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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Clinical Practice

Caren G. Solomon, M.D., M.P.H., Editor

Acute Severe Hypertension

Aldo J. Peixoto, M.D.

This Journal feature begins with a case vignette highlighting a common clinical problem. Evidence
supporting various strategies is then presented, followed by a review of formal guidelines, when they exist.
The article ends with the author’s clinical recommendations.

A 58-year-old woman with known hypertension comes to the emergency department

and reports headaches and blurred vision for the past 3 days. Her prescribed medica-
tions include amlodipine, hydrochlorothiazide, and lisinopril, but she acknowledges
spotty adherence and has not taken any of the drugs in approximately 3 weeks. On
examination, she is anxious but comfortable. The average of multiple seated blood-
pressure measurements is 242/134 mm Hg, and the heart rate is 68 beats per minute.
Funduscopy shows arteriolar narrowing, bilateral flame hemorrhages, cotton-wool
spots, and papilledema; auscultation reveals a fourth heart sound. The remainder of
the examination is normal. The electrocardiogram shows left ventricular hypertro-
phy. Other laboratory tests and chest radiography are normal. Emergency computed
tomography of the head shows heterogeneous hypoattenuation of subcortical white
matter in the posterior parieto-occipital regions bilaterally but no hemorrhage or
infarction. How would you further evaluate and treat this patient?

The Cl inic a l Probl e m

lood-pressure elevations above 180/110 to 120 mm Hg can result From the Department of Internal Medi-
in acute injury to the heart, brain, and the microvasculature.1-3 If acute cine, Section of Nephrology, Yale School
of Medicine, and the Hypertension Pro-
hypertension-mediated target-organ damage is present, the condition is gram, Yale New Haven Hospital Heart
labeled “hypertensive emergency” and demands immediate and aggressive treat- and Vascular Center, New Haven, CT. Ad-
ment to limit progressive injury (Fig. 1). There is less agreement on terminology dress reprint requests to Dr. Peixoto at
Boardman 114 (Nephrology), 330 Cedar St.,
and management in the absence of acute target-organ damage (which I will refer New Haven, CT 06520, or at aldo.peixoto@
to here as “hypertensive urgency”), although this condition is two to three times yale.edu.
more common than hypertensive emergency.4,5 Acute severe hypertension, at times N Engl J Med 2019;381:1843-52.
with acute target-organ damage,6 may also manifest perioperatively; the present DOI: 10.1056/NEJMcp1901117
review focuses on the occurrence of acute severe hypertension outside the peri- Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society.

operative setting. Similarly, the recommendations in this article do not apply to

hypertension during pregnancy.
Both absolute blood-pressure level and the pace of rise determine the risk of
acute hypertension-mediated target-organ damage. Many patients with chronic
hypertension have severe blood-pressure elevations for months or years without
apparent effects, whereas sudden increases that are more modest (e.g., to a level An audio version
of this article is
of 160/100 mm Hg in a previously normotensive patient) can cause severe injury, available at
particularly to the cerebral vasculature (as in eclampsia, pheochromocytoma, NEJM.org
drug-induced acute hypertension, or acute glomerulonephritis).

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

Key Clinical Points

Acute Severe Hypertension

• Acute severe hypertension that is accompanied by acute target-organ injury (hypertensive emergency)
is associated with substantial morbidity and in-hospital mortality, thus requiring immediate treatment
in an intensive care unit.
• Acute severe hypertension without acute target-organ damage (hypertensive urgency) is not associated
with adverse short-term outcomes and can be managed in the ambulatory setting.
• Nonadherence to previously prescribed antihypertensive medications is the most common factor leading
to acute severe hypertension.
• Chronic hypertension shifts the cerebral blood flow autoregulation curve to the right (i.e., to higher blood-
pressure levels), which confers a predisposition to cerebral hypoperfusion at relatively high (normal)
blood-pressure levels. This principle guides the pace of blood-pressure reduction in acute severe
• Hypertensive emergencies are managed with intravenous medications guided by the type of target-organ
• Hypertensive urgencies should be managed with oral medications and arrangements for prompt follow-up.

