Philippine Canadian Inquirer #523

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pcinews_twt JANUARY 20, 2023 VOL. 8 NO. 523 Purchase Financing Months


A group of dragon dance performers prepares for a show in front of an establishment on Quezon Avenue in Quezon City in line with the Chinese New Year celebration on Wednesday (Jan. 18,
2023). Chinese New Year festivity, which will culminate on Jan. 22, reminds the city’s constituents of how Chinese culture and traditions have also enriched Filipinos’ customs.

Court clears Ressa, 17

Rappler in tax raps

BY BENJAMIN PULTA sonable doubt.” Fil-Am Miss USA wins
Philippine News Agency The court added that the financial in- Miss Universe 2022
struments known as Philippine Depos-
itary Receipts (PDRs) used by Rappler
MANILA – The Court of Tax Appeals
(CTA) has cleared online news publisher
to allow the investments by the United
States-based venture capital firms North 19
Maria Ressa and Rappler Holdings Corp. Base Media (NBM) and Omidyar Net-
(RHC) in tax evasion charges arising from work (OM) did not automatically trans- `
investments made by two foreign firms. late into ownership in the firm which
Canada, a superpower?
In its 90-page decision dated January would warrant the payment of taxes. Here’s how the country
18, the CTA first division acquitted Ressa “There is nothing in the wordings of might one day fit the bill
in four cases docketed as CTA Criminal the PDR instruments and the PDR sub- This lunar year will be the Year of
Case 679 to 682 “for failure of the pros- the Rabbit or the Year of the Cat,
ecution to prove their guilty beyond rea- ❱❱ PAGE 7 Court clears Ressa depending on where you live

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FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Philippine News 3

Marcos touts PH’s strong economic recovery

BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- development plan puts together ships (PPPs), he said, must be In another event with the Dolf van den Brink.
CARLOS coherent strategic measures to strengthened to improve access world’s top chief executive offi- Also present were Indone-
Philippine News Agency address the current energy and to employment opportunities, cers (CEOs) and investment ex- sia’s Minister of Investment
food crises, allowing the coun- adding that health systems and perts, Marcos received “very pos- Bahlil Lahadalia; Indonesia’s
try to hasten its economic and social protection must also be itive” feedback when he made an Coordinating Minister of Mar-
MANILA – The government’s social recovery toward inclusive enhanced to abate and mitigate investment pitch for the Philip- itime and Investment Affairs
policies and initiatives have paved and resilient development. present and future risks. pines, Communication Secretary Luhut Pandjaitan; ID New Cap-
the way for the Philippines’ eco- Addressing challenges Digitalization Cheloy Garafil said. ital City Authority chairperson
nomic rebound, allowing its part- In his speech, Marcos also em- Marcos also acknowledged “President Ferdinand R. Dr. Bambang Susantono; Thai-
ners and investors to enjoy a more phasized the need for the world the need to pursue heightened Marcos Jr.’s investment pitch land Minister Arkhom Term-
conducive business environment, economies to implement suffi- collaboration to realize econom- for the Philippines received ‘a pittayapaisith; KADIN chair-
President Ferdinand R. Marcos cient welfare measures to cushion ic and social transformation. very positive response’ from person Arsjad Rasjid; former
Jr. said on Tuesday. the impact of elevated inflationary He believed that his bid for digi- some of the world’s top CEOs United Kingdom prime minis-
During the Country Strategy pressures, especially on the most tal transformation is a “key driver and investment experts during ter Tony Blair; and Transporta-
Dialogue at the World Economic affected and vulnerable sectors. for long-term economic growth.” a dinner hosted for him by Grab tion Secretary Jaime Bautista.
Forum (WEF) in Davos, Swit- “We have seen inflation ac- “The government also recog- Chairman and CEO Antho- House of Representatives
zerland, Marcos presented the celerating globally in recent nizes the importance of digita- ny Tan at the sidelines of the Speaker Martin Romualdez,
current state of the Philippine months. While protectionist lization as a key driver for long- World Economic Forum (WEF) who also joined the dinner, said
economy and the opportunities policies may be appealing in the term economic growth and as in Davos, Switzerland,” Garafil attendees were “excited” about
that are expected to be unlocked. short term, there will ultimate- a tool for economic recovery,” said in a separate statement. the Philippines’ recovery story
Marcos, in his opening re- ly be no winners,” he said. Marcos said, adding that he She noted that some of those and agreed that the country is
marks, cited that while the Inter- “We support the call for all gov- would put a premium on the who graced the dinner hosted the “future investor haven for
national Monetary Fund’s (IMF) ernments to unwind any trade participation of micro, small for Marcos were Amazon CEO western capital.”
forecast for the 2023 global eco- restrictions and reinforce our and medium enterprises (MS- Andy Jassy; Tiktok founder In an interview in Switzerland,
nomic growth is only 2.7 percent, commitment to the World Trade MEs) in the digital economy. Zhang Yiming; Affinity Part- Alliance Global, Inc. CEO Kevin
the Philippines projects that its Organization (WTO) reform.” “We will deploy digital con- ners founder Jared Kushner; Tan said Marcos’ participation in
economy would grow by at least 7 Marcos also renewed the nectivity across the Philippines Economist Editor-in-Chief Pat- the WEF signifies the Philippines’
percent this year. Philippines’ support for the and ensure universal connec- rick Foulis; Unilever CEO Alan openness for business and gives
The IMF’s latest projection timely and effective delivery of tivity, particularly in geograph- Jope; General Atlantic CEO Bill the country a platform to tell the
is slower than the 3.2 percent pragmatic outcomes to address ically isolated and disadvan- Ford and his wife Molly Ford; world about its growth story.
posted last year and shows a the current geopolitical risks, taged areas,” he added. BlackRock’s Head of Asia Ra- “I believe President Marcos
significant decrease from the 6 adding that economies should Investment pitch approved chel Lord; and Heineken CEO has been very effective in show-
percent recorded in 2021. try to find a common ground to casing the Philippines... our
“Our strong macroeconomic settle critical global issues. strength. But also showcasing
fundamentals, fiscal discipline, He likewise emphasized the that this government is open for
and structural reforms institut- importance of economic and business and open to partner-
ed over the years have enabled technical cooperation to as- ships with other governments,
us to withstand the negative sist the development of small- but as well as with partnerships
shocks caused by the pandem- er economies and enable their with (the) private sector and that
ic and succeeding economic participation, including the we are here trying to bring in re-
downturns and map a route to- small businesses and economic ally foreign investments,” he said.
ward a strong recovery,” he said. segments with untapped poten- “On a political front, I think also
Marcos said the Philippines tial, in the global economy. my view is that the President has
remains focused on sustaining Marcos said it is also vital to ad- really shown that the Philippines
the country’s economic recov- dress the current social vulner- really is a friend to all, and we’re
ery, as well as promoting a local abilities, noting that education, not necessarily leaning more to-
environment that would help skills development, and lifelong wards the West or the East, that
businesses maximize their com- learning would help enhance the we’re very, very balanced in where
petitiveness and facilitate their employability of workers. we are positioned. And I think
entry into the global market. Government interventions
He added that the Philippines’ and public-private partner- President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. (OPS PHOTO) ❱❱ PAGE 7 Marcos touts PH’s

PBBM names 3 new appointees

BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- cañang announced on Tuesday. Malacañang has yet to re- pinos overseas. The IA is responsible for the
CARLOS In a statement, Communica- lease a copy of the appointment The CFO is also in charge of orderly restoration and de-
Philippine News Agency tions Secretary Cheloy Garafil papers of the three new officials. developing and implementing velopment of Intramuros as a
confirmed the appointment of The CFO was created in June programs to promote the Filipino monument to the Hispanic pe-
Romulo Arugay as CFO chair- 1980 by virtue of Batas Pamban- overseas’ interest and well-being. riod of Philippine history.
MANILA – President Ferdi- person, Joan Padilla as IA ad- sa 79 to strengthen the govern- The IA, on the other hand, Meanwhile, the corporate
nand R. Marcos Jr. has named ministration and Mario Molina ment’s policy on the promotion was established in 1979 by vir- powers and functions of state-
new appointees to the Com- as acting member of the GSIS’ of migrant welfare and interest. tue of Presidential 1616 to pro- run pension fund GSIS are
mission on Filipinos Overseas Board of Trustees. The commission is tasked to tect and conserve the historical vested in and exercised by the
(CFO), the Intramuros Admin- Garafil did not mention when provide assistance to the Pres- and cultural value and signifi- Board of Trustees composed
istration (IA) and the Govern- Marcos signed the appoint- ident and Philippine Congress cance of Intramuros while ad- of the President, General Man-
ment Service Insurance System’s ment papers of Arugay, Padilla in the formulation of policies vancing and guiding its urban ager, and eight other members
(GSIS) Board of Trustees, Mala- and Molina. and measures concerning Fili- development. appointed by the President. ■
4 Philippine News JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

6 cold storage facilities PH-Singapore

to be built in onion- memorandum to
producing regions advance digital
Philippine News Agency
For instance, a planned facili-
ty in Rizal town is about 16 to 20
kilometers away from San Jose,
we can have production, we don’t
need to import. We became so used
to importation... When we take
cooperation: DICT
the largest onion-producing supplies from abroad, its inflation-
area in the province. ary forces are also being brought to BY RAYMOND CARL DELA “The MOU covers digital co-
MANILA – The Department The other planned site in Sa- the Philippines,” he said. CRUZ operation on digital connectiv-
of Agriculture (DA) will build blayan is farther at 97 kilometers. In March 2022, the DA turned Philippine News Agency ity, particularly in inter-oper-
six cold storage facilities in four President Ferdinand Marcos over two cold onion storage fa- able systems and frameworks
onion-producing regions start- Jr., the concurrent DA chief, cilities, with capacity of 10,000 that enable electronic docu-
ing this year in support of local previously reiterated the need and 20,000 bags, respectively. MANILA – A recently signed mentation; cybersecurity, such
farmers. to support farmers, insisting to farmers of Valiant Primary memorandum of understanding as organizing training cours-
Each facility with a capacity of that importation should not be Multi-Purpose Cooperative in (MOU) between the Philippines es and technical programs
20,000 bags will cost up to PHP40 a long-term response to protect Barangay Marcos Village, Pa- and Singapore will advance “dig- through the ASEAN-Singapore
million and will rise in the Ilocos, farmers and benefit consumers layan City, Nueva Ecija, and a ital cooperation” between the Cybersecurity Centre of Excel-
Cagayan Valley, Central Luzon with lower commodity prices. PHP20-million facility to the two countries, an official of the lence to develop and enhance
and Mimaropa regions. “We have to go back to the on- Sapang Multi-Purpose Cooper- Department of Information and skills related to cybersecurity;
“Tayuan po ng mga storage ion growers and help them so that ative in Moncada, Tarlac. ■ Communications Technology and digital government/e-gov-
facility nang sa gayon during (DICT) said Tuesday. ernance, such as in the areas
peak season ng harvest, malag- In a statement, DICT spokes- of digital government strategy,
yan na. Hindi po sagot ang im- person and Undersecretary digital government services,
portation. Napakalaking poten- Anna Maye Yu Lamentillo said and digital identity,” she said.
syal po ng lugar namin (Let’s her meeting with Singapore The MOU covers the ex-
build storage facilities so that Ambassador to the Philippines change of knowledge, technical
during peak harvest season, we Gerard Ho Wei Hong on Mon- expertise, and best practices
can utilize it. Importation is day was about “further areas of on measures relating to scam
not the answer. Our place has cooperation” and the MOU im- calls and scam short message
a big potential),” San Jose, Oc- plementation. services, and on personal data
cidental Mindoro agriculturist “We discussed with Ambassa- protection.
Romel Calingasan told a Senate dor Ho how we can implement It also seeks to create cooper-
hearing on Monday. this MOU and which areas we ation on emerging technologies
Two cold storage facilities should focus on. Singapore has such as artificial intelligence,
will be built in Occidental Min- so much experience in the area 5G, cloud computing, the Inter-
doro but Calisangan raised con- A worker unloads sacks of onions at a Kadiwa store in San Andres, Manila on of e-governance and cybersecu- net of Things, big data, analyt-
cerns over the locations. Wednesday (Jan. 11, 2023). (YANCY LIM/PNA) rity and they can share with us ics, and robotics, among others.
their best practices in these ar- “There will also be coopera-
eas,” Lamentillo said. tion and exchange of knowledge

Voter applications top

The MOU on digital coopera- to boost the digital innovation
tion was signed during the state ecosystem, including connecting
visit of President Ferdinand R. business owners with potential
Marcos Jr. to Singapore last year. solution providers; exploring

1M since start of sign-up It was signed by DICT Sec-

retary Ivan John Uy and Sin-
gapore’s Minister for Com-
cooperation on digital capability
and capacity building programs;
and exchange of knowledge and

period: Comelec
munications and Information best practices on digital infra-
Josephine Teo on Sept. 7. structure,” she said. ■

BY FERDINAND PATINIO nificantly increase as we include He urged them to register to be

Philippine News Agency the final output of last week, as able to participate in the Baran-
well as the still ongoing reception gay and Sangguniang Kabataan
of applications,” said Comelec Elections (BSKE) in October.
MANILA – The Commis- spokesperson John Rex Lau- “For those who haven’t regis-
sion on Elections (Comelec) diangco in a message to reporters. tered yet, don’t miss our regis-
on Tuesday said it has received He said the figure does not in- tration which is only until Jan-
over 1 million voter applica- clude yet the total number of ap- uary 31, 2023,” he added.
tions since the resumption of plications from the “Register Any- Laudiangco said local
registration activities in De- where” project, which has logged Comelec offices are ready to
cember last year. 2,996 applications as of Jan. 15. accept applications, Monday to
“Based on the last update on At the same time, Laudiang- Saturday, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
registration as of January 13, co reminded qualified voters to Aside from poll body offices,
2023 the running total of regis- register since the Comelec does the public may also register in DICT spokesperson and Undersecretary Anna Maye Yu Lamentillo and Singa-
tration applications is already at not see any reason to extend the hubs located in participating pore Ambassador to the Philippines Gerard Ho Wei Hong (ANNA MAE YU LAMEN-
1,024,521, which we expect to sig- registration period. malls. ■ TILLO/FACEBOOK)

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6 Philippine News JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Senators eyeing Proposed PH sovereign

to amend ASIN wealth fund gets boost
Law, boost local at WEF
salt production BY RUTH ABBEY GITA-
Philippine News Agency
help attain the national govern-
ment’s priority plans.
The House of Representa-
PPPs. The rules have been
changed by the NEDA (Nation-
al Economic and Development
BY WILNARD BACELONIA 240,000 metric tons annually. tives approved HB 6608 on the Authority)… and that has made
Philippine News Agency This boom in growth supported third and final reading on Dec. it much much easier now for
a growing population and the MANILA – President Ferdi- 15, 2022. It was transmitted to investors to come in and to en-
development of the salt industry nand R. Marcos Jr. has earned the Senate on Dec. 19, 2022. gage in PPPs,” Marcos said.
MANILA – The Senate Com- in the 1960s and 1970s. the backing of the World Eco- Senator Mark Villar, who is ‘Well-performing’ PH
mittee on Agriculture is now One of the measures dis- nomic Forum (WEF) partici- part of the official Philippine Meantime, Marcos also earned
pushing to amend Republic Act cussed in the hearing was Sen- pants when he presented the delegation in Switzerland, said praises from the International
8172, or An Act for Salt Iodization ate Bill No. (SBN) 1450 or An Philippines’ proposed sover- many of WEF attendees have Monetary Fund (IMF) for his
Nationwide (ASIN), seeking to re- Act Promoting and Revitalizing eign wealth fund (SWF), Mala- expressed interest in the Phil- administration’s initiatives and
vive the country’s salt industry. the Salt Industry of the Philip- cañang said on Wednesday. ippines and its proposed MIF. efforts to sustain the Philippines’
According to Senator Cynthia pines filed by Senate Majority In a statement, Communica- The plan to create a sovereign economic growth, Garafil said in
Villar who chairs the commit- Joel Villanueva, which seeks to tions Secretary Cheloy Garafil wealth fund would help the coun- another statement.
tee, the law should not require amend the ASIN Law. said Marcos received positive try generate income and improve This, after Marcos held a bi-
all local producers to iodize salt Villanueva said the bill seeks feedback after he made a soft its fiscal health, Villar said. lateral meeting with IMF man-
as most of the demand are being to revive the local salt industry, launching of the planned SWF, “So through the wealth fund, aging director Kristaline Geor-
used as fertilizers by farmers increase the productivity and otherwise known as Maharlika magkakaroon ng additional in- gieva on the sidelines of WEF
and not for food consumption. income of local salt producers, Investment Fund (MIF). come and fiscally mag-i-improve on Tuesday (Zurich time).
During a hearing conducted preserve the country’s local and During the Philippines’ ‘yung fiscal situation ng ating Georgiva said the Philippines
by the committee on Wednes- traditional production tech- Country Strategy Dialogue at bansa (our country will have an turned to be an “exceptionally
day, Villar said the law, which niques, and promote Philippine WEF in Davos, Switzerland, additional income and our fiscal well-performing country” un-
was passed in 1995, became a artisanal salt, among others. Marcos said the process for the situation will improve),” Villar der his leadership.
deterrent in the development “We have an enormous, un- establishment of the MIF is al- said in an interview in Davos. “What you have done in the
of the local salt industry instead tapped, and neglected resource ready in the pipeline. ‘Professional’ management last year of turbulence to sus-
of promoting it. that could change the lives of “The process of establishing In a breakfast meeting with tain growth… is quite commend-
“It has neglected to develop about 60 percent of our total our first-ever sovereign wealth top international chief execu- able,” Georgieva, as quoted by
new areas and invite new inves- population, who live in coastal fund is underway,” he said in his tive officers (CEOs) on the WEF the Presidential Communica-
tors. It made all salt food grade. zones. Aside from the urgency opening remarks. sidelines on Wednesday, Marcos tions Office (PCO), told Marcos.
In 2021, it was reported that, we of addressing the needs of the “Such a fund is one tool ensured the “professional” man- Georgieva also expressed
only produced seven percent of industry, it is also significant to among many in our efforts to agement of MIF, which is expect- the IMF’s readiness to help its
our salt requirements and im- this representation since our diversify our financial portfolio, ed to encourage more public-pri- member countries, including
ported 93 percent or 550,000 home province of Bulacan is the which includes our existing in- vate partnerships (PPPs). the Philippines, in achieving
metric tons,” she noted. third largest producer of salt, stitutions pursuing investment “The management of the wealth sustainable growth and push-
Villar recalled that in the next to Pangasinan and Occi- that will generate stable returns, fund must be seen to be rational, ing for economic policies that
1950s, the Philippines’ salt in- dental Mindoro,” he said. but also welfare effects spanning sober, professional,” Marcos said. would benefit more Filipinos.
dustry boomed as new fishponds The ASIN Law was projected employment creation, improve- “We will certainly make sure “We have been really interest-
and salt farms were constructed to protect and promote the health ment of public service, and a that anyone who will look at the ed to engage more deeply with
in the provinces of Pangasinan, of Filipinos, to maintain an effec- decrease in costs of economic fund will see that it is run pro- our members to recognize the
Bulacan, Occidental Mindoro, tive food regulatory system, and activities,” Marcos added. fessionally and properly. In that traditional challenges… They
Cavite, Paranaque City, Negros, to provide the entire population, House Bill 6608 (HB 6608) way, the wealth fund has a good are still there,” she said, after
Cebu and other provinces. especially women and children, or the proposed MIF Act is future to be able, as I said, to Marcos raised the need for the
“Salt producing areas in the with proper nutrition. an independent fund that ad- succeed in doing what we want Philippines to “go back to the
Philippines, reached an estimat- It sanctions offenders who heres to the principles of good to do, which is leveraging what basics” amid the present chal-
ed peak of 5,000 hectares na- governance, transparency and we have for these big-ticket in- lenges confronting the country.
tionally, producing an estimated ❱❱ PAGE 12 Senators eyeing to accountability and shall be vestments,” he added. Marcos, during the meeting,
sourced from the investible Considering that his admin- admitted that there are “weak-
funds of select government fi- istration has insufficient funds nesses” in the country’s dif-
nancial institutions (GFIs), “to do all the things that [it ferent systems, including food
contributions of the national needs] to do,” Marcos said set- supply, energy, infrastructure
government, declared divi- ting up the MIF is a “good idea” and climate change.
dends of the Bangko Sentral ng to leverage government assets The IMF is a special agency
Pilipinas and other sources. and pursue big-ticket infra- of the United Nations which
Under the proposed measure, structure projects, particularly focuses on promoting global
the fund shall be used to invest in energy and agriculture. monetary cooperation, ensur-
on a strategic and commercial The proposed sovereign ing financial stability and facil-
basis in a manner designed wealth fund, Marcos said, would itating international trade.
to promote fiscal stability for also enable the government to The Philippines joined the
economic development and ramp up its digitalization efforts. IMF on Dec. 27, 1945.
Salt industry thrives in Pasuquin town, Ilocos Norte province. To prevent iodine strengthen the top-perform- “The idea is that the sover- The Marcos administration
deficiency, salt manufacturers are highly encouraged to mix iodine in their salt ing GFIs through additional eign wealth fund will play its
products. (LEILANIE ADRIANO/PNA) investment platforms that will part in encouraging also our ❱❱ PAGE 12 Proposed PH sovereign
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Philippine News 7

