July Question

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1-Palivizumab used in prophylaxis of RSV

N.B : it is monoclonal antibody bind to f
protein on rsv to prevent it from infecting

2- Question no 289 in the of file 320 questions

… case of rheumatoid arthritis
Answer : add hydroxychloroquine
3- Ace inhibitors used in case of hypertensive
patient with proteinurea
4-Woman suffer from asthma she is on
salbutamol but she came and investigation
show mild obstruction
What to give her next
I choose budoniside inhaler
Line of asthma :
1-saba 2-inhaled steroid 3-laba 4-
leukotriene antagonist 5-oral steroid 6-
5-tubeculosis vaccine (BCG) taken at birth
6-MMR vaccine given at 12 months and four
7-Man with HBA1C 9 – increase dose of
N.B : if HBA1C is between 7-10 additional
action should be taken
8- woman is taken combined oral
contraceptive she is smooking 20 cigrrates
per day and her BMI is 37 (obese)
Answer : shift to levonogestrel
(progesterone only )
N.B : BMI below 18.5 is underweight
18.5-25 normal
25-30 obese
Above 30 obese
9-pregnant woman has UTI gram –ve
microorganism what DOC
10- pioglitazone added to therapy should
make liver function test
11-metoprolol mask hypoglycemic effect
12-most important vitamin in case of
pregnancy: folic acid
13- a woman with penicillin sensitivity ( he
said she had hypotension when she take
penicillin ) if she need antibiotic for
prophylaxis choose erythromycin
14-antidote for iron toxicity is deferoxamine
15-patient with lung obstruction …. Should
vaccinated with influenza and pneumococcal
16-sustained release if broken will cause
multidose toxicity
17-large amount of parentral medication
Sterile water for injection
18-child BMI 85% had a muscle thickness test
body fat
19-maximum prescription time for for
controlled drugs for one time is 90 days
‫مش متاكد النه طلب اقصى حاجة ممكن تحضره فى مرة‬
20-which is antiprogestin : mifepristone
21-rivastigmine is :cholinesterase inhibitor
22-antihypertensive is harmful to infant
during breastfeeding : atenolol
Information : risk of hypoglycemia and
bradycardia in baby
23- patient has alower limb and trunk pain
and used antipsychotic for 11 years ….
Diagnose : tardive dyskinesia
24-laxative with slowest onset of action
25-enalapril MOA: ACE inhibitor
26-best antihistaminic for a driver :
27-increase osteoporosis in geriatric will
increase : bone fractures
28-patient has Parkinson's disease and
develop mydriasis and closed angle glaucoma
Drug which cause this :trihexylphenidyl
29-case ask about required dose of
simvastatin I choose 40 mg …
Of his body weight :subcutaneous fat
30-forget to dispense a patient dose until next
schedule dose : omission error
31: zanamavir used in case of acute influenza
N.B: it's aneuroamindase inhibitor
Inhibit viral uncoating
32: alendronate used to reduce risk of hip
33: antiplatelet work on ADP (adenosine di
phosphate ) of platelet : clopidogrel
34-maximum OTC daily dose of ibuprofen :
1200 mg
35: ‫احفظ كويس‬

lines ‫جه اكتر من سؤال على ال‬

‫ متستخدمش‬penicillin allergy ‫ولو المريض عنده‬
36-treatment of amoeba we can add to
metronidazole …… : diloxanide
N.B: it is used in cyst form of amoeba
37-nilotinib used in philadelphial myelogenus
38-patient take warfarin advise him to take
consistent green vegetable
vitamin k ‫عشان‬
39-validity of pharmacy 5 years
40-if child receive high dose amoxicillin and
has appointment for vaccine : proceed to take
41-antiarrythmic cause iodine hypothyroidism
42:antineoplastic cause bone marrow
suppression : doxorubicin
43-MOA of montelukast : leukotriene
44- diabetic with high triglycerides and
cholesterol : statin
45-example deteriorating toxicity given drug
which is expired
46- which base used in suppository : cocoa
47-topiramate first line In prophylaxis of
migraine ; dose 25-100 daily
48- which is controlled drug : fentanyl
49- category c in pregnancy : no available
studies on human or animals
50-drug change mental status ; diazepam
51-drug cause water retention :
52-what is the fast absorption
53-ca carbonate SE : constipation
54-case there is elevated t3 and t4 .. normal
TSH … drug used : methamizol
Information : antithyroid drug inhibit
thyroid peroxidase .. inhibit oxidation of
55-code of ethics
56- PO : taken by mouth
57-best way to take NSAID : with food and
After meal wasn't in choices
58-mycophenolate should stopped 6 weeks
before pregnancy
59-codein used as cough suppressant
60-pain killer in green line : oxycodone
61-patient identification by name and
medical record
62-narcotic used to treat narcotic addiction :
63: best drug delivery in infants : neutralizer
64: case : BPH : tadalafil after 4 hours from
There was another choice but sildenafil
Tadalafil is the correct choice
65-iron deficiency is the most common cause
in failure of treatment with eportin
66- long term with cortisone need calcium
67-nurse received extra vial should return it to
68-drug cause pulmonary toxicity :

69-antibiotic need in community acquired

pneumonia need hospitalization : ceftriaxone
70-antidote of methotrexate toxicity :
Antidotes of methotrexate :
71-female with history of DVT should take
levonogestrel (progesterone only)
72- study in which different studies is used to
make conclusion answer was systematic
If meta analysis is present .choose it
73- no of phases for approving new drug
In Saudi Arabia ???
‫ ممكن تتاكدوا من االجابة‬4 ‫ و‬3 ‫مش عارف االجابة‬
‫ الجدول ده مهم‬-44

75-drug with distribution volume 35L

Highly distributed in plasma or highly
dissolved in adipose tissue
I chose highly dissolved in adipose tissue
I am not completely sure about the answer
76-used as antispasmodic : baclofen
77-drug increase paracetamol toxicity :
78-drug decrease warfarin action :
79-need to be monitored…. high alert
medication ….. IV potassium chloride or oral
digoxin … I chose potassium chloride iv as it
may cause arrhythmia not sure about the
answer please check it
80-lithium toxicity increased by disturbances
in which electrolyte sodium as low sodium
levels increase lithium toxicity
81-tell a patient about SE of
diphenhydramine : drowsiness
82-heparin toxicity we use : protamine
83-cockroft Gault equation method used :
chronic stable renal failure
84-drug is dose dependent in
pharmacokinetic : phenytoin
84-case pain with endometrial cancer : The
answer may be danazol as the second choice
was comined oral contraceptive which
contain estrogen so it can't be used
‫بالتوفيق للجميع وال تنسونا من صالح دعائكم‬

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