Hipertrofia VD en HTA

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Right ventricular hypertrophy in systemic

hypertension: an updated review of clinical studies
Cesare Cuspidi a,b, Carla Sala c, Maria Lorenza Muiesan d, Nicola De Luca e, and Giuseppe Schillaci f,g,
on behalf of the Working Group on Heart, Hypertension of the Italian Society of Hypertension

alterations of the heart such as left atrial enlargement, aortic

Aim: Experimental and clinical evidence supports the view dilatation, systolic/diastolic dysfunction, impaired coronary
that right ventricular hypertrophy (RVH) may parallel left reserve, arrhythmias and right ventricular hypertrophy
ventricular hypertrophy in systemic hypertension; a (RVH) may also occur in hypertensive patients as a
comprehensive analysis of this issue, however, is lacking. consequence of haemodynamic and nonhaemodynamic
Thus, we analyzed the literature in order to provide an factors [4–8].
updated information on the right ventricular structural Gottdiener et al. [9] in the mid-1980s were the first
changes associated to systemic hypertension. to report that right ventricular wall thickness was increased
Design: A literature search using the key words ‘right in 40 (80%) out of 49 essential hypertensive patients with
ventricle’ ‘right ventricular hypertrophy’, ‘biventricular no evidence of pulmonary hypertension and that the
hypertrophy’ ‘right and left ventricular hypertrophy’. magnitude of right ventricular wall increment was linearly
‘hypertension’, ‘echocardiography’ was performed in order related (r ¼ 0.76, P < 0.005) with left ventricular wall thick-
to identify relevant articles. Full articles published in English ness. The lack of correlation between right ventricular wall
language in the last three decades reporting studies in thickness and pulmonary pressure observed in that study,
adult hypertensive individuals were considered. however, was not in keeping with the pioneering studies by
Results: A total of 13 studies, including 1290 untreated Guazzi and co-workers [10,11] who suggested that pulmon-
(45%) and treated hypertensive patients and 259 ary circulation in essential hypertension was exposed to the
normotensive controls, were considered. Overall, in same dysregulation as the systemic one, by showing that
hypertensive individuals right ventricular wall was thicker hypertensive patients had significantly heightened pulmon-
than in normotensive counterparts (standardized difference ary arterial pressure and pulmonary arteriolar resistances
1.3 mm, P < 0.001). RVH prevalence consistently varied as compared to their normotensive counterparts. Moreover,
among studies (17.0–80.0%) with an average of 28.6% elevated left ventricular pressure due to diastolic dys-
in the pooled population. This was also the case for LVH function in hypertrophied hearts is an important mech-
prevalence rates (9.0–100%) with an average value of anism leading to venous pulmonary hypertension and to
30.6%. right ventricular pressure overload [12,13]. Finally, left
ventricular hypertrophic adaptation to systemic hyper-
Conclusion: Clinical studies consistently indicate that RVH
tension is multifactorial being sustained by a number of
is a common cardiac phenotype in systemic hypertension.
growth factors including aldosterone, catecholamines,
As this finding is based on a limited number of cross-
angiotensin, insulin, cytokines and inflammatory markers
sectional studies including small population samples,
[14,15]. All these circulating or locally produced substances
further investigations are needed to determine the clinical
may be responsible of the hypertrophic response of the
utility and prognostic value of this phenotype in clinical
right ventricular independently of haemodynamic altera-
tions of the pulmonary circulation.
Keywords: echocardiography, hypertension, right
ventricular hypertrophy
Journal of Hypertension 2013, 31:858–865
Abbreviations: BP, blood pressure; CIs, confidence a
Department of Health Science, University of Milano-Bicocca, bIstituto Auxologico
intervals; LVH, left ventricular hypertrophy; ORs, odd ratios; Italiano, cDepartment of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, University of Milano
RVH, right ventricular hypertrophy and Fondazione Policlinico di Milano, Milano, dDepartment of Medical and Surgical
Sciences, University of Brescia, Brescia, eDipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Scienze
Cardiovascolari ed Immunologiche, Università Federico II, Napoli, fDipartimento di
Medicina Clinica Sperimentale, Università di Perugia, Perugia and gAzienda Ospeda-
liera ‘S.Maria della Misericordia’, Terni, Italy
INTRODUCTION Correspondence to Professor Cesare Cuspidi, Istituto Auxologico Italiano, Clinical
Research Unit, Viale della Resistenza 23, Meda 20036, Italy. Tel: +39 0362 772433;