Marcos says Asia-Pacific won’t embrace

Cold War mindset
BY RUTH ABBEY GITA- a group in ASEAN and in the In- road,” Marcos said, adding that the rest of the world,” he said. the future,” Marcos said.
CARLOS do-Pacific, those around the In- there are tendencies for nations The Philippines, Marcos said, “And a central part of that
Philippine News Agency do-Pacific, despite all of this con- to move “towards nationalism, aims to strengthen its econ- has always been my continu-
flict we are determined to stay towards closing borders, to- omy, given that the Covid-19 ing reminder to people that we,
away from that,” Marcos added. wards protectionism.” pandemic brought the country the government, cannot do this
MANILA – Asia-Pacific na- The Cold War refers to the “I think the tendency after back to the basics. alone. And the partnerships
tions are keen on charting their period of conflict between the things have settled, after coun- “I’ll use the Philippines as an that we will need, a strong part-
own path to success without United States and the Soviet tries such as the Philippines, example... What happened during nership with the private sector
embracing the “Cold War” Union, as well as their respec- have put in place the elements of the pandemic is that we were and your being here and in the
mentality, President Ferdinand tive allies, which began almost policy, the elements of legislation brought back with a hard thud to past, have been so supportive
R. Marcos Jr. said on Monday. immediately after World War II. that are necessary to be able to basics and so we have to strength- is a primary element and most
Marcos issued the statement, The Asia-Pacific region, Mar- adjust to what is the new coming en our own local economy to be important element for that to
as he noted that Asia-Pacific cos said, is focused on pursuing economy, once that is in place, I able to withstand shocks such as succeed,” he added. ■
countries are facing “strong” its own destiny without being think that the globalization will the pandemic, such as Ukraine in
pressure to take sides because controlled by any country. start. We will start to return to
of the intense geopolitical rival- “And simply because we are the tendency of globalization. I
ry in the region. anchored in the idea that the think it is inevitable,” he said.
Despite this, the Associa- future of the Indo-Pacific, the ‘Very strong’ trade relations
tion of Southeast Asian Nations future of Asia-Pacific for exam- Marcos acknowledged that
(ASEAN) and the Asia-Pacific ple cannot be determined by the present crises such as
Economic Cooperation (APEC) anyone but the countries of the the coronavirus disease 2019
member economies are commit- Asia-Pacific and that removes (Covid-19) pandemic and the
ted to the idea of abandoning the us immediately from that Russia-Ukraien conflict have
Cold War mindset, Marcos said. idea that you must choose, we an adverse impact in the future
“The forces of us going back choose our friends, we choose of the world.
to that Cold War type of scenario our neighbors, that’s the choice To overcome global challenges,
where you have to choose one side that we will make,” Marcos said. Marcos said “very strong” trade
or the other are strong,” he said Marcos said while there are ties among world economies are
during a luncheon hosted for him some disruptions, world econ- “key to wealth for any country.”
and Filipino chief executive offi- omies are still geared toward “No country grew wealthy
cers by the Philippine economic globalization. without a very strong trade re-
team in Davos, Switzerland. For now, the world has to deal lationship, not only with one or
“I think we are determined as with “several big bumps on the two other countries but with President Ferdinand R. Marcos Jr. (OPS PHOTO)

Court clears Ressa.. Marcos touts PH’s..

❰❰ 1 scription agreements ownership of the shares of stock no law restricitng foreign own- NBM and OM fund organi- ❰❰ 3 that’s the right strategy
that would show that of Rappler Inc. (RI) remains ership in the business of the op- zations in developing countries because, you know, our
the foreign entities with the issuer RHC. erating entity,”. backing organizations in Indo- location as a country is
NBM and OM will become The court ruled tht under the RHC issued PDRs to NBM in nesia, India, the UK, Mexico, so strategic.”
owners of the shares of stock of deal entered into by Rappler, two tranches –the first PDR cer- Israel and Japan. Aboitiz Group president and
Rappler Inc. upon the issuance the PDR holder “only retains an tificate on May 29,2015, relating In 2021, NBM raised USD2.7 CEO Sabin Aboitiz also lauded
of the PDRs,” it said. option to purchase the underly- 264,601 shares in RI and were million for Vietcetera, a Viet- Marcos’ economic vision for
Paragraph 4 of the PDR in- ing shares of RI subject to cer- put in escrow with the agent. nam-based digital media net- the country.
strument stipulates that the tain conditions e.g. that there is It issued the second PDR cer- work . Aboitiz, who also serves as
tififcate inn July 2015 in favor NBM co-founder Sasa Vucin- lead convenor of the Private
of NBM, relating to 11,764,117 ic, is Serbian journalist who Sector Advisory Council, said
underlying shares in RI. co-founded the Media Develop- the Philippine private sector is
The CTA said there is no ment Investment Fund (MDIF) willing to partner with the big
legal basis in the imputed in 1995 originally with funding and best businesses overseas
gain of RHC in the amount from businessman George So- to realize the country’s goals,
of PHP162,412,783 allegedly ros’ Open Society Institute. considering the huge amount
treated as trading income. By 2012, the fund made over of money needed for the Mar-
Meanwhile, Solicitor Gener- USD100 million in loans to me- cos administration’s ambitious
al Menardo Guevarra said they dia outfits in 200 projects in 30 infrastructure projects, such as
have yet to receive a formal countries with an estimated au- roads, ports, and airports.
copy of the ruling and will study dience of 36 million receiving “So when you have that dual
the implications, if any, of the news from MDIF-funded media. type of respect for each other,
decision. OM was put up in 2004 by it excites people and the Presi-
“(T)he OSG will surely dis- eBay founder Pierre Omidyar dent’s belief in the private sector
cuss the matter with the BIR and calls itself a “philanthrop- is very strong,” he said. “So we’re
(Bureau of Internal Revenue) ic investment firm”. Among gonna need a lot of the funds to
and the DOJ (Department of the organization’s beneficiary come in to the agriculture. So
Justice) to determine if any fur- was the Wikimedia Foundation we’re gonna need a lot of the
ther action is warranted,” Gue- which is the hosting non-profit funds and the expertise from
Rappler CEO Maria Ressa (PCOO) varra said . platform for Wikipedia. ■ countries around the world.” ■
8 Philippine News JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

PNP probes abduction of dev’t

workers in Cebu
BY CHRISTOPHER LLOYD Gen. Jeary Bearis to get all the details men town where they were able to con-
CALIWAN that could shed light on the kidnapping tact their families.
Philippine News Agency which was caught on video and went vi- Gumanao was among those arrested
ral on social media. and charged for holding a protest action
Correspondent/Hosts “There was a report that they (alleged in front of the University of the Philip-
Joanna Belle Deala
Arianne Grace Lacanilao MANILA – Philippine National Police abductors) are policemen, we are check- pines Cebu campus in June 2020 over the
Matte Laurel (PNP) chief Gen. Rodolfo Azurin Jr. has ing if they are indeed policemen, we re- alleged sloppy response of the national
Violeta Arevalo
Babes Newland
ordered an investigation into the alleged ally need to confirm this,” he added. government to the Covid-19 pandemic.
abduction of two development workers Development workers Dyan Guman- The case against her and seven other ac-
Graphic Design supposedly carried out by police officers ao and Armand Dayoha had just arrived tivists was dismissed three months later.
Shanice Garcia
Ginno Alcantara at a port in Cebu on Jan. 10. at a port in Cebu City from Cagayan De Azurin said they need to get the state-
Arlnie Colleene Talain Singca In a radio interview Tuesday, Azurin Oro City when a group of men allegedly ments of the two development workers
said he tasked Police Regional Office shoved them inside a white van. to expedite the investigation. ■
Account Manager
Kristopher Yong (PRO) 7 (Central Visayas) director Brig. They were later dropped off in Car-

Boom Dayupay

Ginno Alcantara Bill seeks to expand legal aid, use
of funds for distressed OFWs
Alan Yong

BY WILNARD BACELONIA, regulations in using the Legal Assistance Workers that will enhance the capacity
For photo submissions, please email
MARITA MOAJE Fund (LAF) for overseas Filipinos. of DMW to assist OFWs.
[email protected] Philippine News Agency DMW Undersecretary Bernard Olalia Funding
said the measure would help engage oth- DFA Undersecretary Eduardo Jose
For General Inquiries, please email
[email protected]
er stakeholders who are willing to pro- de Vega said PHP215 million of LAF was
MANILA – The Senate must prioritize vide free legal assistance to OFWs. disbursed to assist 6,467 overseas Filipi-
For Sales Inquiries, please email a bill that will ensure the availability of “’Yung mga paralegal po natin, ‘yung nos in 2022.
[email protected]
or visit
legal assistance and funds for distressed magtatapos ng abogasya, kinakailangan “We always have a high utilization
‘’ overseas Filipino workers (OFWs). po natin ito. Sa katunayan po ang DMW rate kasi wala kaming dine-deny na legal
Senate Majority Leader Joel Villan- ay may mga itinatag na MOU (Memo- assistance basta ni-request (because we
Philippine Canadian Inquirer is located at ueva said he has already filed Senate Bill randum of Understanding) na sa iba’t never deny any request for legal assis-
#1820-666 Burrard Street
Vancouver BC V6C 2X8 Canada 1448 that would amend Republic Act ibang mga university at sila po ay tumu- tance),” de Vega said.
8042 or the Migrant Workers and Over- tulong sa pagpo-provide ng legal service He also thanked the senators for sepa-
seas Filipinos Act to benefit about 10.6 sa ating mga OFW (Our paralegals, those rating the funds of the DFA and DMW in
Email: [email protected],
[email protected] million overseas Filipinos around the who are about to finish law school, we assisting overseas Filipinos.
globe, especially those in need. need this. In fact, the DMW has signed Under the rules, the DMW would an-
Instagram: @pcinews_ig Given the number of abused OFWs, MOUs with different universities and swer for the legal expenses of OFWs us-
Twitter: @pcinews_twt Villanueva emphasized the need to ex- they are helping provide legal services to ing the AKSYON Fund.
pand the system for the provision of le- our OFWs),” Olalia said. The DFA would shoulder the legal ex-
Youtube: gal assistance. Senator Raffy Tulfo has also filed penses of overseas Filipinos who are not
“To curtail further delay in the use Senate Bill No. 1175 or An Act Encour- OFWs and of OFWs in countries without
Philippine Canadian Inquirer
is published weekly every Friday.
of the Agarang Kalinga at Saklolo para aging New Lawyer-Scholars to Provide
sa mga OFW na Nangangailangan Free Legal Services to Overseas Filipino ❱❱ PAGE 11 Bill seeks to
Copies are distributed free throughout Metro
Vancouver, Edmonton, Calgary, and Greater Toronto. (AKSYON) Fund, the bill will allow the
The views and opinions expressed in the articles
Secretary of Foreign Affairs to delegate
(including opinions expressed in ads herein) are those the authority to approve an expenditure
of the authors named, and are not necessarily those of
Philippine Canadian Inquirer Editorial Team. chargeable to the fund to the head of the
PCI reserves the right to reject any advertising which
post,” he said Tuesday during a hearing
it considers to contain false or misleading information conducted by the Committee on Mi-
or involves unfair or unethical practices. The advertiser
agrees the publisher shall not be liable for damages grant Workers.
arising out of error in any advertisment. Villanueva cited data from the Over-
seas Workers Welfare Administration
Member (OWWA) that said the Middle East is a
hotspot for cases of abuse involving OFWs.
“According to OWWA, there are 6,035
cases of maltreatment/mistreatment
in the Middle East, while there are only
679 cases in Asia, Europe, and Americas
combined,” he said.
The Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) and Department of Migrant
Workers (DMW) supported Villanueva’s
measure, seeing that it can pull out the Distressed Filipino workers are leaving Kuwait in this photo taken on Tuesday (Jan. 17, 2023). (DE-
“limitations” in the existing rules and PARTMENT OF MIGRANT WORKERS/FACEBOOK)

Gong Xi Fa Cai
Let's hope that the Year of the Water Rabbit
will hop into us with many sweet surprises.

Happy Lunar New Year!
10 JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Canada News
Canada, a superpower? Here’s how the
country might one day fit the bill
BY ​​THOMAS KLASSEN, York temperate and suitable for ag- mained civil, with all stakehold- greater personal freedoms, such a transition would be pref-
University, Canada riculture and other activities, a ers willing to listen to each other. Canada’s multicultural policies erable to other scenarios, such as
The Conversation trend expected to continue in Providing inspiration are a beacon of hope in a world China or Russia assuming more
the decades to come. Superpowers are not only often scarred by religious, eth- dominant roles in global affairs.
Economic powerhouse countries that dominate in var- nic and tribal battles. A shift in global power relations
For the foreseeable future, the In some ways Canada is al- ious spheres, but also countries Where will Canada be in would occur at a leisurely pace
United States will probably re- ready a superpower. Its econom- that command the aspiration 2223? and with minimal disruption.
main the world’s most powerful ic output is the eighth largest in of — and provide inspiration for Much like when the U.S. In 1776, with a population of
nation. Yet, like any champion, it the world. The seven countries — people around the globe. For steadily assumed the role of un- 2.5 million, few imagined that
must watch for challengers and with larger economies have big- two centuries, the U.S. has made challenged superpower from within two centuries, the U.S.
head them off. At present, Chi- ger populations than Canada. its national dream one that oth- Great Britain during the first half would become the dominant
na’s rise on the global stage trou- Even with a short growing sea- ers around the world sought to of the 20th century, it might be superpower. It’s not inconceiv-
bles Washington. A few decades son and relatively small area de- attain. American-style democ- that Canada gradually becomes able that Canada could perform
ago, it was the Soviet Union. voted to agriculture, Canada is racy was the gold standard. a great power this century — per- the same feat by 2223. ■
But will future contenders the fifth largest exporter of agri- This is now less and less the haps first as a partner to the Unit-
for superpower status be much food and seafood products. case. The “city on a hill” acting ed States, but then increasingly This article is republished
closer — specifically, north of But economic strength is only as a beacon of hope for others supplanting its neighbour. from The Conversation under a
the U.S. border? The British one measure of a global power. has morphed in recent decades For many around the world, Creative Commons license.
Empire ended in the mid-20th Another is having the resources into a selfish “America-first”
century when it was outma- that others need. In that regard, environment.
noeuvred not by one of its long- Canada is extraordinarily rich American citizens have
time rivals, France or Germany, in natural resources, including grown disillusioned by their po-
but rather by its ally, the U.S. clean water. Regardless of fu- larized politics, while outsiders
Could Canada do the same? ture economic, environmental question the excesses that drive
Canada’s population is just a and technological trends, the U.S. capitalism. Donald Trump’s
fraction of its southern neigh- country will be an energy and years in the White House have
bour’s, but Prime Minister natural resources superpower. left many dismayed about the
Justin Trudeau’s Liberal gov- Two other elements are future of their country and wid-
ernment has announced an am- needed for superpower status: ened the divisions between Re-
bitious plan to bring in 500,000 a political system that provides publicans and Democrats.
immigrants each year by 2025. strong governance and a na- As neighbours, Canadians
The vast majority will be tional culture that’s appealing shake their heads in wonder
young and selected via mer- to its own citizens and to people at the inequities, lack of public
it-based criteria that give prior- around the world. health care, lax gun control and
ity to education and workplace Canadian politics prizes sta- debates over abortion and im-
skills. Canada’s population in bility and moderation, both migration that dominate and
relation to the U.S. has also been hallmarks of a superpower. divide American politics.
slowly increasing for decades Social change occurs with few Canadian culture, shaped by
and is growing at a faster pace. ideological battles. For exam- the country’s history of being a
Canada and the U.S. are ple, becoming the first devel- fragment of both the British and
roughly the same size, both oped country to legalize the use French empires, has aspired to
accounting for 6.1 per cent of and sale of recreational canna- promote equality, both between
the world’s land mass. Much of bis happened with scant con- individuals and groups, although
Canada’s land at present is cold, troversy or social division. it’s failed in its abysmal treat-
barren and largely uninhabit- Even on expanding the scope ment of Indigenous Peoples.
able. But climate change has of medical assistance in dying Nonetheless, in an age of
made Canada’s landscape more legislation, Canadians have re- globalization and demand for
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Canada News 11

