Diepsloot Residents' and Landowners' Association V Administrator, Transvaal 1994 (3) SA 336 (A)
Diepsloot Residents' and Landowners' Association V Administrator, Transvaal 1994 (3) SA 336 (A)
Diepsloot Residents' and Landowners' Association V Administrator, Transvaal 1994 (3) SA 336 (A)
Critical Outcomes
The teaching method will include, inter alia, the discussion of the law as
contained in the main sources, namely textbooks, case law and legislation
in viva voce lectures. Students will be expected to read chapter headings
in advance, as they will be required to participate actively during the
There is no comprehensive handout for the course but the students will be
provided with a course outline. Students are expected to take their own
notes during class. Supplementary material will also be supplied from
time to time.
The core reading and study material for this course are the leading
judgments on the aspects of the law of property to be studied. These
cases may be found in the law reports, which may be accessed in the Law
Library, both in paper and electronic form.
Assessment Strategy
The final mark for the course is comprised of the following components:
Will be out of 35 marks and students will write the test in the designated
lecture period of 45 minutes. The test will contain questions equivalent to
that which may be found in the June examination. The test is
COMPULSORY and counts for half the class mark.
There is one assignment for this course that is submitted at the beginning
of the second term. The assignment should not exceed 1000 words in
length and comprises half of the class mark. The assignment is
compulsory. No late assignments will be accepted for marking and will
receive 0% unless the student has a written valid Leave of Absence.
In June there will be a two-hour paper that will be out of 70 marks. The
class component will count 30 marks. There will be three questions on the
paper and the student will have to choose two questions to answer. Each
question carries 35 marks and they will require students to be able to
explain legal rules and principles in a theoretical sense, to write a case
note on leading precedents, as well as apply their knowledge to solving
practical problems.
7.1.1 Purpose of the law property. What is the Law of Property all
In dealing with the meaning of property as set out below students will
realize that property in the new constitutional order has been
constitutionalised and the emphasis in case law is on the balancing
of competing interests. The case of Port Elizabeth Municipality v
Various Occupiers 2005 (1) SA 217 (cc) is illustrative. This is case
No.31 in the Law of Property Casebook for Students.
7.1.2 Meaning, function and the changing face of the Law of Property.
7.5 Rights
8. Meaning of property
See section 25 (1) and section 36(1). The following cases are
important on the interpretation of arbitrariness in section 25(1).
First National Bank case, supra and the National Director Public
Prosecutions v RO Cook Properties 2004 8 BCLR 848 (CC),
Mkontwana v Nelson Mandela Metropolitan Municipality 2005 (2)
BCLR 150 (CC). See again Comments by Currie and de Waal on
Arbitrariness, procedural fairness and substantive fairness at 542-
Lesapo v North West Agricultural Bank 1999 (12) BCLR 1420 (cc);
Zondi v MEC for Traditional and Local Government 2005 4 BCLR
347 (CC) and Prophet v National Director of Public Prosecutions
2006 1 SA 38 (SCA). In National Director of Prosecutions v Gerber
and Another 2007 1 SA 512 (W) the court held that there must be
sufficient reason for deprivation of property in terms of Chapter 6 of
the Prevention of Organized Crime Act 121 of 1998.
In the past this branch of the law was known as the law of things.
Now there has been a shift from things to property. The latter is
said to refer to a wide variety of assets that make up a person‟s
estate or belongings and which serve as objects of the rights that
such a person exercises in respect thereof. The former is said to
denote the object of a right in the restricted meaning of referring
only to corporeal or material objects- the law relating to these
concepts should have a corresponding meaning.
9.2 Legislation
In Ndlovu v Ngcobo 2003 (1) SA 113 (SCA) Harms JA said that PIE
gives 'unlawful occupiers' some procedural and substantive
protection against eviction from the land.
9.4 Constitution
Write a note on City of Johannesburg v Rand Properties (Pty) Ltd and Others
2007(1) SA 78 (W). You should compare the approach of the court in the above
case with that of the Transvaal Provincial Division in Cashbuild (South Africa)
(Pty) Ltd v Scott and Others 2007 (1) SA 332 (T).
See also the various kinds of rights noted by AJ van der Walt and
GJ Pienaar Introduction to the law of Property, Fourth Edition, Juta
(2002) p 15. See also the following sources: Silberberg and
Schoeman‟s The Law of Property, Fourth Edition edited by
Badenhorst, Pienaar and Mostert p 19, Van der Merwe vol 27
10.2 Definition of a right and the bearers of rights. See the FNB
External to humans
Subject to juridical control
Useful and valuable to humans
12.1 Co-Ownership
Legal remedies
Lectures No 1, 2 and 3 arbitrariness
1.3 Expropriation
Lecture No 6