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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001


Competency-focused Outcome-based Green Curriculum-2021 (COGC-2021)


Course Title: Summer Internship-I

(Course Code: 4330001)

Diploma programme in which this course is offered Semester in which offered

All Branches of Diploma Engineering Third


Idea of Embedded Internships- AICTE has made 7-10 weeks summer internships mandatory in
the new curriculum which will equip the students with practical understanding and training about
industry practices in a suitable industry or organization. To make education holistic, sports,
physical activities, values and ethics have been embedded in the curriculum.

We must agree that all Branches of Diploma Engineering are changing rapidly. New technologies
are adding fast which effects can be seen in our society. Summer internship is a good option by
which students to get flavor of such emerging technology and familiar with industry environment
to identify scope and focus of their career development opportunities. Main objective of summer
internship is hand-on practice to expose students for thinking about professional career by
observing, understanding working mechanism of ongoing work of industry and to obtain various
types of skills throughout internship program.

This two week mandatory internship is to equip the students with practical knowledge and
provide them exposure to real time industrial environments. Further, in these internships, the
option is provided to do internship in Government Agencies/ skill centers/ social sector/ Govt.
initiated social schemes/ NGOs etc. The duration of internship will be two weeks. It will be after
completion of 2nd Semester and before the commencement of Semester 3rd. Any options from
following can be chosen by the students:

1. Offline internship in industry - Student is supposed to produce joining letter for starting and
relieving letter once the internship is over in case of Offline internship in any industry.
2. Online internships – Student can select from any of approved /supported / recommended by the
All India Council of Technical education for Internship (like Internshala/ NEAT/ Gujarat
Knowledge Society Initiative etc.) or Approved by the state government or University approved
3. A Mini Project - On some suitable topic related to respective branch. It can be small fabrication
/ experimental results/ simulations/ Application development / Design and / or Analysis of
System(s) etc. depending on the branch of the student. Preferably a single student should carry
out a mini-project.
The purpose of this course is to help the student to attain flavor of the following industry identified
competency through summer internship experiences:

 Develop multiple types of skills such as planning, communication, collaboration, decision

making / Problem solving and management skills along with selected technical knowledge.

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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001


The practical exercises, the underpinning knowledge and the relevant soft skills associated with the
identified competency are to be developed in the student for the achievement of the following

a) Learn and adopt the engineer’s role and responsibilities with ethics.
b) Get exposure to the industrial environment for professional activities.
c) Get possible opportunities to learn, understand and sharpen the technical skills required for
technical advancement.
d) Develop managerial skills required for professional career.
e) Attain skill for writing technical report and prepare poster for presentation.


Teaching Scheme Total Credits Examination Scheme
(In Hours) (L+T+P/2) Theory Marks Practical Marks Total
0 0 0 1 0 0 25 25 50

1. Offline internship in industry: CA will be carried out based on submitted progress card by
Industry resource person and ESE / Assessment will be carried out by institute resources person.
2. Online internships: CA will be carried out based on submitted certificate and ESE/ Assessment
will be carried out by institute resources person.
3. A Mini Project: CA will be carried out based on project work by institute resources person.
Legends: L-Lecture; T – Tutorial/Teacher Guided Theory Practice; P -Practical; C – Credit, CA
- Continuous Assessment; ESE -End Semester Examination.

List of Documents to be prepared for Submission:

 Detail report duly signed and approved by the internal/external mentor

 Presentation softcopy approved by the internal/external mentor
 Poster of summer internship activities approved by the internal/external mentor.

Sample forms for Registration and Evaluation of Summer Internship-I –SI-I are given below:

1) Both forms are mandatory to be filled at the commencement and completion of SI

2) It is mandatory to file and map SI-I Registration and Evaluation with respective forms of
SI-II (Later in Semester 5) so that students get enough exposure of industry / technology.
(Mapping doesn’t mean same industry/ company/ project-it can be independent/ different
3) Mapping will be done to ease CA and ESE Evaluations.
4) A Seminar / Webinar can be arranged so that students coming from different industry /
institute / project background can share experiences and learnings to their peers / all students
of the same department.
5) Attached formats for Registration, Completion and Evaluation are suggestive. But, adhering
to these formats is anticipated.

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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001

Summer Internship-I Registration Form

Note: Students needs to submit this registration form after finalizing mode of internship.

Student Details
Enrollment Number

Student Name

Student Details Mobile Number :

Email Address:

Code of the Institute Name of the Institute

Mentor Details (Institute) Name:

Mobile No:
Email Address:
Industry Details Name:
Mentor Details (Industry) Name:
Mobile No:
Email Address
Mode of Internship Carried Online / Offline/ Mini Project
Title of the Project/
Internship carried out
Nature of Work Carried Web Design / Application development (Web / Mobile), Experimental
Out results/ simulations/ Analysis of System(s) etc…

Other please Specify

Student Signature Faculty Signature

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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001

Summer Internship-I -Suggested Letter for Completion

[Company or Institute letter head]

No: Date


This is to certify that, Mr. /Mrs. ___________________________________________

Enrollment No. Student of _________________________________

Has successfully completed a two week Internship in the field of

From the date: to date: _______________________________.

[90% Attendance is mandatory for completion of Internship]

During the period of his/her summer internship program with us, He / She were exposed to
following different processes and were found sincere and hardworking.