Canada’s new COVID test rules: Targeting

travellers from China will not stop globally
circulating Omicron subvariant
BY JENNIFER FANG, Simon Although governments have restricting travel. Public health
Fraser University, JULIANNE justified the measures as sci- messaging should challenge pop-
PIPER, Simon Fraser ence-based, consensus on ef- ulist-stoked narratives that, for
University, KELLEY LEE, fective border management example, wearing masks during
Simon Fraser University during this pandemic remains a flight is a violation of individual
The Conversation elusive. Chinese officials were liberty. Instead, appropriate use
swift to dismiss the new mea- of testing, masking and vaccina-
sures as politically motivated. tion enhances personal freedoms
In a throwback to January This is difficult to dispute given by creating a safer environment
2020, when the novel corona- that previous measures target- for all travellers.
virus SARS-CoV-2 began to ing select countries were inef- Finally, travel measures
be detected outside of China, fective in preventing introduc- should be applied in ways that
many countries have again ad- tion of globally circulating new enhance — rather than deter —
opted measures targeted at variants such as Omicron. data sharing. The use of targeted
travellers from China. These Effective use of testing as a travel restrictions against south-
measures include flight restric- travel measure ern African countries in 2021 did
tions, pre-departure testing Available evidence shows that little to slow the Omicron vari-
and blanket entry bans. testing combined with other mea- ant. The restrictions may have
As of Jan. 5, 2023, air trav- sures can reduce SARS-CoV-2 Toronto Pearson Airport allowed politicians to reassure
ellers from China, Hong Kong introduction from a high- to a their constituents at home that
and Macau over two years of low-incidence setting, if applied ready circulating in other coun- search at the Pandemics and something was being done but,
age entering Canada must pro- early, universally and stringently. tries” during much of 2022. Borders Project identifies les- in practice, reporting countries
vide proof of a negative COVID Testing must be aligned with Should a new variant emerge, sons for their use three years were simply punished for alert-
test prior to departure. the evolving science about the targeted measures like those now into the COVID-19 pandemic. ing the world to an already glob-
This latest round of travel accuracy of different tests and being applied would still have First, there is unlikely to be ally circulating variant.
measures is in response to a the incubation periods of differ- limited preventive effect. This is capacity or political will to test Similarly, insufficient data
dramatic surge in new corona- ent variants. Testing must also because global patterns of travel travellers universally and repeat- sharing is currently cited as a
virus infections in China. be appropriately combined with mean passengers mix with large edly to prevent the introduction key reason for travel measures
Following widespread pro- other proven measures, notably numbers of other people along of any new variant of concern. targeting Chinese travellers.
tests against the prolonged quarantine and contact tracing, their journeys, often transiting Instead, randomized testing of Rather than complying, howev-
zero COVID policy in Novem- to prevent onward transmission. through several countries. all travellers, with genomic se- er, the Chinese government has
ber 2022, the Chinese govern- The introduction of pre-de- Moreover, reliance on a single quencing of positive test results, begun to retaliate by restricting
ment dismantled its strictest parture testing alone, for se- 48-hour pre-departure testing would provide critical surveil- short term visas for travellers
COVID-19 rules with remarkable lected travellers arriving from window overlooks variable incu- lance data points at a time when from South Korea and Japan.
speed. This included permission targeted countries, will not bation periods, false negatives, the virus is rapidly evolving and With the virus continuing to
for Chinese nationals, who were advance these goals for several or new exposures during the moving about through travel. change and circulate globally in
largely banned from travelling reasons. By the time a variant or time window prior to departure. This should be supplement- the foreseeable future, govern-
abroad during the pandemic, to subvariant is identified as con- Finally, it makes little sense ed with testing of wastewater ments would do well not to re-
leave the country as of Jan. 8. cerning, the volume of human to test selected incoming travel- from, for example, airplanes peat past mistakes. Instead they
The abrupt change in direc- mobility worldwide means it lers to slow introductions while and cruise ships. Testing of should seek ways to improve
tion, combined with low popu- will have already spread to oth- lifting public health measures travellers for population and how decisions are made on the
lation immunity, led to a spike er countries not targeted. and allowing uncontrolled do- sentinel surveillance would use of travel measures during
in infections and deaths. This The two known Omicron mestic transmission. support early warning of new the current and future public
unfolding tragedy, amid limited lineages driving the surge in How should travel mea- variants of concern. health emergencies. ■
transparency and data sharing infections among a low-immu- sures be used now? Second, proven travel mea-
by the Chinese government, is nity Chinese population — sub- Following the uncoordinated sures should be reframed as This article is republished
stoking fears worldwide of a po- variants BA.5.2 and BF.7 — are and often chaotic use of travel practices to enhance risk mit- from The Conversation under a
tential new variant of concern. described as “known and… al- measures worldwide, our re- igation, enabling rather than Creative Commons license.

Bill seeks to..

❰❰ 8 migrant worker offic- company Saudi Oger in Riyadh The deadline for registration crash that left employers, mostly up sa aming (Not a week goes
es using LAF. to register and submit missing through the link is on Jan. 19 construction firms, unable to pay by that we do not follow up on
The LAF could be documents for faster process- but Ople said they requested for salaries and other benefits. our) Saudi Arabia counterpart,”
availed of by both OFWs and over- ing of their claims. an extension. Of the total, 8,000 were from Ople said. “Ang sabi sa amin
seas Filipinos while the AKSYON In a video link sent by the DMW Inquiries may be sent via Saudi Oger. may formal notice na parating
Fund will be used to provide legal to the media on Tuesday, Secre- email to Yousef-alswailem@ Ople, who is part of the World para matuloy na ‘yung aming
and other forms of assistance to tary Susan Ople said that through while request Economic Forum delegation in pagpunta within this month,
OFWs, separate from the funds Undersecretary Py Caunan, the for assistance can be sent at Davos, Switzerland, assured the sa buwan ng Enero (We were
managed by the DFA. Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia DMW’s [email protected]. DMW is regularly following up told that there is a formal no-
Unpaid wages instructed the unpaid workers to A total of 11,000 OFWs were on their case. tice coming so that we can go
Meanwhile, the DMW asked update their data through http:// displaced from Saudi Arabia from “Walang lumilipas na ling- ahead within this month, in the
former workers of construction 2015 to 2017 due to an oil price go na hindi kami nag fa-follow month of January).” ■
12 Canada News JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

A national school food policy is no substitute

for reducing food insecurity
BY ELAINE POWER, claim. geting “the most vulnerable” families in a “best-case” sce- of parents, preschool age chil-
JENNIFER BRADY, DIAN Advocates for a national pro- kids. The opening lines of the nario. However, the study has a dren or others in the household,
DAY gram cheered when it was an- discussion paper on building a number of limitations. For ex- nor the long list of expenses and
Policy Options nounced that the ministers of pan-Canadian school food pol- ample, the study did not include bills that food insecure families
agriculture and agri-food, and icy links “too many” hungry a cost-benefit analysis, nor did struggle to pay.
families, children and social de- children at school with “too it account for the implications Food insecurity is a problem
This is just one step toward velopment would work together many families” unable to “reli- for other benefits that may de- of inadequate income and is
reducing poverty. The federal along with provincial, territori- ably access sufficient amounts crease, which could leave hun- one symptom of a broader prob-
government should also focus al and municipal governments, of nutritious food.” gry kids and their families no lem of poverty. The provision of
on policies like affordable hous- Indigenous partners and other This suggests that the federal better off. food will ease immediate needs,
ing and child-care fees. stakeholders on this policy. The government may be planning a Earlier research from 2003 but it cannot reduce household
There are many good reasons Coalition for Healthy School targeted approach rather than concluded that over the entire food insecurity. A household
to endorse a national school Food is the main stakeholder, a universal one. It also suggests year, the effect of school food with no food, limited food or
food policy. First is to support representing 220 non-profit that the government may use programs on food insecurity is an inconsistent food supply is
school-aged children having organizations from every prov- the development of a school limited. This makes sense con- struggling with many other is-
access to the nutritious food ince and territory. meal policy to stall on more sidering that children would sues, including paying rent or
they need for overall health and One of the coalition’s guiding effective ways of reducing the eat, at most, one meal per day, mortgage, utilities, medications
success at school. School food principles is universality. This high rates of food insecurity plus snacks, at school—but only and other expenses. Increasing
programs could help decrease is the concept that all children among Canadian families. when at school. It doesn’t in- household incomes is the only
parental stress about providing should have access to food in a A universal program may clude school absences, school effective remedy.
food for their kids while they non-stigmatizing way, and that alleviate the time and finan- closures or other breaks, sum- We agree that “far too many”
are at school. As well, depend- all children in Canada should cial burdens associated with mer holidays or professional families are food insecure in
ing on how policy translates enjoy the benefits of school preparing school lunches and development days. Canada. Almost one-in-six chil-
into action, a food program food programs. snacks. However, research con- Moreover, research shows dren in this country live in food
could foster positive attitudes Universality is important. ducted in high-income coun- mothers will do almost anything insecure households. House-
and healthy relationships to There are many reasons why tries has been inconclusive to protect their children from holds headed by a BIPOC par-
food and eating. Other bene- kids might be hungry at school about whether these programs hunger. If a child shows up hun- ent or with a single parent have
fits include developing food that have little to do with a reduce food insecurity. gry at school, it’s likely the whole even higher rates. This has pro-
literacy skills among students; lack of parental income. These One research project that household is under significant found effects on child health,
creating jobs and promoting include long bus rides, before- sought to model the hypothet- stress. The presence of a hun- including an increased risk of
economic development; sup- and after-school activities, ear- ical effects of adopting a U.S.- gry child is taken as a sign of the suicide ideation.
porting local sustainable agri- ly morning school starts that style school food program in most severe form of food inse- If the federal government is
culture; reinforcing students’ don’t give kids time to eat at Canada found modest improve- curity. School food programs do serious about its concern for
awareness of, and connections home, lack of appetite in the ment for the most food insecure nothing to alleviate the hunger families living in poverty, there
to, culture; and more. morning and the energy de- are several different policy re-
This is why we support a na- mands of growing bodies during sponses it can employ, starting
tional school food policy. But unpredictable growth spurts. with a redesign of the Canada
it’s clear that the high rate of Universality eliminates the Child Benefit to better support
poverty and food insecurity stigma associated with non-uni- low-income families. Campaign
among families with children versal programs; it is stigma that 2000 has a comprehensive list
cannot be fixed by a school food keeps some hungry kids from ac- of other reforms that could
policy alone. cessing the food they need. When effectively reduce high child
The federal government’s school food programs are target- poverty rates in Canada, and
claim that school food programs ed only to low-income kids, some thus household food insecuri-
could reduce food insecurity is parents may be reluctant to allow ty. In their annual report card,
concerning. This rhetoric was their children to participate for No One Left Behind: Strategies
found in the initial budget an- fear that they could be reported for an Inclusive Recovery, rec-
nouncement, discussion paper to provincial authorities because ommendations include policy
and consultation questionnaire of lack of food in the home. This action on homelessness and
about the development of a na- legitimate concern goes far be- affordable housing, set and
tional school food policy. It was yond embarrassment, shame or geared-to-income child-care
also reiterated in the National “stigma.” fees, increasing the minimum
Advisory Council on Poverty’s And yet, in the 2022 budget, wage, employment insurance
2022 report. However, there is the federal government framed
little evidence to support this their proposed policy as tar- ❱❱ PAGE 18 A national school

Proposed PH sovereign.. Senators eyeing to..

❰❰ 6 is expecting a strong my to grow by around 7 percent, when it comes to business. man of the Tony Blair Institute ❰❰ 6 violates any of its pro-
full-year gross do- Marcos said during the Country “There should be some kind For Global Change, said during visions or promulgat-
mestic product (GDP) Strategy Dialogue. of stability, some kind of con- his meeting with Marcos. ed rules and regula-
growth for 2022, most likely Consistency sistency whichever way you’re Blair issued the statement, as tions by a fine of not less than
much faster than its growth tar- In a separate meeting with going. So in terms of policy from he noted that the Philippines’ PHP1,000 to not more than
get of 6.5 to 7.5 percent. Marcos, former United Kingdom the political end, I think it’s im- standing last year was “not PHP100,000, and the revocation
For 2022, the government Prime Minister Tony Blair stressed portant,” Blair, who concurrent- quite good.” ■ of its business permit and/or ban
forecasts the country’s econo- the importance of “consistency” ly serves as the executive chair- of its product from the market. ■
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Canada News 13

Alberta’s new policy on psychedelic drug

treatment for mental illness: Will Canada
lead the psychedelic renaissance?
BY ERIKA DYCK, University Early psychedelic research described as objects of unethi- patient accounts are competing much about spiritual health as
of Saskatchewan There is some precedent for cal research, recreational abuse for our attention. physical or mental health.
The Conversation taking the lead. In the 1950s and and personal risk including in- Meanwhile, the growing bur- This cosmology and ap-
‘60s, an earlier generation of jury and even death. den of mental illness continues proach does not easily fit under
researchers pioneered the first Underground chemists and to overwhelm our health-care the Canada Health Act, nor is it
Patients in Alberta will now wave of psychedelic science, consumers tried to combat this systems. Psychedelics are being obvious who should be respon-
be able to legally consider add- including Canadian-based image, suggesting that psyche- held up as a potential solution. sible for regulating or adminis-
ing psychedelic-assisted ther- psychiatrists who coined the delics provided intellectual and But, magic mushrooms are not tering rituals that sit outside of
apy to the list of treatment word psychedelic and made spiritual insights and enhanced magic bullets. our health-care system. These
options available for mental headlines for dramatic break- creativity. Beyond the medical mar- differences in how we might
illnesses. throughs using LSD to treat al- Most jurisdictions around ketplace imagine the value of psychedel-
Alberta psychiatrists and coholism. the world criminalized psy- Historically hallucinogenic ics is an opportunity to rethink
policymakers suggest that they Vancouver-based therapists chedelics, whether for clinical substances have defied simple the place of Indigenous knowl-
are getting ahead of the curve also used LSD and psilocybin research or personal exper- categorization as medicines, edge in health systems.
by creating regulations to en- mushrooms to treat depres- imentation. Indigenous and spiritual enhancers, toxins, sa- We are well positioned to
sure the safe use of non-western uses of cred substances, rave drugs, etc. take a sober approach to the
these hallucinogenic hallucinogenic plants Whether or not Health Canada, psychedelic hype, which has
substances in a thera- of course stretch back or the province of Alberta, re- been driven in large part by fi-
peutically supported even further in histo- classifies psychedelics as a bona nancial interests, and consider
environment. As of ry, and these too came fide therapeutic option, these what aspects of the psychedelic
Jan. 16, the option is under legal scrutiny psychoactive substances will experience we want to preserve.
available only through ... by the end of the 1960s through a combination continue to attract consumers Now may be a good time to
registered and licensed psychedelics had earned a of colonial pressures to outside of clinical settings. reinvest in our public institu-
psychiatrists in the assimilate and a loom- Canada has an opportunity tions to ensure that psyche-
province. reputation for recreational ing war on drugs that to take the lead once more in delics don’t simply become
Alberta’s new policy use and clinical abuse. did not distinguish be- this so-called psychedelic re- another pharmaceutical option
may set a precedent tween religious prac- naissance. But, it might be our that profits private investors.
that moves Canadians tices and drug-seeking chance to invest in more sus- Instead, we have an opportuni-
one step closer to ac- behaviours. tainable solutions to harm re- ty with psychedelics to rethink
cepting psychedelics as The return of psy- duction and ways of including how a war on drugs has harmed
medicinal substances, chedelics Indigenous perspectives, rather individuals and communities
but historically these In the last decade, than racing to push psychedelics and how we might want to build
drugs were widely sought out sion and homosexuality. While regulations prohibiting psy- into the medical marketplace. a better relationship with phar-
for recreational and non-clin- homosexuality was considered chedelics have started relax- Indigenous approaches to sa- maceuticals. ■
ical purposes. And, if cannabis both illegal and a mental disor- ing. The U.S. Food and Drug cred plants are not only about
has taught us anything, medi- der until later in the 1970s, psy- Administration has designated consuming substances, but in- This article is republished
calizing may simply be a short chedelic therapists pushed back breakthrough therapy status to volve preparation, intention and from The Conversation under a
stop before decriminalizing and against these labels as patients MDMA and psilocybin, based integration, often structured in Creative Commons license.
commercializing. treated for same-sex attraction on their performance in clin- ritualistic settings that are as
Psychedelic drugs — includ- more often experienced feel- ical trials with post-traumat-
ing LSD, psilocybin (magic ings of acceptance — reactions ic stress disorder (PTSD) and
mushrooms), MDMA (ecstasy) that aligned this particular ap- treatment-resistant depres-
and DMT (ayahuasca) — are proach in Vancouver with the sion, respectively.
criminalized substances in gay rights movement. Health Canada has provided
most jurisdictions around the Despite positive reports of exemptions for the use of psi-
world, but some people are sug- clinical benefits, by the end of the locybin for patients with end-
gesting it is time to re-imagine 1960s psychedelics had earned a of-life anxiety, and has started
them as medicines. A few places reputation for recreational use approving suppliers and thera-
are even considering decrimi- and clinical abuse. And, there pists interested in working with
nalizing psychedelics altogeth- was good reason to draw these psychedelic-assisted psycho-
er, claiming that naturally oc- connections, as psychedelic therapy. Training programs for
curring plants like mushrooms, drugs had moved from pharma- psychedelic therapists are pop-
even “magic” ones, should not ceutical experimentation into ping up across Canada, perhaps
be subject to legal restrictions. mainstream culture, and some anticipating a change in regu-
In the wake of cannabis re- researchers had come under lation and the current lack of
forms, it appears that psyche- scrutiny for unethical practices. trained professionals ready to
delics may be the next target Regulation and criminal- deliver psychedelic medicine.
in the dismantling of the war ization At the moment, the next gen-
on drugs. Canada made bold Most legal psychedelics eration of scientific research on
strides internationally with its ground to a halt in the 1970s psychedelics still lags behind
widespread cannabis decrim- with a set of regulatory prohibi- the popular enthusiasm that
inalization, but are Canadians tions and cultural backlash. In has catapulted these substances
ready to lead the psychedelic public health reports since the into the mainstream. Celebri-
renaissance? 1970s, psychedelics have been ty testimonials and compelling
14 JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

