Primary and Secondary Data
Primary and Secondary Data
Primary and Secondary Data
Coding of data
By : Mohit Kumar
MBA (Marketing Management)
Submitted to :
Data vs Statistics
Primary data means the raw data (data without Sources of Primary Data
fabrication or not tailored data) which has just 1. Personal Investigation
been collected from the source and has not gone The researcher conducts the experiment or survey
any kind of statistical treatment like sorting and himself/herself and collected data from it. The
tabulation. The term primary data may collected data is generally accurate and reliable.
sometimes be used to refer to first hand This method of collecting primary data is
information. feasible only in case of small scale laboratory,
field experiments or pilot surveys and is not
practicable for large scale experiments and
surveys because it take too much time.
Sources (comtinued)
3. Through Questionnaire
2. Through Investigators
The local representatives or agents are asked to With the introduction of information technology, the
send requisite information who provide the people may be contacted through internet and the
information based upon their own experience. This individuals may be asked to provide the pertinent
method is quick but it gives rough estimates only. information. Google survey is widely used as online
method for data collection now a day. There are many
5. Through Telephone
paid online survey services too.
It is important to go through the primary
The information may be obtained by contacting the
data and locate any inconsistent observations
individuals on telephone. Its a Quick and provide
before it is given a statistical treatment.
accurate required information.
Secondary Data
Coding of data refers to the process of transforming collected information or observations to a set of
meaningful, cohesive categories. It is a process of summarizing and re-presenting data in order to provide a
systematic account of the recorded or observed phenomenon.
Examples of coding
Example 1 Example 2
If you look at the example of Gender, assigning If asking someone what their first emotion is after
Male a value of “0” and Female a value of “1” is a a sudden loss or grief, you may have to translate
form of coding that allows you to perform disparate responses like, “I was overwhelmed”, “I
statistical analysis. didn’t know what to do”, and “I felt numb” into
simple categories
Qualitative Data Coding
Coding is an essential part of qualitative data analysis that ultimately determines the themes that will be
The logic you use to code the data must be something that carries over once you have finished the coding
and begin to categorize the data, or search for the relationships between the codes
Coding is the process of assigning a label to phrases, sentences, or paragraphs that hold important meaning.
This label can be descriptive or summative; it can be lengthy or just a few words.
What are the different types of coding?