eft ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is a cardinal mani- fax: +39 0362 772416; e-mail: [email protected]
festation of hypertensive heart disease reflecting Received 16 October 2012 Revised 18 November 2012 Accepted 17 January 2013
an adaptive response to chronic elevation of systemic J Hypertens 31:858–865 ß 2013 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams &
blood pressure (BP) aimed to counterbalance left ventri- Wilkins.
cular wall stress [1–3]. A variety of structural and functional DOI:10.1097/HJH.0b013e32835f17e5

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Hypertensive right ventricular hypertrophy

To date, only few studies have examined the impact median and inter-quartile range. Differences between
of systemic hypertension on right ventricular structure groups/studies were assessed by ANOVA. The limit of
[16]. This may be related to several reasons, including statistical significance was set at P < 0.05.
the anatomy of right ventricular, characterized by thin- For the dichotomous outcome RVH present/absent,
wall cavity and irregular geometry that may interfere with the results were expressed as odds ratios (ORs) with 95%
accurate measurements of wall thickness and volume [17]. confidence intervals (CIs). Heterogeneity was estimated
In the present article, we report the findings of a systematic using the I-square test; random effect models were applied
analysis of clinical studies focusing on RVH, as assessed by when the heterogeneity across studies was high (I2 > 75).
echocardiography, in order to provide a comprehensive Statistical analysis was done with Comprehensive Meta-
information on the relevance of this cardiac phenotype and Analysis Version 2 (Biostat, Englewood, New Jersey, USA).
related pathophysiological as well as diagnostic implica-
tions in a pooled population of 1290 hypertensive patients. RESULTS
Characteristics of the studies
METHODS Table 1 shows the main characteristics of analyzed studies,
Search strategy and study selection including sample size, setting, ethnicity, mean age, BMI,
Medical literature was reviewed in order to identify all office blood pressure (BP), as well as prevalence rates of
articles evaluating right ventricular structure in hyperten- men, type 2 diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular disease and
sive patients. antihypertensive treatment. Overall, 1290 hypertensive
A computerized search was performed using PubMed, patients and 259 normotensive controls of both sexes
OVID and EMBASE databases from 1 January 1985 up to 31 were included in 13 studies performed in different clinical
July 2012. The studies were identified by the following settings; the assessment of right ventricular structure and
keywords ‘right ventricle’ ‘right ventricular hypertrophy’, RVH prevalence was not the primary aim of all studies. Out
‘biventricular hypertrophy’ ‘right and left ventricular of 13 studies, six were conducted in internal medicine
hypertrophy’, ‘hypertension’, ‘echocardiography’. Checks departments [9,18,22–25], four in out-patient hypertension
of the reference lists of selected articles and pertinent clinics [19,21,26,27] and three in cardiology departments
reviews complemented the electronic search. Data have [20,28,29].
been extracted by two independent investigators (C.C. and
C.S.); additional data have been obtained by personal Characteristics of the patients
contact with authors of selected articles. Mean age range was 36–58 years [21,26]; 64.0% of
Inclusion criteria were: full articles published in English participants were men (n ¼ 798). Average SBP ranged
in peer-reviewed journals from January 1st 1985 up to July from 139  10 mmHg [27] to 161  20 mmHg [19], DBP from
31st 2012; available data on right ventricular structure as 87  9 mmHg [27] to 101  10 mmHg [19] and average BMI
assessed by echocardiography; studies including at least from 25.0  4.0 [22] to 28.6  2.4 kg/m2 [24].
15 adult patients with arterial hypertension defined accord- The vast majority of the pooled population (>95%) was
ing to current guidelines. Caucasian (data provided from 11 studies including 1198
Only the up-dated or largest report was considered patients); approximately 3% had type 2 diabetes (10 studies,
when multiple publications by the same research group 1169 patients); all patients were free from overt cardio-
were found. The first literature search identified 642 articles, vascular disease (11 studies, 1206 patients).
66 of these were potentially eligible for the analysis, but As reported by all selected studies, about 45% of patients
only 13 could be included in the final review [9,18–29]. (n ¼ 577) were not taking antihypertensive drugs; of these,
In particular, 32 studies were excluded as no data on 27% (n ¼ 157) had discontinued antihypertensive treatment
right ventricular structure (i.e. right ventricular wall thick- during a brief placebo wash-out period (1–4 weeks) at the
ness) were provided in the hypertensive cohorts examined, time of echocardiographic examination [37]. The fraction of
10 as double or serial publications, six because includ- patients receiving antihypertensive medications ranged
ing less than 15 individuals, three as the right ventricular from 28 [29] to 100% [9] across the studies.
anatomy was assessed by MRI and two due to the lack of a
minimum set of clinical data. Echocardiographic findings

