Rupay Online Switching Interface Specification
Rupay Online Switching Interface Specification
RuPay - Online
Switching Interface
Version 1.6 Year 2013
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents __________________________________________________________________________________ 1
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Figures
List of Figures
Figure 1 SMS Transaction Flow _______________________________________________________________________ 18
Figure 2 DMS Transaction Flow _______________________________________________________________________ 19
Figure 3 ISO 8583 Message Structure ________________________________________________________________21
Figure 4 Master Send a New Key ______________________________________________________________________ 30
Figure 5 Slave Sends a New Key _______________________________________________________________________ 31
Figure 6 Authorization Normal Completion__________________________________________________________35
Figure 7 Message Validation Failure – NPCI _________________________________________________________35
Figure 8 System Failure – Authorization Request/ Financial Request _____________________________ 36
Figure 9 System Failure – Authorization Response/ Financial Response _________________________ 37
Figure 10 Late response from issuer _________________________________________________________________38
Figure 11 Stand-in Processing, Late Response from Issuer _________________________________________39
Figure 12 Stand-in Processing, No Response from Issuer __________________________________________40
Figure 13 Stand-in Processing, Node Offline or Issuer Signed-off __________________________________ 41
Figure 14 Maximum Response Time for Acquirer ___________________________________________________43
Figure 15 Normal Completion of an Authorization Message/ Financial Message _________________ 43
Figure 16 System failure - Acquirer Aware - Authorization / Financial Request _________________ 44
Figure 17 System Failure - Acquirer Unaware - Authorization / Financial Request ______________ 45
Figure 18 Message Validity Failure at NPCI - Authorization / Financial Request _________________45
Figure 19 Incomplete Transactions in case of Terminal Failure ___________________________________46
Figure 20System Failure - NPCI Aware - Authorization / Financial Response ____________________ 47
Figure 21 System Failure - NPCI Unaware - Authorization / Financial Response_________________ 48
Figure 22 Advice Messages getting Completed Normally ___________________________________________49
Figure 23 Advice Delivery Crossing Time Limits ____________________________________________________49
List of Tables
List of Tables
Table 1 Version History________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Table 2 Document Revision History __________________________________________________________________ 15
Table 3 Document Convention ________________________________________________________________________16
Table 4 Components of Message Structure___________________________________________________________21
Table 5 Version Number ISO 8583 Message _________________________________________________________ 21
Table 6 Message Class ISO 8583 Message ____________________________________________________________ 22
Table 7 Message Function ISO 8583 Message ________________________________________________________22
Table 8 Message Source ISO 8583 Message __________________________________________________________22
Table 9 RuPay Implementation of ISO 8583 _________________________________________________________24
Table 10 Private Fields Used in RuPay _______________________________________________________________24
Table 11 Message Supported by Issuer_______________________________________________________________34
Table 12 Message Supported by Acquirer____________________________________________________________42
Table 13 Key Data Elements ___________________________________________________________________________ 52
Table 14 Symbols used in Message Format __________________________________________________________ 53
Table 15 Purchase Message – Issuer __________________________________________________________________ 54
Table 16 Purchase with Cashback Message – Issuer ________________________________________________55
Table 17 RuPay E-Commerce Message – Issuer _____________________________________________________57
Table 18 E-Commerce 3D Message – Issuer__________________________________________________________ 58
Table 19 Cash at PoS– Issuer __________________________________________________________________________59
Table 20 Cash Withdrawal - ATM Message – Issuer _________________________________________________61
Table 21 Balance Inquiry Message – Issuer __________________________________________________________ 62
Table 22 Reversal Message – Issuer __________________________________________________________________ 63
Table 23 Decline Message _____________________________________________________________________________ 65
Table 24 Network Management Message – Issuer___________________________________________________ 65
Table 25 Pin Change Message – Issuer _______________________________________________________________66
Table 26 Mini Statement Message – Issuer ___________________________________________________________ 67
Table 27 Card to Card Fund Transfer-Debit leg to the issuer _______________________________________ 69
Table 28 Card to Card Fund transfer-Credit to the beneficiary _____________________________________70
Table 29 Mobile Number Update – Issuer ____________________________________________________________ 71
Table 30 Cheque Book Request – Issuer______________________________________________________________ 72
Table 31 Statement Request – Issuer _________________________________________________________________73
Table 32 Decline Advice Message (Quick EMV) – Issuer ____________________________________________ 74
Table 33 EMI Message – Issuer ________________________________________________________________________ 76
Table 34 Loyalty Redemption Message – Issuer _____________________________________________________77
Table 35 Authorization Advice Message – Issuer ___________________________________________________78
Table 36 File Update Message – Issuer _______________________________________________________________ 79
Table 37 Loyalty Inquiry Message – Issuer___________________________________________________________ 80
Table 38 Refund Message – Issuer ____________________________________________________________________81
Table 39 Purchase Message – Acquirer_______________________________________________________________ 82
Table 40 Purchase with Cashback Message – Acquirer _____________________________________________84
Table 41 RuPay E-Commerce Purchase Message – Acquirer _______________________________________ 85
Table 42 E-Commerce 3D Purchase Message – Acquirer ___________________________________________86
Table 43 Cash at PoS / Cash Withdrawal Message – Acquirer ______________________________________ 88
List of Tables
This document is of restricted use. No part of this document may be reproduced in any form by
any means without prior written authorization of National Payment Corporation of India
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Document name: RuPay Online Switching Interface Specifications
Version History:
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Document Control
1.1 Audience
This manual is intended for technical staff and managers and customer support personnel of the
member banks.
Chapter 3, Message structure – This chapter contains message structure supported by NPCI
Chapter 5, NPCI system functionalities – This chapter contains various functionalities of the
NPCI online authorization system.
Chapter 6, Member responsibilities - This chapter contains responsibilities of the issuing and
acquiring bank
Chapter 7, Message formats – This chapter contains NPCI message formats for various
Chapter 8, Data element description – This chapter defines the data element description for
NPCI online messages
1.3 Exclusion
The current specification version excludes the following items:
1.4 Document Convention
Document Convention Purpose in the Manual
Italics For writing note
Note Providing more information about the preceding topics
Table 3 Document Convention
1.5 More Information
1.5.1 Related Publication
Chapter 2 Introduction
As a part of the RuPay Switching Service, the ‘NPCI Network’ will collect transactions from a
trusted source (an acquirer) and deliver it to a trusted destination (an issuer). The trusted
destination will use this information to validate the transaction to the cardholder’s account and
further authenticate the transaction back to the trusted source through ‘NPCI Network’. ‘NPCI
Network’ further facilitates the process of clearing a valid authenticated transaction and
provides the settlement service. A settlement service is a facility within which funds are
exchanged between members and NPCI to settle transactions and fee amounts.
The RuPay Switching Service will facilitate POS and ATM transactions among all member banks
participating in the ‘NPCI network’. The RuPay Switching Service operates on a continuous
basis, ensuring that cardholders in India can use their card anytime and that Acquirers and
Issuers in India always have access to NPCI RuPay Switching Service facility.
The NPCI SMS system will perform real time transaction processing as well as exception or
offline transaction processing offline. Transaction flow in SMS environment is as follows:
Merchant Central Switch
Acquirer Issuer
0200 0200
0210 0210
Figure 1 SMS Transaction Flow
2.3.1 Authorization
Authorization is the process where the card issuing bank notifies the acquirer and the merchant
of the availability of funds for a cardholder, and issues an authorization code for the transaction
2.3.2 Clearing
The movement of transaction information from the member to NPCI network and NPCI network
to members is referred to as Clearing. In the clearing process, the funds are claimed from
member parties using the NPCI network by exchanging clearing files. Clearing activities
facilitate the settlement process.
2.3.3 Settlement
Settlement is the process used to exchange funds between members for the net value of the
monetary transactions cleared for the specific processing day.
Acquirer Issuer
0100 0100
0110 0110
POS transaction
from Central
Clearing Clearing
Switch for
and and
processing after
settlement settlement
files files
Figure 2 DMS Transaction Flow
This document defines the Host-to-Host RuPay online message specifications for both single
message system and dual message system. Messages to be used for the connection between the
NPCI host, issuer and acquirer will be based on the ISO-8583 standard. This document outlines
the detailed usages of theISO-8583 protocol between the two host systems and the data format
to be used in individual data elements.
Note: The word POS here encompasses all the transaction types other than ATM transactions like
Introduction Routing
2.4 Routing
Routing is the process of moving information across an inter-network from a source to a
destination. The NPCI RuPay Switching service supports routing of interbank POS and ATM
transactions through NPCI network.
NPCI system will support the routing for authorization for both SMS and DMS system.
The clearing and settlement of DMS transaction is carried through RuPay Global
Clearing and settlement system (RGCS)
The central switch of the NPCI system validates the request message from the acquirer
and prepares it for processing. This processing and validation include identifying the
message type, identifying the Issuing bank, checking of structural, format and value
validation, and Liquidity Management Module (LMM) checking.
If the central switch encounters an error condition at any point in the process then further
processing is halted. Messages rejected or declined by NPCI are sent back to the acquirer with a
proper response code indicating occurrence of an error condition wherever possible and the
message is not forwarded to the issuer. For e.g. if a message does not contain a mandatory field
in the request, or a field contains an alphabet in place of a number then that message would be
rejected at the NPCI’s end.
