EPPA3613 Tega Payament System
EPPA3613 Tega Payament System
EPPA3613 Tega Payament System
Operational Study
-upgrade the current system
Expedite payments in less than 7 days
Payment process less than 5 minutes to achieve response time
Error will be reduce
Scheduling Study
-proposed project could take at least 6 months
Then the system would be ready before student fee billing period between mid-october 2009 and
end of January 2010
In House
TEGA KL has a team of people from management information sysyem )MIS) department , they can
help to develop the new web-based transaction system for TEGA by using their expertise and
Well know about the system processing and they are close to the users
The users of the system have the opportunity to participate in designing and testing the system
High cost investment but the benefits for in-house development can cover the cost that faced
In-house development enables to satisfy the unique requirement from the system which able to
meet the constraints of existing system and technology
They need to able a right technical skill for database management and reporting development.
TEGA London able to save the spending on maintenance fee for system in the future
For the long term perspective, in house development is the most suitable approaches develop the
new web-based transactions system for TEGA London
Off-the Shelf -Pantas dan lebih murah -sukar mendapatkan perisi yang benar-
Software benar sesuai untuk organisasi
-kurang feksibel
-Mudah untuk mendapat sokongan
dan berkongsi the files -Harus berkrompomi pada bahagian
-Canggih (Microsoft, excel)
-Pelaksanaan cepat