Statistical analysis Right ventricular wall measurement

For the purpose of the present study we considered As shown in Table 2, right ventricular wall thickness was
data provided by the studies on right ventricular wall measured at end-diastole in the parasternal long-axis view
thickness in hypertensive individuals as compared to their (anterior wall) at the outflow tract level in all studies. In five
normotensive counterparts, and, when available, on the out of 13 studies [9,26–29], right ventricular wall thickness
prevalence of RVH. was also determined in the sub-costal view at the tips
In order to calculate the average prevalence of RVH level of the tricuspid valve. Estimation of right ventricular
in the pooled population, the number of patients fulfilling wall thickness was carried out by two-dimensionally
RVH criteria provided by the authors in each study was guided M-mode tracings in all but two studies [18,23].
divided by the total number of patients (n ¼ 1290). Data are Intra-observer and inter-observer coefficient of variation
expressed as absolute numbers, percentage, mean  SD or of measurement of right ventricular wall thickness were

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Cuspidi et al.

provided by only three out of 13 studies [22,26,29]. Overall,

No (75),PWO (25)
no (70),PWO (30)
no/years (%)
these studies showed satisfactory reproducibility data

AA, African–American; BP, blood pressure; C, Caucasian; CD, cardiology department; DM, type 2 diabetes mellitus; HC, hypertension center; MD, medicine department; n.a., not available; PCVD, previous cardiovascular disease; PWO,
Treatment (ranging from 8 to 10% for intra-observer and from 10 to
13% for inter-observer variability).







Right ventricular hypertrophy criteria and right
ventricular hypertrophy prevalence
PCVD no/
years (%)

Five studies, encompassing about three quarter of the

pooled patients, provided diagnostic criteria for RVH
definition [9,24,26,28,29]. All diagnostic criteria were based
on right ventricular wall thickness measured from the
parasternal window; two out of five criteria were nonsex
TABLE 1. List of echocardiographic studies published in the last three decades focusing on right ventricular structure in human hypertension


specific [9,24]. One study reported normal upper limits




indexed to body size (i.e. body surface area) [26].
Overall, 277 patients (28.6%) were found to have RVH
161  20/101  10
150  21/100  16

154  20/101  12

according to the thresholds listed in Table 2. The pre-

157  17/91  12
156  14/96  9

155  10/99  6

149  10/99  7
145  13/97  7
139  14/88  9
139  10/87  9
155  16/94  9
153  19/95  9
Clinic BP

valence of RVH consistently varied among the studies


ranging from 17 [28] to 80% [9]. This was also the case
for LVH prevalence, ranging from 9 [27] to 100% [9,24].