3.1.1 Message Header
Message header consists of 2 bytes binary value which contains the length of message excluding
the header length.
3rd position of the MTI specifies the message function which defines how the message will flow
within the system.
MTI Signifies RuPay Implementation
xx00 Request
xx10 Request response
xx20 Advice
xx30 Advice response
xx40 Notification
Table 7 Message Function ISO 8583 Message
Following are the valid message type identifiers for RuPay online specifications
3.1.3 Bitmap
Within an ISO 8583 message, a bitmap is a field or subfield that indicates which data elements
may be present elsewhere in a message. The message text segment of all messages transmitted
through NPCI Host is of variable length. For this segment, bit maps specify the fields that are
present and those that are missing.
Primary bitmap
Primary and secondary bitmap
Primary, secondary and third bitmap
If a bit is 0, the field related to that bit is not present in the message.
If a bit is 1, the field related to that bit is present in the message.
Data field number 1 does not exist. The first bit of the primary map is used to indicate if another
bitmap called the second bitmap (see the next section) immediately follows this primary one.
The second bitmap is present only when the message contains information in any field from 66
through 128. When present, the secondary map immediately follows the primary bitmap and
precedes the data fields.
The third bitmap is aligned at the beginning of the message, directly following the first two
bitmaps. The data elements follow the bitmaps. The third bitmap is reserved for future use.
Note: The message exchanged between member switch and the NPCI switch will use ASCII
character set. Message header will be in binary.
3.1.4 Data Elements
Data elements are fields carrying the information of the transaction itself. Each Data element
has a specified meaning and format. The detailed description of the data elements is described
in the Chapter 8.
For example: Bit value 2 is assigned to Primary Account Number, 3 is assigned to Processing
Code, 4 is for Transaction Amount similarly bit value 128 is for message authentication code
field and so on. For each data element there is specific data format, size, constraints and
description, which are been mentioned in Chapter 8.
Variations Descriptions
Message Header NPCI uses 2 byte header which indicates the length of the
message minus header.
DE 22 – POS entry mode NPCI uses five private values 80, 81, 90, 91, 95 ,99 for PAN entry
mode and two private values 6, 9,8 for PIN entry mode of DE 22
DE 25 -POS Condition code NPCI defines three private values 51, 59, 71 for this field
DE 44 – Additional response NPCI defines additional response data to indicate the reject code
data in case if the message fails to comply with the rules
Table 9 RuPay Implementation of ISO 8583
Variations Descriptions
DE 48 -Additional data NPCI uses DE 48 which is reserved by ISO for “Private use”
DE 60 – Advice reason code NPCI uses DE 60 which is reserved by ISO for “Private use”
DE 61 – POS data code NPCI uses DE 61 which is reserved by ISO for “Private use”
DE 62 – Private data field 1 NPCI uses DE 62which is reserved by ISO for “Private use”
DE 63 – Encrypted biometric field NPCI uses DE 63which is reserved by ISO for “Private use”
DE 120 – Private data field 3 NPCI uses DE 120which is reserved by ISO for “Private
DE 121 to DE 123 – Private data NPCI uses DE 121 to DE 123which is reserved by ISO for
field 4 - 6 “Private use”
DE 127 – Private data field 7 NPCI uses DE 127which is reserved by ISO for “Private
Table 10 Private Fields Used in RuPay
4.1 Authorization Message
4.1.1 Description of Authorization Message
This message authorizes a transaction before a final amount of the purchase is known. It
determines if funds are available, gets an approval and block the funds in the account. These
messages do not have a settlement impact hence, to clear and settle an approved transaction the
acquirer must submit the transaction to the clearing system.
4.2 Financial Message
4.2.1 Description of Financial Message
This message determines if funds are available, gets an approval and debits the account.
Financial messages have a settlement impact. No exchange of clearing file is done after this.
There should be an authentication parameter in the request.
Note: For financial request message PIN (DE 52) is mandatory as an authentication parameter.
Financial request message without PIN will be declined with acquirer compliance and will not
be forwarded to issuer. The exception to this is non-secure E-Commerce transaction.
4.4 Reversal Message
4.4.1 Description of Reversal Message
This message reverses the action of a previous authorization. It notifies NPCI Host and/or the
issuer of an error condition regarding an earlier financial transaction if:
If, for any reason, these messages cannot be immediately delivered to their intended
destination, acquirer or NPCI stores these messages in SAF and forwards them to the intended
destination when communication is re-established with the appropriate destination processor.
NPCI treats all reversal messages as reversal advice messages. Acquirer needs to send 0420
message to NPCI and NPCI will forward the same to the Issuer. Issuer needs to respond with a
0430 message. NPCI generates reversals only for time-out cases for issuer responses. NPCI will
also generate reversal, if the response from issuer fails for format validation or issuer fails to
respond within the allowed time limit. It is important to mention that a reversal always needs to
be acknowledged and the response code in the reversal response 0430 message is ignored at
NPCI. If any response comes for 0420 message from the Issuer, NPCI treats that the reversal is
completed and the same is not be forwarded again, removed from SAF and take the affect in
Acquirer can generate reversal up to next 72 hours (3 cut over cycles). If a reversal is generated
after next 72 hours then NPCI will not validate the same will not be processed at NPCI.
Network messages communicate with NPCI for the scenarios mentioned below.
It’s the member’s responsibility to generate sign-on (0800) message to establish connectivity to
NPCI. Member banks also have to support sign-on message sent by NPCI and respond accordingly.
4.5.3 Cutover Message
NPCI will issue cutover message (0800 message with net code=201 in DE70) at 23:00
hour indicating a business date change for both SMS & DMS transactions NPCI cut off
time indicates the new settlement date is considered for transactions after cutover for
SMS transactions.
The member needs to respond to the cutover message. In the event that a member does
not respond to the cutover message, NPCI will impose a forced cutover.
4.5.4 Echo Message
Either party can send an echo message (0800 DE 70=301) to the other party.
The receiving party will respond to the echo message (0810 DE 70=301).
These echo messages are used to validate the availability of the host session in case of
low or no transaction traffic in the session.
Member banks and NPCI will also generate Echo message (0800 message type) to keep
alive during no transaction time. Ideal duration for the same should be 3 minutes (180
NPCI will keep generating echo messages at regular intervals only if no transaction
processed on the node.
Banks must generate the echo message every 3 minutes (180 seconds) if no transaction
is processed on the network during the duration.
4.6 Advice Message
4.6.1 Description of Advice Message
This is a message that is from point to point i.e. from terminal to acquirer, from acquirer
to network, from network to issuer, with transmission guaranteed over each link, but
not necessarily immediately.
It is a message which cannot be rejected i.e. needs an acknowledgement at the
Queued and Stored in a SAF(Store And Forward)
When an advice message is forwarded from Acquirer/NPCI to any destination and if an
advice message is not delivered immediately due to some communication failure to the
receiving entity then the advice message is stored in their appropriate SAF and is
delivered to the destination when communication is re-established.
Member Systems will connect to NPCI system using persistent socket connections.
Member will be responsible to generate the sign-on (0800 message type) message after every
successful TCP socket connection.
Member must fine tune its timers so that every disconnection is followed by connect request
without any delay.
In POS and ATM transactions, all PINs must be encrypted at the point of entry using the triple
DES (3DES) algorithm in the ANSI PIN block format 0 which is equivalent to ISO PIN block
format 0. The PIN will remain encrypted until the issuer receives it for verification. The NPCI
central switch must receive the PIN encrypted with the ANSI PIN block format 0 or ISO PIN
block format 0.
Members must execute all PIN encryption, translation, and decryption for the POS/ATM
transaction using hardware encryption through physically secure devices. Both the host and the
point of entry must use hardware security module.
Key exchange is a service that enables member banks to change working keys that are used to
protect cardholder PINs via online messages.
To utilize this service, members must obtain a Zone Master Key (ZMK). A ZMK is a key exchange
key. Members use a ZMK for encrypting the working key when they convey it in an online
message. A ZMK is used to protect a Zonal Pin Key (ZPK). ZPK is different for both an issuer and
an acquirer.
The key exchange service makes it practically convenient to change PIN encryption keys
frequently, thereby increasing the security of the payment system and reducing the chances of
key compromise. There are two types of PIN encryption keys: Acquirer ZPKs and Issuer ZPKs.
NPCI and an acquirer would share one ZPK and NPCI and issuer would share another ZPK.
Acquirers use their ZPK to encrypt the PIN while sending a message to NPCI. NPCI uses the
issuer ZPK to encrypt the PIN when it sends the message to the issuer.
Key exchange messages are used to exchange ZPK between members. ZPK Key exchange can be
accomplished in two ways: i.e. static and dynamic modes as configured for respective members.
Two ways of dynamic Key exchange is envisaged. One is to have the master send the key update
message and slave updating the key directly. The other way is to have the slave request for a
new key and master shall send a new key in response which slave can update.
Note: In the current implementation NPCI will always send the key to members and members
cannot request for key exchange.
Master directly sends the new key to the slave and the slave updates and responds back.
Slave can request a new key and master will send a new key to the slave.