Acute severe hypertension accounts for an es- sent home from the office or emergency depart-
timated 4.6% of all visits to emergency depart- ment.13,15,16 A recent analysis of 58,535 ambula-
ments and is a frequent reason for hospitaliza- tory office encounters with patients who had a
tions in the United States.5 It is more common systolic blood pressure of 180 mm Hg or higher,
in persons who are older than 60 years of age, a diastolic blood pressure of 110 mm Hg or
black, or uninsured or underinsured or who live higher, or both (mean, 182.5/96.4 mm Hg) showed
in lower-income areas.5,7 Large claims-based data a similar incidence of cardiovascular events at
sets in the United States indicate that hospital 6 months (0.9%) among patients who were hos-
admissions for hypertensive emergencies have pitalized and among propensity-matched patients
steadily increased during the past 20 years,5,7-9 who were discharged after the encounter.15
but in-hospital mortality has improved over time
and currently ranges between 0.2% and 11%.8-10 S t r ategie s a nd E v idence
Even in the absence of acute target-organ
damage, episodes of severe hypertension have Figure 1 outlines a structured approach to the
long-term implications. In a study involving management of acute severe hypertension. The
2435 patients with a previous transient ischemic key elements include accurate measurement of
attack, an isolated systolic blood pressure above blood-pressure levels; careful evaluation for po-
180 mm Hg (without symptoms) was associated tential precipitants, symptoms, and evidence of
with an increase in stroke risk during 3 years target-organ damage; and treatment decisions
of follow-up by a factor of 5, as compared with based on the presence of symptoms or acute
no episodes of systolic blood pressure above target-organ damage.
140 mm Hg, regardless of usual blood pressures.11
Similarly, a prospective cohort study showed that Blood-Pressure Measurement
patients who had an admission with hypertensive Blood pressure must be measured in both arms
urgency had a 50% higher risk of fatal or non- and the thigh using appropriate technique and
fatal cardiovascular events than controls, despite validated devices17 (Table S1 in the Supplemen-
similar blood-pressure levels during follow-up.12 tary Appendix, available with the full text of this
In contrast to these long-term implications, article at NEJM.org). Most hospitals use auto-
hypertensive urgencies do not appear to be as- mated devices that rely on oscillometric mea-
sociated with adverse short-term outcomes.13-16 surements. Two large registry studies comparing
Although rates of admission to the hospital are oscillometric and intraarterial measurements in
relatively high (up to 11% during the 30 days critical care18 or surgical19 patients showed that
after initial presentation10,15), studies have not oscillometric devices consistently underestimate Monitores

shown increased risks of adverse outcomes in blood-pressure levels by as much as 50/30 mm Hg
the days to several months after patients were when recorded intraarterial levels are above

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Clinical Pr actice

Blood pressure >180/110–120 mm Hg,

reproducible on multiple measurements
with an accurate device

Sindrome de Encefalopatía
& posterior Reversible
Are there findings of acute target-organ damage?
Brain (stroke, intracerebral hemorrhage, PRES)
Retina (hemorrhages, exudates, ⊕

Insuficiencia Cardiaca Aguda
papilledema) Descompensada
Heart (acute coronary syndromes, ADHF)
Large vessels (aortic dissection)
Kidneys (acute kidney injury)
Microvasculature (MAHA) Micro Angiopálica
☐ Anemia Hemolítica

No Yes

Confirm persistent elevation despite Emergency

20–30 min of quiet rest
Admit to intensive care unit
Start IV treatment immediately
Select drug according to indication
Lower blood pressure according
Symptoms attributable to high to pattern of organ injury
blood pressure? Start or resume long-acting medications
during first 6–12 hr of treatment
Reach target by 48 hr

No Yes

Urgency Urgency
Adjust long-acting medications Give “rapid” oral agent
Follow up in 1–7 days Adjust long-acting medications
Discharge when symptoms have improved
and blood pressure is <180/110 mm Hg
Follow up in 1–7 days

Figure 1. Evaluation and Management of Acute Severe Hypertension.

