Data Analyst Written Test - Test Paper
Data Analyst Written Test - Test Paper
Data Analyst Written Test - Test Paper
Please read the instructions given for each set of questions carefully before
you attempt to answer.
Answering all questions is mandatory. Each question carries one mark and
there is no negative mark for wrong answers.
There are four sections – Logical reasoning, French and English writing,
Data Interpretation and Analytics. Time allotted for entire test paper is one
hour. Additional time will not be permitted.
A section at the back of the answer sheet is available for making any notes
you may wish to make.
4 14 11 31
35 26 73 52
41 44 72 78
36 66 62 132
5 20 100 3 24
20 80 400 12
a.86 b.96 c.16
d. 106 e. 56
8 6 9 7
5 7 3 6 4
a.16 b. 14 c.11 d. 10 e. 9
3, 9, 27, ?, 243
You work for a city info magazine who is reviewing restaurants in the area. The reviews
will feature in the new edition coming out next month. It’s free for the restaurant to be
listed & you need certain pieces of key info to publish about the restaurant, such as
seating capacity, opening times, price range, personal comment from the chef/ manager
Conduct an email to a restaurant manager & explain what you want, why you need it &
why it would be beneficial for them to be listed in your magazine. The restaurant
manager is under no obligation to tell you anything, but you need to be politely
persuasive, otherwise you will have no material for your restaurant review.
Dear Manager,
I hope this email finds you in the best of health. I am writing to you on behalf of City
Info Magazine, a new and exciting publication showcasing the finest restaurants in the
We are currently gathering information to be included in our upcoming edition, due out
next month. We would like to feature your restaurant in our review, and the listing is
completely free of charge. To make the review as comprehensive as possible, we will
need some key details from you, such as seating capacity, opening times, price range and
a personal comment from the chef/manager.
We are confident that being featured in our magazine will be an excellent opportunity for
your restaurant to gain wider recognition in the area. Not only will your restaurant have
increased visibility, but it will also be featured in a review that will reach hundreds of
potential customers.
I eagerly await your response. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to
contact me.
Best regards,
Mian Sohaib Saleem
You manage a garden center & have just had a delivery with damaged plants. You’ve
dealt with the delivery company for years so don’t want to ruin your relationship but do
want to complain about the state of the plants when they reached you. Your ideal
outcome would be to get another delivery & keep on good terms with the delivery
Conduct an email to the delivery company manager for the above scenario.
Dear Manager,
Upon inspection of the plants, I found that many of them had wilted leaves, and some
were missing crucial pieces of soil. This has made them potentially unsuitable for sale,
leaving me in an unfortunate situation.
I am hoping that we can work together to resolve this issue. I would be grateful if you
could arrange to send out a new delivery of healthy plants to replace the damaged ones.
In return, I can assure you that I will continue to be a loyal customer of your company.
Mian Sohaib Saleem.
I. You are a motor cycle manufacturer based in the USA; the figures in the table
show your European export figures. Please read the figure carefully and answer
the questions below.
UK 40 44 36 47 47 46 260
France 37 32 32 32 34 33 200
Belgium 14 14 14 16 17 14 89
Spain 29 29 28 31 29 31 177
Italy 22 24 24 26 25 23 144
1) What percentage of the overall total was sold to the German importer?
3) Which month showed the biggest increase in total sales from the previous month?
4) What percentage of the monthly total was sold to the biggest importer in February?
5) What is the average number of units per month imported into Italy, over the first four
months of the year?
a. 22 b. 23 c. 24 d. 25 e. 26
II. Please read the figure given below carefully and answer the questions that follow
based on the information provided in the chart.
1) Which month showed the largest decrease in total imports over the previous month?
Feb Mar Apr May Jun
2) What was the total value of sheet steel (in $) imported over the 6-month period?
56,750 75,300 55,550 42,370 44,750
3) What was the percentage of scrap steel imported in the 6 month period?
37.5 35.2 36.1 31.2 38.3
4) Which month showed the lowest import of Coil sheet over the six months period?
January February April May March
5) Which month has the highest value of import of scrap, sheet and coil steel all put
January March June May February
The Total Expense Ratio, or TER, is a measurement of the total costs of a fund
investment. Typically it consists of the annual management charge (the fee that the
fund company charges annually to manage the fund) plus 'other' charges incurred with
running the fund. TER, and Annual mgt charge are shown on the below factsheet.
Using the above factsheet, calculate the ‘Other’ charges for the Class A (acc) Fund
(Exclude the initial charge from all workings)
Fund factsheets comprise essential data about the nature and makeup of individual mutual
funds. This is data that can change from month to month.
The following items typically found in a fund factsheet are the sort of items that may be
subject to change -
Essential Fund Facts - Contains the name of the fund manager who manages the
fund, and other information such as management charges and benchmarks.
Largest Holdings – The ranking of the top companies/stocks the fund is investing
The next two pages contain the factsheets for the Clerical Medical Balanced Fund. These
factsheets are dated for the months of June 2008 and July 2008.
Compare the July factsheet to the June factsheet and, using the items detailed above as a
guide, list on the answer sheet as many changes as you possibly can?
Tip: Ignore the fund manager comments, and the performance figures.
Fund Aim or Objective: To provide a balance of long-term capital growth and income.
Essential Fund facts: Fund Manager: Matthew Merritt; Management Charge: 1.25%;
Benchmark - FTSE All-Share Index
Fund Size: £14.6 m.
Largest Holdings: BP, Royal Dutch Shell, HSBC, GlaxoSmithKline and Vodafone.
Breakdown by Country: UK (72.77%), North America (12.37%), Cash/Other (8%),
Europe (5.24%), Far east Pacific (1.66%), and Japan (1.02%).
Fund Aim or Objective: To provide a balance of long-term capital growth and income.
Essential Fund Facts: Fund Manager: Matthew Merritt; Management Charge: 1.25%;
Benchmark - FTSE All-Share Index
Fund Size: £14.1 m.
Largest Holdings: BP, Royal Dutch Shell, HSBC, GlaxoSmithKline, Vodafone
Breakdown by Country: UK (78.12%), North America (10.15%), , Europe (4.18%), , and
Japan (2.35%) Cash/Other (3.20%), and Far east Pacific (1.66%).
Fund Size: decreased from £14.6 million to £14.1 million.
Largest Holdings: Nestle was added as a holding.
Breakdown by Country: UK increased by 5.35%, Japan increased by 1.33%, and North
America and Europe had a slight fall of 2.22% and 1.06%.