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School SCHOOL SPED CENTER Grade Level: 6

Teacher: ELENA C. PALCON Learning Area:
GRADES 1 TO 12 Quarter:
Teaching Date:
DAILY LESSON OCTOBER 25,2022 1st Quarter
Time: 7:30 – 8:20 am Week 9
I. Objectives:
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of the four fundamental operations involving
fractions and decimals.

B. Performance Standard The learner is able to apply the four fundamental operations involving fractions and decimals
in mathematical problems and real-life situations.

C. Learning Competency/ Solves routine and non-routine problems involving division of decimals, mixed decimals, and
Objectives whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools
Write the LC code for each. M6NS-Ii-120.2
II. Learning Content Solving routine and non-routine problems involving division of decimals, mixed decimals, and
Subject Matter: whole numbers including money using appropriate problem-solving strategies and tools
III. Learning Resources
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide 2. Lesson Guide in Elem. Mathematics 6. pp. 185-188
3. Textbook pages 21st Century MATHletes pp. 92-95
4. Materials Power point presentation, Video clip, Activity sheets, Flashcards, Manila paper, Pen
5. LR Portal
6. Integration Music, ESP, TLE
7. Values Value of saving; decisiveness
B. Other Learning MELCs, Internet Access
IV. Procedures:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Song
It’s Math Time
(Tune: It’s a Small World)
Time signature: 4/4

2. Drill: Mental Computation

Game Relay
a. Group pupils into 4.
b. Teacher prepares flashcards of division of decimals by 0.1, 0.01, 0.001, 10,
100, and 1000.
c. As the teacher flashes the card, the first pupil in a row will write his/her answer
on an answer sheet provided for their group.
d. He then passes the answer sheet to the next pupil to answer the equation
flashed by the teacher.
e. Teacher keeps on flashing problem cards until the last pupil in a row answered.
f. The team with the highest number of correct answers win the game.

B. Reviewing Previous 3. Review

Lessons or
presenting the new Identifying quotients if it is terminating decimal
lesson or repeating or non-terminating decimal.

Game: Who Travels Faster

a. Call 1 player in each group.
b. Teacher prepares flashcards of division equations and let the players identify
the quotients if it is terminating decimals or repeating or non-terminating
c. As the teacher flashes the card, player who can give the correct answer makes
one step forward.
d. Player who answers incorrectly does not move.
e. Player who can reach in front first wins the game.

C. Establishing a
purpose of the New
Lesson 4. Motivation
Showing picture of school canteen. Let the pupils say something about the picture.
1. What do you usually eat during recess time?
2. Do you buy your food in the canteen, or you have brought it from home?
3. How much is your daily snack allowance?
4. Did you spend it all for snacks? Why?
5. Why is it good to save a little amount from your baon?
6. Why is it important to save?
7. For those who have not save anything yet, what are your plans?
(Teacher infuse the value of being thrifty)

D. Presenting Examples/ 1. Presentation

Instances of the Mario saves his allowance to buy a pair of rubber shoes that costs ₱446.00. If he earns
New Lesson ₱55.75 per week, how many weeks will he need to save?
E. Discussing New
Concepts and Answering Questions
Practicing New Skills a. Who saves money?
#1 b. How much is his earning per week?
c. What does the problem ask you to find?
d. What are the given facts?
e. What operation to be used?
f. What is the number sentence?
g. Solve.
h. Check.

F. Discussing New Show a video on solving routine and non-routine problems

Concepts and (
Practicing New Skills

Group Activity
G. Developing Mastery Learning Task 1 (Group 1) Role Playing
(Leads to Formative Instruction: Have the group act out the situation.
Situation: Tina, Rose, Ana and Gina went to the mall to buy things they need at home.
Tina: We only have P273.50. What should we buy?
Rose: Mother said, “We should buy things that is good for P273.50 only. What should we
buy now?
Ana: We will go to the kitchenware section to see if there is an item worth P273.50.
Gina: What kind of kitchenware do you think we can buy with P273.50?
Ana: That is why we will go there and see!
Rose: I know now what to buy!
Gina: What?
Rose: We lack plates because I accidentally broke 5 plates yesterday, remember that?
Tina: Good idea. I am sure mother will be happy.
Gina: How many plates can we buy with P273.50:
Rose: That will depend on the kind of plate we want?
Ana: Ok! What are you waiting for, let’s go now.
Tina & Gina: Ok! Let’s go.

Learning Task 2 (Group 2)

Answer the following questions:

1. Who went to the mall? Why?
2. How much money do they have?
3. What have they decided to buy?
4. Do you think they made a wise decision?
5. If you were Rose, would you suggest the same? Why?
If you were Tina, Ana, and Gina, would you agree with Rose suggestion? Why?

Learning Task 3 (Group 3)

Fill in the diagram.


What is asked?

What are the given facts?

What is the operation to be used?

What is the number sentence?