Comparison between hypertensive patients and

normotensive controls
25.0  4.0
27.7  3.5
28.6  2.4
27.6  3.0
26.3  3.7
25.7  2.1
27.0  5.1
25.5  5.4

Ten out of 13 studies [9–25,26] included normotensive



controls in their series and all but one study [27] showed
a significant increase in right ventricular wall thickness in
hypertensive patients as compared to their normotensive
counterparts. Fig. 1 reports the results of the meta-analysis


from nine studies providing data on average right ventri-

cular wall thickness and SD. The standardized difference
in means was positive in favour of hypertensive patients

52  10
47  10
43  12

58  12
50  11
51  12
50  10
60  9

31  6
49  9
44  8
50  3
52  6

(1.31 mm, CI 0.86–1.77, P < 0.001). As shown in Table 2,

average right ventricular thickness ranged from 3.9 [23] to
7.0 mm [9] in patients with systemic hypertension and from
2.8 [23] to 5.0 mm [20] in controls, respectively.
Ethnicity (%)

C (83) AA (17)

Correlation between right ventricular and left

ventricular thickness


The relationship of right ventricular to left ventricular wall



thickness was assessed by five studies [9] including a total of

712 normotensive and hypertensive individuals. A positive
size (n)

correlation between right ventricular anterior wall and

left ventricular posterior wall thickness was present, the
correlation coefficient (r) ranging from 0.47 [26] to 0.76 [9]
with an average value (r ¼ 0.62) being highly significant

(P < 0.001) (Fig. 2). Similar, but less stringent correlations



were found between right ventricular anterior wall and



interventricular wall thickness (data not shown).


Year of

The present analysis of 13 studies published in the last three


decades provides an updated information on right ventri-

cular structural changes and RVH prevalence, as assessed
by echocardiography, in a pooled hypertensive population
Habib and Zoghbi [20]

of 1290 patients from different hypertensive settings and

Gottdiener et al. [9]

Myslinski et al. [23]

Pedrinelli et al. [27]

Galderisi et al. [24]
Cittadini et al. [22]

Ivanovic et al. [28]

Cuspidi et al. [19]

Cuspidi et al. [26]

characterized by various grades of BP elevation and hyper-

Nunez et al. [18]

Lonati et al. [21]

Cicala et al. [25]

Tadic et al. [29]


placebo wash-out.

tensive heart disease. The main findings of our review are :

echocardiographic RVH is frequently detected in treated

and untreated hypertensive patients, its frequency ranging

from 17 to 80% in the different reports depending on the
criteria employed and the clinical characteristics of the

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Journal of Hypertension
TABLE 2. Echocardiographic findings concerning right ventricular wall thickness (RVWT) and hypertrophy (RVH) in clinical studies on systemic hypertension published in the last
three decades
RVWTd (mm)
Author hypertensive RVWTd (mm) Echocardiographic
(Reference) patients (n) controls (n) method Site of measurement RVH criteria RVH (%)
Gottdiener et al. [9] 7.0  2.0 (n ¼ 49) 4.0  1.0 (n ¼ 20) M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract RVWTd  6.0 mm 80%
control and subcostal view
Nunez et al. [18] 5.9  1.5 (n ¼ 35) 3.7  0.8 (n ¼ 15) M-mode Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
Cuspidi et al. [19] 5.1 þ 0.9 (n ¼ 58) 3.6  0.8 (n ¼ 20) M-mode under two-dimensional right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
Habib and Zoghbi [20] 6.0  1.2 (n ¼ 43) 5.0  1.0 (n ¼ 42) M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
Lonati et al. [21] 4.6  0.6 (n ¼ 15) 3.2  0.3 (n ¼ 15) M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
Cittadini et al. [22] 7.0  2.0 (n ¼ 41) 4.0  2.0 (n ¼ 40) M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
a a
Myslinski et al. [23] 3.9 (n ¼ 44) 2.8 (n ¼ 26) M-mode Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
Galderisi et al. [24] 4.6  0.8 (n ¼ 20) 4.0  0.6 (n ¼ 30) M-mode under two-dimensional right ventricular outflow tract RVWTd 5.0 mm 47
Cicala et al. [25] 4.8  1.1 (n ¼ 30) 3.8  0.9 (n ¼ 30) M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
Cuspidi et al. [26] 5.5  1.0 (n ¼ 330) n.a. M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract RVWTd 3.1 mm/m2 (M); 33.5
control and subcostal view 3.0 mm/m2 (W)
Pedrinelli et al. [27] 3.8  0.9 (n ¼ 60) 3.7  0.7 (n ¼ 29) M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract n.a. n.a.
control and subcostal view (?)
Ivanovic et al. [28] 4.4  0.8 (n ¼ 376) n.a. M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract RVWTd 6.0 mm (M); 17.5
control and subcostal view 5.5 mm (W)
Tadic et al. [29] 4.5  0.9 (n ¼ 189) n.a. M-mode under two-dimensional Right ventricular outflow tract RVWTd 6.0 mm (M); 27.5
control and subcostal view 5.5 mm (W)

