Workshop 2 Classroom Management

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Classroom management

and objectives
Contact information
Check-in ticket

What do you remember about the

session on 21st century skills?

How can we apply them in our classes

and with our students?

Breakout rooms 05 mins

Workshop 2

● Share tips and ideas about

classroom management.
● Get familiar with some classroom
management dos and don’ts.
● Design an activity based on
communicative/SMART objectives
and articulate the tips and
concepts seen during the
workshop. (Peer-assessment)
Look at the communicative objectives from the document and answer:
What common elements can you see among such objectives?
Would you include similar objectives for your classes? Why? Why not?

Go over the document about 6 classroom management techniques and

Pre-assignment How can you apply those techniques in your classes?
Would you modify some of the tips to fit the population you teach? Which
Let's check our pre-assignment

What was the most interesting tip from the

pre-assignment? Why?

How can we apply those concepts in our


Breakout rooms 07 minutes

Let's check our pre-assignment

How can we set communicative/S.M.A.R.T.


Why is it important to switch from grammar-

based objectives to
communicative/S.M.A.R.T ones?

Breakout rooms 07 minutes

Discipline, monitoring, and
teacher’s intervention

What is the best technique to manage

discipline in class? Why?

What are the most common mistakes we

make when we manage discipline? Why?

Chat 07 minutes
Discipline, monitoring, and teacher’s
intervention taken from:
Research-backed Strategies for Better Classroom Management.

Watch the video and answer:

What was the most useful tip to manage

discipline, monitoring, and teacher’s

Which tip(s) would you like to apply in your

classes? Video as a whole class: 5 mins
Breakout rooms to answer questions: 8 minutes
Error correction and teacher talking time
reduction techniques.
Based on: Kostadinovska, B. (2019)

Try not give the Look at the error correction and teacher
correct answer right
away. Let students talking time reduction techniques and
self and peer-
correct. answer:

Error correction How can we adapt them to make them

and teacher talking useful for our context?
time reduction
Which other elements can we add?

Chat 07 minutes
Activity Design
In pairs, let’s create an activity including the following information: Please post your activity in
the following padlet:
1) Communicative/S.M.A.R.T Objective
2) Target age
3) Target level - Common European Framework ols227/31if8dk7synf4ir2
4) Target grammar and/or vocabulary and/or skill involved
5) Resources needed There is a document in the
6) Sequence of steps to develop the activity padlet to download and fill
7) Some classroom managements dos and don’ts for the activity out called “form”. Once you
and its population finish the activity, please
8) Error correction and assessment recommendations post the document using
9) A learning or 21st Century skill (Optional) the first and last names of
its creators.

20 minutes

1) Please join another pair in a breakout room

2) Each pair will have 5 minutes to present its activity

and 5 minutes to receive feedback from the other

3) Once you receive feedback from your peers, part

of the post-assignment consists of reposting the
activity in the padlet labeling the document “Version
20 minutes 2” in the name of the document.
Check out ticket

What was the most interesting concept

from today’s session?

How do you plan to apply this in your


Chat interaction - 05 minutes

1) Please modify your activity taking into account the peer-assessment
provided in the last breakout room activity and post it in the padlet
again adding “Version 2” at the end. (Deadline: January 29th).

2) Go over the videos and documents below and answer these questions:

●What principles or concepts do you already use?

●Which ones would you like to apply or understand better?

Please use this graphic organizer to structure your notes:


Post-assignment ●
CEFR Can-Do statements
● Derechos de aprendizaje
● How to implement derechos de aprendizaje

Research-backed Strategies for Better Classroom Management.

2020. Retrieved from:

Kostadinovska, B. 2019. Teacher Talking Time vs. Student Talking

Time: Moving from Teacher-centered classroom to Learner-centered
classroom. Retrieved from:

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