Py Tania

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In general I think that sometimes it is difficult for a man and woman to understand each
other. Men and women differ and the differences are in their brains. Men are concrete and like
facts. They are less emotional and sensitive than women. Men act quickly, women need more
time to think and decide. In general, men undertake different responsibilities, tasks and
women too. Because of these they can have sometimes problems to understand each other.
Yet, I think that we should do everything to forget about these differences and try to find a
compromise. If we want we can understand and communicate with another person no matter
what sex it is.

15. I believe that there are some things which are worth living, for me these are : family, love
and friends. They give us real happiness. They are more important than money or other
things. We can be rich and have a lot of money, but we won’t be happy. We are happy when
we meet our family, when we have friends and when we are loved. Other things don’t matter (
nie maja znaczenia). Another important thing is satisfaction and freedom.

16. There is one person who I admire most- it is the Pope. He is a person who sets an example
for many people. He is honest, modest and clever. I like listening to his words and his
speeches. He helps people and teaches love, mercy and sensitivity. When I feel bad and have
a problem I think about him and listen to or read his words.

17. I wouldn’t like to be famous. I think that life of a famous person is very difficult. You
don’t have privacy and people know everything about your life. Celebrities have to fight with
paparazzi and journalists who always follow them. I agree that famous people have wonderful
lives because they are admired by other people, they usually have a lot of money, they appear
in newspapers and on TV, but it doesn’t matter for me. I prefer my modest life, I want to have
privacy and it makes me happy.

19. Shopping online has become popular nowadays. There are advantages and disadvantages
of it. One advantage is that it is fast and comfortable. You don’t have to leave your house.
You sit in front of the computer, drink coffee and do the shopping. Also, you have a big
choice. You don’t spend time looking for products, you just click and buy. Yet, there are
disadvantages. For example, you can’t see a product properly (dokładnie), you can’t touch it
and check. What is more, you have to check for the product to be delivered. Additionally, you
can be cheated easily. (oszukany) You also have to pay for delivery.

20. I agree with this - the more we want the more unhappy we become. Nowadays people
want to have good jobs, earn a lot of money, they want to have expensive goods, go to exotic
places. To have this they work a lot and forget about the most important things which are
family, love or friends. They look at their friends and want to have the same. They don’t want
to be worse. People become greedy (chciwy), they want to have more and more. They pay
attention to gadgets and material things. They want to have modern mobile phones, tablets,
cars, luxurious houses.

21. I agree with this opinion. People spend too much money on unnecessary things. One of
them is smoking cigarettes. People know that they are bad for our health and they are also
expensive, yet people still buy them and smoke. Next, people spend a lot of money on gadgets
and trendy designer clothes. They buy luxurious cars and machines. What is more, I think
people spend too much money on fast food which is unhealthy. They should prepare food

22. I agree with this. I think that big cities are the best places for young people to live. In big
cities there are many possibilities and facilities (udogodnień). Firstly, there are schools and
universities in big cities . It is easier for them to find work because most big companies and
offices are located in big cities. Next, there are many shops and supermarkets, there are
cinemas, theatres and restaurants so young people can go there and entertain. In big cities
young people have a chance to develop and learn.

23. Unfortunately (niestety) I agree with this statement. The way people spend Christmas and
Easter has changed a lot. The true meaning of them has disappeared (zanika). Nowadays these
holidays are commercial. Christmas start already in November and Easter just after
Christmas. People pay attention to presents , goods , food, decorations, Santa but not to the
atmosphere. The most important is not time spent with family but just material things. They
are no longer religious holidays. I think that people treat Christmas as time to give and get
presents, buy decorations and eat delicious food.

24. I agree with this statement. Thanks to the Internet and modern technology we are in touch
with people all over the world . We can write messages, call and communicate with people
who live in different countries. We can make friends via the Internet , join some blogs. We
live in a virtual world. We love technology and we use it more and more often. Unfortunately,
because of this we don’t have time for real communication, face to face. We prefer
communication via the Internet, mobile phones, not real meetings and talking.

25. I agree with this. On the road while driving we are responsible for ourselves and other
people. People who drink and drive are irresponsible. They can cause accidents, they are
danger for other people who drive or walk. Drivers mustn’t drink and then drive. If they do
so, they should lose their driving licence for life. They shouldn’t be allowed to drive because
they can kill innocent people ( niewinni).

26. I agree with this opinion. Young people in each country are very important because they
are the future. Government should invest and help young people. It should make their lives
easier. First of all, it should provide good education and help young people find jobs. Many
young people go abroad nowadays because their can’t find job here or they don’t have any
chances to develop. Also, there should be fewer regulations and bureaucracy when we start
our own companies and businesses.

27. Stereotypes are ideas which we have about other people and countries. They can be
positive and negative and I think they are sometimes true and sometimes they are simply
invented (wymyślone). For example, English are said to be reserved in manners and they have
a strange sense of humour. I agree with this. The French are friendly and romantic. The
Italians are good lovers but bad workers. They are also chaotic. The Poles like complaining
(narzekac), they are hospitable (goscinni).German people are believed to be hard-working and
organized. I think we have to be careful with stereotypes because we can sometimes hurt
somebody but in most cases I believe they give a true picture of a country.

28. Sport is very important in our life. We should practice it because it gives us health and
energy. All types of sport are good for our mental and physical development. Thanks to sport
we are strong, active, fit, energetic and less tired. We don’t have problems with our heart, we
don’t suffer from diabetes( Cukrzyca dajabitiz) and other illnesses (chorób).Sport builds our
characters. Team sports such as football, volleyball, basketball teach us personal skills and
teach us team work. It’s a pity that children nowadays prefer sitting in front of computer
games to going out and playing real sports.

29. Environment is very important but it is very polluted. We should protect it (chronic).To
help our environment we should recycle as many things as we can. Recycling is the best way
to avoid global warming and climate change. We should save (oszczędzać) water and energy,
for example we should turn off lights when we leave our room and use energy saving bulbs
(żarówki). We should segregate rubbish and do not throw it to the forest. Next, we can use
bikes or go on foot instead of using cars if there is a short distance. Also, we can plant trees.
We should use paper bags instead of plastic ones.

30. In the future I would like to visit Egypt. I think it is a very beautiful and interesting place
with an interesting history. First of all, I would like to see pyramids and all ancient buildings
there. I would like to touch them and feel the history. I have always dreamed of seeing them.
The Pyramids show how wonderfully the people in the past built these huge pyramids with
basic tools (narzędzia) and their little knowledge. I would like to go there and compare ancient
and modern cultures. It is fascinating. What is more, I want to see a real dessert (pustynia) and
ride a camel. Finally, the weather is perfect there. I love sun and hot weather.

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