A focused evaluation of the targets of hypertension-mediated organ injury should be performed in every patient.
With respect to the brain, inquire about focal motor or sensory deficits and speech or visual changes. Perform a
neurologic examination, looking for motor deficits and gait, speech, and visual abnormalities. If there are positive
findings, perform imaging with computed tomography (CT) or magnetic resonance imaging. With respect to the
retina, perform funduscopy or retinal fundus photography, looking for evidence of microvascular injury (hemorrhages
or exudates) or cerebral edema (papilledema). With respect to the heart, ask about chest pain, dyspnea, orthopnea,
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea, palpitations, and edema. Look for signs of heart failure on examination (elevated
jugular venous pressure, bibasilar rales, third heart sound, or edema). Perform chest radiography, electrocardiog-
Estertores - .

raphy (for ischemic changes), and troponin measurement in most patients. Acute coronary syndromes include un-
stable angina and myocardial infarction. With respect to large vessels (aorta), ask about chest or back pain. Obtain
blood-pressure measurements in both arms and thigh, looking for asymmetry. If suspicion is aroused, obtain CT of
the chest and abdomen with contrast or transesophageal echocardiography. With respect to the kidneys, measure
the serum creatinine level to rule out acute kidney injury. Urinalysis may show proteinuria or hematuria as a sign of
microvascular injury. With respect to the microvasculature, obtain a complete blood count, looking for anemia and
thrombocytopenia suggestive of microangiopathy. ADHF denotes acute decompensated heart failure, IV intravenous,
MAHA microangiopathic hemolytic anemia, and PRES posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome. Adapted from
Whelton et al.1

180/100 mm Hg. Auscultatory measurements even when meticulous technique is applied. Be-
that use aneroid or mercury devices also have cause of the potential underestimation of the
substantial discordance from intraarterial mea- severity of hypertension, the use of oscillometric
surements in high blood-pressure ranges,20,21 (and auscultatory) devices should be discouraged

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The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

when evidence of target-organ damage is present ism, glucocorticoid excess, pheochromocytoma,