New Key
Figure 4 Master Send a New Key
1. NPCI will act as a master and will send a new key message (0800 DE 70=184) which will
be the single key used for inbound and outbound messages.
2. The new key details along with key check value will be sent in DE 48 and the key is
encrypted. The participant bank should decrypt the new ZPK key using the ZMK and
store into their switch and should respond back to NPCI with 0810 message with
response code as “00” along with DE70=184.
Note: In the event of slave not responding successfully for the key change request, Master will keep
processing the transaction with the current key.
New key
3 request
New key 4
Figure 5 Slave Sends a New Key
1. Participant bank can send a new key request message 0800 with DE70 = 164 to NPCI.
2. If the key request is accepted, NPCI will respond to the participant bank with 0810
response having the response code as “00” with DE70 = 164.
3. NPCI will generate the new key and send the new key in (0800 bit 70= 184) request
message which will be single key used for inbound and outbound messages.
4. The new key details will be sent in DE48 and key encrypted value under ZMK and key
check value. The participant bank should decrypt the new ZPK key using the ZMK and
store into their switch and should respond back to 0810 message with response code as
“00” along with DE70=184.
Note: In the current implementation NPCI will send the key change message to members who have
opted for the same. Members will not be allowed to ask for key change request.
Key request from the member bank: Member bank can initiate key exchange either on
ad hoc basis or after a definite time interval. Once the request from the member bank is
accepted, NPCI will initiate new key exchange. This facility will not be provided to
members currently.
Specific time interval: A new key can be generated after a specific time interval. The
suggested time interval is 24 hours. Only NPCI may initiate this key exchange.
Specified usage count of key: A new key can be generated on the basis of the specific
usage count of a particular key. Only NPCI may initiate this key exchange.
On consecutive key sync errors: A new key can be generated after a specified number of
consecutive key synchronization errors. Only NPCI may initiate this key exchange
5.8 Time-Out Management
There are different timeout scenarios in a transaction life cycle and as a central switch, NPCI is
expected to manage the timeout scenarios of the transaction in various stages.
NPCI shall maintain the timer at the issuer end such that the timer will start ticking after
the transaction is sent to issuer node. This timer shall be applicable to all the messages
sent to issuer.
Acquirer and NPCI are expected to generate reversal after the expiry of timeout as
mentioned in chapter 6 Member Responsibilities.
In case the reversal or advice is originated by acquirer and acknowledgement is not
received from the issuer within the timeout period, NPCI shall store the advice in SAF
and the SAF shall be cleared from the system as and when the other host is online and is
ready to accept SAF advises. In case of SAF timing out, it will be retried for 3 times
before getting purged and the affect taken into settlement.
NPCI can set parameter in such a way that issuer member bank node can be set to offline on the
basis of consecutive number of messages timed out.
When NPCI receives an authorization (DMS) or a financial transaction (SMS) from the
member bank as acquirer, and before routing the transaction to the issuer, LMM module
adds transaction amount to the cumulative amount of issuer and compare with upper
limit amount.
If the cumulative amount is greater than upper limit of member bank, LMM module will
decline the transaction with specific response code decide by NPCI.
If the cumulative amount is less than upper limit of member bank, LMM module will
allow the transaction for the member bank.
If the cumulative amount is equal to upper limit of member bank, LMM module will
allow the transaction for the member bank.
Product wise limit checking is carried out i.e. ATM, POS, AEPS, and IMPS separately.
Limits for ATM, POS, AEPS, and IMPS are maintained separately. International
transactions are included.
The limits for ATM, POS, AEPS, and IMPS are always reset at 23:00 hrs. The limit for POS
is always reset at 03:00 hrs.
Note: Any error in matching field will result in message reject. As per the MTI further action will be
initiated as mentioned below:
For an advice messages (0x2x messages) NPCI will continue sending the repeat advice for
three times.
For an authorization response message or financial response (0110/ 0210 message), a
reversal message (0420 message) would be sent to issuer and a declined message
(0110/0210) to acquirer after timeout.
NPCI will not check duplicate transactions at its own end and will route the message.
This section defines identifies key data fields for message matching and various responsibilities
of the issuer.
Key data fields enable NPCI system to match a response to the message initiator’s request. They
also enable NPCI system to associate a subsequent request or advice (and its responses) with
the original request message.
0100/0200 0100/0200
1 2
Acquirer Issuer
0110/0210 4 0110/0210 3
Figure 6 Authorization Normal Completion
Message Validation
Failure 5 0420
Acquirer Issuer
0430 6
Figure 7 Message Validation Failure – NPCI
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI forwards the authorization request/ financial request to the issuer.
3. The issuer performs the validation set proper response code (DE39=00/approved) and
generates an authorization response/financial response and sends it to NPCI.
4. After receiving of authorization response/ financial response, NPCI will validate
response and if it fails then the transaction will be logged as compliance declined with
response code as ‘CI’ (Issuer compliance). If the issuer authorization was successful
(response code=00), then NPCI will initiate reversal and put it into SAF.
5. NPCI sends a response message to the acquirer indicating a request denial, if the issuer
transaction authorization response fails at NPCI due to message validation failure.
6. NPCI sends a reversal advice message to the issuer with response code `CI’.
7. And the issuer responds with a reversal advice response.
Note:-In this case acquirer will not generate a reversal to NPCI. NPCI will respond to acquirer with
response code 91 (In case of message validation failure in DE2, DE 11, DE 32, DE37, DE 41) .NPCI
will generate the reversal towards issuer with response code-CI only if the authorization is
successful and populate DE 44 with reject reason code of response message (In case Issuer not
sending DE 38/DE 39 /Format error in DE 38 or DE 39/DE 39 not from the table as defined in DE
39 description in chapter “ Data Elements Description” ). It must be noted by the issuer that it may
get multiple reversal for the transaction and it is issuer’s responsibility to verify the reversal before
posting the same into customer account.
0100/ 0200
Cannot be
forwarded Failure
0110/0210 3
Acquirer Issuer
No Reversal
Figure 8 System Failure – Authorization Request/ Financial Request
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI attempts to forward the authorization request/ financial request message to the
issuer but is unable to complete the message transmission due to a failure or other
problem such as no connection with issuer or issuer station is signed off.
3. NPCI will generate an authorization request response/ financial response message to
the acquirer, indicating a request denial. Acquirer will not generate a reversal for this
Note: NPCI will respond to Acquirer with response code 91. Acquirer will not generate reversal for
the same.
0100/0200 0100/0200
1 2
4 0110/0210
Time-Out 3
0110/0210 5
Acquirer Issuer
7 0420
0430 8
Figure 9 System Failure – Authorization Response/ Financial Response
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request and sends this to NPCI.
2. NPCI forwards the authorization Request/ financial request message to the issuer.
3. The issuer cannot return the authorization response / financial response message to
NPCI due to a communication failure between the issuer and NPCI.
4. NPCI detects a timeout condition for the expected message i.e. authorization request
response / financial response.
5. NPCI generates an authorization response/ financial response message and sends it to
the acquirer indicating a request denial response code 91
6. NPCI creates a reversal advice message indicating that no authorization transaction
request response/ financial response message was received. This message is placed in
the SAF for later delivery to the issuer.
7. When connection is established NPCI sends a reversal advice message to the issuer.
8. The issuer responds with a reversal advice response message.
Note: NPCI will respond to acquirer with response code 91. Acquirer will not generate reversal for
the same. NPCI will send reversal to Issuer with response code 91. It must be noted by the issuer
that it may get multiple reversal for the transaction and it is Issuer ’ s responsibility to verify the
reversal before posting the same to customer account.
0100/0200 0100/0200
1 2
0110/0210 4
Acquirer Issuer
0430 8
Figure 10 Late response from issuer
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request and forwards this to
2. NPCI forwards the authorization request/ financial request message to the issuer.
3. NPCI detects a timeout condition on the authorization response/ financial response
message that are expected from the issuer.
4. NPCI generates an authorization request response/ financial response message to the
acquirer, indicating a request denial response code 91.
5. NPCI also creates an acquirer reversal advice/ message with response code 91
indicating that no authorization response/ financial response message was received.
This message is placed in the SAF file for later delivery to the issuer.
6. NPCI sends reversal advice message to the issuer.
7. NPCI receives a late response from the Issuer and NPCI will reject the same.
8. The issuer responds with a reversal advice response message.
Note: NPCI will respond to acquirer with response code 91. Acquirer will not generate reversal for
the same. NPCI will send reversal to Issuer with response code 91. It must be noted by the issuer
that it may get multiple reversal for the transaction and it is Issuer ’ s responsibility to verify the
reversal before posting the same to customer account.
6.1.4 Stand-in functionality
NPCI network system can authorize the transactions on the behalf of issuer when
issuer’s system is not available due to hardware, software or communication failure
Stand-in facility will not be available for PIN based product.
Stand-in facility will not be available for e-commerce transaction.
System shall be set up to support stand in functionality for BINs issued/allotted by NPCI.
NPCI will maintain negative file which contains hot listed cards.
Transactions shall be authorized in stand in mode either in dynamic mode or static
mode with CVD checking. Member bank has to share CVD keys for opting STIP.
