keep him/her warm


Heat Exhaustion
Heat exhaustion occurs when the body is not able to cool off and maintain a normal body
temperature caused by either hot weather, excessive exercise, or dehydration. People at risk are small
children, elderly, Obese, and those who have long term illness.

The following are signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion:

 Fatigue
 Nausea
 Dizziness
 Headache
 Weakness
 Pale skin
 Muscle cramps
 Rapid heartbeat
 Shallow breathing
 Excessive sweating

Heat Stroke
Heatstroke is the critical stage of heat exhaustion wherein the body temperature reaches 40°C
(104°F) and above. The symptoms are almost the same with heat exhaustion, but there are additional
signs and symptoms such as the following:
 Hot, dry and flushed skin
 Change in mental status
 Unconsciousness

First aid for heat emergencies:

 Move to a cooler place and remain quiet
 Loosen clothing, place a cool wet cloth on the forehead
 If victim is dizzy, ask him to lie down with the head lower than the feet
 Instruct to increase oral fluid intake if victim is awake
 Sponge with cold water or wrap person’s body with cool, wet sheets. Monitor temperature every
10 minutes.
Choking happens when the airway is blocked partially or completely. The following are some
cause of choking:
 Food and fluids that go down the windpipe
 Foreign object that adheres to the throat
 Tongue that slips back in the mouth resulting in snoring

First aid for choking:

 Encourage the victim to take a slow, deep breath by inhaling through the nose and exhaling
through the mouth. Do this for three times
 On the third deep breath, cough forcefully and consecutively for three times (Potter and Perry

In some cases, administration of the Heimlich maneuver can save a choking person’ 5 life.
Heimlich maneuver is a way of removing food or any object causing obstruction in the airway through
putting pressure in the abdomen and chest. This procedure forces the diaphragm up toward the lungs
creating an artificial cough. Avoid hitting or patting someone on the back for it may cause the foreign
body to slide further down the airway
People can be electrocuted when they have accidentally touched high-tension wire that may fall
during a storm or when struck by lightning resulting in the following:
 Muscle and spasms or tissue damage
 Seizures
 Interrupted breathing
 Irregular heartbeat
 Third degree burn
 Unconsciousness
 Death

REVISED KNOWLEDGE: Actual answer to the process questions/ focus questions

 Why basic first aid for Medical Emergencies matters?

When a serious workplace injury occurs, you have to think and act quickly. First Aid is
emergency care given to the sick or injured before medical personnel arrive. That’s why
knowledge of first aid and CPR is so important.

 What do you mean by first aid in emergency?

First aid sometimes referred to as EMERGENCY AID is the first skilled assistance given
to a victim on the occurrence of accident or sudden illness in order to preserve life, prevent
further injury and relive suffering until qualified medical care is available.

FINAL KNOWLEDGE: Generalization/ Synthesis/ Summary

 First aid is the provision of immediate care and intervention to an injured or ill person.
 The first aider is the person who gives immediate treatment
 An emergency is any situation that can seriously compromise a person’s current health status
 A dressing helps control bleeding, prevents infection and protects wound from further injury
 Bandage holds the dressing, applies pressure over a dressing, prevents swelling and provides
 There are two types of bleeding. External and internal
 Heat stroke is a critical stage of heat exhaustion
 Burns are classified based on the depth of penetration on the skin.

Diocese of Bayombong Educational System (DBES)

Saint Catherine’s School
Real St., Buag, Bambang, Nueva Vizcaya

Subject: _______________________________________
Teacher: _______________________________________

Name of Learner: ___________________________________________________________________

Grade Level & Section: __________________________ Inclusive Dates: _______________
Week No.: 8 Score: _______________

Activity no.1

MULTIPLE CHOICE: Read the statements carefully. Choose only the letter of the correct answer and
write it in the corresponding number in your answer sheet.

1. What do you call the immediate care given to an injured person before the arrival of a physician?
c. First Aid c. Intensive Care
d. Chest Compression d. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
2. Which is a break in the continuity of the tissue in the body?
b. Fracture b. Laceration c. Sprain d. Wound
3. What open wound is caused by nails, needles and other pointed objects?
b. Avulsion b. Incision c. Laceration d. Puncture
4. When a first aider does not alarm a victim, what characteristics does s/he show?
c. Gentleness c. Resourcefulness
d. Being observant d. Tactfulness
5. What is used to stop bleeding and provide support for immobilization of a fracture?
b. Bandage b. Cold Compress c. Dressing d. Hot Compress
6. Which is an objective of first aid?
e. To prolong life
f. To intensively suffering
g. To end the services of a physician
h. To bridge the gap between the victim and the physician
7. What is the first thing to do in assessing an emergency situation?
e. Call for help
f. Survey if the scene is safe
g. Do a head-to-toe examination
h. Check the vital signs of the victim
8. When is primary survey of the victim done?
e. When the victim is conscious
f. During the survey of the scene
g. When the victim is unconscious
h. After the victim has regained consciousness
9. What sterile cloth is used to cover a wound?
b. Bandage b. Cold Compress c. Dressing d. Hot Compress
10. Which is used to transport an unconscious victim who should not be lifted due to serious injuries?
e. Blanket Drag
f. Chair Drug
g. Hammock Carry
h. Lover’s Carry

Activity no.2

True or False: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if it is incorrect
__________ 1. It is good to give food to an unconscious victim.
__________ 2. First aid takes the place of the services of a physician.
__________ 3. The victim is experiencing shock if his eyes are dilated.
__________ 4. The RICE method is used in treating sprains and strains.
__________ 5. Apply direct pressure to stop severe bleeding of a wound.
__________ 6. A good first aider informs the victim of the severity of the injury.
__________ 7. Immobilize the fractured part before taking a victim to the hospital.
__________ 8. Primary and secondary surveys of the victim are performed if the scene is not safe.
__________ 9. The first consideration in transporting a victim is to identify the place where the victim
will be transferred.
__________ 10. Checking if something is blocking the airway of the victim is the last step in doing
primary survey of the victim.

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