and intravenous agents are required. In such and, in younger patients, coarctation of the aorta.
cases, placement of an arterial catheter is indi-
cated. In the absence of target-organ damage, Evaluation of Acute Target-Organ Damage
noninvasive oscillometric or auscultatory devices A key part of the initial evaluation is the assess-
are typically used to guide treatment, despite ment of symptoms, signs, and diagnostic tests
their limitations. suggestive of acute target-organ damage (Fig. 1),
including injury to the brain, heart, large vessels
Determination of Precipitating Factors (aorta in particular), kidneys, and the microvas-
Most patients presenting with acute severe hyper- culature (including the retina). Diffuse microvas-
tension are already known to be hypertensive cular injury (also known as “malignant hyperten-
and have received treatment.15,22 Nonadherence sion”) manifests as high-grade retinopathy, acute
to prescribed antihypertensive medications is the kidney injury, or microangiopathic hemolytic
most common precipitating factor. In a large anemia and thrombocytopenia. These features
ambulatory database, three quarters of the pa- may occur together or in isolation.
tients who were evaluated for a systolic blood In the absence of symptoms to guide the
pressure of 180 mm Hg or higher or a diastolic evaluation, there are limited data on the yield of
blood pressure of 110 mm Hg or higher had a diagnostic tests. In a prospective study involving
diagnosis of hypertension, and more than half 167 patients in the emergency department with
had already been prescribed two or more anti- a triage diastolic blood pressure of 100 mm Hg
hypertensive agents.15 In a prospective study in- or higher (mean, 194/112 mm Hg), routine meta-
volving patients with hypertension, nonadherence bolic panels revealed acute kidney injury requir-
to medication was the strongest predictor of a ing admission in 7% of patients.29 In retrospec-
hypertensive crisis.23 These data underscore the tive studies, the results of most diagnostic tests
importance of interventions that improve treat- that are obtained in patients without evidence of
ment adherence24 (e.g., the use of patient moni- acute target-organ damage have been normal or
toring of blood pressure, social-support oppor- simply reflective of long-term exposure to hyper-
tunities,25 and partnerships with health coaches, tension.14,15,30 Still, it is common practice to ob-
nurses, or pharmacists25-27), although studies are tain a basic metabolic panel to assess renal
lacking to show that these interventions reduce function and electrolyte levels, a complete blood
the risk of acute severe hypertension. count to screen for microangiopathy, a urinalysis
Other common precipitating factors for acute to identify proteinuria or hematuria, and an elec-
severe hypertension include dietary sodium in- trocardiogram and troponin levels to rule out
discretion; use of prescribed, over-the-counter, asymptomatic myocardial injury.
or illicit drugs (e.g., cocaine, amphetamines, sym- Patients without target-organ damage are usu-
pathomimetic agents, nonsteroidal antiinflam- ally asymptomatic.22,31,32 Symptoms, when present,
matory drugs, and high-dose glucocorticoids); may include headache, atypical chest pain, dys-
anxiety or panic; and acute stroke or heart fail- pnea, dizziness, lightheadedness, and epistaxis.
ure, which can be both cause and consequence
of severe hypertension. Patients with acute glo- T r e atmen t
merulonephritis, preeclampsia, pheochromocy-
toma, or scleroderma renal crisis may present Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow
with acute severe hypertension. Among hospital- Autoregulation of organ blood flow refers to
ized patients, mobilization of infused intrave- physiological adaptations that allow organ per-
nous fluids, withholding of antihypertensive fusion to remain relatively constant across a
medications, pain, and urinary retention are wide blood-pressure range (Fig. 2). In the con-
considered common precipitants. For patients text of acute severe hypertension, flow autoregu-
presenting without a clear precipitant or who lation is most important; this autoregulation is
meet criteria for treatment-resistant hypertension best studied in the brain,33 although the same
during follow-up,28 further testing should be principles are applicable to most end organs. In
considered for secondary causes of hypertension, chronic severe hypertension, cerebral blood flow
such as renovascular disease, primary aldosteron- is maintained at similar levels as in normal per-

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Clinical Pr actice

sons, but its autoregulatory curve is shifted to

the right. This shift allows patients to tolerate Complications from Acute
Severe Hypertension
higher blood-pressure levels without cerebral Diffuse endothelial injury
edema33,34 but confers a predisposition to cere- Retinal damage
Cerebral edema
bral hypoperfusion at substantively higher blood- 150
pressure levels than in normotensive persons,
although these curves are neither consistent nor Normotension

