Experiment 5
Experiment 5
Experiment 5
Title: Factor that affect the rate of reaction
Problem statement : How does temperature of reactants affect the rate of reaction?
Hypothesis : The higher the temperature of reactants. The higher the rate of reaction
Variables :
Manipulated variable : Temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution.
Responding variable : Rate of reaction/ time taken until ‘X’ is no longer visible
Controlled variables : Volume and concentration of sulphuric acid, volume and concentration
of sodium thiosulphate solution, size of conical flask
Apparatus : 250cm3 conical flask, 50cm3 measuring cylinder, 10cm3 measuring cylinder,
stopwatch, thermometer, Bunsen burner, wire gauze, tripod stand
Materials : 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution, 1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid, a piece of
white paper with “X” at the centre
Procedure :
1. 50cm3 of 0.2 mol dm-3 sodium thiosulphate solution is measured by using a 50cm3 measuring
cylinder and is poured into a clean and dry conical flask.
2. The solution is left for 5 minutes.
3. The temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution is measured and recorded in the table.
4. The conical flask is placed on the “X” mark on the white paper. (Figure 4.10)
5. Using a 10cm3 measuring cylinder, 5cm3 of 1 mol dm-3 sulphuric acid is measured and
quickly poured into the sodium thiosulphate solution, and the stopwatch is started
6. The mark “X” is observed vertically from the mouth of the conical flask through the solution.
(Figure 4.11)
7. The stopwatch is stopped quickly once the mark “X” on the white paper is no longer visible.
8. The time taken is recorded in the table. The value of 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 is calculated.
9. Steps 1 to 8 are repeated by replacing the sodium thiosulphate solution at room temperature
with sodium thiosulphate solution heated to 35 ℃, 40 ℃, 45 ℃ and 50 ℃. Whereas the other
conditions remain unchanged. (Figure 4.12)
Result :
Temperature (℃) Time, t (s) (s-1)
Room temperature 18.52 0.054
35 9.48 0.105
40 7.07 0.141
45 5.62 0.178
50 4.63 0.216
Data analysis :
1. Based on the results, two graphs are plotted.
(a) Graph I: Graph of the temperature against time
Discussion :
The yellow precipitate formed is sulphur. The rate of reaction is measured by how fast the
'X' is hidden by the yellow precipitate. The concentration and volume of both sodium
thiosulphate solution and sulphuric acid are kept constant in each set of the experiment. Any
change in rate of reaction is due to the difference in temperature.
From graph I, it can be deduced that as the temperature increases, the time taken for the mark
‘X’ to disappear from sight becomes shorter. From graph II, it can be deduced that the tempera-
ture increases linearly with 1/time. Based on the graph plotted, as the temperature of sodium thi-
osulphate solution decreases, a longer time is needed for mark ‘X’ to disappear from sight.
Therefore, as the temperature becomes lower, the rate of reaction also decreases. The tempera-
ture rises, the value of 1/time or rate of reaction also increases. The relationship between the rate
of reaction and the temperature of sodium thiosulphate solution is, when the temperature of a re-
actant increases, the rate of reaction increases.
Conclusion :
Hypothesis is accepted. The rate of reaction will increase if the temperature of sodium
thiosulphate solution increases.