Learning Task 4 (Group 4)

Use listing method to visualize and analyze the problem.

How many 25-centavo coins are there in P5.00?


H. Finding Application of Your parents have their work from Monday to Friday. Every day, before they leave,
Concepts and Skills In they just leave food for your meals in the morning and for lunch when you and your
Daily Living brother and sister come home from school. If your parents left P150.75 for your
snacks, what should be the maximum price of each one’s snack if you share
equally with your brother and sister?

Answer the following:

1. What is asked in the problem?
2. What are the given facts?
3. What operation to be used?
4. What is the number sentence?
5. Solve.
6. Check.
I. Making Generalization Ask: How do we solve routine and non-routine problems involving division
and Abstraction about of decimals, mixed decimals and whole numbers including money?
the Lesson

In Solving problems, we use these steps:

 Know what the problem asked
 Know the given facts
 Determine the operation to use
 Write the number sentence
 Show the solution to the problem
Check and look back
 Check if the answer is reasonable
 State the complete answer

Read and understand the problems. Then solve.

V. Evaluating Learning 1. An art teacher gives Joshua several containers with a total of 28.5 liters of paint for a mural.
He asks him to pour 1.5 liters into each smaller container. How many small containers will
Joshua need?
2. The Girl scouts raised an amount of P288.75 for a Clean-up project after giving P5.25 each.
How many girl scouts contributed?

A. Enrichment Activity
VI. Additional Activities for For pupils who got at least half the number of exercises given
Application and Remediation in the formative test correctly, let them complete the table below.

Read and Solve

1. Jon saves P105.35 a week. How long will it take him to save P1,264.20?
2. Robert plans to go to the province for a vacation. He wanted to buy presents for
his nephews worth P289.45 each. He allotted P1,157.80. How many nephews
does he have in the province?
B. Remediation activity
For pupils who got lower than one-half the number of exercises given in the
formative test correctly, let them complete the table below.

Read and Solve

1. Roxanne has P38.50 left in her purse. She has to buy ribbons for the gift. Each
meter of a ribbon costs P5.50. How many meters of ribbon can she buy?
2. Mang Tony has 7.5 hectares of land. He wants to divide it into 1.5 hectares each
for his sons. How many sons does Mang Tony has?

VII. REMARKS No. of learners within Mastery Level: _________

No. of Learners Below Mastery Level: _________

Prepared by:

ELENA C. PALCON Checked and Observed:

Ratee /Teacher I

Rater/Master Teacher I



School Principal II
Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the task, participate actively, do
5 great help to the group.
Shows eagerness and cooperation to do the task, good followers only.
Participated but late, with teacher’s supervision.
Activity was done but does not show eagerness to participate or cooperate.

No interest in participating the activities.


Prepared by:


Ratee /Teacher I

Rater/Master Teacher



School Principal II

Learning Task 1 (Group 1) Role Playing

Instruction: Have the group act out the situation.

Situation: Tina, Rose, Ana, and Gina went to the mall to buy
things they need at home.
Tina: We only have P273.50. What should we buy?
Rose: Mother said, “We should buy things that is good for
P273.50 only. What should we buy now?
Ana: We will go to the kitchenware section to see if there is
an item worth P273.50.
Gina: What kind of kitchenware do you think we can buy with
Ana: That is why we will go there and see!
Rose: I know now what to buy!
Gina: What?
Rose: We lack plates because I accidentally broke 5 plates
yesterday, remember that?
Tina: Good idea. I am sure mother will be happy.
Gina: How many plates can we buy with P273.50:
Rose: That will depend on the kind of plate we want?
Ana: Ok! What are you waiting for, let’s go now.
Tina & Gina: Ok! Let’s go.
Learning Task 2 (Group 2)
Answer the following questions:

1. Who went to the mall? Why?

2. How much money do they have?
3. What have they decided to buy?
4. Do you think they made a wise decision?
5. If you were Rose, would you suggest the
same? Why?
6. If you were Tina, Ana, and Gina, would you
agree with Rose suggestion? Why?
Learning Task 3 (Group 3)
Fill in the diagram.

What is asked?

What are the given


What is the operation to be used?

What is the number sentence?


Learning Task 4 (Group 4)

Use listing method to visualize and analyze the


How many 25-centavo coins are there in P5.00?

Read and understand the problems. Then solve.
1. An art teacher gives Joshua several containers with a total of 28.5 liters of paint for a
mural. He asks him to pour 1.5 liters into each smaller container. How many small
containers will Joshua need?
1. What is asked in the problem?
2. What are the given facts?
3. What operation to be used?
4. What is the number sentence?
5. Solve.

6. Check.

2. The Girl scouts raised an amount of P288.75 for a Clean-up project after giving P5.25
each. How many girl scouts contributed?
1. What is asked in the problem?
2. What are the given facts?
3. What operation to be used?
4. What is the number sentence?
5. Solve.

6. Check.

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