NPCI will not perform actual expiry date validation in stand-in mode. The expiry date
received in Track II or Track I or in DE14 of ISO message will be checked with system
date of NPCI. If the received expiry date (YYMM) is greater than the system date
(YYMM), the card will be treated as non-expired otherwise the card will be treated as
expired and NPCI will reject the transaction as expired card in stand-in mode is not
Dynamic mode stand-in: In dynamic mode, the authorization transaction is timed out by
the issuer NPCI system would stand in for issuer and authorize the transaction based on
limit configured for the particular BIN with CVD checking.
Static mode stand-in: In case of static mode, stand in functionality can be activated based
on the request made by the member bank as and when required however member bank
should have subscribed to this functionality at the time of BIN set up.
The limit based Stand-In would be maintained bin wise in the system and before
authorizing a transaction, negative file (consisting of cards, MCC etc.) will be checked.
Separate limits for purchase and cash in STIP.
Support for MCC based limit within the overall limits in STIP.
Count on number of transactions and transaction restriction in STIP.
For Pin based transactions whether it is SMS or DMS STIP will not be carried out.
Stand-in functionality can be activated under three conditions as follows:
Stand in Processing, Late Response from issuer (NPCI Stand In). This is dynamic
mode stand-in.
Stand-In Processing, No Response from Issuer (NPCI Stand In). This is dynamic
mode stand-in.
Stand-In Processing, Node offline or member bank signed off. This is static mode
stand-in. Stand in Processing, Late Response from Issuer (NPCI Stand In)
The following figure illustrates the Processing for a late Issuer Authorization Response message.
This example assumes that the Issuer has subscribed to NPCI Stand-In processing service.
0100/0200 0100/0200
1 2
0110/0210 Stand
Acquirer Issuer
6 0110/0210
0130/0230 9
Figure 11 Stand-in Processing, Late Response from Issuer
4. If the issuer processor is configured for stand-in processing at NPCI, then NPCI service
validates the request and formulates an internal response message.
5. NPCI uses the internal response to create an authorization response/ financial response
message and sends it to the acquirer.
6. A record of the authorization advice request/ financial advice request message is placed
in the SAF file of NPCI for later delivery to the issuer.
7. Now NPCI receives a late authorization response/ financial response from the issuer.
NPCI will decline the late response as the transaction is already processed in stand-in
8. When connection is established NPCI sends an authorization advice request/ financial
advice request message to the issuer. Now before taking any action on SAF message
issuer has to check whether original transaction is already processed. If it is already
processed then issuer can ignore SAF message.
9. The issuer responds with an authorization advice response/ financial advice response
Note: NPCI will not generate a reversal where stand-in is applicable. NPCI will send successful
response code i.e. 00 to acquirer in a response message authorized in stand-in. For successfully
authorized transaction in stand-in, NPCI will send 0120/0220 with response code 00 and DE 60
populated with 1002 to issuer. For transaction not authorized in stand-in NPCI will send declined
response code to acquirer and no advice will be issued to issuer. At the cut-over NPCI will generate
SAF report (which will contain successful and failed transactions) and will be available to issuer.
0100/0200 0100/0200
1 2
0110/0210 Stand
Acquirer Issuer
0130/0230 8
Figure 12 Stand-in Processing, No Response from Issuer
5. NPCI uses the internal response to create an authorization response/ financial response
message and sends it to the acquirer.
6. A record of the authorization advice request/ financial advice request message is placed
in the SAF file of NPCI for later delivery to the issuer.
7. When connection is established NPCI sends an authorization advice/ financial advice
message to the issuer. Now before taking any action on SAF message issuer has to check
whether original transaction is already processed. If it is already processed then issuer
can ignore SAF message.
8. The issuer responds with an authorization advice response/ financial advice response
Note: NPCI will not generate reversal wherever stand-in is applicable. NPCI will send successful
response code i.e. 00 to acquirer in a response message authorized in stand-in. For successfully
authorized transaction in stand-in, NPCI will send 0120/0220 with response code 00 and DE 60
populated with 1002 to issuer. For transaction not authorized in stand-in NPCI will send declined
response code to acquirer and no advice will be issued to issuer. At the cut-over NPCI will generate
SAF report (which will contain successful and failed transactions) and will be available to issuer
0110/0210 Stand
Acquirer Issuer
0130/0230 7
Figure 13 Stand-in Processing, Node Offline or Issuer Signed-off
Note: NPCI will not generate reversal wherever stand-in is applicable. NPCI will send successful
response code i.e. 00 to acquirer in a response 0110 message authorized successfully in stand-in.
For successfully authorized transaction in stand-in, NPCI will send 0120/ 0220 with response code
00 and DE 60 populated with 1001 /1002 to issuer. For transaction not authorized in stand-in
NPCI will send declined response code to acquirer and no advice will be issued to issuer. At the cut-
over NPCI will generate SAF report (which will contain of successful and failed transaction) and
will be available to issuer. Irrespective of node offline or member bank signed off or late response
from issuer, if issuer member bank receives 0120/ 0220 message it should always check for
duplicate processing before posting the same to customer account.
6.2 Acquirer Responsibilities
NPCI system messages generally consist of a pair of messages: a request message followed by a
response message. NPCI system compares information in key data fields to match messages in a
transaction set. Message matching is one of the most important concepts in NPCI transaction
This section defines identifies key data fields for message matching and various responsibilities
of the acquirer.
Key data fields enable NPCI system to match a response to the message initiator’s request. They
also enable NPCI system to associate a subsequent request or advice (and its responses) with
the original request message.
<=3 Seconds
5 4
Figure 14 Maximum Response Time for Acquirer
1. The acquirer system delivers an authorization transaction request to NPCI and acquirer
starts the timer for 20 sec.
2. NPCI delivers this transaction request to the issuer and NPCI starts the timer for 15 sec.
3. The issuer system does the validation and generates a response and sends this response
to NPCI in ≤ 15 seconds.
4. NPCI will send this response to the acquirer system.
5. The acquirer switch will deliver this transaction to the POS terminal in ≤ 3 seconds.
Note: The acquirer is expected to keep the time out of transactions as 20 sec, NPCI will keep the
issuer time out parameter as 15 sec and it is the responsibility of issuer to respond to all
transaction within 15 sec.
0100/0200 0100/0200
1 2
Acquirer Issuer
0110/0210 4 0110/0210 3
Figure 15 Normal Completion of an Authorization Message/ Financial Message
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI forwards the authorization request/ financial request to the Issuer.
3. The issuer performs the transaction validation set proper response code and generates
an authorization response/ financial response and sends it to NPCI.
4. NPCI forwards the authorization response/ financial response message to the acquirer.
1. System failure during acquirer authorization request/ financial request where acquirer
is aware of the failure.
2. System failure during acquirer authorization request/ financial request where acquirer
is unaware of the failure.
3. Validation failure at NPCI for acquirer message.
4. Acquirer is unable to complete a transaction due to the terminal failure.
5. System failure during NPCI (Unaware) authorization response/ financial response.
6. System failure during NPCI (Aware) authorization response/ financial response.
Acquirer Issuer
Figure 16 System failure - Acquirer Aware - Authorization / Financial Request
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request but it cannot be
delivered to the NPCI because of the system failure at the a cquirer’s end and acquirer is
aware of this failure.
2. The acquirer processing system therefore is not able to transmit the authorization
request/ financial request message to NPCI therefore the acquirer denies the
transaction request at the point-of-service.
Note: In this case acquirer does not need to generate a reversal to NPCI.
Acquirer Issuer
Device 3 0420
0430 4
Figure 17 System Failure - Acquirer Unaware - Authorization / Financial Request
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request but it cannot be
delivered to the NPCI because of the system failure and acquirer is not aware of this
2. Acquirer detects a timeout condition for the authorization response/ financial response
that is expected from the issuer and denies the transaction request at the point-of-
3. Acquirer generates a reversal advice message and sends it to NPCI. The reversal will be
full reversal.
4. NPCI sends the reversal advice response to the acquirer and does not forward the
reversal message to Issuer.
Note: Acquirer will send the reversal to NPCI with response code 68. NPCI will check the reversal
advice from the acquirer for matching with the original transaction, and in case if the original
transaction is not present; NPCI will not forward the reversal advice request to the issuer.
1 0100/0200
Figure 18 Message Validity Failure at NPCI - Authorization / Financial Request
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI validates the message and detects error in the message. In this case NPCI will
respond with a response message to the acquirer with declined response code
indicating format error as `CA’ (Acquirer Compliance)and DE44 will contain the reject
reason code
Note: The response code for his condition will be CA Acquirer will not generate reversal for this
case. In case NPCI is not able to make a response message because of the format error, in
mandatory data elements acquirer will generate a reversal with response code 68. This needs to be
handled by operations team.
0100/0200 NPCI
1 0100/0200
4 Issuer
5 Failure
Device 6 0420
7 0420
0430 8
0430 9
Figure 19 Incomplete Transactions in case of Terminal Failure
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI forwards the authorization request/ financial request to the issuer.
3. The issuer performs the validation, and generates an authorization response/ financial
response and sends it to NPCI.
4. NPCI forwards the authorization response/ financial response message to the acquirer
with response code 00.
5. The acquirer determines the transaction cannot be successfully completed due to some
problem at the POS.