Cerebral Blood Flow

predictable at the individual level.34,35 Limited

(% of baseline)
100 Chronic
data suggest that treatment of severe hyperten- hypertension
sion for several months may improve autoregula-
tion to a modest extent,34 whereas patients with 50 Risk of Injury from Excessive
mild-to-moderate hypertension (<180/110 mm Hg) Cerebral ischemia
recover autoregulatory responses within weeks
after the initiation of effective therapy.36 0
0 50 100 150 200
Choice of Treatment Mean Arterial Pressure (mm Hg)
There are relatively few trials comparing dif-
ferent agents for hypertensive emergency and Figure 2. Autoregulation of Cerebral Blood Flow and Implications
for the Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies.
hypertensive urgency.37-39 Treatment is largely
Cerebral blood flow is relatively stable across a wide blood-pressure range
determined by an understanding of the patho- through changes in cerebrovascular resistance. On the high end of the curve,
physiological features, the presence and type of increased cerebrovascular resistance prevents pressure-induced increases
target-organ injury, the availability and costs of in blood flow. Once the upper limit of autoregulation is crossed, small
medications, and physician experience with given changes in blood pressure produce substantial increases in blood flow that
agents.10,40 There is considerable variability in result in vasogenic cerebral edema and its complications. On the low end
of the curve, decreased cerebrovascular resistance allows flow to be main-
practice regarding the choice of medications.10,40 tained despite progressively lower blood pressure. Once the autoregulatory
limit is reached, small decreases in blood pressure produce substantial im-
Hypertensive Emergencies pairment in cerebral perfusion. In clinical experiments, the lower limit of
All patients should be admitted to an intensive autoregulation occurs at blood-pressure levels approximately 25% lower
care unit and treated with intravenous antihyper- than baseline. Symptoms of cerebral hypoperfusion develop when cerebral
blood flow falls by more than approximately 30%. There is wide individual
tensive drugs on the basis of the clinical sce- variability in autoregulatory limits and thresholds at both ends of the curve.
nario (Tables 1 and 2 and Table S2). In the The autoregulatory curve is shifted to the right in uncontrolled hypertension.
United States, labetalol, nitroglycerin, nicardipine, Treatment of hypertension for weeks to months may improve or correct the
hydralazine, and nitroprusside are the most com- autoregulatory abnormalities, especially in patients without long-standing
monly used agents.10 Of these medications, hy- severe hypertension.
dralazine has unpredictable effects, often leads
to excessive blood-pressure lowering,41 and should
generally be avoided as a first option.1,3 Studies reduction (resulting in systolic blood pressure
comparing labetalol and nicardipine have shown below 100 to 120 mm Hg) may occur in up to
faster achievement of blood-pressure control and 10% of patients10,40 and is associated with an
less variability in blood pressure (allowing blood increased risk of death.44,45 If excessive blood-
pressure to stay closer to target) with nicardipine pressure reduction occurs, prompt discontinua-
but no significant differences in adverse events tion of intravenous drugs and, in some cases,
or mortality.39,42,43 In one trial comparing clevi- temporary use of vasopressors, intravenous fluids,
dipine with nicardipine, clevidipine resulted in or both is indicated. Resumption or initiation of
less variability than nicardipine.38 long-acting antihypertensive drugs should take
In the absence of studies comparing different place alongside intravenous therapy to provide a
rates of blood-pressure reduction, management is smoother transition, shorten the need for intra-
guided by autoregulatory principles; guidelines venous drugs and intensive care, and minimize
recommend that blood pressure be decreased by the risk of rebound hypertension, which is also
no more than 20 to 25% during the first hour associated with increased mortality.44 The appro-
and then to 160/100 to 110 mm Hg during the priate timing for starting or restarting oral
ensuing 2 to 6 hours.1 Excessive blood-pressure drugs is uncertain; because the risk of hypoten-

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Table 1. Treatment Strategies in Hypertensive Emergencies.*

Acute Target-Organ Damage Timing for Acute BP Reduction† Preferred Intravenous Drugs‡
Diffuse microvascular injury Decrease BP by 20–25% during first hr and to 160/100 mm Hg by 2–6 hr Labetalol, nicardipine, nitroprusside
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

(“malignant hypertension”)§
Hypertensive encephalopathy Decrease BP by 20–25% during first hr and to 160/100 mm Hg by 2–6 hr Labetalol, nicardipine, nitroprusside; avoid hydralazine
Acute intracerebral hemorrhage If systolic BP is 150–220 mm Hg, decrease systolic BP to 140–150 mm Hg Labetalol, nicardipine, clevidipine, nitroprusside; avoid hydral-

within 1 hr, particularly in patients without known hypertension and those azine
n engl j med 381;19

n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
The New England Journal of Medicine

with underlying vascular abnormalities, such as aneurysms or arteriovenous

malformations. In patients with large hematoma volume and evidence of
increased intracranial pressure, BP management should be more liberal
(keep systolic BP <180 mm Hg). Lowering systolic BP below 140 mm Hg
may be harmful.
Acute ischemic stroke If thrombolytic therapy is indicated, decrease BP to <185/110 mm Hg before Labetalol, nicardipine, clevidipine, nitroprusside; avoid hydral-
giving thrombolytic agents and maintain BP <180/105 mm Hg for the first azine

