Automation For The Belt Conveyor System - Formatted Paper
Automation For The Belt Conveyor System - Formatted Paper
Automation For The Belt Conveyor System - Formatted Paper
Volume 3 Issue 2
Automation of a belt conveyor system is proposed in this paper. We have proposed an idea
related to IoT using different sensor interface. The PID controller is connected with the main
controlling and monitoring unit through a cloud using Wi-Fi module which send the real time
data obtained from the different sensors on the system by the PID controller to the cloud. The
existing system can be used in every automation industry.
maintenance[7]. Our main focus on the fuzzy logic controllers (FLC), particularly
food industries because it is directly Fuzzy PID controllers have been broadly
related to agriculture, farmers, and also to utilized for mechanical procedures
the health of the consumers. Since the inferable from their heuristic nature related
proper controlling and monitoring system with straight forwardness and adequacy for
required where the following parameters both linear and nonlinear systems.
are used such as colour, shape, size, to
separate the raw material for different PID (proportional integral derivative)
process (for e.g.: which types of potato are controllers utilize a control loop feedback
best for the chips and which one for the mechanism to control process factors and
french-fries this separation of potato is are the most exact and stable controller.
done on the basis of the shape, size, colour The fuzzy PID controller is a
of the potato, which minimize the wastage computationally efficient analytic scheme
of potatoes) because these factors of raw suitable for implementation in a real-time
material affect the production[8] such closed-loop digital control in such a
problems of (shape, size, colour detection system. The machine learning is the best
of raw material, temperature/humidity, approach to reduce the human effort in
speed of belt conveyor, total load on the automation sector using machine learning
belt ) can be minimized by using machine is one of the other ways to increase
learning concept for controlling and production in an effective manner, by
monitoring, where the production can be using all these approaches in a conveyor
increased effectively and efficiently[9]. belt automation is to improve the complete
Here fuzzy logic plays an important role. system which direct in the production. The
Where fuzzy logic is a way to deal with best-known controllers used in industrial
processing dependent on " degree of truth control processes are Proportional integral
" as opposed to the standard thing "true or derivative (PID) controllers because of
false"(1 or 0) Boolean logic on which the their simple structure and robust
advanced PC is based[10]. performance in a wide range of operating
conditions. In any case, the PID controller
Fuzzy logic incorporates 0 or 1 as being linear isn't appropriate for
outrageous instances of truth (or " the state emphatically nonlinear system. Fuzzy
of matters” or “fact ") yet additionally Control is frequently referenced as an
remember the different condition of truth option in contrast to PID control. Over all
for between so that, for instance, the our given system for conveyor belt
aftereffect of a correlation between two automation is a centralized control system
things could be not "tall" or "short" yet due to which:-
".38 of tallness"[11]. Most fuzzy Quick updates are possible
controllers utilized in the business have a System is physically secure
similar structure as incremental PI or PID Dedicated resources
controllers. The parameterization utilizing Data analysis become easy
rules and fuzzy membership capacities Modification in system is become
makes it simple to include nonlinearities, easy
rationale, and extra input signals to control
law. Along these lines, in recent years
Each and every block have its own estimations of temperature and
function or it use for specific purpose such moistness as serial data. The sensor is
as :- likewise factory calibrated and thus
The motor driver is used to provide simple to interface with different
the required power supply to the microcontrollers.
motor, and it is controlled by the A load cell or weight sensor is one
controller. kind of sensor otherwise a transducer.
This is an infrared sensor which can The working principle of the weight
be used for obstacle sensing, line sensor depends on the conversion of a
sensing, motion detection and also as load into an electronic signal. Signal
an encoder sensor The sensor provides can be a change in voltage; current
a digital output (1 or 0). The sensor otherwise frequency based on the load
outputs a logic one (+3.5V) at the as well as used circuit. In a digital
digital output when an object is placed load cell, the signals from the strain
in front of the sensor and logic zero gauge (a gadget used to quantify strain
(0V), when there is no object in front on an item) start as analog electrical
of the sensor. An onboard LED is used voltages. A microprocessor within the
to indicate the presence of an object. load cell quickly changes over them to
The DHT22 is a commonly used digital signals. Those digital signals
Temperature and humidity sensor. generally utilize 2 to 6 volts as their
The sensor accompanies a devoted signal range, which is less susceptible
NTC to quantify temperature and a 8- to variance than the scope of 0.03
piece microcontroller to output the volts in a analogue cell. As it were, the
digital signal is a lot more grounded
The ESP8266 Wi-Fi Module is a self- conveyor system through which the
contained SOC with integrated speed of the motor is controlled by the
TCP/IP protocol stack that can give controller, hence the power
any microcontroller access to your consumption by the system is
WiFi network. The ESP8266 is automatically decreased upto 20%.
prepared to do either hosting an As the system is monitoring the
application or offloading all Wi-Fi process continuously it is capable of
organizing functions from another detecting/predicting the faults which
application processor. are helpful as per the maintenance
Since the controller continuously deals purpose.
with large data taken by the sensors so The system helps to increase the
to store the large data use of cloud is production of products in the
important also as per the security production line, it becomes possible
purpose. by maintaining the speed of the motor
which is pre-programmed in the
WORKING METHODOLOGY controller during installation. It is also
The motor drivers are used to provide controlled by manually as per the
proper power supply to the motor which is requirement. It is helpful in
controlled by the PID controller on the controlling and monitoring the
basis of the output of the load cell shows complete conveyor system easily.
that the process should flow in proper It is able to find the fault in the system
manner without any disturbance. There is a during an unwanted incident in the
dth11 (temperature sensor) used to system, also able to predict the
measure the heat emitted from the running production with the help of comparing
motor that shows that we can use the the recent data with the previous data
motor in an efficient manner. The IR taken by the system during the
sensor is used to measure the speed of the process.
motor for the monitoring purpose. The
colour detection process is used to POSSIBLE APPLICATION
differentiate unwanted thighs over the The proposed system is capable for the
conveyor belt where the camera is used to small as well as the large conveyor system,
monitor the process. it is also being used in different sectors of
automation, where the belt conveyor
The PID controller is connected with the system is used.
main controlling and monitoring unit
through a cloud using Wi-Fi module which The important application is in the food
send the real time data obtained from the manufacturing sector where the system can
different sensors on the system by the PID be able to differentiate the use of raw
controller to the cloud (Cloud storage is a material flow through the conveyor system
cloud computing model that stores data on by the help of camera and colour detection
the Internet) which can be easily access by technique. It also monitors the speed of the
the controlling and monitoring unit from system so that the production will not
where the manually inspection well be affect (maintain the process flow)
done by the employee. additional features are it helps to maintain
the proper distancing in between the final
ANALYSIS/ RESULT products on the belt conveyor so that
Since our provided system works on packaging will become easy. It helps as
the basis of the load on the belt per the security purpose by securing data.