Primary and Secondary Data

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Primary and secondary data,

Coding of data
By : Mohit Kumar
MBA (Marketing Management)
Submitted to :
Data vs Statistics

 Statistics are the results of data analysis - its

 While the terms ‘data’ and ‘statistics’ are often interpretation and presentation
used interchangeably, in scholarly research there  In other words some computation has taken place
is an important distinction between them. 
that provides some understanding of what the data
 Data are individual pieces of factual information means.
recorded and used for the purpose of analysis. It is  Statistics are often, though they don’t have to be,
the raw information from which statistics are
presented in the form of a table, chart, or graph. 
Types of data
Primary Data

 Primary data means the raw data (data without  Sources of Primary Data
fabrication or not tailored data) which has just 1. Personal Investigation
been collected from the source and has not gone The researcher conducts the experiment or survey
any kind of statistical treatment like sorting and himself/herself and collected data from it. The
tabulation. The term primary data may collected data is generally accurate and reliable.
sometimes be used to refer to first hand This method of collecting primary data is
information. feasible only in case of small scale laboratory,
field experiments or pilot surveys and is not
practicable for large scale experiments and
surveys because it take too much time.
Sources (comtinued)

3. Through Questionnaire
2. Through Investigators

The required information (data) is obtained by

The trained (experienced) investigators are employed sending a questionnaire (printed or soft form) to the
to collect the required data. In case of surveys, they selected individuals (respondents) (by mail) who fill
contact the individuals and fill in the questionnaires in the questionnaire and return it to the investigator.
after asking the required information, where This method is relatively cheap as compared to
a questionnaire is an inquiry form having a number “through investigator” method but non-response rate
of questions designed to obtain information from the is very high as most of the respondents don’t bother to
respondents. This method of collecting data is usually fill in the questionnaire and send it back to
employed by most of the organizations and its gives investigator.
reasonably accurate information but it is very costly
and may be time taking too.

4. Through Local Sources 6. Through Internet

The local representatives or agents are asked to With the introduction of information technology, the
send requisite information who provide the people may be contacted through internet and the
information based upon their own experience. This individuals may be asked to provide the pertinent
method is quick but it gives rough estimates only. information. Google survey is widely used as online
method for data collection now a day. There are many
5. Through Telephone
paid online survey services too.
 It is important to go through the primary
The information may be obtained by contacting the
data and locate any inconsistent observations
individuals on telephone. Its a Quick and provide
before it is given a statistical treatment.
accurate required information.
Secondary Data

 Sources of Secondary Data

1. Government Organizations
Federal and Provincial Bureau of Statistics, Crop
Reporting Service-Agriculture Department, Census
 Data which has already been collected by and Registration Organization etc
someone, may be sorted, tabulated and has 2. Semi-Government Organization
undergone a statistical treatment. It is fabricated Municipal committees, District Councils,
or tailored data. Commercial and Financial Institutions like banks etc.
3. Teaching and Research Organizations
4. Research Journals and Newspaper
5. Internet
Coding of data

 Coding of data refers to the process of transforming collected information or observations to a set of
meaningful, cohesive categories. It is a process of summarizing and re-presenting data in order to provide a
systematic account of the recorded or observed phenomenon.
Examples of coding

Example 1 Example 2
  If you look at the example of Gender, assigning  If asking someone what their first emotion is after
Male a value of “0” and Female a value of “1” is a a sudden loss or grief, you may have to translate
form of coding that allows you to perform disparate responses like, “I was overwhelmed”, “I
statistical analysis. didn’t know what to do”, and “I felt numb” into
simple categories 
Qualitative Data Coding

 Coding is an essential part of qualitative data analysis that ultimately determines the themes that will be
 The logic you use to code the data must be something that carries over once you have finished the coding
and begin to categorize the data, or search for the relationships between the codes
 Coding is the process of assigning a label to phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that hold important meaning.
This label can be descriptive or summative; it can be lengthy or just a few words.
What are the different types of coding?

Deductive coding 101 Inductive coding 101

 With deductive coding, we make use of pre- o This type of coding involves jumping right into
established codes, which are developed before you the data and then developing the codes based on
interact with the present data. what you find within the data. 
 This usually involves drawing up a set of codes o  Simply put, with inductive coding, you “go with
based on a research question or previous the flow” of the data
research. o This type of coding is usually used when
 You could also use a code set from the codebook researchers want to investigate new ideas or
of a previous study. concepts, or when they want to create new
theories. .

3. A little bit of both… hybrid coding approaches

 If you’ve got a set of codes you’ve derived from a research topic, literature review or a previous study (i.e. a
deductive approach), but you still don’t have a rich enough set to capture the depth of your qualitative data,
you can combine deductive and inductive methods – this is called a hybrid coding approach. 
 To adopt a hybrid approach, you’ll begin your analysis with a set of a priori codes (deductive) and then add
new codes (inductive) as you work your way through the data.
How to code qualitative data

 Both inductive and deductive methods of coding

typically occur in two stages: initial
coding and line by line coding.   in the second stage (line by line coding), you’ll
delve deeper into the data and (re)organise it
 In the initial coding stage, the objective is to get a according to (potentially new) codes. 
general overview of the data by reading through
and understanding it.
 If you’re using an inductive approach, this is also
where you’ll develop an initial set of codes.
Tips & tricks for quality coding

 Avoid using synonyms for codes that are similar,

 Before you begin coding, plan out the steps you will
if not the same. This will allow you to have a more
take and the coding approach and technique(s) you
uniform and accurate coded dataset and will also
will follow to avoid inconsistencies. 
help you to not get overwhelmed by your data.
 When adopting deductive coding, it’s useful to use a
 While coding, make sure that you remind yourself
codebook from the start of the coding process. This
will keep your work organised and will ensure that of your aims and coding method. This will help
you don’t forget any of your codes.  you to avoid directional drift, which happens
when coding is not kept consistent. 
 Whether you’re adopting an inductive or deductive
approach, keep track of the meanings of your codes  If you are working in a team, make sure that
and remember to revisit these as you go along. everyone has been trained and understands how
codes need to be assigned. 

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