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Basic Concepts and Principles in Assessment

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Basic Concepts

and Principles in
❑ Defined as any of a variety of procedures
used to obtain information about student
performance (Linn and Miller, 2005)

❑ refers to the full range of information

gathered and synthesized by teachers
about their students and their classrooms
(Arends, 1994)
❑ isa method for analyzing and
evaluating student achievement or
program success.

❑ is the systematic collection, review and

use of information about educational
programs undertaken for the purpose of
improving student learning and
Primary Purpose
-to improve students’ learning and teachers’
teaching as both respond to the information it

Other Purposes

To facilitate Instructional Function

- it yields data to establish the extent of knowledge,
skills, habits and attitudes acquired by the
- it specifies the strength and weaknesses of
instruction and the needs and problems of
the students which must addressed.
To facilitate administrative and
supervisory functions
- Achieving and maintaining quality
instruction is one of the foremost goals of
-to the curriculum planners, the result of
assessment can give them hard facts as bases
for revising and enriching the curricula.

To foster better parent-teacher

-assessment is a means by which teachers can
keep the parents informed of the progress
made by their children.
(Corpuz and Salandanan, 2003)

1. Assessment of learning is an integral part of

the teaching-learning process
o What teachers shall do next after teaching his/her
lesson is determined largely by the assessment
results gathered after conducting the lesson.

2. Assessment tools should match with

performance objectives.
o The assessment tool and the test to be formulated
must be based on the performance objective.
3. The results of assessment must be fed back to
the learners
o Teacher’s evaluation tasks such as quizzes,
assignments and projects should be marked and
returned to the students immediately.
4. Teachers must consider the learners, learning
styles and multiple intelligences and so must
come up with variety of ways in assessing
4 learning styles (Silver, et.al 2000, p.11)
➢ Sensing-thinking (mastery)
➢ Sensing-feeling (interpersonal)
➢ Intuitive-thinking (understanding)
➢Intuitive-feeling (self expressive)
8 multiple intelligences
▪ Verbal linguistic
▪ Logical-mathematical
▪ Spatial
▪ Bodily-kinaesthetic
▪ Musical
▪ Interpersonal
▪ Intrapersonal
▪ Naturalist
5. It is pedagogical sound that the assessment
shall give feedbacks
6. Emphasize on self-assessment
➢If learning is a personal process, then the student is
in the best position to measure his/her own progress
against the benchmark.
7.All students, even those from limited
backgrounds will have access to opportunities and
therefore can achieve, then the bell curve
mentality must be abandoned (Danielson, 2002 as cited by
Corpuz and Salandanan, 2003)
8.Assessment of learning should never be used as
punishment or as a disciplinary measure.
9.Results of learning assessment must be
communicated regularly and clearly to parents

1. To improve the teaching process of

teachers and enhance learning
performance of students.

2. To provide helpful feedbacks to students,

teachers, administrators, policy makers
and other education stakeholders.

1. FormativeAssessment
❖ its main objective is to provide the
learners with feedback on how they are
doing and thus help them to learn more
effectively. It does not normally count
towards a final grade, mark or award, nor
is it normally used to determine whether
the learner will be allowed to progress to a
later stage of a course.
This includes:
2. Summative assessment
❖ is normally carried out at the end of a
programme of instruction or section
thereof in order to establish or measure
what the learner has achieved. It differs
from formative assessment in that it
generally does count towards a final
grade, mark or award, or is used to
determine whether the learner is allowed
to make progress through the course.
This includes:
❑Is the process of gathering and interpreting
evidence regarding the problems and progress
of individuals in achieving desirable
educational goals.
❑act of ascertaining or fixing the value or worth
of rating

Chief Purpose of Evaluation

✓ The improvement of the individual

Other Purposes of Evaluation

✓ To maintain standard
✓ To select students
✓ To motivate learning
✓ To guide learning
✓ To furnish instruction
✓ To appraise educational instrumentalities
Principles of Educational Evaluation

✓ Evaluation must be based on previously

accepted educational objectives.
✓ Evaluation should be continuous
comprehensive and cumulative process.
✓ Evaluation should recognize that the total
individual personality is involved in
✓ Evaluation should be democratic and
✓Evaluation should be positive and action-
✓Evaluation should give opportunity to the
pupil to become increasingly independent
in self- appraisal and self- direction.
✓Evaluation should include all significant
evidence from every possible source.
✓Evaluation should take into consideration
the limitations of the particular educational