World News
Vietnamese president resigns
amid corruption scandals
Anadolu ing to the Vietnam News website. ments,” the party said: “The Cen-
Philippine News Agency Phuc stepped down after the tral Committee noted that during
13th-tenure Central Committee his term, Phuc must bear the ‘po-
of the Communist Party of Viet- litical responsibility of the leader’
ISTANBUL -- Vietnam’s nam decided Tuesday “to relieve as many officials, including two
President Nguyen Xuan Phuc Nguyen Xuan Phuc of all duties, deputy prime ministers and three
stepped down on Tuesday, tak- including the presidency, Politbu- ministers, had committed viola-
ing responsibility for alleged vi- ro, and Party Central Committee tions and shortcomings, causing
olations committed by his min- membership, and chairman of the very serious consequences.”
isters with regard to Covid-19 National Defense and Security “Fully aware of his responsibil-
response management. Council for the 2021-26 term.” ities before the party and people,
The ministers were found to Acknowledging that Phuc Comrade Nguyen Xuan Phuc has
have “committed violations in made “many efforts in leading the submitted an application to re-
connection with Covid-19 test kits national Covid-19 response and sign from his assigned positions,
and repatriation flights,” accord- achieved important accomplish- and retire,” the party said. ■ Nguyen Xuan Phuc (UN GENEVA/FLICKR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

Russia is using drones to target Ukrainian

electricity and erode morale
BY JAMES HORNCASTLE, overwhelming casualties in the of morale This is not a new development. pecially given Russia’s declining
Simon Fraser University initial phases of the conflict. Stabilization, however, is not Russia had sought to weaponize missile stocks, it is employing a
The Conversation Russian losses enough for Russia. The longer Ukrainian refugees at the out- 21st-century weapon: drones.
The loss of these soldiers for the war continues, the more set of the conflict. Drones are both cheap and
Russia, with estimates of more damaging it is for both the Rus- Targeting civilians hard to defend against when em-
Russian officials, as well as than 100,000 dead, injured or sian state and its leadership. Now, with winter conditions ployed en masse, at least in a man-
many outside observers, be- deserted, has proven devastat- There are also indications and inadequate supplies pre- ner that’s not cost-prohibitive.
lieved that Russia’s invasion of ing for the army. that the Russian army is severe- venting the Russian army from With probable aid from Iran, Rus-
Ukraine on Feb. 24, 2022, would Russia’s efforts to replace ly lacking equipment. It needs fully continuing conventional sia has flooded the country with
be a rapid affair. The war, howev- these soldiers have become in- the war to end sooner rather operations, it is directly targeting this cheap, and deadly, weapon.
er, has defied these expectations. creasingly desperate. Even the than later. Ukraine’s civilian population. Electricity disruptions
As we approach the one-year Wagner Group, a highly trained In order to win, or at least The target of Russian attacks, With electricity in Ukraine
anniversary of the conflict, Rus- mercenary unit that was unoffi- declare victory, it needs to un- as a result, is public infrastruc- constantly disrupted by Rus-
sia instead finds itself stuck in cially part of the Russian army, dermine Ukraine’s greatest ture, especially electricity, with sian attacks, the Ukrainian pop-
a protracted conflict with no has resorted to recruiting crim- strength: the morale and spirit the aim of causing demoralizing ulation faces a difficult choice —
easy exit. Russia, in order to inals in an effort to replace their of the Ukrainian people. hardship for Ukrainian civilians. to remain in the country under
achieve the off-ramp it desper- depleted manpower. Ukrainian morale has been Direct attacks against civil- such conditions or flee abroad.
ately seeks, is now more than The Russian state even went the country’s greatest asset in ians contravene the Fourth Ge- This choice, and the helpless-
ever focusing on targeting the so far as to enact a partial mobi- the conflict. Despite the dev- neva Convention and its sub- ness it instils, is Russia’s plan. The
Ukrainian home front. lization of reservists in Septem- astating effects of modern war, sequent amendments. These Ukrainian government has al-
Russia’s changing strategy ber 2022. This proved highly morale in Ukraine remains amendments, however, contain ready been forced to ask refugees
for the conflict is the result of damaging for Russian morale, high. It directly transfers to a significant flaw. Attacks that from the conflict to remain abroad
the weakness of its convention- with men fleeing the country to the battlefield, and has been a cause harm to civilians are al- due to the limited electricity.
al forces. The Russian army, in avoid conscription. strength of the Ukrainian army lowed so long as it is not dispro- Ukrainian determination, if
short, possessed severe struc- This decline occurred de- since the war’s outset. portionate to the “direct mili- anything, has become more res-
tural problems that limited its spite indications that Russian Russia’s deplorable actions tary advantage anticipated.” olute in the face of such tasks.
offensive capabilities. authorities focused their mobi- in occupied Ukraine, further- This loophole in the Geneva Morale, however, is a concept
Furthermore, Russia’s efforts lization efforts on the Russian more, have stoked Ukrainian Conventions is what Russia now as fragile as it is strong. Concert-
to win the war in a rapid man- Federation’s minorities in or- sentiment against Russia. exploits in Ukraine. Russia in the ed efforts must be made, both in
ner while minimizing strain on der to minimize the impact on With Russia’s military un- fall started systemic bombing Ukraine and abroad, to keep it
its people meant that units de- ethnic Russians. While the ef- able to meet the government’s efforts to target Ukraine’s power high in the face of such attacks. ■
signed to be supported by large fort was initially devastating for political objective of a quick grid and infrastructure in an ef-
numbers of conscripts instead Russian morale, it did stabilize end to the war, Russia has re- fort to break Ukrainian morale. This article is republished
went directly to the front. The re- the front lines of the conflict. doubled its efforts to weapon- While such a campaign would from The Conversation under a
sult was that these units suffered Ukraine has the advantage ize the Ukrainian population. normally be cost-prohibitive, es- Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 World News 15

Prince Harry says his military kills

were like chess pieces – the problem
of seeing war as a game
BY EMMA BREEZE, exemplified by the use of drones Gamification is partly a result erators, means that pilots may kill missions after returning to
University of Birmingham (unmanned aerial vehicles) in of hundreds of years of warfare spend longer observing their base. This review is essential
The Conversation the US war on terror. becoming more remote from targets, and have a greater un- for compliance with the law of
Along with this has come its face-to-face combat origins. derstanding of the impact of armed conflict, and to ensure
gamification of warfare, where This has been a topic of debate their attacks than ever before. that the objectives for each mis-
Amid the many salacious military operations and war since medieval times. The long- Drone operators continue sion have been met.
revelations in Prince Harry’s video games have become in- bow allowed English archers to watch events post-attack to These factors, combined with
memoir, Spare, one of the most distinguishable in some re- to shoot from over half a mile assess the extent of the dam- the somewhat isolated environ-
concerning was not about his gards. Over the last decade or away, leading to the eventual age. While Harry flew as a heli- ments where remote weapons
family. Harry revealed that he so, militaries have used tech demise of rules of chivalry on copter pilot, he wrote in Spare
killed 25 members of the Tali- like video game controllers to the battlefield. about watching videos of the ❱❱ PAGE 18 Prince Harry says
ban while serving in Afghani- carry out missions. And the More recently, the rise of air
stan, and that he viewed them gaming industry has spent large power significantly increased
like pieces on a chessboard. His sums of money to improve hu- the distance involved in warfare.
comments sparked criticism man-computer interactions, This led to arguments that the
from top military figures and which can aid in military train- further a target is from an attack-
prompted Afghan families to ing and improve the technology er, the less the attacker may be
call for his prosecution. used during combat. aware of the human cost. In turn,
Harry’s comments suggest The International Committee this could result in the dehuman-
that military technology has ad- of the Red Cross, aware of the isation of warfare, meaning the
vanced such that a soldier can increasing realism of computer attacker may not fully appreciate
say with certainty the number games such as Call of Duty: War- the impact of their destruction.
of kills they have made. But it zone and Battlefield, have been The research on this is mixed,
also reveals how much “gamifi- working with games producers but there is increasing evidence
cation” of warfare could become to enhance their compliance that the cost on drone operators
part of the military mindset. with international humanitarian is substantial.
Advancements in technology law. Just as in real life, the ICRC While technology has “gam-
have allowed warfare to become believes that these games should ified” war it has also brought
more remote and operators include virtual consequences for conflict home in a way not seen
more distant from their targets. gamers’ actions, and that players before. The advanced optics and
Some argue that this makes should be rewarded for following surveillance cameras equipped
them more likely to make risky the rules of armed conflict. to modern aircraft, and cer-
decisions. Remote warfare is Distant warfare tainly in the case of drone op- Prince Harry (EVA RINALDI/FLICKR, CC BY-SA 2.0)

UK teachers, nurses to strike further over

pay disputes
Xinhua ible solution is to address the shortages and increasing work- “This dispute can be resolved have demanded are unafford-
Philippine News Agency tens of thousands of unfilled loads have created near-impos- without recourse to strike action. able, and higher pay would not
jobs -- patient care is suffering sible conditions,” she added. We are willing to enter into ne- help fight inflation.
like never before,” RCN Gener- Over the last year, the UK gotiations at any time, any place, The widespread strikes have
LONDON – Further strikes al Secretary Pat Cullen said. has seen record-high inflation, but this situation cannot go on,” dealt a further blow to the UK’s
were announced by teachers Interim Chief Executive Saf- with the consumer prices index the union said on Twitter. already struggling economy.
and nurses in the United King- fron Cordery at NHS Providers, (CPI) rising by 10.7 percent in A 5 percent pay rise offered in Transportation and storage
dom (UK) on Monday, amid the the membership organization November. July actually equates to a 7 per- fell month on month in Novem-
continued cost-of-living crisis for NHS trusts in England, said However, wages have failed cent pay cut due to the soaring ber, driven to some extent by
and lengthy disputes over pay. the strike escalation was “very to keep up. inflation, the NEU noted. postal and railway strikes, and
If progress is not made in ne- worrying.” Salaries for experienced There has also been a decline in the short term, the strikes
gotiations by the end of January, “We’ve seen how disruptive nurses are 20 percent lower in of more than 20 percent in re- pose a risk to growth, a Credit
February will see the most wide- these strikes can be, and more ex- real terms than in 2010, due to al-term pay for teachers over Suisse report said on Friday.
spread strike so far by National tensive industrial action is likely successive below-inflation pay the past decade and educators The total direct and indirect
Health Service (NHS) nursing to have an even greater impact. awards, the RCN noted. are leaving the profession in cost of the strikes is estimated
staff, the Royal College of Nurs- Nobody wants this to continue Also on Monday, the Nation- their droves, it added. for at least 1.7 billion pounds
ing (RCN) said on Monday. happening,” Cordery noted. al Education Union (NEU) an- Since last summer, the UK (USD2 billion) over the eight-
The planned strikes follow walk- “We understand how frus- nounced that its members had has been in the grip of a wave of month period to January 2023,
outs in December and January. trated nurses feel, and how voted in overwhelming numbers strikes. according to economist Karl
“We are doing this in a des- they have got into this point: to take strike action in February The government has locked Thompson at the Center for
perate bid to get ministers to below-inflation pay awards, the and March to demand a fully horns with the trade unions, Economics and Business Re-
rescue the NHS. The only cred- cost-of-living crisis, severe staff funded, above-inflation pay rise. saying the pay rises that unions search. ■
16 World News JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

China’s population growth sees

record fall in 6 decades
Anadolu It stated that there were 9.56 1950 that new births have fallen industrial system are compat- labor force is still greater than
Philippine News Agency million births, with a birth rate below 10 million and the third ible,” Kang replied when asked the demand. It doesn’t mean
of 6.77 per thousand. year the country’s birth rate has whether China’s population that once the total population is
“People don’t need to wor- fallen below 1%,” the Chinese will continue to decrease. “The decreasing and the demograph-
ISTANBUL – China, the ry too much, as the main issue daily Global Times reported. trend will continue.” ic dividend is gone,” Kang said,
world’s most populous coun- is whether the population, the China witnessed the national “The overall supply of the according to Shanghai Daily. ■
try, has seen negative growth in demographic structure and birth rate fell to 6.77 births for
2022, a historic drop in popula- industrial system are compati- every 1,000 people last year – a
tion in more than six decades, ble,” NBS Director Kang Yi said record low and down from 7.52
according to national data re- in response to a question about in 2021. It is the lowest rate
leased on Tuesday. whether China’s population since records began in 1949.
China’s total population will continue to decline. The NBS data shows that the
fell by 850,000 last year, the “The trend will continue,” he number of deaths exceeded the
National Bureau of Statistics projected. number of births last year, re-
(NBS) said in a statement. “The overall supply of the la- sulting in a decrease in the total
“By the end of 2022, the na- bor force is still greater than the population from 1.4126 billion in
tional population was 1,411.75 demand. It doesn’t mean that 2021 to 1.4118 billion last year.
million (including the popu- once the total population is de- Last year, the death rate was
lation of 31 provinces, auton- creasing and the demographic recorded at 7.37 per thousand,
omous regions, and munic- dividend is gone,” the Shanghai resulting in a national growth
ipalities and servicemen), a Daily quoted Kang as saying. rate of negative 0.6 per thou-
decrease of 0.85 million over “The decrease in China’s sand people.
that at the end of 2021,” the population in 2022 was main- The data revealed that 9.56
NBS statement said. ly caused by the drop in new million babies were born last
The data does not include births which was related to a year, a 9.98% drop from 10.62
residents of Hong Kong, Macao, decline in fertility intentions, million the previous earlier.
and Taiwan, as well as foreign- delay in marriage and child- “People don’t need to wor-
ers living in the 31 provinces, birth and the decrease of wom- ry too much, as the main issue
autonomous regions, and mu- en of childbearing age,” he said. is whether the population, the
nicipalities. It marks “the first time since demographic structure and

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FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 17

Fil-Am Miss USA wins Miss Universe 2022
BY AZER PARROCHA in fashion design with a minor is the oldest age to compete. I powering and progressive orga- to women who survived from
Philippine News Agency in fibers from the University of think it’s a beautiful thing. My nization if they won the title. human trafficking and domestic
North Texas. favorite quote is ‘If not now, then Gabriel said: “I would use it violence, and I say that because
She is currently the chief when?’ As a woman, I believe [the Miss Universe platform] to it is so important to invest in
MANILA – Filipino-Ameri- executive officer (CEO) of her that age does not define us. It’s be a transformational leader. As others, invest in our communi-
can beauty queen R’Bonney Ga- own sustainable clothing line, not tomorrow, it’s not yesterday, a very passionate designer, I’ve ty, and use your unique talent to
briel was crowned the 71st Miss R’Bonney Nola. but it’s now. The time is now that been sewing for 13 years. I use make a difference. We all have
Universe on Sunday morning Gabriel is also the lead sewing you can go after what you want.” fashion as a force for good. In something special and when
(Philippine time) during the instructor at Magpies & Peacocks, In the final Q&A segment, the my industry, I’m cutting down we plant those seeds to other
coronation ceremony held in a Houston-based non-profit de- Top 3 contenders were asked on pollution through recycled people in our life, we transform
New Orleans, Louisiana, US. sign house that is dedicated to how they would work to demon- materials when I make my them and we use that as a vehi-
The 28-year-old bested 83 using “Fashion As A Force For strate Miss Universe as an em- clothing. I teach sewing classes cle for change.”
other national delegates, in- Good” through sustainability and Meanwhile, Philippine con-
cluding Amanda Dudamel from community impact. testant Celeste Cortesi failed
Venezuela, who was the first She teaches sewing classes to to advance to the top 16, ending
runner-up followed by Andreí- women that have survived hu- the Philippines’ streak of en-
na Martínez from the Domini- man trafficking and domestic tering the pageant’s semi-finals
can Republic. violence. since 2010.
Gabriel is also the first Filipi- During the first round of Cortesi won Miss Universe
no-American to win Miss USA the Q&A segment, Gabriel was Philippines crown in May 2022.
in October last year. She was asked the following question: This year’s pageant was or-
born in Houston, Texas to Filipi- “Miss Universe recently made ganized for the first time by
no-American Remigio Bonzon an inclusive change, allowing JKN Global Group PCL, a Thai-
and American Dana Walker. mothers and married women to land-based media distribution
According to the Miss Uni- compete next year. What’s an- company, after tycoon and
verse website, Gabriel is “an other change that you’d like to transgender rights advocate
eco-friendly fashion designer, see, and why?” Anne Jakkaphong Jakrajutatip
model, and sewing instructor She replied: “For me, I would bought the Miss Universe Orga-
with an excitement for life.” like to see an age increase be- nization for USD20 million in
She has a bachelor’s degree cause I am 28 years old and that (@RBONNEYNOLA/INSTAGRAM) October last year. ■

Vhong is back on “It’s Showtime”

ABS-CBN him some time to return to the giging mahirap ang pagbabalik ko kasi nawalan talaga ako ng their brother Vhong again.
show as he had to attend to im- mo kasi inaantay lang nila ang pag-asa. Sorry na naubos ung Don’t miss the excitement
portant matters. pagbabalik mo para mayakap, pag-asa ko pero minsan may and fun on “It’s Showtime,”
“It’s Showtime” family and “Paglabas ko hindi ko pala mahalin, at suportahan ka,” the darating na madlang people na 12:45PM on A2Z, Kapamilya
the madlang people gave host kaya magbalik agad kasi may Unkabogable star said. sasabihin na ‘one day mangya- Channel, TV5, Kapamilya On-
Vhong Navarro a rousing wel- mga proseso pang kailangan Their fellow hosts Anne Cur- yari ito’ and ito nga nandito ka line Live, ABS-CBN Entertain-
come upon his return to the gawin. Pero mabait yung Pangi- tis, Ogie Alcasid, Kim Chiu, Ka- na. I’m just so grateful.” ment’s YouTube channel, and
popular noontime variety show noon hindi niya ako pinabayaan rylle, Amy Perez, Ryan Bang, Teddy, Ryan, and Ion stat- Facebook page, iWantTFC, and
on Monday. The actor-host was kaya andito na ako. Maraming Teddy Corpuz, Jugs Jugueta, ed how they prayed to be with TFC IPTV. ■
moved to tears as his fellow salamat sa ABS-CBN kasi may Ion Perez, Cianne Dominguez,
hosts performed Moffats’ “I’ll trabaho ako ulit. Nandito rin and MC Muah also expressed
Be There For You.” yung pamilya ko,” he added. their happiness at Vhong’s
“Ang sarap ng pagtanggap Meanwhile, Vice Ganda comeback.
niyo sa akin. Hindi ko alam paa- shared that Vhong was unsure “Alam mo palaging sinasabi
no kayo pasasalamatan sa mga as to whether he would receive ko sa chatroom na I know you
taong nagdasal, nagtiwala, at the same enthusiastic recep- need the time as well to be with
hindi ako iniwan,” said Vhong. tion from the madlang people. the people who really missed
“Pagpasok ko dito sa ABS, sin- “Paulit-ulit ko na lang na pi- you. But I just wanted to see
abi ko ayaw ko umiyak. Ayoko naalala sa kanya na kung maka- that we are really happy to have
ko umiyak kasi ito yung pangal- kagaan sa dibdib niya na mas you back and welcome home,”-
awang bahay ko. Dito kung ano nararamdaman namin kung said Anne.
man ang pinagdaanan ko sa bu- gaano ka nila kamahal. I don’t “Alam mo noong wala ka,
hay ko, tanggap ka rito. Nandito usually read comments pero nagdadasal kami na may mila-
ung mga kapatid at kapamilya kung tungkol sa iyo binabasa ko. gro na bumalik ka. Ikaw pala
ko pati na ang madlang pipol, More than 95% ng comments yung milagro, “said Ogie.
extension kayo ng pamilya ko.” tungkol sa pagmamahal at su- Karylle emotionally shared,
Vhong revealed that it took porta sa iyo. Kaya hindi ma- “Hindi ko alam ang sasabihin It’s Showtime hosts with Vhong Navarro (@VHONGX44/INSTAGRAM)
18 Entertainment JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Why is Austin Butler still speaking in his