6. Now acquirer generates a reversal advice message and sends it to NPCI. The reversal
amount will be entirely of the original transaction.
7. NPCI forwards the acquirer reversal advice message to the issuer.
8. The Issuer responds with an acquirer reversal advice response message. Now the issuer
updates the cardholder account.
9. NPCI responds with a reversal advice response message to acquirer.
Note: The acquirer will generate reversal with response code 22 indicating a full reversal. The
Issuer will respond with response code 00 in the reversal advice response. It must be noted by the
issuer that it may get multiple reversal for the transaction and it is issuer ’ s responsibility to verify
the reversal before posting the same into customer account. As mentioned in above if the
authorization response/ financial response is successful (`00’) then only acquirer shoul d initiate a
reversal to NPCI.
0100/0200 NPCI
1 0100/0200
0110/0210 3
4 Issuer
Device 5 0420
6 0420
0430 7
0430 8
Figure 20System Failure - NPCI Aware - Authorization / Financial Response
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI forwards the authorization request/ financial request to the Issuer.
3. The issuer performs the validation, set proper response code and generates an
authorization response/ financial response and sends it to NPCI.
4. NPCI forwards the authorization response/ financial response message to the acquirer,
but the message fails to reach the acquirer. It fails such that NPCI is aware of a delivery
5. The acquirer sends a reversal advice message to NPCI.
6. NPCI forwards the reversal advice to Issuer.
7. Issuer responds to the reversal advice with reversal advice response.
8. NPCI forwards the reversal advice response to acquirer.
Note: It is the responsibility of acquirer to generate the reversal for all acquirer time-out cases. In
the event of acquirer not generating the reversal the transaction may be settled as per the
response code. The acquirer will generate the reversal with response code 68 indicating acquirer
timeout. The issuer will respond with response code 00 in the reversal advice response. It must be
noted by the issuer that it may get multiple reversal for the transaction and it is issuer ’ s
responsibility to verify the reversal before posting the same into customer account.
0100/0200 NPCI
1 0100/0200
0110/0210 3
4 Issuer
Device 6 0420
7 0420
0430 8
0430 9
Figure 21 System Failure - NPCI Unaware - Authorization / Financial Response
1. The acquirer initiates an authorization request/ financial request message to NPCI.
2. NPCI forwards the authorization request/ financial request to the Issuer.
3. The issuer performs the validation, sets proper response code and generates an
authorization response/ financial response with response code 00 and sends it to NPCI.
4. NPCI forwards the authorization response/ financial response message to the acquirer,
but the message fails to reach acquirer. It fails such that NPCI is not aware of a delivery
5. The acquirer detects a timeout and acquirer generates a reversal advice message.
6. Acquirer sends the reversal advice message to NPCI.
7. NPCI forwards the reversal advice to issuer.
8. Issuer responds to the reversal advice with reversal advice response.
9. NPCI forwards the reversal advice response to acquirer.
Note: The acquirer will generate the reversal with response code 68 indicating acquirer-timeout.
The issuer will respond with response code 00 in the reversal advice response. It must be noted by
the issuer that it may get multiple reversal for the transaction and it is issuers ’ responsibility to
verify the reversal before posting the same into customer account.
1 0120/
0220/ 0420
2 0220/ 0420
0130/ 4
0230/ 0430
Figure 22 Advice Messages getting Completed Normally
Time-Out NPCI
0220/ 0420
2 0220/ 0420
0130/ 0230
0130/ 0430 4
Remove Advice
0230/ 0430
from 5
Figure 23 Advice Delivery Crossing Time Limits
Note: Acquirer can generate reversal up to next 3 cutover cycles. If a reversal is generated after
next 3 cutover cycles then NPCI will not send it to the issuer.
Abbreviation Meaning
M Mandatory
M+ Mandatory, Echoed from the request
C Conditional
C+ Conditional, Echoed from request
C* Conditional, value changed by NPCI
O Optional
Abbreviation Meaning
O+ Optional, Echoed from request
-- Not required
Pass the data element (DE) and no change
A Alphabetical
B Binary data
N Numeric value
S Special character
X Character C / D to indicate credit / debit
Z Track data
an Alphanumeric
ans Alphanumeric with special characters
Table 14 Symbols used in Message Format Purchase
The below table describes purchase message
For domestic transaction data element 4 will be in INR and it can be identified by DE 19 value
356 and DE 49 value 356..
Note: For SMS transactions which require surcharge and tips adjustments members can use SMS
Tip and Surcharge presentment in the clearing cycle.
E-commerce refund is carried out offline and not online. This essentially means that
refund transaction is to be processed only in clearing and settlement cycle.
While a customer is doing an E-Commerce purchase, a Transaction Id is generated from
the merchant portal which gets stored in field 48. This transaction Id is unique to the
customer for the purchase made at the particular merchant portal.
When a customer wants to do the Refund of the previous transaction, he needs to
request/select for refund.
Once a customer initiates a refund, the merchant portal will provide the following
details to the Acquirer payment GW
Transaction ID(mandatory)
Original Transaction Date Time (Same as DE12 at acquirer end)
Refund Amount
Based on the above parameter acquirer will retrieve the original transaction and shall
ensure that the refund amount is less than original purchase amount. After all these
checks acquirer will generate a refund message for clearing cycle as described in NPCI
Clearing and Settlement manual.
The issuer by seeing the presentment data will process the refund and credit the
customer’s account.
Note: NPCI will not support cash @ POS transactions with signature
For domestic transaction data element 4 will be in INR and it can be identified by DE 19 value
356 and DE 49 value 356.
Note: In case of absence of DE 54 in the response, NPCI will send CI to the acquirer and DE 44 will
get logged as I054.
Note: RuPay will respond to acquirer with response code CI indicating request declined. RuPay will
generate reversal for issuer with response code CI indicating data format error in the response. In
the reversal data element 44 will contain an appropriate reason code for declining the authorized
authorization. Acquirer need not generate reversal for the same.
For key exchange message NPCI will act as a master (NPCI will send the new key for all
Refer Annexure 1 for transaction flow and detailed explanation of Card to Card Transfer.
Note: DE 48 will carry the details of margin amount, number of instalments and EMI amount. EMI
is domestic only transaction
Note: Loyalty transaction is domestic only transaction. When a purchase transaction is done with
loyalty redemption, then DE 4 will contain the purchase amount and DE 48 will contain the points
to be redeemed. Once the purchase is done, customer’s loyalty points will be debited with the value
in DE 48. The customer’s account will be debited with DE4 value and credited back with the
equivalent of loyalty points. Refund
The following table describes Refund message. Purchase
The following table describes purchase message for acquirer.
Note: For SMS transactions which require surcharge and tips adjustments members can use SMS
Tip and Surcharge presentment in the clearing cycle. Refer RGCS document.
E-commerce refund is carried out offline and not online. This essentially means that
the merchant portal which gets stored in field 48. This transaction Id is unique to the
customer for the purchase made at the particular merchant portal.
When a customer wants to do the Refund of the previous transaction, he needs to
ensure that the refund amount is less than original purchase amount. After all these
checks acquirer will generate a refund message for clearing cycle as described in NPCI
Clearing and Settlement manual.
The issuer by seeing the presentment data will process the refund and credit the
customer’s account.
Note: NPCI will not support cash @ POS transactions with signature Balance Inquiry
The following table describes Balance Inquiry message for acquirer.
Note: In case of absence of DE 54 in the response, NPCI will send CI to the acquirer and DE 44 will
get logged as I054. Reversal
This message format reverses the action of a previous authorization. It notifies NPCI Host and
the issuer of an error condition regarding an earlier financial transaction. The table below
describes the reversal message.
Note: NPCI will respond to acquirer with response code CA indicating message format errors. Data
element 44 will contain the appropriate reason code for declining the transaction. Acquirer need
not generate reversal for the same. It may also happen that NPCI is not able to prepare the
response due to error in mandatory data element. In this case multiple reversal from acquirer is
expected, which has to be handled by the operations team.
Note: For key exchange message either NPCI will act as a master (NPCI will send the new key for
all members).
Refer Annexure 1 for transaction flow and detailed explanation of Card to Card Transfer
Note: DE 48 will carry the details of margin amount, number of instalments and EMI amount. EMI
is domestic only transaction.
Note: Loyalty transaction is domestic only transaction. When a purchase transaction is done with
loyalty redemption, then DE 4 will contain the purchase amount and DE 48 will contain the points
to be redeemed. Once the purchase is done, customer’s loyalty points will be debited with the value
in DE 48. The customer’s account will be debited with DE4 value and credited back with the
equivalent of loyalty points. Refund
The following table describes Refund message for acquirer.
Abbreviation Meaning
A Alphabetical
B Binary data
N Numeric value
S Special character
X Character C / D to indicate credit / debit
Z Track data
an Alphanumeric
ans Alpha numeric with special characters
Field Type Meaning
Fixed No field length used
LLVAR or (..xx) Where LL<100, means 2 leading digits LL specify the length of field
LLLVAR or (…xxx) Where LLL<1000, means 3 leading digits LLL specify the length of
field VAR
Table 60 Abbreviation used in Data Element Description
Notation Description
MM month (two digits, 01–12)
DD day (two digits, 01–31)
YY year (last two digits of calendar year, 00–99)
HH hour (two digits, 00–23)
MM minute (two digits, 00–59)
SS second (two digits, 00–59)
Table 61 Data and Time Attribute
Field Edits This remains same for a particular transaction and cannot be
Constraints When present, it should be echoed in response and all
Subsequent messages.