n.a., not available.

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Hypertensive right ventricular hypertrophy
Cuspidi et al.

Study name Statistics for each study Std. difference in means and 95% CI
Std. Diff. Lower Upper P- Weight
in means limit limit Value %
Gottdiener (1985) 1.69 1.09 2.28 <0.01 11.8
Nunez (1987) 1.65 0.96 2.33 <0.01 10.5
Cuspidi (1989) 1.71 1.14 2.29 <0.01 11.3
Habib (1992) 0.90 0.46 1.35 <0.01 12.2
Lonati (1993) 2.95 1.92 3.99 <0.01 8.0
Cittadini (1995) 1.50 1.01 1.99 <0.01 11.9
Galderisi (2001) 0.87 0.28 1.47 <0.01 11.2
Cicala (2001) 0.99 0.46 1.53 <0.01 11.6
Pedrinelli (2010) 0.12 –0.32 0.56 0.59 12.2
Total 1.31 0.86 1.77 <0.01 100
Random model –4.0 –2.0 0.0 2.0 4.0
Heterogeneity test I2 = 82.4 % Favours control Favours EH
FIGURE 1 Meta-analysis of studies comparing right ventricular wall thickness in essential hypertensive patients (EH) and normotensive controls (c): the analysis supports the
presence of a positive difference in favor of EH.

examined patients. Overall, RVH was observed in approxi- biochemical and haemodynamic function of the ‘non-
mately 25% of the whole study population; right ventricular stressed’ ventricle as well as with development of bi-
structure was determined by a single linear measurement of ventricular hypertrophy [30]. Furthermore, banding of the
right ventricular anterior wall from the parasternal long axis dog pulmonary artery, in addition to causing right ventricular
view by two-dimensionally guided M-mode tracings in the wall thickening, resulted in increased left ventricular mass
vast majority of the studies; significant differences in right and stiffness [31]. Finally, in cats undergoing pulmonary
ventricular wall thickness between hypertensive patients artery constriction Buccino et al. [32] were able to demon-
and normotensive controls were found in all studies but strate a marked increase in connective tissue synthesis, as
one; right ventricular anterior wall thickness was signifi- indicated by the raised concentration and total content of
cantly correlated with left ventricular posterior wall thick- hydroxyproline both in the ‘stressed’ right ventricle as in the
ness (average r ¼ 0.62). ‘unstressed’ left ventricle.
The data of the present review, although based on a The mechanism(s) of RVH in systemic hypertension are
small series of studies including about one thousand still unclear due to the paucity of clinical investigations
patients, reinforce the concept that left ventricular structural specifically addressed to this issue. A combination of
alterations induced by systemic hypertension are paralleled haemodynamic, anatomical and humoral factors may have
by similar changes in right ventricular chamber. These an important role in modulating right ventricular mor-
echocardiographic findings are in keeping with previous phology and function in essential hypertension.
reports in experimental animals about the pathophysiology Guazzi and co-workers [10] were the first to report that
of inter-ventricular interaction. Left ventricular pressure systemic hypertension is associated with increased pulmon-
overload induced by proximal aorta banding in experi- ary arterial pressure and pulmonary arteriolar resistances
mental animals was found to be associated with increased even in the presence of preserved left ventricular function