Elvis voice? It could be a case of ‘role spill’
BY LUZITA FEREDAY, Edith cent easily and consistently. What is role spill? or letting go of certain physical for an actor to feel they have let
Cowan University A little less conversation a Actors who live the part of a character traits that are not their the character go, especially if
The Conversation little more action role, integrating accent, body, own once they finish performing. they felt a strong synergy and
In cases where an actor is imagination and feelings may, It’s a process that can help connection with the character.
portraying an iconic figure, post production, experience role actors shed intense emotions Speaking about her role as
If you’ve seen any of the vid- such as Elvis, there is huge re- spill. This is known in the acting or characters, and it’s crucial to Mare Sheehan in the crime se-
eos or interviews with Austin sponsibility to be convincing community as boundary blurring: the health of an artist. This can ries Mare of Easttown, Kate
Butler at the recent Golden in the role. This can lead to ac- when the actor is finding it diffi- be done by shaking out the body Winslet explained “it was the
Globes you may have noticed tors staying in-accent for many cult to separate themselves from and doing physical activities such hardest thing to let go of” and
he still sounds a bit like Elvis. months or years. the character they’re playing and as jumping and running on the “she got under my skin…”
In fact, many people have not- Examples of performers in blurring the lines between profes- spot to shake off the character. Once an actor moves on to
ed that despite being from Cal- this situation include Jamie sional and private roles. In addition to this, it can include a new project or spends time
ifornia, he still sounds like he’s Foxx as Ray Charles, Natalie Your voice is a direct expres- taking deep breaths and vocal ex- with close friends and family
from the Deep South. Portman as Jackie Kennedy, sion of who you are and your ercises including humming to re- they may revert back to how
For actors, learning a new ac- Meryl Streep as Julia Child, and experiences. The fusing of per- lease vocal fold tension and let go they sounded before – or may-
cent is incredibly demanding. Ben Kingsley as Gandhi. sonal identity with characters of negative emotions. In theatre, be not. Varying your speech
Accent assimilation is a rigor- British actor Idris Elba told the is crucial to the craft of an actor. the ensemble or cast can agree to sounds is not likely to affect an
ous process that often requires Guardian it took moving to New However, some actors can lose de-role together before leaving actor’s work opportunities in
listening deeply to archive ma- York and three years of practising their “idiolect” (their individual the theatre. the future – arguably the more
terial, documentaries, movies to get his American accent believ- way of speaking) and can retain It can be difficult to de-role for fluid you sound the better. ■
and interviews and observing able for his role in The Wire. features of accents they may an actor who has invested signifi-
linguistic details. Australian actor Nicole Kid- have used for their character. cant commitment to a successful This article is republished
Austin Butler in his role as El- man when rehearsing for Nine An actor that completely transformation of accent, body from The Conversation under a
vis shows how an actor must be Perfect Strangers would stay in loses himself in a role is Gary and character. It can take months Creative Commons license.
acutely responsive to the specif- accent all day, including at home Oldman. Originally from South
ics of an accent, role, script style with her family. Over five months London, but having spent many
and demands of the film. the actors she was working with years living in America, he has
The actor works with a dia- did not hear her Australian ac- had to relearn his English ac-
lect coach, starting months or cent until the day filming ended. cent for a film character in Tin-
years before filming. The coach US actor Forest Whitaker, ker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy.
provides source recordings (a when faced with the challenge Margot Robbie told Grazia
real person, for example, Elvis) of Idi Amin’s accent in The Last magazine that during filming I,
and an accent breakdown. The King of Scotland, admitted he Tonya, she “genuinely thought”
actor will listen to the sound practised even when he wasn’t a conversation she was having
samples at every opportunity on set in an effort to stay im- with fellow actor Sebastian Stan
for total immersion. mersed in the character. who played Tonya’s abusive hus-
Significant practice and repe- There was one time into re- band, was real. The feelings and
tition are needed to integrate a hearsals that I dropped it because emotions can become so inten-
new accent. Coaching includes I had to go down and meet all the sive they felt like the actor’s own.
layering all the elements to give dignitaries, and it took me days to De-roling
an accent a solid foundation, get it back. I was so frightened be- The term de-roling refers to
slowly building from words to cause I was there a month before a technique which is thought to
sentences, with the dialect coach and I was like, ‘this is not going to have originated within drama-
providing continuous feedback happen again, I am not going to therapy and psychodrama to
until the actor is speaking in ac- lose this character’. assist the actor in “disrobing” Austin Butler (EVA RINALDI/FLICKR, CC BY-SA 2.0)

Prince Harry says.. A national school..

❰❰ 15 operators are located, der the Las Vegas strip. targets. Any likely loss of civilian The gamification of warfare ❰❰ 12 reform and greater
have been found to in- All aspects of armed conflict life or damage to civilian prop- hasn’t changed the laws that investment in and ser-
crease stress, mental are governed by internation- erty must not be excessive in re- govern how conflict is conduct- vices for First Nations
fatigue, burnout and post-trau- al humanitarian law. This is lation to the direct and concrete ed and who is held account- and racialized communities.
ma responses particularly primarily found in the Geneva military advantage. This means able. These laws are designed The implementation of a na-
among drone operators, and Conventions, which balance that any person conducting an to protect civilians and retain tional school food policy as laid
those viewing events remotely. military necessity (what needs attack must take feasible pre- the humanity of warfare. But out by the Coalition for Healthy
Legal challenges to be done to achieve military cautions to avoid or minimise Prince Harry’s “chess piece” School Food is a positive step.
Drones are one of the most aims) with humanity (protect- the loss of civilian life. comments make clear that as But it must be universal, and it
well-known aspects of remote ing civilians, medical facilities The substantial improvement combat becomes more distant, must not be used as an excuse to
warfare. But legally speaking, and other objects from the rav- in reconnaissance and surveil- it is even more important to re- avoid implementing other poli-
drone operators are akin to their ages of war). lance technologies means that member the humanity of those cies that deliver effective pover-
colleagues in regular aircraft. Any advancement in military states and their militaries have caught up in conflict. ■ ty reduction. ■
They must follow the same rules technology must be used in a more information than ever to
to ensure compliance with the way that meets this standard. make decisions before attacking. This article is republished This article first appeared
law, whether they are on the Attacks must be directed only at In theory, states have an even from The Conversation under a on Policy Options and is repub-
battlefield, in an aircraft or con- military objectives, which must higher level of obligation to veri- Creative Commons license. lished here under a Creative
trolling a drone in a bunker un- be distinguished from civilian fy the identity of their targets. Commons license.
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 19

This lunar year will be the
Year of the Rabbit or the Year of the Cat,
depending on where you live
BY MEGAN BRYSON, However, the celebration will re-
University of Tennessee main the same as in other years.
The Conversation Chinese Lunar New Year cel-
ebrations emphasize family to-
getherness as well as good luck
On Jan. 22, 2023, more than a and prosperity for the coming
billion people globally will wel- year. In China, the Lunar New
come the Year of the Rabbit – or Year marks the world’s largest
the Year of Cat, depending on annual human migration, as
which cultural traditions they people who work in big cities
follow – as the start of the Lunar travel home to see their fami-
New Year. In the New York City lies for the two-week holiday.
public school district, Lunar The new year officially ushers in
New Year has been observed as the spring, so it is also called Spring
a school holiday since 2015. Festival, or Chunjie in Mandarin.
The Lunar New Year is some- To start the New Year on the right
times called the Chinese New foot, people get haircuts, clean
Year, because it follows a calen- their houses and wear new clothes.
dar that was developed in China; These new clothes, like most New
but it is also celebrated in various While this lunisolar calendar animals were chosen. According aggressive. In Korea, the Year of Year’s decorations, are red, which
parts of Asia, such as Korea and brings people together, differ- to that legend, either the Buddha the Horse is similarly perceived symbolizes good fortune.
Vietnam. Tibetan and Mongolian ent countries and cultures have or the Jade Emperor, head of the as a bad time for girls to be born. New Year’s foods also aim to
cultures follow a similar calendar their own legends and customs Chinese pantheon, organized a Conversely, the Year of the bring good fortune. Among the
that will start the Year of the Rab- surrounding the New Year. race across a river to choose the Rabbit is seen as a better year dishes commonly eaten at New
bit about a month later, on Feb. 20. Even the animal associated zodiac animals and their order. for girls because the rabbit’s Year’s are fish, because in Man-
While this calendar is some- with the year can vary. In the Chinese version, the qualities of kindness, empathy darin “having fish,” you yu, is a
times just called “lunar,” it adds Year of the Rabbit or Year cat and rat were riding across a and patience are stereotypically homophone for “having a sur-
an extra month every few years of the Cat? river on an ox when the rat, in feminine virtues. Moreover, rab- plus.” Eating a dessert of glu-
to stay in sync with the solar cy- In most parts of East Asia, the its drive to be first, pushed the bits have been associated with tinous rice balls in sweet soup,
cle, so it’s technically lunar and new year that begins on Jan. 22 cat into the water so that the cat male homosexuality since the known as tangyuan, represents
solar, or lunisolar. This means corresponds to the rabbit, and arrived last and was disqualified. 18th century, and the word “rab- the family being complete, be-
that the date of the Lunar New also to the element of water and The rabbit was crossing the riv- bit,” tuzi in Mandarin, is a slur cause the word for round, yuan,
Year in the Gregorian calendar the feminine yin force. The cycle er by hopping on stones sticking for male sex workers. The stig- also means “complete.”
changes from year to year but takes 60 years to complete, so out of the water, but with one ma surrounding homosexuality Family is the focus of New Year
always falls in January or Feb- 60th birthdays across East Asia lucky leap it landed on a float- in Chinese cultures means that, celebrations, which traditionally
ruary. The Gregorian calendar are times for special celebrations. ing log that swiftly carried it to for some people, having a boy take place in the home of the hus-
is the solar calendar used to- However, the animal associ- shore, so that the rabbit finished in the Year of the Rabbit would band’s family. Adults generally
day in most parts of the world, ations of the zodiac can vary: In fourth. However, in the Viet- be less ideal. However, some give gifts of money in red enve-
including the United States. Vietnam, Jan. 22 will usher in namese version – which lacks a members of Chinese LGBTQ+ lopes to younger relatives who
As a scholar of East Asian reli- the Year of the Cat instead. The rabbit – the cat could swim and communities are rejecting this are still in school. On the second
gions, I am familiar with the wide most recent Year of the Cat, in ended up arriving fourth. stigma by reclaiming the Rabbit or third day of the new year, fami-
range of lunar and lunisolar cal- 2011, saw a baby boom in Viet- Rabbits in Chinese culture God as a patron deity. lies often travel to the wife’s fam-
endars used in different religions nam because of the good luck In the Chinese tradition, peo- The Rabbit God is not always ily home to see the in-laws.
and cultures, and especially with associated with that zodiac sign. ple born in particular zodiac understood as a god of male The Lantern Festival, Yuanx-
the religious significance of the One explanation among years have some of their ani- same-sex love. He can also be iao jie, wraps up the festivities
East Asian lunisolar calendar. scholars for why Vietnamese mal’s characteristics. Since the a symbol of longevity. Chinese two weeks after the New Year
The lunisolar calendar that de- culture celebrates it as the Year late 20th century, Chinese re- lore holds that a rabbit and toad begins with the first full moon of
veloped in China combines two of the Cat is that the earthly gions have seen birth rates spike on the Moon work with the the year. As the name suggests,
categories: 12 earthly branches, branch corresponding to “rab- during Years of the Dragon be- moon goddess Chang’e to refine people celebrate with decorat-
each of which corresponds to an bit” is pronounced mao in Man- cause dragons are powerful sym- the elixir of immortality. ed lanterns, which often have
animal, and 10 heavenly stems, darin and meo in Vietnamese, bols of good fortune and success. Celebrating the Year of the riddles attached. In addition to
each of which corresponds to one which sounds similar to the Some animals carry strongly Rabbit guessing the answers to these
of the five elements – fire, water, Vietnamese word for “cat.” gendered meanings: the Year of The Year of the Rabbit will riddles, people celebrate by eat-
wood, metal and earth – and ei- Another explanation comes the Tiger is widely seen as a good feature rabbit decorations, rab- ing tangyuan or similar round
ther the feminine yin or mascu- from two variations of a popular year for male births, but female bit-themed marketing, and an
line yang force. legend about how the 12 zodiac tigers are stereotyped as overly abundance of new pet rabbits. ❱❱ PAGE 25 This lunar year
20 Lifestyle JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Curious Kids: is there such a thing as nothing?

BY JACCO VAN LOON, Keele vacuum. We might think that the ti-particles”. When this hap- is where space is, where stuff and it would be better to say it’s the
University emptiness we can see in between pens they cancel each other out energy are, and where time is. absence of anything.
The Conversation stars in the night sky, where there and vanish, but this leaves be- Outside the universe? Nothing does exist as an idea.
are very few molecules, will be hind the energy that had made Physicist Stephen Hawk- We can use “nothing” to count
where we find “nothing”. them in the first place. ing explained the universe as with: the idea of “zero” was be-
Is there such a thing as It turns out, though, when The vacuum of space is a having no boundary, either in ing used 4,000 years ago, and the
nothing? – Reggie, aged seven, you look into the dark night “soup” of energy and pairs of space or in time. When you are oval symbol we use today was in-
Darlington sky, you are not seeing “noth- particles and anti-particles. inside a house, the walls are vented over 1,000 years ago.
Could someone see nothing? ing”. This empty space is filled The Dutch scientist Hendrik the boundary and you could Perhaps this is the only place
What does nothing look like? – with energy, and that’s some- Casimir suggested a way of think about what’s outside, per- where “nothing” exists: as an
Maya, aged nine, Bristol thing even if you cannot hold proving this in 1948 – and half haps even see it through a win- idea in our minds. ■
Imagine you hear a noise out- it in your hand. Energy is what a century later, we have found dow. But if the universe has no
side your window. You think it makes things happen. out that he was right. boundary, then there is no such This article is republished
might be a dog barking, or may- Energy never goes away and This energy in the vacuum thing as “outside” (or “before”). from The Conversation under a
be a child shouting. But when it is never made out of noth- also makes the universe grow We could call it “nothing”, but Creative Commons license.
you get up and have a look, ing. When you run, the energy bigger with time, like when you
there’s no dog or child. “Oh,” in your motion comes from the blow up a balloon.
you say, “there’s nothing there.” energy you got out of the food There are other things in the
We often say we’ve “got noth- you ate. When you stop, that vacuum of space, too. Space con-
ing”, or that there’s “nothing energy goes into heat and mak- tains “fields”, which are a way to
there”. But what we mean is that ing a minuscule impact on the describe the influence something
we haven’t got a particular thing. motion of the Earth as your feet can have throughout a region of
When you looked outside, lots of rub against it when you brake. space. For instance, the Earth
things were there – trees, hous- Einstein realised that energy pulls at the Moon through space
es, cars and bicycles maybe – but and particles (tiny bits of stuff ) by way of a field called “gravity”.
the particular thing you were are two sides of the same coin. When famous physicist Al-
looking for wasn’t there. The tiniest things we know bert Einstein was figuring out
Even if you were looking into of – such as particles, which how gravity works, he found
a completely empty room, there are more than a million billion that space actually has shape.
would still be things there. times smaller than we are – are Something with a lot of mass,
There’s always air, and air is made from energy. About a cen- like a star or a planet, bends
made up of molecules, like the tury ago scientists realised that the space around it, like how a
oxygen we need to breathe in to these tiny things act differently heavy ball held in the middle of
keep us alive. to bigger things in the universe. an outstretched blanket makes
But what about space? There’s Their behaviour cannot be pre- the blanket change shape. If
no air in space: that’s why astro- dicted precisely, and it can only space has shape then surely
nauts need to wear a space suit be described with something space cannot be nothing.
that provides oxygen to breathe called “quantum mechanics”. It looks as if we won’t find
if they go on a “space walk”. Particles and anti-particles “nothing” anywhere in our uni-
There are actually molecules This also means that the con- verse. Perhaps the place to look for
in space, too, but they are so few tent of vacuum is not precisely nothing is beyond or outside the
and far between that it’s most- zero. Tiny particles in it can universe. This may be an impossi-
ly empty space. This is called a meet their exact opposites, “an- ble question, though. The universe

NHCP opens Museum of Philippine

Maritime History in Iloilo City
BY PERLA LENA The first wing tackles about alta Jr., who led the Free Panay der that we will achieve what building (Customs House), the
Philippine News Agency Philippine maritime history Guerrilla Forces against the we want to achieve,” he said in restoration of the Sunburst
until the end of the Spanish pe- Japanese forces, and a marble his message. Park, and these historical mark-
riod, while the second wing is wall with the names of Ilong- The projects are situated ad- ers are my modest contribution
ILOILO CITY – The National focused on the American period go guerrillas and veterans who jacent the Sunburst Park, that to remind everyone of the rich
Historical Commission of the up to the current. fought during the World War II. was also restored from being cultural heritage of the Ilong-
Philippines (NHCP) on Friday The museum also showcases Former senator Franklin once a decrepit plaza through gos,” Drilon said.
opened the Museum of Philip- other auxiliary facilities such as Drilon, who made sure that the the efforts of the former Ilong- Meanwhile, Mayor Jerry
pine Maritime History in Iloilo the “parola,” custom house, tra- projects were funded during go senator. Treñas said the newly opened
City that showcases the coun- ditions that are related to sea his last term in the Senate, said Sunburst Park is also a his- gallery, and all other museums
try’s rich maritime history. transport and major tragedies they undertook the projects to torical site and is a living tes- will highlight Iloilo as a “city of
NHCP chairperson Dr. Rene that happened in the country. emphasize to Ilonggos that they tament to the Ilonggos’ fight museums.”
Escalante said the museum has The maritime museum and should look back to their past and success over the Japanese “One of the reasons why peo-
two galleries at the ground floor the refurbishing of the histori- for them to succeed. invaders. It was named after ple visit Iloilo is the number of
of the refurbished old Customs cal Custom House were two of “Today these four projects the United States Army contin- museums that we have. We will
House located at Muelle Loney the four projects unveiled Fri- would really strengthen the be- gent that helped liberate Panay be able to promote this as one
Street, corner Aduana Street in day, the others being the mon- lief of Ilonggos that we should during the Second World War. of our tourist destinations,” he
the city proper. ument of Gen. Macario L. Per- look back to our history, in or- “The restoration of this said in an interview. ■
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Lifestyle 21