Validation It should be a 12-19 digit PAN number and should not be less
than 12 and not more than 19.
Compliance Card number in request and response should always be same.
In reversal, the Card number should be the same as original
request message.
In File update message it should be a valid Card number.
Presence Mandatory-This field is mandatory across all messages except
for network management messages.
Optional- None
Value Meaning
00 Normal
01 Customer Not present
02 Unattended Terminal
03 Merchant suspicious
05 Customer present, card not present
06 Preauthorization completion always
contains 06.
07 Telephone Request (IVR)
08 MO/TO request
51 Request for Account and CVD verification
without authorization.
59 E-Commerce Request
71 Card present, Magnetic stripe cannot be
Field Edits This remains same for a particular transaction.
Constraints It is not to be echoed in response.
Validation This field should be from the standard list
Compliance The value should be same as mentioned above. This field
should compare with DE-22 and DE-61.
Presence Mandatory-Should be present for all messages
Note: For Sponsor bank model, during settlement this field should come under the sponsor bank.
Code Description
CI Compliance error code for issuer
CA Compliance error code for acquirer
M6 Compliance error code for LMM
ED E-commerce decline
Table 64 Compliance Reject Response Code
When NPCI receives 0100/0200 request from Acquirer member bank and at the time of data
validation if NPCI detects an error, then NPCI would decline the transaction and respond back to
acquirer with response code ‘CA’ in 0110 / 0210 response message. For this response code
member acquirer bank should not send a reversal.
When NPCI receives 0110 / 0210 response from Issuer member bank and at the time of data
validation in response if NPCI detects an error, then NPCI would decline the transaction and
respond back to acquirer with response code ‘ CI’ in 0110 / 0210 response message. At same
time NPCI would generate a reversal to member issuer bank with response code ‘CI’ with DE-44
specifying data element in error.
If NPCI receives 0420 reversal from Acquirer member bank and at the time of data validation if
NPCI detects error, then NPCI would respond with 0430 back to acquirer with response code
‘00’ and DE-44 specifying the data element in error only for presence of DE 14/35/45/52/63
and absence of DE 39. For this response code member acquirer bank should not raise repeat
reversal. Acquirer has to rectify their message and settle those specific transaction offline.
When NPCI sends 0100 / 0200 request to Issuer member bank and do not receive response
within the stipulated time, NPCI response back t o acquirer with response code ‘91’and sends
reversal to issuing member bank with response code ‘91’ indicating a full reversal.
If Issuer member bank is in offline/signed off and NPCI receives 0100 / 0200 request from the
acquirer and if issuer member bank is not a part of STIP, then NPCI will response back with ‘91’
response code to Acquirer member bank. Acquirer need not generate reversal for this
Acquirer Time-out
When an acquirer sends a 0100/ 0200 message to NPCI but do not receive the response within
the stipulated time, then acquirer sends a reversal 0420 message with response code ‘68’.
Terminal Failure
When an acquirer has received an approved response 0110/ 0210 with a valid DE-38 but fails
to send the response to the terminal, then acquirer sends a reversal 0420 message with
response code ‘22’.
Customer Cancellation
When an acquirer sends a 0100 and has received an approved response 0110 with a valid DE-
38 but customer cancels the transaction by sending a void transaction at POS terminal, then
acquirer sends this void as reversal with response code ‘17’ to NPCI.
Scenario 2:
Scenario 3:
Scenario 4:
Scenario 2:
Scenario 4:
N- Not matched
054 C a1 CVD/iCVD Match result M – Match
N – Not matched.
055 C n2 Payments Indicator 01—Recurring payment
02—Instalment payment.
06—Not authenticated.
Merchant attempted to
authenticate using 3D secure
07—Non-secure transactions
with data encrypted.
15-Secure E-Commerce
transaction registration with
16-Secure E-commerce
transaction registration with
Internet banking
17-Secure E- commerce
transaction registration with
other method
21 – Secure E- commerce
transaction with valid Image
select or valid OTP (OTP is used
for high value transaction)
25-26 No of Instalments
(EMI amount)* number of
instalments + margin amount
should be equal to the
transaction amount(DE 4)
060 C n1 Transaction 1- Value should be ‘1’ if it is
Authorization Indicator authorized SUCCESSFULLY in
STIP. Only available in STIP for
Populated by NPCI
during request for chip
transactions in case
issuer has availed for
2--Value should be ‘2’ if it is
on-behalf or EMV STIP
authorized in STIP. Only
services with RuPay.
available for MAGNETIC STIP.
Also used to indicate
Magnetic Card STIP
transactions and UIDAI / 5- ARQC validation is done by
Aadhaar authenticated RuPay and is SUCCESSFUL.
6 - NPCI will reject the
transaction based on CVR
validation in case of Quick EMV.
Issuer will receive authorization
advice with this value.
U-Unable to process
066 O n12 UID number UID Number – Aadhaar
populated by NPCI
077 O ans..40 Issuer supplied ID / This tag is used in E-Commerce.
Unique ID The value in this tag is returned
by the Issuer Authentication
Server for registering the
customer for E-Commerce or
reference for authenticating the
card holder for high value
078 ans40 RFU RFU
079 ans40 RFU RFU
080 ans40 RFU RFU
081 ans40 RFU RFU
Tag 052 Should be present for all card not present transaction in request
Tag 053 Should be present for all card not present transaction in response for
secure transactions
Tag 054 Should be present for all card present transactions in response but
not mandatory for ATM transactions
Tag 057 should be present in both request and response for ICS1 based
Tag 058 Should be populated by NPCI and will be sent to the issuer as per
issuer configuration. Issuer will not send this to NPCI in response
Tag 059 Should be present for all EMI based transactions both in request and
Tag 060 Should be present for all EMV based transactions and to be populated
by NPCI and issuer will not send this in response. It also indicate
magnetic card STIP and Aadhaar authentication
Tag 061 Should be present in all E-commerce transaction request and not to
be echoed in response from the issuer ,However NPCI will send
populate this field in response and send this to the acquirer
Tag 062 Should be present for loyalty based transactions both in request and
Tag 063 Should be present for all loyalty enquiry transactions in response
Tag 064 Should be present for all E-commerce ICS2 based transactions both
in request and response
Tag 066 Acquirer can populate UID number in request. For all biometric
transactions this field is mandatory.
Tag 067 Acquirer can populate Income Tax PAN number in request
Tag 068 Should be present for E-Commerce transaction for ICS1 in request
Tag 069 Should be present for E- Commerce transaction for ICS2 in request
01-48 an 48 Key
49-52 an 4 Check value
Compliance The values should be present for cashback transactions and
value should be less than the transaction amount in DE-4.
This field is mandatory in balance inquiry response.
Presence Mandatory-None
Conditional-For all purchase with cashback transactions this
should contain the cash amount
to application cryptogram
(ARQC/TC/AAC) calculation.
6 E-Commerce transaction
7 IVR transaction
Subfield 6: Card Present Data
Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Card not present
2 Card Present
Subfield 7: Card Data Input Mode
Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Manual Input, no terminal
2 Magnetic Stripe read
3 Online Chip / Contact Chip
4 Offline chip / Contactless
5 Ecommerce
7 Key entered
Subfield 8: Cardholder Authentication method
Value Description
0 Unknown
1 Not authenticated
3 Signature
4 Biometric (FMR)
6 E-Commerce Type1 Pin
7 E- Commerce Type1 OTP
8 E-com Type 2
9 IVR Type 2
A Biometric(FIR)
B Biometric(IIR)
C Biometric PIN
D Biometric OTP
E Biometric (FIT/FMR/IIR) with PIN
F Biometric (FIT/FMR/IIR) with OTP
Subfield 9: Cardholder Authentication Entity
Value Description
0 Unknown
C Type 3 (3D if issuer opted for ICS 1
D Type 4 (3D if issuer opted for ICS 2
A Type 1 (RuPay E-Commerce
I Type 2 (3D if issuer opted for RuPay
Subfield 10: Card Data Output Capability
Value Description
0 Unknown
Position Description
1-4 Original message type
5-10 Original STAN number
11-20 Original Transmission date and time
21-31 Original acquirer ID
32-42 Original forwarding institution id
Field Edits This remains same for a particular transaction.
For reversal this field is required.
Constraints If present this is to be echoed in response as well.
Validation Original data elements should be of this format as described in
the description.
If DE 90 is absent in request /not matching with the original
transaction then the transaction will not be sent to the issuer
Compliance Values in this field should match with the original transaction
and use for matching purpose.
Presence Mandatory-Present in reversal messages
Value Description
1 Add a new record if one does not exist
2 Change an existing record
3 Delete an existing record
4 Replace, Add is record does not exist
and replace in case record exists
Field Edits This remains same for a particular transaction.
For a file update message this field is required
Constraints If present this is to be echoed in response as well.
Validation Original data elements should be of this format as described in
the description
Compliance For file update message this field should be present.