24 hr. If thrombolytic therapy is not indicated and there is no acute target-

organ damage other than stroke, the strategy depends on BP. If BP is
<220/120 mm Hg, no intervention is indicated for the first 48–72 hr. If
BP is ≥220/120 mm Hg or there is other acute target-organ damage, such
as heart failure or myocardial infarction, decrease BP by 15% within 1 hr.
November 7, 2019

Acute coronary syndromes Decrease systolic BP to <140 mm Hg within 1 hr; keep diastolic BP >60 mm Hg Nitroglycerin, labetalol, esmolol, metoprolol; avoid hydralazine

m e dic i n e
Acute heart failure Decrease systolic BP to <140 mm Hg within 1 hr Nitroglycerin, nitroprusside; loop diuretics needed in most cases;
enalaprilat or hydralazine may be useful; avoid beta-blockers
Aortic dissection Decrease both systolic BP to <120 mm Hg and heart rate to <60 beats/min Esmolol (or labetalol) plus one of nicardipine, clevidipine, nitro-
within 20 min prusside, or nitroglycerin; both a beta-blocker (unless brady-
cardia is already present) and a vasodilator should be used

* BP denotes blood pressure.

† Initiation, reinstatement, or adjustments of long-acting oral antihypertensive medications should take place during the first 6 to 12 hours. Oral drugs are chosen on the basis of conven-
tional guidelines. Intravenous medications can be tapered on the basis of observed blood-pressure levels after the addition of oral agents.
‡ Nitroprusside continues to be a recommended agent by most guidelines. Given its potential toxicity, it should be avoided as a first choice when other options are available.
§ Diffuse microvascular injury is identified as high-grade retinopathy (hemorrhages, exudates, or papilledema), acute kidney injury, or microangiopathic hemolytic anemia or thrombocyto-
penia, present alone or in combination.
Table 2. Most Commonly Used Intravenous Drugs for the Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies.*
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Drug Class Dose Onset and Offset of Action Cautions

Nicardipine Dihydropyridine calcium- 5–15 mg/hr IV drip; adjust by Rapid onset (2–5 min); duration of action, 1–4 hr; Contraindicated in patients with acute coronary
channel blocker, vaso- 2.5 mg/hr every 5–15 min adjust dose more slowly (every 15 min) in pa- ischemia (because of reflex tachycardia)
dilator tients with impaired renal or liver function
Clevidipine Dihydropyridine calcium- 1–16 mg/hr IV drip; double Rapid onset (2–4 min) and offset (5–15 min) of Contraindicated in patients with acute coronary
channel blocker, vaso- dose every 90 sec, more action ischemia (because of reflex tachycardia) and
dilator slowly as BP approaches goal in patients with allergy to soy or eggs; may
increase triglyceride levels (it is a lipid
Copyright © 2019 Massachusetts Medical Society. All rights reserved.

Labetalol Combined nonselective 10–20 mg IV bolus followed by Rapid onset (5 min) but prolonged duration of Contraindicated in patients with heart failure,
n engl j med 381;19

beta-blocker and alpha-1 drip; may repeat at same action (3–6 hr, sometimes longer at higher bradycardia or heart block, asthma or severe
blocker (IV beta-to-alpha dose or double dose after doses) airway reactivity; caution in cocaine overdose
blocking ratio, approx. 7:1) 10 min before starting drip;
0.5–10 mg/min IV drip;
The New England Journal of Medicine

adjust drip every 15 min;

Clinical Pr actice
for intermittent boluses,
10–80 mg IV every 10 min
(maximum cumulative

dose, 300 mg)