Procrastination is linked
to poor health – new study
BY EVA SKILLGATE, mental health because people, tination relates to later health
Karolinska Institutet, say, put off starting a new exer- outcomes, students with a
ALEXANDER ROZENTAL, cise regime or seeing a doctor greater tendency to procras-
Karolinska Institutet, FRED about a health problem? Or is tinate (as scored on a procras-
JOHANSSON, Sophiahemmet it the other way around? Does tination scale) at the start of
University poor physical health, say, lead the study were compared with
The Conversation people to procrastinate because students with a lower tenden-
they don’t have the energy to do cy. The results showed that
the task now? higher levels of procrastination
University students have a lot To try to solve this riddle, were associated with somewhat
of freedom but not much struc- we conducted a longitudinal higher symptoms of depres-
ture. This can be bad for ha- study – that is, a study that fol- sion, anxiety and stress nine for a wide range of health out- crastination and subsequent
bitual procrastinators. Studies lowed people for a period of months later. comes, including mental health poor health outcomes. Our
have shown that at least half of time, taking measurements at Students with higher levels of problems, disabling pain and an results are not proof of cause
university students procrasti- various points in the study. We procrastination were also more unhealthy lifestyle. and effect, but they suggest
nate to a level that is potentially recruited 3,525 students from likely to report disabling pain in As mentioned above, in ear- it more strongly than earlier
harmful to their education. eight universities in and around the shoulders or arms (or both), lier studies, participants were “cross-sectional” studies.
But this may not be the only Stockholm and asked them to worse sleep quality, more lone- only assessed at one point in It can be treated
negative result of putting things complete questionnaires every liness and more financial diffi- time, making it hard to know There is good news for habit-
off until a later date. Studies three months for one year. culties. These associations re- which of the conditions came ual procrastinators. Clinical tri-
have found a link between pro- Our study, published in JAMA mained even when we took other first: procrastination or poor als (the gold standard of medical
crastination and poor health. It Network Open, aimed to inves- factors that could affect the asso- health. By getting students to research) have shown that cogni-
is associated with higher levels tigate if students who procras- ciation into consideration, such answer questionnaires at sever- tive behavioural therapy is effec-
of stress, unhealthier lifestyles tinate have a higher risk of poor as age, gender, parents’ level of al time points, we could be sure tive at reducing procrastination.
and delays in seeing a doctor mental and physical health. Of education, and previous physical that high procrastination levels The treatment helps the per-
about health problems. the 3,525 students we recruited, and psychiatric diagnoses. were present before we mea- son overcome procrastination
However, these studies – by 2,587 answered the follow-up Although no specific health sured their health. by breaking up long-term goals
the nature of their design – can- questionnaire nine months lat- outcome was strongly associ- But it is still possible that into short-term goals, managing
not tell us the direction of the er, where several health out- ated with procrastination, the other factors not accounted for distractions (such as turning off
relationship. Does procrasti- comes were measured. results suggest that procrasti- in our analysis could explain
nation cause poor physical and To understand how procras- nation may be of importance the associations between pro- ❱❱ PAGE 26 Procrastination is

Single-use plastic bans: research shows three

ways to make them effective
BY ANTAYA MARCH, followed suit by announcing a effect of banning single-use sures, or by failing to treat the Portsmouth reviewed 100 pol-
University of Portsmouth, ban on the supply of single-use plastic items is limited to the ban as the beginning of a broad- icies aimed at tackling plastic
STEVE FLETCHER, plastic plates, cutlery, balloon jurisdiction in which it is im- er phase-down of plastic, ban- pollution worldwide in 2022 to
University of Portsmouth, sticks, and polystyrene cups and plemented, unless it inspires ning some items does little to understand what makes them
TEGAN EVANS, University of containers supplied to restau- a wider shift in public or com- change the attitudes which re- successful. Here are three key
Portsmouth rants, cafes and takeaways in mercial behaviour across inter- inforce a throwaway culture. lessons which can make the
The Conversation England. The measure will start national boundaries. The Global Plastics Poli- new English ban more effective.
in April 2023. The same prod- Without supporting mea- cy Centre of the University of 1. Make it easy to use alter-
ucts sold in supermarkets and natives
Governments around the shops will be exempt from the Consumers and businesses
world are introducing sin- ban, but subject to new regula- are less likely to comply with a
gle-use plastic product bans to tions expected in 2024. ban if they are expected to go
alleviate pollution. While the forthcoming ban is entirely without plastic over-
Zimbabwe banned plastic a step in the right direction, the night. Ensuring businesses can
packaging and bottles as early production, use and disposal of source affordable alternatives
as 2010. Antigua and Barbuda plastics typically spans several is critical. Antigua and Barbu-
banned single-use catering and countries and continents. The da did this by investing in the
takeaway items in 2016, and the success of any policy aimed at research of more sustainable
Pacific island of Vanuatu did the restricting the use of plastic materials and listing approved
same for disposable containers products in one country should alternatives to plastic, such as
in 2018. not be taken for granted. bagasse, a byproduct of sug-
The EU prohibited cotton Our research continues to ar-cane processing.
buds, balloon sticks, plastic cater- highlight that policies which To maintain public support,
ing items and takeaway contain- influence what consumers buy, it helps if there are measures
ers, including those made from such as bans, taxes or charges, which prevent cost hikes being
expanded polystyrene, in 2021. lack the reach to confront the
The UK government has global scale of pollution. The ❱❱ PAGE 25 Single-use plastic
22 JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Hidilyn chosen as athlete representative to
IWF Executive Board
BY JEAN MALANUM I’m very excited to continue the ing athlete representation in deci-
Philippine News Agency work we’ve begun – for example, sion-making is a key stepping stone
on the athlete scholarships project to greater accountability and prog-
– with the benefit of even stronger ress in our sport,” said Jalood, who
MANILA – Tokyo Olympics representation on the IWF Exec- is also vice president of the Asian
gold medalist Hidilyn Diaz was utive Board alongside Hidilyn and Weightlifting Federation.
chosen as one of three athletes Luisa. As athletes, we know we Diaz ruled the women’s 55kg.
who will join the International have a key role to play in shaping a category at the 88th IWF World
Weightlifting Federation (IWF) positive future for our sport in the Championships in Bogota, Co-
Executive Board. crucial months ahead,” said Osei in lombia last December.
Also elected during the IWF a news release posted on the IWF The 31-year-old athlete from
Athletes Commission online website on Jan. 13. Zamboanga City lifted 93kg.
meeting on Jan. 11 were chair- IWF President Mohammed in the snatch and 114kg. in the
person Forrester Osei of Ghana Jalood said he was delighted to clean-and-jerk for a total of
and Luisa Peters of Cook Islands. welcome the three athletes to 207kgs. in the competition which
Diaz will serve as Osei’s deputy. the Executive Board. was the first qualifying meet for
The three athletes will serve “We look forward to working the 2024 Paris Olympics.
as full voting members of the closely together as we seek to shape With her category excluded in
IWF Congress. a new future for weightlifting, Paris, Diaz decided to move up
“It’s a huge honor to be reap- which places athletes at the centre to 59kg., hoping to make it to the
pointed by my peers as Chair of of everything we do. As a Board, we competition proper and give the
the IWF Athletes’ Commission. have been clear that strengthen- Philippines another medal. ■ (@HIDILYNDIAZ/INSTAGRAM)

Ginebra pips Bay Area to Brownlee

win PBA Comm’s Cup title officially becomes
Philippine News Agency
Filipino citizen
game of the knockout phases
right on the final match of the
conference, contributing 22
was badly needed as he was held
to 9-of-22 field goals and 7-of-12
free throws for 29 points with
points, 17 rebounds, one assist, seven rebounds, five assists and
one steal and two blocks. one block. BY LEONEL ABASOLA ficiated the oath-taking.
MANILA – Ginebra went Christian Standhardinger, Hayden Blankley added 25 Philippine News Agency Republic Act 11937, signed by
home with the PBA Commis- who was later named the Finals points, nine rebounds, four as- President R. Ferdinand Marcos
sioner’s Cup title after beating Most Valuable Player, added 12 sists and two steals, while Liu Jr. on Jan. 12, granted Brown-
Bay Area, 114-99, in the final points, 10 rebounds and six as- Chuanxing chipped in 17 points, MANILA – Less than 24 lee’s Filipino citizenship.
game of the best-of-seven finals sists. 13 rebounds, two assists, four hours after leading Baran- Brownlee led Ginebra past
in front of a new league record Myles Powell, Bay Area’s of- blocks and two steals and Kobey gay Ginebra to the Philippine Bay Area, 114-99, in the winner-
54,589 fans at the Philippine fensive spark plug, fizzled in the Lam had 13 points, 10 rebounds, Basketball Association (PBA) take-all finals before a league
Arena in Bocaue, Bulacan. game where his contribution three assists and two steals. ■ Commissioner’s Cup title in his record 54,589 fans at the Phil-
The Gin Kings pulled away in last match as an import, Justin ippine Arena in Bocaue, Bula-
the second quarter, outscoring Brownlee swore his allegiance can on Sunday night.
the Dragons, 34-18, to open a to the country on Monday. He scored 34 points on 14-of-
61-39 halftime lead even as the As a naturalized Filipino, the 22 shooting and hauled down
guest team could not cut the 34-year-old Brownlee can now eight rebounds on top of 12 as-
lead lower than 15 points in the suit up for the national team, sists, one steal and three blocks.
second half. starting with the sixth window Brownlee said his stay in the
Justin Brownlee led Ginebra, of the FIBA World Cup Asian Philippines since 2016 has been
which moved to second all-time Qualifiers in February. “unbelievable” and he is grate-
in PBA championships with The Philippines is already ful for the support of fans and
15, with 34 points on 14-of-22 qualified for the World Cup fi- Congress.
shooting, eight rebounds, 12 as- nal phase in August as one of The three-time PBA Best Im-
sists, one steal and three blocks. three co-hosts, the others being port awardee will also train and
Jamie Malonzo, who had Japan and Indonesia. enlist as a Philippine Army Re-
been struggling all throughout Senator Francis Tolentino,
the playoffs, played his best Barangay Ginebra San Miguel (@SCOT_THOMPSON6/INSTAGRAM) Committee on Justice chair, of- ❱❱ PAGE 26 Brownlee officially
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Sports 23

The 2023 Australian Open pauses a year of

profound political tensions in tennis
BY DARYL ADAIR, University lian Open on the basis of a “medi- ly, how to address the participa- ation of Tennis Professionals also allowed Russian and Belar-
of Technology Sydney cal exemption”, which prompted tion or otherwise of Russian and (ATP) and the Women’s Tennis usian participants, again under
The Conversation raised eyebrows among sceptics. Belarussian players. Association (WTA), which fined an expectation of neutrality.
Eventually, the Serb was re- For team-based competition, the All England Club. The tournament organisers ex-
quired to leave Australia after the response was decisive, and In an effort to counter what pressed their “concern about
Over the past 12 months, sig- his visa was cancelled, a deci- pro-Western. The Internation- they described as “discrimina- holding the individual athletes
nificant challenges by way of sion that caused a furore in his al Tennis Federation ruled that tion” against sanctioned play- accountable for the actions and
policy and politics have impact- home country. Russian and Belarussian teams ers, these international tennis decisions of their governments”.
ed professional tennis. Djokovic says he cannot for- be banned from the Davis Cup bodies determined that ranking Meanwhile, though, ordi-
Chief among them have get the experience of being and Billie Jean King Cup. This points would not be awarded at nary Russians are not treated
been participation constraints deported, but hopes he will be was especially bad news for Rus- Wimbledon, which disappoint- as “neutrals” by NATO and its
around the COVID-19 pandem- received respectfully by fans at sian tennis players, who were ed many players. allies: they have been collec-
ic, followed by considerations this year’s tournament. expecting to defend victories in At the French Open, however, tively penalised by Western
about the eligibility or other- As with wider society, tennis both events from back in 2021. organisers deemed that players sanctions, thus being made ac-
wise of Russian and Belarussian authorities have adjusted their However, in the case of tour- from Russia and Belarus were el- countable for Putin’s war.
competitors following the inva- COVID protocols over time, naments focused on individ- igible to participate, though with In 2023, the Australian Open
sion of Ukraine. particularly in the wake of the uals, where athletes officially the proviso they compete as “neu- – like the US and French Open
With the Australian Open be- “opening up” of society follow- compete for themselves (and tral” athletes – bereft of regalia, – announced that “neutral”
ginning today, where are we cur- ing widespread vaccination. unofficially on behalf of their symbols, or status indicating a tennis players from Russia and
rently at with these quandaries? At the 2022 Australian Open, country), the position of tennis connection with their homeland. Belarus are welcome. This in-
The COVID conundrum players needed to be vaccinat- authorities varied. This would also require, at censed the Ukrainian ambassa-
Public health measures ed or medically exempt, but in At the first grand slam follow- the very least, neutrality in re- dor in Canberra, who labelled
during the pandemic inevitably 2023 there’s no such require- ing the invasion, Wimbledon spect of their public position Tennis Australia’s position as
impacted the staging of tennis ment. Indeed, this year there’s organisers, with the support on the invasion of Ukraine. As “unprincipled”.
tournaments, with organisers no COVID testing at all, and of the British government, de- the tournament director em- However, Daniil Medvedev,
obliged to follow local protocols. players can even take part clined to accept Russian and phasised, if any players were to the leading Russian men’s play-
At many events this meant play- should they contract the virus Belarussian players. show support for Putin, sanc- er, expressed relief at being able
ers needed to be vaccinated or re- during the tournament. However, this position was tions would follow. to play, asserting a personal
ceive a medical exemption. For the The contrast over 12 months repudiated by both the Associ- Subsequently, the US Open commitment to “peace”.
most part this wasn’t an issue. For is stark, with some players find- On the other hand, Belaru-
example, in January 2022 the As- ing it hard to reconcile what sian tennis star Aryna Sabalen-
sociation of Tennis Professionals was required back then to now. ka complained that playing
(ATP) reported 97 of the top 100 The Ukraine imbroglio under a neutral flag at the Aus-
men’s players were vaccinated. Russia’s February 2022 in- tralian Open makes her feel she
This suggested most tennis vasion of Ukraine, endorsed by is “from nowhere”.
professionals – much like work- its ally Belarus, shows no sign of Cheers and jeers
ers in many other occupations resolution. So, how might these political
– accepted the public health ob- In response to the incursion, issues impact this year’s Aus-
jectives underpinning vaccina- the North Atlantic Treaty Orga- tralian Open?
tion. Doubtless, though, some nization (NATO) and its allies Novak Djokovic is back in town,
tennis players had been vaccine provided Ukraine with military chasing an incredible tenth sin-
hesitant, most notably Novak supplies and logistical support, gles title. After a year’s absence he
Djokovic, who famously declared while implementing economic remains a polarising figure. How
he’d rather miss grand slams than sanctions against Russia. will tennis fans respond?
be vaccinated against COVID. Tennis, like many other sports, And what of the Russian and
Just a year ago, Djokovic at- has also been immersed in the
tempted to take part in the Austra- question of sanctions; specifical- ❱❱ PAGE 30 The 2023 Australian

LeBron becomes 2nd player in

NBA history to surpass 38K points
Anadolu points and is just 364 points 20,000-point club.
Philippine News Agency from passing Abdul-Jabbar In January 2018, LeBron
to become the NBA’s all-time dropped more than 30,000
leading scorer. points, with only seven players
ANKARA – With his 35 points In January 2006, the 38-year- in NBA history to date.
contribution against the Phila- old became the youngest-ever He has a career scoring aver-
delphia 76ers, Los Angeles Lakers NBA player to reach 5,000 ca- age of 27.2 points per game.
forward LeBron James on Sunday reer points. LeBron’s historic perfor-
became the second player in NBA He reached the 10,000-point mance, however, was not
history to surpass 38,000 points. milestone in 2008, at 23, enough as the Lakers absorbed
He now has 38,024 career and in 2013 he entered the a 112-113 loss to the 76rs. ■ LeBron James (ERIK DROST/FLICKR, CC BY 2.0)
24 JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

PH-US trade relations to benefit from
USTDA office opening
BY JOANN VILLANUEVA event in Makati City on Thursday. opportunities between the Unit- to revitalize and accelerate in for the Philippines on Thursday.
Philippine News Agency She said the agency will con- ed States and the Philippines.” 2023 and beyond,” she said. She said the letter of intent,
duct feasibility studies that The US is one of the Philip- Carlson disclosed that UST- signed during the ongoing 5th
“will focus on supply chains, pines’ top three trading partners DA has signed with Bell Labs, IPBF, aims “to support clean
MANILA – Large invest- clean energy, infrastructure while the country is the US’ 31st Nokia USA, and NOW Telecom and trusted 5G communica-
ment opportunities expected and telecommunications.” largest goods trading partner. a USD1.5-million letter of intent tions networks.” ■
to increase trading between In an interview with journal- Carlson is optimistic regard-
the Philippines and the Unit- ists, Carlson said results of the ing the increase in investment
ed States have been cited as feasibility studies can be used opportunities between the US
the reason for the opening of a both by the government and the and the Philippines within the
United States Trade and Devel- private sector to help them deter- Indo-Pacific area due also to the
opment Agency (USTDA) office mine where the interests of US in- people-to-people ties.
here within this quarter. vestors are in the Philippines and “People-to-people ties are
“To meet the demands of the where matches can be made. really a strong foundation and
Philippine market and in recogni- She said not all US Embassies a springboard for those types
tion of the potential in the Philip- around the world have USTDA of investments and trade op-
pine economy, USTDA is opening offices and the one to be opened portunities not just to recover
an office in Manila,” US Ambassa- in the Philippines “is really from the pandemic but as I’ve
dor to the Philippines MaryKay based on what we see as great heard President (Ferdinand R.)
Carlson said during the Indo-Pa- promise between the invest- Marcos said to really accelerate US Ambassador to the Philippines MaryKay Carlson (UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT
cific Business Forum (IPBF) ment opportunities and trade and go beyond simple recovery, OF STATES (DOS), PUBLIC DOMAIN)

