RDA - C2017-105 - Conditions Shall Be Complied 1

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Road Development Authority 8¢ Floor, Blue Tower, Rue de L’Institnt, Ebene, 80817, Mauritius Date: 07 January 2021. ‘The General Manager. Central Water Authority; Head Office, St Paul. ‘Attar qa. rincipal Engineer (PMO). "Subject: Contact WALCIOIT/I65 ~ Renewal of Pipelive ste Reglons af Véscaler. | We refer to your letter CWA/C2017/105 dated 18 November 2020. This 15 to inform you that all the conditions as in our Letter of intent RDA/A/21/CWA GP v9 dated 04 September 2020 shall be complied with. Regarding Query No 2, this is to clarify that the overlapping width of 150mm that shall be provided all along and at both end of the trench refers to the asphalt layer oni'and not the road structure. Ing formals for the Civil Engineer Statement, Road Contractor Statement and the Amended Technical Specification will be emailed to you. { CENTRAL WATER | an AUTHORITY Yours Faithfully, | REGISTRY | RecD 08 JAN 2021 | fogs to, O21 a es oem KS. Mohungoo. Cogrtya For General Manoger. te ea OY es All correspondence to be addressed to the General Manager, Road Development Aatharie dds. ‘Tel (230) 467 8600 Fax: - (230) 467 2056 ~ Email: [email protected]

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