Esmolol Selective beta-1 blocker 500–1,000 µg/kg bolus, fol- Rapid onset (2–10 min) and offset (10–30 min) Contraindicated in patients with heart failure,
lowed by 100–300 µg/kg/min of action bradycardia or heart block, asthma, cocaine
IV drip; adjust drip by overdose
November 7, 2019

50 µg/kg/min every 5 min

Metoprolol Selective beta-1 blocker 2.5–5 mg IV every 5 min (maxi- Onset, 15 min; peak, 30–60 min; duration of ac- Contraindicated in patients with heart failure,
mum total dose, 15 mg), tion, 4–6 hr; not a very potent antihypertensive bradycardia or heart block, asthma, cocaine
then every 4–6 hr overdose
Nitroglycerin Nitrate donor, mixed venous 10–400 µg/min IV drip; adjust Rapid onset and offset (5–10 min) of action; with Contraindicated in patients with right ventricular
and arteriolar dilator by 10–20 µg/min every prolonged use, a higher dose may be needed infarction
with predominant 5–15 min for same effect
venous effects
Nitroprusside Direct vasodilator with 0.25–10 µg/kg/min IV drip; Rapid onset and offset (1–2 min) of action Contraindicated in pregnancy (risk of fetal cyanide
predominant arteriolar adjust by 0.5 µg/kg/min toxicity); use with impaired renal function
effects every 5 min may lead to thiocyanate toxicity, and use in
liver disease may lead to cyanide intoxication,
which may occur with higher doses or pro-
longed infusions; may cause methemoglobin-
emia (dose-dependent), increased intracranial
Hydralazine Direct arterial vasodilator 5–20 mg IV every 15–20 min, Onset and duration of action variable, depending Use should be avoided in most cases; may worsen
then every 3–4 hr (maxi- on acetylator status; usual onset within 20 min ischemia (owing to reflex tachycardia and
mum dose, 20 mg per and peak within 1 hr; duration of action, 3–6 hr; possible coronary steal); unpredictable BP
dose) often demands a beta-blocker or other nega- responses, often excessive
tive chronotropic agent to control reflex

* This table is restricted to agents available in the United States. Detailed information is provided in Table S2 in the Supplementary Appendix. IV denotes intravenous.
The n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l of m e dic i n e