1. Placement Evaluation
✓ In this type of evaluation , learner's
entry behavior or capability is
assessed to find out whether the
student possess knowledge , skills
and attitude needed to begin the
course of instruction.
✓ It is used to find out to what extent
student has already mastered the
objectives of the planned
2. Formative Evaluation
✓ It is evaluation used to monitor
student's learning progress during
instruction with the purpose of
providing on going feedback to
students and teachers regarding
success and failure of
teaching/learning process.
✓ Formative evaluations strengthen
or improve the object being
3. Diagnostic Evaluation
✓ This type of evaluation is concerned with finding out
the reasons for student's persistent or recurring
learning difficulties that cannot be resolved by
standard corrective measures or formative evaluation.
✓ It’s aim is to find out the causes of learning problems
and plan to take remedial actions.
✓ Observational techniques or specially
prepared diagnostic techniques can be used to
diagnose the problem.
3. Diagnostic Evaluation
• The purpose of diagnostic assessments is to help identify problems
with a certain instruction style and provide insights into improvement
that can be done in the quality of delivery. Diagnostic assessments in
education help educators understand their students’ strengths,
weaknesses, knowledge level, and skill set prior to beginning
instruction. Diagnostic assessment examples include pre-assessment
tests that give you a snapshot of or diagnose knowledge to
screen students.
• For instance, if a teacher wants to start a lesson on two-digit
multiplication with young pupils, they can use diagnostic assessment
to make sure the lesson is delivered well. They will want to understand
if the students have grasped fact families, number place values, and
one-digit multiplication before moving on to more complicated
• Diagnostic assessments collect data on what the students already
know about a specific subject or topic.
4. Summative Evaluation
✓ This type of evaluation is given at the
end of the course or unit of instructions
to find out which student, to what
extent has mastered the intended
learning outcomes.

✓ Though the results are primarily used

for assigning the grades or for
certifying learners’ mastery of
instructional objectives, they can also
be used to give feedback on the
appropriateness of objectives and the
effectiveness of objectives.
Assessment is the process of objectively
understanding the state or condition of a
thing, by observation and measurement.
Assessment of teaching means taking a
measure of its effectiveness.
•Evaluation is the process of observing and
measuring a thing for the purpose of judging
it and of determining its “value,” either by
comparison to similar things, or to a standard.
Evaluation of teaching means passing
judgment on it as part of an administrative
“Formative” assessment
is measurement for the purpose of
improving it. “Summative”
assessment is what we normally call
o Is a systematic procedure to determine the
presence or absence of certain
characteristics of qualities in a learner.

o used to examine someone's knowledge of

something to determine what he or she
knows or has learned. Testing measures the
level of skill or knowledge that has been

1. Instructional
o It will help students identify their own specific
strengths and weaknesses, making them more
aware of how they can improve themselves. On
the other hand, it provide teachers with
information that is helpful in providing more
effective instructional guidance for individual
students and the whole class as well.
2. Guidance
o The results are useful in predicting an individual’s
success in a field study and aid him too in choosing
an appropriate course of study.
Mode of Administration
1. Individual Test
o These tests are administered on a one-on- one basis
using oral instructions.
Ex. -Philippine Non-verbal Intelligence Test (PNIT)
-Wechsler for Preschool and Primary Scale of
Intelligence (WPPSI)

2. Group Tests
o They are administered to a group of
Ex. -Metropolitan Achievement Test (MAT)
-Standard Achievement Test (SAT)
Language Mode Test
1. Verbal Test
o These are ordinarily paper and pencil test.
Words are necessary for the examinee to
understand and respond to test items.
Ex. SRA Verbal, Personality & Interest Test

2. Non-Verbal Test
o Usually they are paper and pencil test but
words are not used in giving meaning or
responding to the test items.
o Such tests are the abstract ones usually
figures, numbers or physical objects.
Format of Teacher –Made Test
1. Teacher-MadeTest
o These are test which measure and assess
student progress in terms of specific
classroom objectives such as objective
and essay tests.
o Examples of objective test are those given
at the end of every unit or chapter of the
2. Standardized Test
o These test that have been carefully
constructed by expert in the light of
accepted objectives
Types of Standardized Test
a. Mental Ability or Intelligence Test
o Test which measures general mental
ability without reference to which the
learner has learned in or out of school.
b. Aptitude Test
o Test which measures the skills and
potential of an individual, which may
predict future success.

c. Achievement Test
o Test which measures the degree to which
individual has mastered certain
instructional objectives or specific
learning outcomes.
d. Personality Test
o Test which measures certain personality
traits of an individual.
Ex. -Psychometric (16PF, EPPS)
-projective Technique Tests (Thematic
Apperception Test, Draw a Person Test,
Other Classification of Test
1. Educational Test
❑ Measures results or effects of instruction
2. Psychological Test
❑ Measures intangible aspects of behavior such
as intelligence, aptitude, interests, ability and
personal-social adjustments.
3. Speed Test
❑ Measures the numbers of items an individual
can complete at a given time
performance under time condition.
4. Power Test
❑ Measures the individual’s ability to answer
more and more difficult items within a given
field in which the items are arranged in
increasing order of difficulty.
5. Criterion Reference Test
❑ Interpreting test results which describe the
performance of the individual directly such
as “spelled 85 English.
Words out of 150 words” or “type 70 words per
minute with 5 errors”. This test describe what an
individual can do with reference to the
performance of others.
6. Norm Reference Test
❑ Determines how an individual’s performance
compares that of others. This test describe the
performance of an examinee in terms of the
relative position held in a group.
Ex. “Student A score better than 25% of the

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