Inflation report is a mixed bag –

an economist explains why some
items are rising faster than others
BY EDOUARD WEMY, Clark during December, slowing the annu- guess is either demand wasn’t as tricity and piped gas – where jobs report shows average hour-
University al rate of inflation, other items kept strong as expected due to fears prices actually ticked up. The ly earnings rose 4.6% in Decem-
The Conversation getting more expensive. of a coming recession or there reason is largely due to the rising ber from a year earlier.
The Conversation asked has been an easing on the supply cost of doing business. Utility Groceries
Edouard Wemy – an economist constraints that has contributed companies and pipeline services Overall food inflation slowed in
Economists worried about from Clark University who never to pushing the price of gas up. are suffering as a result of high- December, with the cost of grocer-
soaring inflation got some good sets off to work without his morn- An exception to this down- er labor costs and are passing ies rising just 0.2% in the month –
news to start the year: The rate ing breakfast of two eggs, sunny ward energy price trend was in on the added cost to consumers down from 0.5% in November.
of inflation has eased. The first side up – to explain how different energy services – that is, elec- through higher prices. The latest But there is a lot of variation in
report card of 2023 on consum- items in the consumer price basket the cost of grocery items. While
er prices, released on Jan. 12, fared in the latest inflation report. the price of fruits and vegetables
showed that the overall cost of Energy fell in December, the cost of eggs
goods and services decelerated to When you look at the detail of jumped by 11.1%. That’s due to
an annual pace of 6.5% in Decem- the latest report on the consum- an outbreak of bird flu that could
ber, the slowest in over a year and er price index, you’ll see that well last until into the summer.
down from 7.1% in November. overall energy costs declined. In addition to that, farms are
But there’s bad news too, espe- That’s because there was a steep seeing the same wage pressures
cially if you are an egg-munch- decline in gasoline prices – down as other businesses, which are
ing renter fond of frequent reg- 9.4% in the month of December then passed on to consumers.
ular haircuts. In quite a few after dropping 2% in November. Housing
categories, the cost of living rose While that’s good news, it’s a The cost of shelter, whether
at an even faster pace. bit puzzling. AAA was expecting from renting or owning, rose
That’s because price inflation isn’t demand for gasoline to be very 0.8% in December – the biggest
uniform. Different products and ser- high over the month, which usu- one-month gain since the 1980s.
vices are affected by myriad factors. ally happens in winter. This typ-
So while some prices may have fallen ically pushes prices up. My best ❱❱ PAGE 29 Inflation report is
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Business 25

Stamp duty isn’t going anywhere until we

can agree on the tax to replace it
BY JOEY MOLONEY, about 4.7%, and downward system of exemptions for eligi- The Coalition government has Whereas homeowners can
Grattan Institute, BRENDAN pressure on the price received ble first home-buyers already already legislated to offer first avoid paying stamp duty again
COATES, Grattan Institute by sellers of about 0.1%. available. NSW, Queensland, home buyers the option of paying by refusing to move, land can’t
The Conversation In 2018 the Grattan Insti- Western Australia and Tasma- an annual land tax rather than be moved, meaning land tax
tute found a national shift from nia also offer such exemptions. stamp duty if they buy a property can’t be avoided.
stamp duties to land tax would Now in the lead-up to the worth up to $1.5 million. The NSW Coalition govern-
Nearly all economists and add up to $17 billion per year to March election, the NSW gov- By targeting these exemp- ment started with bolder plans
most politicians seem to agree gross domestic product. ernment and opposition are tions to first home-buyers, both for a meaningful transition,
stamp duty is a bad tax. But Most states aren’t really one-upping each other with sides of NSW politics and other until a scare campaign and the
nearly all state and territory removing stamp duty competing policies to offer even state governments are under- opposition from Labor and the
governments rely on it to keep So far only one state or ter- more first home-buyers a way cutting the key benefit of re- Greens forced it to wind it back.
the lights on. ritory – the Australian Capital to avoid paying stamp duty. moving stamp duty: removing This has left NSW Labor in
It’s a bad tax because it taxes Territory – has really taken the The NSW Labor opposition the tax on moving. the unfortunate position of be-
homeowners every time they plunge. Others are merely tin- pledged to abolish stamp duty Most of these policies – in- ing against the bad tax (stamp
move, merely because they kering with stamp duty in or- altogether for first home buyers cluding the two offered in NSW duty) but also against the good
have moved. At A$40,000 per der to create what amounts to a purchasing properties worth up – amount to little more than tax that would have to replace
move on a median-priced home de-facto first home-buyer grant. to $800,000 — expanding the cur- first home buyers’ grants. His- it: land tax.
in Sydney or Melbourne, it’s The ACT is halfway through a rent exemption which is for homes tory shows such grants tend to Other options – such as in-
enough to dissuade people from genuine switchover designed to worth up to $650,000. First home push up prices. creasing the goods and services
moving for a better job or to a take 20 years. buyers purchasing more expen- Actually axing stamp duty tax to cover the cost of abolish-
bigger or smaller home when In Victoria, the Andrews gov- sive homes worth up to $1 million means replacing it with ing stamp duty – appear even
they have children or their chil- ernment is merely expanding a will be offered a discount. something less likely.
dren move out. Stamp duty is critical to help- NSW is stuck in a quagmire in
It’s even a de facto tax on di- ing state governments pay the which stamp duty seems here to
vorce. When a family home is bills. All states or territories, stay.
sold to allow assets to be split, except the ACT, use them to Only the ACT is showing
each member of the separating collect at least one-fifth of their the way
couple needs to pay stamp duty tax revenue. The Australian Capital Territo-
to purchase again. It’s a big rea- These revenues pay to keep ry’s approach of slowly reducing
son more than half of divorced our hospitals running and one tax while slowly increasing
women who lose their homes schools open. the other shows it can be done.
don’t buy again within a decade. NSW expects to collect After announcing the switcho-
And it’s unfair. Stamp duty around $10 billion in stamp ver in 2012, the then treasurer An-
hits most the younger house- duty this financial year alone. drew Barr was reelected as chief
holds that move around the In contrast, Labor’s NSW give- minister in 2016 and in 2020.
most. It leaves alone the older away for first-home buyers will He is ahead in the race to ac-
residents who stay put. cost $722 million in its first three tually remove stamp duty by re-
New modelling by the Cen- years. The Coalition’s will cost placing it with something. He is
tre for Policy Studies at Vic- $728 million over four years. showing the rest of Australia it
toria University finds abolish- To really get rid of stamp duty needn’t be afraid. ■
ing stamp duty and replacing altogether, we need to replace it
the revenue lost with land tax with something else. Land tax is a This article is republished
would put downward pressure good candidate because it doesn’t from The Conversation under a
on the price paid by buyers of distort people’s decisions. Creative Commons license.

Single-use plastic.. This lunar year..

❰❰ 21 passed directly on to generated support for banning needed, what it means for the from palm leaves. ❰❰ 19 dumplings called yu-
consumers. other plastic products between public and businesses and what Single-use plastic bans can anxiao, and watching
Alternative materi- 2017 and 2018. alternatives are available serve inspire wider changes to social dragon and lion dances.
als or products must have a low- In both cases, importing to support a ban. This was evi- systems and the relationship The global Asian diaspora
er environmental impact than these products was restricted dent from Vanuatu, where the each person has with plastic. means that Lunar New Year
the banned product, but this first, followed by a ban on dis- inclusion of diapers in a ban But without planned access to is now celebrated around the
isn’t always guaranteed. Substi- tributing them, which gave sup- was postponed due to public alternatives, a phased introduc- world, including in the United
tuting plastic bags for paper, for pliers time to find alternatives concerns around the availabil- tion, efforts to nurture public States. Chinese American, Ko-
example, may not be the best and use up existing stock. ity of sustainable alternatives. support and broader consid- rean American, and Vietnam-
idea when the entire life cycle This approach was used to Working closely with the eration of the entire life cycle ese American communities will
of a product is accounted for. good effect in an English ban on public like this can also encour- of plastic, product bans have a mark the beginning of the Lunar
2. Phase in a ban plastic straws, cotton buds and age innovation. For example, limited effect on plastic pollu- New Year with a variety of cel-
A phased approach to a ban stirrers in 2020, allowing re- in Vanuatu in 2018, weavers tion, and can even give the false ebrations, some welcoming the
improves how well it works but tailers to use up their supplies and crafting communities filled impression of progress. ■ Year of the Rabbit and others
requires consistent and clear during the six months following the gap left by banned plastic welcoming the Year of the Cat. ■
messaging about what products the ban’s introduction. bags and polystyrene takeaway This article is republished
are banned and when. In Anti- 3. Involve the public containers with natural alter- from The Conversation under a This article is republished
gua and Barbuda, phased plas- Information campaigns natives made locally, including Creative Commons license. from The Conversation under a
tic bag bans in 2016 and 2017 which explain why a ban is bags and food containers woven Creative Commons license.
26 JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Physicists have used entanglement to
‘stretch’ the uncertainty principle,
improving quantum measurements
BY LORCAN CONLON, the position of your car will not tum systems, known as entan-
Australian National University, change its colour or speed. glement. When two objects
SYED ASSAD, Australian However, this becomes much are entangled, we can measure
National University trickier if you’re trying to exam- them more accurately than if
The Conversation ine microscopic quantum objects they weren’t entangled.
like electrons or photons (which We realised we could use
are tiny little particles of light). quantum computers, which can
Almost a century ago, German Certain properties of quantum precisely control the state of
physicist Werner Heisenberg re- objects are connected to each quantum objects, to create two
alised the laws of quantum me- other. Measuring one property identical quantum objects and
chanics placed some fundamen- can influence another property. entangle them. By measuring the
tal limits on how accurately we For example, measuring the entangled objects together, we
can measure certain properties position of an electron will af- could determine their properties
of microscopic objects. fect its speed and vice versa. more precisely than if they were
However, the laws of quan- These properties are called measured individually.
tum mechanics can also offer “conjugate” properties. Measuring the two entangled
ways to make measurements The link between these prop- identical quantum objects re-
more accurate than would oth- erties is a direct manifestation duces the noise in the measure-
erwise be possible. of Heisenberg’s uncertainty ment, making it more accurate.
In new research published principle. It is not possible to A less noisy future
in Nature Physics, we have simultaneously measure two In theory, it is also possible ty principle? computers, which used three
outlined a way to achieve more conjugate properties of a quan- to entangle and measure three This research also has impli- different quantum computing
accurate measurements of mi- tum object to whatever degree or more quantum systems to cations for the aforementioned technologies: superconduc-
croscopic objects using quan- of accuracy you like: the more achieve even better precision. uncertainty principle. tors, trapped ions and photon-
tum computers. This could you know about one, the less However, we haven’t been able One interpretation of the un- ics. These devices are located
prove useful in a huge range of you know about the other. to make this work experimen- certainty principle is that it is across Europe and America and
next-generation technologies, While the uncertainty prin- tally as yet. impossible to measure conju- can be accessed via the inter-
including biomedical sensing, ciple imposes a limit on how ac- The results of measuring gate properties of quantum ob- net, allowing researchers from
laser ranging and quantum curate some measurements can three identical entangled ob- jects with unlimited accuracy. across the globe to connect and
communications. be, reaching that limit in practice jects together were very noisy. But another interpretation is carry out important research.
We were also able to push be- can be very challenging. Howev- However, as quantum comput- that measuring one conjugate We carried out the study with
yond the limits of a variation of er, measuring quantum objects ers improve and become more property of a quantum object colleagues at the ARC Centre of
Heisenberg’s “uncertainty prin- in the greatest amount of detail accurate, it may be possible to must necessarily disturb the Excellence for Quantum Com-
ciple” in certain circumstances, possible is important for advanc- faithfully measure three copies second conjugate property by putation and Communication
suggesting different uncertainty ing fundamental science as well of a quantum system simulta- some minimum amount. Technology (CQC2T), in col-
principles may be necessary in as developing new technologies. neously in the future. In this research, we were able laboration with researchers
different scenarios. Entangled objects One of the key strengths of to violate an uncertainty prin- from the Institute of Materials
Quantum uncertainties In our new research, we de- this work is that a quantum ciple based on the second inter- Research and Engineering at
If you want to examine the signed a way to determine con- enhancement can still be ob- pretation. This suggests that, A*STAR in Singapore, the Uni-
properties of a large everyday ob- jugate properties of quantum served in very noisy scenari- depending on what physical set- versity of Jena, the University of
ject like a car, it’s a simple process. objects more accurately. Our os. This bodes well for future ting is considered, different un- Innsbruck, Macquarie Universi-
For example, a car has a collaborators were then able to practical applications, such as certainty principles may be nec- ty and Amazon Web Services. ■
well-defined position, colour carry out this measurement in in biomedical measurements, essary for different scenarios.
and speed. You can measure various labs around the world. which will inevitably occur in A global collaboration This article is republished
them one after another or all at The new technique revolves noisy real-world environments. We tested our theory on a from The Conversation under a
once with no issues. Measuring around a strange quirk of quan- What about the uncertain- total of 19 different quantum Creative Commons license.

Brownlee officially.. Procrastination is..

❰❰ 22 serve Officer. to help the national team,” the ❰❰ 21 mobile phones), and do while trying to meet a spe- when you need to stay focused
“As a citizen, I will six-foot-five Brownlee said in staying focused on a cific deadline. But even small on a task. ■
try my best to make an interview. task despite experi- changes can have a large effect.
the Filipino people proud. I Senators JV Ejercito and Chris- encing negative emotions. You can try it yourself. Why This article is republished
want to keep making you guys topher Go presented Brownlee This requires some effort, so not start today by leaving your from The Conversation under a
proud and to do whatever I can with a copy of the law. ■ it is not something a person can mobile phone in another room Creative Commons license.
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 Technology 27

Why does Nepal’s aviation industry have

safety issues? An expert explains
BY CHRYSTAL ZHANG, make for hazardous conditions. 72-500 aircraft. In addition, 29 associated with aeroplanes or conventions, ICAO’s regulations,
RMIT University Airports built in mountain- international airlines operate helicopters since 2000, which standards, and recommended
The Conversation ous regions often need to have into Nepal’s capital too. has raised questions about the practices in aviation safety.
shorter runways that can only With air travel in Nepal be- effectiveness of its aviation While Nepal’s aviation indus-
accommodate turboprop-pow- coming more accessible and af- safety regulations. try has made significant efforts
A Yeti Airlines ATR 72-500 ered regional aircraft, rather fordable, airport infrastructure The aviation regulator in to improve safety, unfortunate-
aircraft crashed in Pokhara in than large jet airliners that can development has remained far charge is the Civil Aviation Au- ly the safety record still doesn’t
central Nepal on January 15 access larger cities in Nepal. behind compared to the growth thority of Nepal, a government match up with the requirements
2023, killing at least 68 pas- As a result, aviation carriers of air traffic. This has result- agency established in 1998. of other civil aviation authorities.
sengers on board. The aircraft in Nepal have a variety of air- ed in increasing congestion at Working hard to improve In particular, the European
was en route from Nepal’s cap- craft on their fleets. These craft airports, fare competition be- Nepal became a member of the Union banned all Nepali airlines
ital Kathmandu to Pokhara, the vary in condition, presenting tween airlines, and decreased UN’s International Civil Aviation from operating in the bloc’s air-
country’s second largest city, potential safety hazards. safety records. Organisation (ICAO) in 1960. space in 2013 after ICAO raised
situated under the picturesque The ATR 72 aircraft is one In fact, the country has re- This membership obliges the a red flag. That ban still hasn’t
Annapurna mountain range. typical aircraft used by Nepali corded at least 350 casualties country to abide by international been lifted, and Nepal remains
While the picturesque land- carriers. It is a turboprop-pow- on the EU Air Safety List.
scape of the country appeals to ered regional aircraft with a Despite the tragic casualty
tourists, it poses significant chal- capacity between 44 and 78 record, Nepal has stepped up its
lenges to aviation operators, who passengers. These aircraft are efforts to improve aviation safe-
need to embrace and navigate manufactured by a joint ven- ty. The Civil Aviation Authority
the challenging environment. ture of Airbus in France and of Nepal has been focusing on
The air crash on Sunday was Leonardo in Italy. improving safety in Nepali avia-
Nepal’s worst aviation disaster The aircraft involved in this tion – such as building improve-
since 1992. The country has crash had been in service for 15 ments at airports, upgrading
been working to overcome its years, a fairly typical age for an safety equipment, and fostering
challenges in aviation. aircraft. a positive safety culture by en-
A challenging landscape The final report on what hap- couraging hazard reporting.
Topography has gifted Nepal pened to the tragic Yeti Airlines Nepal’s considerable im-
with picturesque landscapes, flight will take over a month to provement in safety measures
but posits unrivalled challenges complete. and compliance with interna-
to flight operations. A growing and fast-chang- tional standards was recognised
Nepal, situated between In- ing industry by ICAO in 2018. However, the
dia and China, is home to eight Nepal has welcomed private country must continue work on
of the world’s 14 highest moun- investment into its aviation its aviation reform to make its
tains, including Mount Everest sector since 1992. Yeti Airlines skies safe for everyone.■
or Sagarmāthā. For flight oper- is one of 20 domestic carriers.
ations, it’s an almost unrivalled, The airline, headquartered in This article is republished
harsh environment with sud- Kathmandu, flies to ten do- from The Conversation under a
den weather changes that can mestic destinations using ATR Yeti Airlines (PHILIP MILNE/FLICKR, CC BY-NC-ND 2.0) Creative Commons license.

