Digested Journal#7

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Background of the Case:

As humanity faces challenges in this unprecedented and unusual emergence of

pandemic, corporations take into consideration the social and environmental concerns
in their decision making. The coronavirus has threatened both humanity and the world
economy. It has call for firms to express their social sensitivity and implement urgent
CSR programs for their employees and society. Numerous businesses have declared
urgent initiatives to support their workers and their communities. However, as the
pandemic records high fatality rate, it lowers demands of goods and services which
greatly affects corporations financially.
A CSR should have an equal sustainability principle in terms of economic effect,
society and natural environment. Moreover, CSR activities should be designed with high
regards on legality and statutes. Large multinational firms ought to develop a CSR
strategy that articulates their sustainable ideals within the context of globalization fit to
the country’s or nation’s norms.
The study examined whether CSR initiatives in response to the pandemic can be
seen as strategical or tactical CSR. Strategic CSR is the incorporation of a holistic CSR
perspective within a firm’s strategic planning and core operations so that the firm is
managed in the interests of a broad set of stakeholders to achieve maximum economic
and social value over the medium to long term. Tactical CSR refers to short term
management decisions about CSR programs of limited resources and minimal impact to
firm’s core operations (Werther & Chandler, 2006). The study notes the emergence of a
new category of CSR known as Critical CSR, which combines elements of tactical and
strategical CSR.
The possible emergence of another unscheduled phenomenon within an
unspecified duration is possible. Pre-pandemic CSR policies were not designed to
address the various challenges brought by coronavirus. Given the worldwide health
emergency, a plethora of tactical CSR activities were developed for short-term goals
and configuring pre-pandemic CSR policies.
Statement of the Problem:
1. Should companies borrow useful elements from their urgent CSR activities
and incorporate them to their usual CSR policy?
2. What are the lessons to be learned from their reaction to the pandemic?
3. How will the company improve their CSR concepts?

SWOT Analysis:
1. Several CSR actions has been 1. Decrease in demands from
implemented which may be useful secondary and tertiary sectors.
for comparison. 2. CSR design enhancements
2. Faster execution of improvements requires increase in resources
3. Cooperation among big countries
and coalition of states for health
and financial recovery

1. CSR actions may be used as 1. CSR initiatives are dependent with
prototype of other companies country’s statutes and laws which
which increases level of publicity. are susceptible to change
2. CSR actions are adhered towards 2. Different implementation of health
the benefit of stakeholders which systems per nation
may result to brand loyalty 3. Worldwide health and financial
4. Corporations worked on to be
competitive rather than
cooperative to stay afloat
PROS and CONS to Alternative Action:
Implement innovative  Applicability to the  Requires research
tactical CSR actions current issue at & development per
based on current issues hand issue encountered
 Flexibility of which may affect
activities timeliness
 Does not  Short-term
necessarily need  No correlation with
long-term core activities
commitment of
resources and

Follow CSR actions of  Faster  May not be

other companies as implementation remarkable to
prototype  Activity design is stakeholders as this
available, hence, no does not promote
deeper research is own identity
Implement own Critical  More idiosyncratic  Critical CSR policy
CSR to the firm may not be flexible
 Cheaper since no to the current issue
repetitive research if not well
is needed with less established
changes on the
current design
 CSR activity will be
aligned with
In developing CSR, among the considerations should be time, resources,
correlation with core activities and impact to stakeholders. Strategic CSR are long-term
and requires long-term commitment and involvement of resources. On the other hand,
Tactical CSR activities are short-term, may not generally correlate with the
organization’s core activities, and may not provide overall impact to the organization’s
There are various challenges and crises that companies are facing and yet to
face. CSR activities developed during the pandemic were both tactical and strategic.
The pandemic phenomenon, which is a complicated one, has taught corporations to
develop a more universal category of CSR, which is a Critical CSR. With the lessons of
the pandemic, it is recommended that corporations should implement Critical CSR
policies which enable them to be flexible and resilient to forthcoming turbulent


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