Presence Mandatory-For a file update message this should be present
Position Description
1-12 Actual amount, transaction
13-24 Actual amount, settlement
25 Actual transaction fee sign
26-33 Actual transaction fee
34 Actual settlement fee sign
35-42 Actual settlement fee
Conditional- None
0200 Request will contain the following details for Fund Transfer transaction.
0210 Response will contain the following details for Fund Transfer transaction.
0200 Request will contain the following details for Fund Debit transaction.
0210 response will contain the following details for Fund Debit transaction:
For Transfer Credit Transaction from NPCI to beneficiary and from beneficiary to NPCI
0200 Request will contain the following details for Fund Credit transaction.
0210 response will contain the following details for Fund Credit transaction:
0200 will contain the following details for Cheque Book Request Transaction
0210 will contain the following details for Cheque Book Request Transaction
0200 will contain the following details for Statement Request Transaction
0210 will contain the following details for Statement Request Transaction
0200 will contain the following details for Mobile Number Update Transaction
0210 will contain the following details for Mobile Number Update Transaction
Description These fields are Tag-based. They will carry ‘Uses’, ‘fdc’, ‘idc’,
‘pip’, ‘lot’, ‘lov’, ‘ki’ and ‘type’ in tag 001, tag 002, tag 003, tag
004, tag 005 , tag 006, tag007 and tag 008 respectively
Field Edits This remains same for a particular transaction.
Validation None
Compliance None
Presence Mandatory-None
Note: All the tags except 007 are mandatory in the DE-126.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Pi pa Pfa bio bt pin otp
y' or 'n' y' or 'n' y' or 'n' y' or 'n' FMR or FIR orIIR y' or 'n' y' or 'n'
*Assuming bt=FMR, otp & pin not being used. However, if the same is used the value of
tag 001 will change accordingly.
003 As per the Fixed an Hmac(for description on Hmac SHA -256 Hash
process please refer to of PID XML and then encrypted
DE 127 is structured as TLV (Tag, length and value) field. The details of tags and contents are
described below:
Let’s assume that skey length is 256 bytes, ci length is 8 bytes, Hmac is 48 bytes, ac is 10 bytes,
sa is 10 bytes and lk is 64 bytes. The structure of DE127 is shown below:
Parsing of field is done as follows:
432 is the total length of the string for DE 127.
1. Tag 001 represents skey which is of length 256 char.
2. Tag 002 represents ci which is of length 8 char.
3. Tag 003 represents Hmac which is of length 48 char
4. Tag 004 represents ac which is of length 10 char
5. Tag 005 represents sa which is of length 10 char
6. Tag 006 represents lk which is of length 64 char
The generic description of DE127 is as follows:
Chapter 9 Compliance
9.1 Member Compliance Acquirer
The following section describes various compliances for acquirers.
9.1.1 General Compliance
Message sent to NPCI must be formatted as per the specification defined in this
Acquirer must not store any sensitive information from the transaction like PIN/OTP,
Track, expiry date and CVD/ CVD2.
Track 1 (DE 45) must be present in a transaction which is carried out using UID.
Acquirer will take all care for configuring the POS devices correctly i.e. TID, MCC,
address, location, date and time setting etc. Country code in POS device should be
populated correctly.
Acquirer has to generate reversal for the transaction for which response is not received
within the time-out parameter defined for acquirer.
In a situation wherein NPCI system encounters a format error with the request message
sent by acquirer, NPCI will send a decline message to acquirer. No reversal needs to be
generated by the acquirer for such decline message on account of format error.
For all transactions product code should be present (DE 48, Tag 051).
Purchase Message
E-Commerce Purchase
Balance Inquiry
For balance inquiry transaction the transaction amount (DE-4) must contain value 0.
For all CNP transactions, DE 14 should be mandatory.
For all chip based transactions DE 55(all mandatory tags) and DE 23 should be
Biometric data must be encrypted and put in DE 63 by the encryption standards
specified by UIDAI for UID transaction.
For all Card present transactions, track 2 data or track 1 data must be present.
For an UID based transaction Track 1 data should be present.
For ATM Cash Withdrawal transaction the transaction amount (DE-4) should NOT
contain value all zeros.
For all chip based transactions DE 55(all mandatory tags) and DE 23 should be
For all Card present transactions, track 2 data or track 1 data must be present.
For a balance enquiry loyalty, (DE 48 tag-063) should be mandatory as field will be
populated with loyalty points. Acquirer has to generate appropriate slip showing loyalty
.For all CNP transactions, DE 14 should be mandatory.
For all chip based transactions DE 55(all mandatory tags) and DE 23 should be
For an UID based transaction Track 1 data should be present.
It is only used for domestic transactions.
EMI Purchase
For EMI transaction acquirer needs to populate custom data in DE 48 (tag – 059) like ,
margin amount, number of instalment and EMI amount.
It is only used for domestic transactions.
For an UID based transaction Track 1 data should be present.
For all CNP transactions, DE 14 should be mandatory.
For all chip based transactions DE 55(all mandatory tags) and DE 23 should be
For all Card present transactions, track 2 data or track 1 data must be present.
Biometric data must be encrypted and put in DE 63 by the encryption standards
specified by UIDAI for UID transaction.
Loyalty Redemption
For loyalty transaction acquirer must ensure to populate loyalty points for debit (DE 48
tag - 062).
It is only used for domestic transactions.
For an UID based transaction Track 1 data should be present.
For all Card present transactions, track 2 data or track 1 data must be present.
For all CNP transactions, DE 14 and DE 48(tag 052) should be mandatory.
For all chip based transactions DE 55(all mandatory tags) and DE 23 should be
Biometric data must be encrypted and put in DE 63 by the encryption standards
specified by UIDAI for UID transaction.
For a reversal transaction acquirer should not populate DE 14, DE 35, DE 52, DE 45, DE
61, DE 63.
A reversal transaction should always be send as an advice.
A reversal must be generated within next 3 cutover from the date of transaction with the
original transaction detail like RRN, date, time, amount, PAN, currency code.
Acquirer should send STAN & RRN of original transaction in reversal messages.
For partial reversal Replacement Amount DE-95 should be less than DE-4 transaction
Authorization Advice
9.2.1 General Compliance
Message sent to NPCI must be formatted as per the specification defined in this
Issuer need to verify all authentication related data like PIN, OTP, ECI, ICS DATA 1,
CVD1, CVD2, ICS DATA 2, biometric etc.
Issuer need to respond the request within the issuer time out parameter, failing which
NPCI will generate reversal towards issuer and decline response / STIP authorization
towards acquirer for the transaction.
Issuer need to populate all the data elements in the response as per the message
All advice messages need to be acknowledged.
Customer and device sensitive data like PIN, expiry date, track, POS condition code, POS
Entry Mode must not be echoed back in the response
Issuer may receive reversal up to next 3 cutover. Each cut-over cycle is of 24 hours.
For all successful transactions Issuer needs to populate DE 38.
Purchase Transaction
Issuer need to populate approval code DE 38 for all approved transaction (DE 39 = 00);
failing which NPCI may reject the transaction.
For cashback transaction or a purchase with cashback transaction the cash amount is to
be populated in DE 54.
For all purchase transactions, DE 14, DE 18, DE 22, DE 23, DE 25, DE 35, DE 45, DE 52,
DE 61, DE 63 should not be sent in the response.
For a CNP transaction DE 48 tag 053 should be present.
E-Commerce Purchase
For all E-commerce transactions, DE 14, DE 18, DE 22, DE 23, DE 25, DE 35, DE 45, DE
52, DE 61, DE 63 should not be sent in the response.
Balance Inquiry
If a transaction is a loyalty balance enquiry then DE 48 tag – 063 will be populated with
loyalty points.
For all balance enquiry transactions, DE 14, DE 18, DE 22, DE 23, DE 25DE 35, DE 45, DE
52,DE 61, DE 63 should not be sent in the response.
EMI Purchase
For all EMI purchase transactions, the issuer need to process taking into consideration
various tags in DE48 tag 059 like EMI amount, number of instalments etc.
For all CNP transactions, DE 14 should be mandatory.
Loyalty Redemption
If a transaction has loyalty indicator set then the issuer is expected to debit the customer
for transaction amount and then credit the customer with the amount equivalent to
loyalty points redeemed DE 48 tag 062.
For all reversal transactions, DE 14, DE 18, DE 22, DE 23, DE 25, should not be sent in
the response.
Issuer should always send a reversal advice response.
Authorization Advice
Issuer need to check all the advice (authorization and reversal) before posting the same
to customer account to avoid duplicate posting.
For all authorization advice transactions, DE 14, DE 18, DE 22, DE 23, DE 25, should not
be sent in the response.
In case of an authorization advice message sent by RuPay to a FULL CHIP issuer (for
RuPay Chip transaction/s authorized by RuPay in STIP mode) the issuer, while building
the response, should check the CHIP Transaction Authorization Indicator (DE 48 tag
060). The value of this indicator must be equal to 1 for an approved transaction.
Once the cardholder enters proceed, a new fund transfer message will be initiated from
the ATM.
The Acquirer switch will forward the fund transfer to NPCI irrespective of initiator or
remitter card is onus or off us.
Depending on the cardholder bin NPCI will initiate a debit leg to the issuer bank.
