ZetagULTRA CustomerPresentation Jan2014 FINAL

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Zetag® ULTRA

Ultra-high molecular weight cationic flocculants

02.06.2014 1
Introducing Zetag® ULTRA

Superior Dewatering Performance at Lower Dose

 Ultra-high molecular weight cationic flocculants

 Designed for centrifuge applications and Dissolved
Air Flotation
 Stronger floc integrity to withstand high shear forces
 Offers a significant dose reduction
 Higher cake solids can be achieved
 Better centrate quality due to less suspended solids
 Reduces operational, transport and disposal cost

Jan 2014 2
Zetag® ULTRA
Superior Dewatering Performance
Standard HMW* Flocculant

Due to improved bridging

capabilities, Zetag® ULTRA
polymers show advanced
dewatering performance
compared to standard
flocculants based on lower
Zetag® ULTRA - Effective bridging capability
molecular weight.

Improved bridging flocculation

with Zetag® ULTRA

Jan 2014 * High Molecular Weight 3

Zetag® ULTRA
Dewatering Market Trends Towards Centrifuge
Global sludge dewatering
equipment trends: Centrifuges
Centrifuge is the commonly used
technology, especially at larger
 High shear applications require
complex, highly-structured
 Increased backbone length with
additional bonding sites result in
improved dewatering performance
2006 2013
 Stronger floc integrity to withstand
Source: BASF assumptions
high shear forces
Zetag® ULTRA especially effective
on high-speed centrifuges
Jan 2014 4
Zetag® ULTRA
High Performance Dewatering Polymers
 Especially designed for high sheer applications,
such as centrifuges
 Highly efficient in Dissolved Air Flotation (DAF)
 Advanced dewatering performance as
compared to standard HMW* flocculants
 Offers a significant dosage reduction and/or
higher cake solids
 Improved centrate quality with reduced
suspended solids
 Sustainable solution offering reductions in
operational, transport and disposal cost

Ultimate fit for high shear applications

to achieve lower operating cost
Jan 2014 * High Molecular Weight 5
Zetag® ULTRA
Dose Reduction
Significant dose
reduction of

up to 20%*
Free Drainage Volume [ml]


* depending on sludge characteristics Dosage [kg/t]

Jan 2014 ** High Molecular Weight 6
Zetag® ULTRA
Increased Cake Solids
Cake solids of
dewatered sludge
can be increased by

up to 15%*


* depending on sludge characteristics

Jan 2014 ** High Molecular Weight 7
Zetag® ULTRA
Improved Centrate Capture Rates
 Better floc bridging capabilities resulting
in a centrate with less fine particles and
less solids
 Higher dewatering performance and
improved operational cost are achieved
as less solids are returned through the
sludge treatment works (e.g. equipment HMW* Flocculant Zetag® ULTRA

run time, polymer expenditure, etc.)

 Ammonia levels can be minimized which
are typically concentrated in centrate
 Positive effect on digester performance
as the impact on primary/secondary
sludge ratios can be reduced (e.g. gas
yield and retention time)

Jan 2014 * High Molecular Weight 8

Zetag® ULTRA
Unique Molecular Architecture Polymers
Apparent Viscosity (cP) at 25°C
Cationic Molecular
Product at concentration shown
Charge Weight
0.25% 0.50% 1.0%

Zetag® 8127 low ultra-high 500 650 1,550

Zetag® 8147 medium ultra-high 500 950 2,400

Zetag® 8167 medium-high ultra-high 400 850 2,600

Zetag® 8187* high ultra-high 400 900 2,400

Typical properties
Zetag® ULTRA offers a wide Appearance: off-white powder
Bulk density: approx. 0.7 g/cm³
range of cationic charges pH of 1 % solution at 25°C: approx. 3.6 – 4.6

Jan 2014 * coming soon 9

Zetag® ULTRA
Proof of Performance
Northeastern U.S. WWT plant Customer Benefits
is challenged with achieving
performance metrics within  Achieved thickening
stringent budget constraints. target of 7% with
>90% capture and
Customer Challenge 45% reduction in dose
 Centrifuge application: Powdered flocculant  Achieved dewatering
requirement under high shear conditions targets of 27% cake
 Aggressive thickening and dewatering solids and >98%
performance specification under difficult capture with a 30%
treatment conditions: reduction in dose
• Thickening of WAS* @  7% with >90% capture
• Dewatering combined TWAS** and raw primary Average savings estimated
with required cake spec @  27% with >98%
capture at $50,000 per year with
* Waste Activated Sludge
Zetag® ULTRA
Jan 2014 ** Thickened Waste Activated Sludge 10
Zetag® ULTRA
Proof of Performance
Australian WWT plant is Customer Benefits
challenged with treating a
combination of municipal and  Achieved higher cake
industrial waste streams within solids by 1% while
stringent budget constraints. reducing dose rate by