sion is greatest in the first 6 hours of intrave- in cardiovascular events.50 Medications can be
nous therapy, a reasonable approach is to start administered every 30 minutes until the target
oral agents 6 to 12 hours after starting intrave- blood pressure is achieved. A systematic review
nous therapy.44 Long-acting drugs are chosen on of comparative trials and cohort studies suggest-
the basis of standard guidelines for chronic hy- ed similar acute blood-pressure reductions with
pertension management.1,2 After initial stabiliza- different agents.51 Clinical experience and de-
tion, experience indicates that most patients can scriptions of the acute effects of clonidine and
tolerate normalization of blood pressure within labetalol suggest that they may be associated
48 to 72 hours, although some require longer with less abrupt blood-pressure changes than
periods owing to dizziness, fatigue, or mental other agents.52-54 Patients are generally discharged
slowness. once symptoms have improved, which often co-
The recommended pace and intensity of blood- incides with a decrease in blood pressure to a
pressure reduction vary depending on the pres- level below 160 to 180/100 to 110 mm Hg.
ence of certain conditions, particularly aortic
dissection, eclampsia, pheochromocytoma crisis, A r e a s of Uncer ta in t y
and intracerebral hemorrhage, all of which de-
mand more aggressive approaches to limit ongo- Large randomized trials are lacking to identify
ing injury.1,3,46 Ischemic stroke1,3,47 requires more the most effective treatment for hypertensive
conservative management to avoid peri-infarction urgencies and emergencies generally and for spe-
hypoperfusion and worse stroke outcomes. Con- cific underlying conditions. For previously un-
sensus recommendations are based on very treated patients who present to the emergency
limited data and in some cases are not uniform department, there is controversy regarding
across guidelines.1,3,48,49 whether antihypertensive medication should be
prescribed at discharge.55 The American College
Hypertensive Urgencies of Emergency Physicians currently recommends
Most patients without acute target-organ damage initiation of therapy in the emergency depart-
can be cared for as outpatients.13-16 Treatment with ment only for selected patients who are likely to
guideline-concordant long-acting medications1,2 have poor follow-up and recommends referral
should be started, reinstated, or adjusted, and without initiation of treatment in the rest. Al-
follow-up should be scheduled within 1 to 7 days. though there is reasonable concern about inap-
In a study involving more than 500 patients propriate treatment of normotensive patients,
presenting to an emergency department with withholding treatment may represent a missed
severe hypertension, blood pressure fell to less opportunity to minimize risk.
than 180/110 mm Hg after 30 minutes of quiet
rest (before medication administration) in ap- Guidel ine s
proximately one third of the patients.13 If quiet
rest or control of anxiety or other precipitating Recommendations for the management of acute
factors is insufficient, an oral antihypertensive severe hypertension are included in major U.S.
agent may be given. Intravenous medications are and European hypertension guidelines.1-3 There
discouraged in this context. are variations in terminology and specific blood-
For patients with symptoms that are presumed pressure thresholds, but all the guidelines ac-
to relate to hypertension but are not indicative of knowledge the critical role of acute target-organ
target-organ damage (e.g., headache, atypical damage and adopt blood-pressure thresholds of
chest pain, or epistaxis), it is reasonable to choose 180/110 to 120 mm Hg to define urgencies and
an oral agent with a faster onset of action, such emergencies (Table S3). There is general agree-
as clonidine (0.1 to 0.3 mg), labetalol (200 to ment on the pace of blood-pressure reduction
400 mg), captopril (25 to 50 mg), prazosin (5 to and the need for the use of intravenous drugs in
10 mg), or nitroglycerin 2% topical ointment an intensive care environment for the manage-
(1 to 2 in.). Nifedipine (given orally or sublin- ment of hypertensive emergencies. The approach
gually) should be avoided owing to unpredict- proposed in this article is generally consistent
able blood-pressure reduction, possibly resulting with these guidelines.

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C onclusions develop, I would restart amlodipine and lisinopril

a nd R ec om mendat ions at that point. Because stepped additions may re-
duce the risk of excessive blood-pressure reduc-
The patient described in the vignette has acute tion, I would restart her diuretic the following day
severe hypertension complicated by posterior re- if needed. I would wean the nicardipine over a
versible encephalopathy syndrome, a hypertensive period of 18 to 36 hours, although the timing
emergency precipitated by nonadherence to anti- should be guided by close blood-pressure moni-
hypertensive therapy. She should be admitted to toring. I would discharge her once her symptoms
the intensive care unit and immediately begin improve and hypertension is controlled for at least
treatment with continuous intravenous antihyper- 24 hours without the use of intravenous therapy,
tensive therapy guided by invasive intraarterial with arrangements for a follow-up office appoint-
blood-pressure monitoring. Nicardipine (or clevi- ment within 1 week. I would not pursue an evalu-
dipine) and labetalol are the preferred agents in ation for secondary hypertension unless her blood
this context. Given her relative bradycardia, nicar- pressure remained uncontrolled at follow-up.
dipine would be my choice. Although data are Dr. Peixoto reports receiving grant support, paid to Yale Uni-
lacking to guide the appropriate pace of blood- versity, from Vascular Dynamics, Bayer, Lundbeck, Otsuka, Allena
Pharmaceuticals, and Boehringer Ingelheim, fees for serving on
pressure reduction, I would lower her blood pres- a data and safety monitoring board from Ablative Solutions, and
sure by approximately 20 to 25% in the first hour advisory board fees from Relypsa and DiaMedica Therapeutics.
and would aim for a blood pressure of approxi- No other potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
mately 160/100 mm Hg by 6 hours. If she has a Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
good response and relative hypotension does not full text of this article at NEJM.org.

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