TRF 9 10
TRF 9 10
TRF 9 10
Designed, adapted and implemented teaching strategies that are responsive to learners, with disabilities,
giftedness and talents.
Context: Donald is suffering from a deficiency by shortcomings in his learning areas, seen unfocused and
restless in face-to-face classes. Neither was he unable to pass his activities, he also had difficulty in
understanding and following the instructions given by his teachers and classmates.
Action Taken: The school and faculty took an immediate action to have a conference with his parents and
found out from them that Donald has anxiety and was diagnosed with a learning disability.
How will you alter to make emotional, mental and physical changes and different specifications and
instructions for Donald to keep him focus in face-to-face classes.
After a meeting with Donald’s parents, I will immediately begin looking into his condition. I’m confident that
gaining a better understanding of his condition will enable me to provide him with a pleasant learning
environment. As a result, I will decide to adapt my teaching strategies and materials to meet his specific needs.
I will choose to make my classroom more adaptive and engaging in order to avoid losing his attention. To
help Donald listen and learn more successfully, I will seat him in the front of the classroom to maximize
access to my visual aids, making it a simple as possible for him to understand. I will utilize terms that trigger
or assist him in sequencing events when providing a step-by-step procedure in class.
To raise Donald’s self – esteem in the classroom, I will make sure he is writing down tasks and assisting him
in staying organized. I will record some lessons for him to study late because he has a learning disability. And
by doing so, I will assure the Donald is involve in the classroom and that he will receive the same level of
knowledge as his classmates who do not have a learning disability.
Adapted and used culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups.
Below is an assessment activity for a class of 30 learners,
. five of which belong to an indigenous peoples (IP)
group. Evaluate the appropriateness of the activity to your learners. Write your response in this form.
Directions: For your assignment, research on the following roles in your community by asking your parents or
anyone with knowledge on these roles. Choose from Set A and Set B. Explain why these are important roles.
1. Mayor Datu/Chieftain
2. Councilors Community Elders
3. Medical Officers Healers
Ips are entitled to a well – rounded education. Education that reflects their shared values, feelings,
principles and general ideas. Education that not only common students can access but also IP students.
In the given situation, I believe the teacher will prepare to give thorough consideration to the five
students. The teacher is student – centered and will give differentiated instructions in which learners had
to choose from in the assessment. I believe that in this assessment there will be an equality for all
students and the teacher will be sensitive to the students he/she will handle.
In this scenario, we are taught to be compassionate and caring, to reflect on our ideas about people from
other cultures, to reflect on our own cultural frames of reference, and to be knowledgeable about other
cultures of our students. As a teacher, we must be aware of our students’ backgrounds, whether they are
from common or Ips students, so that we can meet their needs and ensure that they all have access to the
quality of education we provide. We should recognize the importance of including students’ cultural
references in all aspects of learning. Students should all be equally involved and engaged in the
classroom so that no one is left behind.