1. ____________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________


Mentor Signature Head of Department

Stamp Stamp

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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001

Summer Internship-I -Evaluation Rubrics for Institute

Evaluation Rubrics (Institute)

Enrollment No: __________________________ Branch:

Name of the Students: _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of Evaluation: _____________________
Internal Evaluation – 25 Marks PA(I)
(To be carried out by the mentor in consultation with Industry) Minimum Passing Marks: 13
Not up the level of
Parameter Excellent Good Average Obtained
Mark range 4-5 3-4 2-3 Below 2
Knowledge acquisition in specific
domain. 5 marks
Skill and attitude attainment in specific
domain. 5 marks
Feedback and suggestions given are
incorporated? 5 marks
Quality of the prepared report and poster.
5 marks
Quality of the presentation. 5 marks

Total Marks Obtained Out of 25 PA(I)

Signature: ___________________________ Institute Resource Examiner Name: ______________

Suggested Evaluation Rubrics for Industry
Evaluation Rubrics (Industry)
Enrollment No: __________________________ Branch:
Name of the Students: _______________________________________________________________________________
Date of Evaluation: _____________________
External Evaluation – 25 Marks ESE(V)
(To be carried out by the Industry Supervisor) Minimum Passing Marks: 13
Not up the level of Obtained
Parameter Excellent Good Average
Satisfaction Marks
Mark range 4-5 3-4 2-3 Below 2
Student regularity during the
Internship period and proactive
ness/responsiveness towards
the given tasks (5 Marks)
Work Plan, Execution and
quality of work in forms of
Outcome achieved (5 Marks)
Engineering Tools and
Techniques (5 Marks)
Quality of poster design and
presentation (5 Marks)
Quality of the report and Skill
(5 Marks)
Total Marks Obtained Out of 25 ESE(V)

Signature: ________________________ Industry resource/ Examiner Name: _________________

Common Note:
1) For Summer Internship / Projects / Seminar etc. Evaluation is based on work done, quality of report,
performance in viva-voce, presentation etc. The internal / external assessment is based on the student’s
performance in viva-voce /work record respectively.
2) In case Industry Supervisor is not available / Institute Mentor/ Faculty can fill up both.

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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001


The following affective Domain Outcomes (ADOs) are embedded in many of the above mentioned
COs. More could be added to fulfill the development of this course competency.
a) Work as a leader/a team member as role of Engineer.
b) Practice environmentally friendly methods and processes.
c) Follow safety precautions and ethical practices.


Following are the suggested student-related curricular, co-curricular activities which can be
undertaken to accelerate the attainment of the various outcomes in this course: Students should
perform following activities and prepare reports and give presentation in front of students and
faculty members. They should also collect/record physical evidences for their (student’s)
portfolio which may be useful for their placement interviews:
a) Perform various tasks given by industry resources person during offline internship.
b) Perform various tasks given during online internship.
c) Perform various task required to complete mini project work under guidance of faculty member.
d) Summer Internship program Interns are required to give a presentation before review committee
consisting of a group of academic staff members.
e) The review committee gives feedback and suggests possible improvements in the work.
f) At the end of the program all the Summer Internship program Interns make a poster presentation
of the work carried out. The poster presentation is open to the public. It is also evaluated by
faculty members.
g) A completion certificate will be issued to all Summer Internship program Interns only after the
completion of internship tenure.

An internship is a short term work program usually offered to students by companies and institutes
who require staff for assistance at junior levels. Thus for the students undergoing internship a
professional learning experience is provided to benefit them in their skills as well as career.
It will brush existing skills and provide exposure to new skills. Generally it is provided ay entry
level in the industry.

Here is a suggestive list for reference only.

 http://www.gksgujarat.org/
 https://anubandham.gujarat.gov.in/home
 https://kaushalyaskilluniversity.ac.in/
 https://www.internshala.com
 https://swayam.gov.in
 https://nptel.ac.in/
 https://neat.aicte-india.org/
 https://www.edx.org/
 https://www.coursera.org/
 https://www.udemy.com/
 https://www.linkedIn.com
 https://www.stumags.com
 https://www.letsintern.com
 https://www.internship.com
 https://www.glassdoor.com

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Summer Internship-I Course Code: 4330001


Summer Internship (Course Code:4330001 )

Semester III
PO 1 PO 2 PO 3 PO 4 PO 5 PO 6 PO 7
Basic & Proble Design/ Engineerin Engineering Project Life-
Disciplin m developme g Tools, practices for Manageme long
e specific Analy nt of Experimen society, nt learni
& Course Outcomes
knowled sis solutions tation & sustainability ng
ge Testing &
Competency Use principles of basic electronics to maintain various electronics circuits
And equipment
CO1) Learn and adopt
the engineer’s role and
2 1 1 1 1 1 1
responsibilities with
CO2) Get exposure to
the industrial
environment for 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
professional activities.
CO3) Get possible
opportunities to learn
understand and sharpen
the technical skills 2 1 2 2 1 1 1
required for technical
CO4) Develop
managerial skills
required for professional 1 1 2 1 1 1 1
CO5) Attain skill for
writing technical report
1 1 - 1 1 1 1
and prepare poster for
Legend: ‘3’ for high, ‘2’ for medium, ‘1’ for low and ‘-’ for no correlation of each CO with PO.


Sr. No. Name and Designation Institute Contact No. Email
1 Jiger P. Acharya GP, Ahmedabad 9429462026 [email protected]

2 Alpeshkumar R. Thaker GP, Ahmedabad 9879709675 [email protected]

3 Umang D. Shah GP, Ahmedabad 9427686364 umang.shah111gp@gmail

BoS Resource Persons

Sr. No. Name and Designation Institute Contact No. Email

Shri U. V. Buch- BoS
1 Member and Subject in- G P Ahmedabad 9825346992 [email protected]
charge (EC)

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