Study name Statistics for each study Correlation and 95% CI

Correlation Lower Upper P- Weight
limit limit value %

Gottdiener (1985) 0.76 0.65 0.84 <0.01 19.6

Nunez (1987) 0.66 0.47 0.79 <0.01 16.6

Cuspidi (1989) 0.72 0.57 0.82 <0.01 17.5

Cuspidi (2009) 0.47 0.38 0.55 <0.01 23.8

Tadic (2012) 0.49 0.37 0.59 <0.01 22.5

Total 0.62 0.49 0.73 <0.01 100

–1.00 –0.50 0.00 0.50 1.00
Random model
Heterogeneity test I2 = 82.5% Favours Favours
negative positive
FIGURE 2 Meta-analysis of studies evaluating the relationship between right ventricular anterior wall and left ventricular posterior wall thickness: the analysis supports the
presence of a positive correlation between the two parameters.

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Hypertensive right ventricular hypertrophy

and normal left ventricular mass. Furthermore, the same possible role of the renin–angiotensin system in modulat-
investigators showed that pulmonary vascular over- ing right ventricular structure and function.
reactivity to catecholamines is present in patients with Some further aspects of our review deserve to be
systemic hypertension suggesting that a vasoconstriction commented. Imaging of the right ventricular by echo-
in the pulmonary circulation occurs in parallel with the cardiography is challenging due to the complex geometry
development of systemic high blood pressure [11,33]. These of this cardiac chamber, right ventricular can be divided in
observations, however, were not confirmed by other three anatomical parts: the inlet part including tricuspid
reports. For instance, in a group of 71 men with essential valve, the trabeculated apex and the outlet [41]. This com-
hypertension, Fagard et al. [34] failed to demonstrate plex morphology can be hardly assimilated to a geometric
a significant relationship between pulmonary vascular model, at difference from the conical shape of the left
resistances and mean intra-arterial brachial pressure. ventricular; this represents a major methodological limita-
Left ventricular diastolic dysfunction related to LVH, tion for a reliable assessment of right ventricular dimension
especially of the concentric type, has been demonstrated and function based on standard echocardiography. In spite
to markedly affect right-sided cardiac morphology and of these limitations, Foale et al. [42] showed that mean
haemodynamics. Pulmonary venous hypertension caused absolute right ventricular wall thickness measured from five
by elevated left-sided pressures as a consequence of a echocardiographic views at 10 different right ventricular
reduced left ventricular relaxation is a powerful deter- sites in 41 normal controls varied within a narrow interval:
minant of right ventricular hypertrophy and functional from 3 to 4 mm (range 2–7 mm). In that article, right
impairment. This pathophysiologic link is supported by ventricular wall thickness obtained by the subcostal view
the concomitant increase of right ventricular wall thickness was greater than that measured from the parasternal view;
with the progressive worsening of left ventricular diastolic this finding has been confirmed by subsequent obser-
parameters as assessed by conventional and pulsed tissue vations. It is unclear why right ventricular wall measured
Doppler analysis [25,26]. Furthermore, a number of studies by subcostal windows is thicker that that obtained by
have shown that a parallel impairment of left ventricular different echocardiographic views (i.e. parasternal long-
and right ventricular diastolic function may occur in and short-axis view). A difficult alignment of the M-mode
systemic hypertension even before the development of cursor and inclusion of trabeculations, chordae tendineae
biventricular hypertrophy [27,35,36]. as well as papillary muscles are among the technical
Although myocyte disposition in the right ventricular and biological factors that may explain the differences
wall substantially differs (i.e. predominantly oriented in the in right ventricular wall thickness between subcostal
longitudinal direction in the sub-endocardial layer) from and parasternal view. Notably, the above-mentioned
the three-layered left ventricular wall, mechanical transfer factors may also explain the higher intra-observer and
of stress from the left ventricular to the right ventricular inter-observer coefficient of variation of right ventricular
trough common muscle bands is a plausible mechanism wall measurement from subcostal view as compared to
