Day1 Am Module 5 English 4 Q1 (Week 5) .Docx Nov

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English 4

Quarter 1 – Module 5 (Week 5)

Identifying Meaning of Unfamiliar Words through Structural
Analysis (Prefixes and Suffixes)

Let Us Learn!

In this module, you will be able to identify/ read/ recognize/ meaning of

unfamiliar words through structural analysis (words and affixes: prefixes and

Let Us Try!
Direction: Identify the correct affix in the given word.

1. __UN___do – to do again
a. Re- b. Pre- c. Un- d. Post-
2. ____UN__interpret – wrong interpretation
a. Re- b. Un- c. Dis- d. Mis-
3. ___PRE__test – test before
a. Pre- b. Post- C. Re- d. Dis-
4. Time ABLE____ - without time a.-less
b. –able c. –star d. –er
5. __UN___paid – paid before
a. Un- b. Pre- c. Dis- d. Tri-

Let Us Study
4pics 1word
What word describes the pictures below?

The C___A___P___O___

Easy? You must think of an answer before you can move to the

next part of this module.

Did you get champion? You got it right!

Catriona Gray and Manny Pacquiao are few of the Filipinos who
brought pride to our country. They are world-class champions.

Read the following sentences. Study the underlined words.

1. Dream becomes impossible if you think that way.
2. Life makes us laugh, sometimes cry and that makes it colorful.
Let us pay attention to these words.

Impossible colorful

im + possible = impossible color + ful = colorful

The words possible and color are root words.

They are also called base words.

Impossible and colorful are words formed when syllables

like im- and -ful are added. These letters are
called affixes. Affixes can change the meaning
of a root word.

Affixes have two types.

1. Prefix is composed of letters added
before a root word.
im + possible = impossible
(prefix) (root word) (im means not)
2. Suffix is composed of letters added
after a root word.
color + ful = colorful
(root word) ( suffix) (ful means full of)

Let us discuss some of the common prefixes.

Prefix mis-
Misbehave means behave wrongly or
behave badly. The new word means negative.
Miscalculate means wrong calculation.
Also, the meaning becomes negative.
mis + behave = misbehave
mis + calculate = miscalculate

In short, prefix mis- means wrong or badly. Words with prefix
mis- means negative.
Prefix im-
Imperfect means not perfect.
Im + perfect = imperfect
im + mortal = immortal

Immortal means not mortal.

Prefix im- means not or opposite of. It is only used for root
words that begin with b, m, and p.

Prefix dis-
Dislike means not like.
Dislike means not like.
Disable means not able.
Disable means not able.
Prefix dis- means not or opposite of. When used, new
word formed means the opposite of the root word.

Remember that prefixes can change the meaning of a root word.

Let us explore some of the suffixes.

Suffix –ful Suffix -less

care + ful = careful Careless is the opposite of careful.
thank + ful = thankful Careless means without care.
The word careful means full of care. Hopeless means without hope.
The word thankful means full of thanks. care + less = careless
Suffix -ful means full of. hope + less = hopeless
Suffix -less means to be without of.
It is the opposite of suffix -ful.

Suffix -er
Someone who dances is called dancer.
dance + er = dancer
Someone who sings is called singer.
sing + er = singer
Suffix -er is usually added to an action word to mean
someone or something that does the action.

Let Us Practice

Circle the words with suffix –ful or –less.
Direction: Tell if the underlined affix is a prefix or a suffix. Write the
answers on your answer sheet.
1. painful
2. impolite
3. painless
4. mislead
5. swimmer
6. disappear
7. truthful
8. shameless
9. mindful
10. immobile

Let Us Practice More

Read the prefixes on the clouds. Decide which one goes with each of the
root words below. A root word is one you can form new words from. Write at
least 8 formed words. Use your dictionary of you need help. The first one is done for

un super mis in
re tri dis pre

Tie Cycle Example: Untie

Place Test 1.
Honest Spell 2.
Market Correct 3.

Let Us Remember

Prefix- is a syllables added before the root word.

Examples of prefixes with meanings:
Pre- – before Mis- - wrong Un- – not
Post- – after Re- – again
Dis- - not In- - not
Example of words with prefixes:
Prepack, Misunderstanding, Invalid, Regain
Suffixes is word added after the root word.
Examples of suffixes with meanings:
-star – top -able – capable of being
-less – without -ible – capable of being
-ness – state of being -en – become
-dom – place/state of being -er – one who
Examples of words with suffixes
Kingdom, Freedom, Kindness, Driver, Teachable

Let Us Assess
Find the meaning of each underlined words with the sentence. Write the
letter of your answer.

1. Andro had to rebuild the tower of blocks that fell down.

a. To build b. To build again c. Not to build
2. Ronald will untie his shoes before taking them off.
a. To tie b. To tie again c. not tie
3. Mrs. Reyes told Celia to recheck her work when she was done.
a. To check b. Not check c. To check again
4. I dislike the taste if ampalaya.

a. To lie b. Not like c. To like a little
5. The telephone wire is disconnected.
a. Connected b. Not connected c. Connected again

Let Us Enhance
Choose the word that best completes the

1. Precooked chickens were cooked _________ you bought them.

a. before b. after c. while
2. Sweetie is an antiperspirant. What does it do it to the sweat?
a. It fights against it.
b. It supports it.
c. It spread around it
3. Where are the lights at an intersection?
a. After streets b. Before streets c. between streets
4. A unicycle is a _______ vehicle.
a. one-wheeled b. two-wheeled c. three-wheeled
5. In what part of a letter is a postscript put?
a. on top b. before c. after
6. An unspoken rule is described as ___________.
a. strict b. loud c. silent

Let Us Reflect

 Root word is a base of a word, the simplest form or structure.

 When we say affix, it is something a letter sound, or syllable added to the
root word in the beginning or ending.
 There are two divisions of affix: the prefix and the suffix.
 Prefix is the one placed at the beginning of a root word.
 Suffix is the one placed at the end of a root word.

Using this word formations, it can help us to shorten the word we want to
say. For example, "write again", by just using word formation, we can easily say it
as "rewrite"

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