Issuer bank will debit the cardholder account for the transfer amount and respond to
NPCI with the successful response.
On receiving a successful response from issuer NPCI will initiate a credit leg to the
beneficiary bank.
Beneficiary bank will credit the beneficiary account with the transfer amount and
respond to NPCI with successful response.
On receiving successful response from the beneficiary NPCI will respond to the acquirer
switch with successful response.
Cardholder will be provided with the appropriate receipt at the ATM saying that the und
transfer transaction went successful.
Annexure 3 -Glossary
Abbreviation Description
ACQID Acquirer Id
AEPS Aadhaar Enabled Payment System
AES Advance Encryption Standards
AID Application Identifier
AIP Application interchange Profile
ATC Application Transaction Counter
ANSI American National Standards Institute
ARPC Authorization Response Cryptogram
ARQC Authorization Request Cryptogram
ATC Application Transaction Counter
ATM Automated Teller Machine
AUA Authentication User Agency (used in Aadhaar authentication)
CAD Card Acceptor Device
CID Cryptogram Information Data
CNP Card Not Present
CP Card Present
CPS Custom Payment Service
CVM Card Verification Method
CVD Card Verification Data
CVD2 Card Verification Data 2
CVR Card Verification Result
DE Data Element
DES Data Encryption Standard
DMS Dual Messaging System
E-COMM Electronic Commerce
EMI Equated Monthly Instalment
EMV Euro- pay, MasterCard and VISA
FRM Fraud and Risk Management
GMT/UTC Greenwich Mean Time
GW Gateway
IAD Issuer Application Data
IFD Interface Device Serial Number
ICC Integrated Circuit Card
ICS International Card Scheme
iCVD Card Verification Data for integrated circuit cards
IMPS Interbank Mobile Payment Service
INT Internet banking
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IVR Interactive Voice Response
KIO Kiosk
LMM Liquidity Management Module
LRC Longitudinal Redundancy checking
MCC Merchant Category Code
MOTO Mail Order/Telephone Order
MTI Message Type Identifier
NBIN National Bank Identification number
NPCI National Payments Corporation Of India
Abbreviation Description
NPCI host The master connection that will route or process transactions for
Off-Us Inter-bank transactions
On-Us Intra-bank transactions
OTP One time Password
PAN Primary Account Number
PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
PIN Primary Identification Number
PVV PIN Verification Value
RRN Retrieval Reference Number
RQ Request
RS Response
SA Sub – AUA (used in Aadhaar authentication)
SAF Store and Forward
SMS Single Messaging System
STAN System Trace Audit Number
STIP Stand In Processing
TCP Transfer Control Protocol
TID Terminal Id
TLV Tag-length-value
TVR Terminal Verification Results
TXN Transaction
UID Unique Identification
UIDAI Unique Identification Authority of India
UTC Coordinated Universal Time
ZPK Zone Pin Key
ZMK Zone Master Key
Table 74 Glossary and Description
Annexure 4 -Definition
Terms Meaning
Acquirer The Participant or a trusted source that originates the message
Approve Transaction is authorized. Issuer is authorized the transaction as
reported by the acquirer for purchase of goods or services.
Balance Enquiry It is a request from the POS terminal for the account balance.
Cardholder can initiate a balance inquiry at point of sale. In this case
issuer responds with the balance of the cardholder account.
Biometric The use of biometric technology significantly increases security level
of systems because it eliminates such problems as lost, stolen or
loaned ID cards, and forgotten or guessed PINs.
Barcode Reader A barcode reader (or barcode scanner) is an electronic device for
reading printed barcodes.
Bit Map A bitmap is a field or a subfield within a message which indicates
which data elements are present elsewhere in a message
Card Holder An individual to whom a card is issued or who is authorized to use
the card.
Cash at POS Cash at POS transaction is a variation of the purchase transaction
that permits the cardholder to get cash at POS terminal.
It is defined as Cash given to the cardholder at the point of sale.
Client Service requestors are called as clients
Compliance Compliance is a transaction processing requirements for routed
messages to contain certain key information to provide a more
complete picture of the POS conditions and help validate cardholder
Credit Card Credit card Is a small plastic card issued to users as a system of
payment. It allows its holder to buy goods and services based on the
holder's promise to pay for these goods and services
Credit Adjustment Acquirer credits the issuers account
Cutover message Cut over message indicates the business date change over
Debit card A debit card (also known as a bank card or check card) is a plastic
card that provides the cardholder electronic access to his or her bank
account/s at a financial institution. The card can be used as an
Decline Transaction is not authorized. Merchant is not allowed to proceed
with the transaction.
Domestic routing Routing done within a country
E-Commerce These are non-face to face online transactions that use the electronic
media over a network. Cardholder may initiate this transaction from
personal PC or Mobile etc. for purchasing the goods or services on
the internet.
For ECOM transactions, authentication system must support
authenticating the cardholder during online purchase.
Echo message Echo messages are used validate the availability of the host session in
case of low or no transaction traffic in the session
EMI amount Amount that is to be paid in instalments
E-Commerce indicator This indicates the security level of an electronic commerce
Fallback For a chip based card, when the chip is not working then the card is
swiped using magnetic stripe.
Terms Meaning
Fraud Score Score populated by Risk and Fraud Management System. Value to be
used by issuer before issuer approves a transactions.
Instalment Payments No. of instalments decided for an EMI transaction
ISO 8583 International Standards Organization standards for messaging
supported by the host. Unless specified otherwise, it refers to ISO-
8583:1987 version.
Issuer The participant that receives and authenticates the message.
Julian Date Representing Date in YDDD format
Key Management The activities involving the handling of cryptographic keys and other
related security parameters during the entire life cycle of the keys,
including their generation, storage, distribution, loading and use,
deletion, destruction and archiving.
Loyalty Balance Loyalty Balance will show the number of loyalty points accumulated
Loyalty Points Number Of points accumulated while doing a purchase transaction
Manual Manual entry and no card required
Margin Amount Amount paid by the cardholder during the purchase
Member Bank or other institution connecting to NPCI central switch via HOST
to HOST connection
Merchant An entity that contracts with an acquirer to originate transactions
Message Header Contains the length of the message
Message Logging After the validation of the message, system will log the message.
Logging of the message is required for billing purpose, data files &
reports preparation, testing, troubleshooting, audits and research
purposes etc.
Micro-ATM transactions Transaction done
MTI Message Type Indicator – 4-digit field which classifies the high-level
function of the ISO 8583 message (consisting of Message Version,
Message Class, Message Function, Message Origin)
NPCI Central Switch The master connection that will route or process transaction for
Onus Issuer and the acquirer are same
Off-Us Issuer and Acquirer are different
Optical Card Reader An optical card reader for reading marks made on the face of a pre-
printed card utilizes a video camera and a memory device to capture
and store an image of at least a portion of the card.
Pick up card On receiving the pickup response, merchant should try its best to
retain the card by peaceful means.
Pin (Personal Identification Number) A numeric personal identification
code that authenticates a cardholder in an authorization request that
originates at a terminal with authorization only or data capture only
capability. A PIN consists only of decimal digits.
POS Point-of-Sale/Point-of-Service. Physical location of terminal at the
merchant (‘card present’ transactions) – figuratively, any device
usable for e-commerce or other ‘card not present’ transactions (PC,
phone, etc).
Preauthorization Transactions which are used to authorize transactions in advance of
the actual purchase before the final amount of the purchase is known
Product code A code that identifies the channel of the transaction that whether it is
a POS,ATM,E-commerce transaction
Purchase A purchase transaction is a standard purchase request to authorize
post and settle a transaction for the sale of goods or services.
Terms Meaning
Purchase with cash back A purchase with cash back transaction is a variation of the purchase
transaction that permits the cardholder to get cash in addition to
goods or services. The cash-back amount will be identified separately
in online financial messages
Recurring Payments A pre-authorized recurring transaction charged to a cardholder’s
Reversal message The message reverses the action of a previous authorization.
Refund A refund is a financial transaction initiated at the point of sale that
instructs the issuer to credit the cardholder’s account for the return
of goods
Reject code A message will be rejected if due to error conditions, NPCI network is
not able to process it, then a reject code will be send to the acquirer
or to the issuer
Sign On message This message is used to re-establish a session or connectivity that
has been closed or signed off by the other party
Sign Off message This message is used to close a session or connectivity that has been
established or signed on by the other party
Server The server component provides a function or service to one or many
clients, which initiate requests for such services
Stand-In NPCI authorizes the transaction on behalf of the issuer host system
Telephone Request Transaction initiated using Telephone
Terminal A device/system that initiates a transaction
Time-Out Time required by the acquirer, NPCI or issuer to complete a
Track 1 The information encoded on Track 1 of the magnetic stripe of the
plastic card (per ISO 7813) used for the transaction, excluding start
and end sentinel and LRC characters. It also includes the cardholder
name which is not present in the track 2 data
Track 2 The information encoded on Track 2 of the magnetic stripe of the
plastic card (per ISO 7813) used for the transaction, excluding start
and end sentinel and LRC characters.
Transaction Id A unique Id used for e-commerce transaction
Unattended Terminal A terminal placed in an unattended environment. e.g. ATM
Table 75 Definition