Customer Challenge  Achieved higher

 Variable substrate resulting in high centrate capture rates
flocculant demand at high operational cost
 Reduced cake truck
 High shear centrifuge dewatering loading by 45 minutes
applications with variable feed sludge
• Feed sludge of WAS* @  1% Average savings estimated
• Dewatered cake solids @18-22% at $100,000 per year with
Zetag® ULTRA
Jan 2014 * Waste Activated Sludge 11
Zetag® ULTRA
Proof of Performance
WWT plant at Volgograd Customer Benefits
Refinery is challenged with
treating waste water  Ca. 40% reduction of
containing oil within oil and suspended
stringent budget constraints. solids content in waste
water after Dissolved
Customer Challenge Air Flotation process
 Air bubbles formed as
 Significant
pressure drops, air
bubbles trapped inside improvement of the
flocs as they form biological waste water
 Flocs rapidly float to treatment process
surface due to entrained
air Average savings estimated
 Oil and solids removed by at $30,000 per year with
scrapers on tank surface
Zetag® ULTRA
Jan 2014 12
Zetag® ULTRA
BASF Invests in Assets and R&D

 Continue investments  Create synergies

into Environment, between chemistry
Health & Safety enabled equipment
and chemicals for
 Invest into improving improved water
the assets and new treatment solutions
process technologies
 Internationalization of
 Ensure reliable R&D by establishing
production at high Global Competence
throughput Centers

BASF Water Solutions invests globally more than € 65m

in R&D until 2016 to differentiate by innovative solutions
Jan 2014 13
Zetag® ULTRA – Sustainable Solutions
For Your Dewatering Process
 Improved Dewatering
Each 1% of water removed results in 5%
reduction in transportation cost and thereby
reducing CO2 emissions
 Reuse
Zetag® ULTRA treated sludge improves
centrate quality with lower suspended solids
and thereby a higher quality of clean water
can be returned to general water supply
 Energy Efficiency
With Zetag® ULTRA, sludge is conditioned to
improve the separation process resulting in
overall energy reduction. Dryer cakes can be
incinerated as fuel to generate energy
We create chemistry for
a sustainable future
Jan 2014 14
Zetag® ULTRA
Delivering Value to Your Dewatering Process

 Strong floc
integrity to  Operational cost
withstand high savings for the
shear forces dewatering process
 Significant dose
reduction of up to  Reduction in transport
20%* and disposal cost
 Cake solids of  Less energy required
dewatered sludge
can be increased for incineration
by up to 15%*
 Reduced return load
 Improved centrate on sludge treatment
capture rates

Jan 2014 * depending on sludge characteristics and compared to standard high molecular weight flocculants 15
Zetag® ULTRA
Unique Molecular Architecture
Zetag® ULTRA
Innovation Powered by BASF
Lead 50+ field trials
Candidates Production proving superior
Idea & Identified Scale Up performance
Innovation Application
Workshop Tests Zetag®
04/2012 10/2012 2013

05/2012 12/2012
02/2012 2013

Lab Samples 1st Bulk

Idea Produced Repeated Bulk
Selection Selection Final Production Production

Market requires innovation for high Continuous optimization and

performing dewatering polymers strong manufacturing capabilities
Jan 2014 18
Zetag® ULTRA
Water Industry Challenges
Socio Economic Megatrends Water Supply & Demand Balance 2030
Km³, based on 154 basins/regions

Population CAGR
Growth 2010-30 6,900
2005 2015 2020
6.5bn 7.2bn 7.6bn +1.1% p.a. 900
2% -39%
Urbanization 4,500
Municipal & 4,200
+50% 2008-30 Ground
Domestic 600
Water 700
Industry 800
+3.2% p.a.
4,500 Surface
Agriculture 3,100 Water

Resource Contamination
-5% usable water by 2030
Existing 2030 Existing
withdrawals1) withdrawals2) accessible,
Energy Demand
1) Agricultural production projections from IFPRI
2) Based on GDP, population projections and agricultural production projections
from IFPRI; no water productivity gains considered between 2005-2030
3) Existing supply which can be provided at 90% reliability, based on historical
hydrology and infrastructure investments through 2010
Source: EV/BS, ZZS forecast, UN, Lux Research Source: Charting our Water Future, 2009

Jan 2014 19

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