leading to RVH in systemic hypertension [37,38]. It is note- parasternal view documented in some reports [26].
worthy that right ventricular function is strictly influenced On the basis of echocardiographic studies conducted in
by left ventricular performance owing to ventricular normotensive healthy controls, right ventricular muscular
interaction. Interventricular septum (which includes wall not including trabeculations may range from 2 to 5 mm
fibres arising from both ventricular chambers), pericardium [41,43]; thus, right ventricular mass is approximately one-
and common muscle fibres all play a pivotal role in quarter that of left ventricular.
facilitating force transmission from left ventricular to Accordingly, RVH is defined by authoritative guidelines
right ventricular. Notably, approximately one-third of and scientific reports on the basis of right ventricular free
right ventricular pressure is generated by left ventricular wall thickness equal [17] or exceeding [41] 5 mm regardless
contraction. of sex and indexation for body size. This occurs in spite of
A further possibility is that humoral/hormonal the fact that in healthy as well as diseased patients, cardiac
factors mediate both right ventricular and left ventricular parameters are closely related to anthropometric variables
hypertrophy in response to pressure overload of either such as height and weight. Furthermore, the extension
ventricle; thus, biventricular hypertrophy may be a of such diagnostic thresholds to the older fraction of the
secondary response to the activation of sympathetic tone general population should be considered with caution as
and renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system in patients with the above-mentioned upper limits of normality of right
systemic hypertension. Experimental data from Laks et al. ventricular wall thickness have been derived from young
[39] showed that pressure overload following long-term or middle-aged individuals [17,43].
banding of the pulmonary artery causes noradrenaline Alterations in right ventricular morphology and function
release in both ventricles. Ventetuolo et al. [40] examining have been demonstrated to have a relevant prognostic
the relationship of administration of angiotensin-converting value in patients with pulmonary hypertension, myocardial
enzyme inhibitors and angiotensin II receptor blockers with infarction involving the right ventricular and left ventricular
right ventricular structure and function, assessed by cardiac dysfunction [44,45] and more recently in a population-
MRI, in a large cohort of participants without clinical based multi-ethnic sample free of clinical cardiovascular
cardiovascular disease recruited in the Multi-Ethnic Study disease at baseline [46]. This has not been documented for
of Atherosclerosis (MESA) found that African–American patients with systemic hypertension, as no prospective
subjects treated with these drugs had lower right ventricular studies have investigated the impact of RVH on cardiovas-
mass independently of several confounders suggesting a cular morbidity and mortality. Nonetheless, it is conceivable

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Reviewers’ Summary Evaluations than other agents) have not been satisfactory addressed by
specific investigations yet.
Reviewer 1
Increase of pressure load in systemic circulation leads to left Reviewer 2
ventricular hypertrophy in hypertension. In addition to This review provides evidence of structural changes of
the haemodynamic load, several nonhaemodynamic effects the right ventricle in hypertensive patients, which appear
have been identified to modulate cardiac adaptation in to be in parallel with changes in the left ventricle. The
primary hypertension. Changes of the right ventricle strength is a carefully conducted systematic review and
have been largely neglected and, thus, the fine review meta-analysis. However, echocardiographic examination
by Cuspidi et al. summarizes concisely the data published of the right ventricle can be challenging and these meth-
so far. Clinical consequences (e.g. right ventricular hyper- odological issues are difficult to account for in this meta-
trophy as a determinant of atrial fibrillation) and therapeutic analysis. Also, the number of patients in the separate studies
response (whether, e.g. RAS blockers are more effective is limited.

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