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Healthcare Marketing






Healthcare Marketing

How Healthcare Marketing has changed since the 1970s

Healthcare marketing has evolved gradually since the 1970s with the continued

advancement in technologies and continuous research. Pulcarea (2019) stipulated that healthcare

marketing has taken a dramatic shift from being image-based to being service based. In addition,

it has shifted its focus from emphasizing health episodes to emphasizing long-term relationships

with the client. In the early 1970s, marketing in healthcare advertising and most companies

concentrated more on increasing volume. However, continuous research in the healthcare system

has changed the marketing strategies employed to be more focused on patients and the quality of

services provided rather than the volume. Further, technological advancements have increased

the incorporation of modern marketing approaches in addition to the traditional methods

employed in the 1970s.

How Current Health Care Marketing Efforts Should Be Adjusted According To the

COVID-19 Pandemic

The Covid-19 pandemic has hugely affected healthcare marketing. The pandemic has

created the need to employ more innovative marketing strategies that can help meet the newly

developed patient needs. Covid-19 has restricted mobility forcing patients to sort preventative

medical care that can help protect them from the disease. As such, healthcare companies should

develop marketing strategies that focus on recommending effective preventative interventions

and strategies that can protect them from the disease. In addition, they should develop marketing

strategies that help patients access their much-needed products and services at home; such

strategies may involve social media marketing.

Advantages of Health Care Marketing For an Organization and Its Consumers


One of the main advantages of healthcare marketing to organizations is that it enables them to

anticipate, evaluate, plan, and construct a path to address opportunities and problems and find

creative tactics to optimize results. The organizations communicate with their audience about

what makes them and their team more special than competing companies. Further, customers can

communicate with the business directly, making you a reliable public provider.

Whether You Consider Marketing an Appropriate Practice in Health Care

Doctors are free to advertise their services as long as the information provided is truthful

and does not discriminate, misrepresent, or lie. Renu (2021) postulated that healthcare marketing

involves developing, educating, and providing health news to societies to improve their well-

being. Healthcare marketing is appropriate since it can improve patients' health and well-being

decisions. Therefore, as long as the information provided in healthcare marketing is truthful, it is

an appropriate practice.

Similarities and Differences Between Health Care Marketing and Marketing in Other


Healthcare marketing is different from other industries because it aims for more than just

attracting new customers. Healthcare marketing is controlled by numerous regulations since the

information provided affects people's lives and well-being. Marketers are expected to be truthful

and transparent, unlike in other industries where companies can use propaganda to attract more

customers. Like in other industries, healthcare marketing focuses on connecting with customers.

It is aimed to educate, engage, and inform customers of the products and services in the

healthcare system.

Similarities and two Differences between the Marketing In A Health Care Company

Versus A Non-Healthcare Company


Commercials for popular automotive companies feature journeys that entice their

consumers into enchanting landscapes, new car models, and other services. The companies adopt

catchy and attractive features that are meant to catch the attention of consumers watching the

commercial. On the other hand, most healthcare ads offer findings in half the time of existing

tests. In order to effectively advertise the newest medicine, scientific journals and the general

media make the trial sets public. However, the marketing is similar since they ensure that all the

4 PS of marketing are included in their strategy. Each component of the marketing mix is present

in marketing healthcare and non-healthcare products. In healthcare and non-healthcare

marketing, a successful blend depends on tailoring the elements to the target audience and

aligning each component. Successfully marketing a good or service depends on a thorough

understanding of each customer's needs.

Readings Related To the 4 Ps of Marketing.

The 4 PS of marketing should be included in any marketing strategy and plan. A

marketing plan needs to take into account all "4 PS." The successful "marketing blend also

presents the idea of using these elements effectively in tandem with one another." A product

must fundamentally be cost-realized and customer-driven.

How Health Care Marketing May Change In the Next Decade

Healthcare marketing may employ more innovative strategies in the next decade. As the

years go by, technology advances, businesses must develop fresh strategies to expand, and new

websites and online advertisements appear.



Purcarea, E. V. L. (2019). The impact of marketing strategies in healthcare systems. Journal of

medicine and life, 12(2), 93.

Renu, N. (2021). Innovative Healthcare Marketing Strategies during COVID-19. Journal of

Marketing Management, 9(2), 45-49.




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