DOST-C. Luzon developing system to predict

accurate rice yield
BY ZORAYDA TECSON tively, combat food insecurity, food demand and production. in Tarlac is being conducted to The project is expected to be
Philippine News Agency and prepare for shortages and Through Project SICAT, a ensure the eventual smooth de- completed by October this year. ■
supply shocks well in advance.” rice crop advisory system de- ployment of the technology.
Rico is the project lead- veloped by TAU, she said that
CITY OF SAN FERNANDO, er for a research study being yield forecasting can be done
Pampanga – The Department funded by DOST under its Re- and necessary advisories could
of Science and Technology in gional Grants-in-Aid program be issued accordingly.
Central Luzon (DOST-3) is de- (DOST3 – RGIA) entitled Sat- Rico said the project re-
veloping a system that can pre- ellite Imagery Crop Monitoring searchers are now validating
dict rice yields accurately. and Forecasting Systems for rice growth satellite images and
Dr. Amy Lizbeth Rico, a pro- Agricultural Technology (SI- developing phenological charac-
fessor of the Tarlac Agricultural CAT) project. teristics and algorithms for rice
University (TAU) in Camiling She cited the importance of growth and yield that will be val-
town, Tarlac province, said in accurate prediction of rice yield idated with ground data for ac-
a statement on Thursday that with a specific field to determine curate and precise predictions.
predicting rice yields accurately the harvest per region consider- Likewise, she said informa-
“allows the government to plan ing that climate change and rapid tion dissemination among tar-
the production, distribution, and population growth in the country get users such as farmer groups
consumption of food more effec- have brought huge pressure on and agricultural technicians
28 JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Surigao del Norte contingent bags
3 major Sinulog awards
BY JOHN REY SAAVEDRA several awards in previous years’ lowed by Barangay San Roque on, while Jerald Bilones’ giant partment of Tourism, Virgin-
Philippine News Agency Sinulog competition, bagged the - Ciudad (3rd), Bailes de Luces came in second place and ABC ia, Choobi Choobi, and Jeju as
second prize for the grand pa- La Castellana - Negros Occi- Friendship’s entry, third place. second, third, fourth, and fifth
rade street dancing category, fol- dental (4th), and Hugpong Ka- For the float parade, Inter- placers, respectively.
CEBU CITY – The visiting lowed by Banay Labangon (3rd); batan-onang Tisaanon (5th). national Pharmaceuticals, Inc. The Hwacheon Beomangol
contingent from Surigao del Banauan Cultural Group (4th); Niño Ruben Mateo grabbed the was adjudged as the winner, Nongak Preservation Association
Norte province has bagged and Tribu Mabolokon (5th). grand prize for the parade puppe- while the floats of ABC Friend- from Korea graced the Sinulog
three major awards in the Sinu- In the free interpretation teers category while fellow pup- ship and the Municipal Govern- stage Sunday as guest performers.
log 2023 festival on Sunday. category ritual showdown, the peteers, Orly Johnson Fuentes ment of Tuburan won second There were five entries in the
The organizers of Omega de Lumad Basakanon came in sec- and Angelie Marie Aranas placed and third prizes, respectively. Sinulog-based category and 11 in
Salonera have as forefathers fi- ond, Bailes De Luces La Cas- second and third, respectively. The Sinulog organizers also the free interpretation category.
esta performers on Sanciangko tellana of La Castellana town The group Baruc Siblings and awarded the Best Tent to Ce- There were 40 entries in the
Street, one of Cebu City’s fa- in Negros Occidental province Friends won as the parade “Hi- bu2World Megawide-Carbon float, eight in the giant, and six
mous downtown roads, in the (3rd), Barangay San Roque Ba- gante” (giant) category champi- as first placer, while the De- in the puppeteers’ category. ■
early 1900s. It was adjudged as sakanon (4th), and Tribu Mab-
the overall champion of the Rit- olokon (5th).
ual Showdown in the Free In- Local contingent, the Inay-
terpretation category and won awan Talent Guild and Cultural
PHP1 million in cash. Troupe, bagged the grand prize
The group was also chosen as for the Sinulog-based Ritual
champion in the Street Dance Showdown, followed by Baran-
category, which entitled it to an- gay Tejero (2nd), Banauan Cul-
other PHP1-million cash prize. tural Group (3rd), Banay La-
The contingent from Bucas bangon (4th), Alpha Kappa Rho
Grande Island in Surigao del - Cebu Supreme Council (5th).
Norte also bagged the Best in The Free Interpretation Cat-
Costume and second place in egory Best in Musicality grand
the Best in Musicality category. champion this year is Lumad
The famous local talent, Basakanon, while the Omega
Lumad Basakanon, who bagged De Salonera placed second, fol- Omega de Salonera of Bucas Grande Island, Surigal del Norte (COLIN KINTANAR VIA CEBU CITY • NEWS & INFORMATION/FACEBOOK)

CDO rolls out weeklong Ilocos Norte LGU

Chinese New Year, fetes eyes improvement
Fil-Chi Kagayanons of eco-park to
Philippine News Agency
no-Chinese traders, the city’s eco-
nomic development would not
have accelerated over the years.
In a statement, Uy said the
Chinese New Year festivity,
which will culminate on Jan. 22,
lure visitors
“This goes to show that our reminds the city’s constituents BY LEILANIE ADRIANO has been drawing a lot of na-
CAGAYAN DE ORO CITY - brothers and sisters in the Fil- of how Chinese culture and tra- Philippine News Agency ture lovers and picnickers since
The city government joined the ipino-Chinese community have ditions have also enriched the 2019 until the pandemic re-
Filipino-Chinese community indeed chosen the city as your Filipinos’ customs. stricted movement of people.
Monday in launching a week- home, to be with among us as “Treating each other equally LAOAG CITY – The town of As one of the local revenue
long celebration of the Chinese one, as you consider the city a (is a virtue), especially in hon- Vintar in Ilocos Norte prov- sources of the municipality
New Year, with a focus on the place worth investing in,” said oring the elderly,” he said. ince is eyeing to improve and through the collection of en-
contributions of Filipino-Chi- Raagas, who represented May- Meanwhile, Rosa Go, pres- introduce more amenities in its trance and rental fees of sports
nese Kagayanons to the city’s or Rolando Uy. ident of the Misamis Oriental eco-tourism nature park to en- amenities, the nature park im-
development over the decades. Raagas said it was also import- Filipino-Chinese Chamber of tice more visitors. provement will go in full swing
During the opening program, ant for local government officials Commerce and Industry, Inc., Located about 46 kilometers early this year, said Mayor Rich-
city administrator Roy Hilar- to meet with Chinese ambassadors said she hopes 2023 would from this city, the Umok ni Si- ard Degala in an interview Friday.
io Raagas said that without the two weeks ago to discuss develop- bring “fortune and prosperity, wawer Eco-Tourism Nature
hard work and diligence of Filipi- ment partnership potentials. hope and calm. ■ Park in Barangay Parparuroc ❱❱ PAGE 30 Ilocos Norte LGU
FRIDAY JANUARY 20, 2023 29

Stop hating on pasta – it actually has a
healthy ratio of carbs, protein and fat
BY EMMA BECKETT, body to produce energy for our calorie levels and weight gain,
University of Newcastle bodies. that’s not so simple either.
The Conversation Acceptable Macronutrient In the context of an otherwise
Distribution Ranges describe healthy diet, people have been
the ratio or percentage of mac- shown to lose more weight-
New year, new you, new ronutrients that should pro- when their diet includes pasta
diet. It’s a familiar refrain. One vide this energy. These rang- regularly. And, a systematic
popular dieting technique is to es are set by experts based on review of ten different studies
create a food blacklist. Quit- health outcomes and models found pasta was better for post-
ting “carbs” or packaged foods of healthy eating. They aim to meal blood glucose levels than
is common, which can mean make sure we get enough, but bread or potatoes.
avoiding supermarket staples not too much, of each macro. Instead of quitting spaghetti,
like pasta. Consuming too much or too lit- consider reducing portion siz-
But do we really need to ban tle of any type of food can have es, or switching to wholegrain
pasta to improve our diets? consequences for health. pasta, which has a higher fibre
This is what we call a reduc- The ratios are also designed content which has benefits for
tionist approach to nutrition, to make sure we get enough gut health and can help you feel
where we describe a food based of the vitamins and minerals fuller longer.
on just one of its key compo- that come with the energy in Gluten-free pasta has slightly
nents. Pasta isn’t just carbo- the foods we typically eat. We less protein than wheat pasta. tions of them to get all the dif- before.
hydrates. One cup (about 145 should get 45–65% of our ener- So, despite being healthier for ferent types of amino acids (the Look a little closer at ‘carb’
grams) of cooked pasta has gy from carbohydrates, 10–30% people with gluten intolerance, building blocks of proteins) we choices
about 38g of carbohydrates, from proteins, and 20–35% there are no increased health need to survive. There is a lot of talk about re-
7.7g of protein and 0.6g of fats. from fats. benefits in switching to glu- But pasta, even though we ducing intakes of carbohydrates
Plus, there’s all the water that is Mangia pasta ten-free pasta for most of us. often focus on the carbs and en- for weight loss, but remember
absorbed from cooking and lots Macronutrient ratios mean Pass the pesto and the left- ergy, packs a good nutritional carbs come in different forms
of vitamins and minerals. it can be healthy to eat up to over bolognese punch. Like most foods, it isn’t and in different foods.
“But pasta is mostly carbs!” between 1.2 and 6.5 times more Pasta is also not typically eat- just macronutrients it also has Some of them, like pasta,
I hear you cry. This is true, but carbohydrates in a day than en alone. So, while some warn micronutrients. bring other benefits. Others
it’s not the whole story. We need protein – since each gram of about the dangers of blood sug- One cup of cooked pasta has like cakes and lollies, add very
to think about context. protein has the same amount ar spikes when eating “naked about a quarter of our daily rec- little else. When we talk about
Your day on a plate of energy as a gram of carbohy- carbs” (meaning just carbs with ommended intakes of vitamins reducing intake of refined car-
You probably know there drates. no other foods), this typically B1 and B9, half the recommend- bohydrates, think first of sweets
are recommendations for how The ratio of carbs to protein isn’t a risk for pasta. ed intake of selenium, and 10% that are eaten alone, before you
much energy (kilojoules or in pasta is 38g to 7.7g, which When pasta provides the of our iron needs. cut the staple carbohydrates
calories) we should eat in a equates to roughly a 5:1 ra- base of a meal, it can be a ve- The news for pasta gets even that are often served with vege-
day. These recommendations tio, well within the acceptable hicle to help people eat more better when we eat it as left- tables – arguably the healthiest
are based on body size, sex macronutrient distribution vegetables in smooth or chunky overs. When pasta is cooked core food group! ■
and physical activity. But you range. Meaning pasta actually vegetable sauces. For kids (or and cooled, some of the car-
might not realise there are also has enough protein to balance fussy adults) pasta sauce can be bohydrates convert to resis- Emma Beckett, Senior Lec-
recommendations about the with the carbohydrates. This a great place to hide pureed or tant starch. This starch gets its turer (Food Science and Human
profile of macronutrients – or isn’t just because of the eggs in grated vegetables. name from being resistant to Nutrition), School of Environ-
types of food – that supply this pasta either. Wheat is another Not eating pasta alone is also digestion, so it contributes less mental and Life Sciences, Uni-
energy. source of protein, making up important for the protein pro- energy and is better for blood versity of Newcastle
Fats, carbs and proteins are about 20% of the proteins eaten file. Plant foods are typically sugar levels. So, your leftover This article is republished
macronutrients. Macronutri- globally. not complete proteins, which pasta, even if you reheat it, is from The Conversation under a
ents are broken down in the If you are worried about the means we need to eat combina- lower in calories than the night Creative Commons license.

Inflation report is..

❰❰ 24 This is understand- prices that landlords demand up. Hospital visits upward pressure on wages – cou- been plunging in recent months.
able given the numer- When interest rates eventually The cost of going to the hos- pled with still-high energy costs. They fell 2.5% in December,
ous interest rate hikes drop, it should bring the overall pital was another category that Used cars and trucks putting the annual decline at
during 2022. Rising interest cost of shelter down, as it would saw a big increase. Average pric- Another category that helped 8.8%. The cost of new cars also
rates means that taking out a encourage more people to buy es for hospital and related ser- the overall pace of inflation slow dropped in December. ■
home loan is more costly, which homes. But I’m not optimistic that vices jumped 1.5% in December, down is used cars and trucks.
in turn pushes more people into rates will fall until 2024, so don’t the biggest gain since 2015. After soaring throughout the This article is republished
renting. Added demand on rent- expect any downward movement Again, this is due to the rising initial phase of the COVID-19 from The Conversation under a
al properties in turn pushes the on shelter in the coming months. cost of doing business – that is, pandemic, used car prices have Creative Commons license.
30 Food JANUARY 20, 2023 FRIDAY

Noma to close: why it’s so hard to run a

sustainable innovation-focused restaurant
BY VAUGHN TAN, UCL environment or its people. who has tried to cook a perfect figure out again how to be con- Sustainable business mod-
The Conversation In my book The Uncertain- French omelette (creamy and on sistent and efficient. In many els around innovation
ty Mindset: Innovation Insights the cusp of being set inside but cases, even the kitchen’s organ- To be clear, it’s almost unique-
From the Frontiers of Food, I not liquid, yet completely unco- isation of roles and its network ly hard to build a sustainable
For over a decade, Noma explore why it is hard for innova- loured outside) for the first time. of suppliers may need to change restaurant business model
in Copenhagen has been one tion-centric restaurants like Noma Cooks only acquire such to accommodate new dishes. based on continual innovation.
of the standard bearers of the to have sustainable business mod- knowledge through extended Innovation introduces un- In cuisine, innovation is
high-end culinary world. This els. The answer boils down to how training, and high-end cuisine certainty into how people work generally only protected by se-
“New Nordic” restaurant made continual innovation requires en- is particularly demanding in (and work together), the tim- crecy, tacit knowledge is of dis-
its reputation (and obtained gaging with “not knowing”, which terms of tacit knowledge. ings of processes, tacit knowl- proportionate importance, and
its three Michelin stars and is inherently at odds with consis- Innovation is the enemy of edge and supply chains. This in- innovations have a short lifes-
position in the World’s 50 Best tency and efficiency – this is true consistency and efficiency evitably creates waste, failure, pan. Whereas in other indus-
Restaurants ranking) by focus- not only in high-end cuisine but in For high-end restaurants to inconsistency and stress. tries, innovation is protected by
ing on culinary innovation, with any industry. become both efficient and con- Innovating is even harder patents, explicit knowledge is
a frequently changing menu The high-end restaurant sistent at producing complex when consumers expect near more important for production,
driven by continual work by its conundrum dishes, the people who work in perfection, as they do in high- and innovations can be exploit-
in-house culinary research and Guests usually see a restau- these institutions have to prac- end cuisine. For a high-end ed for much longer.
development (R&D) team. rant as somewhere to go for a tise cooking the same dishes a restaurant, this means even In these sectors, business mod-
On January 9 2023, Noma’s great experience because other lot. This is both to work out the more resources (time, effort, els built around innovation are
Danish chef and co-owner René people are cooking and taking kinks in recipes and to develop money, product) must be spent more likely to make sense. This is
Redzepi announced an immi- care of hospitality. For a restau- the tacit knowledge needed to refining new dishes before they the case in some parts of the phar-
nent and significant transition: rant to do this and still be a vi- cook them well. An efficient and can be allowed to go on to the maceuticals, consumer hardware
Noma would close as a restau- able business, it must function consistent restaurant not only menu. In practice, this often and entertainment (film, music,
rant in 2025 to focus on pop- much like a factory. works better economically, it means there is a significant ex- publishing) industries.
ups and culinary innovation. A restaurant has to be consis- is also an easier place in which pense in creating, equipping Back in the culinary world,
Over a decade ago, El Bulli in tent, which means it must reli- to work. The people who work and staffing a culinary R&D lab Noma’s plan to focus entirely
Spain, one of the first innova- ably produce what guests want there know what to do and how to support a relatively low-mar- on innovation work and mon-
tion and R&D-led restaurants, to buy because they would oth- to do it fast and well. gin restaurant business. etise without an attached full-
made a similar transition. erwise go elsewhere. It also has This is why innovation is an- Innovation makes the already time restaurant seems to have
Exploring the reasons behind to be efficient, producing with a tithetical to consistency and ef- tough business of high-end cui- worked for other culinary R&D
the decision, an article about the minimum of wasted resources. ficiency. sine even tougher. Continual in- labs. The Cooking Lab (publish-
upcoming changes at Noma in This is because margins in the Every new dish introduced novation may make a restaurant er of Modernist Cuisine and
the New York Times explained: restaurant industry are thin. means the restaurant has to nearly impossible to sustain. other books and media) and
The style of fine dining that In high-end cuisine, the Chew Innovation (a consult-
Noma helped create and pro- problem is compounded be- ing food product development
mote around the globe — wildly cause overheads are high and company) are two examples.
innovative, labour-intensive and the food is complex. Every dish High-end restaurants like
vastly expensive — may be un- usually has many components, Noma must be both consis-
dergoing a sustainability crisis. and each component’s recipe tent and efficient at producing
“Sustainability” here means often features multiple ingre- high-quality food in order to be
something broader than eco- dients and techniques. Refining broadly sustainable. Unfortu-
nomics and profitability. It now a complex dish so it becomes nately, innovation is unavoidably
also includes a business’s envi- well-understood, well-de- harmful to consistency and effi-
ronmental impact and whether scribed and reliable can take ciency. While most business mod-
its people (staff, management many cycles of cooking and els built on innovation may work,
and owners) work in physio- troubleshooting. a restaurant business model built
logically and psychologically Cooking also draws on deep on continual innovation will al-
healthy environments. A sus- stores of tacit knowledge. Tacit ways be at odds with itself. ■
tainable business model in this knowledge is often the differ-
sense is one which could per- ence between cooking a recipe This article is republished
sist indefinitely without losing acceptably and cooking it tran- from The Conversation under a
money or depleting either the scendently. Anyone knows this Main entrance of Noma in Copenhagen (PAZ.CA/WIKIMEDIA COMMONS, CC BY 2.0) Creative Commons license.

The 2023 Australian.. Ilocos Norte LGU..

❰❰ 23 Belarusian players? security to be on a tight leash in ❰❰ 28 Degala said a new of his administration’s priority tourists may also want to try
No player from either the event of booing, declaring: building where visi- to help generate more jobs for other sports amenities such
country competed at “If [fans] disrupt the enjoyment tors can stay overnight the locals. as surfline, all-terrain vehicle
Wimbledon in 2022, and none of anyone else – boom, they are in the area will be constructed, To attract more visitors, the (ATV), hydrocycle water bike,
featured as finalists at last year’s out. We don’t want them on including the establishment of Vintar government also plans floater, zurball and kayak with
French and US Open. There’s site. They can stay away or we a coffee shop, a swimming pool to establish a food park where fees or rental rates ranging
an opportunity in Melbourne will kick them out”. ■ and new cottages with outdoor people can relax with the nat- from PHP50 to PHP1,000.
for that trend to change. overhead showers. ural ambience of the eco-park The park, manned by local
With these background ten- This article is republished “This will be constructed by overlooking verdant mountains government personnel, is open
sions in mind, Australian Open from The Conversation under a phase,” said Degala, adding that and the clean Bislak river. from Mondays to Sundays from
boss Craig Tiley has instructed Creative Commons license. the tourism project will be one Aside from a bike zipline, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. ■
JANUARY 20, 2020
JULY 17, 2023 cx328



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