Ch-5 Organising
Ch-5 Organising
Ch-5 Organising
Organizing is the process of identifying and grouping the work to be performed,
defining and delegating responsibility and authority and establishing relationships
for the purpose of enabling people to work most effectively together in
accomplishing objectives.
According to Theo Haimman:
“Organizing is the process of defining and grouping the activities of the enterprise
and establishing authority relationships among them ’’
Principles of Delegation
1. For effective delegation , the authority granted must be commensurate with
the assigned responsibility: If authority granted is more than responsibility, it may
lead to misuse of authority , and if responsibilty assigned is more than authority ,
it may make a person ineffective. It is known as the Principle of Authority and
2. Delegation does not mean abdication : The manager shall still be accountable/
answerable for the performance of the assigned task . He/ she cannot escape
from the answerability for any default or mistake on part of his or her
subordinates. Regular feedback must be sought on the extent of work
accomplished. This is known as the Principle of Absoluteness of Accountability
3. The authority granted to a subordinate can be taken back and re-delegated to
another person.
Importance of the Delegation of Authority
1. Effective management or Reduction of Executive’s work-load: It reduces the
work-load of officers. They can thus utilize their time in more important and
creative works instead of works of daily routine.
2. Employee development: Employees get more opportunities to utilize their
talent which allows them to develop those skills which will enable them to
perform complex tasks.
3. Facilitation of growth due to quick and better decisions: The subordinate are
granted sufficient authority so they need not to go to their superiors for taking
decisions concerning the routine matters.
4. Motivation of employees : Because of delegation of authority to the
subordinates they get an opportunity to display their efficiency and capacity.
5. Better coordination: The elements of delegation – authority, responsibility and
accountability help to define the powers, duties and answerability related to
various job positions which results in developing and maintaining effective
6. Basis of Management hierarchy: Delegation of work creates superior
subordinate relationship which creates hierarchy of management.
Relationship between Delegation and Decentralisation
• It is said that “When we delegate authority, we multiply it by two. When we
decentralize authority, we multiply it by many”.
• Decentralisation implies selective dispersal of authority and recognizes the
decision maker’s need for autonomy.
• For example; Mr. A is the General Manager of an organization who process all
leave applications. He feels over- burdened and transfers some of his authority of
leave processing to the Human Resource Manager. This is delegation of
authority.If the HR Manager also feels over –burdened and requests to give him
some relief, then the General Manager may disperse this authority to various
departmental heads throughout the organization. This shows how delegated
authority may be extended to decentralized authority.
• Decentralization of authority means dispersal of authority to take decisions
throughout the organization, up to the lower levels. Thus, it has wider scope than
• It implies reservation of some authority with the top-level management and
transferring rest of the authority to the lower levels of the organization. This
empowers lower levels to take decisions regarding problems faced by them
without having to go to the upper levels.
• According to Allen,‘ Decentralization refers to systematic efforts to delegate to the
lowest level, all authority except the one which can be exercised at central
Centralisation and Decentralisation
• The concentration of decision- making authority by the top management is called
centralization whereas its dispersal among more than one person is known as
• Complete centralization and complete decentralization are unrealistic scenarios.
• As an organization grows, it move towards decentralized decision- making.
• The degree of centralization depend upon the circumstances in which the
company is working. Generally, large organisations have more extent of
decentralization as compared to small organisations.
Importance of Decentralization
1.Develops initiative amongst subordinates: It helps to promote confidence
because the subordinates are given freedom to take their own decisions.
2. Quick and better decisions: The burden of managerial decisions does not lie in
the hands of few individuals but gets divided among various persons which helps
them to take better and quick decisions.
3. Relieves the top executives from excess workload: The daily managerial works
are assigned to the subordinates which leaves enough time with the superiors
which they can utilize in developing new strategies.
4. Managerial Development: It means giving authority to the subordinates up to
the lower level to take decisions regarding their work. In this way the opportunity
to take decisions helps in the development of the organization.
5. Better Control: It makes it possible to evaluate performance at each level which
results in complete control over all the activities.
6. Facilitates Growth: When the employees’ abilities are developed, it results in
higher productivity, efficiency and profitability which are necessary for growth of
an organization.
Difference between Delegation and Decentralization
2. Freedom of Less freedom to take decisions due to More freedom of action due to less control
action more control by the superiors. by the top management.
To reduce the burden of manager To increase the role and the autonomy of
5. Purpose
(superior). lower level of management.