Q1 Module 5 - Topic 7

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Boac, Marinduque

Integrated Basic Education Department

SY 2020 – 2021

I. Title
Subject English Quarter First Module # 5
Level 10 Duration Day
Topic:7 Employing Analytical Listening in Code
(Listening Problem Solving

II. Preliminaries
Content Standards: Performance Standards
The learner demonstrates understanding The learner composes a
of how world literature and other text types serve short but powerful persuasive text
as ways of expressing and resolving personal using a variety of persuasive
conflicts, and also how to use strategies in critical techniques and devices.
reading, listening, and viewing, and affirmation
and negation markers.
A. Objectives/ Competencies B. Methodologies
The students will know analytical listening. Motivation Viewing
The students will be able to use analytical Analytical listening about the
listening in problem-solving. videos to be watched/listened.

C. Output

D. Online Sources / Linkages

III. Discussion/ Broadening of Concept

A. Drills / Motivation / Motive Questions

Weighing two or more things to solve a problem could be a real challenge. If you
were a judge and is to set free one of the following prisoners, who would it be and why?
Check the box of your choice and justify your answer on the space provided below.

1. Murderer who has eight (8) children


2. Thief who stole your mother’s wedding ring

3. Convicted rapist who claims he’s innocent

4. Innocent man convicted of a crime but became a drug pusher while in prison

B. Discussion/ Deepening of Concepts

Every day on our way to school, we listen to the radio or hear roaring engines, and
honking of horns left and right. These may be considered as passive listening as we do not
fully our attention to these sounds. However, there is another kind of listening, which is
intended to help you grasp a material's overall meaning. We refer to this as analytical

Originally used in music, analytical listening involves attentive listening to a song to

unlock its overarching interpretation through a close examination of lyrics, melody, and other
aural elements. This term may also be applied when listening to speeches and other oral
presentations. The key to effective analytical listening is a thorough analysis of all textual
elements of the material listened to.

Analytical listening involves close examination of aural elements to produce an

interpretation. It enables us to detect biases. Content, word choice, gestures, and pitch and
stress reveal the speaker's inclinations.
Moreover, analytical listening helps bring balance to a conversation and process
information objectively. In conversation with others, feeling plays an important role. When the
atmosphere of the conversation is good, chances are objectivity will disappear into the
background. Being mindful of this allows for a balance to be created between feeling and
logical reasoning. Analyses of causes can be made, after which the consequences of a
problem can be better detected as well. An analytical listener is able to critically look at
elements of a problem and apply models to them. By distinguishing main problems from
partial problems, the analytic listener can collect a lot of information, then research it. After
collecting all of the data, the analytical listener will be highly able to make logical
connections, detect the actual cause, and think of fitting solutions.


Directions: Watch and analyze the video of Francis Leo Marcos (https://youtu.be/N3wdpS9sIk).
Use analytical listening and thinking skills to give your opinion about Marcos
condition. Is he guilty or not?

A. Does analytical listening help you to get to the core of the problem or to make decisions
more easily?


B. What is particular circumstances or problem today that we must use analytical


C. Why do we need to be an analytical listener?


IV. Assessment / Performance Task

Directions: Use analytical listening to interpret the song Lord Heal Our Land by Jamie
Rivera. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qTm_rA54EGw).
Answer the question below to guide your understanding of the song.

1. What line is commonly repeated in the song, especially the chorus? What could be the
reason for the repetition?
2. What issues are discussed in the song? How do these issues relate to the song's theme
and title?

3. Describe the genre and beat of the song. Why did the songwriters choose these to
convey their message?

C. Integration
How do you promote international understanding and world peace?

How do you manifest love towards other religion or organization?


V. References

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